int messageBox(const char * text, int height, int width, int type, int flags) {
    newtComponent form, yes, tb, answer;
    newtComponent no = NULL;
    int tFlag = (flags & FLAG_SCROLL_TEXT) ? NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL : 0;

    form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);

    tb = newtTextbox(1, 1, width - 2, height - 3 - buttonHeight, 
			NEWT_FLAG_WRAP | tFlag);
    newtTextboxSetText(tb, text);

    newtFormAddComponent(form, tb);

    switch ( type ) {
    case MSGBOX_INFO:
    case MSGBOX_MSG:
	yes = makeButton((width - 8) / 2, height - 1 - buttonHeight, "Ok");
	newtFormAddComponent(form, yes);
	yes = makeButton((width - 16) / 3, height - 1 - buttonHeight, "Yes");
	no = makeButton(((width - 16) / 3) * 2 + 9, height - 1 - buttonHeight, 
	newtFormAddComponents(form, yes, no, NULL);

	if (flags & FLAG_DEFAULT_NO)
	    newtFormSetCurrent(form, no);

    if ( type != MSGBOX_INFO ) {

	answer = newtFormGetCurrent(form);

	if (answer == no)
	    return DLG_CANCEL;
    else {

    return DLG_OKAY;
/* A "normal" newt program would call newtFormRun() to run newt's main loop
 * and process events. But we want to let GLib's main loop control the program
 * (eg, so libnm can process D-Bus notifications). So we call this function
 * to run a single iteration of newt's main loop (or rather, to run newt's
 * main loop for 1ms) whenever there are events for newt to process (redrawing
 * or keypresses).
static void
nmt_newt_form_iterate (NmtNewtForm *form)
	NmtNewtFormPrivate *priv = NMT_NEWT_FORM_GET_PRIVATE (form);
	NmtNewtWidget *focus;
	struct newtExitStruct es;

	if (priv->dirty) {
		nmt_newt_form_destroy (form);
		nmt_newt_form_build (form);

	newtFormSetTimer (priv->form, 1);
	newtFormRun (priv->form, &es);

	if (   es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY
	    || es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_ERROR) {
		/* The user hit Esc or there was an error. */
		g_clear_object (&priv->focus);
		nmt_newt_form_quit (form);

	if (es.reason == NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) {
		/* The user hit Return/Space on a component; update the form focus
		 * to point that that component, and activate it.
		focus = nmt_newt_widget_find_component (priv->content,;
		if (focus) {
			nmt_newt_form_set_focus (form, focus);
			nmt_newt_widget_activated (focus);
	} else {
		/* The 1ms timer ran out. Update focus but don't do anything else. */
		focus = nmt_newt_widget_find_component (priv->content,
		                                        newtFormGetCurrent (priv->form));
		if (focus)
			nmt_newt_form_set_focus (form, focus);
// =======================================================
int COptionsWindow/*CSaveOptWindow*/::runForm()
  newtComponent widgetTemp;
  newtExitStruct event;

  /*widgetTemp = */newtFormRun(m_formMain, &event);
  widgetTemp = newtFormGetCurrent(m_formMain);
  if (((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY) && (event.u.key == KEY_EXIT)) || ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == m_btnExit))) 
  if (((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY) && (event.u.key == KEY_OKAY)) || ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == m_btnOkay))) 
  if (((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY) && (event.u.key == KEY_BACK)) || ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == m_btnBack))  ) 
// =======================================================
int CInterfaceNewt::guiInitMainWindow(char *szDevice, char *szImageFile, char *szNetworkIP, DWORD *dwServerPort, bool *bSsl)
  newtComponent formMain, btnContinue, btnExit, btnAbout;
  newtComponent labelPartition, labelImage, editPartition, editImage, btnImage;
  newtComponent widgetTemp, labelAction, radioSave, radioRestore, radioMbr;
  newtComponent checkNetwork, labelNetwork, labelPort, editNetwork, editPort, checkSsl;
  newtExitStruct event;
  char szTemp[1024];
  int nAction;
  int nRes;

  showDebug(8, "guiInitMainWindow\n");
  SNPRINTF(szTemp, "Partition Image %s", PACKAGE_VERSION);
  newtCenteredWindow(67, 20, szTemp);
  labelPartition = newtLabel(1, 0, i18n("* Partition to save/restore"));
  editPartition = newtListbox(3, 1, 7, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL);
  labelImage = newtLabel(1, 9, i18n("* Image file to create/use"));
  editImage = newtEntry(3, 10, szImageFile, 59, NULL, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL);
  btnImage = newtCompactButton(62, 10, "*");

  labelAction = newtLabel(1, 12, i18n("Action to be done:"));
  radioSave = newtRadiobutton(1, 13, i18n("Save partition into a new image file"), true, NULL);
  radioRestore = newtRadiobutton(1, 14, i18n("Restore partition from an image file"), false, radioSave);
  radioMbr = newtRadiobutton(1, 15, i18n("Restore an MBR from the image file"), false, radioRestore);
  checkNetwork = newtCheckbox(1, 17, i18n("Connect to server"), (!!(*szNetworkIP) ? 'X' : ' '), " X", NULL);
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
  checkSsl = newtCheckbox(5, 19, i18n("Encrypt data on the network with SSL"), (*bSsl ? 'X' : ' '), " X", NULL);
  #ifdef MUST_LOGIN
    checkSsl = newtLabel(5, 19,i18n("SSL disabled at compile time"));
    checkSsl = newtLabel(5, 19,i18n("SSL&login disabled at compile time"));
  labelNetwork = newtLabel(5, 18, i18n("IP/name of the server:"));
  editNetwork = newtEntry(28, 18, szNetworkIP, 25, NULL, 0);
  labelPort = newtLabel(54, 18, i18n("Port:"));
  SNPRINTF(szTemp, "%u", *dwServerPort);
  editPort = newtEntry(60, 18, szTemp, 6, NULL, 0);
  btnContinue = newtCompactButton(50, 12, i18n("Next (F5)"));
  btnAbout = newtCompactButton(50, 14, i18n("About"));
  btnExit = newtCompactButton(50, 16, i18n("Exit (F6)"));

  nRes = fillPartitionList(editPartition);
  if (nRes == -1)
  formMain = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
  newtFormAddComponents(formMain, labelPartition, labelImage, editPartition, editImage,
                        btnImage, labelAction, radioSave, radioRestore, radioMbr, checkNetwork,
			labelNetwork, editNetwork, labelPort, editPort, checkSsl, 
			btnContinue, btnAbout, btnExit, NULL);
  newtFormAddHotKey(formMain, KEY_EXIT); // Exit
  newtFormAddHotKey(formMain, KEY_OKAY); // Okay

  /*widgetTemp = */newtFormRun(formMain, &event);
  widgetTemp = newtFormGetCurrent(formMain);

  if (((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY) && (event.u.key == KEY_EXIT)) || ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnExit))) 
  //if(widgetTemp == btnExit)
    return OPERATION_EXIT;

  if ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnAbout))
      goto begin;

  if ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnImage))
      char *fs_;
      if(fs_) {
        newtEntrySet(editImage, fs_, 1);
//        free(fs_);
      goto begin;

  if (strcmp(newtEntryGetValue(editImage), "") == 0) // if "image" field empty
      msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Image\" field is empty. Cannot continue"));
      goto begin;
  if (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkNetwork) == 'X')
      if (!(*newtEntryGetValue(editNetwork)))	
	  msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Server IP/Name\" field is empty. Cannot continue"));
	  goto begin;
      if (!atoi((char*)newtEntryGetValue(editPort)))
	  msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Server Port\" field is not a valid integer. Cannot continue"));
	  goto begin;
  // get device
  strcpy(szDevice, (char*)newtListboxGetCurrent(editPartition));
  // image file
  strcpy(szImageFile, newtEntryGetValue(editImage));
  // network
  if (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkNetwork) == 'X') // If network is activated
      strcpy(szNetworkIP, (char*)newtEntryGetValue(editNetwork));
      *dwServerPort = atoi((char*)newtEntryGetValue(editPort));
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
      *bSsl = (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkSsl) == 'X');
  else // no network
      *szNetworkIP = 0;
  nAction = 0;
  if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioSave)
      nAction = OPERATION_SAVE;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioRestore)
      nAction = OPERATION_RESTORE;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioMbr)
      nAction = OPERATION_RESTMBR;
  return nAction;