bool triSurface::readAC(const fileName& ACfileName) { IFstream ACfile(ACfileName); if (!ACfile.good()) { FatalErrorIn("triSurface::readAC(const fileName&)") << "Cannot read file " << ACfileName << exit(FatalError); } string line; ACfile.getLine(line); string version = line.substr(4); if (version != "b") { WarningIn("bool triSurface::readAC(const fileName& ACfileName)") << "When reading AC3D file " << ACfileName << " read header " << line << " with version " << version << endl << "Only tested reading with version 'b'." << " This might give problems" << endl; } string cmd; string args; if (!readUpto("OBJECT", ACfile, args) || (args != "world")) { FatalErrorIn("bool triSurface::readAC(const fileName& ACfileName)") << "Cannot find \"OBJECT world\" in file " << ACfileName << exit(FatalError); } // Number of kids = patches readUpto("kids", ACfile, args, ""); label nPatches = parseInt(args); // Storage for patches and unmerged points and faces DynamicList<point> points; DynamicList<labelledTri> faces; geometricSurfacePatchList patches(nPatches); // Start of vertices for object/patch label patchStartVert = 0; for (label patchI = 0; patchI < nPatches; patchI++) { readUpto("OBJECT", ACfile, args, " while reading patch " + patchI); // Object global values string patchName = string("patch") + name(patchI); label nVerts = 0; tensor rot(I); vector loc(0, 0, 0); // Read all info for current patch while (ACfile.good()) { // Read line and get first word. If end of file break since // patch should always end with 'kids' command ?not sure. if (!readCmd(ACfile, cmd, args)) { FatalErrorIn("triSurface::readAC(const fileName&)") << "Did not read up to \"kids 0\" while reading patch " << patchI << " from file " << ACfileName << exit(FatalError); } if (cmd == "name") { IStringStream nameStream(args); nameStream >> patchName; } else if (cmd == "rot") { // rot %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f IStringStream lineStream(args); lineStream >> rot.xx() >> rot.xy() >> rot.xz() >> rot.yx() >> rot.yy() >> rot.yz() >> rot.zx() >> rot.zy() >> rot.zz(); WarningIn("triSurface::readAC(const fileName&)") << "rot (rotation tensor) command not implemented" << "Line:" << cmd << ' ' << args << endl << "while reading patch " << patchI << endl; }
ConcFileArchive::ConcFileArchive(std::vector<std::string> inFileNames) { std::vector<std::string>::iterator fn,pp; std::vector<std::string> allConcNames; std::vector<double> allWdirs, allWspeeds; std::string pathRoot, dirNamePart, fileNamePart; for(fn=inFileNames.begin();fn!=inFileNames.end();fn++) { pathRoot=""; std::vector<std::string> pathParts,fileNameParts; std::string separator("/"); pathParts=split(*fn,separator); dirNamePart=pathParts[pathParts.size()-2]; fileNamePart=pathParts[pathParts.size()-1]; fileNameParts=split(fileNamePart,"."); for( pp=pathParts.begin();pp!=pathParts.end()-2;pp++) pathRoot+="/"+*pp; for(int i=0;i<int(dirNamePart.size());i++) { std::string oldSeparator="_"; std::string newSeparator=" "; if(dirNamePart.substr(i,1)==oldSeparator) dirNamePart.replace(i,1,newSeparator); } std::stringstream nameStream(dirNamePart); double wdir,wspeed; std::string concName,dummy; nameStream>>dummy;//gets rid of the wspeed prefix nameStream>>wspeed; nameStream>>dummy;//gets rid of the wdir prefix nameStream>>wdir; allWdirs.push_back(wdir); allWspeeds.push_back(wspeed); allConcNames.push_back(fileNamePart); } wdirs=unique(allWdirs); wdirs=sort(wdirs); wspeeds=unique(allWspeeds); wspeeds=sort(wspeeds); concNames=unique(allConcNames); nWdirs=int(wdirs.size()); nWspeeds=int(wspeeds.size()); nConcNames=int(concNames.size()); for(int concInd=0;concInd<nConcNames;concInd++) { for(int speedInd=0;speedInd<nWspeeds;speedInd++) { for(int dirInd=0;dirInd<nWdirs;dirInd++) { std::stringstream fnStream; fnStream<<pathRoot<<"/"<<"wspeed_"; fnStream<<std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)<<std::setprecision(1)<<wspeeds[speedInd]; fnStream<<"_wdir_"; fnStream<<std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)<<std::setprecision(1)<<wdirs[dirInd]; fnStream<<"/"<<concNames[concInd]; std::string fileName; fnStream >> fileName; ScalarFoamFile foamFile(fileName); fileVec.push_back(foamFile); concs.push_back(-9999.0); fileNames.push_back(fileName); } } } }
bool QSslCertificatePrivate::parse(const QByteArray &data) { QAsn1Element root; QDataStream dataStream(data); if (! || root.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; QDataStream rootStream(root.value()); QAsn1Element cert; if (! || cert.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; // version or serial number QAsn1Element elem; QDataStream certStream(cert.value()); if (! return false; if (elem.type() == QAsn1Element::Context0Type) { QDataStream versionStream(elem.value()); if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::IntegerType) return false; versionString = QByteArray::number(elem.value()[0] + 1); if (! return false; } else { versionString = QByteArray::number(1); } // serial number if (elem.type() != QAsn1Element::IntegerType) return false; serialNumberString = colonSeparatedHex(elem.value()); // algorithm ID if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; // issuer info if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; QByteArray issuerDer = data.mid(dataStream.device()->pos() - elem.value().length(), elem.value().length()); issuerInfo = elem.toInfo(); // validity period if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; QDataStream validityStream(elem.value()); if (! || (elem.type() != QAsn1Element::UtcTimeType && elem.type() != QAsn1Element::GeneralizedTimeType)) return false; notValidBefore = elem.toDateTime(); if (! || (elem.type() != QAsn1Element::UtcTimeType && elem.type() != QAsn1Element::GeneralizedTimeType)) return false; notValidAfter = elem.toDateTime(); // subject name if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; QByteArray subjectDer = data.mid(dataStream.device()->pos() - elem.value().length(), elem.value().length()); subjectInfo = elem.toInfo(); subjectMatchesIssuer = issuerDer == subjectDer; // public key qint64 keyStart = certStream.device()->pos(); if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; publicKeyDerData.resize(certStream.device()->pos() - keyStart); QDataStream keyStream(elem.value()); if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::SequenceType) return false; // key algorithm if (! || elem.type() != QAsn1Element::ObjectIdentifierType) return false; const QByteArray oid = elem.toObjectId(); if (oid == RSA_ENCRYPTION_OID) publicKeyAlgorithm = QSsl::Rsa; else if (oid == DSA_ENCRYPTION_OID) publicKeyAlgorithm = QSsl::Dsa; else if (oid == EC_ENCRYPTION_OID) publicKeyAlgorithm = QSsl::Ec; else publicKeyAlgorithm = QSsl::Opaque; certStream.device()->seek(keyStart); certStream.readRawData(, publicKeyDerData.size()); // extensions while ( { if (elem.type() == QAsn1Element::Context3Type) { if ( && elem.type() == QAsn1Element::SequenceType) { QDataStream extStream(elem.value()); while ( && elem.type() == QAsn1Element::SequenceType) { QSslCertificateExtension extension; if (!parseExtension(elem.value(), &extension)) return false; extensions << extension; if (extension.oid() == QLatin1String("")) { // subjectAltName QAsn1Element sanElem; if ( && sanElem.type() == QAsn1Element::SequenceType) { QDataStream nameStream(sanElem.value()); QAsn1Element nameElem; while ( { if (nameElem.type() == QAsn1Element::Rfc822NameType) { subjectAlternativeNames.insert(QSsl::EmailEntry, nameElem.toString()); } else if (nameElem.type() == QAsn1Element::DnsNameType) { subjectAlternativeNames.insert(QSsl::DnsEntry, nameElem.toString()); } } } } } } } } derData = data.left(dataStream.device()->pos()); null = false; return true; }