char *askUserPass(const char *title)
    static window win = NULL;
    dialog_data *d;
    window prev = current_window;

    if (! win) {
	int tw, bw, h, middle;

	tw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 8;
	h = getheight(SystemFont);
	if (tw < 150) tw = 150;
	win = newwindow(title, rect(0, 0, tw+30, h*9+12),
			Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
	setbackground(win, dialog_bg());
	d = data(win);
	d->question = newlabel(G_("User"), rect(10, h, tw+4, h*2+2), AlignLeft);
	bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Password"));
	d->text = newfield("", rect(20+bw, h, tw-6-bw, h*3/2));
	newlabel(_("Password"), rect(10, h*4, tw+4, h*2+2), AlignLeft);
	d->pass = newpassword("", rect(20+bw, h*4, tw-6-bw, h*3/2));
	middle = (tw+30)/2;
	bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 3/2;

	d->yes = newbutton(G_("OK"),
			   rect(middle-bw-10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button);
	setvalue(d->yes, YES);

	d->cancel = newbutton(G_("Cancel"),
			      rect(middle+10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button);
	setvalue(d->cancel, CANCEL);

	setkeydown(win, hit_key);
    } else {
	d = data(win);
	settext(d->text, "");
	settext(d->pass, "");
    if (TopmostDialogs & MB_TOPMOST)
	BringToTop(win, 1);
    current_window = prev;
	char *user, *pass;
	static char buf[1000];
	if (d->hit < YES) /* cancelled */ return "";
	if (d->text) user = new_string(GA_gettext(d->text));
	else return "";
	if (d->pass) pass = new_string(GA_gettext(d->pass));
	else return "";
	snprintf(buf, 1000, "%s:%s", user, pass);
	return buf;
    return ""; /* -Wall */
static window init_askstr_dialog(const char *title, const char *question,
				 const char *default_str)
    window win;
    dialog_data *d;
    int tw, bw, h, middle;

    if (! question)
	question= "";
    if (! default_str)
	default_str = "";

    tw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 8;
    h = getheight(SystemFont);

    if (tw < 150) tw = 150;

    win = newwindow(title, rect(0,0,tw+30,h*9+12),
		    Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
    setbackground(win, dialog_bg());
    d = data(win);
    d->question = newlabel(question, rect(10,h,tw+4,h*2+2),
    if (title == PASSWORD_TITLE)
	d->text = newpassword(default_str, rect(10,h*4,tw+4,h*3/2));
	d->text = newfield(default_str, rect(10,h*4,tw+4,h*3/2));

    middle = (tw+30)/2;
    bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 3/2;

    d->yes = newbutton(G_("OK"),
		       rect(middle-bw-10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button);
    setvalue(d->yes, YES);

    d->cancel = newbutton(G_("Cancel"),
			  rect(middle+10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button);
    setvalue(d->cancel, CANCEL);

    setkeydown(win, hit_key);

    return win;
static void create_dialog()
    setcursor(ArrowCursor);  /* not `busy' cursor */
    win = newwindow("t-test entry", rect(0, 0, 200, 200),
                    Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
    setbackground(win, dialog_bg());
    setkeydown(win, hit_key);
    bApply = newbutton("Apply", rect(20, 160, 50, 25), apply);
    bCancel = newbutton("Cancel", rect(120, 160, 50, 25), NULL);
    l_var1 = newlabel("x", rect(10, 10, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    var1 = newfield("", rect(40, 10, 130, 20));
    l_var2 = newlabel("y", rect(10, 40, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    var2 = newfield("", rect(40, 40, 130, 20));
    paired = newcheckbox("paired", rect(10, 70, 80, 20), NULL);
    varequal = newcheckbox("equal var", rect(110, 70, 80, 20), NULL);
    alt = newdroplist(alts , rect(30, 90, 120, 20), NULL);
    setlistitem(alt, 0);
    l_lvl = newlabel("confidence level", rect(20, 120, 90, 20), AlignLeft);
    lvl = newfield("0.95", rect(120, 120, 40, 20));
static void showDialog(Gui gui)
    char buf[100];

    wconfig = newwindow(G_("Rgui Configuration Editor"), rect(0, 0, 550, 450),
			Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
    setbackground(wconfig, dialog_bg());
    l_mdi = newlabel("Single or multiple windows",
		     rect(10, 10, 140, 20), AlignLeft);
    rb_mdi = newradiobutton("MDI", rect(150, 10 , 70, 20), cMDI);
    rb_sdi = newradiobutton("SDI", rect(220, 10 , 70, 20), cSDI);

    toolbar = newcheckbox("MDI toolbar", rect(300, 10, 100, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->toolbar) check(toolbar);
    statusbar = newcheckbox("MDI statusbar", rect(420, 10, 130, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->statusbar) check(statusbar);
    if(gui->MDI) {
	check(rb_mdi); cMDI(rb_mdi);
    } else {
	check(rb_sdi); cSDI(rb_sdi);

    l_mwin = newlabel("Pager style", rect(10, 40, 90, 20), AlignLeft);
    g_mwin = newradiogroup();
    rb_mwin = newradiobutton("multiple windows", rect(150, 40, 150, 20), NULL);
    rb_swin = newradiobutton("single window", rect(150, 60 , 150, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->pagerMultiple) check(rb_mwin); else check(rb_swin);

    l_lang = newlabel("Language for menus\nand messages",
		      rect(320, 40, 130, 40), AlignLeft);
    f_lang = newfield(gui->language, rect(450, 45, 60, 20));

/* Font, pointsize, style */

    l_font = newlabel("Font", rect(10, 100, 40, 20), AlignLeft);

    f_font = newdropfield(FontsList, rect(50, 100, 120, 20), scrollFont);
    tt_font = newcheckbox("TrueType only", rect(180, 100, 110, 20), changeFont);
    if (gui->tt_font) check(tt_font);
    settext(f_font, gui->font);

    l_point = newlabel("size", rect(310, 100, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    d_point = newdropfield(PointsList, rect(345, 100, 50, 20), scrollPoints);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->pointsize);
    settext(d_point, buf);
    l_style = newlabel("style", rect(410, 100, 40, 20), AlignLeft);
    f_style = newdroplist(StyleList, rect(450, 100, 80, 20), scrollStyle);
    setlistitem(f_style, cmatch(gui->style, StyleList));

/* Console size, set widthonresize */
    l_crows = newlabel("Console   rows", rect(10, 150, 100, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->crows);
    f_crows = newfield(buf, rect(110, 150, 30, 20));
    l_ccols = newlabel("columns", rect(150, 150, 60, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->ccols);
    f_ccols = newfield(buf, rect(220, 150, 30, 20));
    l_cx = newlabel("Initial left", rect(270, 150, 70, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cx);
    f_cx = newfield(buf, rect(350, 150, 40, 20));
    l_cy = newlabel("top", rect(430, 150, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cy);
    f_cy = newfield(buf, rect(480, 150, 40, 20));

    c_resize = newcheckbox("set options(width) on resize?",
			   rect(20, 175, 200, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->setWidthOnResize) check(c_resize);

    l_cbb = newlabel("buffer chars", rect(270, 175, 70, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cbb);
    f_cbb = newfield(buf, rect(350, 175, 60, 20));
    l_cbl = newlabel("lines", rect(430, 175, 50, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cbl);
    f_cbl = newfield(buf, rect(480, 175, 40, 20));

    c_buff = newcheckbox("buffer console by default?",
			 rect(20, 190, 200, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->buffered) check(c_buff);

/* Cursor blink */

    l_blink = newlabel("Cursor blink", rect(270, 200,100, 30), AlignLeft);
    f_blink = newdroplist(BlinkList, rect(350, 200, 80, 20), NULL);
    setlistitem(f_blink, gui->cursor_blink);
/* Pager size */
    l_prows = newlabel("Pager   rows", rect(10, 230, 100, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->prows);
    f_prows = newfield(buf, rect(110, 230, 30, 20));
    l_pcols = newlabel("columns", rect(150, 230, 60, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->pcols);
    f_pcols = newfield(buf, rect(220, 230, 30, 20));

/* Graphics window */
    l_grx = newlabel("Graphics windows: initial left",
		     rect(10, 270, 190, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->grx);
    f_grx = newfield(buf, rect(200, 270, 40, 20));
    l_gry = newlabel("top", rect(270, 270, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->gry);
    f_gry = newfield(buf, rect(300, 270, 40, 20));

/* Font colours */
    l_cols = newlabel("Console and Pager Colours",
		      rect(10, 310, 520, 20), AlignCenter);
    guielement = newlistbox(GuiElementNames, rect(50, 330, 100, 80), changeElement, NULL);
    guicolor = newlistbox(ColorName, rect(205, 330, 100, 80), clickColor, NULL);
    guisample = newrichtextarea("Sample text", rect(350, 330, 150, 55));
    for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
    	dialogColors[i] = gui->guiColors[i];
    setlistitem(guielement, 0);
    changeElement(guielement, 0);
    sampleFontNum = cmatch(gettext(f_font), FontsList);
    samplePointsize = atoi(gettext(d_point));
    scrollStyle(f_style, 0); /* the 0 is ignored */

    bApply = newbutton("Apply", rect(50, 410, 70, 25), apply);
    bSave = newbutton("Save...", rect(130, 410, 70, 25), save);
    bLoad = newbutton("Load...", rect(210, 410, 70, 25), load);
    bOK = newbutton("OK", rect(350, 410, 70, 25), ok);
    bCancel = newbutton("Cancel", rect(430, 410, 70, 25), cancel);
SEXP Win_selectlist(SEXP args)
    SEXP choices, preselect, ans = R_NilValue;
    const char **clist;
    int i, j = -1, n, mw = 0, multiple, nsel = 0;
    int xmax, ymax, ylist, fht, h0;
    Rboolean haveTitle;

    choices = CAR(args);
    if(!isString(choices)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "choices");
    preselect = CADR(args);
    if(!isNull(preselect) && !isString(preselect))
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "preselect");
    multiple = asLogical(CADDR(args));
    if(multiple == NA_LOGICAL) multiple = 0;
    haveTitle = isString(CADDDR(args));
    if(!multiple && isString(preselect) && LENGTH(preselect) != 1)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "preselect");

    n = LENGTH(choices);
    clist = (const char **) R_alloc(n + 1, sizeof(char *));
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	clist[i] = translateChar(STRING_ELT(choices, i));
	mw = max(mw, gstrwidth(NULL, SystemFont, clist[i]));
    clist[n] = NULL;

    fht = getSysFontSize().height;

    xmax = max(170, mw+60); /* allow for scrollbar */
    if(ismdi()) {
	RECT *pR = RgetMDIsize();
	h0 = pR->bottom;
    } else {
	h0 = deviceheight(NULL);
    ymax = min(80+fht*n, h0-100); /* allow for window widgets, toolbar */
    ylist = ymax - 60;
    wselect = newwindow(haveTitle ? translateChar(STRING_ELT(CADDDR(args), 0)):
			(multiple ? _("Select one or more") : _("Select one")),
			rect(0, 0, xmax, ymax),
			Titlebar | Centered | Modal | Floating);
    setbackground(wselect, dialog_bg());
	f_list = newmultilist(clist, rect(10, 10, xmax-25, ylist), NULL, finish);
	f_list = newlistbox(clist, rect(10, 10, xmax-25, ylist), NULL, finish);
    if(!isNull(preselect) && LENGTH(preselect)) {
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	    for(j = 0; j < LENGTH(preselect); j++)
		if(strcmp(clist[i], translateChar(STRING_ELT(preselect, j))) == 0) {
		    setlistitem(f_list, i);
    bFinish = newbutton(G_("OK"), rect(xmax-160, ymax-40, 70, 25), finish);
    bCancel = newbutton(G_("Cancel"), rect(xmax-80, ymax-40, 70, 25), cancel);
    setkeydown(wselect, key1);
    done = 0;
    while(!done) {

    if(multiple) {
	if (done == 1) { /* Finish */
	    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)  if(isselected(f_list, i)) nsel++;
	    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, nsel));
	    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++)
		if(isselected(f_list, i))
		    SET_STRING_ELT(ans, j++, mkChar(clist[i]));
	} else { /* cancel */
	    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, 0));
    } else
	PROTECT(ans = mkString(selected));

    return ans;