int runNBodySimulation(const NBodyFlags* nbf)
    NBodyCtx* ctx = &_ctx;
    NBodyState* st = &_st;

    int rc = 0;
    real chisq;
    double ts = 0.0, te = 0.0;

    nbodySetCtxFromFlags(ctx, nbf);
    if (setupRun(ctx, st, &ctx->histogramParams, nbf))
        return warn1("Failed to setup run\n");

    if (initOutput(st, nbf))
        return warn1("Failed to open output files\n");

    if (createSharedScene(st, ctx, nbf->inputFile))
        return warn1("Failed to create shared scene\n");

    ts = mwGetTime();
    rc = runSystem(ctx, st, nbf);
    if (rc)
        return warn1("Error running system\n");
    te = mwGetTime();

    if (nbf->printTiming)
        printf("<run_time> %f </run_time>\n", te - ts);

    /* Get the likelihood */
    chisq = nbodyChisq(ctx, st, nbf, &ctx->histogramParams);
    if (isnan(chisq))
        warn("Failed to calculate chisq\n");
        rc = 1;

    finalOutput(ctx, st, nbf, chisq);

    return rc;
static void calculateIntegralsIntFp(const AstronomyParameters* ap,
                               const IntegralArea* ias,
                               const StreamConstantsIntFp* sc,
                               const StreamGauss sg,
                               EvaluationState* es,
                               const CLRequest* clr,
                               GPUInfo* ci,
                               int useImages)
    const IntegralArea* ia;
    double t1, t2;
    int rc;
    if (separationLoadKernel(ci, ap, sc) != CAL_RESULT_OK)
        fail("Failed to load integral kernel");
  #endif /* SEPARATION_OPENCL */
    for (; es->currentCut < es->numberCuts; es->currentCut++)
        es->cut = &es->cuts[es->currentCut];
        ia = &ias[es->currentCut];
        es->current_calc_probs = completedIntegralProgress(ias, es);

        t1 = mwGetTime();
        rc = integrateCL(ap, ia, sc, sg, es, clr, ci, (cl_bool) useImages);
      #elif SEPARATION_CAL
        rc = integrateCAL(ap, ia, sg, es, clr, ci);
        rc = integrateIntFp(ap, ia, sc, sg, es, clr);
      #endif /* SEPARATION_OPENCL */

        t2 = mwGetTime();
        warn("Integral %u time = %f s\n", es->currentCut, t2 - t1);

        if (rc || isnan(es->cut->bgIntegral))
            fail("Failed to calculate integral %u\n", es->currentCut);

        cleanStreamIntegralsIntFp(es->cut->streamIntegrals, sc, ap->number_streams);

  #endif /* SEPARATION_CAL */
/* Pretty much boinc_rename() mangled a bit to fit here temporarily */
static int mw_boinc_rename(const char* old, const char* newf)
    int retval;
    const double fileRetryInterval = 5;

    retval = mw_boinc_rename_aux(old, newf);
    if (retval)
        double start = mwGetTime();
            mw_boinc_sleep(2.0 * (double) rand() / (double) RAND_MAX);
            retval = mw_boinc_rename_aux(old, newf);
            if (!retval)
        while (mwGetTime() < start + fileRetryInterval);

    return retval;
double mwGetTimeMilli(void)
    return 1.0e3 * mwGetTime();
int nbMain(const NBodyFlags* nbf)
    NBodyCtx* ctx = &_ctx;
    NBodyState* st = &_st;
    CLRequest clr;

    NBodyStatus rc = NBODY_SUCCESS;
    real ts = 0.0, te = 0.0;

    if (!nbOutputIsUseful(nbf))
        return NBODY_USER_ERROR;

    nbSetCLRequestFromFlags(&clr, nbf);

    /* Find out what device we're using so we can tell the workunit
     * about it */
    if (NBODY_OPENCL && !nbf->noCL)
        rc = nbInitCL(st, ctx, &clr);
        if (nbStatusIsFatal(rc))
            return rc;

    rc = nbResumeOrNewRun(ctx, st, nbf);
    if (nbStatusIsFatal(rc))
        return rc;

    nbSetCtxFromFlags(ctx, nbf); /* Do this after setup to avoid the setup clobbering the flags */
    nbSetStateFromFlags(st, nbf);

    if (NBODY_OPENCL && !nbf->noCL)
        rc = nbInitNBodyStateCL(st, ctx);
        if (nbStatusIsFatal(rc))
            return rc;

    if (nbCreateSharedScene(st, ctx))
        mw_printf("Failed to create shared scene\n");

    if (nbf->visualizer && st->scene)
        /* Make sure the first scene is available for the launched graphics */
        nbForceUpdateDisplayedBodies(ctx, st);

        /* Launch graphics and make sure we are sure the graphics is
         * attached in case we are using blocking mode */
        nbLaunchVisualizer(st, nbf->graphicsBin, nbf->visArgs);

    if (nbf->reportProgress)

    ts = mwGetTime();
    rc = nbRunSystem(ctx, st);
    te = mwGetTime();

    if (nbf->reportProgress)


    if (nbStatusIsFatal(rc))
        mw_printf("Error running system: %s (%d)\n", showNBodyStatus(rc), rc);
        return rc;
        if (nbStatusIsWarning(rc))
            mw_printf("System complete with warnings: %s (%d)\n", showNBodyStatus(rc), rc);

        if (nbf->printTiming)
            printf("<run_time> %f </run_time>\n", te - ts);

    rc = nbReportResults(ctx, st, nbf);


    return rc;