//returns a random integer in [from, to]
static int get_rand_int_range(MContext *mc, int from, int to) {
	assert(to >= from);
	int range = (to - from) + 1;
	int small_rand = mc->rand % range; //ok for small ranges
	return from + small_rand;
	void Snake::action()
		int r = next_rand(4);
		if (r == 0)
		else if (r == 1)
Vec trace(const Ray& r, const int index, const int num_samps) {
	// ray-sphere intersection
	double t;
	if (!intersect(r, t)) return Vec();

	// compute the intersection data
	const Vec x = r.o + r.d * t, n = (x - sph.p).normalized(), w = -r.d;

	// compute Fresnel transmittance at point of emergence
	const double T21 = 1.0 - fresnel(w.dot(n), eta);

	// integration of the BSSRDF over the surface
	unsigned int xi = next_rand(index);
	Vec result;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_samps; i++) {
		// generate a sample
		Vec sp, sn, sw;
		sample(i, Vec(hal(2, index), hal(3, index), 0.0), sp, sn);
		sw = Vec(1, 1, -0.5).normalized();

		// directional light source
		const double radiance = 8.0*PI;
		const double cos_wi_n = sn.dot(sw);
		if (cos_wi_n > 0.0) {
			// Russian roulette (note that accept_prob can be any value in (0, 1))
			const double accept_prob = exp(-(sp - x).len() * min_sigma_tr);
			if ((xi / rand_range) < accept_prob) {
				const double T12 = 1.0 - fresnel(cos_wi_n, eta);
				const double Li_cos = T12 * radiance * cos_wi_n / (samplePDF * accept_prob);

				for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) result[j] += bssrdf(sp, sn, sw, x, n, w, j) * Li_cos;

				// reciprocal evaulation with the reciprocity hack
				//for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) result[j] += 0.5 * (bssrdf(sp, sn, sw, x, n, w, j) + bssrdf(x, n, w, sp, sn, sw, j)) * Li_cos;
			xi = next_rand(xi);
	return T21 * result / (double)num_samps;
void fh_embed_to_signal(complex *freq_buffer, int f_buffer_len)
{ //{{{
    if(embed_iteration >= 4 && embed_iteration <= 5 || embed_iteration == 0)
      printf("embed %d orig: ", embed_iteration); print_pow_density(freq_buffer, 10);

  char *message = wmark->message;
  int next_r = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < wmark->len; i++){
    next_r = next_rand(i);
    complex old_freq_elt = freq_buffer[next_r];
    watermark_elt(c_to_d(message[i]), &(freq_buffer[next_r]));

    if(embed_iteration >= 4 && embed_iteration <= 5 || embed_iteration == 0){
      printf("embed %d %c, %1.4f+%1.4fi => %1.4f+%1.4fi : %d : %f\n",
	  embed_iteration, message[i],
	  creal(old_freq_elt), cimag(old_freq_elt),
	  creal(freq_buffer[next_r]), cimag(freq_buffer[next_r]),
	  next_r, c_to_d(message[i]));
} //}}}