uint32 MySQLConnection::Open()
    MYSQL *mysqlInit;
    mysqlInit = mysql_init(NULL);
    if (!mysqlInit)
        TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Could not initialize Mysql connection to database `%s`", m_connectionInfo.database.c_str());
        return CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR;

    int port;
    char const* unix_socket;
    //unsigned int timeout = 10;

    mysql_options(mysqlInit, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "utf8");
    //mysql_options(mysqlInit, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, (char const*)&timeout);
    #ifdef _WIN32
    if (m_connectionInfo.host == ".")                                           // named pipe use option (Windows)
        unsigned int opt = MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE;
        mysql_options(mysqlInit, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, (char const*)&opt);
        port = 0;
        unix_socket = 0;
    else                                                    // generic case
        port = atoi(m_connectionInfo.port_or_socket.c_str());
        unix_socket = 0;
    if (m_connectionInfo.host == ".")                                           // socket use option (Unix/Linux)
        unsigned int opt = MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET;
        mysql_options(mysqlInit, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, (char const*)&opt);
        m_connectionInfo.host = "localhost";
        port = 0;
        unix_socket = m_connectionInfo.port_or_socket.c_str();
    else                                                    // generic case
        port = atoi(m_connectionInfo.port_or_socket.c_str());
        unix_socket = nullptr;

    m_Mysql = mysql_real_connect(mysqlInit, m_connectionInfo.host.c_str(), m_connectionInfo.user.c_str(),
        m_connectionInfo.password.c_str(), m_connectionInfo.database.c_str(), port, unix_socket, 0);

    if (m_Mysql)
        if (!m_reconnecting)
            TC_LOG_INFO("sql.sql", "MySQL client library: %s", mysql_get_client_info());
            TC_LOG_INFO("sql.sql", "MySQL server ver: %s ", mysql_get_server_info(m_Mysql));
            // MySQL version above 5.1 IS required in both client and server and there is no known issue with different versions above 5.1
            // if (mysql_get_server_version(m_Mysql) != mysql_get_client_version())
            //     TC_LOG_INFO("sql.sql", "[WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of prepared statements.");

        TC_LOG_INFO("sql.sql", "Connected to MySQL database at %s", m_connectionInfo.host.c_str());
        mysql_autocommit(m_Mysql, 1);

        // set connection properties to UTF8 to properly handle locales for different
        // server configs - core sends data in UTF8, so MySQL must expect UTF8 too
        mysql_set_character_set(m_Mysql, "utf8");
        return 0;
        TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Could not connect to MySQL database at %s: %s", m_connectionInfo.host.c_str(), mysql_error(mysqlInit));
        return mysql_errno(mysqlInit);
main (int argc, char **argv)

	MYSQL mysql;
	MYSQL_RES *res;

	/* should be status */

	char *result = NULL;
	char *error = NULL;
	char slaveresult[SLAVERESULTSIZE];
	char* perf;

        perf = strdup ("");

	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	textdomain (PACKAGE);

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	/* initialize mysql  */
	mysql_init (&mysql);
	if (opt_file != NULL)

	if (opt_group != NULL)

	if (ssl)
	/* establish a connection to the server and error checking */
	if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,db_host,db_user,db_pass,db,db_port,db_socket,0)) {
		if (ignore_auth && mysql_errno (&mysql) == ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR)
			printf("MySQL OK - Version: %s (protocol %d)\n",
			mysql_close (&mysql);
			return STATE_OK;
		else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_UNKNOWN_HOST)
			die (STATE_WARNING, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));
		else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_VERSION_ERROR)
			die (STATE_WARNING, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));
		else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
			die (STATE_WARNING, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));
		else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_IPSOCK_ERROR)
			die (STATE_WARNING, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));
		else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR)
			die (STATE_WARNING, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));

	/* get the server stats */
	result = strdup (mysql_stat (&mysql));

	/* error checking once more */
	if (mysql_error (&mysql)) {
		if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR)
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));
		else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_SERVER_LOST)
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));
		else if (mysql_errno (&mysql) == CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR)
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, "%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql));

	/* try to fetch some perf data */
	if (mysql_query (&mysql, "show global status") == 0) {
		if ( (res = mysql_store_result (&mysql)) == NULL) {
			error = strdup(mysql_error(&mysql));
			mysql_close (&mysql);
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("status store_result error: %s\n"), error);

		while ( (row = mysql_fetch_row (res)) != NULL) {
			int i;

			for(i = 0; i < LENGTH_METRIC_UNIT; i++) {
				if (strcmp(row[0], metric_unit[i]) == 0) {
					xasprintf(&perf, "%s%s ", perf, perfdata(metric_unit[i],
						atol(row[1]), "", FALSE, 0, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 0));
			for(i = 0; i < LENGTH_METRIC_COUNTER; i++) {
				if (strcmp(row[0], metric_counter[i]) == 0) {
					xasprintf(&perf, "%s%s ", perf, perfdata(metric_counter[i],
						atol(row[1]), "c", FALSE, 0, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 0));
		/* remove trailing space */
                if (strlen(perf) > 0)
                    perf[strlen(perf) - 1] = '\0';

	if(check_slave) {
		/* check the slave status */
		if (mysql_query (&mysql, "show slave status") != 0) {
			error = strdup(mysql_error(&mysql));
			mysql_close (&mysql);
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("slave query error: %s\n"), error);

		/* store the result */
		if ( (res = mysql_store_result (&mysql)) == NULL) {
			error = strdup(mysql_error(&mysql));
			mysql_close (&mysql);
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("slave store_result error: %s\n"), error);

		/* Check there is some data */
		if (mysql_num_rows(res) == 0) {
			die (STATE_WARNING, "%s\n", _("No slaves defined"));

		/* fetch the first row */
		if ( (row = mysql_fetch_row (res)) == NULL) {
			error = strdup(mysql_error(&mysql));
			mysql_free_result (res);
			mysql_close (&mysql);
			die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("slave fetch row error: %s\n"), error);

		if (mysql_field_count (&mysql) == 12) {
			/* mysql 3.23.x */
			snprintf (slaveresult, SLAVERESULTSIZE, _("Slave running: %s"), row[6]);
			if (strcmp (row[6], "Yes") != 0) {
				mysql_free_result (res);
				mysql_close (&mysql);
				die (STATE_CRITICAL, "%s\n", slaveresult);

		} else {
			/* mysql 4.x.x and mysql 5.x.x */
			int slave_io_field = -1 , slave_sql_field = -1, seconds_behind_field = -1, i, num_fields;
			MYSQL_FIELD* fields;

			num_fields = mysql_num_fields(res);
			fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res);
			for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
				if (strcmp(fields[i].name, "Slave_IO_Running") == 0) {
					slave_io_field = i;
				if (strcmp(fields[i].name, "Slave_SQL_Running") == 0) {
					slave_sql_field = i;
				if (strcmp(fields[i].name, "Seconds_Behind_Master") == 0) {
					seconds_behind_field = i;

			/* Check if slave status is available */
			if ((slave_io_field < 0) || (slave_sql_field < 0) || (num_fields == 0)) {
				mysql_free_result (res);
				mysql_close (&mysql);
				die (STATE_CRITICAL, "Slave status unavailable\n");

			/* Save slave status in slaveresult */
			snprintf (slaveresult, SLAVERESULTSIZE, "Slave IO: %s Slave SQL: %s Seconds Behind Master: %s", row[slave_io_field], row[slave_sql_field], seconds_behind_field!=-1?row[seconds_behind_field]:"Unknown");

			/* Raise critical error if SQL THREAD or IO THREAD are stopped */
			if (strcmp (row[slave_io_field], "Yes") != 0 || strcmp (row[slave_sql_field], "Yes") != 0) {
				mysql_free_result (res);
				mysql_close (&mysql);
				die (STATE_CRITICAL, "%s\n", slaveresult);

			if (verbose >=3) {
				if (seconds_behind_field == -1) {
					printf("seconds_behind_field not found\n");
				} else {
					printf ("seconds_behind_field(index %d)=%s\n", seconds_behind_field, row[seconds_behind_field]);

			/* Check Seconds Behind against threshold */
			if ((seconds_behind_field != -1) && (strcmp (row[seconds_behind_field], "NULL") != 0)) {
				double value = atof(row[seconds_behind_field]);
				int status;

				status = get_status(value, my_threshold);

				xasprintf (&perf, "%s %s", perf, fperfdata ("seconds behind master", value, "s",
        	                        TRUE, (double) warning_time,
                	                TRUE, (double) critical_time,
                        	        FALSE, 0,
                                	FALSE, 0));

				if (status == STATE_WARNING) {
					printf("SLOW_SLAVE %s: %s|%s\n", _("WARNING"), slaveresult, perf);
				} else if (status == STATE_CRITICAL) {
					printf("SLOW_SLAVE %s: %s|%s\n", _("CRITICAL"), slaveresult, perf);

		/* free the result */
		mysql_free_result (res);

	/* close the connection */
	mysql_close (&mysql);

	/* print out the result of stats */
	if (check_slave) {
		printf ("%s %s|%s\n", result, slaveresult, perf);
	} else {
		printf ("%s|%s\n", result, perf);

	return STATE_OK;
文件: myTest.c 项目: rgerasch/mysql
main( int argc, char * argv[] )

  char		szSQL[ 200 ], aszFlds[ 25 ][ 25 ],  szDB[ 50 ] ;
  const char * pszT;
  int			i, j, k, l, x ;
  MYSQL		* myData ;
  MYSQL_RES	* res ;
  MYSQL_FIELD	* fd ;
  MYSQL_ROW	row ;

  //....just curious....
  printf( "sizeof( MYSQL ) == %d\n", sizeof( MYSQL ) ) ;
  if ( argc == 2 )
      strcpy( szDB, argv[ 1 ] ) ;
      strcpy( szSQL, DEFALT_SQL_STMT ) ;
      if (!strcmp(szDB,"--debug"))
	strcpy( szDB, "mysql" ) ;
	printf("Some mysql struct information (size and offset):\n");
	printf("net:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->net),offsetof(MYSQL,net));
	printf("host:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->host),offsetof(MYSQL,host));
	printf("port:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->port),offsetof(MYSQL,port));
	printf("protocol_version:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->protocol_version),
	printf("thread_id:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->thread_id),
	printf("affected_rows:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->affected_rows),
	printf("packet_length:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->packet_length),
	printf("status:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->status),
	printf("fields:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->fields),
	printf("field_alloc:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->field_alloc),
	printf("free_me:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->free_me),
	printf("options:\t%3d %3d\n",sizeof(myData->options),
  else if ( argc > 2 ) {
    strcpy( szDB, argv[ 1 ] ) ;
    strcpy( szSQL, argv[ 2 ] ) ;
  else {
    strcpy( szDB, "mysql" ) ;
    strcpy( szSQL, DEFALT_SQL_STMT ) ;
  if ( (myData = mysql_init((MYSQL*) 0)) && 
       mysql_real_connect( myData, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, MYSQL_PORT,
			   NULL, 0 ) )
      if ( mysql_select_db( myData, szDB ) < 0 ) {
	printf( "Can't select the %s database !\n", szDB ) ;
	mysql_close( myData ) ;
	return 2 ;
  else {
    printf( "Can't connect to the mysql server on port %d !\n",
	    MYSQL_PORT ) ;
    mysql_close( myData ) ;
    return 1 ;
  if ( ! mysql_query( myData, szSQL ) ) {
    res = mysql_store_result( myData ) ;
    i = (int) mysql_num_rows( res ) ; l = 1 ;
    printf( "Query:  %s\nNumber of records found:  %ld\n", szSQL, i ) ;
    //....we can get the field-specific characteristics here....
    for ( x = 0 ; fd = mysql_fetch_field( res ) ; x++ )
      strcpy( aszFlds[ x ], fd->name ) ;
    while ( row = mysql_fetch_row( res ) ) {
      j = mysql_num_fields( res ) ;
      printf( "Record #%ld:-\n", l++ ) ;
      for ( k = 0 ; k < j ; k++ )
	printf( "  Fld #%d (%s): %s\n", k + 1, aszFlds[ k ],
		(((row[k]==NULL)||(!strlen(row[k])))?"NULL":row[k])) ;
      puts( "==============================\n" ) ;
    mysql_free_result( res ) ;
  else printf( "Couldn't execute %s on the server !\n", szSQL ) ;
  puts( "====  Diagnostic info  ====" ) ;
  pszT = mysql_get_client_info() ;
  printf( "Client info: %s\n", pszT ) ;
  pszT = mysql_get_host_info( myData ) ;
  printf( "Host info: %s\n", pszT ) ;
  pszT = mysql_get_server_info( myData ) ;
  printf( "Server info: %s\n", pszT ) ;
  res = mysql_list_processes( myData ) ; l = 1 ;
  if (res)
      for ( x = 0 ; fd = mysql_fetch_field( res ) ; x++ )
	strcpy( aszFlds[ x ], fd->name ) ;
      while ( row = mysql_fetch_row( res ) ) {
	j = mysql_num_fields( res ) ;
	printf( "Process #%ld:-\n", l++ ) ;
	for ( k = 0 ; k < j ; k++ )
	  printf( "  Fld #%d (%s): %s\n", k + 1, aszFlds[ k ],
		  (((row[k]==NULL)||(!strlen(row[k])))?"NULL":row[k])) ;
	puts( "==============================\n" ) ;
      printf("Got error %s when retreiving processlist\n",mysql_error(myData));
  res = mysql_list_tables( myData, "%" ) ; l = 1 ;
  for ( x = 0 ; fd = mysql_fetch_field( res ) ; x++ )
    strcpy( aszFlds[ x ], fd->name ) ;
  while ( row = mysql_fetch_row( res ) ) {
    j = mysql_num_fields( res ) ;
    printf( "Table #%ld:-\n", l++ ) ;
    for ( k = 0 ; k < j ; k++ )
      printf( "  Fld #%d (%s): %s\n", k + 1, aszFlds[ k ],
	      (((row[k]==NULL)||(!strlen(row[k])))?"NULL":row[k])) ;
    puts( "==============================\n" ) ;
  pszT = mysql_stat( myData ) ;
  puts( pszT ) ;
  mysql_close( myData ) ;
  return 0 ;

bool MySQLConnection::Open()
    MYSQL *mysqlInit;
    mysqlInit = mysql_init(NULL);
    if (!mysqlInit)
        sLog->outError("Could not initialize Mysql connection to database `%s`", m_connectionInfo.database.c_str());
        return false;

    int port;
    char const* unix_socket;

    mysql_options(mysqlInit, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "utf8");
    #ifdef _WIN32
    if (m_connectionInfo.host == ".")                                           // named pipe use option (Windows)
        unsigned int opt = MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE;
        mysql_options(mysqlInit, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, (char const*)&opt);
        port = 0;
        unix_socket = 0;
    else                                                    // generic case
        port = atoi(m_connectionInfo.port_or_socket.c_str());
        unix_socket = 0;
    if (m_connectionInfo.host == ".")                                           // socket use option (Unix/Linux)
        unsigned int opt = MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET;
        mysql_options(mysqlInit, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, (char const*)&opt);
        m_connectionInfo.host = "localhost";
        port = 0;
        unix_socket = m_connectionInfo.port_or_socket.c_str();
    else                                                    // generic case
        port = atoi(m_connectionInfo.port_or_socket.c_str());
        unix_socket = 0;

    m_Mysql = mysql_real_connect(mysqlInit, m_connectionInfo.host.c_str(), m_connectionInfo.user.c_str(),
        m_connectionInfo.password.c_str(), m_connectionInfo.database.c_str(), port, unix_socket, 0);

    if (m_Mysql)
        if (!m_reconnecting)
            sLog->outSQLDriver("MySQL client library: %s", mysql_get_client_info());
            sLog->outSQLDriver("MySQL server ver: %s ", mysql_get_server_info(m_Mysql));
            if (mysql_get_server_version(m_Mysql) != mysql_get_client_version())
                sLog->outSQLDriver("[WARNING] MySQL client/server version mismatch; may conflict with behaviour of prepared statements.");

        sLog->outDetail("Connected to MySQL database at %s", m_connectionInfo.host.c_str());
        mysql_autocommit(m_Mysql, 1);

        // set connection properties to UTF8 to properly handle locales for different
        // server configs - core sends data in UTF8, so MySQL must expect UTF8 too
        mysql_set_character_set(m_Mysql, "utf8");
        return true;
        sLog->outError("Could not connect to MySQL database at %s: %s\n", m_connectionInfo.host.c_str(), mysql_error(mysqlInit));
        return false;
bool DatabaseMysql::Initialize(const char *infoString)

        return false;

    tranThread = NULL;
    MYSQL *mysqlInit;
    mysqlInit = mysql_init(NULL);
    if (!mysqlInit)
        sLog.outError( "Could not initialize Mysql connection" );
        return false;


    Tokens tokens = StrSplit(infoString, ";");

    Tokens::iterator iter;

    std::string host, port_or_socket, user, password, database;
    int port;
    char const* unix_socket;

    iter = tokens.begin();

    if(iter != tokens.end())
        host = *iter++;
    if(iter != tokens.end())
        port_or_socket = *iter++;
    if(iter != tokens.end())
        user = *iter++;
    if(iter != tokens.end())
        password = *iter++;
    if(iter != tokens.end())
        database = *iter++;

    #ifdef WIN32
    if(host==".")                                           // named pipe use option (Windows)
        unsigned int opt = MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE;
        mysql_options(mysqlInit,MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL,(char const*)&opt);
        port = 0;
        unix_socket = 0;
    else                                                    // generic case
        port = atoi(port_or_socket.c_str());
        unix_socket = 0;
    if(host==".")                                           // socket use option (Unix/Linux)
        unsigned int opt = MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET;
        mysql_options(mysqlInit,MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL,(char const*)&opt);
        host = "localhost";
        port = 0;
        unix_socket = port_or_socket.c_str();
    else                                                    // generic case
        port = atoi(port_or_socket.c_str());
        unix_socket = 0;

    mMysql = mysql_real_connect(mysqlInit, host.c_str(), user.c_str(),
        password.c_str(), database.c_str(), port, unix_socket, 0);

    if (mMysql)
        sLog.outDetail( "Connected to MySQL database at %s",
        sLog.outString( "MySQL client library: %s", mysql_get_client_info());
        sLog.outString( "MySQL server ver: %s ", mysql_get_server_info( mMysql));

        /*----------SET AUTOCOMMIT ON---------*/
        // It seems mysql 5.0.x have enabled this feature
        // by default. In crash case you can lose data!!!
        // So better to turn this off
        // ---
        // This is wrong since mangos use transactions,
        // autocommit is turned of during it.
        // Setting it to on makes atomic updates work
        if (!mysql_autocommit(mMysql, 1))
            sLog.outDetail("AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1");
            sLog.outDetail("AUTOCOMMIT NOT SET TO 1");

        // set connection properties to UTF8 to properly handle locales for different
        // server configs - core sends data in UTF8, so MySQL must expect UTF8 too
        PExecute("SET NAMES `utf8`");
        PExecute("SET CHARACTER SET `utf8`");

        return true;
        sLog.outError( "Could not connect to MySQL database at %s: %s\n",
        return false;
bool DatabaseMysql::Initialize(const char *infoString)
	m_strInfoString = infoString;
    MYSQL *mysqlInit;
    mysqlInit = mysql_init(NULL);
    if (!mysqlInit)
        IME_SQLERROR("Could not initialize Mysql connection");
        return false;

	std::vector<std::string> vecData;
	CUtil::StrSplit(infoString, "'", vecData);

    std::string host, port_or_socket, user, password, database;
    int port;
    char const* unix_socket;

	if (vecData.size() != 5 && vecData.size() != 4)
		IME_SQLERROR("VEC DATA SIZE ERROR[%d]", (int)vecData.size());
		return false;
    host = vecData[0];
    port_or_socket = vecData[1];
    user = vecData[2];
    password = vecData[3];
	if (vecData.size() == 5)
		database = vecData[4];
		database = "";

	m_strDbName = database;

	port = atoi(port_or_socket.c_str());
    char value = 1;
    mysql_options(mysqlInit, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, (char *)&value);

#ifdef WIN32
    if(host==".")                                           // named pipe use option (Windows)
        unsigned int opt = MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE;
        mysql_options(mysqlInit,MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL,(char const*)&opt);
        port = 0;
        unix_socket = 0;
    else                                                    // generic case
        port = atoi(port_or_socket.c_str());
        unix_socket = 0;
    if(host==".")                                           // socket use option (Unix/Linux)
        unsigned int opt = MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET;
        mysql_options(mysqlInit,MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL,(char const*)&opt);
        host = "localhost";
        port = 0;
        unix_socket = port_or_socket.c_str();
    else                                                    // generic case
        port = atoi(port_or_socket.c_str());
        unix_socket = 0;

    mMysql = mysql_real_connect(mysqlInit, host.c_str(), user.c_str(),
        password.c_str(), database.c_str(), port, unix_socket, CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS);

    if (mMysql)
        IME_SQLDRIVER("Connected to MySQL database at %s. Database : %s",
        IME_SQLDRIVER("MySQL client library: %s", mysql_get_client_info());
        IME_SQLDRIVER("MySQL server ver: %s", mysql_get_server_info( mMysql));
		//todo ???
        /*----------SET AUTOCOMMIT ON---------*/
        // It seems mysql 5.0.x have enabled this feature
        // by default. In crash case you can lose data!!!
        // So better to turn this off
        // ---
        // This is wrong since mangos use transactions,
        // autocommit is turned of during it.
        // Setting it to on makes atomic updates work
        if (!mysql_autocommit(mMysql, 1))
        return true;
    	IME_SQLERROR( "Could not connect to MySQL database at %s: %s\n",
        return false;