文件: movie.c 项目: Scruf/CSCI243
char *movieToString(const movie *m)
    char *sstr = NULL ;
    char *st = NULL ;
    char *sd = NULL ;
    char *tt = NULL ;
    int len = 0 ;

    st = movieGetTitle(m) ;
    sd = movieGetDirector(m) ;

    // calculate the total string length needed.
    len = strlen("Title: ") + strlen(st) +
                  strlen("  Director: ") + strlen(sd) + 1 ;

    if (NULL != m->lastPlayed)
        tt = mtimeToString(m->lastPlayed) ;
        len += strlen(" at ") + strlen(tt) ;

    // allocate enough space for the movie
    sstr = malloc( len ) ;

    sprintf(sstr, "Title: %s  Director: %s", st, sd) ;

    if (NULL != m->lastPlayed)
        sstr = strcat(sstr, " at ") ;
        sstr = strcat(sstr, tt) ;

    free(sd) ;
    free(st) ;
    free(tt) ;
    return sstr ;
/// main function
/// @author csci243
/// @param argc  number of command line arguments, including program name
/// @param argv  supplied command line arguments, including program name
/// @returns errorCode  error Code; EXIT_SUCCESS if no error
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    mtime *atime = NULL ;

    song *song1 = NULL ;
    song *song2 = NULL ;
    song *song3 = NULL ;

    printf( "Creating a time...\n" ) ;
    atime = newMTime( 6, 30, "pm" ) ;

    printf( "Starting song tests...\n" ) ;

    song1 = newSong( "Summer Days", "Beach Boys" ) ;
    printf( "First song initialized...\n" ) ;

    char *artist = songGetArtist( song1 ) ;
    char *title = songGetTitle( song1 ) ;
    printf( "The current song1 song is: %s by %s.\n", title, artist ) ;
    free( artist ) ;
    free ( title ) ;

    char * sstr = songToString( song1 ) ;
    printf( "Otherwise... %s\n", sstr ) ;
    songPlay( song1, atime ) ;
    sstr = songToString( song1 ) ;
    printf( "After playing the song... %s\n", sstr ) ;
    mtime *glp = songGetLastPlayed( song1 ) ;
    char *sglp = mtimeToString(glp) ;
    artist = songGetArtist( song1 ) ;
    title = songGetTitle( song1 ) ;
    printf( "The same song referencing members is: %s by %s. Last played at: %s\n", 
             title, artist, sglp ) ;
    free( artist ) ;
    free( title ) ;
    mtimeDelete( glp ) ;
    free( sglp ) ;

    songDelete( song1 ) ;

    artist = malloc( sizeof( "Goo Goo Dolls" ) + 1 ) ;
    title = malloc( sizeof( "The Black Hole" ) + 1 ) ;
    strcpy( artist, "Goo Goo Dolls" ) ;
    strcpy( title, "The Black Hole" ) ;
    song2 = newSong( title, artist ) ;
    free( artist ) ;
    free( title ) ;
    sstr = songToString ( song2 ) ;
    printf( "The o song is: %s\n", sstr ) ;
    song1 = songCopy( song2 ) ;
    sstr = songToString( song1 ) ;
    printf( "The copy of song2 song is: %s \n", sstr ) ;
    songDelete( song2 ) ;
    sstr = songToString( song1 ) ;
    printf( "After deleting the original, the song1 song is ... %s\n", sstr ) ;

    char *pstr ;
    song3 = songCopy( song1 ) ;
    if ( songEquals( song1, song3 ) )
        sstr = songToString( song1 ) ;
        pstr = songToString( song3 ) ;
        printf( "The song3 song %s\n    is the same as song1 song %s\n", pstr, sstr ) ;
        free( pstr ) ;
        printf( "ERROR: songCopy() failure!\n" ) ;

    song3 = newSong( "Its a Beatiful Morning", "Chicago" ) ;
    sstr = songToString( song3 ) ;
    printf( "The current song3 song is: %s\n", sstr ) ;
    songPlay( song3, newMTime(4, 42, "am") ) ;

    sstr = songToString( song3 ) ;
    printf( "The current song3 song is: %s\n", sstr ) ;
    free( sstr ) ;

    songDelete( song1 ) ;
    songDelete( song3 ) ;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS ;