 * Send last_buf, terminate output stream
 * */
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_eof(lua_State *L)
    ngx_http_request_t      *r;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_int_t                rc;

    lua_getglobal(L, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    r = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request object found");

    if (lua_gettop(L) != 0) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no argument is expected");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, NULL/*indicate last_buf*/);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        return luaL_error(L, "failed to send eof buf");

    return 0;
 * Output response body
 * */
ngx_http_lua_ngx_echo(lua_State *l)
	ngx_http_request_t *r;
	ngx_http_lua_ctx_t *ctx;

	lua_getglobal(l, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    r = lua_touserdata(l, -1);
    lua_pop(l, 1);

	if(r) {
		ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
		if(ctx != NULL && ctx->eof == 0) {
			const char *data;
			size_t len;
			ngx_buf_t *buf;
			ngx_chain_t *cl;

			// concatenate all args into single string
			// XXX: easy way to support multiple args, any serious performance penalties?
			lua_concat(l, lua_gettop(l));
			data = lua_tolstring(l, -1, &len);

			if(data) {
				buf = ngx_calloc_buf(r->pool);
				if(buf == NULL) {
					ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
							"(lua-ngx-echo) can't allocate memory for output buffer!");
				} else {
					// FIXME: is there any need to copy the content first? as
					// lua string will be invalid when it's poped out from
					// stack
					buf->start = buf->pos = (u_char*)data;
					buf->last = buf->end = (u_char*)(data + len);
					buf->memory = 1;

					cl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(r->pool);
					if(cl == NULL) {
						ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
								"(lua-ngx-echo) can't allocate memory for output chain-link!");
					} else {
						cl->next = NULL;
						cl->buf = buf;

						ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, cl);

			// clear args
			lua_settop(l, 0);
	} else {
		dd("(lua-ngx-echo) can't find nginx request object!");

	return 0;
 * Send last_buf, terminate output stream
 * */
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_eof(lua_State *L)
    ngx_http_request_t      *r;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_int_t                rc;

    r = ngx_http_lua_get_req(L);
    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request object found");

    if (lua_gettop(L) != 0) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no argument is expected");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no ctx found");

    if (ctx->acquired_raw_req_socket) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "raw request socket acquired");
        return 2;

    if (ctx->eof) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "seen eof");
        return 2;

    ngx_http_lua_check_context(L, ctx, NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_REWRITE
                               | NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_ACCESS
                               | NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_CONTENT);

    ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                   "lua send eof");

    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, NULL /* indicate last_buf */);

    dd("send chain: %d", (int) rc);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "nginx output filter error");
        return 2;

    lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
    return 1;
 * Force flush out response content
 * */
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_flush(lua_State *L)
    ngx_http_request_t          *r;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t          *ctx;
    ngx_buf_t                   *buf;
    ngx_chain_t                 *cl;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;

    lua_getglobal(L, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    r = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request object found");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request ctx found");

    if ((r->method & NGX_HTTP_HEAD) || r->header_only) {
        return 0;

    if (ctx->eof) {
        return luaL_error(L, "already seen eof");

    buf = ngx_calloc_buf(r->pool);
    if (buf == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "memory allocation error");

    buf->flush = 1;

    cl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(r->pool);
    if (cl == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "out of memory");

    cl->next = NULL;
    cl->buf = buf;

    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, cl);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        return luaL_error(L, "failed to send chain link: %d", (int) rc);

    return 0;
 * Send last_buf, terminate output stream
 * */
ngx_http_lua_ngx_eof(lua_State *l)
	ngx_http_request_t *r;
	ngx_http_lua_ctx_t *ctx;
	ngx_buf_t *buf;
	ngx_chain_t *cl;

	lua_getglobal(l, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    r = lua_touserdata(l, -1);
    lua_pop(l, 1);

	if(r) {
		ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
		if(ctx != NULL && ctx->eof == 0) {
			ctx->eof = 1;	// set eof flag to prevent further output

			buf = ngx_calloc_buf(r->pool);
			if(buf == NULL) {
				ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
						"(lua-ngx-eof) can't allocate memory for output buffer!");
			} else {
				buf->last_buf = 1;

				cl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(r->pool);
				if(cl == NULL) {
					ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
							"(lua-ngx-eof) can't allocate memory for output chain-link!");
				} else {
					cl->next = NULL;
					cl->buf = buf;

					ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, cl);
	} else {
		dd("(lua-ngx-eof) can't find nginx request object!");

	return 0;
static void
ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup(void *data)
    ngx_http_request_t          *r = data;
    ngx_http_lua_main_conf_t    *lmcf;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t          *ctx;
    lua_State                   *L;

    dd("(lua-request-cleanup) force request coroutine quit");

    lmcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
    L = lmcf->lua;
    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    /*  force coroutine handling the request quit */
    if (ctx == NULL) {

    if (ctx->cleanup) {
        *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
        ctx->cleanup = NULL;

    lua_rawgeti(L, -1, ctx->cc_ref);

    if (lua_isthread(L, -1)) {
        /*  coroutine not finished yet, force quit */
        ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, ctx->cc_ref, 1);

#if 0
        ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, NULL /* indicate last_buf */);

    lua_pop(L, 2);
 * Force flush out response content
 * */
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_flush(lua_State *L)
    ngx_http_request_t          *r;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t          *ctx;
    ngx_chain_t                 *cl;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;
    int                          n;
    unsigned                     wait = 0;
    ngx_event_t                 *wev;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t    *clcf;
    ngx_http_lua_co_ctx_t       *coctx;

    n = lua_gettop(L);
    if (n > 1) {
        return luaL_error(L, "attempt to pass %d arguments, but accepted 0 "
                "or 1", n);

    r = ngx_http_lua_get_req(L);

    if (n == 1 && r == r->main) {
        luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TBOOLEAN);
        wait = lua_toboolean(L, 1);

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request ctx found");

    ngx_http_lua_check_context(L, ctx, NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_REWRITE
                               | NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_ACCESS
                               | NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_CONTENT);

    if (ctx->acquired_raw_req_socket) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "raw request socket acquired");
        return 2;

    coctx = ctx->cur_co_ctx;
    if (coctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no co ctx found");

    if (r->header_only) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "header only");
        return 2;

    if (ctx->eof) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "seen eof");
        return 2;

    if (ctx->buffering) {
        ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                       "lua http 1.0 buffering makes ngx.flush() a no-op");

        lua_pushliteral(L, "buffering");
        return 2;

#if 1
    if (!r->header_sent && !ctx->header_sent) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "nothing to flush");
        return 2;

    cl = ngx_http_lua_get_flush_chain(r, ctx);
    if (cl == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, cl);

    dd("send chain: %d", (int) rc);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "nginx output filter error");
        return 2;

    dd("wait:%d, rc:%d, buffered:0x%x", wait, (int) rc,

    wev = r->connection->write;

    if (wait && (r->connection->buffered & NGX_HTTP_LOWLEVEL_BUFFERED
                 || wev->delayed))
        ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                       "lua flush requires waiting: buffered 0x%uxd, "
                       "delayed:%d", (unsigned) r->connection->buffered,

        coctx->flushing = 1;

        if (ctx->entered_content_phase) {
            /* mimic ngx_http_set_write_handler */
            r->write_event_handler = ngx_http_lua_content_wev_handler;

        } else {
            r->write_event_handler = ngx_http_core_run_phases;

        clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);

        if (!wev->delayed) {
            ngx_add_timer(wev, clcf->send_timeout);

        if (ngx_handle_write_event(wev, clcf->send_lowat) != NGX_OK) {
            if (wev->timer_set) {
                wev->delayed = 0;

            lua_pushliteral(L, "connection broken");
            return 2;

        coctx->cleanup = ngx_http_lua_flush_cleanup;
        coctx->data = r;

        return lua_yield(L, 0);

    ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                   "lua flush asynchronously");

    lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
    return 1;
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_echo(lua_State *L, unsigned newline)
    ngx_http_request_t          *r;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t          *ctx;
    const char                  *p;
    size_t                       len;
    size_t                       size;
    ngx_buf_t                   *b;
    ngx_chain_t                 *cl;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;
    int                          i;
    int                          nargs;
    int                          type;
    const char                  *msg;

    r = ngx_http_lua_get_req(L);
    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request object found");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request ctx found");

    ngx_http_lua_check_context(L, ctx, NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_REWRITE
                               | NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_ACCESS
                               | NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_CONTENT);

    if (ctx->acquired_raw_req_socket) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "raw request socket acquired");
        return 2;

    if (r->header_only) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "header only");
        return 2;

    if (ctx->eof) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "seen eof");
        return 2;

    nargs = lua_gettop(L);
    size = 0;

    for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {

        type = lua_type(L, i);

        switch (type) {
            case LUA_TNUMBER:
            case LUA_TSTRING:

                lua_tolstring(L, i, &len);
                size += len;

            case LUA_TNIL:

                size += sizeof("nil") - 1;

            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:

                if (lua_toboolean(L, i)) {
                    size += sizeof("true") - 1;

                } else {
                    size += sizeof("false") - 1;


            case LUA_TTABLE:

                size += ngx_http_lua_calc_strlen_in_table(L, i, i,
                                                          0 /* strict */);

            case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA:

                dd("userdata: %p", lua_touserdata(L, i));

                if (lua_touserdata(L, i) == NULL) {
                    size += sizeof("null") - 1;



                msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "string, number, boolean, nil, "
                                      "ngx.null, or array table expected, "
                                      "but got %s", lua_typename(L, type));

                return luaL_argerror(L, i, msg);

    if (newline) {
        size += sizeof("\n") - 1;

    if (size == 0) {
        /* do nothing for empty strings */
        lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
        return 1;

    cl = ngx_http_lua_chain_get_free_buf(r->connection->log, r->pool,
                                         &ctx->free_bufs, size);

    if (cl == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

    b = cl->buf;

    for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
        type = lua_type(L, i);
        switch (type) {
            case LUA_TNUMBER:
            case LUA_TSTRING:
                p = lua_tolstring(L, i, &len);
                b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, (u_char *) p, len);

            case LUA_TNIL:
                *b->last++ = 'n';
                *b->last++ = 'i';
                *b->last++ = 'l';

            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
                if (lua_toboolean(L, i)) {
                    *b->last++ = 't';
                    *b->last++ = 'r';
                    *b->last++ = 'u';
                    *b->last++ = 'e';

                } else {
                    *b->last++ = 'f';
                    *b->last++ = 'a';
                    *b->last++ = 'l';
                    *b->last++ = 's';
                    *b->last++ = 'e';


            case LUA_TTABLE:
                b->last = ngx_http_lua_copy_str_in_table(L, i, b->last);

            case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA:
                *b->last++ = 'n';
                *b->last++ = 'u';
                *b->last++ = 'l';
                *b->last++ = 'l';

                return luaL_error(L, "impossible to reach here");

    if (newline) {
        *b->last++ = '\n';

#if 0
    if (b->last != b->end) {
        return luaL_error(L, "buffer error: %p != %p", b->last, b->end);

    ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                   newline ? "lua say response" : "lua print response");

    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, cl);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "nginx output filter error");
        return 2;

    dd("downstream write: %d, buf len: %d", (int) rc,
       (int) (b->last - b->pos));

    lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
    return 1;
ngx_http_lua_run_thread(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r,
        ngx_http_lua_ctx_t *ctx, int nret)
    int                      rv;
    int                      cc_ref;
    lua_State               *cc;
    const char              *err, *msg;
    ngx_int_t                rc;

    /* set Lua VM panic handler */
    lua_atpanic(L, ngx_http_lua_atpanic);

    dd("ctx = %p", ctx);

        cc = ctx->cc;
        cc_ref = ctx->cc_ref;

        /*  run code */
        rv = lua_resume(cc, nret);

        dd("lua resume returns %d", (int) rv);

        switch (rv) {
            case LUA_YIELD:
                /*  yielded, let event handler do the rest job */
                /*  FIXME: add io cmd dispatcher here */

                dd("lua coroutine yielded");

#if 0

                lua_settop(cc, 0);
                return NGX_AGAIN;

            case 0:
                dd("normal end %.*s", (int) r->uri.len, r->uri.data);

#if 0

                ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);
                ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;

                if (ctx->cleanup) {
                    dd("cleaning up cleanup");
                    *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
                    ctx->cleanup = NULL;

                if (ctx->entered_content_phase) {
                    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx,
                            NULL /* indicate last_buf */);

                    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
                        return rc;

                return NGX_OK;

            case LUA_ERRRUN:
                err = "runtime error";

            case LUA_ERRSYNTAX:
                err = "syntax error";

            case LUA_ERRMEM:
                err = "memory allocation error";

            case LUA_ERRERR:
                err = "error handler error";

                err = "unknown error";

        if (lua_isstring(cc, -1)) {
            dd("user custom error msg");
            msg = lua_tostring(cc, -1);

        } else {
            if (lua_isnil(cc, -1)) {
                if (ctx->exited) {
                    dd("run here...exiting... %d", (int) ctx->exit_code);

                    ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);
                    ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;

                    if (ctx->cleanup) {
                        *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
                        ctx->cleanup = NULL;

                    if (ctx->exit_code == NGX_OK) {
                        if (ctx->entered_content_phase) {
                            rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx,
                                    NULL /* indicate last_buf */);

                            if (rc == NGX_ERROR ||
                                    rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE)
                                return rc;

                    return ctx->exit_code;

                if (ctx->exec_uri.len) {
                    ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);
                    ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;

                    if (ctx->cleanup) {
                        *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
                        ctx->cleanup = NULL;

                    if (ctx->exec_uri.data[0] == '@') {
                        if (ctx->exec_args.len > 0) {
                            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_WARN, r->connection->log, 0,
                                    "query strings %V ignored when exec'ing "
                                    "named location %V",
                                    &ctx->exec_args, &ctx->exec_uri);

#if defined(nginx_version) && nginx_version >= 8011
                        /* ngx_http_named_location always increments
                         * r->main->count, which is not we want for
                         * non-content phases */

                        if (! ctx->entered_content_phase) {

                        return ngx_http_named_location(r, &ctx->exec_uri);

                    dd("internal redirect to %.*s", (int) ctx->exec_uri.len,

#if defined(nginx_version) && nginx_version >= 8011
                    /* ngx_http_internal_redirect always increments
                     * r->main->count, which is not we want for
                     * non-content phases */

                    if (! ctx->entered_content_phase) {

                    return ngx_http_internal_redirect(r, &ctx->exec_uri,

            msg = "unknown reason";

        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                "content_by_lua aborted: %s: %s",
                err, msg);

        ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);
        ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;

        if (ctx->cleanup) {
            *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
            ctx->cleanup = NULL;

        dd("headers sent? %d", ctx->headers_sent ? 1 : 0);

        return ctx->headers_sent ? NGX_ERROR : NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;

        dd("nginx execution restored");

    return NGX_ERROR;
ngx_http_lua_run_thread(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r,
        ngx_http_lua_ctx_t *ctx, int nret)
    int                      rv;
    int                      cc_ref;
    lua_State               *cc;
    const char              *err, *msg;
    ngx_int_t                rc;

    /* set Lua VM panic handler */
    lua_atpanic(L, ngx_http_lua_atpanic);

    dd("ctx = %p", ctx);

        cc = ctx->cc;
        cc_ref = ctx->cc_ref;

        /* XXX: work-around to nginx regex subsystem */

        /*  run code */
        rv = lua_resume(cc, nret);

        /* XXX: work-around to nginx regex subsystem */

        dd("lua resume returns %d", (int) rv);

        switch (rv) {
            case LUA_YIELD:
                /*  yielded, let event handler do the rest job */
                /*  FIXME: add io cmd dispatcher here */

                dd("lua coroutine yielded");

#if 0

                lua_settop(cc, 0);
                return NGX_AGAIN;

            case 0:
                dd("normal end %.*s", (int) r->uri.len, r->uri.data);

#if 0

                ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);
                ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;

                if (ctx->cleanup) {
                    dd("cleaning up cleanup");
                    *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
                    ctx->cleanup = NULL;

                if (ctx->entered_content_phase) {
                    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx,
                            NULL /* indicate last_buf */);

                    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
                        return rc;

                return NGX_OK;

            case LUA_ERRRUN:
                err = "runtime error";

            case LUA_ERRSYNTAX:
                err = "syntax error";

            case LUA_ERRMEM:
                err = "memory allocation error";

            case LUA_ERRERR:
                err = "error handler error";

                err = "unknown error";

        if (lua_isstring(cc, -1)) {
            dd("user custom error msg");
            msg = lua_tostring(cc, -1);

        } else {
            if (lua_isnil(cc, -1)) {
                if (ctx->exited) {
                    dd("run here...exiting... %d", (int) ctx->exit_code);

                    ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);
                    ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;

                    if (ctx->cleanup) {
                        *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
                        ctx->cleanup = NULL;

                    if ((ctx->exit_code == NGX_OK &&
                                ctx->entered_content_phase) ||
                                (ctx->exit_code >= NGX_HTTP_OK &&
                                ctx->exit_code < NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE))
                        rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx,
                                NULL /* indicate last_buf */);

                        if (rc == NGX_ERROR ||
                                rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE)
                            return rc;

                    return ctx->exit_code;

                if (ctx->exec_uri.len) {
                    ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);
                    ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;

                    if (ctx->cleanup) {
                        *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
                        ctx->cleanup = NULL;

                    if (ctx->exec_uri.data[0] == '@') {
                        if (ctx->exec_args.len > 0) {
                            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_WARN, r->connection->log, 0,
                                    "query strings %V ignored when exec'ing "
                                    "named location %V",
                                    &ctx->exec_args, &ctx->exec_uri);

                        r->write_event_handler = ngx_http_request_empty_handler;

                        rc = ngx_http_named_location(r, &ctx->exec_uri);
                        if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE)
                            return rc;

                        if (! ctx->entered_content_phase &&
                                r != r->connection->data)
                            /* XXX ensure the main request ref count
                             * is decreased because the current
                             * request will be quit */

                        return NGX_DONE;

                    dd("internal redirect to %.*s", (int) ctx->exec_uri.len,

                    /* resume the write event handler */
                    r->write_event_handler = ngx_http_request_empty_handler;

                    rc = ngx_http_internal_redirect(r, &ctx->exec_uri,

                    dd("internal redirect returned %d when in content phase? "
                            "%d", (int) rc, ctx->entered_content_phase);

                    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
                        return rc;

                    dd("XXYY HERE %d\n", (int) r->main->count);

                    if (! ctx->entered_content_phase &&
                            r != r->connection->data)
                        /* XXX ensure the main request ref count
                         * is decreased because the current
                         * request will be quit */

                    return NGX_DONE;

            msg = "unknown reason";

        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                "lua handler aborted: %s: %s",
                err, msg);

        ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);
        ctx->cc_ref = LUA_NOREF;

        if (ctx->cleanup) {
            *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
            ctx->cleanup = NULL;

        dd("headers sent? %d", ctx->headers_sent ? 1 : 0);

        return ctx->headers_sent ? NGX_ERROR : NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;

        dd("nginx execution restored");

    return NGX_ERROR;
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_echo(lua_State *L, unsigned newline)
    ngx_http_request_t          *r;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t          *ctx;
    const char                  *p;
    size_t                       len;
    size_t                       size;
    ngx_buf_t                   *b;
    ngx_chain_t                 *cl;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;
    int                          i;
    int                          nargs;
    int                          type;
    const char                  *msg;
    ngx_buf_tag_t                tag;

    lua_getglobal(L, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    r = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request object found");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request ctx found");

    if ((r->method & NGX_HTTP_HEAD) || r->header_only) {
        return 0;

    if (ctx->eof) {
        return luaL_error(L, "seen eof already");

    nargs = lua_gettop(L);
    size = 0;

    for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {

        type = lua_type(L, i);

        switch (type) {
            case LUA_TNUMBER:
            case LUA_TSTRING:

                lua_tolstring(L, i, &len);
                size += len;

            case LUA_TNIL:

                size += sizeof("nil") - 1;

            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:

                if (lua_toboolean(L, i)) {
                    size += sizeof("true") - 1;

                } else {
                    size += sizeof("false") - 1;


            case LUA_TTABLE:

                size += ngx_http_lua_calc_strlen_in_table(L, i, 0);

            case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA:

                dd("userdata: %p", lua_touserdata(L, i));

                if (lua_touserdata(L, i) == NULL) {
                    size += sizeof("null") - 1;



                msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "string, number, boolean, nil, "
                                      "ngx.null, or array table expected, "
                                      "but got %s", lua_typename(L, type));

                return luaL_argerror(L, i, msg);

    if (newline) {
        size += sizeof("\n") - 1;

    if (size == 0) {
        /* do nothing for empty strings */
        return 0;

    tag = (ngx_buf_tag_t) &ngx_http_lua_module;

    cl = ngx_http_lua_chains_get_free_buf(r->connection->log, r->pool,
                                          &ctx->free_bufs, size, tag);

    if (cl == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "out of memory");

    b = cl->buf;

    for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
        type = lua_type(L, i);
        switch (type) {
            case LUA_TNUMBER:
            case LUA_TSTRING:
                p = lua_tolstring(L, i, &len);
                b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, (u_char *) p, len);

            case LUA_TNIL:
                *b->last++ = 'n';
                *b->last++ = 'i';
                *b->last++ = 'l';

            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
                if (lua_toboolean(L, i)) {
                    *b->last++ = 't';
                    *b->last++ = 'r';
                    *b->last++ = 'u';
                    *b->last++ = 'e';

                } else {
                    *b->last++ = 'f';
                    *b->last++ = 'a';
                    *b->last++ = 'l';
                    *b->last++ = 's';
                    *b->last++ = 'e';


            case LUA_TTABLE:
                b->last = ngx_http_lua_copy_str_in_table(L, b->last);

            case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA:
                *b->last++ = 'n';
                *b->last++ = 'u';
                *b->last++ = 'l';
                *b->last++ = 'l';

                return luaL_error(L, "impossible to reach here");

    if (newline) {
        *b->last++ = '\n';

#if 0
    if (b->last != b->end) {
        return luaL_error(L, "buffer error: %p != %p", b->last, b->end);

    ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                   newline ? "lua say response" : "lua print response");

    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, cl);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        return luaL_error(L, "failed to send data through the output filters");

    dd("downstream write: %d, buf len: %d", (int) rc,
            (int) (b->last - b->pos));

    if (!ctx->out) {
#if nginx_version >= 1001004
                                &ctx->free_bufs, &ctx->busy_bufs, &cl, tag);

        dd("out lua buf tag: %p, buffered: %x, busy bufs: %p",
            &ngx_http_lua_module, (int) r->connection->buffered,
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_echo(lua_State *L, unsigned newline)
    ngx_http_request_t          *r;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t          *ctx;
    const char                  *p;
    size_t                       len;
    size_t                       size;
    ngx_buf_t                   *b;
    ngx_chain_t                 *cl;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;
    int                          i;
    int                          nargs;
    int                          type;
    const char                  *msg;

    lua_getglobal(L, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    r = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request object found");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request ctx found");

    if ((r->method & NGX_HTTP_HEAD) || r->header_only) {
        return 0;

    if (ctx->eof) {
        return luaL_error(L, "seen eof already");

    nargs = lua_gettop(L);
    size = 0;

    for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
        type = lua_type(L, i);
        switch (type) {
            case LUA_TNUMBER:
            case LUA_TSTRING:
                lua_tolstring(L, i, &len);
                size += len;

            case LUA_TNIL:
                size += sizeof("nil") - 1;

            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
                if (lua_toboolean(L, i)) {
                    size += sizeof("true") - 1;

                } else {
                    size += sizeof("false") - 1;


            case LUA_TTABLE:
                size += ngx_http_lua_calc_strlen_in_table(L, i);

                msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "string, number, boolean, nil, "
                        "or array table expected, got %s",
                        lua_typename(L, type));

                return luaL_argerror(L, i, msg);

    if (newline) {
        size += sizeof("\n") - 1;

    if (size == 0) {
        /* do nothing for empty strings */
        return 0;

    b = ngx_create_temp_buf(r->pool, size);
    if (b == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "out of memory");

    for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
        type = lua_type(L, i);
        switch (type) {
            case LUA_TNUMBER:
            case LUA_TSTRING:
                p = lua_tolstring(L, i, &len);
                b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, (u_char *) p, len);

            case LUA_TNIL:
                *b->last++ = 'n';
                *b->last++ = 'i';
                *b->last++ = 'l';

            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
                if (lua_toboolean(L, i)) {
                    *b->last++ = 't';
                    *b->last++ = 'r';
                    *b->last++ = 'u';
                    *b->last++ = 'e';

                } else {
                    *b->last++ = 'f';
                    *b->last++ = 'a';
                    *b->last++ = 'l';
                    *b->last++ = 's';
                    *b->last++ = 'e';


            case LUA_TTABLE:
                b->last = ngx_http_lua_copy_str_in_table(L, b->last);

                return luaL_error(L, "impossible to reach here");

    if (newline) {
        *b->last++ = '\n';

    if (b->last != b->end) {
        return luaL_error(L, "buffer error: %p != %p", b->last, b->end);

    cl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(r->pool);
    if (cl == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "out of memory");

    cl->next = NULL;
    cl->buf = b;

    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, cl);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        return luaL_error(L, "failed to send data through the output filters");

    return 0;
 * Force flush out response content
 * */
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_flush(lua_State *L)
    ngx_http_request_t          *r;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t          *ctx;
    ngx_buf_t                   *buf;
    ngx_chain_t                 *cl;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;
    int                          n;
    unsigned                     wait = 0;
    ngx_event_t                 *wev;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t    *clcf;

    n = lua_gettop(L);
    if (n > 1) {
        return luaL_error(L, "attempt to pass %d arguments, but accepted 0 "
                "or 1", n);

    lua_getglobal(L, GLOBALS_SYMBOL_REQUEST);
    r = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (n == 1 && r == r->main) {
        luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TBOOLEAN);
        wait = lua_toboolean(L, 1);

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request ctx found");

    if ((r->method & NGX_HTTP_HEAD) || r->header_only) {
        return 0;

    if (ctx->eof) {
        return luaL_error(L, "already seen eof");

    buf = ngx_calloc_buf(r->pool);
    if (buf == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "memory allocation error");

    buf->flush = 1;

    cl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(r->pool);
    if (cl == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "out of memory");

    cl->next = NULL;
    cl->buf = buf;

    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, cl);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
        return luaL_error(L, "failed to send chain link: %d", (int) rc);

    dd("wait:%d, rc:%d, buffered:%d", wait, (int) rc, r->connection->buffered);

    if (wait && r->connection->buffered) {
        ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "lua flush requires waiting: buffered 0x%uxd",
                (int) r->connection->buffered);

        ctx->waiting_flush = 1;

        if (ctx->entered_content_phase) {
            /* mimic ngx_http_set_write_handler */
            r->write_event_handler = ngx_http_lua_content_wev_handler;

        wev = r->connection->write;

        if (wev->ready && wev->delayed) {
            return lua_yield(L, 0);

        clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);

        if (!wev->delayed) {
            ngx_add_timer(wev, clcf->send_timeout);

        if (ngx_handle_write_event(wev, clcf->send_lowat) != NGX_OK) {
            return luaL_error(L, "connection broken");

        return lua_yield(L, 0);

    return 0;
ngx_http_lua_rewrite_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r)
    ngx_http_lua_loc_conf_t     *llcf;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t          *ctx;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;
    ngx_http_lua_main_conf_t    *lmcf;

    /* XXX we need to take into account ngx_rewrite's location dump */
    if (r->uri_changed) {
        return NGX_DECLINED;

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                   "lua rewrite handler, uri:\"%V\" c:%ud", &r->uri,

    lmcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (!lmcf->postponed_to_rewrite_phase_end) {
        ngx_http_core_main_conf_t       *cmcf;
        ngx_http_phase_handler_t        tmp;
        ngx_http_phase_handler_t        *ph;
        ngx_http_phase_handler_t        *cur_ph;
        ngx_http_phase_handler_t        *last_ph;

        lmcf->postponed_to_rewrite_phase_end = 1;

        cmcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);

        ph = cmcf->phase_engine.handlers;
        cur_ph = &ph[r->phase_handler];
        last_ph = &ph[cur_ph->next - 1];

#if 0
        if (cur_ph == last_ph) {
            dd("XXX our handler is already the last rewrite phase handler");

        if (cur_ph < last_ph) {
            dd("swaping the contents of cur_ph and last_ph...");

            tmp      = *cur_ph;

            memmove(cur_ph, cur_ph + 1,
                (last_ph - cur_ph) * sizeof (ngx_http_phase_handler_t));

            *last_ph = tmp;

            r->phase_handler--; /* redo the current ph */

            return NGX_DECLINED;

    llcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (llcf->rewrite_handler == NULL) {
        dd("no rewrite handler found");
        return NGX_DECLINED;

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    dd("ctx = %p", ctx);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        ctx = ngx_http_lua_create_ctx(r);
        if (ctx == NULL) {

    dd("entered? %d", (int) ctx->entered_rewrite_phase);

    if (ctx->entered_rewrite_phase) {
        dd("rewriteby: calling wev handler");
        rc = ctx->resume_handler(r);
        dd("rewriteby: wev handler returns %d", (int) rc);

        if (rc == NGX_OK) {
            rc = NGX_DECLINED;

        if (rc == NGX_DECLINED) {
            if (r->header_sent) {
                dd("header already sent");

                /* response header was already generated in access_by_lua*,
                 * so it is no longer safe to proceed to later phases
                 * which may generate responses again */

                if (!ctx->eof) {
                    dd("eof not yet sent");

                    rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, NULL
                                                     /* indicate last_buf */);
                    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) {
                        return rc;

                return NGX_HTTP_OK;

        return rc;

    if (ctx->waiting_more_body) {
        return NGX_DONE;

    if (llcf->force_read_body && !ctx->read_body_done) {
        r->request_body_in_single_buf = 1;
        r->request_body_in_persistent_file = 1;
        r->request_body_in_clean_file = 1;

        rc = ngx_http_read_client_request_body(r,

        if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) {
#if (nginx_version < 1002006) ||                                             \
        (nginx_version >= 1003000 && nginx_version < 1003009)

            return rc;

        if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
            ctx->waiting_more_body = 1;
            return NGX_DONE;

    dd("calling rewrite handler");
    return llcf->rewrite_handler(r);
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_lua_rewrite_by_chunk(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r)
    int                      co_ref;
    lua_State               *co;
    ngx_int_t                rc;
    ngx_connection_t        *c;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t      *ctx;
    ngx_http_cleanup_t      *cln;

    ngx_http_lua_loc_conf_t     *llcf;

    /*  {{{ new coroutine to handle request */
    co = ngx_http_lua_new_thread(r, L, &co_ref);

    if (co == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                      "lua: failed to create new coroutine to handle request");


    /*  move code closure to new coroutine */
    lua_xmove(L, co, 1);

    /*  set closure's env table to new coroutine's globals table */
    lua_setfenv(co, -2);

    /*  save nginx request in coroutine globals table */
    ngx_http_lua_set_req(co, r);

    /*  {{{ initialize request context */
    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    dd("ctx = %p", ctx);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_http_lua_reset_ctx(r, L, ctx);

    ctx->entered_rewrite_phase = 1;

    ctx->cur_co_ctx = &ctx->entry_co_ctx;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co = co;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_ref = co_ref;
    ctx->cur_co_ctx->co_top = 1;

    /*  }}} */

    /*  {{{ register request cleanup hooks */
    if (ctx->cleanup == NULL) {
        cln = ngx_http_cleanup_add(r, 0);
        if (cln == NULL) {

        cln->handler = ngx_http_lua_request_cleanup_handler;
        cln->data = ctx;
        ctx->cleanup = &cln->handler;
    /*  }}} */

    ctx->context = NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_REWRITE;

    llcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

    if (llcf->check_client_abort) {
        r->read_event_handler = ngx_http_lua_rd_check_broken_connection;

    } else {
        r->read_event_handler = ngx_http_block_reading;

    rc = ngx_http_lua_run_thread(L, r, ctx, 0);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) {
        return rc;

    c = r->connection;

    if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
        rc = ngx_http_lua_run_posted_threads(c, L, r, ctx);

    } else if (rc == NGX_DONE) {
        ngx_http_lua_finalize_request(r, NGX_DONE);
        rc = ngx_http_lua_run_posted_threads(c, L, r, ctx);

    if (rc == NGX_OK || rc == NGX_DECLINED) {
        if (r->header_sent) {
            dd("header already sent");

            /* response header was already generated in access_by_lua*,
             * so it is no longer safe to proceed to later phases
             * which may generate responses again */

            if (!ctx->eof) {
                dd("eof not yet sent");

                rc = ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, NULL
                                                  /* indicate last_buf */);
                if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) {
                    return rc;

            return NGX_HTTP_OK;

        return NGX_DECLINED;

    return rc;
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_lua_run_thread(lua_State *L, ngx_http_request_t *r,
        ngx_http_lua_ctx_t *ctx, int nret)
    int                      rc;
    int                      cc_ref;
    lua_State               *cc;
    const char              *err, *msg;

    /* set Lua VM panic handler */
    lua_atpanic(L, ngx_http_lua_atpanic);

        cc = ctx->cc;
        cc_ref = ctx->cc_ref;

        /*  run code */
        rc = lua_resume(cc, nret);

        dd("lua resume returns %d", (int) rc);

        switch (rc) {
            case LUA_YIELD:
                /*  yielded, let event handler do the rest job */
                /*  FIXME: add io cmd dispatcher here */
                lua_settop(cc, 0);
                return NGX_AGAIN;

            case 0:
                /*  normal end */
                ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);

                if (ctx->cleanup) {
                    dd("cleaning up cleanup");
                    *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
                    ctx->cleanup = NULL;

                ngx_http_lua_send_chain_link(r, ctx, NULL /* indicate last_buf */);
                return NGX_OK;

            case LUA_ERRRUN:
                err = "runtime error";

            case LUA_ERRSYNTAX:
                err = "syntax error";

            case LUA_ERRMEM:
                err = "memory allocation error";

            case LUA_ERRERR:
                err = "error handler error";

                err = "unknown error";

        if (lua_isstring(cc, -1)) {
            dd("user custom error msg");
            msg = lua_tostring(cc, -1);

        } else {
            if (lua_isnil(cc, -1) && ctx->error_rc != 0) {
                dd("run here...throwing...");

                ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);

                if (ctx->cleanup) {
                    *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
                    ctx->cleanup = NULL;

                return ctx->error_rc;

            msg = "unknown reason";

        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                "content_by_lua prematurely ended: %s: %s",
                err, msg);

        ngx_http_lua_del_thread(r, L, cc_ref, 0);

        if (ctx->cleanup) {
            *ctx->cleanup = NULL;
            ctx->cleanup = NULL;

        dd("headers sent? %d", ctx->headers_sent ? 1 : 0);

        return ctx->headers_sent ? NGX_ERROR : NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
        dd("NginX execution restored");

    return NGX_ERROR;