void render_debug_box(
	const PfxVector3 &center,
	const PfxVector3 &extent,
	const PfxVector3 &color)
	const PfxVector3 points[8] = {
		center + mulPerElem(PfxVector3(-1,-1,-1),extent),
		center + mulPerElem(PfxVector3(-1,-1, 1),extent),
		center + mulPerElem(PfxVector3( 1,-1, 1),extent),
		center + mulPerElem(PfxVector3( 1,-1,-1),extent),
		center + mulPerElem(PfxVector3(-1, 1,-1),extent),
		center + mulPerElem(PfxVector3(-1, 1, 1),extent),
		center + mulPerElem(PfxVector3( 1, 1, 1),extent),
		center + mulPerElem(PfxVector3( 1, 1,-1),extent),
	const unsigned short indices[] = {
Magic3D::Vector3 Magic3D::Object::getScaleFromParent()
    Vector3 scale = getScale();
    if (getParent() && parentScale)
        Vector3 v = getParent()->getScaleFromParent();

        if (getParentBone())
            v = mulPerElem(v, getParentBone()->getScaleFromParent());
        scale = mulPerElem(v, scale);

    return scale;
void akPoseBlender::blendJoint(BlendMode bmode, RotMode rmode, akScalar weight, const akTransformState& a, const akTransformState& b, akTransformState& out)
	case PB_BM_LERP:
		out.loc =  lerp(weight, a.loc, b.loc);
			out.rot = slerp(weight, a.rot, b.rot);
			out.rot = lerp(weight, a.rot, b.rot);
		out.scale = lerp(weight, a.scale, b.scale);
	case PB_BM_ADD:
		out.loc =  a.loc + b.loc * weight;
			out.rot = slerp(weight, a.rot, a.rot*b.rot);
			out.rot = lerp(weight, a.rot, a.rot*b.rot);
		out.scale = lerp(weight, a.scale, mulPerElem(a.scale, b.scale) );

//		{
//		akTransformState sum;
//		akMathUtils::extractTransform(a.toMatrix()*b.toMatrix(), sum.loc, sum.rot, sum.scale);
//		out.loc =  lerp(weight, a.loc, sum.loc);
//		if(rmode==PB_RM_SLERP)
//			out.rot = slerp(weight, a.rot, sum.rot);
//		else
//			out.rot = lerp(weight, a.rot, sum.rot);
//		out.scale = lerp(weight, a.scale, sum.scale);
//		}

	//TODO test this.
	case PB_BM_SUB:
		out.loc = a.loc - b.loc * weight;
		akQuat invrot = conj(b.rot);
			out.rot = slerp(weight, a.rot, a.rot*invrot);
			out.rot = lerp(weight, a.rot, a.rot*invrot);
		// Needs a check for dision by 0 (not likely to happen).
		out.scale = lerp(weight, a.scale, divPerElem(a.scale, b.scale) );
	hBool hViewFrustum::testAABB( const Heart::hAABB& AABB ) {
		if ( Heart::hAABB::intersect( AABB, viewFrustumAABB_ ) )
			//do culling test against planes
			hVec3 vex[ 8 ];

			//bottom left near
            vex[0] = AABB.c_ - AABB.r_;
			//bottom right near
            vex[1] = AABB.c_ + mulPerElem( AABB.r_, hVec3( 1.f, -1.f, -1.f ) );
			//bottom right far
            vex[2] = AABB.c_ + mulPerElem( AABB.r_, hVec3( 1.f, -1.f, 1.f ) );
			//bottom left far
            vex[3] = AABB.c_ + mulPerElem( AABB.r_, hVec3( -1.f, -1.f, +1.f ) );
			//top left near
            vex[4] = AABB.c_ + mulPerElem( AABB.r_, hVec3( -1.f, 1.f, -1.f ) );
			//top right near
            vex[5] = AABB.c_ + mulPerElem( AABB.r_, hVec3( 1.f, 1.f, -1.f ) );
			//top right far
            vex[6] = AABB.c_ + AABB.r_;
			//top left far
            vex[7] = AABB.c_ + mulPerElem( AABB.r_, hVec3( -1.f, 1.f, 1.f ) );

			hPlane* planes[ 5 ] = {&top_, &bottom_, &left_, &right_, &far_ };
			for ( hUint32 p = 0; p < 5; ++p )
				hPlane* pPlane = planes[ p ];
				hBool fullyBehindPlane = hTrue;
				for ( hUint32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
					if ( !pointBehindPlane( vex[ i ], *pPlane ) )
						fullyBehindPlane = hFalse;

				if ( fullyBehindPlane )
					return hFalse;

			//is visible
			return hTrue;

		return hFalse;
void broadphase()
	//J 剛体が最も分散している軸を見つける
	//E Find the axis along which all rigid bodies are most widely positioned
	int axis = 0;
		PfxVector3 s(0.0f),s2(0.0f);
		for(int i=0;i<numRigidBodies;i++) {
			PfxVector3 c = states[i].getPosition();
			s += c;
			s2 += mulPerElem(c,c);
		PfxVector3 v = s2 - mulPerElem(s,s) / (float)numRigidBodies;
		if(v[1] > v[0]) axis = 1;
		if(v[2] > v[axis]) axis = 2;

	//J ブロードフェーズプロキシの更新
	//E Create broadpahse proxies
		for(int i=0;i<numRigidBodies;i++) {
		int workBytes = sizeof(PfxBroadphaseProxy) * numRigidBodies;
		void *workBuff = pool.allocate(workBytes);

	//J 交差ペア探索
	//E Find overlapped pairs
		PfxFindPairsParam param;
		param.workBytes = pfxGetWorkBytesOfFindPairs(NUM_CONTACTS);
		param.workBuff = pool.allocate(param.workBytes);
		param.pairBytes = pfxGetPairBytesOfFindPairs(NUM_CONTACTS);
		param.pairBuff = pool.allocate(param.pairBytes);
		param.proxies = proxies;
		param.numProxies = numRigidBodies;
		param.maxPairs = NUM_CONTACTS;
		param.axis = axis;

		PfxFindPairsResult result;

		int ret = pfxFindPairs(param,result);
		if(ret != SCE_PFX_OK) SCE_PFX_PRINTF("pfxFindPairs failed %d\n",ret);
		numPairs = result.numPairs;

	//J 新規ペアのコンタクトを初期化
	//E Add new contacts and initialize
	for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numPairs;i++) {
		PfxContactManifold &contact = contacts[i];

	numContacts = numPairs;
void broadphase()
	pairSwap = 1-pairSwap;

	unsigned int &numPreviousPairs = numPairs[1-pairSwap];
	unsigned int &numCurrentPairs = numPairs[pairSwap];
	PfxBroadphasePair *previousPairs = pairsBuff[1-pairSwap];
	PfxBroadphasePair *currentPairs = pairsBuff[pairSwap];

	//J 剛体が最も分散している軸を見つける
	//E Find the axis along which all rigid bodies are most widely positioned
	int axis = 0;
		PfxVector3 s(0.0f),s2(0.0f);
		for(int i=0;i<numRigidBodies;i++) {
			PfxVector3 c = states[i].getPosition();
			s += c;
			s2 += mulPerElem(c,c);
		PfxVector3 v = s2 - mulPerElem(s,s) / (float)numRigidBodies;
		if(v[1] > v[0]) axis = 1;
		if(v[2] > v[axis]) axis = 2;

	//J ブロードフェーズプロキシの更新
	//E Create broadpahse proxies
		//J レイキャストと共用するため、全ての軸に対するプロキシ配列を作成する
		//E To share with ray casting, create proxy arrays for all axis

		PfxUpdateBroadphaseProxiesParam param;
		param.workBytes = pfxGetWorkBytesOfUpdateBroadphaseProxies(numRigidBodies);
		param.workBuff = pool.allocate(param.workBytes,128);
		param.numRigidBodies = numRigidBodies;
		param.offsetRigidStates = states;
		param.offsetCollidables = collidables;
		param.proxiesX = proxies[0];
		param.proxiesY = proxies[1];
		param.proxiesZ = proxies[2];
		param.proxiesXb = proxies[3];
		param.proxiesYb = proxies[4];
		param.proxiesZb = proxies[5];
		param.worldCenter = worldCenter;
		param.worldExtent = worldExtent;

		PfxUpdateBroadphaseProxiesResult result;

		int ret = pfxUpdateBroadphaseProxies(param,result);
		if(ret != SCE_PFX_OK) SCE_PFX_PRINTF("pfxUpdateBroadphaseProxies failed %d\n",ret);

	//J 交差ペア探索
	//E Find overlapped pairs
		PfxFindPairsParam findPairsParam;
		findPairsParam.pairBytes = pfxGetPairBytesOfFindPairs(NUM_CONTACTS);
		findPairsParam.pairBuff = pool.allocate(findPairsParam.pairBytes);
		findPairsParam.workBytes = pfxGetWorkBytesOfFindPairs(NUM_CONTACTS);
		findPairsParam.workBuff = pool.allocate(findPairsParam.workBytes);
		findPairsParam.proxies = proxies[axis];
		findPairsParam.numProxies = numRigidBodies;
		findPairsParam.maxPairs = NUM_CONTACTS;
		findPairsParam.axis = axis;

		PfxFindPairsResult findPairsResult;

		int ret = pfxFindPairs(findPairsParam,findPairsResult);
		if(ret != SCE_PFX_OK) SCE_PFX_PRINTF("pfxFindPairs failed %d\n",ret);

		//J 交差ペア合成
		//E Decompose overlapped pairs into 3 arrays
		PfxDecomposePairsParam decomposePairsParam;
		decomposePairsParam.pairBytes = pfxGetPairBytesOfDecomposePairs(numPreviousPairs,findPairsResult.numPairs);
		decomposePairsParam.pairBuff = pool.allocate(decomposePairsParam.pairBytes);
		decomposePairsParam.workBytes = pfxGetWorkBytesOfDecomposePairs(numPreviousPairs,findPairsResult.numPairs);
		decomposePairsParam.workBuff = pool.allocate(decomposePairsParam.workBytes);
		decomposePairsParam.previousPairs = previousPairs;
		decomposePairsParam.numPreviousPairs = numPreviousPairs;
		decomposePairsParam.currentPairs = findPairsResult.pairs; // Set pairs from pfxFindPairs()
		decomposePairsParam.numCurrentPairs = findPairsResult.numPairs; // Set the number of pairs from pfxFindPairs()

		PfxDecomposePairsResult decomposePairsResult;

		ret = pfxDecomposePairs(decomposePairsParam,decomposePairsResult);
		if(ret != SCE_PFX_OK) SCE_PFX_PRINTF("pfxDecomposePairs failed %d\n",ret);


		PfxBroadphasePair *outNewPairs = decomposePairsResult.outNewPairs;
		PfxBroadphasePair *outKeepPairs = decomposePairsResult.outKeepPairs;
		PfxBroadphasePair *outRemovePairs = decomposePairsResult.outRemovePairs;
		PfxUInt32 numOutNewPairs = decomposePairsResult.numOutNewPairs;
		PfxUInt32 numOutKeepPairs = decomposePairsResult.numOutKeepPairs;
		PfxUInt32 numOutRemovePairs = decomposePairsResult.numOutRemovePairs;

		//J 廃棄ペアのコンタクトをプールに戻す
		//E Put removed contacts into the contact pool
		for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numOutRemovePairs;i++) {
			contactIdPool[numContactIdPool++] = pfxGetContactId(outRemovePairs[i]);

			//J 寝てる剛体を起こす
			//E Wake up sleeping rigid bodies
			PfxRigidState &stateA = states[pfxGetObjectIdA(outRemovePairs[i])];
			PfxRigidState &stateB = states[pfxGetObjectIdB(outRemovePairs[i])];
			if(stateA.isAsleep()) {
			if(stateB.isAsleep()) {

		//J 新規ペアのコンタクトのリンクと初期化
		//E Add new contacts and initialize
		for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numOutNewPairs;i++) {
			int cId = 0;
			if(numContactIdPool > 0) {
				cId = contactIdPool[--numContactIdPool];
			else {
				cId = numContacts++;
			if(cId >= NUM_CONTACTS) {
				cId = 0;
			PfxContactManifold &contact = contacts[cId];

			//J 寝てる剛体を起こす
			//E Wake up sleeping rigid bodies
			PfxRigidState &stateA = states[pfxGetObjectIdA(outNewPairs[i])];
			PfxRigidState &stateB = states[pfxGetObjectIdB(outNewPairs[i])];
			if(stateA.isAsleep()) {
			if(stateB.isAsleep()) {

		//J 新規ペアと維持ペアを合成
		//E Merge 'new' and 'keep' pairs
		numCurrentPairs = 0;
		for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numOutKeepPairs;i++) {
			currentPairs[numCurrentPairs++] = outKeepPairs[i];
		for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numOutNewPairs;i++) {
			currentPairs[numCurrentPairs++] = outNewPairs[i];
		int workBytes = sizeof(PfxBroadphasePair) * numCurrentPairs;
		void *workBuff = pool.allocate(workBytes);
void broadphase()
	pairSwap = 1-pairSwap;

	unsigned int &numPreviousPairs = numPairs[1-pairSwap];
	unsigned int &numCurrentPairs = numPairs[pairSwap];
	PfxBroadphasePair *previousPairs = pairsBuff[1-pairSwap];
	PfxBroadphasePair *currentPairs = pairsBuff[pairSwap];

	//J 剛体が最も分散している軸を見つける
	//E Find the axis along which all rigid bodies are most widely positioned
	int axis = 0;
		PfxVector3 s(0.0f),s2(0.0f);
		for(int i=0;i<numRigidBodies;i++) {
			PfxVector3 c = states[i].getPosition();
			s += c;
			s2 += mulPerElem(c,c);
		PfxVector3 v = s2 - mulPerElem(s,s) / (float)numRigidBodies;
		if(v[1] > v[0]) axis = 1;
		if(v[2] > v[axis]) axis = 2;

	//J ブロードフェーズプロキシの更新
	//E Create broadpahse proxies
		for(int i=0;i<numRigidBodies;i++) {

		int workBytes = sizeof(PfxBroadphaseProxy) * numRigidBodies;
		void *workBuff = pool.allocate(workBytes);


	//J 交差ペア探索
	//E Find overlapped pairs
		PfxFindPairsParam findPairsParam;
		findPairsParam.pairBytes = pfxGetPairBytesOfFindPairs(NUM_CONTACTS);
		findPairsParam.pairBuff = pool.allocate(findPairsParam.pairBytes);
		findPairsParam.workBytes = pfxGetWorkBytesOfFindPairs(NUM_CONTACTS);
		findPairsParam.workBuff = pool.allocate(findPairsParam.workBytes);
		findPairsParam.proxies = proxies;
		findPairsParam.numProxies = numRigidBodies;
		findPairsParam.maxPairs = NUM_CONTACTS;
		findPairsParam.axis = axis;

		PfxFindPairsResult findPairsResult;

		int ret = pfxFindPairs(findPairsParam,findPairsResult);
		if(ret != SCE_PFX_OK) SCE_PFX_PRINTF("pfxFindPairs failed %d\n",ret);

		curNumPairs = findPairsResult.numPairs;

		//J 交差ペア合成
		//E Decompose overlapped pairs into 3 arrays
		PfxDecomposePairsParam decomposePairsParam;
		decomposePairsParam.pairBytes = pfxGetPairBytesOfDecomposePairs(numPreviousPairs,findPairsResult.numPairs);
		decomposePairsParam.pairBuff = pool.allocate(decomposePairsParam.pairBytes);
		decomposePairsParam.workBytes = pfxGetWorkBytesOfDecomposePairs(numPreviousPairs,findPairsResult.numPairs);
		decomposePairsParam.workBuff = pool.allocate(decomposePairsParam.workBytes);
		decomposePairsParam.previousPairs = previousPairs;
		decomposePairsParam.numPreviousPairs = numPreviousPairs;
		decomposePairsParam.currentPairs = findPairsResult.pairs; // Set pairs from pfxFindPairs()
		decomposePairsParam.numCurrentPairs = findPairsResult.numPairs; // Set the number of pairs from pfxFindPairs()

		PfxDecomposePairsResult decomposePairsResult;

		ret = pfxDecomposePairs(decomposePairsParam,decomposePairsResult);
		if(ret != SCE_PFX_OK) SCE_PFX_PRINTF("pfxDecomposePairs failed %d\n",ret);


		PfxBroadphasePair *outNewPairs = decomposePairsResult.outNewPairs;
		PfxBroadphasePair *outKeepPairs = decomposePairsResult.outKeepPairs;
		PfxBroadphasePair *outRemovePairs = decomposePairsResult.outRemovePairs;
		PfxUInt32 numOutNewPairs = decomposePairsResult.numOutNewPairs;
		PfxUInt32 numOutKeepPairs = decomposePairsResult.numOutKeepPairs;
		PfxUInt32 numOutRemovePairs = decomposePairsResult.numOutRemovePairs;

		//J 廃棄ペアのコンタクトをプールに戻す
		//E Put removed contacts into the contact pool
		for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numOutRemovePairs;i++) {
			contactIdPool[numContactIdPool++] = pfxGetContactId(outRemovePairs[i]);

		//J 新規ペアのコンタクトのリンクと初期化
		//E Add new contacts and initialize
		for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numOutNewPairs;i++) {
			int cId = 0;
			if(numContactIdPool > 0) {
				cId = contactIdPool[--numContactIdPool];
			else {
				cId = numContacts++;
			if(cId >= NUM_CONTACTS) {
				cId = 0;
			PfxContactManifold &contact = contacts[cId];

		//J 新規ペアと維持ペアを合成
		//E Merge 'new' and 'keep' pairs
		numCurrentPairs = 0;
		for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numOutKeepPairs;i++) {
			currentPairs[numCurrentPairs++] = outKeepPairs[i];
		for(PfxUInt32 i=0;i<numOutNewPairs;i++) {
			currentPairs[numCurrentPairs++] = outNewPairs[i];

		bool verboseStats = true;
		if (verboseStats)
			printf("num bodies/states = %d\n", physics_get_num_rigidbodies());
			for (int i=0;i<physics_get_num_rigidbodies();i++)
				PfxVector3 pos = physics_get_state(i).getPosition();
				printf("body %d has position %f,%f,%f\n",i,pos.getX(),pos.getY(),pos.getZ());
			printf("numCurrentPairs (total) = %d\n", numCurrentPairs);

			for (int i=0;i<numCurrentPairs;i++)
				int idA = pfxGetObjectIdA(currentPairs[i]);
				int idB = pfxGetObjectIdB(currentPairs[i]);
				printf("pfx pair[%d] idA = %d, idB = %d\n", i, idA,idB);
				int cId = pfxGetContactId(currentPairs[i]);
				printf("contact duration = %d\n", contacts[cId].getDuration());

				if (1)
					printf("num contacts = %d\n", contacts[cId].getNumContacts());
					for (int c=0;c<contacts[cId].getNumContacts();c++)
						const PfxContactPoint& cp = contacts[cId].getContactPoint(c);
						printf("localPosA = %f,%f,%f. ", cp.m_localPointA[0],cp.m_localPointA[1],cp.m_localPointA[2]);
						printf("localPosB = %f,%f,%f. ", cp.m_localPointB[0],cp.m_localPointB[1],cp.m_localPointB[2]);
						for (int r=0;r<3;r++)
							printf("row %d accumImpulse = %f. ", r, cp.m_constraintRow[r].m_accumImpulse);
							printf("row %d normal = %f,%f,%f. ", r, cp.m_constraintRow[r].m_normal[0],cp.m_constraintRow[r].m_normal[1],cp.m_constraintRow[r].m_normal[2]);
							printf("row %d distance %f and duration %d\n", r, cp.m_distance1,cp.m_duration);



		//printf("numOutRemovePairs = %d\n", numOutRemovePairs);
		//printf("numOutNewPairs = %d\n",numOutNewPairs);

		int workBytes = sizeof(PfxBroadphasePair) * numCurrentPairs;
		void *workBuff = pool.allocate(workBytes);
static inline float2 sign_not_zero(const float2& v)
	return subtract(mulPerElem(step(float2(0, 0), v), 2.0), float2(1, 1));
PfxFloat pfxContactBoxCapsule(
	PfxVector3 &normal,PfxPoint3 &pointA,PfxPoint3 &pointB,
	void *shapeA,const PfxTransform3 &transformA,
	void *shapeB,const PfxTransform3 &transformB,
	PfxFloat distanceThreshold)
	PfxBox boxA = *((PfxBox*)shapeA);
	PfxCapsule capsuleB = *((PfxCapsule*)shapeB);

	PfxVector3 ident[3] = {

	// get capsule position and direction in box's coordinate system

	PfxMatrix3 matrixA = transformA.getUpper3x3();
	PfxMatrix3 matrixAinv = transpose(matrixA);

	PfxVector3 directionB = transformB.getUpper3x3().getCol0();
	PfxVector3 translationB = transformB.getTranslation();

	PfxVector3 capsDirection = matrixAinv * directionB;
	PfxVector3 absCapsDirection = absPerElem(capsDirection);
	PfxVector3 offsetAB = matrixAinv * (translationB - transformA.getTranslation());

	// find separating axis with largest gap between projections

	BoxCapsSepAxisType axisType;
	PfxVector3 axisA;
	PfxFloat maxGap;
	int faceDimA = 0, edgeDimA = 0;

	// face axes

	// can compute all the gaps at once with VU0

	PfxVector3 gapsA = absPerElem(offsetAB) - boxA.m_half - absCapsDirection * capsuleB.m_halfLen;

	AaxisTest( 0, X, true );
	AaxisTest( 1, Y, false );
	AaxisTest( 2, Z, false );

	// cross product axes

	// compute gaps on all cross product axes using some VU0 math.  suppose there's a tradeoff
	// between doing this with SIMD all at once or without SIMD in each cross product test, since
	// some test might exit early.

	PfxVector3 lsqrs, projOffset, projAhalf;

	PfxMatrix3 crossProdMat = crossMatrix(capsDirection) * PfxMatrix3::identity();
	PfxMatrix3 crossProdMatT = crossMatrix(-capsDirection) * PfxMatrix3::identity();

	lsqrs = mulPerElem( crossProdMatT.getCol0(), crossProdMatT.getCol0() ) +
			mulPerElem( crossProdMatT.getCol1(), crossProdMatT.getCol1() ) +
			mulPerElem( crossProdMatT.getCol2(), crossProdMatT.getCol2() );

	projOffset = crossProdMatT * offsetAB;
	projAhalf = absPerElem(crossProdMatT) * boxA.m_half;

	PfxVector3 gapsAxB = absPerElem(projOffset) - projAhalf;

	CrossAxisTest( 0, X );
	CrossAxisTest( 1, Y );
	CrossAxisTest( 2, Z );

	// make axis point from box center towards capsule center.

	if ( dot(axisA,offsetAB) < 0.0f )
		axisA = -axisA;

	// find the face on box whose normal best matches the separating axis. will use the entire
	// face only in degenerate cases.
	// to make things simpler later, change the coordinate system so that the face normal is the z
	// direction.  if an edge cross product axis was chosen above, also align the box edge to the y
	// axis.  this saves the later tests from having to know which face was chosen.  changing the
	// coordinate system involves permuting vector elements, so construct a permutation matrix.
	// I believe this is a faster way to permute a bunch of vectors than using arrays.

	int dimA[3];

	if ( axisType == CROSS_AXIS ) {
		PfxVector3 absAxisA = PfxVector3(absPerElem(axisA));

		dimA[1] = edgeDimA;

		if ( edgeDimA == 0 ) {
			if ( absAxisA[1] > absAxisA[2] ) {
				dimA[0] = 2;
				dimA[2] = 1;
			} else                             {
				dimA[0] = 1;
				dimA[2] = 2;
		} else if ( edgeDimA == 1 ) {
			if ( absAxisA[2] > absAxisA[0] ) {
				dimA[0] = 0;
				dimA[2] = 2;
			} else                             {
				dimA[0] = 2;
				dimA[2] = 0;
		} else {
			if ( absAxisA[0] > absAxisA[1] ) {
				dimA[0] = 1;
				dimA[2] = 0;
			} else                             {
				dimA[0] = 0;
				dimA[2] = 1;
	} else {
		dimA[2] = faceDimA;
		dimA[0] = (faceDimA+1)%3;
		dimA[1] = (faceDimA+2)%3;

	PfxMatrix3 aperm_col;


	PfxMatrix3 aperm_row = transpose(aperm_col);

	// permute vectors to be in face coordinate system.

	PfxVector3 offsetAB_perm = aperm_row * offsetAB;
	PfxVector3 halfA_perm = aperm_row * boxA.m_half;
	PfxVector3 signsA_perm = copySignPerElem(PfxVector3(1.0f), aperm_row * axisA);
	PfxVector3 scalesA_perm = mulPerElem( signsA_perm, halfA_perm );
	PfxVector3 capsDirection_perm = aperm_row * capsDirection;
	PfxFloat signB = (-dot(capsDirection,axisA) > 0.0f)? 1.0f : -1.0f;
	PfxFloat scaleB = signB * capsuleB.m_halfLen;

	// compute the vector between the center of the box face and the capsule center

	offsetAB_perm.setZ( offsetAB_perm.getZ() - scalesA_perm.getZ() );

	// if box and capsule overlap, this will separate them for finding points of penetration.

	if ( maxGap < 0.0f ) {
		offsetAB_perm -= aperm_row * axisA * maxGap * 1.01f;

	// for each vertex/face or edge/edge pair of box face and line segment, find the closest
	// points.
	// these points each have an associated feature (vertex, edge, or face).  if each
	// point is in the external Voronoi region of the other's feature, they are the
	// closest points of the objects, and the algorithm can exit.
	// the feature pairs are arranged so that in the general case, the first test will
	// succeed.  degenerate cases (line segment parallel to face) may require up to all tests
	// in the worst case.
	// if for some reason no case passes the Voronoi test, the features with the minimum
	// distance are returned.

	PfxVector3 closestPtsVec_perm;
	PfxPoint3 localPointA_perm;
	PfxFloat minDistSqr;
	PfxFloat segmentParamB;
	PfxBool done;

	localPointA_perm.setZ( scalesA_perm.getZ() );

	PfxVector3 hA_perm( halfA_perm );

	int otherFaceDimA;

	if ( axisType == CROSS_AXIS ) {
		EdgeEdgeTests( done, minDistSqr, closestPtsVec_perm, localPointA_perm, segmentParamB,
					   hA_perm, capsuleB.m_halfLen, offsetAB_perm, capsDirection_perm, signsA_perm,
					   scalesA_perm, true );

		if ( !done ) {
			VertexBFaceATests( done, minDistSqr, closestPtsVec_perm, localPointA_perm, segmentParamB,
							   hA_perm, offsetAB_perm, capsDirection_perm, signB, scaleB, false );
	} else {
		VertexBFaceATests( done, minDistSqr, closestPtsVec_perm, localPointA_perm, segmentParamB,
						   hA_perm, offsetAB_perm, capsDirection_perm, signB, scaleB, true );

		if ( !done ) {
			EdgeEdgeTests( done, minDistSqr, closestPtsVec_perm, localPointA_perm, segmentParamB,
						   hA_perm, capsuleB.m_halfLen, offsetAB_perm, capsDirection_perm, signsA_perm,
						   scalesA_perm, false );

	// compute normal

	PfxBool centerInside = ( signsA_perm.getZ() * closestPtsVec_perm.getZ() < 0.0f );

	if ( centerInside || ( minDistSqr < lenSqrTol ) ) {
		normal = matrixA * axisA;
	} else {
		PfxVector3 closestPtsVec = aperm_col * closestPtsVec_perm;
		normal = matrixA * ( closestPtsVec * (1.0f/sqrtf( minDistSqr )) );

	// compute box point

	pointA = PfxPoint3( aperm_col * PfxVector3( localPointA_perm ) );

	// compute capsule point

	pointB = PfxPoint3( transpose(transformB.getUpper3x3()) * ( directionB * segmentParamB - normal * capsuleB.m_radius ) );

	if ( centerInside ) {
		return (-sqrtf( minDistSqr ) - capsuleB.m_radius);
	} else {
		return (sqrtf( minDistSqr ) - capsuleB.m_radius);