SUPPRESS_OFFSET_WARNING_BEGIN int BackgroundFilterParameters::staticInit() { ReflectionNaming &nameing = naming(); nameing = ReflectionNaming( "Background Filter Parameters", "Background Filter Parameters", "" ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( BackgroundFilterParameters::THRESHOLD_ID, offsetof(BackgroundFilterParameters, mThreshold), 100, "Threshold", "Threshold", "Threshold" ) ); return 0; }
SUPPRESS_OFFSET_WARNING_BEGIN int ThickeningParameters::staticInit() { ReflectionNaming &nameing = naming(); nameing = ReflectionNaming( "Thickening Parameters", "Thickening Parameters", "" ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( ThickeningParameters::POWER_ID, offsetof(ThickeningParameters, mPower), 5000, "Power", "Power", "Power" ) ); return 0; }
int initializeOpenHRPModel (char* _filename) { int rtmargc=0; char** argv=NULL; //std::vector<char *> rtmargv; //rtmargv.push_back(argv[0]); rtmargc++; RTC::Manager* manager; //manager = RTC::Manager::init(rtmargc,; manager = RTC::Manager::init(rtmargc, argv); std::string nameServer = manager->getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(manager->getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); std::string filename(_filename); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, filename.c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()), true)){ std::cerr << print_prefix << " Failed to load model[" << filename << "]" << std::endl; return 1; } else { std::cerr << print_prefix << " Success to load model[" << filename << "]" << std::endl; } return 0; };
SUPPRESS_OFFSET_WARNING_BEGIN int InputFilterParameters::staticInit() { ReflectionNaming &nameing = naming(); nameing = ReflectionNaming( "Input Filter Parameters", "Input Filter Parameters", "" ); fields().push_back( new EnumField ( InputFilterParameters::INPUT_TYPE_ID, offsetof(InputFilterParameters, mInputType), 0, "Input Type", "Input Type", "Input Type", new EnumReflection(2 , new EnumOption(0,"Left Frame") , new EnumOption(1,"Right Frame") ) ) ); return 0; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t ForwardKinematics::onInitialize() { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable coil::Properties& ref = getProperties(); bindParameter("sensorAttachedLink", m_sensorAttachedLinkName, ref["conf.default.sensorAttachedLink"].c_str()); // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("q", m_qIn); addInPort("sensorRpy", m_sensorRpyIn); addInPort("qRef", m_qRefIn); addInPort("basePosRef", m_basePosRefIn); addInPort("baseRpyRef", m_baseRpyRefIn); // Set OutPort buffer // Set service provider to Ports m_ForwardKinematicsServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "ForwardKinematicsService", m_service0); addPort(m_ForwardKinematicsServicePort); m_service0.setComp(this); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports // </rtc-template> RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); m_refBody = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_refBody, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()))){ std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } m_actBody = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_actBody, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()))){ std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } m_refLink = m_refBody->rootLink(); m_actLink = m_actBody->rootLink(); return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge::onInitialize() { m_SequencePlayerServicePort.registerConsumer("service0", "SequencePlayerService", m_service0); addPort(m_SequencePlayerServicePort); RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); body = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0) { comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); std::string modelfile = m_pManager->getConfig()["model"]; if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(body, modelfile.c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()))) { std::cerr << "[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; } bool ret = false; while (!ret) { try { bodyinfo = hrp::loadBodyInfo(modelfile.c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext())); ret = loadBodyFromBodyInfo(body, bodyinfo); } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { std::cerr << "[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] loadBodyInfo(): CORBA::SystemException " << ex._name() << std::endl; sleep(1); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] loadBodyInfo(): failed to load model[" << modelfile << "]" << std::endl; ; sleep(1); } } if (body == NULL) { return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } body->calcForwardKinematics(); ROS_INFO_STREAM("[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] @Initilize name : " << getInstanceName() << " done"); return RTC::RTC_OK; }
Monitor::Monitor(CORBA::ORB_var orb, const std::string &i_hostname, int i_port, int i_interval, LogManager<TimedRobotState> *i_log) : m_orb(orb), m_rhCompName("RobotHardware0"), m_shCompName("StateHolder0"), m_interval(i_interval), m_log(i_log) { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "%s:%d", i_hostname.c_str(), i_port); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(orb, buf); m_naming = CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()); }
int find_type(char dirname[], char name[]){ // 0 directory 1 file -1 error struct stat statbuf; char newname[255]; strcpy(newname, naming(dirname, name)); if (stat(newname, &statbuf) < 0) { //perror(newname); return -1; } if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR ) { return 0; // directory encountered } else { return 1; // file encountered } }
void PyLink::addShapeFromFile(std::string url) { RTC::Manager* manager = &RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = manager->getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(manager->getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); OpenHRP::ModelLoader_var modelloader = hrp::getModelLoader(CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext())); OpenHRP::ModelLoader::ModelLoadOption opt; opt.readImage = true; opt.AABBdata.length(0); opt.AABBtype = OpenHRP::ModelLoader::AABB_NUM; OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var binfo = modelloader->getBodyInfoEx(url.c_str(), opt); OpenHRP::LinkInfoSequence_var lis = binfo->links(); loadShapeFromLinkInfo(this, lis[0], binfo, createPyShape); }
RTC::ReturnCode_t StateHolder::onInitialize() { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("currentQIn", m_currentQIn); addInPort("qIn", m_qIn); addInPort("tqIn", m_tqIn); addInPort("basePosIn", m_basePosIn); addInPort("baseRpyIn", m_baseRpyIn); addInPort("zmpIn", m_zmpIn); addInPort("optionalDataIn", m_optionalDataIn); // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("qOut", m_qOut); addOutPort("tqOut", m_tqOut); addOutPort("basePosOut", m_basePosOut); addOutPort("baseRpyOut", m_baseRpyOut); addOutPort("baseTformOut", m_baseTformOut); addOutPort("basePoseOut", m_basePoseOut); addOutPort("zmpOut", m_zmpOut); addOutPort("optionalDataOut", m_optionalDataOut); // Set service provider to Ports m_StateHolderServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "StateHolderService", m_service0); m_TimeKeeperServicePort.registerProvider("service1", "TimeKeeperService", m_service1); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_StateHolderServicePort); addPort(m_TimeKeeperServicePort); // </rtc-template> RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); std::cout << "StateHolder: dt = " << m_dt << std::endl; RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var binfo; binfo = hrp::loadBodyInfo(prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext())); OpenHRP::LinkInfoSequence_var lis = binfo->links(); const OpenHRP::LinkInfo& li = lis[0]; hrp::Vector3 p, axis; p << li.translation[0], li.translation[1], li.translation[2]; axis << li.rotation[0], li.rotation[1], li.rotation[2]; hrp::Matrix33 R = hrp::rodrigues(axis, li.rotation[3]); hrp::Vector3 rpy = hrp::rpyFromRot(R);; double *T =; T[0] = R(0,0); T[1] = R(0,1); T[ 2] = R(0,2); T[ 3] = p[0]; T[4] = R(0,0); T[5] = R(0,1); T[ 6] = R(0,2); T[ 7] = p[1]; T[8] = R(0,0); T[9] = R(0,1); T[10] = R(0,2); T[11] = p[2]; = = p[0]; = = p[1]; = = p[2]; = = rpy[0]; = = rpy[1]; = = rpy[2]; = = = 0.0; // Setting for wrench data ports (real + virtual) std::vector<std::string> fsensor_names; // find names for real force sensors for ( int k = 0; k < lis->length(); k++ ) { OpenHRP::SensorInfoSequence& sensors = lis[k].sensors; for ( int l = 0; l < sensors.length(); l++ ) { if ( std::string(sensors[l].type) == "Force" ) { fsensor_names.push_back(std::string(sensors[l].name)); } } } int npforce = fsensor_names.size(); // find names for virtual force sensors coil::vstring virtual_force_sensor = coil::split(prop["virtual_force_sensor"], ","); int nvforce = virtual_force_sensor.size()/10; for (unsigned int i=0; i<nvforce; i++){ fsensor_names.push_back(virtual_force_sensor[i*10+0]); } // add ports for all force sensors int nforce = npforce + nvforce; m_wrenches.resize(nforce); m_wrenchesIn.resize(nforce); m_wrenchesOut.resize(nforce); for (unsigned int i=0; i<nforce; i++){ m_wrenchesIn[i] = new InPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string(fsensor_names[i]+"In").c_str(), m_wrenches[i]); m_wrenchesOut[i] = new OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string(fsensor_names[i]+"Out").c_str(), m_wrenches[i]); m_wrenches[i].data.length(6); m_wrenches[i].data[0] = m_wrenches[i].data[1] = m_wrenches[i].data[2] = 0.0; m_wrenches[i].data[3] = m_wrenches[i].data[4] = m_wrenches[i].data[5] = 0.0; registerInPort(std::string(fsensor_names[i]+"In").c_str(), *m_wrenchesIn[i]); registerOutPort(std::string(fsensor_names[i]+"Out").c_str(), *m_wrenchesOut[i]); } return RTC::RTC_OK; }
SUPPRESS_OFFSET_WARNING_BEGIN int DistortionApplicationParameters::staticInit() { ReflectionNaming &nameing = naming(); nameing = ReflectionNaming( "Distortion Application Parameters", "Distortion Application Parameters", "" ); fields().push_back( new BoolField ( DistortionApplicationParameters::FORCE_SCALE_ID, offsetof(DistortionApplicationParameters, mForceScale), false, "Force Scale", "Force Scale", "Force Scale" ) ); fields().push_back( new BoolField ( DistortionApplicationParameters::ADOPT_SCALE_ID, offsetof(DistortionApplicationParameters, mAdoptScale), false, "Adopt Scale", "Adopt Scale", "Adopt Scale" ) ); fields().push_back( new EnumField ( DistortionApplicationParameters::RESIZE_POLICY_ID, offsetof(DistortionApplicationParameters, mResizePolicy), 3, "Resize policy", "Resize policy", "Resize policy", new EnumReflection(4 , new EnumOption(0,"No Change") , new EnumOption(1,"Force Size") , new EnumOption(2,"To Fit Result") , new EnumOption(3,"To No Gaps") ) ) ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( DistortionApplicationParameters::NEW_H_ID, offsetof(DistortionApplicationParameters, mNewH), 0, "New H", "New H", "New H" ) ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( DistortionApplicationParameters::NEW_W_ID, offsetof(DistortionApplicationParameters, mNewW), 0, "New W", "New W", "New W" ) ); return 0; }
SUPPRESS_OFFSET_WARNING_BEGIN int BaseParameters::staticInit() { ReflectionNaming &nameing = naming(); nameing = ReflectionNaming( "Base Parameters", "Base parameters", "" ); fields().push_back( new EnumField ( BaseParameters::ROTATION_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mRotation), 0, "rotation", "rotation", "rotation", NULL ) ); fields().push_back( new BoolField ( BaseParameters::MIRROR_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mMirror), false, "mirror", "mirror", "mirror" ) ); fields().push_back( new BoolField ( BaseParameters::SWAPCAMERAS_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mSwapCameras), false, "swapCameras", "swapCameras", "swapCameras" ) ); fields().push_back( new BoolField ( BaseParameters::FILTERLOCK_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mFilterLock), false, "filterLock", "filterLock", "filterLock" ) ); fields().push_back( new BoolField ( BaseParameters::ENABLEFILTERGRAPH_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mEnableFilterGraph), false, "enableFilterGraph", "enableFilterGraph", "enableFilterGraph" ) ); fields().push_back( new DoubleField ( BaseParameters::DOWNSAMPLE_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mDownsample), 1.5, "downsample", "downsample", "downsample" ) ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( BaseParameters::H_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mH), 640, "h", "h", "h" ) ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( BaseParameters::W_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mW), 480, "w", "w", "w" ) ); fields().push_back( new BoolField ( BaseParameters::AUTOH_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mAutoH), true, "autoH", "autoH", "autoH" ) ); fields().push_back( new BoolField ( BaseParameters::AUTOW_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mAutoW), true, "autoW", "autoW", "autoW" ) ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( BaseParameters::X_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mX), 0, "x", "x", "x" ) ); fields().push_back( new IntField ( BaseParameters::Y_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mY), 0, "y", "y", "y" ) ); fields().push_back( new EnumField ( BaseParameters::INTERPOLATIONTYPE_ID, offsetof(BaseParameters, mInterpolationType), 0, "InterpolationType", "InterpolationType", "InterpolationType", NULL ) ); return 0; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t ReferenceForceUpdater::onInitialize() { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("qRef", m_qRefIn); addInPort("basePosIn", m_basePosIn); addInPort("baseRpyIn",m_baseRpyIn); addInPort("rpy",m_rpyIn); // Set service provider to Ports m_ReferenceForceUpdaterServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "ReferenceForceUpdaterService", m_ReferenceForceUpdaterService); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_ReferenceForceUpdaterServicePort); // Get dt RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); // get properties information from .wrl file coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); // Make m_robot instance m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), // load robot model for m_robot CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } // Setting for wrench data ports (real + virtual) std::vector<std::string> fsensor_names; // find names for real force sensors unsigned int npforce = m_robot->numSensors(hrp::Sensor::FORCE); for (unsigned int i=0; i<npforce; i++){ fsensor_names.push_back(m_robot->sensor(hrp::Sensor::FORCE, i)->name); } // load virtual force sensors readVirtualForceSensorParamFromProperties(m_vfs, m_robot, prop["virtual_force_sensor"], std::string(m_profile.instance_name)); unsigned int nvforce = m_vfs.size(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<nvforce; i++){ for ( std::map<std::string, hrp::VirtualForceSensorParam>::iterator it = m_vfs.begin(); it != m_vfs.end(); it++ ) { if (it-> == (int)i) fsensor_names.push_back(it->first); } } // add ports for all force sensors (real force, input and output of ref_force) unsigned int nforce = npforce + nvforce; m_force.resize(nforce); m_forceIn.resize(nforce); m_ref_force_in.resize(nforce); m_ref_force_out.resize(nforce); m_ref_forceIn.resize(nforce); m_ref_forceOut.resize(nforce); std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] create force sensor ports" << std::endl; for (unsigned int i=0; i<nforce; i++){ // actual inport m_forceIn[i] = new InPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(fsensor_names[i].c_str(), m_force[i]); m_force[i].data.length(6); registerInPort(fsensor_names[i].c_str(), *m_forceIn[i]); // ref inport m_ref_force_in[i].data.length(6); for (unsigned int j=0; j<6; j++) m_ref_force_in[i].data[j] = 0.0; m_ref_forceIn[i] = new InPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string("ref_"+fsensor_names[i]+"In").c_str(), m_ref_force_in[i]); registerInPort(std::string("ref_"+fsensor_names[i]+"In").c_str(), *m_ref_forceIn[i]); std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] name = " << fsensor_names[i] << std::endl; // ref Outport m_ref_force_out[i].data.length(6); for (unsigned int j=0; j<6; j++) m_ref_force_out[i].data[j] = 0.0; m_ref_forceOut[i] = new OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string("ref_"+fsensor_names[i]+"Out").c_str(), m_ref_force_out[i]); registerOutPort(std::string("ref_"+fsensor_names[i]+"Out").c_str(), *m_ref_forceOut[i]); std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] name = " << fsensor_names[i] << std::endl; } // setting from conf file // rleg,TARGET_LINK,BASE_LINK,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz,rth #<=pos + rot (axis+angle) coil::vstring end_effectors_str = coil::split(prop["end_effectors"], ","); if (end_effectors_str.size() > 0) { size_t prop_num = 10; size_t num = end_effectors_str.size()/prop_num; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { std::string ee_name, ee_target, ee_base; coil::stringTo(ee_name, end_effectors_str[i*prop_num].c_str()); coil::stringTo(ee_target, end_effectors_str[i*prop_num+1].c_str()); coil::stringTo(ee_base, end_effectors_str[i*prop_num+2].c_str()); ee_trans eet; for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) { coil::stringTo(eet.localPos(j), end_effectors_str[i*prop_num+3+j].c_str()); } double tmpv[4]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { coil::stringTo(tmpv[j], end_effectors_str[i*prop_num+6+j].c_str()); } eet.localR = Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(tmpv[3], hrp::Vector3(tmpv[0], tmpv[1], tmpv[2])).toRotationMatrix(); // rotation in VRML is represented by axis + angle eet.target_name = ee_target; ee_map.insert(std::pair<std::string, ee_trans>(ee_name , eet)); ReferenceForceUpdaterParam rfu_param; //set rfu param rfu_param.update_count = round((1/rfu_param.update_freq)/m_dt); if (( ee_name != "rleg" ) && ( ee_name != "lleg" )) m_RFUParam.insert(std::pair<std::string, ReferenceForceUpdaterParam>(ee_name , rfu_param)); ee_index_map.insert(std::pair<std::string, size_t>(ee_name, i)); ref_force.push_back(hrp::Vector3::Zero()); //ref_force_interpolator.insert(std::pair<std::string, interpolator*>(ee_name, new interpolator(3, m_dt))); ref_force_interpolator.insert(std::pair<std::string, interpolator*>(ee_name, new interpolator(3, m_dt, interpolator::LINEAR))); if (( ee_name != "lleg" ) && ( ee_name != "rleg" )) transition_interpolator.insert(std::pair<std::string, interpolator*>(ee_name, new interpolator(1, m_dt))); std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] End Effector [" << ee_name << "]" << ee_target << " " << ee_base << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] target = " << ee_target << ", base = " << ee_base << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] localPos = " << eet.localPos.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", " [", "]")) << "[m]" << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] localR = " << eet.localR.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", "\n", " [", "]")) << std::endl; } } // check if the dof of m_robot match the number of joint in m_robot unsigned int dof = m_robot->numJoints(); for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < dof; i++ ){ if ( (int)i != m_robot->joint(i)->jointId ) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] jointId is not equal to the index number" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } } loop = 0; transition_interpolator_ratio.reserve(transition_interpolator.size()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<transition_interpolator.size(); i++ ) transition_interpolator_ratio[i] = 0; return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t CollisionDetector::onInitialize() { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("qRef", m_qRefIn); addInPort("qCurrent", m_qCurrentIn); addInPort("servoStateIn", m_servoStateIn); // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("q", m_qOut); addOutPort("beepCommand", m_beepCommandOut); // Set service provider to Ports m_CollisionDetectorServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "CollisionDetectorService", m_service0); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_CollisionDetectorServicePort); // </rtc-template> //RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); if ( prop["collision_viewer"] == "true" ) { m_use_viewer = true; } #ifdef USE_HRPSYSUTIL m_glbody = new GLbody(); m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(m_glbody); #else m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); #endif // USE_HRPSYSUTIL // OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var binfo; binfo = hrp::loadBodyInfo(prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext())); if (CORBA::is_nil(binfo)){ std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } #ifdef USE_HRPSYSUTIL if (!loadBodyFromBodyInfo(m_robot, binfo, true, GLlinkFactory)) { #else if (!loadBodyFromBodyInfo(m_robot, binfo, true, hrplinkFactory)) { #endif // USE_HRPSYSUTIL std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "] in " << m_profile.instance_name << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } #ifdef USE_HRPSYSUTIL loadShapeFromBodyInfo(m_glbody, binfo); #endif // USE_HRPSYSUTIL if ( prop["collision_model"] == "AABB" ) { convertToAABB(m_robot); } else if ( prop["collision_model"] == "convex hull" || prop["collision_model"] == "" ) { // set convex hull as default convertToConvexHull(m_robot); } setupVClipModel(m_robot); if ( prop["collision_pair"] != "" ) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] prop[collision_pair] ->" << prop["collision_pair"] << std::endl; std::istringstream iss(prop["collision_pair"]); std::string tmp; while (getline(iss, tmp, ' ')) { size_t pos = tmp.find_first_of(':'); std::string name1 = tmp.substr(0, pos), name2 = tmp.substr(pos+1); if ( m_robot->link(name1)==NULL ) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] Could not find robot link " << name1 << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] please choose one of following :"; for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_robot->numLinks(); i++) { std::cerr << " " << m_robot->link(i)->name; } std::cerr << std::endl; continue; } if ( m_robot->link(name2)==NULL ) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] Could not find robot link " << name2 << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] please choose one of following :"; for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_robot->numLinks(); i++) { std::cerr << " " << m_robot->link(i)->name; } std::cerr << std::endl; continue; } std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] check collisions between " << m_robot->link(name1)->name << " and " << m_robot->link(name2)->name << std::endl; m_pair[tmp] = new CollisionLinkPair(new VclipLinkPair(m_robot->link(name1), m_VclipLinks[m_robot->link(name1)->index], m_robot->link(name2), m_VclipLinks[m_robot->link(name2)->index], 0)); } } if ( prop["collision_loop"] != "" ) { coil::stringTo(m_collision_loop, prop["collision_loop"].c_str()); std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] set collision_loop: " << m_collision_loop << std::endl; } #ifdef USE_HRPSYSUTIL if ( m_use_viewer ) { m_scene.addBody(m_robot); GLlink::drawMode(GLlink::DM_COLLISION); } #endif // USE_HRPSYSUTIL // true (1) do not move when collide, // false(0) move even if collide m_curr_collision_mask.resize(m_robot->numJoints()); // collision_mask used to select output 0: passthough reference data, 1 output safe data std::fill(m_curr_collision_mask.begin(), m_curr_collision_mask.end(), 0); m_init_collision_mask.resize(m_robot->numJoints()); // collision_mask defined in .conf as [collisoin_mask] 0: move even if collide, 1: do not move when collide std::fill(m_init_collision_mask.begin(), m_init_collision_mask.end(), 1); if ( prop["collision_mask"] != "" ) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] prop[collision_mask] ->" << prop["collision_mask"] << std::endl; coil::vstring mask_str = coil::split(prop["collision_mask"], ","); if (mask_str.size() == m_robot->numJoints()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) {coil::stringTo(m_init_collision_mask[i], mask_str[i].c_str()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { if ( m_init_collision_mask[i] == 0 ) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] CollisionDetector will not control " << m_robot->joint(i)->name << std::endl; } } }else{ std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] ERROR size of collision_mask is differ from robot joint number .. " << mask_str.size() << ", " << m_robot->numJoints() << std::endl; } } if ( prop["use_limb_collision"] != "" ) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] prop[use_limb_collision] -> " << prop["use_limb_collision"] << std::endl; if ( prop["use_limb_collision"] == "true" ) { m_use_limb_collision = true; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] Enable use_limb_collision" << std::endl; } } // setup collision state m_state.angle.length(m_robot->numJoints()); m_state.collide.length(m_robot->numLinks()); // allocate memory for outPorts>numJoints()); m_recover_time = 0; m_safe_posture = true; m_have_safe_posture = false; i_dt = 1.0; default_recover_time = 2.5/m_dt; m_recover_jointdata = new double[m_robot->numJoints()]; m_lastsafe_jointdata = new double[m_robot->numJoints()]; m_interpolator = new interpolator(m_robot->numJoints(), i_dt); m_interpolator->setName(std::string(m_profile.instance_name)+" interpolator"); m_link_collision = new bool[m_robot->numLinks()]; for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_robot->numJoints(); i++){[i] = 0; }>numJoints()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) {[i].length(1); int status = 0; status |= 1<< OpenHRP::RobotHardwareService::CALIB_STATE_SHIFT; status |= 1<< OpenHRP::RobotHardwareService::POWER_STATE_SHIFT; status |= 1<< OpenHRP::RobotHardwareService::SERVO_STATE_SHIFT; status |= 0<< OpenHRP::RobotHardwareService::SERVO_ALARM_SHIFT; status |= 0<< OpenHRP::RobotHardwareService::DRIVER_TEMP_SHIFT;[i][0] = status; } collision_beep_freq = static_cast<int>(1.0/(3.0*m_dt)); // 3 times / 1[s]; return RTC::RTC_OK; } RTC::ReturnCode_t CollisionDetector::onFinalize() { delete[] m_recover_jointdata; delete[] m_lastsafe_jointdata; delete m_interpolator; delete[] m_link_collision; return RTC::RTC_OK; } /* RTC::ReturnCode_t CollisionDetector::onStartup(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) { return RTC::RTC_OK; } */ /* RTC::ReturnCode_t CollisionDetector::onShutdown(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) { return RTC::RTC_OK; } */ RTC::ReturnCode_t CollisionDetector::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name<< "] onActivated(" << ec_id << ")" << std::endl; m_have_safe_posture = false; return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset::onInitialize() { std::cout << m_profile.instance_name << ": onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("qCurrent", m_qCurrentIn); addInPort("rpy", m_rpyIn); // Set OutPort buffer // Set service provider to Ports m_RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetService", m_service0); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetServicePort); // </rtc-template> RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "] in " << m_profile.instance_name << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } int nforce = m_robot->numSensors(hrp::Sensor::FORCE); m_force.resize(nforce); m_forceOut.resize(nforce); m_forceIn.resize(nforce); for (size_t i = 0; i < nforce; i++) { hrp::Sensor *s = m_robot->sensor(hrp::Sensor::FORCE, i); m_forceOut[i] = new OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string("off_"+s->name).c_str(), m_force[i]); m_forceIn[i] = new InPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(s->name.c_str(), m_force[i]); m_force[i].data.length(6); registerInPort(s->name.c_str(), *m_forceIn[i]); registerOutPort(std::string("off_"+s->name).c_str(), *m_forceOut[i]); m_forcemoment_offset_param.insert(std::pair<std::string, ForceMomentOffsetParam>(s->name, ForceMomentOffsetParam())); } return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t CollisionDetector::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) { std::cout << m_profile.instance_name<< ": onActivated(" << ec_id << ")" << std::endl; RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); if ( prop["collision_viewer"] == "true" ) { m_use_viewer = true; } m_glbody = new GLbody(); m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(m_glbody); // OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var binfo; binfo = hrp::loadBodyInfo(prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext())); if (CORBA::is_nil(binfo)){ std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } if (!loadBodyFromBodyInfo(m_robot, binfo, true, GLlinkFactory)) { std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } loadShapeFromBodyInfo(m_glbody, binfo); convertToConvexHull(m_robot); //convertToAABB(m_robot); setupVClipModel(m_robot); if ( prop["collision_pair"] != "" ) { std::cerr << "prop[collision_pair] ->" << prop["collision_pair"] << std::endl; std::istringstream iss(prop["collision_pair"]); std::string tmp; while (getline(iss, tmp, ' ')) { size_t pos = tmp.find_first_of(':'); std::string name1 = tmp.substr(0, pos), name2 = tmp.substr(pos+1); std::cerr << "check collisions between " << m_robot->link(name1)->name << " and " << m_robot->link(name2)->name << std::endl; m_pair[tmp] = new VclipLinkPair(m_robot->link(name1), m_VclipLinks[m_robot->link(name1)->index], m_robot->link(name2), m_VclipLinks[m_robot->link(name2)->index], 0); } } if ( m_pair.size() == 0 ) { std::cerr << "failed to setup collisions" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } if ( m_use_viewer ) { m_scene.addBody(m_robot); } // allocate memory for outPorts>numJoints()); m_recover_time = 0; m_safe_posture = true; i_dt = 1.0; default_recover_time = 2.5/m_dt; m_recover_jointdata = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*m_robot->numJoints()); m_interpolator = new interpolator(m_robot->numJoints(), i_dt); return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t SequencePlayer::onInitialize() { std::cout << "SequencePlayer::onInitialize()" << std::endl; // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("qInit", m_qInitIn); addInPort("basePosInit", m_basePosInitIn); addInPort("baseRpyInit", m_baseRpyInitIn); addInPort("zmpRefInit", m_zmpRefInitIn); // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("qRef", m_qRefOut); addOutPort("tqRef", m_tqRefOut); addOutPort("zmpRef", m_zmpRefOut); addOutPort("accRef", m_accRefOut); addOutPort("basePos", m_basePosOut); addOutPort("baseRpy", m_baseRpyOut); addOutPort("optionalData", m_optionalDataOut); // Set service provider to Ports m_SequencePlayerServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "SequencePlayerService", m_service0); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_SequencePlayerServicePort); // </rtc-template> // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // </rtc-template> RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new Body()); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; } unsigned int dof = m_robot->numJoints(); // Setting for wrench data ports (real + virtual) std::vector<std::string> fsensor_names; // find names for real force sensors unsigned int npforce = m_robot->numSensors(hrp::Sensor::FORCE); for (unsigned int i=0; i<npforce; i++){ fsensor_names.push_back(m_robot->sensor(hrp::Sensor::FORCE, i)->name); } // find names for virtual force sensors coil::vstring virtual_force_sensor = coil::split(prop["virtual_force_sensor"], ","); unsigned int nvforce = virtual_force_sensor.size()/10; for (unsigned int i=0; i<nvforce; i++){ fsensor_names.push_back(virtual_force_sensor[i*10+0]); } // add ports for all force sensors unsigned int nforce = npforce + nvforce; m_wrenches.resize(nforce); m_wrenchesOut.resize(nforce); for (unsigned int i=0; i<nforce; i++){ m_wrenchesOut[i] = new OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string(fsensor_names[i]+"Ref").c_str(), m_wrenches[i]); m_wrenches[i].data.length(6); registerOutPort(std::string(fsensor_names[i]+"Ref").c_str(), *m_wrenchesOut[i]); } if (prop.hasKey("seq_optional_data_dim")) { coil::stringTo(optional_data_dim, prop["seq_optional_data_dim"].c_str()); } else { optional_data_dim = 1; } m_seq = new seqplay(dof, dt, nforce, optional_data_dim);; for (unsigned int i=0; i<dof; i++)[i] = 0.0; Link *root = m_robot->rootLink(); = root->p[0]; = root->p[1]; = root->p[2]; hrp::Vector3 rpy = hrp::rpyFromRot(root->R); = rpy[0]; = rpy[1]; = rpy[2]; = 0; = 0; = 0; // allocate memory for outPorts;;; return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t ImpedanceController::onInitialize() { std::cout << "ImpedanceController::onInitialize()" << std::endl; bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("qCurrent", m_qCurrentIn); addInPort("qRef", m_qRefIn); addInPort("rpy", m_rpyIn); addInPort("rpyRef", m_rpyRefIn); // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("q", m_qOut); // Set service provider to Ports m_ImpedanceControllerServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "ImpedanceControllerService", m_service0); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_ImpedanceControllerServicePort); // </rtc-template> // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable // </rtc-template> RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "] in " << m_profile.instance_name << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } coil::vstring virtual_force_sensor = coil::split(prop["virtual_force_sensor"], ","); int npforce = m_robot->numSensors(hrp::Sensor::FORCE); int nvforce = virtual_force_sensor.size()/10; int nforce = npforce + nvforce; m_force.resize(nforce); m_forceIn.resize(nforce); m_ref_force.resize(nforce); m_ref_forceOut.resize(nforce); for (unsigned int i=0; i<npforce; i++){ hrp::Sensor *s = m_robot->sensor(hrp::Sensor::FORCE, i); m_forceIn[i] = new InPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(s->name.c_str(), m_force[i]); m_force[i].data.length(6); registerInPort(s->name.c_str(), *m_forceIn[i]); m_ref_force[i].data.length(6); for (unsigned int j=0; j<6; j++) m_ref_force[i].data[j] = 0.0; m_ref_forceOut[i] = new OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string("ref_"+s->name).c_str(), m_ref_force[i]); registerOutPort(std::string("ref_"+s->name).c_str(), *m_ref_forceOut[i]); std::cerr << s->name << std::endl; } for (unsigned int i=0; i<nvforce; i++){ std::string name = virtual_force_sensor[i*10+0]; VirtualForceSensorParam p; hrp::dvector tr(7); for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++ ) { coil::stringTo(tr[j], virtual_force_sensor[i*10+3+j].c_str()); } p.p = hrp::Vector3(tr[0], tr[1], tr[2]); p.R = Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(tr[6], hrp::Vector3(tr[3],tr[4],tr[5])).toRotationMatrix(); // rotation in VRML is represented by axis + angle p.parent_link_name = virtual_force_sensor[i*10+2]; m_sensors[name] = p; std::cerr << "virtual force sensor : " << name << std::endl; std::cerr << " T, R : " << p.p[0] << " " << p.p[1] << " " << p.p[2] << std::endl << p.R << std::endl; std::cerr << " parent : " << p.parent_link_name << std::endl; m_forceIn[i+npforce] = new InPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(name.c_str(), m_force[i+npforce]); m_force[i+npforce].data.length(6); registerInPort(name.c_str(), *m_forceIn[i+npforce]); m_ref_force[i+npforce].data.length(6); for (unsigned int j=0; j<6; j++) m_ref_force[i].data[j] = 0.0; m_ref_forceOut[i+npforce] = new OutPort<TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string("ref_"+name).c_str(), m_ref_force[i+npforce]); registerOutPort(std::string("ref_"+name).c_str(), *m_ref_forceOut[i+npforce]); std::cerr << name << std::endl; } for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_forceIn.size(); i++){ abs_forces.insert(std::pair<std::string, hrp::Vector3>(m_forceIn[i]->name(), hrp::Vector3::Zero())); abs_moments.insert(std::pair<std::string, hrp::Vector3>(m_forceIn[i]->name(), hrp::Vector3::Zero())); } unsigned int dof = m_robot->numJoints(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < dof; i++ ){ if ( i != m_robot->joint(i)->jointId ) { std::cerr << "jointId is not equal to the index number" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } } // allocate memory for outPorts; qrefv.resize(dof); loop = 0; return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t TorqueFilter::onInitialize() { std::cout << m_profile.instance_name << ": onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("qCurrent", m_qCurrentIn); addInPort("tauIn", m_tauInIn); // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("tauOut", m_tauOutOut); // Set service provider to Ports // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports // </rtc-template> RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "] in " << m_profile.instance_name << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } // init outport>numJoints()); // set gravity compensation flag coil::stringTo(m_is_gravity_compensation, prop["gravity_compensation"].c_str()); if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr << m_profile.instance_name << " : gravity compensation flag: " << m_is_gravity_compensation << std::endl; } // set torque offset // offset = -(gear torque in neutral pose) m_torque_offset.resize(m_robot->numJoints()); coil::vstring torque_offset = coil::split(prop["torque_offset"], ","); if ( m_torque_offset.size() == torque_offset.size() && m_debugLevel > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++){ coil::stringTo(m_torque_offset[i], torque_offset[i].c_str()); std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "offset[" << m_robot->joint(i)->name << "]: " << m_torque_offset[i] << std::endl; } } else { if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "Size of torque_offset is not correct." << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "joints: " << m_robot->numJoints() << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "offsets: " << torque_offset.size() << std::endl; } } // make filter // filter_dim, fb_coeffs[0], ..., fb_coeffs[filter_dim], ff_coeffs[0], ..., ff_coeffs[filter_dim] coil::vstring torque_filter_params = coil::split(prop["torque_filter_params"], ","); // filter values int filter_dim = 0; std::vector<double> fb_coeffs, ff_coeffs; bool use_default_flag = false; // check size of toruqe_filter_params if ( torque_filter_params.size() > 0 ) { coil::stringTo(filter_dim, torque_filter_params[0].c_str()); if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "filter dim: " << filter_dim << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "torque filter param size: " << torque_filter_params.size() << std::endl; } } else { use_default_flag = true; if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr<< "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "There is no torque_filter_params. Use default values." << std::endl; } } if (!use_default_flag && ((filter_dim + 1) * 2 + 1 != torque_filter_params.size()) ) { if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr<< "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "Size of torque_filter_params is not correct. Use default values." << std::endl; } use_default_flag = true; } // define parameters if (use_default_flag) { // ex) 2dim butterworth filter sampling = 200[hz] cutoff = 5[hz] // octave$ [a, b] = butter(2, 5/200) // fb_coeffs[0] = 1.00000; <- b0 // fb_coeffs[1] = 1.88903; <- -b1 // fb_coeffs[2] = -0.89487; <- -b2 // ff_coeffs[0] = 0.0014603; <- a0 // ff_coeffs[1] = 0.0029206; <- a1 // ff_coeffs[2] = 0.0014603; <- a2 filter_dim = 2; fb_coeffs.resize(filter_dim+1); fb_coeffs[0] = 1.00000; fb_coeffs[1] = 1.88903; fb_coeffs[2] =-0.89487; ff_coeffs.resize(filter_dim+1); ff_coeffs[0] = 0.0014603; ff_coeffs[1] = 0.0029206; ff_coeffs[2] = 0.0014603; } else { fb_coeffs.resize(filter_dim + 1); ff_coeffs.resize(filter_dim + 1); for (int i = 0; i < filter_dim + 1; i++) { coil::stringTo(fb_coeffs[i], torque_filter_params[i + 1].c_str()); coil::stringTo(ff_coeffs[i], torque_filter_params[i + (filter_dim + 2)].c_str()); } } if (m_debugLevel > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < filter_dim + 1; i++) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "fb[" << i << "]: " << fb_coeffs[i] << std::endl; std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]" << "ff[" << i << "]: " << ff_coeffs[i] << std::endl; } } // make filter instance for(int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++){ m_filters.push_back(IIRFilter(filter_dim, fb_coeffs, ff_coeffs, std::string(m_profile.instance_name))); } return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t SequencePlayer::onInitialize() { std::cout << "SequencePlayer::onInitialize()" << std::endl; // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("qInit", m_qInitIn); addInPort("basePosInit", m_basePosInitIn); addInPort("baseRpyInit", m_baseRpyInitIn); // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("qRef", m_qRefOut); addOutPort("zmpRef", m_zmpRefOut); addOutPort("accRef", m_accRefOut); addOutPort("basePos", m_basePosOut); addOutPort("baseRpy", m_baseRpyOut); // Set service provider to Ports m_SequencePlayerServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "SequencePlayerService", m_service0); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_SequencePlayerServicePort); // </rtc-template> // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable // </rtc-template> RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); double dt; coil::stringTo(dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); m_robot = new Body(); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; } unsigned int dof = m_robot->numJoints(); m_seq = new seqplay(dof, dt);; for (unsigned int i=0; i<dof; i++)[i] = 0.0; = = = 0.0; = = = 0.0; // allocate memory for outPorts; return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t TorqueController::onInitialize() { std::cout << m_profile.instance_name << ": onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("tauCurrent", m_tauCurrentInIn); addInPort("tauMax", m_tauMaxInIn); addInPort("qCurrent", m_qCurrentInIn); addInPort("qRef", m_qRefInIn); // for naming rule of // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("q", m_qRefOutOut); // for naming rule of // Set service provider to Ports m_TorqueControllerServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "TorqueControllerService", m_service0); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_TorqueControllerServicePort); // </rtc-template> // read property settings RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); // get dt coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); // make rtc manager settings RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); // set robot model m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); std::cerr << prop["model"].c_str() << std::endl; if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; } // make torque controller settings coil::vstring motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf = coil::split(prop["torque_controller_params"], ","); hrp::dvector tdcParamKe(m_robot->numJoints()), tdcParamKd(m_robot->numJoints()), tdcParamKi(m_robot->numJoints()), tdcParamT(m_robot->numJoints()); if (motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf.size() == 2 * m_robot->numJoints()) { std::cerr << "use TwoDofController" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { // use TwoDofController coil::stringTo(tdcParamKe[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[2 * i].c_str()); coil::stringTo(tdcParamT[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[2 * i + 1].c_str()); m_motorTorqueControllers.push_back(MotorTorqueController(m_robot->joint(i)->name, tdcParamKe[i], tdcParamT[i], m_dt)); } if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr << "torque controller parames:" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { std::cerr << m_robot->joint(i)->name << ":" << tdcParamKe[i] << " " << tdcParamT[i] << " " << m_dt << std::endl; } } } else if (motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf.size() == 3 * m_robot->numJoints()) { // use TwoDofControllerPDModel std::cerr << "use TwoDofControllerPDModel" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { // use TwoDofControllerPDModel coil::stringTo(tdcParamKe[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[3 * i].c_str()); coil::stringTo(tdcParamKd[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[3 * i + 1].c_str()); coil::stringTo(tdcParamT[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[3 * i + 2].c_str()); m_motorTorqueControllers.push_back(MotorTorqueController(m_robot->joint(i)->name, tdcParamKe[i], tdcParamKd[i], tdcParamT[i], m_dt)); } if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr << "torque controller parames:" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { std::cerr << m_robot->joint(i)->name << ":" << tdcParamKe[i] << " " << tdcParamKd[i] << " " << tdcParamT[i] << " " << m_dt << std::endl; } } } else if (motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf.size() == 4 * m_robot->numJoints()) { // use TwoDofControllerDynamicsModel std::cerr << "use TwoDofControllerDynamicsModel" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { // use TwoDofControllerDynamicsModel coil::stringTo(tdcParamKe[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[4 * i].c_str()); coil::stringTo(tdcParamKd[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[4 * i + 1].c_str()); coil::stringTo(tdcParamKi[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[4 * i + 2].c_str()); coil::stringTo(tdcParamT[i], motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf[4 * i + 3].c_str()); m_motorTorqueControllers.push_back(MotorTorqueController(m_robot->joint(i)->name, tdcParamKe[i], tdcParamKd[i], tdcParamKi[i], tdcParamT[i], m_dt)); } if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr << "torque controller parames:" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { std::cerr << m_robot->joint(i)->name << ":" << tdcParamKe[i] << " " << tdcParamKd[i] << " " << tdcParamKi[i] << " " << tdcParamT[i] << " " << m_dt << std::endl; } } } else { // default std::cerr << "[WARNING] torque_controller_params is not correct number, " << motorTorqueControllerParamsFromConf.size() << ". Use default controller." << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { tdcParamKe[i] = 400.0; tdcParamT[i] = 0.04; m_motorTorqueControllers.push_back(MotorTorqueController(m_robot->joint(i)->name, tdcParamKe[i], tdcParamT[i], m_dt)); } if (m_debugLevel > 0) { std::cerr << "torque controller parames:" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { std::cerr << m_robot->joint(i)->name << ":" << tdcParamKe[i] << " " << tdcParamT[i] << " " << m_dt << std::endl; } } } // allocate memory for outPorts>numJoints()); return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t ThermoEstimator::onInitialize() { std::cout << m_profile.instance_name << ": onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("tauIn", m_tauInIn); addInPort("servoStateIn", m_servoStateInIn); // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("tempOut", m_tempOutOut); addOutPort("servoStateOut", m_servoStateOutOut); // Set service provider to Ports // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports // </rtc-template> // set parmeters RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; } // init outport>numJoints());>numJoints());>numJoints()); // set temperature of environment if (prop["ambient_tmp"] != "") { coil::stringTo(m_ambientTemp, prop["ambient_tmp"].c_str()); } else { m_ambientTemp = 25.0; } std::cerr << m_profile.instance_name << ": ambient temperature: " << m_ambientTemp << std::endl; // set motor heat parameters m_motorHeatParams.resize(m_robot->numJoints()); coil::vstring motorHeatParamsFromConf = coil::split(prop["motor_heat_params"], ","); if (motorHeatParamsFromConf.size() != 2 * m_robot->numJoints()) { std::cerr << "[WARN]: size of motorHeatParams is " << motorHeatParamsFromConf.size() << ", not equal to 2 * " << m_robot->numJoints() << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "motorHeatParams is " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) { m_motorHeatParams[i].temperature = m_ambientTemp; std::cerr << motorHeatParamsFromConf[2 * i].c_str() << " " << motorHeatParamsFromConf[2 * i + 1].c_str() << std::endl; coil::stringTo(m_motorHeatParams[i].currentCoeffs, motorHeatParamsFromConf[2 * i].c_str()); coil::stringTo(m_motorHeatParams[i].thermoCoeffs, motorHeatParamsFromConf[2 * i + 1].c_str()); } } return RTC::RTC_OK; }
RTC::ReturnCode_t GraspController::onInitialize() { std::cout << m_profile.instance_name << ": onInitialize()" << std::endl; // <rtc-template block="bind_config"> // Bind variables and configuration variable bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0"); // </rtc-template> // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service // <rtc-template block="registration"> // Set InPort buffers addInPort("qRef", m_qRefIn); // for naming rule of addInPort("qCurrent", m_qCurrentIn); addInPort("qIn", m_qIn); // Set OutPort buffer addOutPort("q", m_qOut); // for naming rule of // Set service provider to Ports m_GraspControllerServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "GraspControllerService", m_service0); // Set service consumers to Ports // Set CORBA Service Ports addPort(m_GraspControllerServicePort); // </rtc-template> m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body()); RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties(); coil::stringTo(m_dt, prop["dt"].c_str()); RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance(); std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"]; int comPos = nameServer.find(","); if (comPos < 0){ comPos = nameServer.length(); } nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos); RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str()); if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()) )){ std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl; return RTC::RTC_ERROR; } // <name> : <joint1>, <direction1>, <joint2>, <direction2>, <joint1>, <direction2>, <name> : <joint1>, <direction1> // check num of grasp coil::vstring grasp_joint_params = coil::split(prop["grasp_joint_groups"], ","); std::string grasp_name; GraspJoint grasp_joint; std::vector<GraspJoint> grasp_joints; for(int i = 0, f = 0; i < grasp_joint_params.size(); i++ ){ coil::vstring grasp_joint_group_names = coil::split(grasp_joint_params[i], ":"); if ( grasp_joint_group_names.size() > 1 ) { if ( grasp_name != "" ) { GraspParam grasp_param; grasp_param.time = 0; grasp_param.joints = grasp_joints; grasp_param.time = 1; // stop m_grasp_param[grasp_name] = grasp_param; grasp_joints.clear(); } // initialize grasp_name = grasp_joint_group_names[0]; if ( !! m_robot->link(grasp_joint_group_names[1]) ) { = m_robot->link(std::string(grasp_joint_group_names[1].c_str()))->jointId; } f = 0; i++; } if ( f == 0 ) { coil::stringTo(grasp_joint.dir,grasp_joint_params[i].c_str()); grasp_joints.push_back(grasp_joint); f = 1 ; } else { if ( !! m_robot->link(grasp_joint_params[i]) ) { = m_robot->link(grasp_joint_params[i])->jointId; } f = 0 ; } } // finalize if ( grasp_name != "" ) { GraspParam grasp_param; grasp_param.time = 0; grasp_param.joints = grasp_joints; grasp_param.time = 1; // stop m_grasp_param[grasp_name] = grasp_param; } // if ( m_debugLevel ) { std::map<std::string, GraspParam >::iterator it = m_grasp_param.begin(); while ( it != m_grasp_param.end() ) { std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] " << it->first << " : "; for ( int i = 0 ; i < it->second.joints.size(); i++ ) { std::cerr << "id = " << it->second.joints[i].id << ", dir = " << it->second.joints[i].dir << ", "; } std::cerr << std::endl; it++; } } return RTC::RTC_OK; }
void problem_init(int argc, char* argv[]){ /* Setup constants */ boxsize = 3; // in AU integrator = WHFAST; integrator_whfast_corrector = 0; integrator_whfast_synchronize_manually = 0; tmax = atof(argv[2]); // in year/(2*pi) Keplername = argv[1]; //Kepler system being investigated, Must be first string after ./nbody! p_suppress = 0; //If = 1, suppress all print statements double RT = 0.06; //Resonance Threshold - if abs(P2/2*P1 - 1) < RT, then close enough to resonance double timefac = 25.0; //Number of kicks per orbital period (of closest planet) /* Migration constants */ mig_forces = 1; //If ==0, no migration. K = 100; //tau_a/tau_e ratio. I.e. Lee & Peale (2002) e_ini = atof(argv[3]); //atof(argv[3]); //initial eccentricity of the planets afac = atof(argv[4]); //Factor to increase 'a' of OUTER planets by. double iptmig_fac = atof(argv[5]); //reduction factor of inner planet's t_mig (lower value = more eccentricity) double Cin = atof(argv[6]); //migration speed of outer planet inwards. Nominal is 6 /* Tide constants */ tides_on = 1; //If ==0, then no tidal torques on planets. tide_force = 0; //if ==1, implement tides as *forces*, not as e' and a'. double k2fac = atof(argv[7]); //multiply k2 by this factor inner_only = 0; //if =1, allow only the inner planet to evolve under tidal influence //k2fac_check(Keplername,&k2fac); //For special systems, make sure that if k2fac is set too high, it's reduced. #ifdef OPENGL display_wire = 1; #endif // OPENGL init_box(); printf("%f k2fac \n \n \n",k2fac); //Naming naming(Keplername, txt_file, K, iptmig_fac, e_ini, k2fac, tide_force); // Initial vars if(p_suppress == 0) printf("You have chosen: %s \n",Keplername); double Ms,Rs,a,mp,rp,k2,Q,max_t_mig=0, P_temp; int char_val; //Star & Planet 1 readplanets(Keplername,txt_file,&char_val,&_N,&Ms,&Rs,&mp,&rp,&P_temp,p_suppress); if(mig_forces == 0 && p_suppress == 0) printf("--> Migration is *off* \n"); if(tides_on == 0 && p_suppress == 0) printf("--> Tides are *off* \n"); struct particle star; //Star MUST be the first particle added. star.x = 0; star.y = 0; star.z = 0; star.vx = 0; star.vy = 0; star.vz = 0; = 0; star.ay = 0; = 0; star.m = Ms; star.r = Rs; particles_add(star); //timestep - units of 2pi*yr (required) dt = 2.*M_PI*P_temp/(365.*timefac); if(p_suppress == 0) printf("The timestep used for this simulation is (2pi*years): %f \n",dt); //Arrays, Extra slot for star, calloc sets values to 0 already. tau_a = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); //migration speed of semi-major axis tau_e = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); //migration (damp) speed of eccentricity lambda = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); //resonant angle for each planet omega = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); //argument of periapsis for each planet expmigfac = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); t_mig = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); t_damp = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); phi_i = calloc(sizeof(int),_N+1); //phi index (for outputting resonance angles) if(tide_force == 1){ //tidetau_a = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); tidetauinv_e = calloc(sizeof(double),_N+1); } double P[_N+1]; //array of period values, only needed locally P[1] = P_temp; if(inner_only == 1) planets_with_tides = 1; else planets_with_tides = _N+1; //planet 1 calcsemi(&a,Ms,P[1]); //I don't trust archive values. Make it all consistent migration(Keplername,tau_a, t_mig, t_damp, &expmigfac[1], 0, &max_t_mig, P, 1, RT, Ms, mp, iptmig_fac, a, afac, p_suppress, Cin); struct particle p = tools_init_orbit2d(Ms, mp, a*afac, e_ini, 0, 0.); tau_e[1] = tau_a[1]/K; assignk2Q(&k2, &Q, k2fac, rp); p.Q=Q; p.k2=k2; p.r = rp; particles_add(p); //print/writing stuff printf("System Properties: # planets=%d, Rs=%f, Ms=%f \n",_N, Rs, Ms); printwrite(1,txt_file,a,P[1],e_ini,mp,rp,k2/Q,tau_a[1],t_mig[1],t_damp[1],afac,p_suppress); //outer planets (i=0 is star) for(int i=2;i<_N+1;i++){ extractplanets(&char_val,&mp,&rp,&P[i],p_suppress); calcsemi(&a,Ms,P[i]); migration(Keplername,tau_a, t_mig, t_damp, &expmigfac[i], &phi_i[i], &max_t_mig, P, i, RT, Ms, mp, iptmig_fac, a, afac, p_suppress, Cin); struct particle p = tools_init_orbit2d(Ms, mp, a*afac, e_ini, 0, i*M_PI/4.); tau_e[i] = tau_a[i]/K; assignk2Q(&k2, &Q, k2fac, rp); p.Q = Q; p.k2 = k2; p.r = rp; particles_add(p); printwrite(i,txt_file,a,P[i],e_ini,mp,rp,k2/Q,tau_a[i],t_mig[i],t_damp[i],afac,p_suppress); } //tidal delay if(max_t_mig < 20000)tide_delay = 20000.; else tide_delay = max_t_mig + 20000.; //Have at least 30,000 years grace before turning on tides. double tide_delay_output = 0; if(tides_on == 1) tide_delay_output = tide_delay; FILE *write; write=fopen(txt_file, "a"); fprintf(write, "%f \n",tide_delay_output); fclose(write); tide_print = 0; problem_additional_forces = problem_migration_forces; //Set function pointer to add dissipative forces. integrator_force_is_velocitydependent = 1; if (integrator != WH){ // The WH integrator assumes a heliocentric coordinate system. tools_move_to_center_of_momentum(); } }