int main() { key_t key = ftok("./mark", (int)'a'); int shmid = shmget(key, 100, IPC_CREAT | 0600); void* buf = (void*)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); if ( (int)buf == -1 ) { shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL); exit(1); } sprintf(buf, "hello, world\n"); mysleep(5); sprintf(buf, "bye, world\n"); mysleep(5); if ( -1 == shmdt(buf) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL); exit(1); } if ( -1 == shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } printf("producer exited normally\n"); return 0; }
static void lcd_strobe(int fd, uint8_t data) { i2c_write_cmd(fd, data | En | LCD_BACKLIGHT); mysleep(1); //.0005); i2c_write_cmd(fd, ((data & ~En) | LCD_BACKLIGHT)); mysleep(1); //.0001); }
void* snapWorker(void* arg) { /* WARNING void* arg (workerArgs) is on the stack of the function below and * doesn't exist forever. */ WorkerArgs *workerArgs = (WorkerArgs*) arg; SnapArgs *snapArgs = workerArgs->snapArgs; tcp_stat_agent* agent = workerArgs->agent; CwndPeaks* peaks = workerArgs->peaks; int writeSnap = workerArgs->writeSnap; // snap log written into every "delay" milliseconds double delay = ((double) snapArgs->delay) / 1000.0; while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mainmutex); if (workerLoop) { pthread_cond_broadcast(&maincond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mainmutex); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mainmutex); mysleep(0.01); } // Find Congestion window peaks from a web_100 snapshot, if enabled // Write snap log , if enabled, all in a synchronous manner. while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mainmutex); if (!workerLoop) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mainmutex); break; } #if USE_WEB100 web100_snap(snapArgs->snap); if (peaks) { findCwndPeaks(agent, peaks, snapArgs->snap); } if (writeSnap) { web100_log_write(snapArgs->log, snapArgs->snap); } #elif USE_WEB10G estats_read_vars(snapArgs->snap, snapArgs->conn, agent); if (peaks) { findCwndPeaks(agent, peaks, snapArgs->snap); } if (writeSnap) { estats_record_write_data(snapArgs->log, snapArgs->snap); } #endif pthread_mutex_unlock(&mainmutex); mysleep(delay); } return NULL; }
void draw_adjTable( unsigned int cs_size,double **cs,unsigned int* atArr,unsigned int **at,double connectRad,long int delay){ int i,j; if(h==0){ h = gnuplot_init(); gnuplot_cmd(h, "clear"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"reset"); // gnuplot_cmd(h,"set terminal gif small animate delay 1 optimize"); // gnuplot_cmd(h,"set output \"animate.gif\""); // gnuplot_cmd(h,"set terminal postscript eps enhanced color font 'Helvetica,10'"); // gnuplot_cmd(h,"set output \"plot1.eps\""); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set terminal epslatex size 3.5,2.62 color colortext"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set output 'introduction.tex'"); // gnuplot_cmd(h, "set xrange [-4:4]"); // gnuplot_cmd(h, "set yrange [-4:4]"); // gnuplot_cmd(h, "set zrange [-4:4]"); // gnuplot_cmd(h, "set xlabel \"theta_1\" "); // gnuplot_cmd(h, "set ylabel \"theta_2\" "); // gnuplot_cmd(h, "set zlabel \"theta_3\" "); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set isosample 40" ); } gnuplot_resetplot(h); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set multiplot"); double tol=connectRad ; gnuplot_cmd(h,"splot [-3.2:3.2][-3.2:3.2][-3.2:3.2] \"-\" using 1:2:3 with points pointtype 26 ps 0.6 notitle "); for(i=0;i<cs_size;i++){ gnuplot_cmd(h,"%f %f %f", cs[i][0], cs[i][1], cs[i][2]); } gnuplot_cmd(h,"e"); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set xlabel \"theta_1\" ") ; gnuplot_cmd(h, "set ylabel \"theta_2\" ") ; gnuplot_cmd(h, "set zlabel \"theta_3\" ") ; gnuplot_cmd(h, "set style arrow 1 nohead") ; int temp; for(i=0;i<cs_size;i++){ for(j=0;j<atArr[i];j++){ temp=at[i][j]; if( fabs(cs[i][0]-cs[temp][0])>tol ||fabs(cs[i][1]-cs[temp][1])>tol ||fabs(cs[i][2]-cs[temp][2])>tol){ // do nothing }else{ gnuplot_cmd(h, "set arrow from %f,%f,%f to %f,%f,%f as 1",cs[i][0],cs[i][1], cs[i][2],cs[temp][0],cs[temp][1], cs[temp][2]); mysleep(delay); gnuplot_cmd(h,"splot[-3.2:3.2][-3.2:3.2][-3.2:3.2] NaN notitle"); } } } mysleep(delay); // gnuplot_cmd(h,"unset multiplot"); }
void splash(void) { int x; attrset(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_RED) | A_BOLD); gplot("htext", 20, 1, 1); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_GREEN)); gplot("tdesc", 42, 9, 1); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_RED)); mvprintw(4, MAP_XSIZE - strlen(VERSION), "%s", VERSION); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_CYAN)); for(x = 0; x < MAP_XSIZE; x++) { mvaddch(MAP_YSIZE - 1, x, ':'); mvaddch(0, x, ':'); } attrset(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_MAGENTA)); mvprintw(MAP_YSIZE, 0, "CAVEZ of PHEAR Copyright 2003-2007 Tom Rune Flo <*****@*****.**>"); mvprintw(MAP_YSIZE + 1, 0, "Distributed under the terms of the GPL license"); refresh(); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_WHITE) | A_NORMAL); mysleep(100000); for(x = -40; x < 0; x++) { gplot("spgraf", x, 1, 0); refresh(); mysleep(7000); } attrset(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); mvprintw(15, 42, "PRESS ANY KEY TO START!"); attrset(A_NORMAL); refresh(); flushinp(); getch(); return; }
int my_clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tp) { static int flag = 0; if(NULL == tp) { fprintf(std_err, "invalid argument."); return -1; } #ifdef CONFIG_LOW_VERSION_LIBC tp->tv_sec = get_uptime(); tp->tv_nsec = 0; #else int ret = 0; int retry_count = 0; if (!flag) { while(((ret = clock_gettime(clk_id, tp)) < 0 ) && (retry_count ++ < 3)) { mysleep(0, 100); } if(ret < 0) { flag = 1; fprintf(std_err, "clock_gettime error[%s]", strerror(errno)); } } if(flag) { tp->tv_sec = get_uptime(); tp->tv_nsec = 0; flag = 1; } #endif return 0; }
int main() { my_pthread_create(subthread, NULL); mysleep(2); printf("main thread end\n"); }
void draw_polygons(struct polygon* polygons, int number_of_polygons,int delay){ if(h==0){ h = gnuplot_init(); gnuplot_cmd(h, "clear"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"reset"); //gnuplot_cmd(h,"set terminal gif animate "); //gnuplot_cmd(h,"set output \"animate.gif\""); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set terminal gif small animate delay 7"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set output \"animate.gif\""); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set isosample 40" ); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set xrange [-5:5]"); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set yrange [-5:5]"); puts("Initiating polygon drawing\n"); } int i,j; gnuplot_cmd(h,"unset arrow"); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set style arrow 1 nohead") ; for(j=0;j<number_of_polygons;j++){ for(i=0;i<polygons[j].numberOfVertices-1;i++){ gnuplot_resetplot(h); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set arrow from %f,%f to %f,%f as 1",polygons[j].x_list[i], polygons[j].y_list[i],polygons[j].x_list[i+1], polygons[j].y_list[i+1]); } } gnuplot_cmd(h, "plot[-5:5][-5:5] NaN notitle"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set size square"); mysleep(delay); }
void draw_polys_configSpace(unsigned int cs_size, double **configSpace,int number_of_polygons, struct polygon *polygons,unsigned int delay){ int i,j,k; if(h==0){ h = gnuplot_init(); gnuplot_cmd(h, "clear"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"reset"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set terminal gif small animate delay 2 optimize"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set output \"animate.gif\""); // gnuplot_cmd(h,"set terminal postscript color"); // gnuplot_cmd(h,"set output \"\""); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set isosample 40" ); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set xrange [-4:4]"); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set yrange [-4:4]"); } gnuplot_cmd(h,"set multiplot layout 1, 2;"); // plot polygon gnuplot_cmd(h, "set style arrow 1 nohead") ; for(j=0;j<number_of_polygons;j++){ for(i=0;i<polygons[j].numberOfVertices-1;i++){ gnuplot_cmd(h, "set arrow from %2.4f,%2.4f to %2.4f,%2.4f as 1",polygons[j].x_list[i], polygons[j].y_list[i],polygons[j].x_list[i+1], polygons[j].y_list[i+1]); } } gnuplot_cmd(h,"set size square"); gnuplot_cmd(h, "plot [-4:4][-4:4] NaN title \"Work Space\""); gnuplot_cmd(h,"unset arrow"); // plot configSpace gnuplot_cmd(h,"splot [-3.1:3.1][-3.1:3.1][-3.1:3.1] \"-\" using 1:2:3 with points pointtype 26 ps 0.3 title \"Configuration Space\" "); for(i=0;i<cs_size;i++){ gnuplot_cmd(h,"%f %f %f", configSpace[i][0], configSpace[i][1], configSpace[i][2]); } gnuplot_cmd(h,"e"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"unset multiplot"); mysleep(delay); }
void* thread_fn(void* arg) { lli slee, start, end; lli loops_ps = loops_per_sec; double lratio = 1.0 - ratio; double wratio = lratio / (1. - lratio); lli loops, i; int syncl = sync_barrier; int local_finish; long long int interval = *((long long int*)arg); while(1) { r_lock(); /* begin reading */ if (syncl) { pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier); // this can't fail according to docs } local_finish = finished; r_unlock(); if (local_finish) { break; } start = GET_TIME(); mysleep(interval); end = GET_TIME(); slee = end - start; loops = (lli)(loops_ps * slee * wratio / 1000000.0); for (i=0; i < loops; i++) { LOOP(); } } return 0; }
int main(void) { while(1){ mysleep(2); printf("Two seconds passed\n"); } return 0; }
void think(int i) { int milliseconds = random() % 1000; printf("philosopher %d is thinking for %d milliseconds...\n", i, milliseconds); mysleep(milliseconds); }
void eat(int i) { int milliseconds = random() % 1000; eatcount[i]++; printf("\tphilosopher %d is eating for %d milliseconds...\n", i, milliseconds); mysleep(milliseconds); }
int main() { int i; for (i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { progressBar(i); mysleep(1); } printf("/n"); return 0; }
int main() { int i; for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) { mysleep(1); printf("This is i=[%d]\n", i); } return 0; }
/* サブスレッド */ void subthread(void* vp) { int i; printf("sub thread start\n"); for(i=0; i<5; i++){ printf("-\n"); mysleep(1); } printf("sub thread end\n"); }
void lcd_init(int fd) { lcd_write(fd, 0x03, 0); lcd_write(fd, 0x03, 0); lcd_write(fd, 0x03, 0); lcd_write(fd, 0x02, 0); lcd_write(fd, LCD_FUNCTIONSET | LCD_2LINE | LCD_5x8DOTS | LCD_4BITMODE, 0); // lcd_write(fd, LCD_FUNCTIONSET | LCD_2LINE | LCD_5x8DOTS | LCD_8BITMODE, 0); lcd_write(fd, LCD_DISPLAYCONTROL | LCD_DISPLAYON, 0); lcd_write(fd, LCD_CLEARDISPLAY, 0); lcd_write(fd, LCD_ENTRYMODESET | LCD_ENTRYLEFT, 0); mysleep(200); }
void logout_all(void) { register int i; printf("Are you are you want to logout all users on the BBS? (Y/N) -> "); if (yesno(-1)) { printf("\nLogging off all users..."); fflush(stdout); for (i = 0; i < MAXUSERS; i++) if (bigbtmp->btmp[i].pid != pid) logout_user(NULL, &bigbtmp->btmp[i], 0); mysleep(10); printf("\n\nForcing off any stragglers..."); fflush(stdout); for (i = 0; i < MAXUSERS; i++) if (bigbtmp->btmp[i].pid != pid) logout_user(NULL, &bigbtmp->btmp[i], 1); mysleep(5); putchar('\n'); } }
void NetWorkTest::checkSite(QString url) { QUrl qrl(url); manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); loop = new QEventLoop(); connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(replyFinished(QNetworkReply*))); status = -1; while(status != 0){ mysleep(5000); manager->get(QNetworkRequest(qrl)); loop->exec(); } }
void server_sig_int(int signo) { int i, j; unsigned char buff[5]; ServerRealm** scRealmsTable; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD if (!is_this_a_mainthread()) { return; } #endif for (j = 0; j < ServerConfiguration_get_realmsNumber(config); ++j) { scRealmsTable = ServerConfiguration_get_realmsTable(config); buff[0] = AF_S_CLOSING; /* closing */ for (i = 0; i < ServerRealm_get_clientsLimit(scRealmsTable[j]); ++i) { if (ConnectClient_get_state(ServerRealm_get_clientsTable(scRealmsTable[j])[i]) == CONNECTCLIENT_STATE_ACCEPTED) { SslFd_send_message(ServerRealm_get_realmType(scRealmsTable[j]), ConnectClient_get_sslFd( ServerRealm_get_clientsTable(scRealmsTable[j])[i]), buff, 5); close(SslFd_get_fd(ConnectClient_get_sslFd( ServerRealm_get_clientsTable(scRealmsTable[j])[i]))); } } for (i = 0; i < ServerRealm_get_raClientsLimit(scRealmsTable[j]); ++i) { if (ConnectClient_get_state(ServerRealm_get_raClientsTable(scRealmsTable[j])[i]) == CONNECTCLIENT_STATE_ACCEPTED) { SslFd_send_message(ServerRealm_get_realmType(scRealmsTable[j]) | TYPE_SSL, ConnectClient_get_sslFd( ServerRealm_get_raClientsTable(scRealmsTable[j])[i]), buff, 5); close(SslFd_get_fd(ConnectClient_get_sslFd(ServerRealm_get_raClientsTable(scRealmsTable[j])[i]))); } } } /* FIXME: give a time to close all connections */ mysleep(0.1); aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_NOTICE, "SERVER CLOSED cg: %ld bytes", getcg()); exit(0); }
// function we are going to run as a thread void *write_thread(void *arg) { unsigned long delay = (unsigned long)arg; long count = 0; char buff[100]; while (++count) { sprintf(buff, "%ld Counting up: %ld\n", delay, count); mysleep(delay); myprints(buff); } myprints("Write thread is exiting!\n"); return NULL; }
#else mkdir(rpath,0777); #endif } } } CKSLog::CKSLog() { Init(); } CKSLog::~CKSLog() { CloseFile(); } bool CKSLog::SetFileMode(char *pszFilePath, char *pszFileHead, char *pszFileExt, unsigned int dwFileOpt) { m_dwFileOpt = dwFileOpt; if(strlen(pszFilePath) >= sizeof(m_szFilePath)
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; pthread_t thread[N]; // each of the N philosophers done = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { pthread_cond_init(&s[i], NULL); eatcount[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { // create N philosopher threads if (pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, (void *) philosopher, (void *) i) != 0) { perror("pthread_create"); return 1; } } mysleep(DURATION*100); // sleep for DURATION seconds done = 1; // have everybody stop for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { // wait for each philosopher to to finish if (pthread_join(thread[i], NULL) != 0) { // NOTE: in order 0..N-1 perror("pthread_join"); return 2; } } // destroy all mutex pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { pthread_cond_destroy(&s[i]); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { printf("Philosopher %d got to eat %d times\n", i, eatcount[i]); } return 0; }
void CRASHREPORTER_init(void){ running_time.start(); #if defined(FOR_WINDOWS) CRASHREPORTER_windows_init(); #elif defined(FOR_LINUX) CRASHREPORTER_posix_init(); #elif defined(FOR_MACOSX) #else # error "Unknown machine" #endif mysleep(1000); }
void draw_configSpace(unsigned int cs_size,double **configSpace, int delay){ int i,j; if(h==0){ h = gnuplot_init(); gnuplot_cmd(h, "clear"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"reset"); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set terminal gif animate animate delay 1 "); gnuplot_cmd(h,"set output \"animate.gif\""); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set xrange [-4:4]"); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set yrange [-4:4]"); gnuplot_cmd(h, "set zrange [-4:4]"); printf("initializing draw cs \n"); } gnuplot_cmd(h,"splot \"-\" using 1:2:3 with points pointtype 26 ps 0.3 lt palette"); for(i=0;i<cs_size;i++){ gnuplot_cmd(h,"%f %f %f", configSpace[i][0], configSpace[i][1], configSpace[i][2]); } gnuplot_cmd(h,"e"); mysleep(delay); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { #if 0 int ret = -1; struct sigaction act = {0}; act.sa_handler = signal_func; ret = sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL); ret = alarm(5); printf("1st, ret = %d.\n", ret); // 1st, ret = 0. sleep(3); ret = alarm(5); printf("2st, ret = %d.\n", ret); // 2st, ret = 2. sleep(1); ret = alarm(5); printf("3st, ret = %d.\n", ret); // 3st, ret = 4. #if 0 while (1); #endif #if 1 pause(); #endif #endif #if 1 // 使用alarm和pause来模拟sleep printf("before mysleep.\n"); mysleep(3); printf("after mysleep.\n"); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; pthread_t thread[N]; // each of the N philosophers done = 0; mutex = 1; // normal initialization of mutex for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { s[i] = 0; // initially all philosopher sems will block eatcount[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { // create N philosopher threads if (pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, (void *) philosopher, (void *) i) != 0) { perror("pthread_create"); return 1; } } mysleep(DURATION*1000); // sleep for DURATION seconds done = 1; // have everybody stop for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { // wait for each philosopher to to finish if (pthread_join(thread[i], NULL) != 0) { // NOTE: in order 0..N-1 perror("pthread_join"); return 2; } } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { printf("Philosopher %d got to eat %d times\n", i, eatcount[i]); } return 0; }
int kcinth() { ushort seg, off, r; int x, y, z, w; seg = running->uss; off = running->usp; x = get_word(seg, off + 2*13); y = get_word(seg, off + 2*14); z = get_word(seg, off + 2*15); w = get_word(seg, off + 2*16); switch(x){ case 0 : r = running->pid; break; case 1 : r = do_ps(); break; case 2 : r = chname(y); break; case 3 : r = kmode(); break; case 4 : r = tswitch(); break; case 5 : r = do_wait(y); break; case 6 : r = do_exit(y); break; case 7 : r = ufork(); break; case 8 : r = exec(y); break; case 9 : r = chcolor(y); break; case 10: r = putc(y); break; case 11: mysleep(y); break; case 99 : do_exit(y); break; default: printf("invalid syscall # : %d\n", x); break; } put_word(r, seg, off + 2*8); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int rtn; openlog("yktbu",LOG_PID|LOG_CONS|LOG_NDELAY,LOG_LOCAL0); g_pSvrLink = BUPubInitialize(g_XBDefines,CallBDFunc,WriteAppInfo,&g_LogFile); SetLogShowLevel(0); sprintf(g_szVerNo,"%s %s (%s)",argv[0],YKT_VERSION,__DATE__); if(argc==2) { if(strncmp(argv[1],"-v",2)==0||strncmp(argv[1],"-V",2)==0) { printf("%s\n",g_szVerNo); closelog(); return 0; } } if (argc<2) ReadIni("ksbu.ini"); else ReadIni(argv[1]); ResetBPFunctions(); if (argc>2) { ListBPFunctions(argv[2]); } // 初始化数据库连接: SQLInitialize(); if (SQLConnectToServer()!=0) { DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("不能正常建立数据库连接, 检查配置和数据库服务器!\n"); return(-100); } DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("连接数据库成功!\n"); CAccTrans& ats=CAccTrans::GetInst(); if(ats.LoadCfg()!=0) { DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("加载系统参数失败!\n"); //RAISE_RUNTIME_ERROR("加载数据库账务配置参数失败!\n"); return(-200); } DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("加载系统参数成功!\n"); // 初始化与BCC连接: do { rtn = g_pSvrLink->ToLink(&g_BUnit); if (rtn==1) { DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("与业务调度中心(BCC)的连接成功!\n"); break; } else if (rtn==-100) { DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("估计业务调度中心(BCC)尚未正式启动,或者检查配置中的[SERVER]项参数\n"); mysleep(g_BUnit.iHBInterval); } else { // 应该属于故障,或对方并不是BCC return(rtn); } } while (1); #ifdef WIN32 setnoblockgetch(); #endif while (g_pSvrLink->LinkOK()) { #ifdef WIN32 switch (mygetch()) { case '?': case 'h': case 'H': printf("\nCommand List:\n"); printf("\t ? or h: display this Help informations!\n"); printf("\t x: To eXit this business unit.\n"); printf("\t d: Display functions status.\n"); printf("\t l: List functions status into <function.lst>.\n"); printf("Enter command to select:"); break; case 'x': case 'X': g_pSvrLink->bExit = true; continue; break; case 'd': case 'D': ListBPFunctions(NULL); break; case 'l': case 'L': ListBPFunctions("function.lst"); break; } #endif if (!SQLIsConnectOK()) { mysleep(1000); if (!g_pSvrLink->CheckLink()) break; // BCC exit (可能用户发现数据库连接断开,需要维护系统,导致手工将BCC退出同时也需要BU退出) if (SQLConnectToServer()!=0) { // SQL Link error: DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("不能正常建立数据库连接, 检查配置和数据库服务器!\n"); } else { DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("与数据库连接成功!\n"); } continue; } else g_pSvrLink->Processing(&g_BUnit); if (g_pSvrLink->bExit) break; } /* ****** Updated by CHENYH at 2004-4-14 11:07:19 ****** 经过测试后,CheckLink()工作正常,测试环境为:BCC(WIN)+BU(WIN),BCC(LINUX)+BU(WIN),BCC(LINUX)+BU(LINUX) while (1) { mysleep(1000); if (!g_SvrLink.CheckLink()) { printf("TEST CHECK LINK return <false>!\n"); break; } } */ g_pSvrLink->Close(); SQLExit(); DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("业务处理单元BU系统正常退出!\n"); g_LogFile.Close(); closelog(); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ::CoInitialize(NULL); // 结合SQL SERVER2000使用 int rtn = 0; time_t cur_time; time_t last_time; time(&last_time); g_pSvrLink = BUPubInitialize(g_XBDefines,CallBDFunc,WriteAppInfo,&g_LogFile); SetLogShowLevel(0); if (argc<2) ReadIni("ksbu.ini"); else ReadIni(argv[1]); ResetBPFunctions(); if (argc>2) { ListBPFunctions(argv[2]); } #ifdef _DYNAMIC_LOAD // 加载对接第三方动态库 if (rtn = g_LoadDll.LoadDataInfo("DataInfo.dll")) { g_LogFile.WriteLogEx(1002, "加载DataInfo.dll失败--错误码:[%d]", rtn); return rtn; } g_LogFile.WriteLogEx(1002, "加载DataInfo.dll成功"); #endif // 初始化第三方数据库信息 #ifdef SYNJONES_FUNC if (rtn = InitDB()) { g_LogFile.WriteLogEx(1002, "初始化第三方数据库失败--错误码:[%d]", rtn); return rtn; } g_LogFile.WriteLogEx(1002, "初始化第三方数据库成功"); #endif // 初始化与BCC连接: do { rtn = g_pSvrLink->ToLink(&g_BUnit); if (rtn==1) { DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("与业务调度中心(BCC)的连接成功!\n"); break; } else if (rtn==-100) { DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("估计业务调度中心(BCC)尚未正式启动,或者检查配置中的[SERVER]项参数\n"); mysleep(g_BUnit.iHBInterval); } else { // 应该属于故障,或对方并不是BCC return(rtn); } } while (1); #ifdef WIN32 setnoblockgetch(); #endif while (g_pSvrLink->LinkOK()) { #ifdef WIN32 switch (mygetch()) { case '?': case 'h': case 'H': printf("\nCommand List:\n"); printf("\t ? or h: display this Help informations!\n"); printf("\t x: To eXit this business unit.\n"); printf("\t d: Display functions status.\n"); printf("\t l: List functions status into <function.lst>.\n"); printf("Enter command to select:"); break; case 'x': case 'X': g_pSvrLink->bExit = true; continue; break; case 'd': case 'D': ListBPFunctions(NULL); break; case 'l': case 'L': ListBPFunctions("function.lst"); break; } #endif time(&cur_time); if (cur_time - last_time > g_ini_para.flash_dealy) { if (rtn = InitDB()) { g_LogFile.WriteLogEx(1002, "初始化数据库失败:[%d]", rtn); } last_time = cur_time; g_LogFile.WriteLogEx(1002, "初始化数据库成功:[%d]", rtn); } g_pSvrLink->Processing(&g_BUnit); if (g_pSvrLink->bExit) break; } g_pSvrLink->Close(); DEBUG_RUNTIME_MSGOUT("业务处理单元BU系统正常退出!\n"); g_LogFile.Close(); #ifdef _DYNAMIC_LOAD CloseDB(); g_LoadDll.UnLoadAllDll(); #endif ::CoUninitialize(); return(0); }