void Particle::animate() {
    switch (_state) {
    case search_Goal:
    case calculate_Spin:
        if (_stateObject!=_SCREAMING )
            (_type=="wasp")?_stateObject = _FLYING:_stateObject=_NORMAL;
    case spinning:
    case walking:
    case screamed:
    case attacking:
    case working:
inline void EddBM_updateLatPos(struct SimData *SD, int pos) {
  // iterate through all connections, see if each is correctly satisfied...
  int conni;
  if (debugedd)
    printf("update: pos:%d\n", pos);
  int frozenEnabled = SD->flags & S12_FLAG_FROZEN;
  int posFrozen = 0;
  // Skip if site is frozen
  if (frozenEnabled && SD->frozen[pos])
    posFrozen = 1;

  for(conni=0 ; conni < SD->connN[pos] ; conni++) {
    int adjpos = SD->conn[SD->connMax*pos + conni];
    if (debugedd)
      printf("adjpos: %d\n", adjpos);
    int isAllowedMove = 1;
    if (SD->lattsite[adjpos] != S12_EMPTYSITE
	|| (frozenEnabled && (posFrozen	|| SD->frozen[adjpos] )) )
      isAllowedMove = 0;
    else {
      // we know it is empty, try moving and see if energy becomes inf.
      moveParticle(SD, pos, adjpos);
      if (energy_pos(SD, adjpos) == 1/0.)
	isAllowedMove = 0;
      moveParticle(SD, adjpos, pos);
    if (isAllowedMove) {
      // move is allowed, be sure it is in the lists.
      //printf("x: %d\n", SD->MLLr[pos*SD->connMax + conni]);
      if (SD->MLLr[pos*SD->connMax + conni] == -1)
	addToMLL(SD, pos, conni);
    else {
      // move isn't allowed, remove it if it is in there
      if (SD->MLLr[pos*SD->connMax + conni] != -1)
	removeFromMLL(SD, pos, conni);
	void update( float time )
		if ( ! ( target && active ) )
		localtime = ctrlTime( time );
		int n = 0;
		while ( n < list.count() )
			Particle & p = list[n];
			float deltaTime = ( localtime > p.lasttime ? localtime - p.lasttime : 0 ); //( stop - start ) - p.lasttime + localtime ); 
			p.lifetime += deltaTime;
			if ( p.lifetime < p.lifespan && p.vertex < target->verts.count() )
				p.position = target->verts[ p.vertex ];
				for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
					moveParticle( p, deltaTime/4 );
				p.lasttime = localtime;
				list.remove( n );
		if ( emitNode && emitNode->isVisible() && localtime >= emitStart && localtime <= emitStop )
			float emitDelta = ( localtime > emitLast ? localtime - emitLast : 0 );
			emitLast = localtime;
			emitAccu += emitDelta * emitRate;
			int num = int( emitAccu );
			if ( num > 0 )
				emitAccu -= num;
				while ( num-- > 0 && list.count() < target->verts.count() )
					Particle p;
					startParticle( p );
					list.append( p );
		n = 0;
		while ( n < list.count() )
			Particle & p = list[n];
			p.vertex = n;
			target->verts[ n ] = p.position;
			if ( n < target->sizes.count() )
				sizeParticle( p, target->sizes[n] );
			if ( n < target->colors.count() )
				colorParticle( p, target->colors[n] );
		target->active = list.count();
		target->size = size;
int EddBM_consistencyCheck(struct SimData *SD) {
  // first check that all things in MLLr map to the right thing in MLL
  int MLLlocation;
  int moveIndex;
  int frozenEnabled = SD->flags & S12_FLAG_FROZEN;
  int connMax = SD->connMax;
  int retval=0;
  for (moveIndex=0 ; moveIndex<SD->lattSize * connMax ; moveIndex++) {
    if (SD->MLLr[moveIndex] != -1) {
      // if it exists in MLLr, it should be at that point in MLL
      if (moveIndex != SD->MLL[SD->MLLr[moveIndex]] ) {
	retval += 1;
	printf("error orjlhc\n");
  // Now check that all things in the MLL map to the right thing in
  // the MLLr
  for (MLLlocation=0 ; MLLlocation<(SD->lattSize*connMax) ; MLLlocation++) {
    if (MLLlocation < SD->MLLlen) {
      // if it's less than the list length, then it should be look-up able.
      if (MLLlocation != SD->MLLr[SD->MLL[MLLlocation]]) {
	retval += 1;
	printf("error mcaockr\n");
    else {
      // all these greater ones should be blank
      if (SD->MLL[MLLlocation] != -1) {
	retval += 1;
	printf("error rcaohantohk\n");
  // Now look and see if everything in MLLr is there if it needs to
  // be... 
  int pos, conni;
  for (pos=0 ; pos<SD->lattSize ; pos++) {
    if (SD->lattsite[pos] == S12_EMPTYSITE
	|| (frozenEnabled  &&  SD->frozen[pos]) ) {
      // be sure that it is not in any of the lookups.
      for (conni=0 ; conni<SD->connMax ; conni++) {
	if (SD->MLLr[pos*connMax + conni] != -1) {
	  retval += 1;
	  printf("error aroork\n");
    } else {
      // So we do have a particle here.  Be sure that it is correct...
      // basically reproduce the logic of the update function.
      for (conni=0 ; conni<SD->connMax ; conni++) {
	if (conni >= SD->connN[pos]) {
	  // if this is above our number of connections, it must be empty
	  if (SD->MLLr[pos*connMax + conni] != -1) {
	    retval += 1;
	    printf("error pvwho\n");
	// this is a real connection.
	moveIndex = pos*connMax + conni;
	int adjpos = SD->conn[moveIndex];
	if (SD->lattsite[adjpos] != S12_EMPTYSITE
	    || (frozenEnabled  &&  SD->frozen[adjpos]) ) {
	  // there is a neighboring particle, this move is not allowed.
	  if (SD->MLLr[pos*connMax + conni] != -1) {
	    retval += 1;
	    printf("error jrotaaor, pos:%d conni:%d adjpos:%d\n",
		   pos, conni, adjpos);
	} else {
	  // there is not a neighboring particle, so we have to do a
	  // move test.
	  moveParticle(SD, pos, adjpos);
	  if (energy_pos(SD, adjpos) == 1/0.) {
	    // not allowed to move here
	    if (SD->MLLr[moveIndex] != -1) {
	      retval += 1;
	      printf("error rcxaorhcu\n");
	  else {
	    // we are allowed to move there...
	    if (SD->MLLr[moveIndex] == -1) {
	      retval += 1;
	      printf("error ycorkon\n");
	      printf("... pos:%d adjpos:%d, conni:%d\n", pos, adjpos, conni);
	  moveParticle(SD, adjpos, pos);
int EddBM_cycle(struct SimData *SD, double n) {
  if (SD->flags & S12_FLAG_INCOMPAT & ~S12_FLAG_FROZEN ) {
    printf("Incompatible features seen: %d (bxcon)\n", SD->flags);
  if (SD->MLLlen == 0) {
    // If no moves are possible, then time passes by instantly.
    SD->MLLextraTime = 0;
  int frozenEnabled = SD->flags & S12_FLAG_FROZEN;

  int connMax = SD->connMax;
  int naccept = 0;
  struct LList llist; llist.n = 0;

  double maxTime = (double) n;
  double time = SD->MLLextraTime;
  if (time == -1.) {
    // pre-move, advance time until the first event.  Otherwise we
    // always end up moving right at time == 0
    double timestep = (SD->N * SD->connMax) / ((double)SD->MLLlen);
    timestep *= -log(genrand_real3());
    time = timestep;

  //printf("eddCycle: time:%f maxTime%f\n", time, maxTime);
  while (time < maxTime) {

    int movei = SD->MLL[(int)(SD->MLLlen*genrand_real2())];
    int oldpos = movei / connMax;
    int newpos = SD->conn[movei]; // movei = connMax*oldpos + moveConni
    if (debugedd)
      printf("move: moving from oldpos:%d to newpos:%d\n", oldpos, newpos);
    if (debugedd && frozenEnabled &&(SD->frozen[oldpos] || SD->frozen[newpos]))
      printf("error: lrmnwqrkao\n");
    moveParticle(SD, oldpos, newpos);  // should always be valid, else
				       // prev prob.
    if (SD->persist != NULL) {  // Update persistence function array if there
      SD->persist[oldpos] = 1;
      SD->persist[newpos] = 1;
    llist.n = 0;
    LlistAdd(&llist, oldpos);  // these are removed below, in the first loop.
    //EddBM_updateLatPos(SD, newpos);
    EddBM_updateLatPos2(SD, newpos, &llist);

    // Now, to update all data structures.
    int conni;
    // OLDpos neighbors
    for(conni=0 ; conni < SD->connN[oldpos] ; conni++) {
      // this test sees if we used to be able to move somewhere.  If we
      // used to be able to move, we have to remove it now.
      if (SD->MLLr[oldpos*connMax + conni] != -1) {
        removeFromMLL(SD, oldpos, conni);
      // Now handle adjecent particles, which can now move to the center
      // spot.
      int adjpos = SD->conn[oldpos*connMax + conni];
      if (SD->lattsite[adjpos] != S12_EMPTYSITE) {
        // our adjecent position is occupied, so it could move to oldpos
        // now (maybe).  Update it.
        //EddBM_updateLatPos(SD, adjpos);
        EddBM_updateLatPos2(SD, adjpos, &llist);
	//printf(" . updating neighbor: adjpos:%d\n", adjpos);
	// So neighbor is occpied, so it can be relayed through a
	// empty 2nd neighbor to a 3rd neighbor that has a particle in
	// it.
	int connii;
	for(connii=0 ; connii < SD->connN[adjpos] ; connii++) {
	  int adj2pos = SD->conn[adjpos*connMax + connii];
	  if (SD->lattsite[adj2pos] == S12_EMPTYSITE) {
	    //printf(" . examining empty 2nd neighbor: adj2pos:%d\n", adj2pos);
	    int conniii;
	    for(conniii=0 ; conniii < SD->connN[adj2pos] ; conniii++) {
	      int adj3pos = SD->conn[adj2pos*connMax + conniii];
	      if (SD->lattsite[adj3pos] != S12_EMPTYSITE) {
		//printf(" . updating 3rd neighbor: adj3pos:%d\n", adj3pos);
		//EddBM_updateLatPos(SD, adj3pos);
		EddBM_updateLatPos2(SD, adj3pos, &llist);
      //if (0) 1;
      else {
        // The adjecent position was not occupied, so there is no
        // particle there to move.  But the second-neighbors from here
        // *could* move to the adjpos...
        int connii;
        for(connii=0 ; connii < SD->connN[adjpos] ; connii++) {
	  int adj2pos = SD->conn[adjpos*connMax + connii];
	  if (SD->lattsite[adj2pos] != S12_EMPTYSITE) {
	    //EddBM_updateLatPos(SD, adj2pos);
	    EddBM_updateLatPos2(SD, adj2pos, &llist);
	    //printf(" . updating 2nd neighbor: adj2pos:%d\n", adj2pos);
    // NEWpos stuff
    //printf(" .=new neighbors:\n");
    // we already updated the new position of the moved particle above.
    // go over all neighbors...
    for(conni=0 ; conni < SD->connN[newpos] ; conni++) {
      // Handle adjecent particles, which can now move to the center
      // spot.
      int adjpos = SD->conn[newpos*connMax + conni];
      if (SD->lattsite[adjpos] != S12_EMPTYSITE) {
        // our adjecent position is occupied, so our move here might
        // restrict it some... like remove the move to where we are.
        //EddBM_updateLatPos(SD, adjpos);
        EddBM_updateLatPos2(SD, adjpos, &llist);
	//printf(" . updating neighbor: adjpos:%d\n", adjpos);

	// So neighbor is occpied, so it can be relayed through a
	// empty 2nd neighbor to a 3rd neighbor that has a particle in
	// it.
	int connii;
	for(connii=0 ; connii < SD->connN[adjpos] ; connii++) {
	  int adj2pos = SD->conn[adjpos*connMax + connii];
	  if (SD->lattsite[adj2pos] == S12_EMPTYSITE) {
	    //printf(" . examining empty 2nd neighbor: adj2pos:%d\n", adj2pos);
	    int conniii;
	    for(conniii=0 ; conniii < SD->connN[adj2pos] ; conniii++) {
	      int adj3pos = SD->conn[adj2pos*connMax + conniii];
	      if (SD->lattsite[adj3pos] != S12_EMPTYSITE) {
		//printf(" . updating 3rd neighbor: adj3pos:%d\n", adj3pos);
		//EddBM_updateLatPos(SD, adj3pos);
		EddBM_updateLatPos2(SD, adj3pos, &llist);

      //if (0) 1;
      else {
        // The adjecent position was not occupied, so there is no
        // particle there to move.  But the second-neighbors from here
        // *could* move to the adjpos...
        int connii;
        for(connii=0 ; connii < SD->connN[adjpos] ; connii++) {
  	int adj2pos = SD->conn[adjpos*connMax + connii];
  	if (SD->lattsite[adj2pos] != S12_EMPTYSITE) {
	  //printf(" . updating 2nd neighbor: adj2pos:%d\n", adj2pos);
  	  //EddBM_updateLatPos(SD, adj2pos);
  	  EddBM_updateLatPos2(SD, adj2pos, &llist);
    naccept += 1;
    // Advance time
    double timestep = (SD->N * SD->connMax) / ((double)SD->MLLlen);
    timestep *= -log(genrand_real3());  // exponential distribution of times.
                                        // genrand_real3()  -> (0, 1)
    time += timestep;
    //printf("interval: %f\n", (SD->N * SD->connMax) / (double)SD->MLLlen);
  // MLLextraTime is a positive, the amount to increment before our next stop.
  SD->MLLextraTime = time - maxTime;
  //printf("eddCycle: final time:%f maxTime:%f extraTime:%f\n", 
  // time, maxTime, SD->MLLextraTime);
