int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE junk, char *args, int junk2) { char dir[MPR_MAX_FNAME], moduleBuf[MPR_MAX_FNAME], tmp[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; char *cp; int errflg, sleepMsecs, removeOk; errflg = 0; sleepMsecs = 0; removeOk = 0; /* * Get the directory above bin */ GetModuleFileName(0, moduleBuf, sizeof(moduleBuf) - 1); mprGetDirName(tmp, sizeof(tmp), moduleBuf); mprGetDirName(dir, sizeof(dir), tmp); _chdir(dir); if (args && *args) { if (strstr(args, "-r") != 0) { removeOk++; } if ((cp = strstr(args, "-s")) != 0) { do { cp++; } while (isspace(*cp)); sleepMsecs = atoi(cp) * 1000; } } /* * We use removeOk to ensure that someone just running the program won't * do anything bad. */ if (errflg || !removeOk) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad Usage"); return FALSE; } cleanup(); /* * Some products (services) take a while to exit. This is a convenient * way to pause before removing */ if (sleepMsecs) { printf("sleeping for %d msec\n", sleepMsecs); Sleep(sleepMsecs); } return 0; }
void MprCmd::setCwd(char *fileName) { char dirBuf[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; mprGetDirName(dirBuf, sizeof(dirBuf), fileName); cwd = mprStrdup(dirBuf); }
int Mpr::loadDll(char *path, char *fnName, void *arg, void **handlePtr) { MprDllEntryProc fn; char localPath[MPR_MAX_FNAME], dir[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; void *handle; char *cp; int rc; mprAssert(path && *path); mprAssert(fnName && *fnName); mprGetDirName(dir, sizeof(dir), path); mprSetModuleSearchPath(dir); mprStrcpy(localPath, sizeof(localPath), path); // TODO - good to have a x-platform method for this. for (cp = localPath; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '/') { *cp = '\\'; } } if ((handle = GetModuleHandle(mprGetBaseName(localPath))) == 0) { if ((handle = LoadLibraryEx(localPath, 0, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH)) == 0) { char cwd[1024], *env; getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd) - 1); env = getenv("PATH"); mprLog(0, "ERROR %d\n", GetLastError()); mprLog(0, "Can't load %s\nReason: \"%d\"\n", path, mprGetOsError()); mprLog(0, "CWD %s\n PATH %s\n", cwd, env); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } } fn = (MprDllEntryProc) GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE) handle, fnName); if (fn == 0) { FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE) handle); mprLog(0, "Can't load %s\nReason: can't find function \"%s\"\n", localPath, fnName); return MPR_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } mprLog(MPR_INFO, "Loading DLL %s\n", path); if ((rc = (fn)(arg)) < 0) { FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE) handle); mprError(MPR_L, MPR_LOG, "Initialization for %s failed.", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE; } if (handlePtr) { *handlePtr = handle; } return rc; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t now; struct tm *t; char path[2048], cwd[2048], dirName[2048], parent[2048]; char *ext, *previous, *cp; int errors, c, j, i, levels, upLevel, incJava; errors = 0; program = mprGetBaseName(argv[0]); quiet = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "?I:o:q")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'I': if (numIncludeDir >= MAX_INC) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many include directories\n"); exit(1); } includeDir[numIncludeDir++] = strdup(optarg); break; case 'q': quiet++; break; case '?': errors++; break; } } if (errors) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage: [-q] [-I includeDir] files...\n", program); exit(2); } includeDir[numIncludeDir++] = strdup("."); #if !WIN && !_WIN32 includeDir[numIncludeDir++] = strdup("/usr/include"); #endif openSignals(); if ((fp = fopen("make.dep", "w")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant open make.dep\n"); exit(255); } now = time(0); t = localtime(&now); fprintf(fp, "#\n# make.dep -- Makefile dependencies. Generated by genDepend.\n#\n\n"); getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); mapDelimiters(cwd); fprintf(fp, "all: compile\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "BLD_TOP := "); strcpy(dirName, cwd); for (i = 0, levels = 0; *dirName; i++) { sprintf(path, "%s/build/make/make.rules", dirName); if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) { break; } mprGetDirName(parent, sizeof(parent), dirName); strcpy(dirName, parent); if (i > 0) { fprintf(fp, "/.."); } else { fprintf(fp, ".."); } levels++; } if (i == 0) { fprintf(fp, "."); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); /* * Extract a src path for Java. Go up N levels less one for the "java" * directory. */ strcpy(dirName, cwd); cp = &dirName[strlen(dirName) - 1]; for (upLevel = 1; upLevel < levels && cp > dirName; cp--) { if (*cp == '/') { upLevel++; } } if (levels > 1) { if (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[1] != '\0' && cp[2] != '\0') { cp += 2; } if (*cp == '\0') { cp = "."; } fprintf(fp, "SRC_PATH := %s\n\n", cp); } else { fprintf(fp, "SRC_PATH := .\n\n"); } fprintf(fp, "#\n# Read the build configuration settings and make" "variable definitions.\n#\n"); fprintf(fp, "include $(BLD_TOP)/buildConfig.make\n\n"); incJava = 0; for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (strstr(argv[i], ".java") != 0 && strcmp(argv[i], "*.java") != 0) { incJava++; // fprintf(fp, "include $(BLD_TOP)/build/make/\n"); break; } } if (incJava) { fprintf(fp, "HAS_JAVA = 1\n\n"); } fprintf(fp, "SRC ="); for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (access(argv[i], R_OK) != 0) { continue; } strncpy(path, argv[i], sizeof(path)); fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t%s", mprGetBaseName(path)); } fprintf(fp, "\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "PROCESSED_SRC ="); for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (access(argv[i], R_OK) != 0) { continue; } strncpy(path, argv[i], sizeof(path)); ext = mapExtension(path); if (strcmp(ext, ".java") == 0) { fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/src/$(SRC_PATH)/%s", mprGetBaseName(argv[i])); } } fprintf(fp, "\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "FILES ="); for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (access(argv[i], R_OK) != 0) { continue; } strncpy(path, argv[i], sizeof(path)); ext = mapExtension(path); if (strcmp(ext, ".java") == 0) { fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/classes/$(SRC_PATH)/%s", mprGetBaseName(path)); } else { fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/%s", mprGetBaseName(path)); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (i = optind; !finished && i < argc; i++) { if (*argv[i] == '*') { continue; } strcpy(path, argv[i]); ext = mapExtension(path); if (strcmp(ext, ".java") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "\n$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/classes/$(SRC_PATH)/%s: ", mprGetBaseName(path)); } else { fprintf(fp, "\n$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/%s: ", mprGetBaseName(path)); } numDependencies = 0; findDependencies(fp, argv[i]); qsort(dependencies, numDependencies, sizeof(char*), depSort); previous = ""; for (j = 0; j < numDependencies; j++) { if (strcmp(previous, dependencies[j]) != 0) { fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t%s", dependencies[j]); } previous = dependencies[j]; } for (j = 0; j < numDependencies; j++) { free(dependencies[j]); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n#\n# Read the Makefile rules\n#\n"); fprintf(fp, "include $(BLD_TOP)/build/make/make.rules\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "ifeq ($(BUILDING_CROSS),1)\n"); fprintf(fp, " include $(BLD_TOP)/build/make/make.os.$(BLD_HOST_OS)\n"); fprintf(fp, "else\n"); fprintf(fp, " include $(BLD_TOP)/build/make/make.os.$(BLD_BUILD_OS)\n"); fprintf(fp, "endif\n\n"); fclose(fp); return 0; }
static int findDependencies(FILE *fp, char *fname) { FILE *ifp; char path[2048], buf[8192], dirName[2048]; char *cp, *ep; int line, i, j; if ((ifp = fopen(fname, "r")) == 0) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant open %s\n", fname); } return -1; } for (line = 0; ! feof(ifp); line++) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ifp) == 0) break; cp = buf; if (*cp++ != '#') { continue; } while (*cp == '\t' || *cp == ' ') { cp++; } if (*cp != 'i' || strncmp(cp, "include", 7)) { continue; } cp += 7; while (*cp == '\t' || *cp == ' ' || *cp == '\"') { cp++; } // // Skip system headers // if (*cp == '<') { continue; } ep = cp; while (isalnum((unsigned char) *ep) || *ep == '_' || *ep == '.' || *ep == '/' || *ep == '-') { ep++; } *ep = '\0'; strcpy(buf, cp); if (buf[0] == '/' || (buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == '.')) { if (access(buf, R_OK) < 0) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant find include %s\n", buf); } continue; } } else { // // First search relative to the including file // mprGetDirName(dirName, sizeof(dirName), fname); if (*dirName) { sprintf(path, "%s/%s", dirName, buf); } else { strcpy(path, dirName); } if (access(path, R_OK) < 0) { for (j = 0; j < numIncludeDir; j++) { sprintf(path, "%s/%s", includeDir[j], buf); if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) { break; } } if (j == numIncludeDir) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant find include %s in %s at %d\n", buf, fname, line); } continue; } } } if (numDependencies >= MAX_DEPEND) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many dependencies\n"); } else { for (i = 0; i < numDependencies; i++) { if (strcmp(path, dependencies[i]) == 0) break; } if (i == numDependencies) { dependencies[numDependencies++] = strdup(path); findDependencies(fp, path); } } } fclose(ifp); return 0; }
int MprCmd::start(char *program, char **argv, char **envp, MprCmdProc fn, void *fnData, int userFlags) { PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; STARTUPINFO startInfo; char dirBuf[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; char *envBuf, **ep, *cmdBuf, **ap, *destp, *cp, *dir; char progBuf[MPR_MAX_STRING], *localArgv[2], *saveArg0; int argc, i, len, inheritFiles; mprAssert(program); mprAssert(argv); flags &= ~(MPR_CMD_WAITED | MPR_CMD_RUNNING); flags |= (userFlags & MPR_CMD_USER_FLAGS); exitStatus = -1; mprStrcpy(progBuf, sizeof(progBuf), program); progBuf[sizeof(progBuf) - 1] = '\0'; program = progBuf; // // Sanitize the command line (program name only) // for (cp = program; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '/') { *cp = '\\'; } else if (*cp == '\r' || *cp == '\n') { *cp = ' '; } } if (*program == '"') { if ((cp = strrchr(++program, '"')) != 0) { *cp = '\0'; } } saveArg0 = argv[0]; if (argv == 0) { argv = localArgv; argv[1] = 0; } argv[0] = program; // // Determine the command line length and arg count // argc = 0; for (len = 0, ap = argv; *ap; ap++) { len += strlen(*ap) + 1 + 2; // Space and possible quotes argc++; } cmdBuf = (char*) mprMalloc(len + 1); cmdBuf[len] = '\0'; // // Add quotes to all args that have spaces in them including "program" // destp = cmdBuf; for (ap = &argv[0]; *ap; ) { cp = *ap; if ((strchr(cp, ' ') != 0) && cp[0] != '\"') { *destp++ = '\"'; strcpy(destp, cp); destp += strlen(cp); *destp++ = '\"'; } else { strcpy(destp, cp); destp += strlen(cp); } if (*++ap) { *destp++ = ' '; } } *destp = '\0'; mprAssert((int) strlen(destp) < (len - 1)); mprAssert(cmdBuf[len] == '\0'); argv[0] = saveArg0; envBuf = 0; if (envp) { for (len = 0, ep = envp; *ep; ep++) { len += strlen(*ep) + 1; } envBuf = (char*) mprMalloc(len + 2); // Win requires two nulls destp = envBuf; for (ep = envp; *ep; ep++) { strcpy(destp, *ep); mprLog(6, log, "Set CGI variable: %s\n", destp); destp += strlen(*ep) + 1; } *destp++ = '\0'; *destp++ = '\0'; // WIN requires two nulls } memset(&startInfo, 0, sizeof(startInfo)); startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); startInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; if (flags & MPR_CMD_SHOW) { startInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; } else { startInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; } if (files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_IN] > 0) { startInfo.hStdInput = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_IN]); } if (files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_OUT] > 0) { startInfo.hStdOutput = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_OUT]); } if (files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_ERR] > 0) { startInfo.hStdError = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_ERR]); } #if UNUSED SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAtt; memset(&secAtt, 0, sizeof(secAtt)); secAtt.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); secAtt.bInheritHandle = TRUE; #endif if (userFlags & MPR_CMD_CHDIR) { if (cwd) { dir = cwd; } else { mprGetDirName(dirBuf, sizeof(dirBuf), argv[0]); dir = dirBuf; } } else { dir = 0; } inheritFiles = (flags & MPR_CMD_STDIO_MADE) ? 1 : 0; mprLog(5, log, "Running: %s\n", cmdBuf); if (! CreateProcess(0, cmdBuf, 0, 0, inheritFiles, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, envBuf, dir, &startInfo, &procInfo)) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_LOG, "Can't create process: %s, %d", cmdBuf, mprGetOsError()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } handle = (long) procInfo.hProcess; pid = procInfo.dwProcessId; if (procInfo.hThread != 0) { CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread); } for (i = 0; i < MPR_CMD_MAX_FD; i++) { if (files.clientFd[i] >= 0) { close(files.clientFd[i]); files.clientFd[i] = -1; } } if (cmdBuf) { mprFree(cmdBuf); } if (envBuf) { mprFree(envBuf); } if (userFlags & MPR_CMD_WAIT) { waitForChild(INT_MAX); for (i = 0; i < MPR_CMD_MAX_FD; i++) { if (files.serverFd[i] >= 0) { close(files.serverFd[i]); files.serverFd[i] = -1; } } return exitStatus; } lock(); outputDataProc = fn; data = fnData; flags |= MPR_CMD_RUNNING; if (1 || ! mpr->getAsyncSelectMode()) { timer = new MprTimer(MPR_TIMEOUT_CMD_WAIT, singleThreadedOutputData, (void*) this); #if FUTURE // // Want non blocking reads if we are in single-threaded mode. // Can't use this yet as we are holding a Request lock and so blocking // in a read stops everything. Need proper Async I/O in windows. // if (mprGetMpr()->poolService->getMaxPoolThreads() == 0) { } else { task = new MprTask(multiThreadedOutputData, (void*) this); task->start(); } #endif } unlock(); return 0; }
static int fetch(MaClient *client, char *method, char *url, char *data, int len) { struct stat sbuf; FILE *fp; MaUrl *parsedUrl; char *header, *content, *diffBuf, *msg; char path[MPR_MAX_PATH], dir[MPR_MAX_PATH], urlBuf[MPR_HTTP_MAX_URL]; char tmp[MPR_MAX_PATH]; int i, code, rc, contentLen, mark, elapsed, c; fp = 0; lock(); fetchCount++; unlock(); if (url == 0) { return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS; } if (*url == '/') { mprSprintf(urlBuf, sizeof(urlBuf), "", url); url = urlBuf; } else if ((strstr(url, "http://")) == 0) { mprSprintf(urlBuf, sizeof(urlBuf), "http://%s", url); url = urlBuf; } mprLog(MPR_DEBUG, tMod, "fetch: %s %s\n", method, url); mark = mprGetTime(0); if (mprStrCmpAnyCase(method, "GET") == 0) { rc = client->getRequest(url); } else if (mprStrCmpAnyCase(method, "HEAD") == 0) { rc = client->headRequest(url); } else if (mprStrCmpAnyCase(method, "OPTIONS") == 0) { rc = client->optionsRequest(url); } else if (mprStrCmpAnyCase(method, "POST") == 0) { rc = client->postRequest(url, data, len); } else if (mprStrCmpAnyCase(method, "TRACE") == 0) { rc = client->traceRequest(url); } if (rc < 0) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } code = client->getResponseCode(); content = client->getResponseContent(&contentLen); header = client->getResponseHeader(); msg = client->getResponseMessage(); elapsed = mprGetTime(0) - mark; if (code == 200 || code == 302) { mprLog(6, tMod, "Response code %d, content len %d, header: \n%s\n", code, contentLen, header); } else { mprLog(2, tMod, "Response code %d, content len %d, header: \n%s\n%s", code, contentLen, header, content); mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't retrieve \"%s\" (%d), %s", url, code, msg); return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ; } if (cmpDir) { client->getParsedUrl(&parsedUrl); mprSprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", cmpDir, parsedUrl->uri); if (path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/') { path[strlen(path) - 1] = '\0'; } if (stat(path, &sbuf) < 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't access %s", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } if (sbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { strcpy(tmp, path); mprSprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/_DEFAULT_.html", tmp); } if (stat(path, &sbuf) < 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't access %s", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } if ((int) sbuf.st_size != contentLen) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Failed comparison for %s" "ContentLen %d, size %d\n", url, contentLen, sbuf.st_size); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } if ((fp = fopen(path, "r" MPR_BINARY)) == 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't open %s", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } diffBuf = (char*) mprMalloc(contentLen); if ((int) fread(diffBuf, 1, contentLen, fp) != contentLen) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't read content from %s", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ; } for (i = 0; i < contentLen; i++) { if (diffBuf[i] != content[i]) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Failed comparison for %s" "At byte %d: %x vs %x\n", i, (uchar) diffBuf[i], (uchar) content[i]); return MPR_ERR_GENERAL; } } fclose(fp); mprFree(diffBuf); } if (writeDir) { client->getParsedUrl(&parsedUrl); mprSprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", writeDir, parsedUrl->uri); if (path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/') { path[strlen(path) - 1] = '\0'; } mprGetDirName(dir, sizeof(dir), path); mprMakeDir(dir); if (stat(path, &sbuf) == 0 && sbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { strcpy(tmp, path); mprSprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/_DEFAULT_.html", tmp); } if ((fp = fopen(path, "w" MPR_BINARY)) == 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't open %s", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } if (outputHeader) { if (fputs(header, fp) != EOF) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't write header to %s", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } fputc('\n', fp); } if ((int) fwrite(content, 1, contentLen, fp) != contentLen) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't write content to %s", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } fclose(fp); } lock(); if (trace) { if (strstr(url, "http://") != 0) { url += 7; } if ((fetchCount % 100) == 1) { if (fetchCount == 1 || (fetchCount % 2500) == 1) { if (fetchCount > 1) { mprPrintf("\n"); } mprPrintf( " Count Fd Thread Op Code Bytes Time Url\n"); } mprPrintf("%8d %4d %7s %4s %5d %7d %5.2f %s\n", fetchCount - 1, client->getFd(), #if BLD_FEATURE_MULTITHREAD mprGetCurrentThreadName(), #else "", #endif method, code, contentLen, elapsed / 1000.0, url); } } if (outputHeader) { mprPrintf("%s\n", header); } if (!quietMode) { for (i = 0; i < contentLen; i++) { if (!isprint((uchar) content[i]) && content[i] != '\n' && content[i] != '\r' && content[i] != '\t') { break; } } if (contentLen > 0) { if (i != contentLen && 0) { mprPrintf("Content has non-printable data\n"); } else { // mprPrintf("Length of content %d\n", contentLen); for (i = 0; i < contentLen; i++) { c = (uchar) content[i]; if (isprint((uchar) c) || isspace((uchar) c)) { putchar(content[i]); } else { mprPrintf("0x%x", c); } } fflush(stdout); } } } unlock(); if (singleStep) { mprPrintf("Pause: "); read(0, (char*) &rc, 1); } return 0; }
static int buildScript(EspRequest *ep, char **jsBuf, char *input, char **errMsg) { EspParse parse; char path[MPR_MAX_FNAME], dir[MPR_MAX_FNAME], incPath[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; char *incBuf, *incText; int state, tid, len, rc, maxScriptSize, incSize; mprAssert(ep); mprAssert(jsBuf); mprAssert(input); rc = 0; len = 0; state = ESP_STATE_BEGIN; if (errMsg) { *errMsg = 0; } memset(&parse, 0, sizeof(parse)); parse.token = (char*) mprMalloc(ESP_TOK_INCR); if (parse.token == 0) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_ALLOCATE; } parse.token[0] = '\0'; parse.tokLen = ESP_TOK_INCR; parse.endp = &parse.token[parse.tokLen - 1]; parse.tokp = parse.token; parse.inBuf = input; parse.inp = parse.inBuf; maxScriptSize = esp->maxScriptSize; tid = getEspToken(state, &parse); while (tid != ESP_TOK_EOF && len >= 0) { switch (tid) { default: case ESP_TOK_ERR: mprFree(parse.token); return MPR_ERR_BAD_SYNTAX; case ESP_TOK_LITERAL: len = mprReallocStrcat(jsBuf, maxScriptSize, len, 0, "write(\"", parse.token, "\");\n", (void*) 0); break; case ESP_TOK_ATAT: /* * Trick to get undefined variables to evaluate to "". * Catenate with "" to cause toString to run. */ len = mprReallocStrcat(jsBuf, maxScriptSize, len, 0, "write(\"\" + ", parse.token, ");\n", (void*) 0); break; case ESP_TOK_EQUALS: len = mprReallocStrcat(jsBuf, maxScriptSize, len, 0, "write(\"\" + ", parse.token, ");\n", (void*) 0); state = ESP_STATE_IN_ESP_TAG; break; case ESP_TOK_START_ESP: state = ESP_STATE_IN_ESP_TAG; tid = getEspToken(state, &parse); while (tid != ESP_TOK_EOF && tid != ESP_TOK_EOF && tid != ESP_TOK_END_ESP && len >= 0) { len = mprReallocStrcat(jsBuf, maxScriptSize, len, 0, parse.token, (void*) 0); tid = getEspToken(state, &parse); } state = ESP_STATE_BEGIN; break; case ESP_TOK_END_ESP: state = ESP_STATE_BEGIN; break; case ESP_TOK_INCLUDE: if (parse.token[0] == '/') { mprStrcpy(incPath, sizeof(incPath), parse.token); } else { mprGetDirName(dir, sizeof(dir), ep->uri); mprSprintf(incPath, sizeof(incPath), "%s/%s", dir, parse.token); } if (esp->mapToStorage(ep->requestHandle, path, sizeof(path), incPath, 0) < 0) { mprAllocSprintf(errMsg, MPR_MAX_STRING, "Can't find include file: %s", path); rc = MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; break; } if (esp->readFile(ep->requestHandle, &incText, &incSize, path) < 0) { mprAllocSprintf(errMsg, MPR_MAX_STRING, "Can't read include file: %s", path); rc = MPR_ERR_CANT_READ; break; } incText[incSize] = '\0'; /* * Recurse and process the include script */ incBuf = 0; if ((rc = buildScript(ep, &incBuf, incText, errMsg)) < 0) { mprFree(incText); mprFree(parse.token); return rc; } len = mprReallocStrcat(jsBuf, maxScriptSize, len, 0, incBuf, (void*) 0); mprFree(incText); mprFree(incBuf); state = ESP_STATE_IN_ESP_TAG; break; } tid = getEspToken(state, &parse); } mprFree(parse.token); if (len < 0) { mprAllocSprintf(errMsg, MPR_MAX_STRING, "Script token is too big in %s.\nConfigured maximum is %d.", path, maxScriptSize); return MPR_ERR_WONT_FIT; } return rc; }
static int locateServerRoot(char *path) { #if BLD_FEATURE_CONFIG_PARSE && !BLD_FEATURE_ROMFS if (serverRoot == 0) { MprFileInfo info; char searchPath[MPR_MAX_FNAME * 8], pathBuf[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; char cwd[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; char *tok, *searchBuf; // // No explicit server root switch was supplied so search for // "mime.types" in the search path: // . // .. // ../productName // ../../productName // For windows, we also do: // modDir (where the exe was loaded from) // modDir/.. // modDir/../productName // modDir/../../productName // For all: // BLD_PREFIX // #if WIN || WINCE char modDir[MPR_MAX_FNAME], modPath[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; char module[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; // // Initially change directory to where the exe lives // GetModuleFileName(0, module, sizeof(module)); mprGetDirName(modDir, sizeof(modDir), module); mprGetFullPathName(modPath, sizeof(modPath), modDir); #if WIN /* NOTE: use tabs not spaces between items */ mprSprintf(searchPath, sizeof(searchPath), ". .. ../%s ../../%s " "%s %s/.. %s/../%s %s/../../%s %s", BLD_PRODUCT, BLD_PRODUCT, modPath, modPath, modPath, BLD_PRODUCT, modPath, BLD_PRODUCT, BLD_PREFIX); #else /* NOTE: use tabs not spaces between items */ mprSprintf(searchPath, sizeof(searchPath), "%s %s ../%s ../../%s " "%s/.. %s/../%s", MPR_STORAGE, modPath, BLD_PRODUCT, BLD_PRODUCT, modPath, modPath, modPath); #endif #else mprSprintf(searchPath, sizeof(searchPath), ". .. ../%s ../../%s %s", BLD_PRODUCT, BLD_PRODUCT, BLD_PREFIX); #endif getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd) - 1); mprLog(3, "Root search path %s, cwd %s\n", searchPath, cwd); searchBuf = mprStrdup(searchPath); path = mprStrTok(searchBuf, "\t", &tok); while (path) { mprSprintf(pathBuf, sizeof(pathBuf), "%s/mime.types", path); mprLog(4, "Searching for %s\n", pathBuf); if (fileSystem->stat(pathBuf, &info) == 0) { break; } path = mprStrTok(0, "\t", &tok); } if (path == 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't find suitable server root directory\n" "Using search path %s, and current directory %s\n" "Ensure you have adequate permissions to access the required " "directories.\n", searchPath, cwd); mprFree(searchBuf); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } server->setServerRoot(path); mprFree(searchBuf); } else { // // Must program the server up for the server root. It will convert this // path to an absolute path which we reassign to our notion of // serverRoot. // server->setServerRoot(path); } serverRoot = server->getServerRoot(); #endif #if !BLD_FEATURE_ROMFS chdir(serverRoot); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char path[2048], cwd[2048], dirName[2048], parent[2048]; char *ext, *previous, *cp, *argp; int errors, j, i, levels, upLevel, incJava, nextArg; errors = 0; program = mprGetBaseName(argv[0]); quiet = 0; for (nextArg = 1; nextArg < argc; nextArg++) { argp = argv[nextArg]; if (*argp != '-') { break; } if (strncmp(argp, "-I", 2) == 0) { if (numIncludeDir >= MAX_INC) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many include directories\n"); exit(1); } includeDir[numIncludeDir++] = strdup(&argp[2]); } else if (strcmp(argp, "-q") == 0) { quiet++; } } if (errors) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage: [-q] [-I includeDir] files...\n", program); exit(2); } includeDir[numIncludeDir++] = strdup("."); #if !BLD_WIN_LIKE && !_WIN32 includeDir[numIncludeDir++] = strdup("/usr/include"); #endif openSignals(); if ((fp = fopen("make.newdep", "w")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant open make.newdep\n"); exit(255); } fprintf(fp, "#\n# .makedep -- Makefile dependencies. Generated by edep.\n#\n\n"); if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't get working directory"); exit(255); } mapDelimiters(cwd); fprintf(fp, "all: compile\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "BLD_TOP := "); strcpy(dirName, cwd); for (i = 0, levels = 0; *dirName; i++) { sprintf(path, "%s/build/make/make.rules", dirName); if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) { break; } mprGetDirName(parent, sizeof(parent), dirName); strcpy(dirName, parent); if (i > 0) { fprintf(fp, "/.."); } else { fprintf(fp, ".."); } levels++; } if (i == 0) { fprintf(fp, "."); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); /* * Extract a src path for Java. Go up N levels less one for the "java" directory. */ strcpy(dirName, cwd); cp = &dirName[strlen(dirName) - 1]; for (upLevel = 1; upLevel < levels && cp > dirName; cp--) { if (*cp == '/') { upLevel++; } } if (levels > 1) { if (cp[0] != '\0' && cp[1] != '\0' && cp[2] != '\0') { cp += 2; } if (*cp == '\0') { cp = "."; } fprintf(fp, "SRC_PATH := %s\n\n", cp); } else { fprintf(fp, "SRC_PATH := .\n\n"); } fprintf(fp, "#\n# Read the build configuration settings and make variable definitions.\n#\n"); fprintf(fp, "include $(BLD_TOP)/buildConfig.make\n\n"); incJava = 0; for (i = nextArg; i < argc; i++) { if (strstr(argv[i], ".java") != 0 && strcmp(argv[i], "*.java") != 0) { incJava++; /* fprintf(fp, "include $(BLD_TOP)/build/make/\n"); */ break; } } if (incJava) { fprintf(fp, "HAS_JAVA = 1\n\n"); } fprintf(fp, "SRC ="); for (i = nextArg; i < argc; i++) { if (access(argv[i], R_OK) != 0) { continue; } strncpy(path, argv[i], sizeof(path)); fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t%s", mprGetBaseName(path)); } fprintf(fp, "\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "PROCESSED_SRC ="); for (i = nextArg; i < argc; i++) { if (access(argv[i], R_OK) != 0) { continue; } strncpy(path, argv[i], sizeof(path)); ext = mapExtension(path); if (strcmp(ext, ".java") == 0) { fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/src/$(SRC_PATH)/%s", mprGetBaseName(argv[i])); } } fprintf(fp, "\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "OBJECTS ="); for (i = nextArg; i < argc; i++) { if (access(argv[i], R_OK) != 0) { continue; } strncpy(path, argv[i], sizeof(path)); ext = mapExtension(path); if (strcmp(ext, ".java") == 0) { fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/classes/$(SRC_PATH)/%s", mprGetBaseName(path)); } else { fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/%s", mprGetBaseName(path)); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (i = nextArg; !finished && i < argc; i++) { if (*argv[i] == '*') { continue; } strcpy(path, argv[i]); ext = mapExtension(path); if (strcmp(ext, ".java") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "\n$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/classes/$(SRC_PATH)/%s: ", mprGetBaseName(path)); } else { fprintf(fp, "\n$(BLD_OBJ_DIR)/%s: ", mprGetBaseName(path)); } numDependencies = 0; findDependencies(fp, argv[i]); qsort(dependencies, numDependencies, sizeof(char*), depSort); previous = ""; for (j = 0; j < numDependencies; j++) { if (strcmp(previous, dependencies[j]) != 0) { fprintf(fp, " \\\n\t%s", dependencies[j]); } previous = dependencies[j]; } for (j = 0; j < numDependencies; j++) { free(dependencies[j]); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n#\n# Read the Makefile rules\n#\n"); fprintf(fp, "include $(BLD_TOP)/build/make/make.rules\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "ifeq ($(BUILDING_CROSS),1)\n"); fprintf(fp, " include $(BLD_TOP)/build/make/make.$(BLD_HOST_OS)\n"); fprintf(fp, "else\n"); fprintf(fp, " include $(BLD_TOP)/build/make/make.$(BLD_BUILD_OS)\n"); fprintf(fp, "endif\n\n"); fclose(fp); unlink("make.dep"); unlink(".makedep"); if (rename("make.newdep", ".makedep") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cant rename make.newdep to .makedep\n"); exit(255); } return 0; }
int MprCmd::start(char *program, char **argv, char **envp, MprCmdProc fn, void *fnData, int userFlags) { char dir[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; int pid, i, err; mprAssert(program != 0); mprAssert(argv != 0); mprLog(4, log, "start: %s\n", program); reset(); flags |= (userFlags & MPR_CMD_USER_FLAGS); for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++) { mprLog(6, log, " arg[%d]: %s\n", i, argv[i]); } if (envp) { for (i = 0; envp[i]; i++) { mprLog(6, log, " envp[%d]: %s\n", i, envp[i]); } } if (access(program, X_OK) < 0) { mprLog(5, log, "start: can't access %s, errno %d\n", program, mprGetOsError()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } data = fnData; cmdDoneProc = fn; reapIndex = -1; // // Create the child // pid = vfork(); if (pid < 0) { mprLog(0, log, "Can't fork a new process to run %s\n", program); return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE; } else if (pid == 0) { // // Child // umask(022); if (flags & MPR_CMD_NEW_SESSION) { setsid(); } if (flags & MPR_CMD_CHDIR) { if (cwd) { chdir(cwd); } else { mprGetDirName(dir, sizeof(dir), program); chdir(dir); } } // // FUTURE -- could chroot as a security feature (perhaps cgi-bin) // if (files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_OUT] >= 0) { dup2(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_OUT], 0); // Client stdin } else { close(0); } if (files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_IN] >= 0) { dup2(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_IN], 1); // Client stdout dup2(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_IN], 2); // Client stderr } else { close(1); close(2); } // // FUTURE -- need to get a better max file limit than this // for (i = 3; i < 128; i++) { close(i); } if (envp) { execve(program, argv, envp); } else { // // Do this rather than user execv to avoid errors in valgrind // char *env[2]; env[0] = "_appweb=1"; env[1] = 0; execve(program, argv, (char**) &env); } err = errno; getcwd(dir, sizeof(dir)); mprStaticPrintf("Can't exec %s, err %d, cwd %s\n", program, err, dir); mprAssert(0); exit(-(MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE)); } else { // // Close the client handles // for (i = 0; i < MPR_CMD_MAX_FD; i++) { if (files.clientFd[i] >= 0) { close(files.clientFd[i]); files.clientFd[i] = -1; } } data = fnData; cmdDoneProc = fn; process = (ulong) pid; if (flags & MPR_CMD_DETACHED) { process = 0; return 0; } else if (flags & MPR_CMD_WAIT) { waitForChild(INT_MAX); if (getExitCode() < 0) { return MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE; } return exitStatus; } else { mprGetMpr()->cmdService->startWatcher(); } } return 0; }
int MprCmd::start(char *program, char **argv, char **envp, MprCmdProc completionFn, void *fnData, int userFlags) { PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; STARTUPINFO startInfo; char dirBuf[MPR_MAX_FNAME], *systemRoot; char *envBuf, **ep, *cmdBuf, **ap, *destp, *cp, *dir, *key; char progBuf[MPR_MAX_STRING], *localArgv[2], *saveArg0; int argc, len, inheritFiles; mprAssert(program); mprAssert(argv); reset(); flags |= (userFlags & MPR_CMD_USER_FLAGS); exitStatus = -1; mprStrcpy(progBuf, sizeof(progBuf), program); progBuf[sizeof(progBuf) - 1] = '\0'; program = progBuf; // // Sanitize the command line (program name only) // for (cp = program; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '/') { *cp = '\\'; } else if (*cp == '\r' || *cp == '\n') { *cp = ' '; } } if (*program == '"') { if ((cp = strrchr(++program, '"')) != 0) { *cp = '\0'; } } saveArg0 = argv[0]; if (argv == 0) { argv = localArgv; argv[1] = 0; } argv[0] = program; // // Determine the command line length and arg count // argc = 0; for (len = 0, ap = argv; *ap; ap++) { len += strlen(*ap) + 1 + 2; // Space and possible quotes argc++; } cmdBuf = (char*) mprMalloc(len + 1); cmdBuf[len] = '\0'; // // Add quotes to all args that have spaces in them including "program" // destp = cmdBuf; for (ap = &argv[0]; *ap; ) { cp = *ap; if ((strchr(cp, ' ') != 0) && cp[0] != '\"') { *destp++ = '\"'; strcpy(destp, cp); destp += strlen(cp); *destp++ = '\"'; } else { strcpy(destp, cp); destp += strlen(cp); } if (*++ap) { *destp++ = ' '; } } *destp = '\0'; mprAssert((int) strlen(destp) < (len - 1)); mprAssert(cmdBuf[len] == '\0'); argv[0] = saveArg0; envBuf = 0; if (envp) { for (len = 0, ep = envp; *ep; ep++) { len += strlen(*ep) + 1; } key = "SYSTEMROOT"; systemRoot = getenv(key); if (systemRoot) { len += strlen(key) + 1 + strlen(systemRoot) + 1; } envBuf = (char*) mprMalloc(len + 2); // Win requires two nulls destp = envBuf; for (ep = envp; *ep; ep++) { strcpy(destp, *ep); mprLog(6, log, "Set CGI variable: %s\n", destp); destp += strlen(*ep) + 1; } strcpy(destp, key); destp += strlen(key); *destp++ = '='; strcpy(destp, systemRoot); destp += strlen(systemRoot) + 1; *destp++ = '\0'; *destp++ = '\0'; // WIN requires two nulls } memset(&startInfo, 0, sizeof(startInfo)); startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); startInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; if (flags & MPR_CMD_SHOW) { startInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; } else { startInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; } // // CMD_OUT is stdin for the client. CMD_IN is stdout for the client // if (files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_OUT] > 0) { startInfo.hStdInput = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_OUT]); } if (files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_IN] > 0) { startInfo.hStdOutput = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_IN]); } #if UNUSED if (files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_ERR] > 0) { startInfo.hStdError = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(files.clientFd[MPR_CMD_ERR]); } #endif #if UNUSED SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAtt; memset(&secAtt, 0, sizeof(secAtt)); secAtt.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); secAtt.bInheritHandle = TRUE; #endif if (userFlags & MPR_CMD_CHDIR) { if (cwd) { dir = cwd; } else { mprGetDirName(dirBuf, sizeof(dirBuf), argv[0]); dir = dirBuf; } } else { dir = 0; } inheritFiles = (flags & MPR_CMD_STDIO_MADE) ? 1 : 0; flags &= ~(MPR_CMD_STDIO_MADE); mprLog(5, log, "Running: %s\n", cmdBuf); if (! CreateProcess(0, cmdBuf, 0, 0, inheritFiles, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, envBuf, dir, &startInfo, &procInfo)) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_LOG, "Can't create process: %s, %d", cmdBuf, mprGetOsError()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } process = (int) procInfo.hProcess; // // Wait for the child to initialize // WaitForInputIdle((HANDLE) process, 1000); if (procInfo.hThread != 0) { CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread); } mprFree(cmdBuf); mprFree(envBuf); cmdDoneProc = completionFn; data = fnData; if (flags & MPR_CMD_DETACHED) { CloseHandle((HANDLE) process); process = 0; } else if (userFlags & MPR_CMD_WAIT) { waitForChild(INT_MAX); if (getExitCode() < 0) { return MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE; } return exitStatus; } else { mprGetMpr()->cmdService->startWatcher(); } return 0; }