void GCodeExport::drill(FILE *fl, const GPoint &point, double drillDepth, int drillingSpeed, int drillingLiftSpeed, double zsafe)
    char lineBuffer[256];
    moveHeadTo(fl, Milling, point, zsafe);
    sprintf(lineBuffer,"G01Z%fF%d\n", drillDepth, drillingSpeed);
    totalTime += timeForMovement(drillingSpeed, fabs(zsafe - drillDepth));
    fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
    sprintf(lineBuffer,"G01Z%fF%d\n", zsafe, drillingLiftSpeed);
    fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
    totalTime += timeForMovement(drillingLiftSpeed, fabs(zsafe - drillDepth));
/* Called periodically every getPeriod() seconds */
bool Recognition::updateModule() {
    //Here is blocking. What is the non blocking function?
    imgLeft = camLeft.read(false);
    if(imgLeft != NULL){
	    left = cvCreateImage(cvSize(imgLeft->width(),imgLeft->height()),IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ); //Create an IplImage*
	    cvCvtColor((IplImage*)imgLeft->getIplImage(), left, CV_RGB2BGR);
	    Mat leftM = cv::cvarrToMat(left);
	    if(cameraT == NULL){
			cameraT = new camera(left);
		}else if(actionDone && left != NULL){
			if(cameraT->getNbObj() > (int)certaintyLevels.size()){
				int nbIter = cameraT->getNbObj() - certaintyLevels.size();
				for(int count = 0; count < nbIter; count++){
			for(int count = 0; count < cameraT->getNbObj(); count++){
				string name = "";
				name = cameraT->getObservation(count);
				if(name != "nothingNew"){
					if(previousNames[count] == name){
						certaintyLevels[count] ++;
						certaintyLevels[count] = 0;
						previousNames[count] = name;
					previousNames[count] == "";
					certaintyLevels[count] = 0;
				if(((certaintyLevels[count] >= 10 && certaintyLevels[count]%10 == 0) || name.find("Moving") != std::string::npos) && actionDone){
					Bottle ACKNode;
						case 0: ACKNode.addString("Marker"); break;
						case 1: ACKNode.addString("Car");  break;
					if((double)cameraT->getPosition(count) > cameraT->getRaw()->width/2.){
			int tempPosition = 0;
			if(lookAtHand && actionDone){
			tempPosition = cameraT->getHandPosition();
				if(tempPosition != -1 && positionHand == tempPosition){
					handSeeCount ++;
					if(handSeeCount > 30){
						bool send = true;
						handSeeCount = 0;
						Bottle ACKNode;
							case 0: ACKNode.addString("State_Reach_Push_Left"); break;
							case 1: ACKNode.addString("State_Reach_Left"); break;
							case 2: ACKNode.addString("State_Reach_Right"); break;
							case 3: ACKNode.addString("State_Reach_Push_Right"); break;
							default: send = false; break;
					handSeeCount = 0;
				handSeeCount = 0;
			positionHand = tempPosition;
		if(left != NULL){
    return true;
GCodeExport::GCodeExport(char *outputfile, PathContur *contur1, PathContur *contur2, Mode mode, double depth, double edgedepth, \
                                 double zsafe, int millingSpeed, int edgeMillingSpeed, int spindleRpm, double millingDiameter, \
                                 DrillReader *drillReader, int drillingSpeed, int drillingLiftSpeed, int drillingSpindleSpeed, \
                                 double drillDepth, double drillZSafe, bool sameDiameter , bool isProbe, double filamentDiameter, \
                                 double nozzleDiameter, int extruderTemperature, double printingSpeed, bool edges, double laserEnergy, \
                                 double toolXOffset, double toolYOffset)
    totalTime = 0.0L;
    filamentUsed = 0.0L;
    char lineBuffer[1024];
    if(contur1==0) {
        totalTime = -1.0L;
    if(contur1->first()==0) {
        totalTime = -1.0L;
    FILE *fl = fopen(outputfile, "w");
    if(fl==0) {
        totalTime = -1.0L;
    double firstTime = 0.0L;
    double firstFilament = 0.0L;
    const double filamentMMPerHeadMM = nozzleDiameter*nozzleDiameter/(filamentDiameter*filamentDiameter);
    // writing gcode headers
    fputs("%\nG90G40G17G21\n", fl);

    switch (mode) {
    case Milling:
        if(isProbe) {
            fputs("G30 (probe Z)\n", fl);
        fputs("G92 (set founded Z as zero)\n", fl);
        sprintf(lineBuffer, "G00Z%f\n", zsafe);
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
        headPosition = GPoint(0.0L,0.0L);
        headZPosition = zsafe;

        sprintf(lineBuffer, "M03S%d\nG04P%d\n", spindleRpm, spindleRpm/5); // start spindle and wait
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);

        doShapes(fl, mode, contur1->first(), millingDiameter, zsafe, depth, millingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
        if(edges) {
            fputs("(Cutting edges)\n", fl);
            doShapes(fl, mode, contur1->edges(), millingDiameter, zsafe, edgedepth, edgeMillingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
            fputs("(Cutting edges done)\n", fl);
        fputs("M5\n", fl);
        doDrill(fl, true, drillReader, drillZSafe, sameDiameter, isProbe, drillingSpeed, drillingLiftSpeed, drillingSpindleSpeed, drillDepth, zsafe);

        if(contur2) {
            if(contur2->first()) {
                fputs("G28 (Parking)\n", fl);
                headZPosition = zsafe;
                changeTool(fl, millingDiameter, zsafe, zsafe, true, isProbe, (char*)"Insert milling tool and turn board", false);
                sprintf(lineBuffer, "M03S%d\nG04P%d\n", spindleRpm, spindleRpm/5); // start spindle and wait
                fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
                doShapes(fl, mode, contur2->first(), millingDiameter, zsafe, depth, millingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
    case Printing:
        fputs("G92\n", fl);
        sprintf(lineBuffer, "G00Z%f\n", zsafe);
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
        headPosition = GPoint(0.0L,0.0L);
        headZPosition = zsafe;

        doShapes(fl, mode, contur1->first(), millingDiameter, zsafe, 0.0f, printingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
        sprintf(lineBuffer, "G00X%fY%f (Switch to tools coords)\nG92\n", toolXOffset, toolYOffset); // change coords to tool mode
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
        doDrill(fl, true, drillReader, drillZSafe, sameDiameter, isProbe, drillingSpeed, drillingLiftSpeed, drillingSpindleSpeed, drillDepth, zsafe);

        if(edges) {
            changeTool(fl, millingDiameter, drillZSafe, zsafe, true, isProbe, (char*)"Insert milling tool", true);
            sprintf(lineBuffer, "M03S%d\nG04P%d\n", spindleRpm, spindleRpm/5); // start spindle and wait
            fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
            fputs("(Cutting edges)\n", fl);
            doShapes(fl, Milling, contur1->edges(), millingDiameter, zsafe, edgedepth, edgeMillingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
            fputs("M5\n", fl);
            fputs("(Cutting edges done)\n", fl);
        if(contur2) {
            if(contur2->first()) {
                moveHeadTo(fl,mode, GPoint(0.0L, 0.0L), zsafe);
                fputs("(Remove milling tool, turn board, prepare pen position manually)\n", fl);
                firstTime = totalTime;
                firstFilament = filamentUsed;
                fl = organizeSecondFile(fl, outputfile, false);
                if(fl==0) {
                    totalTime = -1.0L;
                headPosition = GPoint(0.0L,0.0L);
                headZPosition = 0.0L;
                doShapes(fl, mode, contur2->first(), millingDiameter, zsafe, 0.0f, printingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
    case Extrudering:
        sprintf(lineBuffer, "M109S%d ; wait temperaturen\n", extruderTemperature);
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
        fputs("M82\n", fl);
        fputs("G92 (set all axis to zero)\n", fl);
        headPosition = GPoint(0.0L,0.0L);
        headZPosition = 0.0L;
        ePosition = 0.0L;
        fputs("(Start clean extruder)\n", fl);
        doShapes(fl, mode, contur1->edges(), nozzleDiameter, zsafe, 0.0f, printingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
        fputs("(Extruder cleaning done)\n", fl);

        doShapes(fl, mode, contur1->first(), nozzleDiameter, zsafe, 0.0f, printingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
        sprintf(lineBuffer, "G00X%fY%f (Switch to tools coords)\nG92\n", toolXOffset, toolYOffset); // change coords to tool mode
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
        doDrill(fl, true, drillReader, drillZSafe, sameDiameter, isProbe, drillingSpeed, drillingLiftSpeed, drillingSpindleSpeed, drillDepth, zsafe);
        if(edges) {
            changeTool(fl, millingDiameter, drillZSafe, zsafe, true, isProbe, (char*)"Insert milling tool", true);
            sprintf(lineBuffer, "M03S%d\nG04P%d\n", spindleRpm, spindleRpm/5); // start spindle and wait
            fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
            fputs("(Cutting edges)\n", fl);
            doShapes(fl, Milling, contur1->edges(), millingDiameter, zsafe, edgedepth, edgeMillingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
            fputs("M5\n", fl);
            fputs("(Cutting edges done)\n", fl);

        if(contur2) {
            if(contur2->first()) {
                moveHeadTo(fl,mode, GPoint(0.0L, 0.0L), zsafe);
                fputs("(Turn board, set head Z positon manualy and run second file)\n", fl);
                firstTime = totalTime;
                firstFilament = filamentUsed;
                fl = organizeSecondFile(fl, outputfile, true);
                if(fl==0) {
                    totalTime = -1.0L;
                headPosition = GPoint(0.0L,0.0L);
                headZPosition = 0.0L;
                doShapes(fl, mode, contur2->first(), millingDiameter, zsafe, 0.0f, millingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);

    case Lasering:
        fputs("G92 (set founded Z as zero)\n", fl);
        headPosition = GPoint(0.0L,0.0L);
        headZPosition = 0.0f;
        doShapes(fl, mode, contur1->first(), millingDiameter, 0.0f, depth, printingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
        sprintf(lineBuffer, "G00X%fY%f (Switch to tools coords)\nG92\n", toolXOffset, toolYOffset); // change coords to tool mode
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
        doDrill(fl, false, drillReader, drillZSafe, sameDiameter, isProbe, drillingSpeed, drillingLiftSpeed, drillingSpindleSpeed, drillDepth, 0.0f);

        if(edges) {
            changeTool(fl, millingDiameter, drillZSafe, zsafe, true, isProbe, (char*)"Insert milling tool", true);
            sprintf(lineBuffer, "M03S%d\nG04P%d\n", spindleRpm, spindleRpm/5); // start spindle and wait
            fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
            fputs("(Cutting edges)\n", fl);
            doShapes(fl, Milling, contur1->edges(), millingDiameter, zsafe, edgedepth, edgeMillingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);
            fputs("M5\n", fl);
            fputs("(Cutting edges done)\n", fl);

        fputs("G28 (Parking)\nM0 (Turn board)\n", fl);
        sprintf(lineBuffer, "G00X%fY%f (Switch to laser coords)\nG92\n",-toolXOffset, -toolYOffset); // change coords to laser mode
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
        headPosition = GPoint(0.0L,0.0L);
        headZPosition = 0.0f;
                doShapes(fl, mode, contur2->first(), millingDiameter, 0.0f, depth, printingSpeed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy);

    fputs("G28 (parking)\n", fl);
    fputs("M30\n", fl);
    putFooterComments(fl, mode==Extrudering);
    totalTime += firstTime;
    filamentUsed += firstFilament;
void GCodeExport::doShapes(FILE *fl, Mode mode, GShape *shapes, double diameter, double zsafe, double depth, double speed, double filamentMMPerHeadMM, double laserEnergy)
    // mark all shapes as unused
    GShape *nshape = shapes;
    while(nshape) {
        nshape->used = false;
        nshape = nshape->next;

    while(true) {
        double closetShapeDistance = FLT_MAX;
        GShape *closestShape = 0;
        ShapeClosestpointPlace closestPos = SCP_P1_FROM;
        GShape *nextShape = shapes;
        while(nextShape) { // looking for the closest shape
            if(!nextShape->used) {
                double tmpdst;
                switch(nextShape->type()) {
                case GSHAPE_CIRCLE:
                    GCircle *circle = (GCircle*)nextShape;
                    if(circle->spanAngle>=2*M_PI) {
                        if( (tmpdst=fabs(circle->center.distance(headPosition)-circle->radius))<closetShapeDistance ) {
                            closestShape = nextShape;
                            closetShapeDistance = tmpdst;
                            closestPos =  SCP_WHOLECIRCLE;
                            if(tmpdst == 0.0L) goto foundClosest;
                    } else {
                        if( (tmpdst=circle->fromPoint().distance(headPosition))<closetShapeDistance) {
                            closestShape = nextShape;
                            closetShapeDistance = tmpdst;
                            closestPos =  SCP_P1_FROM;
                            if(tmpdst == 0.0L) goto foundClosest;
                        if( (tmpdst=circle->toPoint().distance(headPosition))<closetShapeDistance) {
                            closestShape = nextShape;
                            closetShapeDistance = tmpdst;
                            closestPos =  SCP_P2_TO;
                            if(tmpdst == 0.0L) goto foundClosest;
                case GSHAPE_LINE:
                    GLine *line = (GLine*)nextShape;
                    if( (tmpdst=line->p1.distance(headPosition))<closetShapeDistance) {
                        closestShape = nextShape;
                        closetShapeDistance = tmpdst;
                        closestPos =  SCP_P1_FROM;
                        if(tmpdst == 0.0L) goto foundClosest;
                    if( (tmpdst=line->p2.distance(headPosition))<closetShapeDistance) {
                        closestShape = nextShape;
                        closetShapeDistance = tmpdst;
                        closestPos =  SCP_P2_TO;
                        if(tmpdst == 0.0L) goto foundClosest;
                case GSHAPE_RECT:
                    assert("Rect in contur while export!");
            nextShape = nextShape->next;
        if(closestShape) { // put shape in gcode file
            GPoint st;
            GPoint en;
            bool isCCW = false;
            case GSHAPE_CIRCLE:
                GCircle *circle = (GCircle*)closestShape;
                if(closestPos ==  SCP_P1_FROM) {
                    st = circle->fromPoint();
                    en = circle->toPoint();
                    isCCW = true;
                } else if(closestPos ==  SCP_P2_TO) {
                    st = circle->toPoint();
                    en = circle->fromPoint();
                    isCCW = false;
                } else if(closestPos ==  SCP_WHOLECIRCLE) {
                    isCCW = false;
                    GLine testLine(circle->center, headPosition);
                    GPoint p1, p2;
                    int intersectCount = GIntersects::lineWithCircle(testLine,*circle, &p1, &p2, false);
                        st = circle->center+GPoint(circle->radius, 0.0L);
                        en = st;
                    } else {
                        if(intersectCount==1 || p1.distance(headPosition)<p2.distance(headPosition)){
                            st = p1;
                            en = p1;
                        } else {
                            st = p2;
                            en = p2;
            case GSHAPE_LINE:
                GLine *line = (GLine*)closestShape;
                if(closestPos ==  SCP_P1_FROM) {
                    st = line->p1;
                    en = line->p2;
                } else if(closestPos ==  SCP_P2_TO) {
                    st = line->p2;
                    en = line->p1;
                } else {
                    assert("Rect in contur while export2!");
            case GSHAPE_RECT:
                assert("Rect in contur while export3!");

            if(st.distance(headPosition)>diameter) {
                moveHeadTo(fl, mode, st, zsafe);
            } else if (st.distance(headPosition)!=0.0L) {
                millingLineTo(fl, mode, st, depth, speed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy, diameter);
            if(closestShape->type()==GSHAPE_LINE) {
                millingLineTo(fl, mode, en, depth, speed, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy, diameter);
            } else if(closestShape->type()==GSHAPE_CIRCLE) {
                GCircle* circle = (GCircle*)closestShape;
                millingCircle(fl, mode, ((GCircle*)closestShape)->center,en,depth,speed,isCCW, circle->spanAngle*circle->radius, filamentMMPerHeadMM, laserEnergy*(circle->outer?1.0L:1.5L), diameter);

            closestShape->used = true;
        } else
            break; // from while(true)

    if(headZPosition!=zsafe) {
        char lineBuffer[256];
        // raise head
        sprintf(lineBuffer, "G00Z%f\n", zsafe); // for the same style numeric
        fputs(lineBuffer, fl);
        totalTime += timeForMovement(SPEED_ON_IDLE, zsafe-headZPosition);
        headZPosition = zsafe;