static int diary_handle_feed_rss(request_rec *r, diary_conf *conf) { HDF *hdf; CSPARSE *cs; NEOERR *cs_err; STRING cs_err_str; ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, "diary_handle_feed_rss()"); hdf_init(&hdf); hdf_set_value(hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.1", conf->path); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.title", conf->title); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.uri", conf->uri); cs_err = hdf_read_file(hdf, INDEX_HDF); if(cs_err){ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "cannot read index.hdf."); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } //hdf_dump(hdf, NULL); cs_err = cs_init(&cs, hdf); if(cs_err){ string_init(&cs_err_str); nerr_error_string(cs_err, &cs_err_str); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "error at cs_init(): %s", cs_err_str.buf); cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } cgi_register_strfuncs(cs); cs_err = cs_parse_string(cs, strdup(RSS_TMPL), RSS_TMPL_LEN); if(cs_err){ string_init(&cs_err_str); nerr_error_string(cs_err, &cs_err_str); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "error in cs_parse_string(): %s", cs_err_str.buf); cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } r->content_type = "application/rss+xml"; cs_render(cs, r, diary_cs_render_cb); cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return OK; }
void Hdf::CheckNeoError(NEOERR *err) { if (err != STATUS_OK) { NEOSTRING str; string_init(&str); nerr_error_string(err, &str); throw HdfException("%s", str.buf); } }
// Throws a runtime exception back to the Java VM appropriate for the type of // error and frees the NEOERR that is passed in. // TODO: throw more specific exceptions for errors like NERR_IO and NERR_NOMEM int jNeoErr(JNIEnv *env, NEOERR *err) { STRING str; string_init(&str); if (nerr_match(err, NERR_PARSE)) { nerr_error_string(err, &str); throwRuntimeException(env, str.buf); } else if (nerr_match(err, NERR_IO)) { nerr_error_string(err, &str); throwIOException(env, str.buf); } else if (nerr_match(err, NERR_NOMEM)) { nerr_error_string(err, &str); throwOutOfMemoryError(env, str.buf); } else { nerr_error_traceback(err, &str); throwRuntimeException(env, str.buf); } nerr_ignore(&err); // free err, otherwise it would leak string_clear(&str); return 0; }
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_clearsilver_HDF__1readFile( JNIEnv *env, jobject objClass, jint hdf_obj_ptr, jstring j_filename, jboolean use_cb) { HDF *hdf = (HDF *)hdf_obj_ptr; NEOERR *err; const char *filename; jboolean retval; FILELOAD_INFO fl_info; if (use_cb == JNI_TRUE) { jclass hdfClass; fl_info.env = env; fl_info.fl_obj = objClass; fl_info.hdf = hdf; hdfClass = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, objClass); if (hdfClass == NULL) return JNI_FALSE; fl_info.fl_method = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, hdfClass, "fileLoad", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"); if (fl_info.fl_method == NULL) return JNI_FALSE; hdf_register_fileload(hdf, &fl_info, jni_fileload_cb); } filename = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, j_filename, 0); err = hdf_read_file(hdf, filename); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, j_filename, filename); if (use_cb == JNI_TRUE) hdf_register_fileload(hdf, NULL, NULL); if (err != STATUS_OK) { // Throw an exception. jNeoErr handles all types of errors other than // NOT_FOUND, since that can mean different things in different contexts. // In this context, it means "file not found". if (nerr_match(err, NERR_NOT_FOUND)) { STRING str; string_init(&str); nerr_error_string(err, &str); throwFileNotFoundException(env, str.buf); string_clear(&str); } else { jNeoErr(env, err); } } retval = (err == STATUS_OK); return retval; }
PyObject * p_neo_error (NEOERR *err) { STRING str; string_init (&str); if (nerr_match(err, NERR_PARSE)) { nerr_error_string (err, &str); PyErr_SetString (NeoParseError, str.buf); } else { nerr_error_traceback (err, &str); PyErr_SetString (NeoError, str.buf); } string_clear (&str); nerr_ignore(&err); return NULL; }
bool Tree::RenderTemplateInternal(const std::string &tmpl, bool file_or_string, std::ostream *out, std::string *error) const { if (!out) { return false; } CSPARSE *csparse = NULL; HDF *hdf = NULL; NEOERR *err; do { err = hdf_init(&hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } if (!SerializeToHdfInternal(hdf, true)) { hdf_destroy(&hdf); if (error) { *error = "SerializationError: serializing to HDF failed"; } return false; } err = cs_init(&csparse, hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } err = cgi_register_strfuncs(csparse); if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } if (file_or_string) { err = cs_parse_file(csparse, tmpl.c_str()); } else { char *ctmpl = strdup(tmpl.c_str()); if (!ctmpl) { cs_destroy(&csparse); hdf_destroy(&hdf); if (error) { *error = "MemoryError: allocating buffer for template"; } break; } err = cs_parse_string(csparse, ctmpl, tmpl.length()); } if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } err = cs_render(csparse, out, RenderCallback); if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } } while (false); cs_destroy(&csparse); hdf_destroy(&hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK && error) { STRING str; string_init(&str); nerr_error_string(err, &str); *error = str.buf; string_clear(&str); nerr_ignore(&err); return false; } return true; }
static int diary_handle_index(request_rec *r, diary_conf *conf) { HDF *hdf; CSPARSE *cs; NEOERR *cs_err; STRING cs_err_str; calendar_info cal; char *theme_path; char *theme_file; theme_path = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, conf->path, "/themes/", conf->theme, NULL); theme_file = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, theme_path, "/index.cst", NULL); hdf_init(&hdf); hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "index", 1); hdf_set_value(hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.1", conf->path); hdf_set_value(hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.2", theme_path); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.title", conf->title); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.uri", conf->uri); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.theme", conf->theme); if (conf->calendar) { diary_set_calendar_info(&cal, r->args); hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.year", cal.year); hdf_set_value(hdf, "cal.month", cal.month); hdf_set_value(hdf, "",; hdf_set_value(hdf, "",; hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.lastdayofmonth", cal.lastdayofmonth); hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.dayofweek_1stdayofmonth", cal.dayofweek_1stdayofmonth); } cs_err = hdf_read_file(hdf, INDEX_HDF); if(cs_err){ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "cannot read index.hdf."); // TODO: no need to free cs_err and cs_err_str? hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } //hdf_dump(hdf, NULL); cs_err = cs_init(&cs, hdf); if(cs_err){ string_init(&cs_err_str); nerr_error_string(cs_err, &cs_err_str); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "error at cs_init(): %s", cs_err_str.buf); // TODO: no need to free cs_err and cs_err_str? cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } cgi_register_strfuncs(cs); cs_err = cs_parse_file(cs, theme_file); if(cs_err){ string_init(&cs_err_str); nerr_error_string(cs_err, &cs_err_str); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "hoge error in cs_parse_file(): %s", cs_err_str.buf); // TODO: no need to free cs_err and cs_err_str? cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } r->content_type = "text/html"; cs_render(cs, r, diary_cs_render_cb); cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return OK; }