void ServerCatchcopy::parseInput(const uint32_t &client,const uint32_t &orderId,const std::vector<std::string> &returnList) { const ServerCatchcopy::inputReturnType returnVal=parseInputCurrentProtocol(client,orderId,returnList); switch(returnVal) { case Ok: emit newQuery(client,orderId,returnList); break; case Replied: break; case ExtensionWrong: //protocolExtensionSupported(client,orderId,false); break; case WrongArgument: incorrectArgument(client,orderId); break; case WrongArgumentListSize: incorrectArgumentListSize(client,orderId); break; case UnknowOrder: emit error("Unknown query: "+std::to_string(returnVal)+", with client: "+std::to_string(client)+", orderId: "+std::to_string(orderId)+", returnList: "+stringimplode2(returnList,", ")); qWarning() << "Unknown query"; unknowOrder(client,orderId); break; } }
Dynamic::TrackSet Dynamic::EchoNestBias::matchingTracks( int position, const Meta::TrackList& playlist, int contextCount, Dynamic::TrackCollectionPtr universe ) const { Q_UNUSED( contextCount ); // collect the artist QStringList artists = currentArtists( position, playlist ); if( artists.isEmpty() ) return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, true ); { QMutexLocker locker( &m_mutex ); QString key = artists.join("|"); if( m_tracksValid && m_tracksMap.contains( key ) ) return m_tracksMap.value( key ); } m_tracks = Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false ); m_currentArtists = artists; QTimer::singleShot(0, const_cast<EchoNestBias*>(this), SLOT(newQuery())); // create the new query from my parent thread return Dynamic::TrackSet(); }
void ServerCatchcopy::parseInput(const quint32 &client,const quint32 &orderId,const QStringList &returnList) { switch(parseInputCurrentProtocol(client,orderId,returnList)) { case Ok: emit newQuery(client,orderId,returnList); break; case Replied: break; case ExtensionWrong: //protocolExtensionSupported(client,orderId,false); break; case WrongArgument: incorrectArgument(client,orderId); break; case WrongArgumentListSize: incorrectArgumentListSize(client,orderId); break; case UnknowOrder: emit error("Unknown query"); qWarning() << "Unknown query"; unknowOrder(client,orderId); break; } }
/** * This method performs the search and displays * the result to the screen. */ void Kiten::searchAndDisplay( const DictQuery &query ) { /* keep the user informed of what we are doing */ _statusBar->showMessage( i18n( "Searching..." ) ); /* This gorgeous incantation is all that's necessary to fill a DictQuery with a query and an Entrylist with all of the results form all of the requested dictionaries */ EntryList *results = _dictionaryManager.doSearch( query ); /* if there are no results */ if ( results->size() == 0 ) //TODO: check here if the user actually prefers this { //create a modifiable copy of the original query DictQuery newQuery( query ); bool tryAgain = false; do { //by default we don't try again tryAgain = false; //but if the matchtype is changed we try again if ( newQuery.getMatchType() == DictQuery::Exact ) { newQuery.setMatchType( DictQuery::Beginning ); tryAgain = true; } else if ( newQuery.getMatchType() == DictQuery::Beginning ) { newQuery.setMatchType( DictQuery::Anywhere ); tryAgain = true; } //try another search if ( tryAgain ) { delete results; results = _dictionaryManager.doSearch( newQuery ); //results means all is ok; don't try again if ( results->size() > 0 ) { tryAgain = false; } } } while ( tryAgain ); } /* synchronize the history (and store this pointer there) */ addHistory( results ); /* Add the current search to our drop down list */ _inputManager->setSearchQuery( results->getQuery() ); /* suppose it's about time to show the users the results. */ displayResults( results ); }
void MainWindow::setupConnections() { /* * Actions */ connect(actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), aboutDial, SLOT(exec())); connect(actionAddDb, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(createDatabase())); connect(actionClearRecent, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearRecent())); connect(actionCloseTab, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(closeCurrentTab())); connect(actionCopy, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copy())); connect(actionCut, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(cut())); connect(actionDbManager, SIGNAL(triggered()), dbDialog, SLOT(exec())); connect(actionLogs, SIGNAL(triggered()), logDial, SLOT(exec())); connect(actionNewQuery, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newQuery())); connect(actionNextTab, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(nextTab())); connect(actionOpenQuery, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openQuery())); connect(actionPaste, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(paste())); connect(actionPlugins, SIGNAL(triggered()), pluginDialog, SLOT(exec())); connect(actionPreferences, SIGNAL(triggered()), confDial, SLOT(exec())); connect(actionPreviousTab, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(previousTab())); connect(actionPrint, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(print())); connect(actionRedo, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(redo())); connect(actionSaveQuery, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveQuery())); connect(actionSaveQueryAs, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveQueryAs())); connect(actionSearch, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(search())); connect(actionSelect_all, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectAll())); connect(actionUndo, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(undo())); /* * DbTreeView */ connect(dbTreeView, SIGNAL(tableSelected(QSqlDatabase*,QString)), this, SLOT(openTable(QSqlDatabase*,QString))); /* * DbManager */ connect(DbManager::instance(), SIGNAL(statusChanged(QSqlDatabase*)), this, SLOT(checkDb(QSqlDatabase*))); connect(DbManager::model(), SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(reloadDbList())); /* * Dialogs */ connect(dbWizard, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(reloadDbList())); connect(logDial, SIGNAL(event(QString)), QMainWindow::statusBar(), SLOT(showMessage(QString))); connect(QueryScheduler::instance(), SIGNAL(countChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setQueryCount(int))); /* * Tab widget */ connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(refreshTab())); connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int))); }
lv2test::lv2test() : lanView() { if (lastError != NULL) { pq = NULL; return; } try { pq = newQuery(); } CATCHS(lastError) }
/** * Shows a browser dialog to open a query file */ void MainWindow::openQuery() { QString f = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select a query to open" ), AbstractTabWidget::lastDir.path(), tr( "Query file (*.sql);;All files (*.*)" ) ); if(f.isNull()) return; QueryEditorWidget *w = newQuery(); w->open(f); QFileInfo fi = QFileInfo(f); AbstractTabWidget::lastDir = fi.absoluteDir(); }
Dynamic::TrackSet Dynamic::LastFmBias::matchingTracks( const Meta::TrackList& playlist, int contextCount, int finalCount, Dynamic::TrackCollectionPtr universe ) const { Q_UNUSED( contextCount ); Q_UNUSED( finalCount ); if( playlist.isEmpty() ) return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, true ); // determine the last track and artist Meta::TrackPtr lastTrack = playlist.last(); Meta::ArtistPtr lastArtist = lastTrack->artist(); m_currentTrack = lastTrack->name(); m_currentArtist = lastArtist ? lastArtist->name() : QString(); { QMutexLocker locker( &m_mutex ); if( m_match == SimilarArtist ) { if( m_currentArtist.isEmpty() ) return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, true ); if( m_tracksMap.contains( m_currentArtist ) ) return m_tracksMap.value( m_currentArtist ); } else if( m_match == SimilarTrack ) { if( m_currentTrack.isEmpty() ) return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, true ); QString key = m_currentTrack + '|' + m_currentArtist; if( m_tracksMap.contains( key ) ) return m_tracksMap.value( key ); } } m_tracks = Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false ); QTimer::singleShot(0, const_cast<LastFmBias*>(this), SLOT(newQuery())); // create the new query from my parent thread return Dynamic::TrackSet(); }
void LocalHTTPServer::readClient(QTcpSocket * socket) { if(socket->canReadLine()) { QString request = socket->readLine(); QStringList tokens = request.split(REQUEST_REG_EXP); if(tokens.size() >= 2 && tokens[0] == GET_METHOD) { QString queryString = QUrl(tokens[1]).query(); if(!queryString.isEmpty()) { QUrlQuery query(queryString); Q_EMIT newQuery(pairListToMap(query.queryItems())); } respondToClient(socket); } } }
void MySqlQueryModel::setQuery(const QString &query, const QSqlDatabase &db) { QSqlQueryModel::setQuery(query,db); queryNonSorted = query.left(query.indexOf("ORDER BY")-1); columns.clear(); QString queryTruncated = queryNonSorted; //on découpe la chaine pour n'avoir que les titres des colonnes : queryTruncated.remove(0,7); queryTruncated.remove(queryTruncated.indexOf(" FROM "),queryTruncated.length()); //on stocke alors ces titres dans la liste Columns : columns = queryTruncated.split(QRegExp(","),QString::SkipEmptyParts ); for (int i=0; i<columns.count(); i++) qDebug()<<columns[i]; emit newQuery(); }
Dynamic::TrackSet Dynamic::SimpleMatchBias::matchingTracks( const Meta::TrackList& playlist, int contextCount, int finalCount, Dynamic::TrackCollectionPtr universe ) const { Q_UNUSED( playlist ); Q_UNUSED( contextCount ); Q_UNUSED( finalCount ); if( tracksValid() ) return m_tracks; m_tracks = Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, m_invert ); QTimer::singleShot(0, const_cast<SimpleMatchBias*>(this), SLOT(newQuery())); // create the new query from my parent thread return Dynamic::TrackSet(); }
Dynamic::TrackSet Dynamic::QuizPlayBias::matchingTracks( int position, const Meta::TrackList& playlist, int contextCount, Dynamic::TrackCollectionPtr universe ) const { Q_UNUSED( contextCount ); if( position <= 0 || position > playlist.count()) return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, true ); // determine the last character we need to quiz Meta::TrackPtr lastTrack = playlist[position-1]; Meta::DataPtr lastData; if( m_follow == TitleToTitle ) lastData = Meta::DataPtr::staticCast<Meta::Track>(lastTrack); else if( m_follow == ArtistToArtist ) lastData = Meta::DataPtr::staticCast<Meta::Artist>(lastTrack->artist()); else if( m_follow == AlbumToAlbum ) lastData = Meta::DataPtr::staticCast<Meta::Album>(lastTrack->album()); if( !lastData || lastData->name().isEmpty() ) { // debug() << "QuizPlay: no data for"<<lastTrack->name(); return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, true ); } m_currentCharacter = lastChar(lastData->name()).toLower(); // debug() << "QuizPlay: data for"<<lastTrack->name()<<"is"<<m_currentCharacter; // -- look if we already buffered it if( m_tracksValid && m_characterTrackMap.contains( m_currentCharacter ) ) return m_characterTrackMap.value( m_currentCharacter ); // -- start a new query m_tracks = Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false ); QTimer::singleShot(0, const_cast<QuizPlayBias*>(this), SLOT(newQuery())); // create the new query from my parent thread return Dynamic::TrackSet(); }
void MainWindow::openRecent() { int index = recentActions.indexOf((QAction*)sender()); if(index == -1) { qDebug() << "Critical error. Please report."; return; } QFileInfo info(recentFiles[index]); if(!info.exists()) { recentFiles.removeAt(index); refreshRecent(); return; } QueryEditorWidget *w = newQuery(); w->open(recentFiles[index]); AbstractTabWidget::lastDir = info.absolutePath(); }
void FenPrincipale::connexion() { LoginDialog dialog; dialog.setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); dialog.move(pos().x()+(width()-dialog.width())/2,pos().y()+(height()-dialog.height())/2); if (dialog.exec()==QDialog::Accepted) { /*QSqlQuery insertQuery; insertQuery.prepare("UPDATE etudiants SET password=:password WHERE login=:login ");//AND password=:password"); insertQuery.bindValue(":login",dialog.login()); insertQuery.bindValue(":password", dialog.password()); insertQuery.exec(); */ QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login=:login && password=:password"); query.bindValue(":login",dialog.login()); query.bindValue(":password", dialog.password()); query.exec(); if (query.next()) { model = new MySqlQueryModel(this); connect(model,SIGNAL(newQuery()),this,SLOT(miseAJourModel())); ui->tableEtudiants->setModel(model); model->setQuery("SELECT nom,prenom,numTel,mail1,mail2,cursus FROM etudiants",*db); ui->actionD_connexion->setVisible(true); ui->actionConnexion->setVisible(false); } else QMessageBox::critical(this,"connexion échouée","Le nom d'utilisateur ou le mot de passe est incorrect",QMessageBox::Ok); } }
/** * Class constructor. * @param pParent The parent widget * @param szName The widget's name */ KScope::KScope(QWidget* pParent, const char* szName) : KParts::DockMainWindow(pParent, szName), m_pCscopeBuild(NULL), m_sCurFilePath(""), m_nCurLine(0), m_pProgressDlg(NULL), m_bUpdateGUI(true), m_bCscopeVerified(false), m_bRebuildDB(false), m_pMakeDlg(NULL) { QString sPath; // Load configuration Config().load(); // Create the main child widgets m_pEditTabs = new EditorTabs(this, NULL); m_pQueryWidget = new QueryWidget(this); m_pFileView = new FileView(this); m_pFileList = m_pFileView->getFileList(); m_pMsgDlg = new CscopeMsgDlg(this); m_pQueryDock = createDockWidget("Query Window", QPixmap()); m_pFileViewDock = createDockWidget("File List Window", QPixmap()); // Connect menu and toolbar items with the object's slots m_pActions = new KScopeActions(this); m_pActions->init(); m_pActions->slotEnableProjectActions(false); // Show a toolbar show/hide menu setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled(true); // Create the initial GUI (no active part) setXMLFile("kscopeui.rc"); createShellGUI(); // Create all child widgets initMainWindow(); // Create control objects m_pProjMgr = new ProjectManager(); m_pEditMgr = new EditorManager(this); m_pCallTreeMgr = new CallTreeManager(this); // Initialise the icon manager Pixmaps().init(); // Open a file for editing when selected in the project's file list or the // file tree connect(m_pFileView, SIGNAL(fileRequested(const QString&, uint)), this, SLOT(slotShowEditor(const QString&, uint))); // Delete an editor page object after it is removed connect(m_pEditTabs, SIGNAL(editorRemoved(EditorPage*)), this, SLOT(slotDeleteEditor(EditorPage*))); connect(m_pEditTabs, SIGNAL(filesDropped(QDropEvent*)), this, SLOT(slotDropEvent(QDropEvent*))); // Set an editor as the active part whenever its owner tab is selected connect(m_pEditTabs, SIGNAL(editorChanged(EditorPage*, EditorPage*)), this, SLOT(slotChangeEditor(EditorPage*, EditorPage*))); // Display a file at a specific line when selected in a query list connect(m_pQueryWidget, SIGNAL(lineRequested(const QString&, uint)), this, SLOT(slotQueryShowEditor(const QString&, uint))); // Display the symbol dialogue when the user opens a new query page connect(m_pQueryWidget, SIGNAL(newQuery()), this, SLOT(slotQueryReference())); // Rebuild the project database after a certain time period has elapsed // since the last save connect(&m_timerRebuild, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotRebuildDB())); // Display a file at a specific line when selected in a call tree dialogue connect(m_pCallTreeMgr, SIGNAL(lineRequested(const QString&, uint)), this, SLOT(slotQueryShowEditor(const QString&, uint))); // Store main window settings when closed setAutoSaveSettings(); // Initialise arrow head drawing GraphWidget::setArrowInfo(20, 15); // Use a maximised window the first time if (Config().isFirstTime()) showMaximized(); // Show the Welcome message if (Config().showWelcomeDlg()) { show(); slotShowWelcome(); } // If this is the first time the user has launched KScope, prompt him/her // to configure the global parameters if (Config().isFirstTime()) slotConfigure(); }
/** * Creates a new query page, and emits signal about it. */ void QueryWidget::slotNewQueryPage() { addQueryPage(); emit newQuery(); }