int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *msg;
	int argi;
	struct sigaction sa;
	char *exthandler = NULL;
	char *extids = NULL;
	char *processor = NULL;
	struct sockaddr_un ctlsockaddr;
	int ctlsocket;

	/* Handle program options. */
	for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
			debug = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--rrddir=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			rrddir = strdup(p+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--extra-script=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			exthandler = strdup(p+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--extra-tests=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			extids = strdup(p+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--processor=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			processor = strdup(p+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--no-cache") == 0) {
			use_rrd_cache = 0;
		else if (net_worker_option(argv[argi])) {
			/* Handled in the subroutine */

	save_errbuf = 0;

	if ((rrddir == NULL) && xgetenv("XYMONRRDS")) {
		rrddir = strdup(xgetenv("XYMONRRDS"));

	if (exthandler && extids) setup_exthandler(exthandler, extids);

	/* Do the network stuff if needed */
	net_worker_run(ST_RRD, LOC_STICKY, update_locator_hostdata);

	memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
	sa.sa_handler = sig_handler;
	sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);

	/* Setup the control socket that receives cache-flush commands */
	memset(&ctlsockaddr, 0, sizeof(ctlsockaddr));
	sprintf(ctlsockaddr.sun_path, "%s/rrdctl.%d", xgetenv("XYMONTMP"), getpid());
	unlink(ctlsockaddr.sun_path);     /* In case it was accidentally left behind */
	ctlsockaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
	ctlsocket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
	if (ctlsocket == -1) {
		errprintf("Cannot create cache-control socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;
	fcntl(ctlsocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
	if (bind(ctlsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&ctlsockaddr, sizeof(ctlsockaddr)) == -1) {
		errprintf("Cannot bind to cache-control socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;
	/* Linux obeys filesystem permissions on the socket file, so make it world-accessible */
	if (chmod(ctlsockaddr.sun_path, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH) == -1) {
		errprintf("Setting permissions on cache-control socket failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));

	/* Load the RRD definitions */

	/* If we are passing data to an external processor, create the pipe to it */

	running = 1;
	while (running) {
		char *eoln, *restofmsg = NULL;
		char *metadata[MAX_META+1];
		int metacount;
		char *p;
		char *hostname = NULL, *testname = NULL, *sender = NULL, *classname = NULL, *pagepaths = NULL;
		xymonrrd_t *ldef = NULL;
		time_t tstamp;
		int childstat;
                ssize_t n;
		char ctlbuf[PATH_MAX];
		int gotcachectlmessage;
		time_t now;

		/* See if we have any cache-control messages pending */
		do {
			n = recv(ctlsocket, ctlbuf, sizeof(ctlbuf), 0);
			gotcachectlmessage = (n > 0);
			if (gotcachectlmessage) {
				/* We have a control message */
				char *bol, *eol;

				ctlbuf[n] = '\0';
				bol = ctlbuf;
				do {
					eol = strchr(bol, '\n'); if (eol) *eol = '\0';
					if (eol) { bol = eol+1; } else bol = NULL;
				} while (bol && *bol);
		} while (gotcachectlmessage);

		/* Get next message */
		msg = get_xymond_message(C_LAST, argv[0], &seq, NULL);
		if (msg == NULL) {
			running = 0;

		now = gettimer();
		if (reloadtime < now) {
			/* Reload configuration files */
			load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());
			reloadtime = now + 600;

		/* Split the message in the first line (with meta-data), and the rest */
 		eoln = strchr(msg, '\n');
		if (eoln) {
			*eoln = '\0';
			restofmsg = eoln+1;

		/* Parse the meta-data */
		metacount = 0; 
		memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata));
		p = gettok(msg, "|");
		while (p && (metacount < MAX_META)) {
			metadata[metacount++] = p;
			p = gettok(NULL, "|");
		metadata[metacount] = NULL;

		if ((metacount >= 14) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@status", 8) == 0)) {
			 * @@status|timestamp|sender|origin|hostname|testname|expiretime|color|testflags|\
			 * prevcolor|changetime|ackexpiretime|ackmessage|disableexpiretime|disablemessage|\
			 * clienttstamp|flapping|classname|pagepaths
			int color = parse_color(metadata[7]);

			switch (color) {
			  case COL_GREEN:
			  case COL_YELLOW:
			  case COL_RED:
			  case COL_BLUE: /* Blue is OK, because it only arrives here when an update is sent */
				tstamp = atoi(metadata[1]);
				sender = metadata[2];
				hostname = metadata[4]; 
				testname = metadata[5];
				classname = (metadata[17] ? metadata[17] : "");
				pagepaths = (metadata[18] ? metadata[18] : "");
				ldef = find_xymon_rrd(testname, metadata[8]);
				update_rrd(hostname, testname, restofmsg, tstamp, sender, ldef, classname, pagepaths);

				/* Ignore reports with purple, blue or clear - they have no data we want. */
		else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@data", 6) == 0)) {
			/* @@data|timestamp|sender|origin|hostname|testname|classname|pagepaths */
			tstamp = atoi(metadata[1]);
			sender = metadata[2];
			hostname = metadata[4]; 
			testname = metadata[5];
			classname = (metadata[6] ? metadata[6] : "");
			pagepaths = (metadata[7] ? metadata[7] : "");
			ldef = find_xymon_rrd(testname, "");
			update_rrd(hostname, testname, restofmsg, tstamp, sender, ldef, classname, pagepaths);
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) {
			running = 0;
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) {
			/* Ignored */
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) {
			char *fn = xgetenv("XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME");
			if (fn && strlen(fn)) {
				freopen(fn, "a", stdout);
				freopen(fn, "a", stderr);
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@reload", 8) == 0) {
			reloadtime = 0;
		else if ((metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0)) {
			char hostdir[PATH_MAX];
			hostname = metadata[3];


			sprintf(hostdir, "%s/%s", rrddir, hostname);
			dropdirectory(hostdir, 1);

		else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@droptest", 10) == 0)) {
			 * Not implemented. Mappings of testnames -> rrd files is
			 * too complex, so on the rare occasion that a single test
			 * is deleted, they will have to delete the rrd files themselves.
		else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) {
			char oldhostdir[PATH_MAX];
			char newhostdir[PATH_MAX];
			char *newhostname;


			hostname = metadata[3];
			newhostname = metadata[4];
			sprintf(oldhostdir, "%s/%s", rrddir, hostname);
			sprintf(newhostdir, "%s/%s", rrddir, newhostname);
			rename(oldhostdir, newhostdir);

			if (net_worker_locatorbased()) locator_rename_host(hostname, newhostname, ST_RRD);

		else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renametest", 12) == 0)) {
			/* Not implemented. See "droptest". */

		 * We fork a subprocess when processing drophost requests.
		 * Pickup any finished child processes to avoid zombies
		while (wait3(&childstat, WNOHANG, NULL) > 0) ;

	/* Flush all cached updates to disk */
	errprintf("Shutting down, flushing cached updates to disk\n");
	errprintf("Cache flush completed\n");

	/* Close the external processor */

	/* Close the control socket */

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *msg;
	int running;
	int argi, seq;
	int recentperiod = 3600;
	int maxrecentcount = 5;
	int logdirfull = 0;
	int minlogspace = 5;
	struct sigaction sa;

	/* Handle program options. */
	for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
                if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--logdir=")) {
			clientlogdir = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--recent-period=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			recentperiod = 60*atoi(p+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--recent-count=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			maxrecentcount = atoi(p+1);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--minimum-free=")) {
			minlogspace = atoi(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
			 * A global "debug" variable is available. If
			 * it is set, then "dbgprintf()" outputs debug messages.
			debug = 1;
		else if (net_worker_option(argv[argi])) {
			/* Handled in the subroutine */

	if (clientlogdir == NULL) clientlogdir = xgetenv("CLIENTLOGS");
	if (clientlogdir == NULL) {
		clientlogdir = (char *)malloc(strlen(xgetenv("XYMONVAR")) + 10);
		sprintf(clientlogdir, "%s/hostdata", xgetenv("XYMONVAR"));

	save_errbuf = 0;

	/* Do the network stuff if needed */
	net_worker_run(ST_HOSTDATA, LOC_STICKY, update_locator_hostdata);

	memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
	sa.sa_handler = sig_handler;
	signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
	sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);

	savetimes = xtreeNew(strcasecmp);

	running = 1;
	while (running) {
		char *eoln, *restofmsg, *p;
		char *metadata[MAX_META+1];
		int metacount;

		msg = get_xymond_message(C_CLICHG, "xymond_hostdata", &seq, NULL);
		if (msg == NULL) {
			 * get_xymond_message will return NULL if xymond_channel closes
			 * the input pipe. We should shutdown when that happens.
			running = 0;

		if (nextfscheck < gettimer()) {
			logdirfull = (chkfreespace(clientlogdir, minlogspace, minlogspace) != 0);
			if (logdirfull) errprintf("Hostdata directory %s has less than %d%% free space - disabling save of data for 5 minutes\n", clientlogdir, minlogspace);
			nextfscheck = gettimer() + 300;

		/* Split the message in the first line (with meta-data), and the rest */
 		eoln = strchr(msg, '\n');
		if (eoln) {
			*eoln = '\0';
			restofmsg = eoln+1;
		else {
			restofmsg = "";

		metacount = 0; 
		memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata));
		p = gettok(msg, "|");
		while (p && (metacount < MAX_META)) {
			metadata[metacount++] = p;
			p = gettok(NULL, "|");
		metadata[metacount] = NULL;

		if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@clichg", 8) == 0) {
			xtreePos_t handle;
			savetimes_t *itm;
			int i, recentcount;
			time_t now = gettimer();
			char hostdir[PATH_MAX];
			char fn[PATH_MAX];
			FILE *fd;

			/* metadata[3] is the hostname */
			handle = xtreeFind(savetimes, metadata[3]);
			if (handle != xtreeEnd(savetimes)) {
				itm = (savetimes_t *)xtreeData(savetimes, handle);
			else {
				itm = (savetimes_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(savetimes_t));
				itm->hostname = strdup(metadata[3]);
				xtreeAdd(savetimes, itm->hostname, itm);

			/* See how many times we've saved the hostdata recently (within the past 'recentperiod' seconds) */
			for (i=0, recentcount=0; ((i < 12) && (itm->tstamp[i] > (now - recentperiod))); i++) recentcount++;
			/* If it's been saved less than 'maxrecentcount' times, then save it. Otherwise just drop it */
			if (!logdirfull && (recentcount < maxrecentcount)) {
				int written, closestatus, ok = 1;

				for (i = 10; (i > 0); i--) itm->tstamp[i+1] = itm->tstamp[i];
				itm->tstamp[0] = now;

				sprintf(hostdir, "%s/%s", clientlogdir, metadata[3]);
				mkdir(hostdir, S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH);
				sprintf(fn, "%s/%s", hostdir, metadata[4]);
				fd = fopen(fn, "w");
				if (fd == NULL) {
					errprintf("Cannot create file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno));
				written = fwrite(restofmsg, 1, strlen(restofmsg), fd);
				if (written != strlen(restofmsg)) {
					errprintf("Cannot write hostdata file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno));
					closestatus = fclose(fd);	/* Ignore any close errors */
					ok = 0;
				else {
					closestatus = fclose(fd);
					if (closestatus != 0) {
						errprintf("Cannot write hostdata file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno));
						ok = 0;

				if (!ok) remove(fn);

		 * A "shutdown" message is sent when the master daemon
		 * terminates. The child workers should shutdown also.
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) {
			running = 0;
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) {
			/* Ignored */

		 * A "logrotate" message is sent when the Xymon logs are
		 * rotated. The child workers must re-open their logfiles,
		 * typically stdin and stderr - the filename is always
		 * provided in the XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME environment.
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) {
			char *fn = xgetenv("XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME");
			if (fn && strlen(fn)) {
				reopen_file(fn, "a", stdout);
				reopen_file(fn, "a", stderr);

		else if ((metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0)) {
			/* @@drophost|timestamp|sender|hostname */
			char hostdir[PATH_MAX];
			snprintf(hostdir, sizeof(hostdir), "%s/%s", clientlogdir, basename(metadata[3]));
			dropdirectory(hostdir, 1);

		else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) {
			/* @@renamehost|timestamp|sender|hostname|newhostname */
			char oldhostdir[PATH_MAX], newhostdir[PATH_MAX];
			snprintf(oldhostdir, sizeof(oldhostdir), "%s/%s", clientlogdir, basename(metadata[3]));
			snprintf(newhostdir, sizeof(newhostdir), "%s/%s", clientlogdir, basename(metadata[4]));
			rename(oldhostdir, newhostdir);

			if (net_worker_locatorbased()) locator_rename_host(metadata[3], metadata[4], ST_HOSTDATA);
		else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@reload", 8) == 0) {
			/* Do nothing */

	return 0;