void temperatureCalcWindow::doUpdate() { if( _running ) { if( _ui->chb_linear->isChecked() ) { double temperature = (_lastResistance/_linearInitResistance - 1.0)/ (_ui->dsb_alpha->value()*1E-3) + _linearInitTemperature; _ui->txt_linearCalcTemperatureCelsius->setText( QString::number( temperature - 273.15) ); _ui->txt_linearCalcTemperatureKelvin->setText( QString::number( temperature ) ); emit newValue( this->windowTitle() + ": temperature (linear)", temperature ); } if( _ui->chb_quadratic->isChecked() ) { double temperature = -a1/(2.0*a2) + std::sqrt( std::pow( a1/(2.0*a2), 2.0 ) - (a0 - _lastResistance* (std::pow( _ui->dsb_diameter->value()*(1E-3)/2.0, 2.0 )* M_PI/(_ui->dsb_length->value()*1E-3)))/a2 ); _ui->txt_quadraticCalcTemperatureCelsius->setText( QString::number( temperature - 273.15) ); _ui->txt_quatraticCalcTemperatureKelvin->setText( QString::number( temperature ) ); emit newValue( this->windowTitle() + ": temperature (quadratic)", temperature ); } } }
void CPropertyCommand::redo() { if(newValue().isValid() && !propertyName().isEmpty()) { foreach (QObject * object, fobjects) object->setProperty(qPrintable(propertyName()),newValue()); } }
bool QDateTimeEdit::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o ) { switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) { case 0: setDateTime((const QDateTime&)*((const QDateTime*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1))); break; case 1: newValue((const QDate&)*((const QDate*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1))); break; case 2: newValue((const QTime&)*((const QTime*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1))); break; default: return QWidget::qt_invoke( _id, _o ); } return TRUE; }
PMRuleCompare::PMRuleCompare( QDomElement& e, QPtrList<PMRuleDefineGroup>& globalGroups, QPtrList<PMRuleDefineGroup>& localGroups ) : PMRuleCondition( ) { m_pValue[0] = 0; m_pValue[1] = 0; int i = 0; QDomNode m = e.firstChild( ); while( !m.isNull( ) && !m_pValue[1] ) { if( m.isElement( ) ) { QDomElement me = m.toElement( ); if( isValue( me ) ) { m_pValue[i] = newValue( me, globalGroups, localGroups ); m_children.append( m_pValue[i] ); i++; } } m = m.nextSibling( ); } if( !m_pValue[1] ) kdError( PMArea ) << "RuleSystem: Comparison needs two values" << endl; }
//TODO: requires values to be added in time order void DataSeries::addValue(double time, double value, bool scale) { if (timestamps.size() > 0 && time < timestamps.last()) {//qDebug() << time << "vs." << timestamps.last(); qWarning() << time << timestamps.last(); } if (scale) value *= descriptor->factor(); //qDebug() << descriptor->str() << ": Adding " << value << "at time" << time; if (value < _min) { _min = value; emit newMin(value); } if (value > _max) { _max = value; emit newMax(value); } double _oldavg = _avg; if (values.size() > 0) { //double t = time - timestamps.last(); //double v1 = values.last(); double avgval = value; //v1*t+(value-v1)*t/2; _avg += (avgval-_avg)/(values.size()+1); //qWarning() << _avg << avgval; } else { _avg = value; } values.append(value); timestamps.append(time); if (_oldavg != _avg) { emit newAvg(_avg); } emit newValue(time,value); emit valuesUpdated(timestamps,values); }
//! Sets the data. bool LookupListModel::setData( const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role ) { // Skip setting any data if we do not have any values to show. if( role != LookupListModel::LookupRole ) return false; if( ! index.isValid() ) return false; // The value given should be valid. Q_ASSERT( value.isValid() ); // We can only convert variant maps at the moment. // JSON objects are returned as variant maps from QML. if( value.type() != QVariant::Map ) { // TODO: Report error. qCritical( value.typeName() ); return false; } // Check if the value has changed. const QJsonValue& previousValue = m_lookups[ index.row() ]; QJsonValue newValue( QJsonObject::fromVariantMap( qvariant_cast< QVariantMap >( value ) ) ); if( previousValue == newValue ) return false; // The value denoted by the index has changed. Update it with the new value and signal the change. qDebug( "Updating lookup model data." ); m_lookups[ index.row() ] = newValue; this->updatePropertyValueFromLookups(); emit dataChanged( index, index ); return true; }
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> FontDataCache::get(const FontPlatformData* platformData, ShouldRetain shouldRetain) { if (!platformData) return 0; Cache::iterator result = m_cache.find(*platformData); if (result == m_cache.end()) { pair<RefPtr<SimpleFontData>, unsigned> newValue(SimpleFontData::create(*platformData), shouldRetain == Retain ? 1 : 0); m_cache.set(*platformData, newValue); if (shouldRetain == DoNotRetain) m_inactiveFontData.add(newValue.first); return newValue.first.release(); } if (!result.get()->value.second) { ASSERT(m_inactiveFontData.contains(result.get()->value.first)); m_inactiveFontData.remove(result.get()->value.first); } if (shouldRetain == Retain) { result.get()->value.second++; } else if (!result.get()->value.second) { // If shouldRetain is DoNotRetain and count is 0, we want to remove the fontData from // m_inactiveFontData (above) and re-add here to update LRU position. m_inactiveFontData.add(result.get()->value.first); } return result.get()->value.first; }
void CrossWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if (e->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton){ mouseLeftButton = true; calcMousePos(e); emit newValue(doubleX, doubleY, mouseLeftButton); } }
SimpleFontData* FontCache::getCachedFontData(const FontPlatformData* platformData) { if (!platformData) return 0; if (!gFontDataCache) { gFontDataCache = new FontDataCache; gInactiveFontData = new InactiveFontDataHashSet; } FontDataCache::iterator result = gFontDataCache->find(*platformData); if (result == gFontDataCache->end()) { if (gInactiveFontData->size() > cMaxInactiveFontData) purgeInactiveFontData((int)(cMaxInactiveFontData * cInactiveFontDataPurgeRatio)); pair<SimpleFontData*, unsigned> newValue(new SimpleFontData(*platformData), 1); // 6/15/09 CSidhall -Moved the add ref into the constructor of SimpleFontData gFontDataCache->set(*platformData, newValue); return newValue.first; } if (!result.get()->second.second++) { if(gInactiveFontData->contains(result.get()->second.first)) gInactiveFontData->remove(result.get()->second.first); } return result.get()->second.first; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RimCommandIssueFieldChanged::redo() { RiaApplication* app = RiaApplication::instance(); PdmObject* project = app->project(); caf::PdmObjectHandle* pdmObject = findObjectByName(project, this->objectName); if (pdmObject) { caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldHandle = findFieldByKeyword(pdmObject, this->fieldName); if (fieldHandle && fieldHandle->uiCapability()) { caf::PdmValueField* valueField = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmValueField*>(fieldHandle); CVF_ASSERT(valueField); QVariant oldValue = valueField->toQVariant(); QVariant newValue(this->fieldValueToApply); valueField->setFromQVariant(newValue); caf::PdmUiFieldHandle* uiFieldHandle = fieldHandle->uiCapability(); uiFieldHandle->notifyFieldChanged(oldValue, newValue); } } }
void PivotPropertyTableDelegate::setModelData ( QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index ) const { // set data for material cell if ( index.column() != 0 ) { MaterialComboBox *comboBox = dynamic_cast<MaterialComboBox*>(editor); const TrussMaterial* m = comboBox->getCurrentMaterial(); if ( ! m ) return; QVariant material; qVariantSetValue<const TrussMaterial*>( material, m ); model->setData( index, material ); emit const_cast<PivotPropertyTableDelegate*>(this)-> cellWasChanged( index.row(), index.column() ); return; } // set data for thickness cell QLineEdit* lineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>( editor ); Q_ASSERT( lineEdit ); QVariant newValue( lineEdit->text() ); model->setData( index, newValue ); emit const_cast<PivotPropertyTableDelegate*>(this)-> cellWasChanged( index.row(), index.column() ); return; }
void EditRatioWindow::shiftB(Coord delta) { Coord new_b=b+delta; if( new_b>0 ) { b=new_b; newValue(); } else if( b>1 ) { b=1; newValue(); } }
// NB: This algorithm should be in sync with Workshare.Configuration.Shell.Model.OptionGroupInstance.RemoveInvalidChars CStdString InterwovenServers::RemoveInvalidChars(const CStdString& value) { std::wstring newValue(L"instance"); newValue.append(value); std::wstring::iterator it = std::remove_if(newValue.begin(), newValue.end(), InvalidChars); newValue.erase(it, newValue.end()); return newValue; }
bool validateValue(const QVariant& value, QVariant& convertedValue) const { QVariant newValue(value); if (!newValue.convert(defaultValue.type())) return false; if (validationFunc && !(*validationFunc)(newValue)) return false; convertedValue = newValue; return true; }
void KSimBaseIntSpinBox::stepDown() { KSimBaseInt newValue(value()); int res; newValue = newValue.value() - lineStep(); // Base is not changed! res = setValueInternal(newValue); KSimSpinBox::setValue(res); }
void QuteSlider::setMidiValue(int value) { double max = property("QCS_maximum").toDouble(); double min = property("QCS_minimum").toDouble(); double newval = min + ((value / 127.0)* (max - min)); setValue(newval); QPair<QString, double> channelValue(m_channel, newval); emit newValue(channelValue); }
/** * Set the normalized value [-1, 1] */ void BrainOut::setValue(btScalar value) { // Un noramlization this->value = (value + 1.0f) / 2.0f * (max - min) + min; if(this->value > max) { this->value = max; } if(this->value < min) { this->value = min; } emit newValue(this->value); }
void EditRatioWindow::pin(Point point) { point-=base; if( point.y<0 ) { a=point.x; b=-point.y; newValue(); } }
void eaps8000UsbWindow::powerUpdate( double power ) { CLOG(INFO, "v") << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": power = " << power << " W"; LOG(INFO) << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": power update: " << power; _ui->txt_power->setText( QString::number( power ) + " " + UNIT_WATT ); if( _ui->chb_sharePower->isChecked() ) { emit newValue( this->windowTitle() + ": " + POWER, power ); } }
void eaps8000UsbWindow::currentUpdate( double current ) { CLOG(INFO, "v") << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": current = " << current << " A"; LOG(INFO) << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": current update: " << current; _ui->txt_current->setText( QString::number( current ) + " " + UNIT_AMPERE ); if( _ui->chb_shareCurrent->isChecked() ) { emit newValue( this->windowTitle() + ": " + CURRENT, current ); } }
void eaps8000UsbWindow::voltageUpdate( double voltage ) { CLOG(INFO, "v") << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": voltage = " << voltage << " V"; LOG(INFO) << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": voltage update: " << voltage; _ui->txt_voltage->setText( QString::number( voltage ) + " " + UNIT_VOLT ); if( _ui->chb_shareVoltage->isChecked() ) { emit newValue( this->windowTitle() + ": " + VOLTAGE, voltage ); } }
void PivotTableDelegate::setModelData ( QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index ) const { if ( index.column() == 2 ) return; QComboBox *comboBox = dynamic_cast<QComboBox*>(editor); QVariant newValue( comboBox->currentText() ); model->setData( index, newValue ); emit const_cast<PivotTableDelegate*>(this)-> cellWasChanged( index.row(), index.column() ); return; }
void elFlowWindow::pressureUpdate( double pressure ) { CLOG(INFO, "v") << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": pressure = " << pressure << " mbar"; LOG(INFO) << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": pressure update: " << pressure; _ui->txt_pressure->setText( QString::number( pressure ) + " " + UNIT_MBAR ); if( _ui->chb_sharePressure->isChecked() ) { emit newValue( this->windowTitle() + ": " + PRESSURE, pressure ); } }
void elFlowWindow::temperatureUpdate( double temperature ) { CLOG(INFO, "v") << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": temperature = " << temperature << " C"; LOG(INFO) << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": temperature update: " << temperature; _ui->txt_temperature->setText( QString::number( temperature ) + " " + UNIT_DEGC ); if( _ui->chb_shareTemperature->isChecked() ) { emit newValue( this->windowTitle() + ": " + TEMPERATURE, temperature ); } }
void BoolSetting::setChecked(bool checked) { if(checked) boolBox->setIcon(QIcon(":/Settings/CheckChecked")); else boolBox->setIcon(QIcon(":/Settings/CheckUnchecked")); if(checked == checkedDefault) boolReset->setChecked(false); else boolReset->setChecked(true); boolBox->setChecked(checked); this->checked = checked; emit newValue(checked); }
void Enums::setValue(int item) { // PropertyInterface::setValue(cb->itemData(item)); QVariant data = cb->itemData(item); QVariant old_data = object()->metaObject()->property(objectProperty()).read(object()); QVariant newValue(old_data); int * intData = reinterpret_cast<int*>(newValue.data()); *intData = data.toInt(); bool ret = object()->metaObject()->property(objectProperty()).write(object(), newValue); if (ret) emit(propertyChanged(object(), QString(object()->metaObject()->property(objectProperty()).name()), old_data, data)); }
void eaps8000UsbWindow::resistanceUpdate( double resistance ) { CLOG(INFO, "v") << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": resistance = " << resistance << " Ohm"; LOG(INFO) << this->windowTitle().toStdString() << ": resistance update: " << resistance; _ui->txt_resistance->setText( QString::number( resistance ) + " " + UNIT_OHM ); if( _ui->chb_shareResistance->isChecked() ) { emit newValue( this->windowTitle() + ": " + RESISTANCE, resistance ); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityDialogClassInfo::UpdateCurrentParam( void ) { if( !m_editEnt ) return; CString csNewValue; m_ecValueRaw.GetWindowText( csNewValue ); std::string newValue( CT2A(csNewValue).m_psz ); m_editEnt->SetValue( m_currentKey->name, newValue ); //GetActiveDocument()->UpdateAllViews(NULL); }
std::string JsVm::call(const Db::Interface::Key &key, const Db::Interface::Value &value) { v8::Local<v8::Value> args[] = { newUtf8String(key.c_str()), newUtf8String(value.c_str()) }; v8::Local<v8::Value> ret = m_function->Call(m_context->Global(), 2, args); if (ret.IsEmpty()) { fillTryCatch(); throw Exception("Error while calling function"); } v8::String::Utf8Value newValue(ret); return std::string(*newValue); }
void tst_QScriptValueIterator::setValue() { QFETCH(QString, code); QScriptEngine engine; QScriptValue object = engine.evaluate(code); Q_ASSERT(object.isObject()); QScriptValueIterator it(object); it.next(); QScriptValue newValue(&engine, 456); QBENCHMARK { for (int i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) it.setValue(newValue); } }