chat_window::chat_window(std::string name) { name_ = name; if(name.c_str()[0] == '#') { msg_window_ = new msg_window(this); msg_box_ = new msg_box(this); contact_list_ = new user_list_window(this); msg_window_->set_size(0,0,400,400); msg_box_->set_size(0,420,400,50); contact_list_->set_size(450,0,150,400); //Denna som ska användas sen!!!!! //connect(contact_list_,SIGNAL(slap_signal(std::string)),msg_box_,SLOT(send_msg(std::string))); connect(contact_list_,SIGNAL(slap_signal(std::string)),this,SLOT(new_msg(std::string))); } else { msg_window_ = new msg_window(this); msg_box_ = new msg_box(this); msg_window_->set_size(0,0,400,400); msg_box_->set_size(0,420,400,50); } msg_window_->new_message("Babla>> ","Välkommen till IRC-klienten Babla 0.1 Beta\n"); msg_window_->new_message("Babla>> ","För hjälp skriv /help\n"); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { struct sched_param sp; /* Priorytet procesu */ /* Zainicjuj obiekty. Ponieważ jest to pierwsze użycie - wykonają sie wszystkie funcje malloc i pliki zostaną otwarte */ struct controller_t * c = new_controller(); struct msg_t * msg = new_msg(); struct io_t * io = new_io(); /* Ustawianie parametrów planisty */ sp.sched_priority = MY_PRIORITY; if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &sp) == -1) { log("sched_setscheduler() failed"); } /* Blokowanie pamięci procesu */ if (mlockall( MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE ) == -1) { log("mlockall() failed"); } while (1) { /* Wykonaj krok automatu */ do_fsm_step(); } return 0; }
void PolygonArrayColorLikelihood::likelihood( const jsk_recognition_msgs::PolygonArray::ConstPtr& polygon_msg, const jsk_recognition_msgs::HistogramWithRangeArray::ConstPtr& histogram_msg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); if (!reference_) { return; } if (polygon_msg->polygons.size() != histogram_msg->histograms.size()) { JSK_NODELET_ERROR("length of polygon and histogram are not same"); return; } cv::MatND reference_histogram = jsk_recognition_utils::HistogramWithRangeBinArrayTocvMatND( reference_->bins); cv::normalize(reference_histogram, reference_histogram, 1, reference_histogram.rows, cv::NORM_L2, -1, cv::Mat()); jsk_recognition_msgs::PolygonArray new_msg(*polygon_msg); for (size_t i = 0; i < new_msg.polygons.size(); i++) { cv::MatND hist = jsk_recognition_utils::HistogramWithRangeBinArrayTocvMatND( histogram_msg->histograms[i].bins); cv::normalize(hist, hist, 1, hist.rows, cv::NORM_L2, -1, cv::Mat()); double d = compareHist(reference_histogram, hist); if (polygon_msg->likelihood.size() == 0) { new_msg.likelihood.push_back(d); } else { new_msg.likelihood[i] *= d; } } pub_.publish(new_msg); }
void PolygonArrayAreaLikelihood::likelihood( const jsk_recognition_msgs::PolygonArray::ConstPtr& msg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); vital_checker_->poke(); jsk_recognition_msgs::PolygonArray new_msg(*msg); double min_area = DBL_MAX; double max_area = - DBL_MAX; std::vector<double> areas; for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->polygons.size(); i++) { jsk_recognition_utils::Polygon::Ptr polygon = jsk_recognition_utils::Polygon::fromROSMsgPtr(msg->polygons[i].polygon); double area = polygon->area(); min_area = std::min(area, min_area); max_area = std::max(area, max_area); areas.push_back(area); } // Normalization for (size_t i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) { double diff = areas[i] - area_; double likelihood = 1 / (1 + (diff * diff)); if (msg->likelihood.size() == 0) { new_msg.likelihood.push_back(likelihood); } else { new_msg.likelihood[i] = new_msg.likelihood[i] * likelihood; } } pub_.publish(new_msg); }
/** * send message to given destination */ asmlinkage long sys_SendMsg(pid_t dest, void *a_msg, int len, bool block){ pid_t my_pid = current->pid; void* msg = new_msg(); message* this_mail; mailbox* dest_mailbox; signal* dest_signal; struct task_struct* dest_ts; int existence; if ((len > MAX_MSG_SIZE) || (len < 0)) return MSG_LENGTH_ERROR; if (copy_from_user(msg, a_msg, len)) return MSG_ARG_ERROR; //check if destination is valid if (dest <= 0) return MAILBOX_INVALID; //find task struct for destination pid dest_ts = pid_task(find_vpid(dest), PIDTYPE_PID); // find_task_by_vpid(dest); if (dest_ts == NULL) return MAILBOX_INVALID; //state not 0 or kernel task, invalid dest existence = dest_ts->state; if ((existence != 0) || (dest_ts->mm == NULL)) return MAILBOX_INVALID; //get destination mailbox dest_signal = get_signal(dest); if (dest_signal == NULL) { dest_signal = create_signal(dest, TRUE); } dest_mailbox = get_mailbox(dest); if (dest_mailbox == NULL) { dest_mailbox = create_mailbox(dest); if (dest_mailbox == NULL) return MAILBOX_ERROR; } wake_up(&(dest_signal->wait_null)); if ((block == TRUE) && (dest_mailbox->full == TRUE)){ //wait until not full and send message } else if (block == FALSE && (dest_mailbox->full == TRUE)) return MAILBOX_FULL; if (dest_mailbox->stop) return MAILBOX_STOPPED; this_mail = create_message(my_pid, len, msg); spin_lock(&(dest_mailbox->lock)); add_message(&dest_mailbox, &this_mail); spin_unlock(&(dest_mailbox->lock)); //successfully sent return 0; }
void PolygonArrayAngleLikelihood::likelihood( const jsk_recognition_msgs::PolygonArray::ConstPtr& msg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); jsk_recognition_msgs::PolygonArray new_msg(*msg); try { // Resolve tf // ConstPtrmpute position of target_frame_id // respected from msg->header.frame_id tf::StampedTransform transform; tf_listener_->lookupTransform( target_frame_id_, msg->header.frame_id, msg->header.stamp, transform); Eigen::Affine3f pose; tf::transformTFToEigen(transform, pose); // Use x Eigen::Vector3f reference_axis = pose.rotation() * axis_; double min_distance = DBL_MAX; double max_distance = - DBL_MAX; std::vector<double> distances; for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->polygons.size(); i++) { jsk_recognition_utils::Polygon::Ptr polygon = jsk_recognition_utils::Polygon::fromROSMsgPtr(msg->polygons[i].polygon); Eigen::Vector3f n = polygon->getNormal(); double distance = std::abs(; min_distance = std::min(distance, min_distance); max_distance = std::max(distance, max_distance); distances.push_back(distance); } // Normalization for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size(); i++) { // double normalized_distance // = (distances[i] - min_distance) / (max_distance - min_distance); double likelihood = 1 / (1 + (distances[i] - 1) * (distances[i] - 1)); if (msg->likelihood.size() == 0) { new_msg.likelihood.push_back(likelihood); } else { new_msg.likelihood[i] = new_msg.likelihood[i] * likelihood; } } pub_.publish(new_msg); } catch (...) { JSK_NODELET_ERROR("Unknown transform error"); } }
void base_controller::twist_cb( const geometry_msgs::TwistPtr &msg ) { trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPtr new_msg( new trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory( joint_traj_template ) ); new_msg->header.stamp = ros::Time::now( ); new_msg->points[0].velocities[0] = ( 2 * msg->linear.x - msg->angular.z * wheel_base ) / wheel_diam; new_msg->points[0].velocities[1] = ( 2 * msg->linear.x + msg->angular.z * wheel_base ) / wheel_diam2; joint_traj_pub.publish( new_msg ); }
void operator()(msg_type & msg) const { typedef typename context_type::ptr ptr; typedef typename context_type::thread_ptr thread_ptr; //ptr new_msg(new msg_type(msg)); ptr new_msg(new msg_type); std::swap(msg, *new_msg); scoped_lock lk( non_const_context_base::context().cs); if ( !non_const_context_base::context().writer) non_const_context_base::context().writer = thread_ptr( new boost::thread( boost::bind(&self_type::do_write,this) )); non_const_context_base::context().msgs.push_back(new_msg); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int clientfd, port; char *host, buf[MAX_LINE]; if (argc == 2 || argc == 3) { host = argv[1]; port = (argc == 2) ? DEFAULT_PORT : atoi(argv[2]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <host>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } clientfd = Open_clientfd(host, port); printf("Bank client v.%d connected to %s on port %d\n", VERSION, host, port); msg_t *request = new_msg(); msg_t *response = new_msg(); printf("> "); fflush(stdout); while (Fgets(buf, MAX_LINE, stdin) != NULL) { if (parse_buf(buf, request)) { Rio_writen(clientfd, (void *) request, sizeof(msg_t)); // Send bits to server Rio_readn(clientfd, (void *) response, sizeof(msg_t)); // Get bits back from server print_response(response); } clear_msg(request); clear_msg(response); printf("> "); fflush(stdout); } Close(clientfd); free(request); free(response); exit(0); }
static int update_msg(void) { static time_t yesterday = 0; time_t today = time(NULL) / PERIOD_RENEWAL; if (yesterday == 0) yesterday = today; if (today != yesterday || actual_msg[0] == '\0') { yesterday = today; new_msg(); return 1; } return 0; }
static void Send(kn_thread_mailbox_t io,ident conn,packet_t p){ msg_t _msg = new_msg(MSG_PACKET,conn,p,NULL); if(0 != kn_send_mail(io,_msg,destroy_msg)){ destroy_msg(_msg); } }
void on_accept(handle_t s,void *listener,int _2,int _3){ connection_t conn = new_connection(s,4096,NULL); msg_t _msg = new_msg(MSG_CONNECTION,make_ident((refobj*)conn),NULL,NULL); ioworker_sendmsg(_worker,_msg); }
static int client_process(int max, fd_set* set, int remotefd, int localfd) { msg_t* msg; if (FD_ISSET(localfd, set)) { unsigned char buffer[2048]; ssize_t readen; readen = read(localfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (readen > 0) { msg = new_msg(buffer, readen); if (msg) { write_n(remotefd, msg, sizeof(msg_t) + msg_data_length(msg)); pool_room_free(&this.pool, MSG_ROOM_IDX); printf("send msg length: %lu\n", msg_data_length(msg)); } } } if (FD_ISSET(remotefd, set)) { ssize_t rc = read_pre(remotefd,, this.client.want); if (rc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "connection closed\n"); return RETURN_CONNECTION_CLOSED; } else if (rc < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return RETURN_OK; fprintf(stderr, "read error\n"); perror("read"); return RETURN_READ_ERROR; } else { += rc; this.client.want -= rc; if (this.client.want == 0) { if (IS_CLIENT_STATUS_WAITING_HEADER(this.client.status)) { size_t len = msg_data_length((msg_t*)this.client.buffer); if (len) { this.client.status = (this.client.status & ~CLIENT_STATUS_WAITING_HEADER) | CLIENT_STATUS_WAITING_BODY; this.client.want = len; this.client.buffer = pool_room_realloc(&this.pool, RECV_ROOM_IDX, sizeof(msg_t) + this.client.want); if (this.client.buffer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n"); exit(1); } = ((msg_t*)this.client.buffer)->data; } else process_msg((msg_t*)this.client.buffer, localfd); } else process_msg((msg_t*)this.client.buffer, localfd); } } } return RETURN_OK; }
/******************************************************************** * FUNCTION mgr_not_dispatch * * Dispatch an incoming <rpc-reply> response * handle the <notification> element * called by mgr_top.c: * This function is registered with top_register_node * for the module 'notification', top-node 'notification' * * INPUTS: * scb == session control block * top == top element descriptor *********************************************************************/ void mgr_not_dispatch (ses_cb_t *scb, xml_node_t *top) { #ifdef DEBUG if (!scb || !top) { SET_ERROR(ERR_INTERNAL_PTR); return; } #endif /* check if the notification template is already cached */ if (notification_obj == NULL) { log_error("\nNo notification module found\n"); mgr_xml_skip_subtree(scb->reader, top); return; } /* the current node is 'notification' in the notifications namespace * First get a new notification msg struct */ mgr_not_msg_t *msg = new_msg(); if (!msg) { log_error("\nError: mgr_not: skipping incoming message"); mgr_xml_skip_subtree(scb->reader, top); return; } /* parse the notification as a val_value_t tree, * stored in msg->notification */ msg->res = mgr_val_parse_notification(scb, notification_obj, top, msg->notification); if (msg->res != NO_ERR && LOGINFO) { log_info("\nmgr_not: got invalid notification on session %d (%s)", scb->sid, get_error_string(msg->res)); } /* check that there is nothing after the <rpc-reply> element */ if (msg->res==NO_ERR && !xml_docdone(scb->reader) && LOGINFO) { log_info("\nmgr_not: got extra nodes in notification on session %d", scb->sid); } boolean consumed = FALSE; if (msg->res == NO_ERR && msg->notification) { val_value_t *child = val_get_first_child(msg->notification); if (child) { if (!xml_strcmp(child->name, (const xmlChar *)"eventTime")) { msg->eventTime = child; } else { log_error("\nError: expected 'eventTime' in " "notification, got '%s'", child->name); } child = val_get_next_child(child); if (child) { /* eventType is expected to be next!! */ msg->eventType = child; } } else { log_error("\nError: expected 'eventTime' in " "notification, got nothing"); } /* invoke the notification handler */ if (callbackfn) { (*callbackfn)(scb, msg, &consumed); } } if (!consumed) { mgr_not_free_msg(msg); } } /* mgr_not_dispatch */
void Reassemble::recv (Message_ptr m) { Map::ENTRY* e = 0; Address from ( static_cast<From const*> (m->find (From::id))->address ()); if (Data const* data = static_cast<Data const*> (m->find (Data::id))) { if (Part const* part = static_cast<Part const*> (m->find (Part::id))) { if (map_.find (from, e) == -1) { // First part of the message. // if (part->num () != 1) { // We assume that we received NoData for one of the preceding // fragments. Ignore this one. return; } Data_ptr new_data (new Data (data->buf (), static_cast<size_t> (data->size ()), static_cast<size_t> (part->total_size ()))); //std::cerr << "part->total_size (): " << part->total_size () << endl; map_.bind (from, new_data); } else { // Next part of the message. // if (part->num () == 1) ACE_OS::abort (); Data const* data = static_cast<Data const*> (m->find (Data::id)); Data_ptr& new_data = e->int_id_; ACE_OS::memcpy (new_data->buf () + new_data->size (), data->buf (), data->size ()); //std::cerr << "data->size (): " << data->size () << endl // << "new_data->size (): " << new_data->size () << endl // << "new_data->capa (): " << new_data->capacity () << endl; new_data->size (new_data->size () + data->size ()); if (part->num () == part->of ()) { // Reassembly is complete. // if (part->total_size () != new_data->size ()) ACE_OS::abort (); Message_ptr new_msg (new Message ()); Address to ( static_cast<To const*> (m->find (To::id))->address ()); new_msg->add (Profile_ptr (new To (to))); new_msg->add (Profile_ptr (new From (from))); /* * Heads up... we need to add the new_data to new_msg then * unbind the entry that maps to new_data, which will decrement * its reference count. If the bound/refcounted pointer acted * polymorphically like a regular pointer does, we'd be able to * just pass new_data to add(Profile_Ptr) and it would work. * However, Profile_Ptr and Data_Ptr are not compatible, but * we can use the secret knowledge that both are instances of the * same template and that the pointers they contain really are * hierarchically compatible, and do this funky cast to get * the result we want. */ //new_msg->add (*(reinterpret_cast<Profile_ptr*> (&new_data))); new_msg->add (Profile_ptr (new_data)); map_.unbind (from); in_->recv (new_msg); } } } else { // Non-fragmented message. Make sure we are in the consistent state // and forward it up. // if (map_.find (from, e) != -1) ACE_OS::abort (); in_->recv (m); } } else if (m->find (NoData::id) != 0) { if (map_.find (from, e) != -1) { // We already received some fragments. Clean everyhting up. // map_.unbind (from); } in_->recv (m); } }