bool getInput (Level* level) { char input; input = getch(); switch (input) { case 'w': moveHero(level, d_up); break; case 'a': moveHero(level, d_left); break; case 's': moveHero(level, d_down); break; case 'd': moveHero(level, d_right); break; case 'q': return false; break; } return true; }
void Hero::collisionHeroWithY(std::vector<lv::Object> &objSolid, float frametime) { for (int i = 0; i < objSolid.size(); i++) { float SolidCenterX = objSolid[i].rect.left + objSolid[i].rect.width / 2; float SolidCenterY = objSolid[i]; +objSolid[i].rect.height / 2; H_RotationForSolid = (atan2(getHeroCenter().y - SolidCenterY, getHeroCenter().x - SolidCenterX)) * 180 / 3.14159265; H_Top1_Rotation = (atan2(objSolid[i] - getHeroCenter().y, objSolid[i].Tops.left - getHeroCenter().x)) * 180 / 3.14159265; H_Top2_Rotation = (atan2(objSolid[i].Tops.height - getHeroCenter().y, objSolid[i].Tops.width - getHeroCenter().x)) * 180 / 3.14159265; if (playerHitbox.getGlobalBounds().intersects(objSolid[i].rect)) { if (H_RotationForSolid >= objSolid[i].rotation.left && H_RotationForSolid <= objSolid[i] { moveHero(0, -H_Gravi*H_Speed*frametime); H_onGround = true; } else { if (H_Top1_Rotation >= D_3&& H_Top1_Rotation <= D_4) { moveHero(0, -H_Gravi*H_Speed*frametime); H_onGround = true; collisionY = true; } else { if (H_Top2_Rotation >= D_3&& H_Top2_Rotation <= D_4) { moveHero(0, -H_Gravi*H_Speed*frametime); H_onGround = true; collisionY = true; } } } if (H_Jump == true) { H_JumpIndex = 0; collisionY = true; } } else { collisionY = false; } } }
void Hero::collisionHeroWithX(std::vector<lv::Object> &objSolid, float frametime) { for (int i = 0; i < objSolid.size(); i++) { float SolidCenterX = objSolid[i].rect.left + objSolid[i].rect.width / 2; float SolidCenterY = objSolid[i]; +objSolid[i].rect.height / 2; H_RotationForSolid = (atan2(getHeroCenter().y - SolidCenterY, getHeroCenter().x - SolidCenterX)) * 180 / 3.14159265; H_Top1_Rotation = (atan2(objSolid[i] - getHeroCenter().y, objSolid[i].Tops.left - getHeroCenter().x)) * 180 / 3.14159265; H_Top2_Rotation = (atan2(objSolid[i].Tops.height - getHeroCenter().y, objSolid[i].Tops.width - getHeroCenter().x)) * 180 / 3.14159265; if (playerHitbox.getGlobalBounds().intersects(objSolid[i].rect)) { if (H_Top1_Rotation >= D_3&& H_Top1_Rotation <= D_4) { continue; } //Лево if (H_RotationForSolid >= objSolid[i] && H_RotationForSolid <= 0) { moveHero(H_Speed*frametime, 0); } if (H_RotationForSolid >= 0 && H_RotationForSolid <= objSolid[i].rotation.height) { moveHero(H_Speed*frametime, 0); } // Право if (H_RotationForSolid >= -179.999 && H_RotationForSolid <= objSolid[i].rotation.left) { moveHero(-H_Speed*frametime, 0); } if (H_RotationForSolid >= objSolid[i].rotation.width && H_RotationForSolid <= 180) { moveHero(-H_Speed*frametime, 0); } } } }
void Hero::heroControl(std::vector<lv::Object> &solidObj, std::vector<lv::Object> &groundObj, float frametime) { heroKeyPressed(K_ON);//функция управления персонажем HeroJump(frametime); H_Animation.setPosition(getHeroPossition().x, getHeroPossition().y);// из за не пропорционально расположения скарлет в кадре приходится двигать отдельные анимации и возвращять все обратно switch (state)//тут делаются различные действия в зависимости от состояния { //// тут надо разбираться с анимацией case left: if (FireState != Fire){ moveHero(-H_Speed*frametime, 0); if (H_onGround == true) {[3]); } } break;//состояние идти влево case right:if (FireState != Fire){ moveHero(H_Speed*frametime, 0); if (H_onGround == true) {[2]); } }break; //состояние идти вправо }; if (isMove == false && FireState != Fire && StayState == StayRight){[2]); H_Animation.stop(0); } // Пока нету анимаций стоя if (isMove == false && FireState != Fire && StayState == StayLeft){[3]); H_Animation.stop(0); } // Пока нету анимаций стоя if (FireState == Fire && state == left){ moveHero(-H_Speed*frametime, 0); if (H_onGround == true) { H_Animation.setPosition(getHeroPossition().x - 81, getHeroPossition().y);[5]); } }// бегим в лево и стреляем if (FireState == Fire && state == right){ moveHero(H_Speed*frametime, 0); if (H_onGround == true) {[4]); } } // бегим в право и стреляем if (FireState == Fire && isMove == false && StayState == StayLeft) { H_Animation.setPosition(getHeroPossition().x - 81, getHeroPossition().y);[6]); };//стоим в лево и стреляем if (FireState == Fire && isMove == false && StayState == StayRight){[7]); };// стоим в право и стреляем if (JumpState == JumpStay && H_onGround == false && StayState == StayLeft){[3]); } if (JumpState == JumpStay && H_onGround == false && StayState == StayRight){[2]); } if (JumpState == JumpStay && H_onGround == false && state == right){[2]); } if (isMove == false){ ; state = stay; } if (!H_Jump){ JumpState = NoJump; } }
void Hero::updateGravi(float frametime) { if (H_GraviForUpdate) { moveHero(0, H_Gravi*H_Speed*frametime); } }
void RoleShow::changeHero(int currentHero,const CCPoint& offsetPoint) { if(m_currentHero == currentHero) return; heroAngle = 2; if(currentHero == k_battle_blackwidow) { firegunEffect(); } else { if(pFiregun) { pFiregun->stopAllActions(); pFiregun->removeFromParent(); pFiregun = NULL; } } m_currentHero = currentHero; m_offsetPoint = offsetPoint; TString zhujiaoname; zhujiaoname += "hero"; zhujiaoname += currentHero; zhujiaoname += "_middle1.png"; zhujiao->setDisplayFrame(CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(; TString zhujiaolegname; zhujiaolegname += "hero"; zhujiaolegname += currentHero; zhujiaolegname += "_middleleg.png"; zhujiaoleg -> setDisplayFrame(CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(; zhujiaogun->cleanup(); if (currentHero != 3) { TString zhujiaogunname; zhujiaogunname += "hero"; zhujiaogunname += currentHero; zhujiaogunname += "_gun1.png"; zhujiaogun->setDisplayFrame(CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(; zhujiaogun -> setVisible(true); zhujiao->setPosition(ccp(5, -offsetPoint.y)); } else { zhujiaogun -> setVisible(false); float pY = zhujiao->getPositionY(); zhujiao->setPosition(ccp(7, -20-offsetPoint.y)); } moveHero(); }
/*1 黑寡妇 2 金刚狼 3 钢铁侠 */ void RoleShow::showHeroAnimation(int currentHero,const CCPoint& offsetPoint) { if(currentHero == k_battle_blackwidow) { firegunEffect(); } m_currentHero = currentHero; m_offsetPoint = offsetPoint; //窗口大小 CCSize visibleSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleSize(); TString zhujiaoname; zhujiaoname += "hero"; zhujiaoname += currentHero; zhujiaoname += "_middle1.png"; zhujiao = CCSprite::create(); zhujiao->setDisplayFrame(CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(; zhujiao->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5f, 0.0f)); //zhujiao->setPosition(ccp(x-20, y-15-offsetY)); zhujiao->setPosition(ccp(0-offsetPoint.x, 0-offsetPoint.y)); addChild(zhujiao, 1004); TString zhujiaolegname; zhujiaolegname += "hero"; zhujiaolegname += currentHero; zhujiaolegname += "_middleleg.png"; zhujiaoleg = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(; // zhujiaoleg -> setPosition(ccp(x, y-offsetY)); zhujiaoleg->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5f, 0.0f)); zhujiaoleg -> setPosition(ccp(20-offsetPoint.x, -15-offsetPoint.y)); addChild(zhujiaoleg, 1002); //主角动画 主角 关卡信息都要根据传入的来 TString zhujiaogunname; zhujiaogunname += "hero"; zhujiaogunname += currentHero; zhujiaogunname += "_gun1.png"; zhujiaogun = CCSprite::create(); zhujiaogun->setDisplayFrame(CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(; float anchorPointY = 20/zhujiaogun -> getContentSize().height; zhujiaogun->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5f, -anchorPointY)); zhujiaogun->setPosition(ccp(0-offsetPoint.x, 20-offsetPoint.y)); addChild(zhujiaogun, 1003); moveHero(); }
void Hero::HeroJump(float frametime) { if (H_Jump == true) { if (H_JumpIndex <= 1.1) { H_JumpIndex = H_JumpIndexOld; H_Jump = false; JumpState = NoJump; return; } moveHero(0, -H_JumpIndex*H_Speed*frametime); H_JumpIndex -= 0.1; H_onGround = false; } }
void RoleShow::roleChangeAngle(float dt) { if(heroAngleOrien) { heroAngle++; } else { heroAngle--; } if(heroAngle > 30 && heroAngleOrien) { heroAngle = 30; heroAngleOrien = false; } else if(heroAngle < -30) { heroAngle = -30; heroAngleOrien = true; } moveHero(); }
SGSPointList& SGSTerrain::calcHeroAvailabePath(SGSHero* hero) { static SGSPointList valid_path_list; SGSPointList::iterator path_list_iter; // clear the list; for (path_list_iter = valid_path_list.begin(); path_list_iter != valid_path_list.end();) { path_list_iter = valid_path_list.erase(path_list_iter); } int hero_stamina = hero->getStamina(); // A* algorithm StepList open_list; StepList close_list; Step start_step; start_step.__pos = hero->getMapPosition(); start_step.__stamina = hero_stamina; open_list.push_back(start_step); while(!open_list.empty()) { Step open_step = open_list.front(); open_list.pop_front(); for (int i = STEP_RIGHT; i <= STEP_UP; i++) { Step temp_move = moveHero(hero, (STEP_DIRECTION) i, open_step); if (temp_move.__stamina >=0 ) { // valid move if (!isInStepList(temp_move, open_list) && !isInStepList(temp_move, close_list)) { open_list.push_back(temp_move); } else if(isInStepList(temp_move, open_list)) { // in Open list StepList::iterator iter; if (open_list.size()) { for (iter = open_list.begin(); iter != open_list.end(); iter++) { Step one_step_in_openlist = *iter; if (one_step_in_openlist.__pos == temp_move.__pos) { if (one_step_in_openlist.__stamina < temp_move.__stamina) { open_list.remove(one_step_in_openlist); open_list.push_back(temp_move); log("replace open list x = %d y = %d", temp_move.__pos.x, temp_move.__pos.y); } } } } } else { // in close list StepList::iterator iter; for (iter = close_list.begin(); iter != close_list.end(); iter++) { Step one_step_in_closelist = *iter; if (one_step_in_closelist.__pos == temp_move.__pos) { if (one_step_in_closelist.__stamina < temp_move.__stamina) { close_list.remove(one_step_in_closelist); open_list.push_back(temp_move); } } } } } } close_list.push_back(open_step); } StepList::iterator iter; for (iter = close_list.begin(); iter != close_list.end(); iter++) { Step one_step = *iter; valid_path_list.push_back(one_step.__pos); } return valid_path_list; }
SGSPointList& SGSTerrain::calcShortestPath(SGSHero* hero, SGSPoint& target_pos) { static SGSPointList shortest_path_list; SGSPointList::iterator shortest_path_list_iter; // clear the list; for (shortest_path_list_iter = shortest_path_list.begin(); shortest_path_list_iter != shortest_path_list.end();) { shortest_path_list_iter = shortest_path_list.erase(shortest_path_list_iter); } // A* algorithm StepPtrList open_list; StepPtrList close_list; Step* start_step = new Step; start_step->__pos = hero->getMapPosition(); start_step->__stamina = 100; start_step->__parent = NULL; open_list.push_back(start_step); Step* last_step = NULL; while(!open_list.empty()) { Step* open_step = open_list.front(); open_list.pop_front(); if (open_step->__pos == target_pos) { last_step = open_step; break; } for (int i = STEP_RIGHT; i <= STEP_UP; i++) { Step* temp_move = new Step; *temp_move = moveHero(hero, (STEP_DIRECTION) i, *open_step); if (temp_move->__stamina >=0 ) { // valid move if (!isInStepPtrList(temp_move, open_list) && !isInStepPtrList(temp_move, close_list)) { temp_move->__parent = open_step; open_list.push_back(temp_move); } else if(isInStepPtrList(temp_move, open_list)) { // in Open list StepPtrList::iterator iter; for (iter = open_list.begin(); iter != open_list.end(); iter++) { Step* one_step_in_openlist = *iter; if (one_step_in_openlist->__pos == temp_move->__pos) { if (one_step_in_openlist->__stamina < temp_move->__stamina) { //iter = open_list.erase(iter); open_list.remove(one_step_in_openlist); delete one_step_in_openlist; open_list.push_back(temp_move); break; } } } } else { // in close list StepPtrList::iterator iter; for (iter = close_list.begin(); iter != close_list.end(); iter++) { Step* one_step_in_closelist = *iter; if (one_step_in_closelist->__pos == temp_move->__pos) { if (one_step_in_closelist->__stamina < temp_move->__stamina) { close_list.remove(one_step_in_closelist); delete one_step_in_closelist; open_list.push_back(temp_move); break; } } } } } else { delete temp_move; } } close_list.push_back(open_step); } while(last_step) { shortest_path_list.insert(shortest_path_list.begin(), last_step->__pos); last_step = last_step->__parent; } // clear the list; StepPtrList::iterator ptr_list_iter; for (ptr_list_iter = open_list.begin(); ptr_list_iter != open_list.end();) { Step* one_step_in_openlist = *ptr_list_iter; ptr_list_iter = open_list.erase(ptr_list_iter); delete one_step_in_openlist; } for (ptr_list_iter = close_list.begin(); ptr_list_iter != close_list.end();) { Step* one_step_in_closelist = *ptr_list_iter; ptr_list_iter = close_list.erase(ptr_list_iter); delete one_step_in_closelist; } return shortest_path_list; }