var Evalf(Var x, size_t y) { size_t z = mpf_get_default_prec(); mpf_set_default_prec((uint)(LOG_2_10 * y)); var r = Evalf(x); mpf_set_default_prec(z); if(FltQ(r)) mpf_set_prec(CFlt(r),(uint)(LOG_2_10 * y)); return r; }
static void precision_init(int prec) { int i; mpf_t f0; mpf_set_default_prec(prec); mpf_init2(epsilon, 2); mpf_init2(negepsilon, 2); mpf_init(recipeulere); mpf_init(pi); mpf_init(eulere); mpf_set_ui(epsilon, 1); mpf_div_2exp(epsilon, epsilon, prec); mpf_neg(negepsilon, epsilon); mpf_init(f0); mpf_set_ui(eulere, 1); mpf_set_ui(f0, 1); for (i=1;; i++) { mpf_div_ui(f0, f0, i); if (mpf_cmp(f0, epsilon) < 0) { break; } mpf_add(eulere, eulere, f0); } mpf_clear(f0); mpf_ui_div(recipeulere, 1, eulere); compute_pi(prec); }
void test_denorms (int prc) { #ifdef _GMP_IEEE_FLOATS double d1, d2; mpf_t f; int i; mpf_set_default_prec (prc); mpf_init (f); d1 = 1.9; for (i = 0; i < 820; i++) { mpf_set_d (f, d1); d2 = mpf_get_d (f); if (d1 != d2) abort (); d1 *= 0.4; } mpf_clear (f); #endif }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned bits; double start, end; mpf_t e; if(argc < 2) { usage(argv); } bits = atoi(argv[1]); if(bits == 0) { usage(argv); } printf("Calculating e..."); fflush(stdout); start = currentTime(); mpf_set_default_prec(bits); mpf_init(e); calculateE(bits, e); end = currentTime(); printf("\ne = "); mpf_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, e); printf("\n"); printf("total elapsed time : %.2f seconds\n", end - start); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv[]) { NLSystemContext ctx; bool inBounds; uint32 i; //Set default precision for GNU MP: mpf_set_default_prec(256); //Initialize our bigFloat arrays: initArray(state, in_systemVars, 39); initArray(minBounds, in_minBounds, 39); initArray(maxBounds, in_maxBounds, 39); //Initialize our NLSystemContext: initNLSystemContext(&ctx, state, minBounds, maxBounds, 39); //Run the main non-linear function: Jianmin(&ctx); //Check to make sure the system stayed within constraints: inBounds = checkBounds(&ctx, 39); if(inBounds == false) { printf("\nThe system strayed outside of its constraints! Please check your math.\n"); } //free up the memory GNU MP allocated behind the scenes: clearArray(state, 39); clearArray(minBounds, 39); clearArray(maxBounds, 39); return 0; }
int libgretl_mpi_init (int self, int np, int dcmt) { int err; libset_init(); /* let geneval know */ set_mpi_rank_and_size(self, np); /* load MPI library functions */ err = gretl_MPI_init(); if (err) { return err; } if (dcmt && np > 1) { /* use DCMT for multiple RNGs */ gretl_dcmt_init(np, self, 4172); } else { /* just use one RNG */ gretl_rand_init(); } gretl_xml_init(); gretl_stopwatch_init(); mpf_set_default_prec(get_mp_bits()); /* be relatively quiet by default */ set_gretl_echo(0); set_gretl_messages(0); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { mpf_t a_k; int prec, nbits; prec = 120; /* Set the precision (number of binary bits) */ /* We need more bits than what what is available, for intermediate calcs */ nbits = 3.3*prec; mpf_set_default_prec (nbits+200); mpf_init(a_k); printf("#\n# The topsin series a_k\n#\n"); int k; double akprev=0.0; for (k=0; k<95001; k++) { topsin_series(a_k, k, prec); double ak = mpf_get_d(a_k); printf("%d %20.16g %20.16g\n", k, ak, ak+akprev); akprev = ak; } return 0; }
int main ( int argc, const char *argv[] ) { mpf_set_default_prec ( 65536 ); try { std::cin.imbue ( std::locale ( std::locale(), new cf_reader ) ); const std::string mixed ( argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "" ); const Commons::Math::gmp_rational &r ( Commons::Math::cf ( std::istream_iterator<Commons::Math::gmp_rational::integer_type> ( std::cin ), std::istream_iterator<Commons::Math::gmp_rational::integer_type>() ) ); if ( mixed == "-m" || mixed == "--mixed" ) { std::string ms ( r.str ( true ) ); std::cout << ms.replace ( ms.find_first_of ( ' ' ), 1u, "+" ) << std::endl; } else { std::cout << r << std::endl; } } catch ( const std::exception &e ) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { mpf_set_default_prec(300000); mpf_class x0, y0, resA, resB, Z; x0 = 1; y0 = 0.5; Z = 0.25; mpf_sqrt(y0.get_mpf_t(), y0.get_mpf_t()); int n = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { agm(resA, resB, x0, y0); Z -= n * (resA - x0) * (resA - x0); n *= 2; agm(x0, y0, resA, resB); Z -= n * (x0 - resA) * (x0 - resA); n *= 2; } x0 = x0 * x0 / Z; gmp_printf ("%.100000Ff\n", x0.get_mpf_t()); return 0; }
int main (void) { mpf_set_default_prec (300000); mpf_t x0, y0, resA, resB, Z, var; mpf_init_set_ui (x0, 1); mpf_init_set_d (y0, 0.5); mpf_sqrt (y0, y0); mpf_init (resA); mpf_init (resB); mpf_init_set_d (Z, 0.25); mpf_init (var); int n = 1; for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ agm(x0, y0, resA, resB); mpf_sub(var, resA, x0); mpf_mul(var, var, var); mpf_mul_ui(var, var, n); mpf_sub(Z, Z, var); n += n; agm(resA, resB, x0, y0); mpf_sub(var, x0, resA); mpf_mul(var, var, var); mpf_mul_ui(var, var, n); mpf_sub(Z, Z, var); n += n; } mpf_mul(x0, x0, x0); mpf_div(x0, x0, Z); gmp_printf ("%.100000Ff\n", x0); return 0; }
pade_interpolator::pade_interpolator(const alps::params &p){ pade_mu_=p["PADE_NUMERATOR_DEGREE"]; pade_nu_=p["PADE_DENOMINATOR_DEGREE"]; if(pade_mu_+pade_nu_ +1 != p["NDAT"]) throw std::runtime_error("Ill defined interpolation: please make sure that numerator degree + denominator degree + 1 = # of data points"); mpf_set_default_prec(p["FLOAT_PRECISION"]|256); find_epsilon(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { unsigned bits; double start, end; if ( argc < 2 ) { usage( argv ); } bits = atoi( argv[1] ); if ( bits == 0 ) { usage( argv ); } printf( "Calculating pi..." ); fflush( stdout ); start = currentTime( ); mpf_set_default_prec( bits ); mpf_class pi; calculatePi( bits, pi ); end = currentTime( ); printf( "\npi = " ); mpf_out_str( stdout, 10, 0, pi.get_mpf_t( ) ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "total elapsed time : %.2f seconds\n", end - start ); return 0; }
void KNumber::setDefaultFloatPrecision(unsigned int prec) { // Need to transform decimal digits into binary digits unsigned long int bin_prec = static_cast<unsigned long int> (double(prec) * M_LN10 / M_LN2 + 1); mpf_set_default_prec(bin_prec); }
void libgretl_init (void) { libset_init(); gretl_rand_init(); gretl_xml_init(); gretl_stopwatch_init(); mpf_set_default_prec(get_mp_bits()); }
void setPrec(int prec) /***************************************************************\ * USAGE: set default precision * \***************************************************************/ { mpf_set_default_prec(prec); return; }
/* Constructor and destructor for Lambda fractal. */ static lambda_t* constructor_lambda(const ordinal_number_t iteration_steps, long long int prec, const char args[]) { lambda_t* context; char* real_param; char* imaginary_param; char* args_help; /* Get memory for the fractal context. */ if (!(context=malloc(sizeof(lambda_t)))) return NULL; mpf_set_default_prec(sizeof(char)*prec); mpf_init(Re(context->lambda)); mpf_init(Im(context->lambda)); /* Set the fractal context. */ context->iteration_steps=iteration_steps; if(args!=NULL) { if (strchr(args, ',')==NULL) { real_param=malloc(sizeof(char)*(prec+1)); sscanf(args,"%s",real_param); mpf_set_str(Re(context->lambda),real_param,10); mpf_set_str(Im(context->lambda),"0",10); free(real_param); } else { args_help=malloc(sizeof(args)); strcpy(args_help,args); real_param=strtok(args_help,","); imaginary_param=strtok(NULL,"\0"); mpf_set_str(Re(context->lambda),real_param,10); mpf_set_str(Im(context->lambda),imaginary_param,10); free(args_help); } } else { mpf_set_si(Re(context->lambda),1); mpf_set_si(Im(context->lambda),0); } context->prec=prec; #ifdef DEBUG gmp_fprintf(stderr,"Lambda parameter: %F.10f,%F.10f\n",Re(context->lambda),Im(context->lambda)); #endif /* Return the handle. */ return context; }
void gmp_monte_carlo_par (int numthr, int numpts) { /*Para realizar o metodo Monte Carlo foi utilizado uma circunferencia de raio igual a 1 (para facilitar a comparacao que verifica se o ponto esta dentro da circunferencia) inscrita em uma quadrado de lado igual a 2. Foi considerado apenas o primeiro quadrante, pois assim as coordenadas dos pontos variam de 0 a 1. */ int i =0; mpf_t pi; mpf_t intern_points, total_points, ratio; pthread_t tabela_thr[1000]; /*Variavel que armazena quantos pontos vao ficar dentro da circunferencia*/ /*A precisao padrao sera no minimo 10.000.000*log10.*/ mpf_set_default_prec (34000000); /*O objeto mpf_t deve ser inicializado antes de receber algum valor.*/ mpf_init(pi),mpf_init(intern_points),mpf_init(total_points),mpf_init(ratio); /* Inicializa a semente para calcular o valor aleatorio*/ srand (time(NULL)); /* Para uma quantidade de quase 1 bi de pontos*/ i=0; if(numthr>1000) numthr=1000; while(i<numthr) { //printf("\nIniciando Thread: %d", i); mpf_init(param[i].intern_points); mpf_init(param[i].total_points); param[i].numpoints=numpts; pthread_create(&tabela_thr[i], NULL, (void*)&montecarlo_thr, (void*) & param[i]); i++; } i=0; while(i<numthr){ pthread_join(tabela_thr[i], NULL); mpf_add(intern_points,intern_points,param[i].intern_points); mpf_add(total_points,total_points,param[i].total_points); i++; } /*calculando o valor de pi pi = 4* (double) intern_points /total_points */ mpf_div (ratio,intern_points,total_points); /*ratio = intern_points / total_points*/ mpf_mul_ui (pi,ratio,4); /* pi = 4*ratio*/ mpf_out_str (stdout,10,10000000,pi); }
void my_out_str_raw(FILE *fp, unsigned long digits, mpf_t f, unsigned long offset) { unsigned long d; if (digits <= LINE_SIZE*NUM_BLOCKS) { unsigned long cursor = offset % LINE_SIZE; for (d = 0; d < digits; ) { mpf_set_prec_raw(f, (int)((digits-d)*BITS_PER_DIGIT+1)); mpf_mul_ui(f, f, UNIT_MOD); unsigned long i = mpf_get_ui(f); mpf_sub_ui(f, f, i); utoa(i, UNIT_SIZE); *out_ptr++ = ' '; d += UNIT_SIZE; cursor += UNIT_SIZE; if (cursor == LINE_SIZE) { cursor = 0; *out_ptr++ = ':'; *out_ptr++ = ' '; utoa(offset + d, 0); *out_ptr++ = '\n'; if ((offset + d) % (LINE_SIZE*10) == 0) flush_out(fp); } } } else { mpf_t block, mod; unsigned long num_units = (digits + UNIT_SIZE-1)/UNIT_SIZE; unsigned long block_size = (num_units + NUM_BLOCKS-1)/NUM_BLOCKS*UNIT_SIZE; mpf_set_default_prec((int)(block_size*BITS_PER_DIGIT+1)); mpf_init(block); mpf_init_set_ui(mod, 10); mpf_pow_ui(mod, mod, block_size); for (d = 0; d < digits; d += block_size) { unsigned long size = block_size < digits - d ? block_size : digits - d; mpf_set_prec_raw(block, (int)(size*BITS_PER_DIGIT+1)); mpf_set(block, f); my_out_str_raw(fp, size, block, offset+d); if (block_size < digits - d) { mpf_set_prec_raw(f, (int)((digits-d)*BITS_PER_DIGIT+1)); mpf_mul(f, f, mod); mpf_floor(trunk, f); mpf_sub(f, f, trunk); } } mpf_clear(block); mpf_clear(mod); } }
/* New calculate function. */ ordinal_number_t cache_calculator(render_t* handle,const view_position_t render_position) { /* Volatile data. */ ordinal_number_t* help; complex_number_t complex_position; view_position_t shift; real_number_t scaling_factor; mpf_t help_mpf; mpf_t help_two; mpf_set_default_prec(sizeof(char)*handle->prec); mpf_init(help_mpf); mpf_init(Re(complex_position)); mpf_init(Im(complex_position)); mpf_init(scaling_factor); mpf_init(help_two); /* Check if the point has been calculated already. */ help=handle->points+render_position.y*handle->geometry.width+render_position.x; if(*help==0) { /* Has not been calculated till now, calculate the iteration. */ /* Precalculate scaling factor and center shift for speed reasons. */ mpf_div_ui(scaling_factor,handle->scale,handle->geometry.width); shift.x=handle->geometry.width/2; shift.y=handle->geometry.height/2; /* Calculate the iteration. */ mpf_set_si(help_two,(render_position.x-shift.x)); mpf_mul(help_mpf,scaling_factor,help_two); mpf_add(complex_position.real_part,help_mpf,handle->center.real_part); mpf_set_si(help_two,(render_position.y-shift.y)); mpf_mul(help_mpf,scaling_factor,help_two); mpf_sub(Im(complex_position),Im(handle->center),help_mpf); *help=(*handle->fractal_facility->facility.fractal.calculate_function)(handle->fractal,&complex_position); } mpf_clear(help_mpf); mpf_clear(Re(complex_position)); mpf_clear(Im(complex_position)); mpf_clear(scaling_factor); mpf_clear(help_two); /* Return the iteration. */ return(*help); //return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int d = 20; //dokladnosc int n = 0; //ilosc liczb int p = 1; //okres if(argc > 1) { d = atoi(argv[1]); } double bits_per_digit = 3.32192809488736234789; //log2(10) //mpf_set_default_prec((21+d)*bits_per_digit + 1); //bo d dotyczy tego co po kropce, a z przodu moze byc jeszcze jakies ok. 20 cyfr dla 2^64 //a jednak wincyj niz 20, jak w wariancji w przykladzie 4, jest jakies 40 przed kropka.. //no i jak to oszacowac? moze po prostu od razu 100, po co sie rozdrabniac? mpf_set_default_prec((100+d)*bits_per_digit + 1); std::string sxn; mpf_class xn;xn = 0; mpf_class xn_sum; xn_sum = 0; mpf_class xn_2sum; xn_2sum = 0; std::vector<float> XXX; float closeInaf; while(std::cin >> sxn) { xn = sxn; xn_sum += xn; xn_2sum += (xn*xn); closeInaf = (float)xn.get_d(); XXX.push_back(closeInaf); if(n!= 0 && XXX[n-p] != closeInaf) { p++; } n+=1; } mpf_class avg = xn_sum / n; mpf_class vari = (xn_2sum / n) - avg*avg; std::cout.setf(std::ios_base::fixed); std::cout << fixed(avg, d) << std::endl; //std::cout << avg.get_str(exp, 10, (size_t)d) << std::endl; std::cout << fixed(vari, d) << std::endl; std::cout << p << "\n"; return 0; }
/* Constructor and destructor for recurse render function. */ static render_t* constructor( const complex_number_t center, const view_dimension_t geometry, const real_number_t scale, const plugin_facility_t* fractal_facility, const plugin_facility_t* output_facility, const void* fractal, const void* output, const char args[], long long int prec) { render_t* context; /* Check if parameter was given, */ if(args==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"You have to specify render parameters\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Render parameter is: %s\n",args); #endif /* Get memory for the fractal context. */ if (!(context=malloc(sizeof(render_t)))) return NULL; VARCOPY(context->prec,prec); mpf_set_default_prec(sizeof(char)*prec); /* Set the fractal context. */ mpf_init(context->center.real_part); mpf_init(context->center.imaginary_part); mpf_init(context->scale); mpf_set(context->center.real_part,Re(center)); mpf_set(context->center.imaginary_part,Im(center)); VARCOPY(context->geometry,geometry); mpf_set(context->scale,scale); VARCOPY(context->fractal_facility,fractal_facility); VARCOPY(context->output_facility,output_facility); VARCOPY(context->fractal,fractal); VARCOPY(context->output,output); sscanf(args,"%d", &context->param); /* Return the handle. */ return context; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { mpf_t sq_me, sq_out, test; mpf_set_default_prec (10000); mpf_init(sq_me); mpf_init(sq_out); mpf_init(test); mpf_set_str (sq_me, argv[1], 10); mpf_sqrt(sq_out, sq_me); mpf_mul(test,sq_out,sq_out); gmp_printf ("Input: %Ff\n\n", sq_me); gmp_printf ("Square root: %.200Ff\n\n", sq_out); gmp_printf ("Re-squared: %Ff\n\n", test); return 0; }
// The Brent-Salamin algorithm int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) return -1; int n = (int)strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); mpf_set_default_prec(1000); mpf_t a, b, t, c, sum; // a=1 mpf_init_set_ui(a, 1); mpf_init_set_ui(sum, 0); mpf_init(b); mpf_init(t); mpf_init(c); mpf_init(sum); // b=1/sqrt(2) mpf_sqrt_ui(b, 2); mpf_ui_div(b, 1, b); // n次迭代的误差小于\frac{2^{n+9}}{20^{2n+1}} for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { // t=(a+b)/2 mpf_add(t, a, b); mpf_div_ui(t, t, 2); // b=sqrt(a*b); mpf_mul(b, a, b); mpf_sqrt(b, b); // a=t mpf_swap(t, a); mpf_mul(t, a, a); mpf_mul(c, b, b); mpf_sub(c, t, c); mpf_mul_2exp(c, c, i + 1); mpf_add(sum, sum, c); } mpf_mul(t, a, a); mpf_mul_ui(t, t, 4); mpf_ui_sub(sum, 1, sum); mpf_div(t, t, sum); mpf_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, t); printf("\n"); mpf_clear(a); mpf_clear(b); mpf_clear(t); mpf_clear(c); mpf_clear(sum); return 0; }
int main(void) { int i ; char buf[4096] ; mpf_t x, y , result ; mpf_set_default_prec(LIMIT); mpf_init ( x ); mpf_init ( y ); mpf_init (result) ; mpf_set_str(result, "1" , 10 ); for ( i = 1 ; i < LIMIT ; i++ ) { sprintf ( buf , "%d" , (2*i + 1) ) ; mpf_set_str(x, buf , 10 ); mpf_ui_div (y, 1, x) ; if ( i % 2 ) { mpf_sub ( x , result , y ) ; mpf_set (result , x) ; } else { mpf_add ( x , result , y ) ; mpf_set (result , x) ; } } mpf_mul_ui (x, result, 4 ) ; printf("\n pi = " ) ; mpf_out_str (stdout , 10, 0, x) ; printf ("\n") ; mpf_clear (x); mpf_clear (y); mpf_clear (result); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { clock_t begin, end; mpf_set_default_prec(BITS_PER_DIGIT*DIGITS); //mpf_set_default_prec(4096); begin = clock(); mpf_init(x); mpf_init(y); mpf_init(p); mpf_init(aux1); mpf_init(aux2); mpf_init(sqrtx); mpf_init(invsqrtx); /* x = sqrt(2)*/ mpf_set_ui(x, 2); mpf_sqrt(x, x); /* y = sqrt(sqrt(2)) = sqrt(x)*/ mpf_sqrt(y, x); /* p = 2 + sqrt(2) = 2 + x*/ mpf_add_ui(p, x, 2); for (i=0; i<24; i++) { mpf_sqrt(sqrtx, x); mpf_ui_div(invsqrtx, 1, sqrtx); pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread1, NULL); pthread_create(&t2, NULL, thread2, NULL); pthread_join(t1, NULL); pthread_join(t2, NULL); mpf_div(p, aux1, aux2); //Para ver os valores de pi a cada iteracao //mpf_out_str(stdout, 10, DIGITS, p); } mpf_out_str(stdout, 10, DIGITS, p); mpf_clear(x); mpf_clear(y); mpf_clear(p); mpf_clear(aux1); mpf_clear(aux2); mpf_clear(sqrtx); mpf_clear(invsqrtx); end = clock(); printf("Took %lfs\n", (double)(end-begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); pthread_exit(0); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { mpf_t mpfVal,mpf1; unsigned long i; mpf_set_default_prec(9000); mpf_init_set_ui(mpf1,1); printf ("%ld\n",mpf_get_default_prec()); for (i=997; i>=997; i--) { mpf_init(mpfVal); mpf_div_ui(mpfVal,mpf1,i); printf("%ld: ",i); (void) mpf_out_str(stdout,10,2000,mpfVal); mpf_clear(mpfVal); } }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { mpf_t a_k; int prec, nbits; prec = 50; /* Set the precision (number of binary bits) */ /* We need more bits than what what is available, for intermediate calcs */ nbits = 3.3*prec; mpf_set_default_prec (nbits+200); mpf_init(a_k); // a_1 should be -2pi topsin_series(a_k, 1, prec); double twopi = mpf_get_d(a_k); twopi += 2.0*M_PI; if (fabs(twopi) > 1.0e-16) printf("Error at k=1: %g\n", twopi); // a_2 should be +2pi topsin_series(a_k, 2, prec); twopi = mpf_get_d(a_k); twopi -= 2.0*M_PI; if (fabs(twopi) > 1.0e-16) printf("Error at k=2: %g\n", twopi); // a_3 should be 2pi (3-2pi^2) / 3 = -35.05851693322 double x; bool fail = false; for (x=0.95; x>-0.95; x -= 0.018756) { bool result = sum_test(x, prec); fail = fail || result; printf("."); fflush(stdout); } printf("\n"); if (fail) printf("Error: test failed\n"); else printf("Success: test worked\n"); return 0; }
int main (void) { mpf_set_default_prec (65568); mpf_t x0, y0, resA, resB; mpf_init_set_ui (y0, 1); mpf_init_set_d (x0, 0.5); mpf_sqrt (x0, x0); mpf_init (resA); mpf_init (resB); for(int i=0; i<7; i++){ agm(x0, y0, resA, resB); agm(resA, resB, x0, y0); } gmp_printf ("%.20000Ff\n", x0); gmp_printf ("%.20000Ff\n\n", y0); return 0; }
/** * void initAttributes() * * Descricao: * Inicializa as variaveis globas e atribui os valores iniciais necessarios para a execucao do algoritmo * Gauss-Legendre. * * Parametros de entrada: * - * * Parametros de retorno: * - */ void initAttributes(){ /* Atribui como precisao default 10 milhoes de casas decimais. A funcao mpf_set_default_prec() tem como parametro de entrada * a precisao desejada em bits, ou seja, e necessario utilizar a conversao (log de 2 na base 10)*10 milhoes para obter o valor correto. */ mpf_set_default_prec((log(10)/log(2))*10000000); int i; mpf_t sqrt2; // Variavel auxiliar para o calculo de b0 mpf_t b0; // Variavel auxiliar para o calculo de b0 n_count = 0; /* Arrays de variaveis utilizadas pelo algoritmo. Como o algoritmo converge para o valor correto do "pi" com 45 milhoes de casas decimais * em apenas 25 iteracoes, serao utilizado arrays com 25 posicoes */ a_n = (mpf_t*) malloc(25*sizeof(mpf_t)); b_n = (mpf_t*) malloc(25*sizeof(mpf_t)); t_n = (mpf_t*) malloc(25*sizeof(mpf_t)); p_n = (mpf_t*) malloc(25*sizeof(mpf_t)); pi = (mpf_t*) malloc(25*sizeof(mpf_t)); for(i=0; i<25; i++){ mpf_init(a_n[i]); mpf_init(b_n[i]); mpf_init(p_n[i]); mpf_init(t_n[i]); mpf_init(pi[i]); } /* Atribuicao dos valores iniciais */ mpf_init(sqrt2); mpf_init(b0); mpf_sqrt_ui(sqrt2, 2); mpf_ui_div(b0, 1, sqrt2); mpf_set_d(a_n[n_count], 1.0); mpf_set(b_n[n_count], b0); mpf_set_d(t_n[n_count], 0.25); mpf_set_d(p_n[n_count], 1.0); }
FractalTexture::FractalTexture() #ifndef ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_USE_C : m_xUpLt(ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , m_yUpLt(ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , m_xCenter(ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , m_yCenter(ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , m_width (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , m_height (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , m_xPos (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , m_yPos (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , xPos (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , yPos (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , xPos2 (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , yPos2 (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) , tmp (ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC) #endif { #ifdef ROE_FRACTAL_USE_GMP mpf_set_default_prec(ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC); //setting the default precision #endif #ifdef ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_USE_C gmpcInit({&m_xUpLt,&m_yUpLt,&m_xCenter,&m_yCenter,&m_width,&m_height}); gmpcInit({&m_xPos,&m_yPos,&xPos,&yPos,&xPos2,&yPos2,&tmp}); setPrecision(ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC); mpf_set_d(m_xCenter, 0.0); mpf_set_d(m_yCenter, 0.0); mpf_set_d(m_width , 4.0); mpf_set_d(m_height , 4.0); #else setPrecision(ROE_FRACTAL_GMP_PREC); m_width = 4; m_height = 4; m_xCenter = 0.0; m_yCenter = 0.0; #endif updateCorners(); m_innerR = m_innerG = m_innerB = 0; //black inner color = nullptr; }