int smpi_coll_tuned_allreduce_redbcast(void *buf, void *buf2, int count,
                                       MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op,
                                       MPI_Comm comm)
  mpi_coll_reduce_fun(buf, buf2, count, datatype, op, 0, comm);
  mpi_coll_bcast_fun(buf2, count, datatype, 0, comm);
  return MPI_SUCCESS;
// Allgather - gather/bcast algorithm
int smpi_coll_tuned_allgather_GB(void *send_buff, int send_count,
                                 MPI_Datatype send_type, void *recv_buff,
                                 int recv_count, MPI_Datatype recv_type,
                                 MPI_Comm comm)
  int num_procs;
  num_procs = smpi_comm_size(comm);
  smpi_mpi_gather(send_buff, send_count, send_type, recv_buff, recv_count, recv_type,
             0, comm);
  mpi_coll_bcast_fun(recv_buff, (recv_count * num_procs), recv_type, 0, comm);

  return MPI_SUCCESS;
// Allgather - gather/bcast algorithm
int smpi_coll_tuned_allgatherv_GB(void *send_buff, int send_count,
                                  MPI_Datatype send_type, void *recv_buff,
                                  int *recv_counts, int *recv_disps, MPI_Datatype recv_type,
                                  MPI_Comm comm)
    smpi_mpi_gatherv(send_buff, send_count, send_type, recv_buff, recv_counts,
                     recv_disps, recv_type, 0, comm);
    int num_procs, i, current, max = 0;
    num_procs = smpi_comm_size(comm);
    for (i = 0; i < num_procs; i++) {
        current = recv_disps[i] + recv_counts[i];
        if (current > max)
            max = current;
    mpi_coll_bcast_fun(recv_buff, max, recv_type, 0, comm);

    return MPI_SUCCESS;
int smpi_coll_tuned_allgather_mvapich2_smp(void *sendbuf,int sendcnt, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
                            void *recvbuf, int recvcnt,MPI_Datatype recvtype,
                            MPI_Comm  comm)
    int rank, size;
    int local_rank, local_size;
    int leader_comm_size = 0; 
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Aint recvtype_extent = 0;  /* Datatype extent */
    MPI_Comm shmem_comm, leader_comm;

    if(!smpi_comm_is_uniform(comm) || !smpi_comm_is_blocked(comm))
    THROWF(arg_error,0, "allgather MVAPICH2 smp algorithm can't be used with irregular deployment. Please insure that processes deployed on the same node are contiguous and that each node has the same number of processes");
    if (recvcnt == 0) {
        return MPI_SUCCESS;

    rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);
    size = smpi_comm_size(comm);

    /* extract the rank,size information for the intra-node communicator */
    shmem_comm = smpi_comm_get_intra_comm(comm);
    local_rank = smpi_comm_rank(shmem_comm);
    local_size = smpi_comm_size(shmem_comm);

    if (local_rank == 0) {
        /* Node leader. Extract the rank, size information for the leader communicator */
        leader_comm = smpi_comm_get_leaders_comm(comm);
          leader_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
        leader_comm_size = smpi_comm_size(leader_comm);

    /*If there is just one node, after gather itself,
     * root has all the data and it can do bcast*/
    if(local_rank == 0) {
        mpi_errno = mpi_coll_gather_fun(sendbuf, sendcnt,sendtype, 
                                    (void*)((char*)recvbuf + (rank * recvcnt * recvtype_extent)), 
                                     recvcnt, recvtype,
                                     0, shmem_comm);
    } else {
        /*Since in allgather all the processes could have 
         * its own data in place*/
        if(sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {
            mpi_errno = mpi_coll_gather_fun((void*)((char*)recvbuf + (rank * recvcnt * recvtype_extent)), 
                                         recvcnt , recvtype, 
                                         recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype,
                                         0, shmem_comm);
        } else {
            mpi_errno = mpi_coll_gather_fun(sendbuf, sendcnt,sendtype, 
                                         recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype,
                                         0, shmem_comm);
    /* Exchange the data between the node leaders*/
    if (local_rank == 0 && (leader_comm_size > 1)) {
        /*When data in each socket is different*/
        if (smpi_comm_is_uniform(comm) != 1) {

            int *displs = NULL;
            int *recvcnts = NULL;
            int *node_sizes = NULL;
            int i = 0;

            node_sizes = smpi_comm_get_non_uniform_map(comm);

            displs = xbt_malloc(sizeof (int) * leader_comm_size);
            recvcnts = xbt_malloc(sizeof (int) * leader_comm_size);
            if (!displs || !recvcnts) {
                return MPI_ERR_OTHER;
            recvcnts[0] = node_sizes[0] * recvcnt;
            displs[0] = 0;

            for (i = 1; i < leader_comm_size; i++) {
                displs[i] = displs[i - 1] + node_sizes[i - 1] * recvcnt;
                recvcnts[i] = node_sizes[i] * recvcnt;

            void* sendbuf=((char*)recvbuf)+smpi_datatype_get_extent(recvtype)*displs[smpi_comm_rank(leader_comm)];

            mpi_errno = mpi_coll_allgatherv_fun(sendbuf,
                                       recvbuf, recvcnts,
                                       displs, recvtype,
        } else {
        void* sendtmpbuf=((char*)recvbuf)+smpi_datatype_get_extent(recvtype)*(recvcnt*local_size)*smpi_comm_rank(leader_comm);

            mpi_errno = smpi_coll_tuned_allgather_mpich(sendtmpbuf, 
                                               recvbuf, (recvcnt*local_size), recvtype,


    /*Bcast the entire data from node leaders to all other cores*/
    mpi_errno = mpi_coll_bcast_fun (recvbuf, recvcnt * size, recvtype, 0, shmem_comm);
    return mpi_errno;