AubioOnsetDetector :: AubioOnsetDetector(){
	buffersize = 1024;
	hopsize = 512;
		//aubio related setup
		o = new_aubio_onsetdetection(aubio_onset_complex, buffersize, 1);//initially in complex mode
		pv = (aubio_pvoc_t *)new_aubio_pvoc(buffersize, hopsize, 1);
		parms = new_aubio_peakpicker(threshold);
		vec = (fvec_t *)new_fvec(hopsize,1);
		threshold = 1;
		threshold2 = -70.;
	maximumDetectionValue = 10.0; 
	thresholdRelativeToMedian = 1.1;
	cutoffForRepeatOnsetsMillis = 100;
	medianSpeed = 15;
	pos = 0;
	detectionTriggerRatio = 0.5f;
	detectionTriggerThreshold = 10;

void AubioOnsetDetector :: initialise(){
	//reinitialises our object
		o = new_aubio_onsetdetection(aubio_onset_complex, buffersize, 1);//initially in complex mode
		pv = (aubio_pvoc_t *)new_aubio_pvoc(buffersize, hopsize, 1);
		parms = new_aubio_peakpicker(threshold);
		vec = (fvec_t *)new_fvec(hopsize,1);
		pos = 0;
				fvec_write_sample(vec, 0.234, 0, pos);
				fftgrain  = (cvec_t *)new_cvec(buffersize,1);
				onset = (fvec_t *)new_fvec(1,1);
文件: segment.c 项目: gmuller/Dirt
void aubio_init(int c) {
    channels = c;
    /* phase vocoder */
    pv = new_aubio_pvoc(buffer_size, overlap_size, channels);
    ibuf = new_fvec(overlap_size, channels);
    fftgrain  = new_cvec(buffer_size, channels);
    o = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset, buffer_size, channels);
    parms = new_aubio_peakpicker(threshold);
    onset = new_fvec(1, channels);
    pos = 0;
    onset_n = 0;
    if (usedoubled)    {
        o2 = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset2,buffer_size,channels);
        onset2 = new_fvec(1 , channels);
int main() {
    /* allocate some memory */
    uint_t win_s      = 1024;                       /* window size */
    fvec_t * in       = new_fvec (win_s); /* input buffer */
    fvec_t * out      = new_fvec (1); /* input buffer */
    aubio_peakpicker_t * o = new_aubio_peakpicker();
    aubio_peakpicker_set_threshold (o, 0.3);

    aubio_peakpicker_do(o, in, out);
    aubio_peakpicker_do(o, in, out);
    aubio_peakpicker_do(o, in, out);
    aubio_peakpicker_do(o, in, out);

    return 0;
文件: onset.c 项目: XunjunYin/aubio
/* Allocate memory for an onset detection */
aubio_onset_t * new_aubio_onset (const char_t * onset_mode,
                                 uint_t buf_size, uint_t hop_size, uint_t samplerate)
    aubio_onset_t * o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_onset_t);

    /* check parameters are valid */
    if ((sint_t)hop_size < 1) {
        AUBIO_ERR("onset: got hop_size %d, but can not be < 1\n", hop_size);
        goto beach;
    } else if ((sint_t)buf_size < 2) {
        AUBIO_ERR("onset: got buffer_size %d, but can not be < 2\n", buf_size);
        goto beach;
    } else if (buf_size < hop_size) {
        AUBIO_ERR("onset: hop size (%d) is larger than win size (%d)\n", buf_size, hop_size);
        goto beach;
    } else if ((sint_t)samplerate < 1) {
        AUBIO_ERR("onset: samplerate (%d) can not be < 1\n", samplerate);
        goto beach;

    /* store creation parameters */
    o->samplerate = samplerate;
    o->hop_size = hop_size;

    /* allocate memory */
    o->pv = new_aubio_pvoc(buf_size, o->hop_size);
    o->pp = new_aubio_peakpicker();
    o->od = new_aubio_specdesc(onset_mode,buf_size);
    o->fftgrain = new_cvec(buf_size);
    o->desc = new_fvec(1);

    /* set some default parameter */
    aubio_onset_set_threshold (o, 0.3);
    aubio_onset_set_delay(o, 4.3 * hop_size);
    aubio_onset_set_minioi_ms(o, 20.);
    aubio_onset_set_silence(o, -70.);

    /* initialize internal variables */
    o->last_onset = 0;
    o->total_frames = 0;
    return o;

    return NULL;
/* Allocate memory for an onset detection */
aubio_onset_t * new_aubio_onset (const char_t * onset_mode,
    uint_t buf_size, uint_t hop_size, uint_t samplerate)
  aubio_onset_t * o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_onset_t);

  /* check parameters are valid */
  if ((sint_t)hop_size < 1) {
    AUBIO_ERR("onset: got hop_size %d, but can not be < 1\n", hop_size);
    goto beach;
  } else if ((sint_t)buf_size < 2) {
    AUBIO_ERR("onset: got buffer_size %d, but can not be < 2\n", buf_size);
    goto beach;
  } else if (buf_size < hop_size) {
    AUBIO_ERR("onset: hop size (%d) is larger than win size (%d)\n", hop_size, buf_size);
    goto beach;
  } else if ((sint_t)samplerate < 1) {
    AUBIO_ERR("onset: samplerate (%d) can not be < 1\n", samplerate);
    goto beach;

  /* store creation parameters */
  o->samplerate = samplerate;
  o->hop_size = hop_size;

  /* allocate memory */
  o->pv = new_aubio_pvoc(buf_size, o->hop_size);
  o->pp = new_aubio_peakpicker();
  o->od = new_aubio_specdesc(onset_mode,buf_size);
  if (o->od == NULL) goto beach_specdesc;
  o->fftgrain = new_cvec(buf_size);
  o->desc = new_fvec(1);
  o->spectral_whitening = new_aubio_spectral_whitening(buf_size, hop_size, samplerate);

  /* initialize internal variables */
  aubio_onset_set_default_parameters (o, onset_mode);

  return o;

  return NULL;
/* Allocate memory for an onset detection */
aubio_onset_t * new_aubio_onset (char_t * onset_mode, 
    uint_t buf_size, uint_t hop_size, uint_t samplerate)
  aubio_onset_t * o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_onset_t);
  /** set some default parameter */
  o->samplerate = samplerate;
  o->hop_size = hop_size;
  o->last_onset = 0;
  o->threshold = 0.3;
  o->delay     = 4.3 * hop_size;
  o->minioi    = 5 * hop_size;
  o->silence   = -70;
  o->total_frames = 0;
  o->pv = new_aubio_pvoc(buf_size, o->hop_size);
  o->pp = new_aubio_peakpicker();
  aubio_peakpicker_set_threshold (o->pp, o->threshold);
  o->od = new_aubio_specdesc(onset_mode,buf_size);
  o->fftgrain = new_cvec(buf_size);
  o->desc = new_fvec(1);
  return o;
文件: tempo.c 项目: Objzilla/aubio
/* Allocate memory for an tempo detection */
aubio_tempo_t * new_aubio_tempo (char_t * tempo_mode,
    uint_t buf_size, uint_t hop_size, uint_t samplerate)
  aubio_tempo_t * o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_tempo_t);
  char_t specdesc_func[20];
  o->samplerate = samplerate;
  /* length of observations, worth about 6 seconds */
  o->winlen = aubio_next_power_of_two(5.8 * samplerate / hop_size);
  o->step = o->winlen/4;
  o->blockpos = 0;
  o->threshold = 0.3;
  o->silence = -90.;
  o->total_frames = 0;
  o->last_beat = 0;
  o->delay = 0;
  o->hop_size = hop_size;
  o->dfframe  = new_fvec(o->winlen);
  o->fftgrain = new_cvec(buf_size);
  o->out      = new_fvec(o->step);
  o->pv       = new_aubio_pvoc(buf_size, hop_size);
  o->pp       = new_aubio_peakpicker();
  aubio_peakpicker_set_threshold (o->pp, o->threshold);
  if ( strcmp(tempo_mode, "default") == 0 ) {
    strcpy(specdesc_func, "specflux");
  } else {
    strcpy(specdesc_func, tempo_mode);
  o->od       = new_aubio_specdesc(specdesc_func,buf_size);
  o->of       = new_fvec(1);
  o->bt       = new_aubio_beattracking(o->winlen, o->hop_size, o->samplerate);
  o->onset    = new_fvec(1);
  /*if (usedoubled)    {
    o2 = new_aubio_specdesc(type_onset2,buffer_size);
    onset2 = new_fvec(1);
  return o;
/* Allocate memory for an tempo detection */
aubio_tempo_t * new_aubio_tempo (aubio_onsetdetection_type type_onset, 
    uint_t buf_size, uint_t hop_size, uint_t channels)
  aubio_tempo_t * o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_tempo_t);
  o->winlen = SQR(512)/hop_size;
  o->step = o->winlen/4;
  o->blockpos = 0;
  o->threshold = 0.3;
  o->silence = -90;
  o->blockpos = 0;
  o->dfframe  = new_fvec(o->winlen,channels);
  o->fftgrain = new_cvec(buf_size, channels);
  o->out      = new_fvec(o->step,channels);
  o->pv       = new_aubio_pvoc(buf_size, hop_size, channels);
  o->pp       = new_aubio_peakpicker(o->threshold);
  o->od       = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset,buf_size,channels);
  o->of       = new_fvec(1, channels);
  o->bt       = new_aubio_beattracking(o->winlen,channels);
  /*if (usedoubled)    {
    o2 = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset2,buffer_size,channels);
    onset2 = new_fvec(1 , channels);
  return o;
void wav2midi_init(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) {
    LOGV("Aubio init");
    JNIenv = env;
    counter = 0;
    const char * type_pitch_str;
    const char * type_onset_str;
    /* Read the member values from the Java Object that called sendSPAPacket() method
    jclass c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    jfieldID fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "srcfilename", "Ljava/lang/String;");
    jstring jaccess = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid);
    input_filename = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jaccess, 0);
    LOGD("Setting Input File: %s", input_filename);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "type_pitch", "Ljava/lang/String;");
    jaccess = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid);
    type_pitch_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jaccess, 0);
    LOGD("Setting Aubio Pitch Algorithm: %s", type_pitch_str);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "type_onset", "Ljava/lang/String;");
    jaccess = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid);
    type_onset_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jaccess, 0);
    LOGD("Setting Aubio Onset Algorithm: %s", type_onset_str);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "type_onset2", "Ljava/lang/String;");
    jaccess = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid);
    type_onset_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jaccess, 0);
    LOGD("Setting Aubio Onset 2nd Algorithm: %s", type_onset_str);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "samplerate", "I");
    samplerate = (*env)->GetIntField(env, thiz, fid);
    LOGV("Setting Aubio SampleRate: %d", samplerate);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "buffer_size", "I");
    buffer_size = (*env)->GetIntField(env, thiz, fid);
    LOGV("Setting Aubio buffer_size: %d", buffer_size);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "overlap_size", "I");
    overlap_size = (*env)->GetIntField(env, thiz, fid);
    LOGV("Setting Aubio overlap_size: %d", overlap_size);

        c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
        fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "bitspersample", "I");
        bitspersample = (*env)->GetIntField(env, thiz, fid);
        LOGV("PCM Bits per sample: %d", bitspersample);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "channels", "I");
    channels = (*env)->GetIntField(env, thiz, fid);
    LOGV("Setting Aubio Channels: %d", channels);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "threshold", "F");
    if (fid != NULL) {
        threshold = (*env)->GetFloatField(env, thiz, fid);
    LOGD("Setting Aubio threshold: %f", threshold);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "silence", "F");
    if (fid != NULL) {
        silence = (*env)->GetFloatField(env, thiz, fid);
    LOGD("Setting Aubio silence: %f", silence);

    c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, thiz);
    fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "averaging", "F");
    if (fid != NULL) {
        averaging = (*env)->GetFloatField(env, thiz, fid);
    LOGD("Setting Aubio averaging: %f", averaging);

    debug("Read Java object Notes.\n");
    Note = (*env)->FindClass(env, "");
    if (Note == NULL) {
        debug("Could not find Note class.\n");
        return ;
    midCtor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, Note, "<init>",

    debug("After init \n");
    if (midCtor == NULL){
        debug("Could not find Contructor method.\n");
        return ;
    notesArray = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, 1000, Note, NULL);

    /* Sanity checks
    if (input_filename == NULL) {
        LOGV("Error: Need a file");

    debug("Opening input file: %s\n", input_filename);

    file = new_aubio_sndfile_ro(input_filename);
    debug("Opening input file finished: %s\n", input_filename);
    if (file == NULL) {
        outmsg("Could not open input file %s.\n", input_filename);
        debug("Could not open input file %s.\n", input_filename);

    verbose = 1;
    woodblock = new_fvec(buffer_size, 1);

    //Init Aubio with params
    if (verbose) aubio_sndfile_info(file);
    channels = aubio_sndfile_channels(file);
    samplerate = aubio_sndfile_samplerate(file);

    ibuf = new_fvec(overlap_size, channels);
    obuf = new_fvec(overlap_size, channels);
    fftgrain = new_cvec(buffer_size, channels);

    if (usepitch) {
        pitchdet = new_aubio_pitchdetection(buffer_size * 4,
                overlap_size, channels, samplerate, type_pitch, mode_pitch);
        aubio_pitchdetection_set_yinthresh(pitchdet, 0.7);

        if (median) {
            note_buffer = new_fvec(median, 1);
            note_buffer2 = new_fvec(median, 1);
    /* phase vocoder */
    pv = new_aubio_pvoc(buffer_size, overlap_size, channels);
    /* onsets */
    parms = new_aubio_peakpicker(threshold);
    o = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset, buffer_size, channels);
    onset = new_fvec(1, channels);
    if (usedoubled) {
        o2 = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type_onset2, buffer_size, channels);
        onset2 = new_fvec(1, channels);
