static kOutputStream *new_OutputStreamStdOut(CTX, kString *enc)
	kio_t *io2 = new_io2_stdio(_ctx, 1, 4096);
	kOutputStream *w = new_OutputStream(_ctx, io2, new_Path(_ctx, TS_DEVSTDOUT));
	OutputStream_setAutoFlush(w, 1);
	return w;
IPath* Path_GetCurrentDirectory()
    IPath* path;
    char* current_dir = (char*) CRuntime_calloc( 1024, sizeof( char ) );
    current_dir       = getcwd( current_dir, 1024 );
    path = new_Path( current_dir );
    CRuntime_free( current_dir );
    return path;
retrieveTargetDirectory( const Arguments* args, const char* default_dir )
	char* target = NULL;
	const char* tmp;

	if ( NULL != (tmp = Arguments_getTargetDir( args ) ) )
		IPath* target_path = new_Path( tmp );
		target = CharString_copy( Path_getCommon( target_path ) );
		free_Path( target_path );
	} else {
		target = CharString_copy( default_dir );

	return target;
retrievePackageDirectory( const Arguments* args )
	const char* tmp_dir;
	char* pkg_dir;

	if ( NULL != ( tmp_dir = Arguments_getPackageDir( args ) ) )
		IPath* p = new_Path( tmp_dir );
		pkg_dir = CharString_copy( Path_getCommon( p ) );
		free_Path( p );
		IPath* current_path = Path_GetCurrentDirectory();
		pkg_dir = CharString_copy( Path_getCommon( current_path ) );
		free_Path( current_path );
	return pkg_dir;
static kOutputStream *new_OutputStreamStdErr(CTX, kString *enc)
	kio_t *io2 = new_io2_stdio(_ctx, 2, 0);
	return new_OutputStream(_ctx, io2, new_Path(_ctx, TS_DEVSTDERR));
static kInputStream *new_InputStreamStdIn(CTX, kString *enc)
	kio_t *io2 = new_io2_stdio(_ctx, 0, 0);
	return new_InputStream(_ctx, io2, new_Path(_ctx, TS_DEVSTDIN));
Path_copy( const Path* self )
    return (Path*) new_Path( self->original );
static int private_compile( const void* buildParameters, const void* providerContext, const void* targetIDirectory )
    bool status = 1;
    const BuildParameters* parameters = (BuildParameters*) buildParameters;
    const ProviderContext* context = (ProviderContext*) providerContext;
    const IDirectory*      target = (IDirectory*) targetIDirectory;

    //IList* cppflags = translateArguments( context->FULL_CPPFLAGS );

    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int count = List_count( context->sourceFiles );
//	fprintf( stdout, "ISLabs::linux-gnu::gnu::compile( %s )\n", Path_getCondensed( Directory_getRealPath( target ) ) );
    for ( i = 0; (i < count) && status; i++ )

        IPath* p = new_Path( context->sourceFiles->items[i] );
        char* target_file = CharString_cat2( Path_getBasename( p ), ".obj" );
        char* target_path = CharString_cat3( Path_getCondensed( Directory_getRealPath( target ) ), "/obj/", target_file );

        Command* command;
        IList*   arguments = new_List();
        IList*   native_arguments;

        // Compiler
        List_copyItem( arguments, context->compiler );

        // C-preprocessor flags
        addFlags( arguments, "-I", context->includeDirs );
        List_addList( arguments, BuildParameters_getGlobal( parameters )->CPPFLAGS );

        // C flags
        List_copyItem( arguments, "-Wall" );
        List_copyItem( arguments, "-fPIC" );
        List_copyItem( arguments, "-c" );

        if ( BuildParameters_isRelease( parameters ) )
            //List_copyItem( arguments, "-O2" );
        } else {
            List_copyItem( arguments, "-g" );
        List_addList( arguments, BuildParameters_getGlobal( parameters )->CFLAGS );

        // Source files
        List_copyItem( arguments, context->sourceFiles->items[i] );

        // Output files
        List_copyItem( arguments, "-o" );
        List_copyItem( arguments, target_path );

        native_arguments = Path_ConvertListToNative( arguments );
        command = new_Command( context->compiler, (const char**) native_arguments->items );
        Command_print( command, stderr );
//		if ( !BuildParameters_isNo( parameters ) && Command_run( command ) && Command_waitFor( command ) )
//		{
//			status &= Command_getResult( command );
//		} else {
//			fprintf( stderr, "failed: " );
//			Command_print( command, stderr );
//		}
        free_Command( command );
        free_CharString( target_file );
        free_Path( p );
    return status;
文件: os.c 项目: shidasan/konoha2
void knh_System_initPath(CTX)
	CWB_t cwbbuf, *cwb = CWB_open(_ctx, &cwbbuf);
	kDictMap *sysprops = ctx->share->props;
	kbytes_t home = {{NULL}, 0}, user = {{NULL}, 0};

	// current working directory
	knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, STEXT("."));
	KSETv(ctx->share->rootks->path, new_Path(_ctx, knh_buff_newRealPathString(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos)));

	home.text = (const char*)knh_getenv("KONOHAHOME");
#if defined(K_KONOHAHOME)
	if(home.text == NULL) {
		home.text = K_KONOHAHOME;
	if(home.text != NULL) {
		home.len = knh_strlen(home.text);
		SETPROP("konoha.home.path", new_T(home.text));
#if defined(K_USING_WINDOWS_)
		char buf[K_PATHMAX];
		int bufsiz = K_PATHMAX;
		HMODULE h = LoadLibrary(NULL);
		GetModuleshortnameA(h, buf, bufsiz);
		CWB_clear(cwb, 0);
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, B(buf));
		SETPROP("konoha.bin.path", knh_buff_newRealPathString(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos));
		if(home.text == NULL) {
			kString *s;
			CWB_clear(cwb, 0);
			knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, B(buf));
			knh_buff_trim(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, '\\');
			knh_buff_trim(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, '\\');
			knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*isSep*/, STEXT("konoha"));
			s = CWB_newString(_ctx, cwb, 0);
			SETPROP("konoha.home.path", s);
			home = S_tobytes(s);
#elif defined(K_USING_LINUX_)
	// @url(http://shinh.skr.jp/binary/b2con.html)
	// http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/qapplication.html#applicationDirPath
		char buf[K_PATHMAX];
		int bufsiz = K_PATHMAX;
		ssize_t size = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, bufsiz);
		CWB_clear(cwb, 0);
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, new_bytes2(buf, size));
		SETPROP("konoha.bin.path", knh_buff_newRealPathString(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos));
		if(home.text == NULL) {
			kString *s;
			CWB_clear(cwb, 0);
			knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, new_bytes2(buf, size));
			knh_buff_trim(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, '/');
			knh_buff_trim(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, '/');
			knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*isSep*/, STEXT("konoha"));
			s = CWB_newString(_ctx, cwb, 0);
			SETPROP("konoha.home.path", s);
			home = S_tobytes(s);
#elif defined(K_USING_MACOSX_)
		kString *binpath;
		CWB_clear(cwb, 0);
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, B(_dyld_get_image_name(0)));
		binpath = knh_buff_newRealPathString(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos);
		SETPROP("konoha.bin.path", binpath);
		if(home.text == NULL) {
			CWB_clear(cwb, 0);
			knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, S_tobytes(binpath));
			knh_buff_trim(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, '/');
			knh_buff_trim(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, '/');
			knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*isSep*/, STEXT("konoha"));
			kString *s = CWB_newString(_ctx, cwb, 0);
			SETPROP("konoha.home.path", s);
			home = S_tobytes(s);
	home = STEXT("/opt/konoha");
	SETPROP("konoha.home.path", new_T("/opt/konoha"));
	DBG_ASSERT(home.utext != NULL);

	/* $konoha.package.path {$konoha.home.path}/package */
	CWB_clear(cwb, 0);
	knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, home);
	knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*sep*/, STEXT("package"));
	knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*sep*/, STEXT(LIBK_VERSION));
	SETPROP("konoha.package.path", CWB_newString(_ctx, cwb, 0));

	/* $konoha.script.path {$konoha.home.path}/script */
	knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, home);
	knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*sep*/, STEXT("script"));
	knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*sep*/, STEXT(LIBK_VERSION));
	SETPROP("konoha.script.path", CWB_newString(_ctx, cwb, 0));

#if defined(K_USING_WINDOWS_)
	user.text = knh_getenv("USERPROFILE");
	user.text = knh_getenv("HOME");
	if(user.text != NULL) {
		/* $user.path */
		user.len = knh_strlen(user.text);
		knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, user);
		knh_buff_addpath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1, STEXT(K_KONOHAFOLDER));
		SETPROP("user.path", CWB_newString(_ctx, cwb, 0));
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, user);
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1, STEXT(K_KONOHAFOLDER));
		knh_buff_mkdir(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos);
		CWB_clear(cwb, 0);
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 0, user);
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*sep*/, STEXT(K_KONOHAFOLDER));
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*sep*/, STEXT("package"));
		knh_buff_addospath(_ctx, cwb->ba, cwb->pos, 1/*sep*/, STEXT(LIBK_VERSION));
		SETPROP("user.package.path", CWB_newString(_ctx, cwb, 0));
	CWB_close(_ctx, cwb);
文件: evidence.c 项目: utrhira/mpik
/* added by Wakamori */
void loadPolicy(CTX ctx)
	if (enforce_security == 0) return;
	// load $konoha.home.path/policy
	knh_setProperty(ctx, new_String(ctx, "role"), (dynamic *)new_String(ctx, role));
	CWB_t cwbbuf, *cwb = CWB_open0(ctx, &cwbbuf);
	kString *s = knh_getPropertyNULL(ctx, STEXT("konoha.home.path"));
	CWB_write(ctx, cwb, S_tobytes(s));
	CWB_write(ctx, cwb, STEXT("/policy"));
	kInputStream *is = new_InputStream(ctx, NULL, new_Path(ctx, CWB_newString0(ctx, cwb)));

	if (is == NULL) {
		DBG_P("policy file not found. All @Restricted annotated method is rescricted");
	else {
		if (enforce_security == 0) {
			enforce_security = 1;
			knh_memcpy(role, "Default", 7);
			role[7] = '\0';
		// parse policy file written in JSON
		// it must be refactored in the future
		kDictMap *dmap = ctx->share->securityDictMap;
		kString *line = knh_InputStream_readLine(ctx, is);
		while (IS_NOTNULL(line)) {
			//fprintf(stderr, "line=%s\n", S_totext(line));
			if (S_equals(line, STEXT("[")) || S_equals(line, STEXT("]"))) {
				/* ignore */
			} else {
				kString *key = NULL;
				kArray *a = new_Array(ctx, CLASS_String, 0);
				const char *idx = NULL;
				char *p = strstr(S_totext(line), "\"name\": \"");
				if (p != NULL) {
					p += 9; // == strlen("\"name\": \"")
					idx = strchr((const char *)p, '"');
					if (idx != NULL) {
						p[idx - p] = '\0';
						//fprintf(stderr, "name: %s\n", p);
						//knh_DictMap_set(ctx, dmap, new_String(ctx, "name"), new_String(ctx, p));
						key = new_String(ctx, p);
						p = (char *)idx + 1;
				p = strstr((const char *)p, "\"permission\": [");
				if (p != NULL) {
					p += 16; // == strlen("\"permission\": \[\"")
					idx = strchr((const char *)p, '"');
					while (idx != NULL) {
						p[idx - p] = '\0';
						if (strstr((const char *)p, ", ") == NULL) {
							//fprintf(stderr, "permission: %s\n", p);
							knh_Array_add(ctx, a, new_String(ctx, p));
						p = (char *)idx + 1;
						idx = strchr((const char *)p, '"');
				if (key != NULL) {
					knh_DictMap_set(ctx, dmap, key, a);
			line = knh_InputStream_readLine(ctx, is);
		knh_InputStream_close(ctx, is);