/** Returns a human-readable string representing this PathMatcherEntry, for easier debugging */
String PathMatcherEntry :: ToString() const
   String ret;
   if (_parser()) ret += _parser()->ToString().Prepend("Parser=[").Append("]");
   if (_filter())
      char buf[128]; muscleSprintf(buf, "%sfilter=%p", ret.HasChars()?" ":"", _filter());
      ret += buf;
   return ret;
AbstractReflectSession ::
GetSessionDescriptionString() const
   uint16 port = _ipAddressAndPort.GetPort();

   String ret = GetTypeName();
   ret += " ";
   ret += GetSessionIDString();
   ret += (port>0)?" at [":" to [";
   ret += _hostName;
   char buf[64]; muscleSprintf(buf, ":%u]", (port>0)?port:_asyncConnectDest.GetPort()); ret += buf;
   return ret;
String HexBytesToString(const uint8 * buf, uint32 numBytes)
   String ret;
   if (ret.Prealloc(numBytes*3) == B_NO_ERROR)
      for (uint32 i=0; i<numBytes; i++)
         if (i > 0) ret += ' ';
         char b[32]; muscleSprintf(b, "%02x", buf[i]);
         ret += b;
   return ret;
static void WriteOctalASCII(uint8 * b, uint64 val, uint8 fieldSize)
   // gotta pad out the file data to the nearest block boundary!
   char formatStr[16]; muscleStrcpy(formatStr, UINT64_FORMAT_SPEC " ");

   char * pi = strchr(formatStr, 'u');
   if (pi) *pi = 'o';  // gotta use octal here!

   char tmp[256];
   muscleSprintf(tmp, formatStr, val);
   int numChars = muscleMin((int)fieldSize, ((int)(strlen(tmp)+1)));  // include the NUL byte if possible
   uint8 * dStart = (b+fieldSize)-numChars;
   memcpy(dStart, tmp, numChars);
   memset(b, '0', dStart-b);  // initial zeros
String HexBytesToString(const Queue<uint8> & bytes)
   const uint32 numBytes = bytes.GetNumItems();

   String ret;
   if (ret.Prealloc(numBytes*3) == B_NO_ERROR)
      for (uint32 i=0; i<numBytes; i++)
         if (i > 0) ret += ' ';
         char b[32]; muscleSprintf(b, "%02x", bytes[i]);
         ret += b;
   return ret;
AbstractReflectSession ::
   : _sessionID(GetNextGlobalID(_sessionIDCounter))
   , _connectingAsync(false)
   , _isConnected(false)
   , _asyncConnectTimeoutTime(MUSCLE_TIME_NEVER)
   , _reconnectViaTCP(true)
   , _lastByteOutputAt(0)
   , _lastReportedQueueSize(0)
   , _maxInputChunk(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
   , _maxOutputChunk(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
   , _outputStallLimit(MUSCLE_TIME_NEVER)
   , _autoReconnectDelay(MUSCLE_TIME_NEVER)
   , _reconnectTime(MUSCLE_TIME_NEVER)
   , _wasConnected(false)
   , _isExpendable(false)
   char buf[64]; muscleSprintf(buf, UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC, _sessionID);
   _idString = buf;
status_t SharedMemory :: SetArea(const char * keyString, uint32 createSize, bool returnLocked)
   UnsetArea();  // make sure everything is deallocated to start with

   if (createSize > 0)
      _area = muscleAlloc(createSize);
      if (_area) 
         memset(_area, 0, createSize);
         _areaName         = keyString;
         _areaSize         = createSize; 
         _isCreatedLocally = true;
         _isLocked         = returnLocked;
         _isLockedReadOnly = false;
         return B_NO_ERROR;
      else WARN_OUT_OF_MEMORY;   
#elif defined(WIN32)
   char buf[64];
   if (keyString == NULL)
      muscleSprintf(buf, INT32_FORMAT_SPEC, GetTickCount());  // No user-supplied name?  We'll pick an arbitrary name then
      keyString = buf;
   _areaName = keyString;

   // For windows we only use a Mutex, because even a Windows semaphore isn't enough to
   // do shared read locking.  When I figure out how to do interprocess shared read locking
   // under Windows I will implement that, but for now it's always exclusive-locking.  :^(
   _mutex = CreateMutexA(NULL, true, (_areaName+"__mutex")());
   if (_mutex != NULL)
      bool ok = true;
      if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) ok = (LockAreaReadWrite() == B_NO_ERROR);
         // We created it in our CreateMutex() call, and it's already locked for us
         _isLocked = true;
         _isLockedReadOnly = false;
      if (ok)
         char buf[MAX_PATH];
         if (GetTempPathA(sizeof(buf), buf) > 0)
            _fileName = _areaName.Prepend(buf)+"__file";
            if (_file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
               _isCreatedLocally = (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
               if (createSize == 0) createSize = GetFileSize(_file, NULL);
               _areaSize = createSize;  // assume the file will be resized automagically for us
               if (_areaSize > 0)
                  _map = CreateFileMappingA(_file, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, createSize, (_areaName+"__map")());
                  if (_map)
                     _area = MapViewOfFile(_map, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
                     if (_area)
                        if (returnLocked == false) UnlockArea();
                        return B_NO_ERROR;
   key_t requestedKey = IPC_PRIVATE;
   if (keyString)
      requestedKey = (key_t) CalculateHashCode(keyString, (uint32)strlen(keyString));
      if (requestedKey == IPC_PRIVATE) requestedKey++;
      _areaName = keyString;

   const int permissionBits = 0777;

   // Try to create a new semaphore to control access to our area
   _semID = semget(requestedKey, 1, IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|permissionBits);
   if (_semID >= 0)
      // race condition here!?
      semopts.val = LARGEST_SEMAPHORE_DELTA;
      if (semctl(_semID, 0, SETVAL, semopts) < 0) _semID = -1; // oops!
   else _semID = semget(requestedKey, 1, permissionBits);  // Couldn't create?  then get the existing one

   if (_semID >= 0)
      _key = requestedKey;

      // If we requested a private key, we still need to know the actual key value
      if (_key == IPC_PRIVATE)
         struct semid_ds semInfo = {};  // the braces zero-initialize the struct for us, to keep clang++SA happy
         semopts.buf = &semInfo;
         if (semctl(_semID, 0, IPC_STAT, semopts) == 0) 
# ifdef __linux__
            _key = semInfo.sem_perm.__key;

// Mac os-x leopard uses '_key' by default. Both Tiger and Leopard may use _key if the following condition is true, otherwise they use 'key'.
# elif (defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(__LP64__))) || __DARWIN_UNIX03
            _key = semInfo.sem_perm._key;
# else
            _key = semInfo.sem_perm.key;
# endif
         _areaName = "private";  // sorry, it's the best I can do short of figuring out how to invert the hash function!

      if ((_key != IPC_PRIVATE)&&(LockAreaReadWrite() == B_NO_ERROR))
         _areaID = shmget(_key, 0, permissionBits);
         if ((_areaID < 0)&&(createSize > 0)) 
            _areaID = shmget(_key, createSize, IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|permissionBits);
            _isCreatedLocally = true;
         if (_areaID >= 0)
            _area = shmat(_areaID, NULL, 0);
            if ((_area)&&(_area != ((void *)-1)))  // FogBugz #7294
               // Now get the stats on our area
               struct shmid_ds buf;
               if (shmctl(_areaID, IPC_STAT, &buf) == 0)
                  _areaSize = (uint32) buf.shm_segsz;
                  if (returnLocked == false) UnlockArea();
                  return B_NO_ERROR;

   UnsetArea();  // oops, roll back everything!
   return B_ERROR;
App::ArgvReceived(int32 argc, char **argv)
	Message args; 
	(void) ParseArgs(argc, argv, args);

	const char * value;
	if (args.HasName("help")) {
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Usage:  muscled [port=%u] [listen=ip:port] [displaylevel=lvl] [filelevel=lvl] [logfile=filename]\n", DEFAULT_MUSCLED_PORT); 
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [maxmem=megs]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [maxnodespersession=num] [remap=oldip=newip]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [ban=ippattern] [require=ippattern]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [privban=ippattern] [privunban=ippattern]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [privkick=ippattern] [privall=ippattern]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [maxsendrate=kBps] [maxreceiverate=kBps]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [maxcombinedrate=kBps] [maxmessagesize=k]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [maxsessions=num] [maxsessionsperhost=num]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "					 [localhost=ipaddress] [daemon]\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - port may be any number between 1 and 65536\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - listen is like port, except it includes a local interface IP as well.\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - lvl is: none, critical, errors, warnings, info, debug, or trace.\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - maxmem is the max megabytes of memory the server may use (default=unlimited)\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - You may also put one or more ban=<pattern> arguments in.\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "	Each pattern specifies one or more IP addresses to\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "	disallow connections from, e.g. ban=192.168.*.*\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - You may put one or more require=<pattern> arguments in.\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "	If any of these are present, then only IP addresses that match\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "	at least one of them will be allowed to connect.\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - To assign privileges, specify one of the following:\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "	privban=<pattern>, privunban=<pattern>,\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "	privkick=<pattern> or privall=<pattern>.\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "	privall assigns all privileges to the matching IP addresses.\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - remap tells muscled to treat connections from a given IP address\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "	as if they are coming from another (for stupid NAT tricks, etc)\n");
		Log(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, " - If daemon is specified, muscled will run as a background process.\n");

		for (int32 i = 0; (args.FindString("port", i, &value) == B_NO_ERROR); i++) {
			int16 port = atoi(value);
			if (port >= 0)
				listenPorts.PutWithDefault(IPAddressAndPort(invalidIP, port));

		for (int32 i = 0; (args.FindString("listen", i, &value) == B_NO_ERROR); i++) {
			IPAddressAndPort iap(value, DEFAULT_MUSCLED_PORT, false);
			if (iap.GetPort() > 0)
				LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to parse IP/port string [%s]\n", value);

		for (int32 i = 0; (args.FindString("remap", i, &value) == B_NO_ERROR); i++) {
			StringTokenizer tok(value, ",=");
			const char * from = tok();
			const char * to = tok();
			ip_address fromIP = from ? Inet_AtoN(from) : 0;
			if ((fromIP != invalidIP)&&(to)) {
				char ipbuf[64]; Inet_NtoA(fromIP, ipbuf);
				LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Will treat connections coming from [%s] as if they were from [%s].\n", ipbuf, to);
				tempRemaps.Put(fromIP, to);
			} else
				LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing remap argument (it should look something like remap=,\n");

	if (args.FindString("maxmem", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		int megs = muscleMax(1, atoi(value));
		LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting memory usage to %i megabyte%s.\n", megs, (megs==1)?"":"s");
		maxBytes = megs*1024L*1024L;

	if (args.FindString("maxmessagesize", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		int k = muscleMax(1, atoi(value));
		LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting message sizes to %i kilobyte%s.\n", k, (k==1)?"":"s");
		maxMessageSize = k*1024L;

	if (args.FindString("maxsendrate", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		float k = (float) atof(value);
		maxSendRate = muscleMax((uint32)0, (uint32)(k * 1024.0f));

	if (args.FindString("maxreceiverate", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		float k = (float) atof(value);
		maxReceiveRate = muscleMax((uint32)0, (uint32)(k * 1024.0f));

	if (args.FindString("maxcombinedrate", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		float k = (float) atof(value);
		maxCombinedRate = muscleMax((uint32)0, (uint32)(k * 1024.0f));

	if (args.FindString("maxnodespersession", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		maxNodesPerSession = atoi(value);
		LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting nodes-per-session to "UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC".\n", maxNodesPerSession);

	if (args.FindString("maxsessions", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		maxSessions = atoi(value);
		LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting total session count to "UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC".\n", maxSessions);

	if (args.FindString("maxsessionsperhost", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		maxSessionsPerHost = atoi(value);
		LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting session count for any given host to "UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC".\n", maxSessionsPerHost);
	if (args.FindString("privatekey", &value) == B_NO_ERROR) {
		fprivateKeyFilePath = new String(value);	
		//const String * fprivateKeyFilePath = args.GetStringPointer("privatekey");
		//LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting session count for any given host to "UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC".\n", fprivateKeyFilePath);

		for (int32 i = 0; (args.FindString("ban", i, &value) == B_NO_ERROR); i++) {
			LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Banning all clients whose IP addresses match [%s].\n", value);	

		for (int32 i = 0; (args.FindString("require", i, &value) == B_NO_ERROR); i++) {
			LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Allowing only clients whose IP addresses match [%s].\n", value);	
		const char * privNames[] = {"privkick", "privban", "privunban", "privall"};
		for (int p = 0; p <= PR_NUM_PRIVILEGES; p++) {  // if (p == PR_NUM_PRIVILEGES), that means all privileges
			for (int32 q=0; (args.FindString(privNames[p], q, &value) == B_NO_ERROR); q++) {
				LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Clients whose IP addresses match [%s] get %s privileges.\n", value, privNames[p]+4);
				char tt[32]; 
				muscleSprintf(tt, "priv%i", p);
				tempPrivs.AddString(tt, value);