bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, std::vector<std::vector<Point>>& combPaths)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, MM2INT(1.5)))
//         DEBUG_PRINTLN("too short dist!");
        return true;
    bool addEndpoint = false;
    //Check if we are inside the comb boundaries
    if (!boundary.inside(startPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&startPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
//             std::cerr << " fail to move the start point inside the comb boundary we need to retract."<< std::endl;
            return false;
    if (!boundary.inside(endPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&endPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
//             std::cerr << " fail to move the end point inside the comb boundary we need to retract."<< std::endl;
            return false;
        addEndpoint = true;
    //Check if we are crossing any boundaries, and pre-calculate some values.
    if (!lineSegmentCollidesWithBoundary(startPoint, endPoint))
        //We're not crossing any boundaries. So skip the comb generation.
        if (!addEndpoint && combPaths.size() == 0) //Only skip if we didn't move the start and end point.
            return true;
//     std::cerr << "calcuklating comb path!" << std::endl;
    //Calculate the minimum and maximum positions where we cross the comb boundary
    std::vector<std::vector<Point>> basicCombPaths;
    getBasicCombingPaths(endPoint, basicCombPaths);
    bool succeeded = optimizePaths(startPoint, basicCombPaths, combPaths);
    if (addEndpoint)
//     std::cerr << "succeeded = " << succeeded << std::endl;
    return succeeded;
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, std::vector<Point>& combPoints)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, MM2INT(1.5)))
        return true;
    bool addEndpoint = false;
    //Check if we are inside the comb boundaries
    if (!boundary.inside(startPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&startPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
    if (!boundary.inside(endPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&endPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
        addEndpoint = true;
    //Check if we are crossing any boundaries, and pre-calculate some values.
    if (!lineSegmentCollidesWithBoundary(startPoint, endPoint))
        //We're not crossing any boundaries. So skip the comb generation.
        if (!addEndpoint && combPoints.size() == 0) //Only skip if we didn't move the start and end point.
            return true;
    //Calculate the minimum and maximum positions where we cross the comb boundary
    std::vector<Point> pointList;
    getBasicCombingPath(endPoint, pointList);
    bool succeeded = optimizePath(startPoint, pointList, combPoints);
    if (addEndpoint)
    return succeeded;
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, vector<Point>& combPoints)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, MM2INT(1.5)))
        return true;
    bool addEndpoint = false;
    //Check if we are inside the comb boundaries
    if (!checkInside(startPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&startPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
    if (!checkInside(endPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&endPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
        addEndpoint = true;
    //Check if we are crossing any bounderies, and pre-calculate some values.
    if (!preTest(startPoint, endPoint))
        //We're not crossing any boundaries. So skip the comb generation.
        if (!addEndpoint && combPoints.size() == 0) //Only skip if we didn't move the start and end point.
            return true;
    //Calculate the minimum and maximum positions where we cross the comb boundary
    int64_t x = sp.X;
    vector<Point> pointList;
    //Now walk trough the crossings, for every boundary we cross, find the initial cross point and the exit point. Then add all the points in between
    // to the pointList and continue with the next boundary we will cross, until there are no more boundaries to cross.
    // This gives a path from the start to finish curved around the holes that it encounters.
        unsigned int n = getPolygonAbove(x);
        if (n == UINT_MAX) break;
        pointList.push_back(matrix.unapply(Point(minX[n] - MM2INT(0.2), sp.Y)));
        if ( (minIdx[n] - maxIdx[n] + boundery[n].size()) % boundery[n].size() > (maxIdx[n] - minIdx[n] + boundery[n].size()) % boundery[n].size())
            for(unsigned int i=minIdx[n]; i != maxIdx[n]; i = (i < boundery[n].size() - 1) ? (i + 1) : (0))
                pointList.push_back(getBounderyPointWithOffset(n, i));
            if (minIdx[n] == UINT_MAX) minIdx[n] = boundery[n].size() - 1;
            if (maxIdx[n] == UINT_MAX) maxIdx[n] = boundery[n].size() - 1;
            for(unsigned int i=minIdx[n]; i != maxIdx[n]; i = (i > 0) ? (i - 1) : (boundery[n].size() - 1))
                pointList.push_back(getBounderyPointWithOffset(n, i));
        pointList.push_back(matrix.unapply(Point(maxX[n] + MM2INT(0.2), sp.Y)));
        x = maxX[n];
    //Optimize the pointList, skip each point we could already reach by not crossing a boundary. This smooths out the path and makes it skip any unneeded corners.
    Point p0 = startPoint;
    for(unsigned int n=1; n<pointList.size(); n++)
        if (collisionTest(p0, pointList[n]))
            if (collisionTest(p0, pointList[n-1]))
                return false;
            p0 = pointList[n-1];
    if (addEndpoint)
    return true;
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, CombPaths& combPaths, bool _startInside, bool _endInside, int64_t max_comb_distance_ignored, bool via_outside_makes_combing_fail, bool fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, max_comb_distance_ignored))
        return true;

    //Move start and end point inside the comb boundary
    unsigned int start_inside_poly = NO_INDEX;
    const bool startInside = moveInside(_startInside, startPoint, start_inside_poly);

    unsigned int end_inside_poly = NO_INDEX;
    const bool endInside = moveInside(_endInside, endPoint, end_inside_poly);

    unsigned int start_part_boundary_poly_idx;
    unsigned int end_part_boundary_poly_idx;
    unsigned int start_part_idx =   (start_inside_poly == NO_INDEX)?    NO_INDEX : partsView_inside.getPartContaining(start_inside_poly, &start_part_boundary_poly_idx);
    unsigned int end_part_idx =     (end_inside_poly == NO_INDEX)?      NO_INDEX : partsView_inside.getPartContaining(end_inside_poly, &end_part_boundary_poly_idx);
    if (startInside && endInside && start_part_idx == end_part_idx)
    { // normal combing within part
        PolygonsPart part = partsView_inside.assemblePart(start_part_idx);
        return LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part, *inside_loc_to_line, startPoint, endPoint, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles);
    { // comb inside part to edge (if needed) >> move through air avoiding other parts >> comb inside end part upto the endpoint (if needed) 
        //  INSIDE  |          in_between            |            OUTSIDE     |              in_between         |     INSIDE
        //        ^crossing_1_in     ^crossing_1_mid  ^crossing_1_out        ^crossing_2_out    ^crossing_2_mid   ^crossing_2_in
        // when startPoint is inside crossing_1_in is of interest
        // when it is in between inside and outside it is equal to crossing_1_mid

        if (via_outside_makes_combing_fail)
            return false;

        Crossing start_crossing(startPoint, startInside, start_part_idx, start_part_boundary_poly_idx, boundary_inside, inside_loc_to_line);
        Crossing end_crossing(endPoint, endInside, end_part_idx, end_part_boundary_poly_idx, boundary_inside, inside_loc_to_line);

        { // find crossing over the in-between area between inside and outside
            start_crossing.findCrossingInOrMid(partsView_inside, endPoint);
            end_crossing.findCrossingInOrMid(partsView_inside, start_crossing.in_or_mid);

        bool skip_avoid_other_parts_path = false;
        if (skip_avoid_other_parts_path && vSize2(start_crossing.in_or_mid - end_crossing.in_or_mid) < offset_from_inside_to_outside * offset_from_inside_to_outside * 4)
        { // parts are next to eachother, i.e. the direct crossing will always be smaller than two crossings via outside
            skip_avoid_other_parts_path = true;

        if (avoid_other_parts && !skip_avoid_other_parts_path)
        { // compute the crossing points when moving through air
            // comb through all air, since generally the outside consists of a single part

            bool success = start_crossing.findOutside(*boundary_outside, end_crossing.in_or_mid, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles, *this);
            if (!success)
                return false;

            success = end_crossing.findOutside(*boundary_outside, start_crossing.out, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles, *this);
            if (!success)
                return false;

        // generate the actual comb paths
        if (startInside)
            // start to boundary
            assert(start_crossing.dest_part.size() > 0 && "The part we start inside when combing should have been computed already!");
            bool combing_succeeded = LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(start_crossing.dest_part, *inside_loc_to_line, startPoint, start_crossing.in_or_mid, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles);
            if (!combing_succeeded)
            { // Couldn't comb between start point and computed crossing from the start part! Happens for very thin parts when the offset_to_get_off_boundary moves points to outside the polygon
                return false;
        // throught air from boundary to boundary
        if (avoid_other_parts && !skip_avoid_other_parts_path)
            combPaths.throughAir = true;
            if ( vSize(start_crossing.in_or_mid - end_crossing.in_or_mid) < vSize(start_crossing.in_or_mid - start_crossing.out) + vSize(end_crossing.in_or_mid - end_crossing.out) )
            { // via outside is moving more over the in-between zone
                bool combing_succeeded = LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(*boundary_outside, *outside_loc_to_line, start_crossing.out, end_crossing.out, combPaths.back(), offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles);
                if (!combing_succeeded)
                    return false;
        { // directly through air (not avoiding other parts)
            combPaths.throughAir = true;
            combPaths.back().cross_boundary = true; // note: we don't actually know whether this is cross boundary, but it might very well be
        if (skip_avoid_other_parts_path)
            if (startInside == endInside && start_part_idx == end_part_idx)
                if (startInside)
                { // both start and end are inside
                    combPaths.back().cross_boundary = PolygonUtils::polygonCollidesWithLineSegment(startPoint, endPoint, *inside_loc_to_line);
                { // both start and end are outside
                    combPaths.back().cross_boundary = PolygonUtils::polygonCollidesWithLineSegment(startPoint, endPoint, *outside_loc_to_line);
                combPaths.back().cross_boundary = true;
        if (endInside)
            // boundary to end
            assert(end_crossing.dest_part.size() > 0 && "The part we end up inside when combing should have been computed already!");
            bool combing_succeeded = LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(end_crossing.dest_part, *inside_loc_to_line, end_crossing.in_or_mid, endPoint, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles);
            if (!combing_succeeded)
            { // Couldn't comb between end point and computed crossing to the end part! Happens for very thin parts when the offset_to_get_off_boundary moves points to outside the polygon
                return false;
        return true;
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, CombPaths& combPaths)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, max_comb_distance_ignored))
        return true;
    bool startInside = true;
    bool endInside = true;
    //Move start and end point inside the comb boundary
    unsigned int start_inside_poly = boundary_inside.findInside(startPoint, true);
    if (start_inside_poly == NO_INDEX)
        start_inside_poly = moveInside(boundary_inside, startPoint, offset_extra_start_end, max_moveInside_distance2);
        if (start_inside_poly == NO_INDEX)    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            startInside = false;
    unsigned int end_inside_poly = boundary_inside.findInside(endPoint, true);
    if (end_inside_poly == NO_INDEX)
        end_inside_poly = moveInside(boundary_inside, endPoint, offset_extra_start_end, max_moveInside_distance2);
        if (end_inside_poly == NO_INDEX)    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            endInside = false;

    unsigned int start_part_boundary_poly_idx;
    unsigned int end_part_boundary_poly_idx;
    unsigned int start_part_idx = partsView_inside.getPartContaining(start_inside_poly, &start_part_boundary_poly_idx);
    unsigned int end_part_idx = partsView_inside.getPartContaining(end_inside_poly, &end_part_boundary_poly_idx);
    if (startInside && endInside && start_part_idx == end_part_idx)
    { // normal combing within part
        PolygonsPart part = partsView_inside.assemblePart(start_part_idx);
        LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part, startPoint, endPoint, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
        return true;
    { // comb inside part to edge (if needed) >> move through air avoiding other parts >> comb inside end part upto the endpoint (if needed) 
        Point middle_from;
        Point middle_to;
        if (startInside && endInside)
            ClosestPolygonPoint middle_from_cp = findClosest(endPoint, boundary_inside[start_part_boundary_poly_idx]);
            ClosestPolygonPoint middle_to_cp = findClosest(middle_from_cp.location, boundary_inside[end_part_boundary_poly_idx]);
//             walkToNearestSmallestConnection(middle_from_cp, middle_to_cp); // TODO: perform this optimization?
            middle_from = middle_from_cp.location;
            middle_to = middle_to_cp.location;
            if (!startInside && !endInside) 
                middle_from = startPoint; 
                middle_to = endPoint; 
            else if (!startInside && endInside)
                middle_from = startPoint;
                ClosestPolygonPoint middle_to_cp = findClosest(middle_from, boundary_inside[end_part_boundary_poly_idx]);
                middle_to = middle_to_cp.location;
            else if (startInside && !endInside)
                middle_to = endPoint;
                ClosestPolygonPoint middle_from_cp = findClosest(middle_to, boundary_inside[start_part_boundary_poly_idx]);
                middle_from = middle_from_cp.location;
        if (startInside)
            // start to boundary
            PolygonsPart part_begin = partsView_inside.assemblePart(start_part_idx); // comb through the starting part only
            LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part_begin, startPoint, middle_from, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
        // throught air from boundary to boundary
        if (avoid_other_parts)
            Polygons& middle = *getBoundaryOutside(); // comb through all air, since generally the outside consists of a single part
            Point from_outside = middle_from;
            if (startInside || middle.inside(from_outside, true))
            { // move outside
                moveInside(middle, from_outside, -offset_extra_start_end, max_moveOutside_distance2);
            Point to_outside = middle_to;
            if (endInside || middle.inside(to_outside, true))
            { // move outside
                moveInside(middle, to_outside, -offset_extra_start_end, max_moveOutside_distance2);
            combPaths.back().throughAir = true;
            if ( vSize(middle_from - middle_to) < vSize(middle_from - from_outside) + vSize(middle_to - to_outside) )
            { // via outside is a detour
                LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(middle, from_outside, to_outside, combPaths.back(), offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
        { // directly through air (not avoiding other parts)
            combPaths.back().throughAir = true;
            combPaths.back().cross_boundary = true; // TODO: calculate whether we cross a boundary!
        if (endInside)
            // boundary to end
            PolygonsPart part_end = partsView_inside.assemblePart(end_part_idx); // comb through end part only
            LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part_end, middle_to, endPoint, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
        return true;
unsigned int Comb::moveInside_(Point& from, int distance)
    return moveInside(boundary_inside, from, distance, max_moveInside_distance2);