void Messages::display_messages()
    WINDOW_PTR w_ptr {newwin(

    WINDOW *const w = w_ptr.get();

    input_context ctxt("MESSAGE_LOG");
    ctxt.register_action("UP", _("Scroll up"));
    ctxt.register_action("DOWN", _("Scroll down"));

    int offset = 0;
    const int maxlength = FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 - 1;
    const int bottom = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2;
    const int msg_count = size();

    for (;;) {
        mvwprintz(w, bottom + 1, 32, c_red, _("Press %s to return"), ctxt.get_desc("QUIT").c_str());
        draw_scrollbar(w, offset, bottom, msg_count, 1);

        int line = 1;
        int lasttime = -1;
        for( int i = offset; i < msg_count; ++i ) {
            if (line > bottom) {

            const game_message &m     = player_messages.impl_->history(i);
            const nc_color col        = msgtype_to_color( m.type, false );
            const calendar timepassed = calendar::turn - m.timestamp_in_turns;

            if (timepassed.get_turn() > lasttime) {
                mvwprintz(w, line++, 3, c_ltblue, _("%s ago:"),
                lasttime = timepassed.get_turn();

            nc_color col_out = col;
            for( const std::string &folded : foldstring(m.get_with_count(), maxlength) ) {
                if (line > bottom) {
                print_colored_text( w, line++, 1, col_out, col, folded );

        if (offset + 1 < msg_count) {
            mvwprintz(w, bottom + 1, 5, c_magenta, "vvv");
        if (offset > 0) {
            mvwprintz(w, bottom + 1, maxlength - 3, c_magenta, "^^^");

        const std::string &action = ctxt.handle_input();
        if (action == "DOWN" && offset + 1 < msg_count) {
        } else if (action == "UP" && offset > 0) {
        } else if (action == "QUIT") {

    player_messages.impl_->curmes = calendar::turn.get_turn();
void Messages::dialog::show()
    werase( w );
    draw_border( w, border_color );

    .offset_x( 0 )
    .offset_y( border_width )
    .content_size( folded_filtered.size() )
    .viewport_pos( offset )
    .viewport_size( max_lines )
    .apply( w );

    // Range of window lines to print
    size_t line_from = 0, line_to;
    if( offset < folded_filtered.size() ) {
        line_to = std::min( max_lines, folded_filtered.size() - offset );
    } else {
        line_to = 0;

    if( !log_from_top ) {
        // Always print from new to old
        std::swap( line_from, line_to );
    std::string prev_time_str;
    bool printing_range = false;
    for( size_t line = line_from; line != line_to; ) {
        // Decrement here if printing from bottom to get the correct line number
        if( !log_from_top ) {

        const size_t folded_ind = offset + line;
        const size_t msg_ind = folded_all[folded_filtered[folded_ind]].first;
        const game_message &msg = player_messages.history( msg_ind );

        nc_color col = msgtype_to_color( msg.type, false );

        // Print current line
        print_colored_text( w, border_width + line, border_width + time_width + padding_width,
                            col, col, folded_all[folded_filtered[folded_ind]].second );

        // Generate aligned time string
        const time_point msg_time = msg.timestamp_in_turns;
        const std::string time_str = to_string_clipped( calendar::turn - msg_time, clipped_align::right );

        if( time_str != prev_time_str ) {
            // Time changed, print time string
            prev_time_str = time_str;
            right_print( w, border_width + line, border_width + msg_width + padding_width,
                         time_color, time_str );
            printing_range = false;
        } else {
            // Print line brackets to mark ranges of time
            if( printing_range ) {
                const size_t last_line = log_from_top ? line - 1 : line + 1;
                wattron( w, bracket_color );
                mvwaddch( w, border_width + last_line, border_width + time_width - 1, LINE_XOXO );
                wattroff( w, bracket_color );
            wattron( w, bracket_color );
            mvwaddch( w, border_width + line, border_width + time_width - 1,
                      log_from_top ? LINE_XXOO : LINE_OXXO );
            wattroff( w, bracket_color );
            printing_range = true;

        // Decrement for !log_from_top is done at the beginning
        if( log_from_top ) {

    if( filtering ) {
        wrefresh( w );
        // Print the help text
        werase( w_filter_help );
        draw_border( w_filter_help, border_color );
        for( size_t line = 0; line < help_text.size(); ++line ) {
            nc_color col = filter_help_color;
            print_colored_text( w_filter_help, border_width + line, border_width, col, col,
                                help_text[line] );
        mvwprintz( w_filter_help, w_fh_height - 1, border_width, border_color, "< " );
        mvwprintz( w_filter_help, w_fh_height - 1, w_fh_width - border_width - 2, border_color, " >" );
        wrefresh( w_filter_help );

        // This line is preventing this method from being const
        filter.query( false, true ); // Draw only
    } else {
        if( filter_str.empty() ) {
            mvwprintz( w, w_height - 1, border_width, border_color, _( "< Press %s to filter, %s to reset >" ),
                       ctxt.get_desc( "FILTER" ), ctxt.get_desc( "RESET_FILTER" ) );
        } else {
            mvwprintz( w, w_height - 1, border_width, border_color, "< %s >", filter_str );
            mvwprintz( w, w_height - 1, border_width + 2, filter_color, "%s", filter_str );
        wrefresh( w );
void Messages::display_messages()
    catacurses::window w = catacurses::newwin(
                               FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH,
                               ( TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) ? ( TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) / 2 : 0,
                               ( TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ) ? ( TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2 : 0 );

    input_context ctxt( "MESSAGE_LOG" );
    ctxt.register_action( "UP", _( "Scroll up" ) );
    ctxt.register_action( "DOWN", _( "Scroll down" ) );
    ctxt.register_action( "QUIT" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );

    /* Right-Aligning Time Epochs For Readability
     * ==========================================
     * Given display_messages(); right-aligns epochs, we must declare one quick variable first:
     * max_padlength refers to the length of the LONGEST possible unit of time returned by to_string_clipped() any language has to offer.
     * This variable is, for now, set to '10', which seems most reasonable.
     * The reason right-aligned epochs don't use a "shortened version" (e.g. only showing the first letter) boils down to:
     * 1. The first letter of every time unit being unique is a property that might not carry across to other languages.
     * 2. Languages where displayed characters change depending on the characters preceding/following it will become unclear.
     * 3. Some polymorphic languages might not be able to appropriately convey meaning with one character (FRS is not a linguist- correct her on this if needed.)
     * This right padlength is then incorporated into a so-called 'epoch_format' which, in turn, will be used to format the correct epoch.
     * If an external language introduces time units longer than 10 characters in size, consider altering these variables.
     * The game (likely) shan't segfault, though the text may appear a bit messed up if these variables aren't set properly.
    const int max_padlength = 10;

    /* Dealing With Screen Extremities
     * ===============================
     * 'maxlength' corresponds to the most extreme length a log message may be before foldstring() wraps it around to two or more lines.
     * The numbers subtracted from FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH are - in order:
     * '-2' the characters reserved for the borders of the box, both on the left and right side.
     * '-1' the leftmost guide character that's drawn on screen.
     * '-4' the padded three-digit number each epoch starts with.
     * '-max_padlength' the characters of space that are allocated to time units (e.g. "years", "minutes", etc.)
     * 'bottom' works much like 'maxlength', but instead it refers to the amount of lines that the message box may hold.
    const int maxlength = FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2 - 1 - 4 - max_padlength;
    const int bottom = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2;
    const int msg_count = size();

    /* Dealing With Scroll Direction
     * =============================
     * Much like how the sidebar can have variable scroll direction, so will the message box.
     * To properly differentiate the two methods of displaying text, we will label them NEWEST-TOP, and OLDEST-TOP. This labeling should be self explanatory.
     * Note that 'offset' tracks only our current position in the list; it shan't at all affect the manner in which the messages are drawn.
     * Messages are always drawn top-to-bottom. If NEWEST-TOP is used, then the top line (line=1) corresponds to the newest message. The one further down the second-newest, etc.
     * If the OLDEST-TOP method is used, then the top line (line=1) corresponds to the oldest message, and the bottom one to the newest.
     * The 'for (;;)' block below is nearly completely method-agnostic, save for the `player_messages.impl_->history(i)` call.
     * In case of NEWEST-TOP, the 'i' variable easily enough corresponds to the newest message.
     * In case of OLDEST-TOP, the 'i' variable must be flipped- meaning the highest value of 'i' returns the result for the lowest value of 'i', etc.
     * To achieve this, the 'flip_message' variable is set to either the value of 'msg_count', or '0'. This variable is then subtracted from 'i' in each call to player_messages.impl_->history();
     * 'offset' refers to the corresponding message that will be displayed at the very TOP of the message box window.
     *  NEWEST-TOP: 'offset' starts simply at '0' - the very top of the window.
     *  OLDEST-TOP: 'offset' is set to the maximum value it could possibly be. That is- 'msg_count-bottom'. This way, the screen starts with the scrollbar all the way down.
     * 'retrieve_history' refers to the line that should be displayed- this is either 'i' if it's NEWEST-TOP, or a flipped version of 'i' if it's OLDEST-TOP.
    int offset = log_from_top ? 0 : ( msg_count - bottom );
    const int flip = log_from_top ? 0 : msg_count - 1;

    for( ;; ) {
        werase( w );
        draw_border( w );
        mvwprintz( w, bottom + 1, 32, c_red, _( "Press %s to return" ), ctxt.get_desc( "QUIT" ).c_str() );
        draw_scrollbar( w, offset, bottom, msg_count, 1, 0, c_white, true );

        int line = 1;
        int lasttime = -1;
        for( int i = offset; i < msg_count; ++i ) {
            const int retrieve_history = abs( i - flip );
            if( line > bottom ) {
                // This statement makes it so that no non-existent messages are printed (which usually results in a segfault)
            } else if( retrieve_history >= msg_count ) {

            const game_message &m     = player_messages.impl_->history( retrieve_history );
            const calendar timepassed = calendar::turn - m.timestamp_in_turns;
            std::string long_ago      = to_string_clipped( time_duration::from_turns( timepassed ) );
            nc_color col              = msgtype_to_color( m.type, false );

            // Here we separate the unit and amount from one another so that they can be properly padded when they're drawn on the screen.
            // Note that the very first character of 'unit' is often a space (except for languages where the time unit directly follows the number.)
            const auto amount_len = long_ago.find_first_not_of( "0123456789" );
            std::string amount = long_ago.substr( 0, amount_len );
            std::string unit = long_ago.substr( amount_len );
            if( timepassed.get_turn() != lasttime ) {
                right_print( w, line, 2, c_light_blue, string_format( _( "%-3s%-10s" ), amount.c_str(),
                             unit.c_str() ) );
                lasttime = timepassed.get_turn();

            nc_color col_out = col;
            for( const std::string &folded : foldstring( m.get_with_count(), maxlength ) ) {
                if( line > bottom ) {
                print_colored_text( w, line, 2, col_out, col, folded );

                // So-called special "markers"- alternating '=' and '-'s at the edges of te message window so players can properly make sense of which message belongs to which time interval.
                // The '+offset%4' in the calculation makes it so that the markings scroll along with the messages.
                // On lines divisible by 4, draw a dark gray '-' at both horizontal extremes of the window.
                if( ( line + offset % 4 ) % 4 == 0 ) {
                    mvwprintz( w, line, 1, c_dark_gray, "-" );
                    mvwprintz( w, line, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, c_dark_gray, "-" );
                    // On lines divisible by 2 (but not 4), draw a light gray '=' at the horizontal extremes of the window.
                } else if( ( line + offset % 4 ) % 2 == 0 ) {
                    mvwprintz( w, line, 1, c_light_gray, "=" );
                    mvwprintz( w, line, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, c_light_gray, "=" );

                // Only now are we done with this line:

        if( offset < msg_count - bottom ) {
            mvwprintz( w, bottom + 1, 5, c_magenta, "vvv" );
        if( offset > 0 ) {
            mvwprintz( w, bottom + 1, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 8, c_magenta, "^^^" );
        wrefresh( w );

        const std::string &action = ctxt.handle_input();
        if( action == "DOWN" && offset < msg_count - bottom ) {
        } else if( action == "UP" && offset > 0 ) {
        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {

    player_messages.impl_->curmes = calendar::turn.get_turn();