void Critter::MaybeReproduce(std::list<Critter *> &group) {
  if (!attacker() && food >= 0.5 && ofRandomuf() < reproductivity() && group.size() < kMaxPopulation) {
    area *= kChildScaleFactor;
    food -= 0.5;
    age = 0;
    const ofVec2f epsilon = ofVec2f(0.1, 0.1);
    Critter *critter = new Critter(player, 0, mass, area, position + epsilon, velocity);
  const float cell_mortality = radius() <= kBreederSize ? mortality() : kWallMortality;
  if (ofRandomuf() < cell_mortality * age * age * age) {
    area = 0;
// Calculates rates of growth, mortality and fecundity for individual with size m. Memory for GMR[5] must be allocated elsewhere
// Env[] contains estimates of light environment  at different depths in the canopy used in calculating production.
void Strategy::Grow_Mort_Repro(vector<double>& GMR, double m, const double Env[], double t) {
	GMR[3]    = Production(Env, m);		// GPP
	GMR[6]    = Respiration(m);				// Maintenance respiration
	GMR[4]    = (*p).Y * (GMR[3] - GMR[6]);	// NPP
	GMR[5]    = Turnover(m);				// Tissue turnover
	double dmdt = GMR[4] - GMR[5];			// NET PRODUCTION

	GMR[0] = (1 - r_alloc(m)) / dTotalMass_dm(m) * max(0.0, dmdt); // GROWTH   - only positive growth allowed
	GMR[1] = mortality(dmdt, m);								// MORTALITY
	GMR[2] = (*p).Pi_0 * (max(0.0, dmdt) * r_alloc(m)) / ((*p).c_acc * total_mass_at_birth); // REPRODUCTION

// Check for NaN in mortality
	if ((!(GMR[1] >= 0) && !(GMR[1] < 0)))
		cout << "Mort " << lma << "\t" << GMR[1] << "\t" << dmdt << "\t" << m << "\t" << LfAr(m) << "\t" << dmdt / LfAr(m) << "\t" << exp((*p).c_d1 * rho + (*p).c_d2 * dmdt / LfAr(m)) << endl;
//std::vector<EnumConclusion> Simulation::execute()
void Simulation::execute(MeasurementsTable& table, std::vector<EnumConclusion>& conclusions)

	checkPopSize("void Simulation::execute() - #1");
	std::cout << "Start of simulation, running time (timesteps): " << mMaxTime << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Starting population size: " << SoilMiteBase::getPopSize() << std::endl;

	mErrorCode = EcNoError;
	for(unsigned int time=0; time<mMaxTime && mErrorCode==EcNoError; ++time)
		if (mOptionsFileParameters.showYearSummary==true) table.showYearHorizontal(time);

	checkPopSize("void Simulation::execute() - #2");
	std::cout << "Body size adult: " << SoilMiteBase::getBodySizeAdult() << std::endl; 

	//Some conclusions
	if (mOffspringProduced==false) conclusions.push_back(CcNoOffspringProduced);
		case EcNoError: conclusions.push_back(CcNoError); break;
		case EcPopExtinct: conclusions.push_back(CcPopExtinct); break;
		case EcPopSizeTooBig: conclusions.push_back(CcPopSizeTooBig); break;
		case EcNoffspringTooBigSingleParent: conclusions.push_back(CcNoffspringTooBigSingleParent); break;
		case EcNoffspringTooBigAllParents: conclusions.push_back(CcNoffspringTooBigAllParents); break;

void daily_bgc (bgc_struct BGCM, bgc_grid * grid, const double t, const double naddfrac, int first_balance)
    siteconst_struct *sitec;
    metvar_struct  *metv;
    co2control_struct *co2;
    ndepcontrol_struct *ndepctrl;
    control_struct *ctrl;
    epconst_struct *epc;
    epvar_struct   *epv;
    psn_struct     *psn_sun, *psn_shade;
    wstate_struct  *ws;
    wflux_struct   *wf;
    cstate_struct  *cs;
    cflux_struct   *cf;
    nstate_struct  *ns;
    nflux_struct   *nf;
    ntemp_struct   *nt;
    phenology_struct *phen;
    summary_struct *summary;
    struct tm      *timestamp;
    time_t         *rawtime;

    /* miscelaneous variables for program control in main */
    int             simyr, yday, metyr, metday;
    int             annual_alloc;
    int             outv;
    int             i, nmetdays;
    double          tair_avg, tdiff;
    int             dayout;

    double          daily_ndep, daily_nfix, ndep_scalar, ndep_diff, ndep;
    int             ind_simyr;

    sitec = &grid->sitec;
    metv = &grid->metv;
    co2 = &BGCM->co2;
    ndepctrl = &BGCM->ndepctrl;
    ctrl = &BGCM->ctrl;
    epc = &grid->epc;
    epv = &grid->epv;
    ws = &grid->ws;
    wf = &grid->wf;
    cs = &grid->cs;
    cf = &grid->cf;
    ns = &grid->ns;
    nf = &grid->nf;
    nt = &grid->nt;
    phen = &grid->phen;
    psn_sun = &grid->psn_sun;
    psn_shade = &grid->psn_shade;
    summary = &grid->summary;

    rawtime = (time_t *) malloc (sizeof (time_t));
    *rawtime = (int)t;
    timestamp = gmtime (rawtime);

    /* Get co2 and ndep */
    if (ctrl->spinup == 1)      /* Spinup mode */
        metv->co2 = co2->co2ppm;
        daily_ndep = ndepctrl->ndep / 365.0;
        daily_nfix = ndepctrl->nfix / 365.0;
    else                        /* Model mode */
        /* atmospheric CO2 and Ndep handling */
        if (!(co2->varco2))
            /* constant CO2, constant Ndep */
            metv->co2 = co2->co2ppm;
            daily_ndep = ndepctrl->ndep / 365.0;
            daily_nfix = ndepctrl->nfix / 365.0;
            /* When varco2 = 1, use file for co2 */
            if (co2->varco2 == 1)
                metv->co2 = get_co2 (BGCM->Forcing[CO2_TS][0], t);
            if (metv->co2 < -999)
                printf ("Error finding CO2 value on %4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2d\n", timestamp->tm_year + 1900, timestamp->tm_mon + 1, timestamp->tm_mday);
                exit (1);

            /* When varco2 = 2, use the constant CO2 value, but can vary
             * Ndep */
            if (co2->varco2 == 2)
                metv->co2 = co2->co2ppm;

            if (ndepctrl->varndep == 0)
                /* Increasing CO2, constant Ndep */
                daily_ndep = ndepctrl->ndep / 365.0;
                daily_nfix = ndepctrl->nfix / 365.0;
                daily_ndep = get_ndep (BGCM->Forcing[NDEP_TS][0], t);
                daily_nfix = ndepctrl->nfix / 365.0;
                if (daily_ndep < -999)
                    printf ("Error finding NDEP %4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2d\n", timestamp->tm_year + 1900, timestamp->tm_mon + 1, timestamp->tm_mday);
                    exit (1);
                    daily_ndep = daily_ndep / 365.0;

    precision_control (ws, cs, ns);

    /* zero all the daily flux variables */
    make_zero_flux_struct (wf, cf, nf);

    /* phenology fluxes */
    phenology (epc, metv, phen, epv, cs, cf, ns, nf);

    /* test for the annual allocation day */
    if (phen->remdays_litfall == 1)
        annual_alloc = 1;
        annual_alloc = 0;

    /* Calculate leaf area index, sun and shade fractions, and specific
     * leaf area for sun and shade canopy fractions, then calculate
     * canopy radiation interception and transmission */
    radtrans (cs, epc, metv, epv, sitec->sw_alb);

    /* update the ann max LAI for annual diagnostic output */
    if (epv->proj_lai > epv->ytd_maxplai)
        epv->ytd_maxplai = epv->proj_lai;

    /* soil water potential */
    epv->vwc = metv->swc;
    soilpsi (sitec, epv->vwc, &epv->psi);

    /* daily maintenance respiration */
    maint_resp (cs, ns, epc, metv, cf, epv);

    /* begin canopy bio-physical process simulation */
    if (cs->leafc && metv->dayl)
        /* conductance */
        canopy_et (metv, epc, epv, wf);
    /* Do photosynthesis only when it is part of the current growth season, as
     * defined by the remdays_curgrowth flag.  This keeps the occurrence of
     * new growth consistent with the treatment of litterfall and
     * allocation */

    //printf ("leafc %lf dormant %lf, dayl %lf, soilc = %lf\n", cs->leafc, epv->dormant_flag, metv->dayl, summary->soilc);

    if (cs->leafc && !epv->dormant_flag && metv->dayl)
        total_photosynthesis (metv, epc, epv, cf, psn_sun, psn_shade);
        epv->assim_sun = epv->assim_shade = 0.0;

    nf->ndep_to_sminn = daily_ndep;
    nf->nfix_to_sminn = daily_nfix;

    /* daily litter and soil decomp and nitrogen fluxes */
    decomp (metv->tsoil, epc, epv, cs, cf, ns, nf, nt);

    /* Daily allocation gets called whether or not this is a current growth
     * day, because the competition between decomp immobilization fluxes and
     * plant growth N demand is resolved here.  On days with no growth, no
     * allocation occurs, but immobilization fluxes are updated normally */
    daily_allocation (cf, cs, nf, ns, epc, epv, nt, naddfrac, ctrl->spinup);

    /* reassess the annual turnover rates for livewood --> deadwood, and for
     * evergreen leaf and fine root litterfall. This happens once each year,
     * on the annual_alloc day (the last litterfall day) */
    if (annual_alloc)
        annual_rates (epc, epv);

    /* daily growth respiration */
    growth_resp (epc, cf);

    /* daily update of carbon state variables */
    daily_carbon_state_update (cf, cs, annual_alloc, epc->woody, epc->evergreen);

    /* daily update of nitrogen state variables */
    daily_nitrogen_state_update (nf, ns, annual_alloc, epc->woody, epc->evergreen);

    /* Calculate N leaching loss.  This is a special state variable update
     * routine, done after the other fluxes and states are reconciled in order
     * to avoid negative sminn under heavy leaching potential */
    //nleaching(ns, nf, ws, wf);

    /* Calculate daily mortality fluxes and update state variables */
    /* This is done last, with a special state update procedure, to insure
     * that pools don't go negative due to mortality fluxes conflicting with
     * other proportional fluxes */
    mortality (epc, cs, cf, ns, nf);

    /* Test for carbon balance */
    check_carbon_balance (cs, &epv->old_c_balance, first_balance);

    /* Test for nitrogen balance */
    check_nitrogen_balance (ns, &epv->old_n_balance, first_balance);

    /* Calculate carbon summary variables */
    csummary (cf, cs, summary);
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {

  srand(atoi(argv[1])); //Take argument to write special extension to file
  double Btotalple, Bnurseple, Bspawnple, Btotalsol, Bnursesol, Bspawnsol ;    /* biomass on nursery, total biomass */

  //Read in the data
  readgrid(&GridFood , X_MAX, Y_MAX, 52, theFood);
  cout << "Read Food completed" << endl;

  readgrid(&GridTemp , X_MAX, Y_MAX, 52, theTemp);
  cout << "Read Temp completed" << endl;

  readgrid(&GridLMort , X_MAX, Y_MAX, 52, theLMort);
  cout << "Read Larval Mortality completed" << endl;

  cout << "Read growth gam completed" << endl;

  for(int i=0; i < POPMAX; i++) {
    ple[i].sex    = (i%2)+1;
    ple[i].weight = BORNWGHT;
    ple[i].id     = id ;
    ple[i].stage  = 1 ; /* everybody should be mature */
    ple[i].age    = 52 ;
    ple[i].u_m    = U_M ;
    ple[i].u_f    = U_F;
    if(SPAREA == 1){ 
      ple[i].X      = 75 ;
      ple[i].Y      = 53 ;
    } else if(SPAREA == 2){
        ple[i].X      = 91 ;
        ple[i].Y      = 67 ;
    int X         = ple[i].X;
    int Y         = ple[i].Y;
    int resX, resY;
    for(int dd=0; dd < L_CHR1;  dd++){ //check juvenile strategy
        do{ple[i].juvXdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 left or right //
           ple[i].juvYdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 up or down    //
           resX = (int) (ple[i].juvXdir[dd] * ple[i].swim()) ;
           resY = (int) (ple[i].juvYdir[dd] * ple[i].swim()) ;
        } while ((theTemp[1][X + resX][Y + resY ] < -15) ||(( X + resX) <0) || (( X + resX) > X_MAX) ||(( Y + resY) < 0) || ((Y + resY) > Y_MAX));
        X += resX;
        Y += resY;
        ple[i].weight  = ple[i].weight  + ple[i].growth(theFood[(dd+6)%52][X][Y], theTemp[(dd+6)%52][X][Y],theGrowthGam[(dd+6)%52]);      
    for(int dd=0; dd <L_CHR2;  dd++){ //check juvenile strategy
      ple[i].adultXdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 left or right //
      ple[i].adultYdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5); // Movement of maximum 5 up or down    //
    ple[i].weight = BORNWGHT;

//  for(int i=0; i < POPMAX; i++){
//    sol[i].sex    = (i%2)+1;
//    sol[i].weight = BORNWGHT ;
//    sol[i].id     = id ;
//    sol[i].stage  = 1 ;
//    sol[i].age    = 52 ;
//    sol[i].u_m    = U_M ;
//    sol[i].u_f    = U_F;
//    if(SPAREA == 1){ 
//      sol[i].X      = 75 ;
//      sol[i].Y      = 53 ;
//    } else if(SPAREA == 2){
//        sol[i].X      = 91 ;
//        sol[i].Y      = 67 ;
//    } 
//    int X         = sol[i].X;
//    int Y         = sol[i].Y;
//    int resX, resY;
//    for(int dd=0; dd < L_CHR1;  dd++){                         //check juvenile strategy
//        do{sol[i].juvXdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5);      // Movement of maximum 5 left or right //
//           sol[i].juvYdir[dd] = (char)( (rand()% 11) -5);      // Movement of maximum 5 up or down    //
//           resX = (int) (sol[i].juvXdir[dd] * sol[i].swim()) ;
//           resY = (int) (sol[i].juvYdir[dd] * sol[i].swim()) ;
//        } while ((theTemp[1][X + resX][Y + resY ] < -15) ||(( X + resX) <0) ||((X + resX) > X_MAX) ||((Y + resY )< 0) ||((Y + resY) > Y_MAX));
//        X += resX;
//        Y += resY;
//        sol[i].weight  = sol[i].weight  + sol[i].growth(theFood[(dd+6)%52][X][Y], theTemp[(dd+6)%52][X][Y],theGrowthGam[(dd+6)%52]);      
//    }
//    for(int dd=0; dd < L_CHR2 ;  dd++){                        //check juvenile strategy
//      sol[i].adultXdir[dd] = (char)((rand()% 11) -5);          // Movement of maximum 5 left or right //
//      sol[i].adultYdir[dd] = (char)((rand()% 11) -5);          // Movement of maximum 5 up or down    //
//    }
//    sol[i].weight = BORNWGHT;
//    id++;
//  }                                                            // end for loop over individuals /
  cout << "Initialisation of Plaice and Sole done" << endl;

  int aliveple = POPMAX, alivesol = POPMAX;

  string ext(".csv");                                          //Open file to write output to disk
  string SPname("_SPAREA");
  char buffer [4];
  string SP(itoa(SPAREA,buffer,10));
  filename += ( argv[1] + SPname + SP + ext);
  cout << filename << endl;
  popname += (argv[1] + SPname + SP + ext);
  myfile.open (filename.c_str() );

  /* START SIM */
  for(int t = 6; t < T_MAX; t++){
    Bnurseple = Btotalple = Bspawnple = Bnursesol = Btotalsol = Bspawnsol = 0;

    for(int n = 0 ; n < aliveple ; n++) {
        if (ple[n].stage < 3 ) {
            Btotalple  += ple[n].weight ;
            if (ple[n].stage < 2 ) Bnurseple += ple[n].weight;

//    for(int n = 0 ; n < alivesol ; n++) {
//        if (sol[n].stage < 3 ) {
//            Btotalsol  += sol[n].weight ; 
//            if (sol[n].stage < 2 ) Bnursesol += sol[n].weight;
//        }
//    }

    Bspawnple =  Btotalple - Bnurseple;
//    Bspawnsol =  Btotalsol - Bnursesol;

    move(ple, aliveple, t%52, theTemp);                                                       // Move individuals every tenth timestep //
//    move(sol, alivesol, t%52, theTemp);                                                       // Move individuals every tenth timestep //  

    age        (ple, aliveple)    ;                                                           // Function of ageing //
//    age        (sol, alivesol)    ;                                                           // Function of ageing //    

    mortality(ple, LAMBDAple, aliveple ,Bnurseple ) ;                                         // Function mortality //
//    mortality(sol, LAMBDAsol, alivesol ,Bnursesol ) ;                                         // Function mortality */

    growth     (ple, aliveple, Bnurseple, t % 52, theFood, theTemp, theGrowthGam) ;                        // Function of growth //   
//    growth     (sol, alivesol, Bnursesol, t % 52, theFood, theTemp, theGrowthGam) ;                        // Function of growth //

    if(t%52 == 10 ) maturation (ple, aliveple)   ; //Checked with Cindy, gonads start to develop in March // Function of maturation //
//    if(t%52 == 10 ) maturation (sol, alivesol)   ;                                           // Function of maturation //

    if(t%52 == 5) cout<<"i " << argv[1]  <<" t " << t << " ssb ple " << Bspawnple<<" num ple "<<aliveple<< endl; //output(ple,t, 3);            // Write biomass and number to screen, followed by data for 10$
//    if(t%52 == 5) cout<<"i " << argv[1]  <<  " t " << t << " ssb sol " << Bspawnsol<<" num sol "<<alivesol<< endl; //output(sol,t, 3);            // Write biomass and number to screen, followed by data fo$

    aliveple = alive2front (ple)  ;                                                           // shuffle so that alives are in front*/
//    alivesol = alive2front (sol)  ;                                                           // shuffle so that alives are in front*/

    if(t%52 == 5) aliveple = reproduction(ple, R1ple, R2ple, aliveple, Bspawnple, theTemp); // Function of reproduction  in week 5*/
//    if(t%52 == 5) alivesol = reproduction(sol, R1sol, R2sol, alivesol, Bspawnsol, theTemp); // Function of reproduction  in week 5*/

    if(t%52 == 5){ larvalmortality (ple, aliveple, theLMort); aliveple = alive2front (ple);} // larvalmortality depends on field, now uniform field where everybody survives //
//    if(t%52 == 5){ larvalmortality (sol, alivesol, theLMort); alivesol = alive2front (sol);} // larvalmortality depends on field, now uniform field where everybody survives // 

    //Write output
    if ((t==6) ||( (t+A_MAX) % (int)(T_MAX/(T_STEP-1)) < 52 && t % 52 == 6)){
        int nn  = aliveple;
        int age = ple[nn].age;
        do{ age = ple[nn].age;
        } while ((nn > (aliveple - P_WRITE)) && (age <= 53));
        minid = ple[nn + 1].id;
        maxid = ple[aliveple - 1].id;
    } else if ((t < 6 + A_MAX) ||( (t + A_MAX)% (int)(T_MAX/(T_STEP-1)) < A_MAX +52)){
      for(int nn = 0; nn < aliveple; nn++){
        if(ple[nn].stage < 3 && (ple[nn].id > minid & ple[nn].id < maxid)){
          myfile <<t << "," <<       ple[nn].id          << "," << (int) ple[nn].sex          << "," <<       ple[nn].age                           << "," << (int) ple[nn].stage 
                     << "," <<       ple[nn].X           << "," <<       ple[nn].Y            << "," <<       ple[nn].weight       
                     << "," << (int) ple[nn].juvXdir[(int) (ple[nn].age)]                     << "," << (int) ple[nn].juvYdir[(int) (ple[nn].age)]  
                     << "," << (int) ple[nn].adultXdir[(t+1)%52]                              << "," << (int) ple[nn].adultYdir[(t+1)%52]           << endl;

    //Write output every 15 years (cycle of complete new population)        
    if(t % (A_MAX) == 5){ writePopStruct(mypopulation, ple,aliveple,t);}

  } //end of timeloop

  myfile.close() ; mypopulation.close();
  return 0 ;