static struct dbf *dbf_open_file(TABDCA *dca, int mode)
{     /* open xBASE data file */
      struct dbf *dbf;
      /* create control structure */
      dbf = xmalloc(sizeof(struct dbf));
      dbf->mode = mode;
      dbf->fname = NULL;
      dbf->fp = NULL;
      if (setjmp(dbf->jump)) goto fail;
      dbf->offset = 0;
      dbf->count = 0;
      dbf->nf = 0;
      /* try to open the xBASE data file */
      if (mpl_tab_num_args(dca) < 2)
      {  xprintf("xBASE driver: file name not specified\n");
         longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
      dbf->fname = xmalloc(strlen(mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2))+1);
      strcpy(dbf->fname, mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2));
      if (mode == 'R')
      {  /* open the file for reading */
         dbf->fp = fopen(dbf->fname, "rb");
         if (dbf->fp == NULL)
         {  xprintf("xBASE driver: unable to open %s - %s\n",
               dbf->fname, strerror(errno));
            longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
         read_header(dca, dbf);
      else if (mode == 'W')
      {  /* open the file for writing */
         if (mpl_tab_num_args(dca) < 3)
         {  xprintf("xBASE driver: file format not specified\n");
            longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
         parse_third_arg(dca, dbf);
         dbf->fp = fopen(dbf->fname, "wb");
         if (dbf->fp == NULL)
         {  xprintf("xBASE driver: unable to create %s - %s\n",
               dbf->fname, strerror(errno));
            longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
         write_header(dca, dbf);
         xassert(mode != mode);
      /* the file has been open */
      return dbf;
fail: /* the file cannot be open */
      if (dbf->fname != NULL) xfree(dbf->fname);
      if (dbf->fp != NULL) fclose(dbf->fp);
      return NULL;
static char *db_generate_select_stmt(TABDCA *dca)
/* generate select statement */
   char        *arg;
   char const  *field;
   char        *query;
   int          j;
   int          narg;
   int          nf;
   int          total;

   total = 50;
   nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
   narg = mpl_tab_num_args(dca);
   for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
      field = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j);
      total += strlen(field);
      total += 2;
   arg = (char *) mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, narg);
   total += strlen(arg);
   query = xmalloc( total * sizeof(char));
   strcpy (query, "SELECT ");
   for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
      field = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j);
      strcat(query, field);
      if ( j < nf )
         strcat(query, ", ");
   strcat(query, " FROM ");
   strcat(query, arg);
   return query;
static char *db_generate_insert_stmt(TABDCA *dca)
/* generate insert statement */
   char        *arg;
   char const  *field;
   char        *query;
   int          j;
   int          narg;
   int          nf;
   int          total;

   total = 50;
   nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
   narg = mpl_tab_num_args(dca);
   for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
      field = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j);
      total += strlen(field);
      total += 5;
   arg = (char *) mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, narg);
   total += strlen(arg);
   query = xmalloc( (total+1) * sizeof(char));
   strcpy (query, "INSERT INTO ");
   strcat(query, arg);
   strcat(query, " ( ");
   for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
      field = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j);
      strcat(query, field);
      if ( j < nf )
         strcat(query, ", ");
   strcat(query, " ) VALUES ( ");
   for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
      strcat(query, "?");
      if ( j < nf )
         strcat(query, ", ");
   strcat(query, " )");
   return query;
static struct csv *csv_open_file(TABDCA *dca, int mode)
{     /* open csv data file */
      struct csv *csv;
      /* create control structure */
      csv = xmalloc(sizeof(struct csv));
      csv->mode = mode;
      csv->fname = NULL;
      csv->fp = NULL;
      if (setjmp(csv->jump)) goto fail;
      csv->count = 0;
      csv->c = '\n';
      csv->what = 0;
      csv->field[0] = '\0';
      csv->nf = 0;
      /* try to open the csv data file */
      if (mpl_tab_num_args(dca) < 2)
      {  xprintf("csv_driver: file name not specified\n");
         longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
      csv->fname = xmalloc(strlen(mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2))+1);
      strcpy(csv->fname, mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2));
      if (mode == 'R')
      {  /* open the file for reading */
         int k;
         csv->fp = fopen(csv->fname, "r");
         if (csv->fp == NULL)
         {  xprintf("csv_driver: unable to open %s - %s\n",
               csv->fname, strerror(errno));
            longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
#if 1 /* 01/VI-2010 */
         csv->nskip = 0;
         /* skip fake new-line */
         xassert(csv->what == CSV_EOR);
         /* read field names */
         xassert(csv->nf == 0);
         for (;;)
         {  read_field(csv);
            if (csv->what == CSV_EOR)
            if (csv->what != CSV_STR)
            {  xprintf("%s:%d: invalid field name\n", csv->fname,
               longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
            if (csv->nf == CSV_FIELD_MAX)
            {  xprintf("%s:%d: too many fields\n", csv->fname,
               longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
            /* find corresponding field in the table statement */
            for (k = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca); k >= 1; k--)
            {  if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k), csv->field) == 0)
            csv->ref[csv->nf] = k;
         /* find dummy RECNO field in the table statement */
         for (k = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca); k >= 1; k--)
            if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k), "RECNO") == 0) break;
         csv->ref[0] = k;
      else if (mode == 'W')
      {  /* open the file for writing */
         int k, nf;
         csv->fp = fopen(csv->fname, "w");
         if (csv->fp == NULL)
         {  xprintf("csv_driver: unable to create %s - %s\n",
               csv->fname, strerror(errno));
            longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
         /* write field names */
         nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
         for (k = 1; k <= nf; k++)
            fprintf(csv->fp, "%s%c", mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k),
               k < nf ? ',' : '\n');
         xassert(mode != mode);
      /* the file has been open */
      return csv;
fail: /* the file cannot be open */
      if (csv->fname != NULL) xfree(csv->fname);
      if (csv->fp != NULL) fclose(csv->fp);
      return NULL;
static void *db_iodbc_open_int(TABDCA *dca, int mode, const char
   struct db_odbc    *sql;
   SQLRETURN          ret;
   SQLCHAR FAR       *dsn;
   SQLCHAR            info[256];
   SQLSMALLINT        colnamelen;
   SQLSMALLINT        nullable;
   SQLSMALLINT        scale;
   const char        *arg;
   int                narg;
   int                i, j;
   int                total;

   if (libodbc == NULL)
      xprintf("No loader for shared ODBC library available\n");
      return NULL;

   if (h_odbc == NULL)
      h_odbc = xdlopen(libodbc);
      if (h_odbc == NULL)
      {  xprintf("unable to open library %s\n", libodbc);
         xprintf("%s\n", xerrmsg());
         return NULL;

   sql = (struct db_odbc *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct db_odbc));
   if (sql == NULL)
         return NULL;

   sql->mode  = mode;
   sql->hdbc  = NULL;
   sql->henv  = NULL;
   sql->hstmt = NULL;
   sql->query = NULL;
   narg = mpl_tab_num_args(dca);

   dsn = (SQLCHAR FAR *) mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2);
   /* allocate an environment handle */
   /* set attribute to enable application to run as ODBC 3.0
      application */
   ret = dl_SQLSetEnvAttr(sql->henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
      (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
   /* allocate a connection handle */
   ret = dl_SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->henv, &(sql->hdbc));
   /* connect */
   ret = dl_SQLDriverConnect(sql->hdbc, NULL, dsn, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0,
   if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
   {  /* output information about data base connection */
      xprintf("Connected to ");
      dl_SQLGetInfo(sql->hdbc, SQL_DBMS_NAME, (SQLPOINTER)info,
         sizeof(info), NULL);
      xprintf("%s ", info);
      dl_SQLGetInfo(sql->hdbc, SQL_DBMS_VER, (SQLPOINTER)info,
         sizeof(info), NULL);
      xprintf("%s - ", info);
      dl_SQLGetInfo(sql->hdbc, SQL_DATABASE_NAME, (SQLPOINTER)info,
         sizeof(info), NULL);
      xprintf("%s\n", info);
   {  /* describe error */
      xprintf("Failed to connect\n");
      extract_error("SQLDriverConnect", sql->hdbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC);
      dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
      dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
      return NULL;
   /* set AUTOCOMMIT on*/
   ret = dl_SQLSetConnectAttr(sql->hdbc, SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT,
   /* allocate a statement handle */
   ret = dl_SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hdbc, &(sql->hstmt));

   /* initialization queries */
   for(j = 0; sqllines[j+1] != NULL; j++)
      sql->query = (SQLCHAR *) sqllines[j];
      xprintf("%s\n", sql->query);
      ret = dl_SQLExecDirect(sql->hstmt, sql->query, SQL_NTS);
      switch (ret)
         case SQL_SUCCESS:
         case SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO:
         case SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND:
            xprintf("db_iodbc_open: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n",
            extract_error("SQLExecDirect", sql->hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);
            dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hstmt);
            dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
            dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
            return NULL;
      /* commit statement */
      dl_SQLEndTran(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv, SQL_COMMIT);

   if ( sql->mode == 'R' )
   {  sql->nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
      for(j = 0; sqllines[j] != NULL; j++)
         arg = sqllines[j];
      total = strlen(arg);
      if (total > 7 && 0 == strncmp(arg, "SELECT ", 7))
         total = strlen(arg);
         sql->query = xmalloc( (total+1) * sizeof(char));
         strcpy (sql->query, arg);
         sql->query = db_generate_select_stmt(dca);
      xprintf("%s\n", sql->query);
      if (dl_SQLExecDirect(sql->hstmt, sql->query, SQL_NTS) !=
         xprintf("db_iodbc_open: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n", sql->query);
         extract_error("SQLExecDirect", sql->hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);
         dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hstmt);
         dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
         dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
         return NULL;
      /* determine number of result columns */
      ret = dl_SQLNumResultCols(sql->hstmt, &sql->nresultcols);
      total = sql->nresultcols;
      if (total > SQL_FIELD_MAX)
      {  xprintf("db_iodbc_open: Too many fields (> %d) in query.\n"
            "\"%s\"\n", SQL_FIELD_MAX, sql->query);
         dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hstmt);
         dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
         dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
         return NULL;
      for (i = 1; i <= total; i++)
      {  /* return a set of attributes for a column */
         ret = dl_SQLDescribeCol(sql->hstmt, (SQLSMALLINT) i,
            sql->colname[i], SQL_FDLEN_MAX,
            &colnamelen, &(sql->coltype[i]), &(sql->collen[i]), &scale,
         sql->isnumeric[i] = is_numeric(sql->coltype[i]);
         /* bind columns to program vars, converting all types to CHAR*/
         if (sql->isnumeric[i])
         {  dl_SQLBindCol(sql->hstmt, i, SQL_DOUBLE, sql->data[i],
               SQL_FDLEN_MAX, &(sql->outlen[i]));
         } else
         {  dl_SQLBindCol(sql->hstmt, i, SQL_CHAR, sql->data[i],
               SQL_FDLEN_MAX, &(sql->outlen[i]));
         for (j = sql->nf; j >= 1; j--)
         {  if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j), sql->colname[i]) == 0)
         sql->ref[i] = j;
   else if ( sql->mode == 'W' )
   {  for(j = 0; sqllines[j] != NULL; j++)
         arg = sqllines[j];
      if (  NULL != strchr(arg, '?') )
         total = strlen(arg);
         sql->query = xmalloc( (total+1) * sizeof(char));
         strcpy (sql->query, arg);
         sql->query = db_generate_insert_stmt(dca);
      xprintf("%s\n", sql->query);
   return sql;