inline void OmniApp::onMessage(osc::Message& m) { float x; if (m.addressPattern() == "/mx") { m >> x; nav().moveR(-x * mNavSpeed); } else if (m.addressPattern() == "/my") {
void ProtoApp::init(){ // setup audio if(usingAudio()){ gam::Sync::master().spu(audioIO().fps()); } // setup GUI mAppLabel.setValue(App::name()); mGUI << mGUITable; mTopBar.arrange(); mParamPanel.arrange(); mGUITable.arrange(); // setup model manager if(!App::name().empty()){ glv::ModelManager& MM = mGUI.modelManager(); // std::string idName = App::name(); toIdentifier(idName); + "Presets"); MM.fileDir(mResourceDir); mGUI.refreshModels(); MM.add("pose", *new PoseModel(nav())); paramPanel().presetControl() .modelManager(MM) .loadFile() ; } }
gamePicture::gamePicture(D3DXVECTOR3 seed,LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 d3dDev, D3DXVECTOR2 cCount):GameObject(D3DXVECTOR3()) { D3DXVECTOR3 vel(0,-2.0f,0); // Start off velocity D3DXVECTOR3 acc(0,0,0); D3DXVECTOR3 nav(0, -250.0f, 0); // Used for rotating this->cellSize = D3DXVECTOR2(1,1); this->size = D3DXVECTOR2(1,1); this->pVtxBuf = NULL; this->cellCount = cCount; this->cellSize.x = 1/cCount.x; this->cellSize.y = 1/cCount.y; this->vel = vel; this->acc = acc; this->navVector = nav; this->orient=-90; this->rotationStep = 0; this->speed = 8; this->curTexture =; this->cellPosition.x = 0; this->cellPosition.y = 0; this->initGeom(seed,d3dDev); // get the velocity vector from an initial speed vel.x = this->speed * cos(D3DXToRadian(this->orient)); vel.y = this->speed * sin(D3DXToRadian(this->orient)); }
inline bool OmniApp::onFrame() { FPS::onFrame(); while(oscRecv().recv()) {} nav().step(); onAnimate(dt); Viewport vp(width(), height()); if (bOmniEnable) { mOmni.onFrame(*this, lens(), nav(), vp); } else { mOmni.onFrameFront(*this, lens(), nav(), vp); } return true; }
void ProtoApp::init( const Window::Dim& dim, const std::string& title, double fps, Window::DisplayMode mode, double sampleRate, int blockSize, int chansOut, int chansIn ){ initAudio(sampleRate, blockSize, chansOut, chansIn); // setup audio if(usingAudio()){ //gam::Sync::master().spu(audioIO().fps()); } Window * win = initWindow(dim, title, fps, mode); mGUI.parentWindow(*win); // setup GUI mAppLabel.setValue(App::name()); mGUI << mGUITable; mTopBar.arrange(); mParamPanel.arrange(); mGUITable.arrange(); // setup model manager if(!App::name().empty()){ glv::ModelManager& MM = mGUI.modelManager(); // std::string idName = App::name(); toIdentifier(idName); + "Presets"); MM.fileDir(mResourceDir); mGUI.refreshModels(); MM.add("pose", *new PoseModel(nav())); paramPanel().presetControl() .modelManager(MM) .loadFile() ; } }
// ###################################################################### bool RobotBrainServiceService::start(int argc, char* argv[]) { MYLOGVERB = LOG_INFO; char adapterStr[255]; //Create the adapter int port = RobotBrainObjects::RobotBrainPort; bool connected = false; // try to connect to ports until successful LDEBUG("Opening Connection"); while(!connected) { try { LINFO("Trying Port:%d", port); sprintf(adapterStr, "default -p %i", port); itsAdapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints ("RG_Lane", adapterStr); connected = true; } catch(Ice::SocketException) { port++; } } //Create the manager and its objects itsMgr = new ModelManager("RG_LaneService"); LINFO("Starting RG_Lane System"); nub::ref<RG_Lane> nav(new RG_Lane(*itsMgr, "RG_Lane", "RG_Lane")); LINFO("RG_Lane created"); itsMgr->addSubComponent(nav); LINFO("RG_Lane Added As a subcomponent"); nav->init(communicator(), itsAdapter); LINFO("RG_Lane initiated"); // check command line inputs/options itsMgr->parseCommandLine(argc, argv, "", 0, 0); // activate manager and adapter itsAdapter->activate(); itsMgr->start(); return true; }
inline OmniStereoGraphicsRenderer::OmniStereoGraphicsRenderer() : mNavControl(mNav), mOSCSend(12001) { bOmniEnable = true; mHostName = Socket::hostName(); lens().near(0.01).far(40).eyeSep(0.03); nav().smooth(0.8); initWindow(); initOmni(); Window::append(mStdControls); Window::append(mNavControl); mOmniControls.o = this; Window::append(mOmniControls); }
inline bool OmniStereoGraphicsRenderer::onFrame() { FPS::onFrame(); // if running on a laptop? // nav().step(); onAnimate(dt); Viewport vp(width(), height()); if (bOmniEnable) { mOmni.onFrame(*this, lens(), pose, vp); } else { mOmni.onFrameFront(*this, lens(), pose, vp); } return true; }
Renderer::Renderer(CubemapSource* cubemapSource) : al::OmniApp("AlloPlayer", false, 2048), resizeCtx(nullptr), cubemapSource(cubemapSource), cubemap(nullptr), newCubemap(false) { nav().smooth(0.8); // set up cube cube.color(1,1,1,1); cube.primitive(al::Graphics::TRIANGLES); addCube(cube); for (int i = 0; i < cube.vertices().size(); ++i) { float f = (float)i / cube.vertices().size(); cube.color(al::Color(al::HSV(f, 1 - f, 1), 1)); } cube.generateNormals(); // set up sphere sphere.primitive(al::Graphics::TRIANGLES); addSphere(sphere, 1.0, 32, 32); for (int i = 0; i < sphere.vertices().size(); ++i) { float f = (float)i / sphere.vertices().size(); sphere.color(al::Color(al::HSV(f, 1 - f, 1), 1)); } sphere.generateNormals(); // set up light light.ambient(al::Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0)); light.pos(5, 5, 5); std::function<void (CubemapSource*, StereoCubemap*)> callback = boost::bind(&Renderer::onNextCubemap, this, _1, _2); cubemapSource->setOnNextCubemap(callback); }
int main() { Vectors3DSOA points, dirs, intermediatepoints, intermediatedirs; int np=1024; int NREPS = 1000; points.alloc(np); dirs.alloc(np); // generate benchmark cases TransformationMatrix const * identity = new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,0); double L = 10.; double Lz = 10.; const double Sqrt2 = sqrt(2.); BoxParameters * worldp = new BoxParameters(L, L, Lz ); PhysicalVolume * world = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( worldp , identity ); double volworld = worldp->GetVolume(); BoxParameters * boxlevel2 = new BoxParameters( Sqrt2*L/2./2., Sqrt2*L/2./2., Lz ); BoxParameters * boxlevel3 = new BoxParameters( L/2./2. ,L/2./2., Lz); BoxParameters * boxlevel1 = new BoxParameters( L/2., L/2., Lz ); PhysicalVolume * box2 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel2, new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,45)); PhysicalVolume * box3 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( boxlevel3, new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,-45)); box2->AddDaughter( box3 ); // rotated 45 degree around z axis PhysicalVolume * box1 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, identity); box1->AddDaughter( box2 ); PhysicalVolume const * box1left = world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, new TransformationMatrix(-L/2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0)), box1->GetDaughters()); PhysicalVolume const * box1right = world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, new TransformationMatrix(+L/2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0)), box1->GetDaughters()); // perform basic tests SimpleVecNavigator nav(1, world); Vector3D result; VolumePath path(4); PhysicalVolume const * vol; { // point should be in world Vector3D p1(0, 9*L/10., 0); path.Clear(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p1, result, path ); assert(vol==world); } { // outside world check Vector3D p2(-2*L, 9*L/10., 0); path.Clear(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p2, result, path ); assert(vol==NULL); } { // inside box3 check Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p3, result, path ); assert(vol==box3); std::cerr << path.GetCurrentLevel() << std::endl; assert(path.GetCurrentLevel( ) == 4); assert(result == Vector3D(0.,0.,0)); } { // inside box3 check iterative Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); TransformationMatrix * m = new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m ); path.Print(); assert(vol==box3); std::cerr << path.GetCurrentLevel() << std::endl; assert(path.GetCurrentLevel( ) == 4); assert(result == Vector3D(0.,0.,0)); } { // inside box3 check ( but second box ) Vector3D p3(L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); TransformationMatrix * m1, * m2; m1=new TransformationMatrix(); m2=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p3, result, path, m1 ); assert(vol==box3); std::cerr << path.GetCurrentLevel() << std::endl; assert(path.GetCurrentLevel( ) == 4); assert(result == Vector3D(0.,0.,0)); path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 ); assert( m1->Equals(m2) ); delete m1; delete m2; } { // inside box2 check Vector3D p4(-L/2., 9*L/2./10., 0.); path.Clear(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p4, result, path ); assert(vol==box2); } { // inside box2 check ( on other side ) Vector3D p4(L/2., 9*L/2./10., 0.); path.Clear(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p4, result, path ); assert(vol==box2); } { // inside box1 check Vector3D p5(-9.*L/10., 9*L/2./10., 0.); path.Clear(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p5, result, path ); assert(vol == box1left ); } { // inside box1 check Vector3D p6(9.*L/10., 9*L/2./10., 0.); path.Clear(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p6, result, path ); assert(vol == box1right ); assert(path.GetCurrentLevel( ) == 2); // this means actuall "next" free level } // now do location and transportation { Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); Vector3D newpoint; Vector3D d(9*L/2./10.,0,0); TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix(); TransformationMatrix * m2=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m ); assert(vol==box3); // move point in local reference frame Vector3D p = result+d; vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m ); // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const; assert( vol==box2 ); path.Print(); assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 3 ); // check the global transformation matrix path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 ); assert( m->Equals( m2 ) ); delete m; delete m2; } // now do location and transportation { Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); Vector3D newpoint; Vector3D d(0.1,0.,0.); TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix(); TransformationMatrix * m2=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m ); // move point in local reference frame Vector3D p = result+d; vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m ); // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const; assert( vol==box3 ); assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 4 ); path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 ); assert(m2->Equals(m)); // testing new point also assert(newpoint == d); delete m; delete m2; } // now do location and transportation { Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); Vector3D newpoint; Vector3D d(Sqrt2*L/4.+0.1,Sqrt2*L/4.+0.1,0); TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m ); // move point in local reference frame Vector3D p = result+d; vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m ); // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const; assert( vol==box1left ); assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 2 ); delete m; } // now do location and transportation { Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); Vector3D newpoint; Vector3D d(Sqrt2*L/2.+0.1,Sqrt2*L/2.+0.1,0); TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix(); TransformationMatrix * m2=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m ); // move point in local reference frame Vector3D p = result+d; vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m ); // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const; path.Print(); assert( vol==world ); assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 1 ); path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 ); assert( m2->Equals( m ) ); delete m; } // now do location and transportation { Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); Vector3D newpoint; Vector3D d(4*L,4*L,0); TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m ); // move point in local reference frame Vector3D p = result+d; vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m ); // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const; assert( vol==NULL ); delete m; } // now do location and transportation { Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); Vector3D newpoint; Vector3D d(L,0,0); TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix(); TransformationMatrix * m2=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p3, result, path, m ); assert( vol==box3 ); // move point in local reference frame Vector3D p = result+d; vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative_Iterative( p, newpoint, path, m ); // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const; assert( vol==box3 ); assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 4 ); path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath( m2 ); assert( m2->Equals(m) ); assert(newpoint==Vector3D(0,0,0)); delete m; delete m2; } // now do location and transportation { Vector3D p3(-L/2., 0., 0.); path.Clear(); Vector3D newpoint; Vector3D d(L+9*L/20.,0,0); TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p3, result, path ); assert( vol==box3 ); // move point in local reference frame Vector3D p = result+d; vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative( p, newpoint, path, m ); // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const; assert( vol==box2 ); assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 3 ); delete m; } // now do location and transportation { Vector3D p3(-9*L/10., -9*L/20., 0.); path.Clear(); Vector3D newpoint; Vector3D d(L/2.,L/2.,0); TransformationMatrix * m=new TransformationMatrix(); vol=nav.LocatePoint( world, p3, result, path ); assert( vol==box1left ); // move point in local reference frame Vector3D p = result+d; vol=nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative( p, newpoint, path, m ); // LocateLocalPointFromPath_Relative(Vector3D const & point, Vector3D & localpoint, VolumePath & path, TransformationMatrix * ) const; assert( vol==box3 ); assert( path.GetCurrentLevel() == 4 ); delete m; } // testing the NavigationAndStepInterface { // setup point in world Vector3D p(-L/2, 9*L/10., 0 ); Vector3D d(0,-1,0); Vector3D resultpoint; VolumePath path(4), newpath(4); TransformationMatrix *m = new TransformationMatrix(); TransformationMatrix *m2 = new TransformationMatrix(); vol = nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p, resultpoint, path, m ); assert(vol==world); // do one step double step; nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep_iterative(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step); newpath.Print(); resultpoint.print(); std::cerr << " step " << step << std::endl; std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl; // at this moment we can do some tests assert( newpath.Top() == box2 ); newpath.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath(m2); assert( m2->Equals(m) ); // go on with navigation ( enter daughter here ( from box2 to box3 ) ) p=resultpoint; path=newpath; nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep_iterative(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step); std::cerr << " step " << step << std::endl; std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl; newpath.Print(); newpath.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath(m2); assert( m2->Equals(m) ); assert( newpath.Top() == box3 ); // go on with navigation p = resultpoint; path=newpath; nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step); std::cerr << " step " << step << std::endl; std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl; assert( newpath.Top() == box2 ); // go on with navigation p = resultpoint; path=newpath; nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step); std::cerr << " step " << step << std::endl; std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl; assert( newpath.Top() == world ); // go on with navigation ( particle should now leave the world ) p = resultpoint; path=newpath; newpath.Clear(); nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step); std::cerr << " step " << step << std::endl; std::cerr << " current global point " << resultpoint << std::endl; assert( newpath.Top() == NULL ); } std::cout << " ALL tests passed " << std::endl; }
void doInteraction(float dt){ Glove *l = &left; Glove *r = &right; Vec3f headPos = tracker->markerPositions[17]; // right(0-7) left(8-15) A B C (16 17 18) if(headPos.mag() == 0) return; Rayd rayS(headPos, r->centroid - headPos); // ray pointing in direction of head to right hand float t = rayS.intersectAllosphere(); // get t on surface of allosphere screen Vec3f pos = nav().quat().rotate( rayS(t) ); // rotate point on allosphere to match current nav orientation (check this) Rayd ray( nav().pos(), pos); // ray from sphere center (camera location) to intersected location // Use ray to intesect with plasma shell on pinch if( r->pinchOn[eIndex]){ cout<<"right index finger pinched, create lightning!"<<endl; //audio //cout << currentPlayer << endl; //cout << *currentPlayer << endl; samplePlayer[*currentPlayer].reset(); // reset the phase == start playing the sound *currentPlayer = *currentPlayer + 1; if (*currentPlayer == N_SAMPLE_PLAYER){ *currentPlayer = 0; // currentPlayer = 0; // this was a horrible BUG! XXX } //visual Vec3f center = Vec3f(0, 0.6, -1); float t = ray.intersectSphere(Vec3f(0,0,0), R); Vec3f src = ray(t); Vec3f dest = 0.1f * (src - center).normalize() + center; Bolt* newPSBolt = new Bolt(); newPSBolt->makeTexture(); newPSBolt->start = src; newPSBolt->ending = dest; newPSBolt->makeBolt(src, dest, 2, 0.03); newPSBolt->createBulge(center); boltQ->push_back(newPSBolt); } // state->cursor.set(nav().pos() + pos); // Navigation joystick mode // Translation done with the left index finger pinch gesture if( l->pinchOn[eIndex]){ } else if( l->pinched[eIndex]){ Vec3f translate = sensitivity * l->getPinchTranslate(eIndex); for(int i=0; i<3; i++){ nav().pos()[i] = nav().pos()[i] * 0.9 + (nav().pos()[i] +[i], nav().uu()[i], -nav().uf()[i]))) * 0.1; } // nav().pos().lerp( nav().pos() + translate, 0.01f); } else if( l->pinchOff[eIndex] ){ } else { } //ePinky //eRing // change navigation sensitivity if( l->pinched[eMiddle]){ Vec3f v = l->getPinchTranslate(eMiddle); sensitivity = abs(v.y*10); } }
void Q3DataBrowser::prev() { nav(&Q3SqlCursor::previous); }
void Q3DataBrowser::next() { nav(&Q3SqlCursor::next); }
void Q3DataBrowser::last() { nav(&Q3SqlCursor::last); }
int main() { Vectors3DSOA points, dirs, intermediatepoints, intermediatedirs; StructOfCoord rpoints, rintermediatepoints, rdirs, rintermediatedirs; int np=1024; int NREPS = 1000; points.alloc(np); dirs.alloc(np); // generate benchmark cases TransformationMatrix const * identity = new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,0); // the world volume is a tube double worlddx = 100.; double worlddy = 100; double worlddz = 10.; BoxParameters * worldp = new BoxParameters(worlddx, worlddy, worlddz); PhysicalVolume * world = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( worldp , identity ); double volworld = worldp->GetVolume(); BoxParameters * cellparams = new BoxParameters( worlddx/20., worlddy/20., worlddz/4 ); BoxParameters * waiverparams = new BoxParameters( worlddx/3., worlddy/3., worlddz/2 ); double volcell = cellparams->GetVolume(); double volwaiver = waiverparams->GetVolume(); PhysicalVolume *waiver = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( waiverparams, identity); // this just adds daughters which have been created in a placed way waiver->AddDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( cellparams, new TransformationMatrix( -waiverparams->GetDX()/2., waiverparams->GetDY()/2., 0, 0, 0, 0) )); waiver->AddDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( cellparams, new TransformationMatrix( waiverparams->GetDX()/2., waiverparams->GetDY()/2., 0, 0, 0, 45) )); waiver->AddDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( cellparams, new TransformationMatrix( waiverparams->GetDX()/2., -waiverparams->GetDY()/2., 0, 0, 0, 0) )); waiver->AddDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( cellparams, new TransformationMatrix( -waiverparams->GetDX()/2., -waiverparams->GetDY()/2., 0, 0, 0, 45))); // at this moment the waiver is not yet placed into the world; this will be done now with the new interface // we are basically replacing the waiver by using its existing parameters and daughterlist // TODO: the future interface will hide much of the details here world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(waiverparams, new TransformationMatrix( worlddx/2., worlddy/2., 0, 0, 0, 45 )), waiver->GetDaughterList()); world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(waiverparams, new TransformationMatrix( -worlddx/2., worlddy/2., 0, 0, 0, 0 )), waiver->GetDaughterList()); world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(waiverparams, new TransformationMatrix( -worlddx/2., -worlddy/2., 0, 0, 0, 45 )), waiver->GetDaughterList()); world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(waiverparams, new TransformationMatrix( worlddx/2., -worlddy/2., 0, 0, 0, 0 )), waiver->GetDaughterList()); world->fillWithRandomPoints(points,np); world->fillWithBiasedDirections(points, dirs, np, 9/10.); std::cerr << " Number of daughters " << world->GetNumberOfDaughters() << std::endl; // try to locate a global point StopWatch timer; timer.Start(); VolumePath path(4), newpath(4); std::map<PhysicalVolume const *, int> volcounter; int total=0; TransformationMatrix * globalm=new TransformationMatrix(); TransformationMatrix * globalm2 = new TransformationMatrix(); SimpleVecNavigator nav(1, world); Vector3D displacementvector( worlddx/20, 0., 0. ); int counter[2]={0,0}; for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++) { globalm->SetToIdentity(); globalm2->SetToIdentity(); Vector3D point; Vector3D localpoint; Vector3D newlocalpoint; Vector3D cmppoint; PhysicalVolume::samplePoint( point, worlddx, worlddy, worlddz, 1 ); // PhysicalVolume const * deepestnode = nav.LocateGlobalPoint( world, point, localpoint, path, globalm2 ); localpoint.x = point.x; localpoint.y = point.y; localpoint.z = point.z; PhysicalVolume const * deepestnode = nav.LocateGlobalPoint( world, point, localpoint, path ); /* if(volcounter.find(deepestnode) == volcounter.end()) { volcounter[deepestnode]=1; } else { volcounter[deepestnode]++; } */ // do the cross check // Vector3D localpoint; // check one thing localpoint.x = localpoint.x + displacementvector.x; localpoint.y = localpoint.y + displacementvector.y; localpoint.z = localpoint.z + displacementvector.z; PhysicalVolume const * newnode = nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath( localpoint, path, newpath, globalm2 ); if( newnode == deepestnode ) { counter[0]++; } else { counter[1]++; } // path.GetGlobalMatrixFromPath(globalm); // globalm->LocalToMaster(localpoint, cmppoint); // std::cerr << " ######################## " << std::endl; // point.print(); // globalm->print(); // cmppoint.print(); // std::cerr << " ------------------------ " << std::endl; /* std::cerr << " ######################## " << std::endl; globalm->print(); std::cerr << " ;;;;;;; " << std::endl; globalm2->print(); std::cerr << " ------------------- " << std::endl; //globalm2->MasterToLocal<1,-1>( point, localpoint ); PhysicalVolume const * cmpnode = nav.LocateLocalPointFromPath( localpoint, path, newpath ); //assert( cmpnode == deepestnode ); */ // path.Print(); path.Clear(); newpath.Clear(); // deepestnode->printInfo(); } timer.Stop(); std::cerr << " step took " << timer.getDeltaSecs() << " seconds " << std::endl; std::cerr << counter[0] << std::endl; std::cerr << counter[1] << std::endl; for(auto k=volcounter.begin();k!=volcounter.end();k++) { total+=k->second; } for(auto k=volcounter.begin();k!=volcounter.end();k++) { std::cerr << k->first << " " << k->second << " " << k->second/(1.*total) << std::endl; } std::cerr << 4*volcell/volworld << std::endl; std::cerr << volwaiver/volworld << std::endl; std::cerr << (volworld-4*volwaiver)/volworld << std::endl; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { bool iterative=true; if(argc>1) iterative=false; Vectors3DSOA points, dirs, intermediatepoints, intermediatedirs; int np=1024; int NREPS = 1000; points.alloc(np); dirs.alloc(np); // generate benchmark cases TransformationMatrix const * identity = new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,0); double L = 10.; double Lz = 10.; const double Sqrt2 = sqrt(2.); BoxParameters * worldp = new BoxParameters(L, L, Lz ); PhysicalVolume * world = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( worldp , identity ); double volworld = worldp->GetVolume(); BoxParameters * boxlevel2 = new BoxParameters( Sqrt2*L/2./2., Sqrt2*L/2./2., Lz ); BoxParameters * boxlevel3 = new BoxParameters( L/2./2. ,L/2./2., Lz); BoxParameters * boxlevel1 = new BoxParameters( L/2., L/2., Lz ); PhysicalVolume * box2 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel2, new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,45)); PhysicalVolume * box3 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox( boxlevel3, new TransformationMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,-45)); box2->AddDaughter( box3 ); // rotated 45 degree around z axis PhysicalVolume * box1 = GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, identity); box1->AddDaughter( box2 ); PhysicalVolume const * box1left = world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, new TransformationMatrix(-L/2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0)), box1->GetDaughters()); PhysicalVolume const * box1right = world->PlaceDaughter(GeoManager::MakePlacedBox(boxlevel1, new TransformationMatrix(+L/2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0)), box1->GetDaughters()); // perform basic tests SimpleVecNavigator nav(1, world); StopWatch timer; // some object which are expensive to create FastTransformationMatrix * m = new FastTransformationMatrix(); VolumePath path(4); VolumePath newpath(4); timer.Start(); int stepsdone=0; for(int n=0;n<1000;n++) { for(int i=0;i<100000;i++) // testing the NavigationAndStepInterface { int localstepsdone=0; double distancetravelled=0.; Vector3DFast p; PhysicalVolume::samplePoint( p, worldp->GetDX(), worldp->GetDY(), worldp->GetDZ(), 1. ); #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << p << " " << worldp->GetDX()-p.GetX() << " "; #endif // setup point in world Vector3DFast d(1,0,0); Vector3DFast resultpoint; m->SetToIdentity(); PhysicalVolume const * vol; #ifdef ITERATIVE vol = nav.LocatePoint_iterative( world, p, resultpoint, path, m ); #else vol = nav.LocatePoint( world, p, resultpoint, path, m ); #endif while( vol!=NULL ) { localstepsdone++; // do one step double step; #ifdef ITERATIVE nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep_iterative(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step); #else nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(m, p, d, path, newpath, resultpoint, step); #endif distancetravelled+=step; #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << " proposed step: " << step << std::endl; std::cerr << " next point " << resultpoint << std::endl; std::cerr << " in vol " << newpath.Top() << std::endl; #endif // go on with navigation p = resultpoint; path=newpath; vol=path.Top(); } #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << localstepsdone << " " << distancetravelled << std::endl; #endif stepsdone+=localstepsdone; } } timer.Stop(); std::cout << " time for 100000 particles " << timer.getDeltaSecs( ) << std::endl; std::cout << " average steps done " << stepsdone / 100000. << std::endl; std::cout << " time per step " << timer.getDeltaSecs()/stepsdone << std::endl; delete m; }
void Renderer::onAnimate(al_sec dt) { pose = nav(); }
void QDataBrowser::prev() { nav( &QSqlCursor::prev ); }
void QDataBrowser::next() { nav( &QSqlCursor::next ); }
void QDataBrowser::last() { nav( &QSqlCursor::last ); }