Color Color::operator * (const float rhs) const {
  Color mul_color(red_   * rhs,
                  green_ * rhs,
                  blue_  * rhs,
                  alpha_ * rhs);

  return mul_color;
Graphic_base::Color& Graphic_base::Color::operator*=(double coeff) {
	return *this;
render_scene(const Scene * const scene,
             const Camera * const camera,
             Canvas * canvas,
             const int num_threads) {
    const int w = canvas->w;
    const int h = canvas->h;
    const Float dx = w / 2.0;
    const Float dy = h / 2.0;
    const Float focus = camera->proj_plane_dist;
    // TODO: consider possibility to define these OpenMP parameters
    // in declarative style (using directives of preprocessor)
    omp_set_num_threads((num_threads < 2) ? 1 : num_threads);
    // intersections_per_ray is not atomic variable
    // avoid multithreaded rendering to prevent from race-conditions
    // in case of incrementing this variable
    intersections_per_ray = 0;
    int i;
    int j;
    #pragma omp parallel private(i, j)
    #pragma omp for collapse(2) schedule(dynamic, CHUNK)
    for(i = 0; i < w; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < h; j++) {
            const Float x = i - dx;
            const Float y = j - dy;
            const Vector3d ray = vector3df(x, y, focus);
            const Color col = trace(scene, camera, ray);
            set_pixel(i, j, col, canvas);
    // TODO: argument of the function? global variable?
    const int antialiasing = ANTIALIASING;
    if(antialiasing) {
        Canvas * edges = detect_edges_canvas(canvas, num_threads);
        #pragma omp parallel private(i, j)
        #pragma omp for collapse(2) schedule(dynamic, CHUNK)
        for(i = 1; i < w - 1; i++) {
            for(j = 1; j < h - 1; j++) {
                // edges canvas is grayscaled
                // it means that color components (r, g, b) are equal
                Byte gray = get_pixel(i, j, edges).r;
                // TODO: improve
                if(gray > 10) {
                    const Float x = i - dx;
                    const Float y = j - dy;
                    Color c = get_pixel(i, j, canvas);
                    const Float weight = 1.0 / 4;
                    c = mul_color(c, weight);
                    c = add_colors(c, mul_color(trace(scene, camera, vector3df(x + 0.5, y, focus)), weight));
                    c = add_colors(c, mul_color(trace(scene, camera, vector3df(x, y + 0.5, focus)), weight));
                    c = add_colors(c, mul_color(trace(scene, camera, vector3df(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, focus)), weight));
                    set_pixel(i, j, c, canvas);
    intersections_per_ray /= (w * h);
    printf("Average intersections number per pixel: %li\n", intersections_per_ray);