 * @brief Loads the nebulae from file.
 *    @param file Path of the nebula to load.  Relative to base directory.
 *    @return A SDL surface with the nebula.
static SDL_Surface* loadNebula( const char* file )
   char file_path[PATH_MAX];
   SDL_Surface* sur;
   SDL_RWops *rw;
   npng_t *npng;

   /* loads the file */
   nsnprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s"NEBULA_PATH"%s", nfile_cachePath(), file );
   rw    = SDL_RWFromFile( file_path, "rb" );;
   if (rw == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to create rwops from Nebula image: %s", file);
      return NULL;
   npng  = npng_open( rw );
   if (npng == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to open Nebula image: %s", file);
      SDL_RWclose( rw );
      return NULL;
   sur   = npng_readSurface( npng, 0, 1 );
   npng_close( npng );
   SDL_RWclose( rw );
   if (sur == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to load Nebula image: %s", file);
      return NULL;

   return sur;
 * @brief Checks the validity of a nebula.
 *    @param file Path of the nebula to check (relative to base directory).
 *    @return 0 on success.
static int nebu_checkCompat( const char* file )
   /* first check to see if file exists */
   if (nfile_fileExists("%s"NEBULA_PATH"%s", nfile_cachePath(), file) == 0)
      return -1;
   return 0;
 * @brief Saves a nebula.
 *    @param map Nebula map to save.
 *    @param w Width of nebula map.
 *    @param h Height of nebula map.
 *    @param file Path to save into.
 *    @return 0 on success.
static int saveNebula( float *map, const uint32_t w, const uint32_t h, const char* file )
   char file_path[PATH_MAX];
   SDL_Surface* sur;
   int ret;

   /* fix surface */
   sur = nebu_surfaceFromNebulaMap( map, w, h );

   /* save */
   nsnprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s"NEBULA_PATH"%s", nfile_cachePath(), file );
   ret = SDL_SavePNG( sur, file_path );

   /* cleanup */
   SDL_FreeSurface( sur );

   return ret;
 * @brief Generates the nebula.
 *    @return 0 on success.
static int nebu_generate (void)
   int i;
   float *nebu;
   const char *cache;
   char nebu_file[PATH_MAX];
   int w,h;
   int ret;

   /* Warn user of what is happening. */
   loadscreen_render( 0.05, "Generating Nebula (slow, run once)..." );

   /* Get resolution to create at. */
   w = SCREEN_W;
   h = SCREEN_H;

   /* Try to make the dir first if it fails. */
   cache = nfile_cachePath();
   nfile_dirMakeExist( "%s", cache );
   nfile_dirMakeExist( "%s"NEBULA_PATH, cache );

   /* Generate all the nebula backgrounds */
   nebu = noise_genNebulaMap( w, h, NEBULA_Z, 5. );

   /* Start saving - compression can take a bit. */
   loadscreen_render( 0.05, "Compressing Nebula layers..." );

   /* Save each nebula as an image */
   for (i=0; i<NEBULA_Z; i++) {
      nsnprintf( nebu_file, PATH_MAX, NEBULA_PATH_BG, w, h, i );
      ret = saveNebula( &nebu[ i*w*h ], w, h, nebu_file );
      if (ret != 0)
         break; /* An error has happened */

   /* Cleanup */
   return ret;
 * @brief Wrapper for gl_loadImagePad that includes transparency mapping.
 *    @param name Name to load with.
 *    @param surface Surface to load.
 *    @param rw RWops containing data to hash.
 *    @param flags Flags to use.
 *    @param w Non-padded width.
 *    @param h Non-padded height.
 *    @param sx X sprites.
 *    @param sy Y sprites.
 *    @param freesur Whether or not to free the surface.
 *    @return The glTexture for surface.
glTexture* gl_loadImagePadTrans( const char *name, SDL_Surface* surface, SDL_RWops *rw,
      unsigned int flags, int w, int h, int sx, int sy, int freesur )
   glTexture *texture;
   int i, filesize;
   size_t cachesize, pngsize;
   uint8_t *trans;
   char *cachefile, *data;
   char digest[33];
   md5_state_t md5;
   md5_byte_t *md5val;

   if (name != NULL) {
      texture = gl_texExists( name );
      if (texture != NULL)
         return texture;

   if (flags & OPENGL_TEX_MAPTRANS)
      flags ^= OPENGL_TEX_MAPTRANS;

   /* Appropriate size for the transparency map, see SDL_MapTrans */
   cachesize = gl_transSize(w, h);

   cachefile = NULL;
   trans     = NULL;

   if (rw != NULL) {
      md5val = malloc(16);

      pngsize = SDL_RWseek( rw, 0, SEEK_END );
      SDL_RWseek( rw, 0, SEEK_SET );

      data = malloc(pngsize);
      if (data == NULL)
         WARN("Out of memory!");
      else {
         SDL_RWread( rw, data, pngsize, 1 );
         md5_append( &md5, (md5_byte_t*)data, pngsize );
      md5_finish( &md5, md5val );

      for (i=0; i<16; i++)
         nsnprintf( &digest[i * 2], 3, "%02x", md5val[i] );

      cachefile = malloc( PATH_MAX );
      nsnprintf( cachefile, PATH_MAX, "%scollisions/%s",
         nfile_cachePath(), digest );

      /* Attempt to find a cached transparency map. */
      if (nfile_fileExists(cachefile)) {
         trans = (uint8_t*)nfile_readFile( &filesize, cachefile );

         /* Consider cached data invalid if the length doesn't match. */
         if (trans != NULL && cachesize != (unsigned int)filesize) {
            trans = NULL;
         /* Cached data matches, no need to overwrite. */
         else {
            cachefile = NULL;
   else {
      /* We could hash raw pixel data here, but that's slower than just
       * generating the map from scratch.
      WARN("Texture '%s' has no RWops", name);

   if (trans == NULL) {
      trans = SDL_MapTrans( surface, w, h );

      if (cachefile != NULL) {
         /* Cache newly-generated transparency map. */
         nfile_dirMakeExist( "%s/collisions/", nfile_cachePath() );
         nfile_writeFile( (char*)trans, cachesize, cachefile );

   texture = gl_loadImagePad( name, surface, flags, w, h, sx, sy, freesur );
   texture->trans = trans;
   return texture;
文件: naev.c 项目: Jazzkovsky/naev
 * @brief The entry point of Naev.
 *    @param[in] argc Number of arguments.
 *    @param[in] argv Array of argc arguments.
 *    @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success.
int main( int argc, char** argv )
   char buf[PATH_MAX];

   /* Save the binary path. */
   binary_path = strdup(argv[0]);

   /* Print the version */
   LOG( " "APPNAME" v%s", naev_version(0) );
   DEBUG( " git HEAD at " GIT_COMMIT );
#endif /* GIT_COMMIT */

   /* Initializes SDL for possible warnings. */

   /* Initialize the threadpool */

   /* Set up debug signal handlers. */

   /* Must be initialized before input_init is called. */
   if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) {
      WARN("Unable to initialize SDL Video: %s", SDL_GetError());
      return -1;

   /* Get desktop dimensions. */
   const SDL_VideoInfo *vidinfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
   gl_screen.desktop_w = vidinfo->current_w;
   gl_screen.desktop_h = vidinfo->current_h;
#else /* #elif SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,2,10) */
   gl_screen.desktop_w = 0;
   gl_screen.desktop_h = 0;
#endif /* #elif SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,2,10) */

   /* We'll be parsing XML. */

   /* Input must be initialized for config to work. */

   conf_setDefaults(); /* set the default config values */

    * Attempts to load the data path from datapath.lua
    * At this early point in the load process, the binary path
    * is the only place likely to be checked.

   /* Parse the user data path override first. */
   conf_parseCLIPath( argc, argv );

   /* Create the home directory if needed. */
   if (nfile_dirMakeExist("%s", nfile_configPath()))
      WARN("Unable to create config directory '%s'", nfile_configPath());

   /* Set the configuration. */
   nsnprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s"CONF_FILE, nfile_configPath());

   /* TODO get rid of this cruft ASAP. */
   int oldconfig = 0;
   if (!nfile_fileExists( buf )) {
      char *home, buf2[PATH_MAX];
      home = SDL_getenv( "HOME" );
      if (home != NULL) {
         nsnprintf( buf2, PATH_MAX, "%s/.naev/"CONF_FILE, home );
         if (nfile_fileExists( buf2 ))
            oldconfig = 1;
#endif /* HAS_UNIX */

   conf_loadConfig(buf); /* Lua to parse the configuration file */
   conf_parseCLI( argc, argv ); /* parse CLI arguments */

   /* Enable FPU exceptions. */
#if defined(HAVE_FEENABLEEXCEPT) && defined(DEBUGGING)
   if (conf.fpu_except)
      feenableexcept( FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW );
#endif /* defined(HAVE_FEENABLEEXCEPT) && defined(DEBUGGING) */

   /* Open data. */
   if (ndata_open() != 0)
      ERR("Failed to open ndata.");

   /* Load the start info. */
   if (start_load())
      ERR("Failed to load module start data.");

   /* Load the data basics. */
   LOG(" %s", ndata_name());

   /* Display the SDL Version. */

   /* random numbers */

    * OpenGL
   if (gl_init()) { /* initializes video output */
      ERR("Initializing video output failed, exiting...");
   gl_fontInit( NULL, NULL, conf.font_size_def ); /* initializes default font to size */
   gl_fontInit( &gl_smallFont, NULL, conf.font_size_small ); /* small font */

   /* Display the load screen. */
   loadscreen_render( 0., "Initializing subsystems..." );
   time_ms = SDL_GetTicks();

    * Input
   if ((conf.joystick_ind >= 0) || (conf.joystick_nam != NULL)) {
      if (joystick_init()) WARN("Error initializing joystick input");
      if (conf.joystick_nam != NULL) { /* use the joystick name to find a joystick */
         if (joystick_use(joystick_get(conf.joystick_nam))) {
            WARN("Failure to open any joystick, falling back to default keybinds");
      else if (conf.joystick_ind >= 0) /* use a joystick id instead */
         if (joystick_use(conf.joystick_ind)) {
            WARN("Failure to open any joystick, falling back to default keybinds");

    * OpenAL - Sound
   if (conf.nosound) {
      LOG("Sound is disabled!");
      sound_disabled = 1;
      music_disabled = 1;
   if (sound_init()) WARN("Problem setting up sound!");

   /* FPS stuff. */
   fps_setPos( 15., (double)(gl_screen.h-15-gl_defFont.h) );

   /* Misc graphics init */
   if (nebu_init() != 0) { /* Initializes the nebula */
      /* An error has happened */
      ERR("Unable to initialize the Nebula subsystem!");
      /* Weirdness will occur... */
   gui_init(); /* initializes the GUI graphics */
   toolkit_init(); /* initializes the toolkit */
   map_init(); /* initializes the map. */
   cond_init(); /* Initialize conditional subsystem. */
   cli_init(); /* Initialize console. */

   /* Data loading */

   /* Generate the CSV. */
   if (conf.devcsv)

   /* Unload load screen. */

   /* Start menu. */

   /* Force a minimum delay with loading screen */
   if ((SDL_GetTicks() - time_ms) < NAEV_INIT_DELAY)
      SDL_Delay( NAEV_INIT_DELAY - (SDL_GetTicks() - time_ms) );
   fps_init(); /* initializes the time_ms */

   /* Tell the player to migrate their configuration files out of ~/.naev */
   /* TODO get rid of this cruft ASAP. */
   if ((oldconfig) && (!conf.datapath)) {
      char path[PATH_MAX], *script, *home;
      uint32_t scriptsize;
      int ret;

      nsnprintf( path, PATH_MAX, "%s/naev-confupdate.sh", ndata_getDirname() );
      home = SDL_getenv("HOME");
      ret = dialogue_YesNo( "Warning", "Your configuration files are in a deprecated location and must be migrated:\n"
            "   \er%s/.naev/\e0\n\n"
            "The update script can likely be found in your Naev data directory:\n"
            "   \er%s\e0\n\n"
            "Would you like to run it automatically?", home, path );

      /* Try to run the script. */
      if (ret) {
         ret = -1;
         /* Running from ndata. */
         if (ndata_getPath() != NULL) {
            script = ndata_read( "naev-confupdate.sh", &scriptsize );
            if (script != NULL)
               ret = system(script);

         /* Running from laid-out files or ndata_read failed. */
         if ((nfile_fileExists(path)) && (ret == -1)) {
            script = nfile_readFile( (int*)&scriptsize, path );
            if (script != NULL)
               ret = system(script);

         /* We couldn't find the script. */
         if (ret == -1) {
            dialogue_alert( "The update script was not found at:\n\er%s\e0\n\n"
                  "Please locate and run it manually.", path );
         /* Restart, as the script succeeded. */
         else if (!ret) {
            dialogue_msg( "Update Completed",
                  "Configuration files were successfully migrated. Naev will now restart." );
            execv(argv[0], argv);
         else { /* I sincerely hope this else is never hit. */
            dialogue_alert( "The update script encountered an error. Please exit Naev and move your config and save files manually:\n\n"
                  "\er%s/%s\e0 =>\n   \eD%s\e0\n\n"
                  "\er%s/%s\e0 =>\n   \eD%s\e0\n\n"
                  "\er%s/%s\e0 =>\n   \eD%snebula/\e0\n\n",
                  home, ".naev/conf.lua", nfile_configPath(),
                  home, ".naev/{saves,screenshots}/", nfile_dataPath(),
                  home, ".naev/gen/*.png", nfile_cachePath() );
      else {