cvector relative_marker_position(const unsigned int nmark,const ivector chr) 
  cvector position = newcvector(nmark);
  //info("Calculating relative genomepositions of the markers");
  for (unsigned int j=0; j<nmark; j++) {
    if (j==0) {
      if (chr[j]==chr[j+1]) 
    } else if (j==nmark-1) {
      if (chr[j]==chr[j-1]) 
    } else if (chr[j]==chr[j-1]) {
      if (chr[j]==chr[j+1]) 
    } else {
      if (chr[j]==chr[j+1]) 
  return position;
void mqmscan(int Nind, int Nmark,int Npheno,int **Geno,int **Chromo, double **Dist, double **Pheno, int **Cofactors, int Backwards, int RMLorML,double Alfa,
             int Emiter, double Windowsize,double Steps, double Stepmi,double Stepma,int NRUN,int out_Naug,int **INDlist, double **QTL, int re_estimate,
             RqtlCrossType rqtlcrosstype,int domi,int verbose){
  int cof_cnt=0;
  MQMMarkerMatrix markers = newMQMMarkerMatrix(Nmark+1,Nind);
  cvector cofactor        = newcvector(Nmark);
  vector mapdistance      = newvector(Nmark);

  MQMCrossType crosstype = determine_MQMCross(Nmark,Nind,(const int **)Geno,rqtlcrosstype);

  change_coding(&Nmark, &Nind, Geno, markers, crosstype); // Change all the markers from R/qtl format to MQM internal

  for (int i=0; i< Nmark; i++) {
    mapdistance[i] = POSITIONUNKNOWN;  // Mapdistances
    mapdistance[i] = Dist[0][i];
    cofactor[i]    = MNOCOF;           // Cofactors
    if (Cofactors[0][i] == 1) {
      cofactor[i] = MCOF;              // Set cofactor
    if (Cofactors[0][i] == 2) {
      cofactor[i] = MSEX;
    if (cof_cnt+10 > Nind){ fatal("Setting %d cofactors would leave less than 10 degrees of freedom.\n", cof_cnt); }

  char reestimate = 'y';
  if(re_estimate == 0) reestimate = 'n';

  if (crosstype != CF2) {  // Determine what kind of cross we have
    if (verbose==1) Rprintf("INFO: Dominance setting ignored (setting dominance to 0)\n"); // Update dominance accordingly
    domi = 0;

  bool dominance=false;
  if(domi != 0){ dominance=true; }

  analyseF2(Nind, &Nmark, &cofactor, (MQMMarkerMatrix)markers, Pheno[(Npheno-1)], Backwards, QTL, &mapdistance, Chromo, NRUN, RMLorML, Windowsize,
            Steps, Stepmi, Stepma, Alfa, Emiter, out_Naug, INDlist, reestimate, crosstype, dominance, verbose);

  if (re_estimate) {
    if (verbose==1) Rprintf("INFO: Sending back the re-estimated map used during the MQM analysis\n");
    for (int i=0; i< Nmark; i++) {
      Dist[0][i] = mapdistance[i];
  if (Backwards) {
    if (verbose==1) Rprintf("INFO: Sending back the model\n");
    for (int i=0; i< Nmark; i++) { Cofactors[0][i] = cofactor[i]; }

  if(verbose) Rprintf("INFO: All done in C returning to R\n");
  #ifndef STANDALONE
    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */
}  /* end of function mqmscan */
cmatrix newcmatrix(int rows, int cols) {
  cmatrix m = (char **)calloc_init(rows, sizeof(char*));
  if(!m){ warning("Not enough memory for new char matrix"); }
  for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
    m[i]= newcvector(cols);
  return m;
文件: mqmmapqtl.cpp 项目: Frogee/qtl
 * mapQTL moves a QTL along the chromosome and calculated at each map position
 * the QTL likelihood. Uses either all cofactors, or selected cofactors only
double mapQTL(int Nind, int Nmark, cvector cofactor, cvector selcofactor, 
              MQMMarkerMatrix marker, cvector position, vector mapdistance, vector y,
              vector r, ivector ind, int Naug, double variance, char
              printoutput, vector *informationcontent, matrix *Frun, int run,
              char REMLorML, bool fitQTL, bool dominance, int em, double
              windowsize, double stepsize, double stepmin, double stepmax, 
              MQMCrossType crosstype, int verbose) {
  //Rprintf("INFO: mapQTL function called.\n");
  int j, jj, jjj=0;
  int Nloci = Nmark+1;
  vector Fy = newvector(Naug);
  cvector QTLcofactor       = newcvector(Nloci);
  cvector saveQTLcofactor   = newcvector(Nloci);
  double infocontent;

  vector info0 = newvector(Nind);
  vector info1 = newvector(Nind);
  vector info2 = newvector(Nind);

  vector weight = newvector(Naug);
  weight[0]= -1.0;

  /* fit QTL on top of markers (but: should also be done with routine QTLmixture() for exact ML) */
  cvector newcofactor= newcvector(Nmark);
  cvector direction = newcvector(Nmark);
  vector cumdistance = newvector(Nmark+1);
  double QTLlikelihood=0.0;

  for (j=0; j<Nmark; j++) {
    if (position[j]==MLEFT)
      cumdistance[j]= -50*log(1-2.0*r[j]);
    else if (position[j]==MMIDDLE)
      cumdistance[j]= cumdistance[j-1]-50*log(1-2.0*r[j]);
  double savelogL=0.0; // log-likelihood of model with all selected cofactors

  /* fit QTL on top of markers (full ML)   fit QTL between markers (full ML) */
  // cout << "please wait (mixture calculus may take quite a lot of time)" << endl;
  /* estimate variance in mixture model with all marker cofactors */
  // cout << "estimate variance in mixture model with all cofactors" << endl;

  variance= -1.0;
  savelogL= 2.0*QTLmixture(marker, cofactor, r, position, y, ind, Nind, Naug, Nmark, &variance, em, &weight, REMLorML, fitQTL, dominance, crosstype, verbose);
  if (verbose==1){ info("INFO: log-likelihood of full model= %f\n", savelogL/2); }

  // augment data for missing QTL observations (x 3)
  int newNaug = 3 * Naug;
  weight           = newvector(newNaug);
  weight[0]        = 1.0;
  vector weight0   = newvector(newNaug);
  weight0[0]       = -1.0;

  vector QTLr              = newvector(Nloci);
  vector QTLmapdistance    = newvector(Nloci);
  cvector QTLposition      = newcvector(Nloci);
  MQMMarkerMatrix QTLloci  = (MQMMarkerMatrix)Calloc(Nloci, MQMMarkerVector);

  double moveQTL = stepmin;
  char nextinterval= 'n', firsttime='y';
  double maxF=0.0, savebaseNoQTLModel=0.0;
  int baseNoQTLModel=0, step=0;

  for (j=0; j<Nmark; j++) {
    /* 	fit a QTL in two steps:
    1. move QTL along marker interval j -> j+1 with steps of stepsize=20 cM, starting from -20 cM up to 220 cM
    2. all marker-cofactors in the neighborhood of the QTL are dropped by using cM='windows' as criterium
    nextinterval= 'n';
    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */
    while (nextinterval=='n') { // step 1:
      // Rprintf("DEBUG testing STEP 1");
      if (position[j]==MLEFT) {
        if (moveQTL<=mapdistance[j]) {
          QTLposition[j]= position[j];
          QTLposition[j+1]= MMIDDLE;
          QTLr[j]= recombination_frequentie((mapdistance[j]-moveQTL));
          QTLr[j+1]= r[j];
          QTLloci[j+1]= marker[j];
          QTLloci[j]= marker[Nloci-1];
          QTLmapdistance[j]= moveQTL;
          QTLmapdistance[j+1]= mapdistance[j];
          if (firsttime=='y') weight[0]= -1.0;
          moveQTL+= stepsize;
        } else if (moveQTL<=mapdistance[j+1]) {
          QTLposition[j]= position[j];
          QTLposition[j+1]= MMIDDLE;
          QTLr[j]= recombination_frequentie((moveQTL-mapdistance[j]));
          QTLr[j+1]= recombination_frequentie((mapdistance[j+1]-moveQTL)); //r[j];
          QTLloci[j]= marker[j];
          QTLloci[j+1]= marker[Nloci-1];
          QTLmapdistance[j]= mapdistance[j];
          QTLmapdistance[j+1]= moveQTL;
          moveQTL+= stepsize;
        } else nextinterval= 'y';
      } else if (position[j]==MMIDDLE) {
        if (moveQTL<=mapdistance[j+1]) {
          QTLposition[j]= position[j];
          QTLposition[j+1]= MMIDDLE;
          QTLr[j]= recombination_frequentie((moveQTL-mapdistance[j])); //0.0;
          QTLr[j+1]= recombination_frequentie((mapdistance[j+1]-moveQTL)); //r[j];
          QTLloci[j]= marker[j];
          QTLloci[j+1]= marker[Nloci-1];
          QTLmapdistance[j]= mapdistance[j];
          QTLmapdistance[j+1]= moveQTL;
          moveQTL+= stepsize;
        } else nextinterval= 'y';
      } else if (position[j]==MRIGHT) {
        if (moveQTL<=stepmax) {
          QTLposition[j]= MMIDDLE;
          QTLposition[j+1]= MRIGHT;
          QTLr[j]= recombination_frequentie((moveQTL-mapdistance[j])); //0.0;
          QTLr[j+1]= r[j]; // note r[j]=999.0
          QTLloci[j]= marker[j];
          QTLloci[j+1]= marker[Nloci-1];
          QTLmapdistance[j]= mapdistance[j];
          QTLmapdistance[j+1]= moveQTL;
          moveQTL+= stepsize;
        } else {
          nextinterval= 'y';
          moveQTL= stepmin;
      } else if (position[j]==MUNLINKED) {
        QTLposition[j]= MLEFT;
        QTLposition[j+1]= MRIGHT; //position[j] ?? MRIGHT ?
        QTLr[j]= 0.0;
        QTLr[j+1]= r[j];
        QTLloci[j+1]= marker[j];
        QTLloci[j]= marker[Nloci-1];
        QTLmapdistance[j]= mapdistance[j];
        QTLmapdistance[j+1]= mapdistance[j];
        if (firsttime=='y') weight[0]= -1.0;
        nextinterval= 'y';
        moveQTL= stepmin;
      if (nextinterval=='n') { // QTLcofactor[j]= MAA;
        // QTLcofactor[j+1]= MAA;
        for (jj=0; jj<j; jj++) {
          QTLposition[jj]= position[jj];
          QTLr[jj]= r[jj];
          QTLloci[jj]= marker[jj];
          QTLmapdistance[jj]= mapdistance[jj];
          QTLcofactor[jj]= selcofactor[jj];
        for (jj=j+1; jj<Nmark; jj++) {
          QTLposition[jj+1]= position[jj];
          QTLr[jj+1]= r[jj];
          QTLloci[jj+1]= marker[jj];
          QTLcofactor[jj+1]= selcofactor[jj];
          QTLmapdistance[jj+1]= mapdistance[jj];
          QTLcofactor[jj+1]= selcofactor[jj];
        // step 2:
        //  Rprintf("DEBUG testing STEP 2");
        if ((position[j]==MLEFT)&&((moveQTL-stepsize)<=mapdistance[j])) {
          QTLcofactor[j]= MNOCOF;
            (((QTLmapdistance[j+1]-QTLmapdistance[j])<windowsize) ? MNOCOF : selcofactor[j]);
        } else {
          QTLcofactor[j+1]= MNOCOF;
            (((QTLmapdistance[j+1]-QTLmapdistance[j])<windowsize) ? MNOCOF : selcofactor[j]);
        if ((position[j]==MLEFT)||(position[j]==MMIDDLE)) {
          while (QTLposition[jjj]==MMIDDLE) {
            if ((position[j]==MLEFT)&&((moveQTL-stepsize)<=mapdistance[j]))
                (((QTLmapdistance[jjj]-QTLmapdistance[j])<windowsize) ? MNOCOF : QTLcofactor[jjj]);
                (((QTLmapdistance[jjj]-QTLmapdistance[j+1])<windowsize) ? MNOCOF : QTLcofactor[jjj]);
            (((QTLmapdistance[jjj]-QTLmapdistance[j+1])<windowsize) ? MNOCOF : QTLcofactor[jjj]);
        if ((position[j]==MMIDDLE)||(position[j]==MRIGHT)) {
          while (QTLposition[jjj]==MMIDDLE) {
            QTLcofactor[jjj]= (((QTLmapdistance[j+1]-QTLmapdistance[jjj])<windowsize) ? MNOCOF : QTLcofactor[jjj]);
          QTLcofactor[jjj]= (((QTLmapdistance[j+1]-QTLmapdistance[jjj])<windowsize) ? MNOCOF : QTLcofactor[jjj]);

        // fit no-QTL model at current map position (cofactors only)
        if (firsttime=='y') {
          for (jj=0; jj<Nloci; jj++) saveQTLcofactor[jj]= QTLcofactor[jj];
        } else {
          for (jj=0; jj<Nloci; jj++) baseNoQTLModel+= (saveQTLcofactor[jj]==QTLcofactor[jj] ? 0 : 1);
        //  Rprintf("fitting NO-QTL model\n");
        if (baseNoQTLModel!=0) { // new base no-QTL model
          if ((position[j]==MLEFT)&&((moveQTL-stepsize)<=mapdistance[j])) QTLcofactor[j]= MSEX;
          else QTLcofactor[j+1]= MSEX;
          // Rprintf("INFO: Before base model\n", QTLlikelihood/-2);
          QTLlikelihood= -2.0*QTLmixture(QTLloci, QTLcofactor, QTLr, QTLposition, y, ind, Nind, Naug, Nloci, &variance, em, &weight0, REMLorML, fitQTL, dominance, crosstype, verbose);
          // Rprintf("INFO: log-likelihood of NO QTL model= %f\n", QTLlikelihood/-2);
          weight0[0]= -1.0;
          savebaseNoQTLModel= QTLlikelihood;
          if ((position[j]==MLEFT)&&((moveQTL-stepsize)<=mapdistance[j])) QTLcofactor[j]= MNOCOF;
          else QTLcofactor[j+1]= MNOCOF;
          for (jj=0; jj<Nloci; jj++) saveQTLcofactor[jj]= QTLcofactor[jj];
        } else
          QTLlikelihood= savebaseNoQTLModel;

        // fit QTL-model (plus cofactors) at current map position
        // MNOTAA= QTL
        if ((position[j]==MLEFT)&&((moveQTL-stepsize)<=mapdistance[j])) QTLcofactor[j]= MQTL;
        else QTLcofactor[j+1]= MQTL;
        if (REMLorML==MH) weight[0]= -1.0;
        QTLlikelihood+=2.0*QTLmixture(QTLloci, QTLcofactor, QTLr, QTLposition, y, ind, Nind, Naug, Nloci, &variance, em, &weight, REMLorML, fitQTL, dominance, crosstype, verbose);
        //this is the place we error at, because the likelihood is not correct.
        if (QTLlikelihood<-0.05) {
          Rprintf("WARNING: Negative QTLlikelihood=%f versus BASE MODEL: %f\nThis applies to the QTL at %d\n", QTLlikelihood, (savebaseNoQTLModel/-2), j); //return 0;}
        maxF= (maxF<QTLlikelihood ? QTLlikelihood : maxF);
        if (run>0) (*Frun)[step][run]+= QTLlikelihood;
        else (*Frun)[step][0]+= QTLlikelihood;

        /* 	Each individual has condition multilocus probabilities for being 0, 1 or 2 at the QTL.
        Calculate the maximum per individu. Calculate the mean of this maximum, averaging over all individuals
        This is the information content plotted.
        infocontent= 0.0;
        for (int i=0; i<Nind; i++) {
          info0[i]= 0.0; // qq
          info1[i]= 0.0; // Qq
          info2[i]= 0.0; // QQ
        for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
          info0[ind[i]]+= weight[i];
          info1[ind[i]]+= weight[i+Naug];
          info2[ind[i]]+= weight[i+2*Naug];
        for (int i=0; i<Nind; i++)
          if (info0[i]<info1[i]) infocontent+= (info1[i]<info2[i] ? info2[i] : info1[i]);
          else infocontent+= (info0[i]<info2[i] ? info2[i] : info0[i]);


  return maxF; //QTLlikelihood;
double regression(int Nind, int Nmark, cvector cofactor, MQMMarkerMatrix marker, vector y,
                  vector *weight, ivector ind, int Naug, double *variance,
                  vector Fy, bool biasadj, bool fitQTL, bool dominance, bool verbose) {
  debug_trace("regression IN\n");
  cofactor[j] at locus j:
  MNOCOF: no cofactor at locus j
  MCOF: cofactor at locus j
  MSEX: QTL at locus j, but QTL effect is not included in the model
  MQTL: QTL at locu j and QTL effect is included in the model

  //Calculate the dimensions of the designMatrix
  int dimx=designmatrixdimensions(cofactor,Nmark,dominance);
  int j, jj;
  const int dimx_alloc = dimx+2;
  //Allocate structures
  matrix  XtWX = newmatrix(dimx_alloc, dimx_alloc);
  cmatrix Xt   = newcmatrix(dimx_alloc, Naug);
  vector  XtWY = newvector(dimx_alloc);
  //Reset dimension designmatrix
  dimx = 1;
  for (j=0; j<Nmark; j++){
    if ((cofactor[j]==MCOF)||(cofactor[j]==MQTL)) dimx+= (dominance ? 2 : 1);
  cvector xtQTL = newcvector(dimx);
  int jx=0;
  for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) Xt[jx][i]= MH;
  xtQTL[jx]= MNOCOF;

  for (j=0; j<Nmark; j++)
    if (cofactor[j]==MCOF) { // cofactor (not a QTL moving along the chromosome)
      xtQTL[jx]= MCOF;
      if (dominance) {
        for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++)
          if (marker[j][i]==MH) {
            Xt[jx][i]=48;  //ASCII code 47, 48 en 49 voor -1, 0, 1;
          } else if (marker[j][i]==MAA) {
            Xt[jx][i]=47;  // '/' stands for -1
          } else {
        xtQTL[jx]= MCOF;
      } else {
        for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
          if (marker[j][i]==MH) {
            Xt[jx][i]=48;  //ASCII code 47, 48 en 49 voor -1, 0, 1;
          } else if (marker[j][i]==MAA) {
            Xt[jx][i]=47;  // '/' stands for -1
          } else                        {
    } else if (cofactor[j]==MQTL) { // QTL
      xtQTL[jx]= MSEX;
      if (dominance) {
        xtQTL[jx]= MQTL;

  //Rprintf("calculate xtwx and xtwy\n");
  /* calculate xtwx and xtwy */
  double xtwj, yi, wi, calc_i;
  for (j=0; j<dimx; j++) {
    XtWY[j]= 0.0;
    for (jj=0; jj<dimx; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]= 0.0;
  if (!fitQTL){
    for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
      yi= y[i];
      wi= (*weight)[i];
      //in the original version when we enable Dominance , we crash around here
      for (j=0; j<dimx; j++) {
        xtwj= ((double)Xt[j][i]-48.0)*wi;
        XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
        for (jj=0; jj<=j; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
  }else{ // QTL is moving along the chromosomes
    for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
      wi= (*weight)[i]+ (*weight)[i+Naug]+ (*weight)[i+2*Naug];
      yi= y[i];
      //Changed <= to < to prevent chrashes, this could make calculations a tad different then before
      for (j=0; j<dimx; j++){
        if (xtQTL[j]<=MCOF) {
          xtwj= ((double)Xt[j][i]-48.0)*wi;
          XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
          for (jj=0; jj<=j; jj++)
            if (xtQTL[jj]<=MCOF) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
            else if (xtQTL[jj]==MSEX) // QTL: additive effect if QTL=MCOF or MSEX
            {  // QTL==MAA
              XtWX[j][jj]+= ((double)(Xt[j][i]-48.0))*(*weight)[i]*(47.0-48.0);
              // QTL==MBB
              XtWX[j][jj]+= ((double)(Xt[j][i]-48.0))*(*weight)[i+2*Naug]*(49.0-48.0);
            } else // (xtQTL[jj]==MNOTAA)  QTL: dominance effect only if QTL=MCOF
            {  // QTL==MH
              XtWX[j][jj]+= ((double)(Xt[j][i]-48.0))*(*weight)[i+Naug]*(49.0-48.0);
        } else if (xtQTL[j]==MSEX) { // QTL: additive effect if QTL=MCOF or MSEX
          xtwj= -1.0*(*weight)[i]; // QTL==MAA
          XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
          for (jj=0; jj<j; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
          XtWX[j][j]+= xtwj*-1.0;
          xtwj= 1.0*(*weight)[i+2*Naug]; // QTL==MBB
          XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
          for (jj=0; jj<j; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
          XtWX[j][j]+= xtwj*1.0;
        } else { // (xtQTL[j]==MQTL) QTL: dominance effect only if QTL=MCOF
          xtwj= 1.0*(*weight)[i+Naug]; // QTL==MCOF
          XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
          // j-1 is for additive effect, which is orthogonal to dominance effect
          for (jj=0; jj<j-1; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
          XtWX[j][j]+= xtwj*1.0;
  for (j=0; j<dimx; j++){
    for (jj=j+1; jj<dimx; jj++){
      XtWX[j][jj]= XtWX[jj][j];

  int d;
  ivector indx= newivector(dimx);
  /* solve equations */
  ludcmp(XtWX, dimx, indx, &d);
  lusolve(XtWX, dimx, indx, XtWY);

  double* indL = (double *)R_alloc(Nind, sizeof(double));
  int newNaug       = ((!fitQTL) ? Naug : 3*Naug);
  vector fit        = newvector(newNaug);
  vector resi       = newvector(newNaug);
  debug_trace("Calculate residuals\n");
  if (*variance<0) {
    *variance= 0.0;
    if (!fitQTL)
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        fit[i]= 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<dimx; j++)
        resi[i]= y[i]-fit[i];
        *variance += (*weight)[i]*pow(resi[i], 2.0);
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        fit[i]= 0.0;
        fit[i+Naug]= 0.0;
        fit[i+2*Naug]= 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<dimx; j++)
          if (xtQTL[j]<=MCOF) {
            calc_i =((double)Xt[j][i]-48.0)*XtWY[j];
            fit[i]+= calc_i;
            fit[i+Naug]+= calc_i;
            fit[i+2*Naug]+= calc_i;
          } else if (xtQTL[j]==MSEX) {
          } else
        resi[i]= y[i]-fit[i];
        resi[i+Naug]= y[i]-fit[i+Naug];
        resi[i+2*Naug]= y[i]-fit[i+2*Naug];
        *variance +=(*weight)[i]*pow(resi[i], 2.0);
        *variance +=(*weight)[i+Naug]*pow(resi[i+Naug], 2.0);
        *variance +=(*weight)[i+2*Naug]*pow(resi[i+2*Naug], 2.0);
    *variance/= (!biasadj ? Nind : Nind-dimx); // to compare results with Johan; variance/=Nind;
    if (!fitQTL)
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) Fy[i]= Lnormal(resi[i], *variance);
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        Fy[i]       = Lnormal(resi[i], *variance);
        Fy[i+Naug]  = Lnormal(resi[i+Naug], *variance);
        Fy[i+2*Naug]= Lnormal(resi[i+2*Naug], *variance);
  } else {
    if (!fitQTL)
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        fit[i]= 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<dimx; j++)
        resi[i]= y[i]-fit[i];
        Fy[i]  = Lnormal(resi[i], *variance); // ????
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        fit[i]= 0.0;
        fit[i+Naug]= 0.0;
        fit[i+2*Naug]= 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<dimx; j++)
          if (xtQTL[j]<=MCOF) {
            calc_i =((double)Xt[j][i]-48.0)*XtWY[j];
            fit[i]+= calc_i;
            fit[i+Naug]+= calc_i;
            fit[i+2*Naug]+= calc_i;
          } else if (xtQTL[j]==MSEX) {
          } else
        resi[i]= y[i]-fit[i];
        resi[i+Naug]= y[i]-fit[i+Naug];
        resi[i+2*Naug]= y[i]-fit[i+2*Naug];
        Fy[i]       = Lnormal(resi[i], *variance);
        Fy[i+Naug]  = Lnormal(resi[i+Naug], *variance);
        Fy[i+2*Naug]= Lnormal(resi[i+2*Naug], *variance);
  /* calculation of logL */
  debug_trace("calculate logL\n");
  double logL=0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<Nind; i++) {
    indL[i]= 0.0;
  if (!fitQTL) {
    for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) indL[ind[i]]+=(*weight)[i]*Fy[i];
  } else {
    for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
      indL[ind[i]]+=(*weight)[i]*       Fy[i];
      indL[ind[i]]+=(*weight)[i+Naug]*  Fy[i+Naug];
  for (int i=0; i<Nind; i++) { //Sum up log likelihoods for each individual
    logL+= log(indL[i]);
  return (double)logL;
cmatrix newcmatrix(uint rows, uint cols){
  cmatrix m = (cmatrix)mycalloc(rows,sizeof(cvector));
  if(m==NULL){ Rprintf("Not enough memory for new matrix\n"); }
  for(size_t i = 0; i < rows; i++){ m[i]= newcvector(cols); }
  return m;
double analyseF2(int Nind, int *nummark, cvector *cofactor, MQMMarkerMatrix marker,
               vector y, int Backwards, double **QTL,vector
               *mapdistance, int **Chromo, int Nrun, int RMLorML, double
               windowsize, double stepsize, double stepmin, double stepmax,
               double alfa, int em, int out_Naug, int **INDlist, char
               reestimate, MQMCrossType crosstype, bool dominance, int verbose) {
  if (verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Starting C-part of the MQM analysis\n");

  int  Naug, Nmark = (*nummark), run = 0;
  bool useREML = true, fitQTL = false;
  bool warned = false;

  ivector chr = newivector(Nmark); // The chr vector contains the chromosome number for every marker
  for(int i = 0; i < Nmark; i++){  // Rprintf("INFO: Receiving the chromosome matrix from R");
    chr[i] = Chromo[0][i];
  if(RMLorML == 1) useREML=false;  // use ML instead

  // Create an array of marker positions - and calculate R[f] based on these locations
  cvector position = relative_marker_position(Nmark,chr);
  vector  r = recombination_frequencies(Nmark, position, (*mapdistance));

  //Rprintf("INFO: Initialize Frun and informationcontent to 0.0");
  const int Nsteps = (int)(chr[Nmark-1]*((stepmax-stepmin)/stepsize+1));
  matrix Frun = newmatrix(Nsteps,Nrun+1);
  vector informationcontent = newvector(Nsteps);
  for (int i = 0; i < (Nrun+1); i++) {
    for (int ii = 0; ii < Nsteps; ii++) {
      if(i==0) informationcontent[ii] = 0.0;
      Frun[ii][i]= 0.0;

  bool dropj = false;
  int jj=0;

  // Rprintf("any triple of non-segregating markers is considered to be the result of:\n");
  // Rprintf("identity-by-descent (IBD) instead of identity-by-state (IBS)\n");
  // Rprintf("no (segregating!) cofactors are fitted in such non-segregating IBD regions\n");
  for (int j=0; j < Nmark; j++) { // WRONG: (Nmark-1) Should fix the out of bound in mapdistance, it does fix, but created problems for the last marker
    dropj = false;
    if(j+1 < Nmark){  // Check if we can look ahead
      if(((*mapdistance)[j+1]-(*mapdistance)[j])==0.0){ dropj=true; }
    if (!dropj) {
      marker[jj]          = marker[j];
      (*cofactor)[jj]     = (*cofactor)[j];
      (*mapdistance)[jj]  = (*mapdistance)[j];
      chr[jj]             = chr[j];
      r[jj]               = r[j];
      position[jj]        = position[j];
    } else{
      if (verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Marker %d at chr %d is dropped\n",j,chr[j]);
      if ((*cofactor)[j]==MCOF) {
        if (verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Cofactor at chr %d is dropped\n",chr[j]);
  //if(verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Number of markers: %d -> %d\n",Nmark,jj);
  Nmark = jj;
  (*nummark) = jj;

  // Update the array of marker positions - and calculate R[f] based on these new locations
  position = relative_marker_position(Nmark,chr);

  r = recombination_frequencies(Nmark, position, (*mapdistance));

  debug_trace("After dropping of uninformative cofactors\n");

  ivector newind; // calculate Traits mean and variance
  vector newy;
  MQMMarkerMatrix newmarker;
  double ymean = 0.0, yvari = 0.0;
  //Rprintf("INFO: Number of individuals: %d Number Aug: %d",Nind,out_Naug);
  int cur = -1;
  for (int i=0; i < Nind; i++){
    if(INDlist[0][i] != cur){
      ymean += y[i];
      cur = INDlist[0][i];
  ymean/= out_Naug;

  for (int i=0; i < Nind; i++){
    if(INDlist[0][i] != cur){
      yvari += pow(y[i]-ymean, 2);
      cur = INDlist[0][i];
  yvari /= (out_Naug-1);

  Naug      = Nind;                             // Fix for not doing dataaugmentation, we just copy the current as the augmented and set Naug to Nind
  Nind      = out_Naug;
  newind    = newivector(Naug);
  newy      = newvector(Naug);
  newmarker = newMQMMarkerMatrix(Nmark,Naug);
  for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
    newy[i]= y[i];
    newind[i]= INDlist[0][i];
    for (int j=0; j<Nmark; j++) {
      newmarker[j][i]= marker[j][i];
  // End fix

  vector newweight = newvector(Naug);

  double max = rmixture(newmarker, newweight, r, position, newind,Nind, Naug, Nmark, mapdistance,reestimate,crosstype,verbose);   //Re-estimation of mapdistances if reestimate=TRUE

  if(max > stepmax){ fatal("ERROR: Re-estimation of the map put markers at: %f Cm, run the algorithm with a step.max larger than %f Cm", max, max); }

  //Check if everything still is correct positions and R[f]
  position = relative_marker_position(Nmark,chr);

  r = recombination_frequencies(Nmark, position, (*mapdistance));

  /* eliminate individuals with missing trait values */
  //We can skip this part iirc because R throws out missing phenotypes beforehand
  int oldNind = Nind;
  for (int i=0; i<oldNind; i++) {
    Nind -= ((y[i]==TRAITUNKNOWN) ? 1 : 0);

  int oldNaug = Naug;
  for (int i=0; i<oldNaug; i++) {
    Naug -= ((newy[i]==TRAITUNKNOWN) ? 1 : 0);

  marker        = newMQMMarkerMatrix(Nmark+1,Naug);
  y             = newvector(Naug);
  ivector ind   = newivector(Naug);
  vector weight = newvector(Naug);
  int newi = 0;
  for (int i=0; i < oldNaug; i++)
    if (newy[i]!=TRAITUNKNOWN) {
      y[newi]= newy[i];
      ind[newi]= newind[i];
      weight[newi]= newweight[i];
      for (int j=0; j<Nmark; j++) marker[j][newi]= newmarker[j][i];
  int diff;
  for (int i=0; i < (Naug-1); i++) {
    diff = ind[i+1]-ind[i];
    if (diff>1) {
      for (int ii=i+1; ii<Naug; ii++){ ind[ii]=ind[ii]-diff+1; }
  //END throwing out missing phenotypes

  double variance=-1.0;
  cvector selcofactor = newcvector(Nmark); /* selected cofactors */
  int dimx   = designmatrixdimensions((*cofactor),Nmark,dominance);
  double F1  = inverseF(1,Nind-dimx,alfa,verbose);
  double F2  = inverseF(2,Nind-dimx,alfa,verbose);
  if (verbose) {
    Rprintf("INFO: dimX: %d, nInd: %d\n",dimx,Nind);
    Rprintf("INFO: F(Threshold, Degrees of freedom 1, Degrees of freedom 2) = Alfa\n");
    Rprintf("INFO: F(%.3f, 1, %d) = %f\n",ftruncate3(F1),(Nind-dimx),alfa);
    Rprintf("INFO: F(%.3f, 2, %d) = %f\n",ftruncate3(F2),(Nind-dimx),alfa);
  F2 = 2.0* F2; // 9-6-1998 using threshold x*F(x,df,alfa)

  weight[0]= -1.0;
  double logL = QTLmixture(marker,(*cofactor),r,position,y,ind,Nind,Naug,Nmark,&variance,em,&weight,useREML,fitQTL,dominance,crosstype, &warned, verbose);
    if (!R_finite(logL)) {
      Rprintf("WARNING: Log-likelihood of full model = INFINITE\n");
      if (R_IsNaN(logL)) {
        Rprintf("WARNING: Log-likelihood of full model = NOT A NUMBER (NAN)\n");
        Rprintf("INFO: Log-likelihood of full model = %.3f\n",ftruncate3(logL));
    Rprintf("INFO: Residual variance = %.3f\n",ftruncate3(variance));
    Rprintf("INFO: Trait mean= %.3f; Trait variation = %.3f\n",ftruncate3(ymean),ftruncate3(yvari));
  if (R_finite(logL) && !R_IsNaN(logL)) {
    if(Backwards==1){    // use only selected cofactors
      logL = backward(Nind, Nmark, (*cofactor), marker, y, weight, ind, Naug, logL,variance, F1, F2, &selcofactor, r,
                      position, &informationcontent, mapdistance,&Frun,run,useREML,fitQTL,dominance, em, windowsize,
                      stepsize, stepmin, stepmax,crosstype,verbose);
    }else{ // use all cofactors
      logL = mapQTL(Nind, Nmark, (*cofactor), (*cofactor), marker, position,(*mapdistance), y, r, ind, Naug, variance,
                    'n', &informationcontent,&Frun,run,useREML,fitQTL,dominance, em, windowsize, stepsize, stepmin,
                    stepmax,crosstype,verbose); // printout=='n'
  // Write output and/or send it back to R
  // Cofactors that made it to the final model
  for (int j=0; j<Nmark; j++) {
    if (selcofactor[j]==MCOF) {

  if (verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Number of output datapoints: %d\n", Nsteps);  // QTL likelihood for each location
  for (int ii=0; ii<Nsteps; ii++) {
    //Convert LR to LOD before sending back
    QTL[0][ii] = Frun[ii][0] / 4.60517;
    QTL[0][Nsteps+ii] = informationcontent[ii];
  return logL;