ngx_int_t //ngx_thread_pool_cycle和ngx_thread_task_post配合阅读
ngx_thread_task_post(ngx_thread_pool_t *tp, ngx_thread_task_t *task)
    if (task->event.active) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, tp->log, 0,
                      "task #%ui already active", task->id);
        return NGX_ERROR;
    if (ngx_thread_mutex_lock(&tp->mtx, tp->log) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    if (tp->waiting >= tp->max_queue) {
        (void) ngx_thread_mutex_unlock(&tp->mtx, tp->log);

        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, tp->log, 0,
                      "thread pool \"%V\" queue overflow: %i tasks waiting",
                      &tp->name, tp->waiting);
        return NGX_ERROR;

    task->event.active = 1;

    task->id = ngx_thread_pool_task_id++;
    task->next = NULL;
    ngx_log_debugall(tp->log, 0, "ngx add task to thread, task id:%ui", task->id);

    if (ngx_thread_cond_signal(&tp->cond, tp->log) != NGX_OK) {
        (void) ngx_thread_mutex_unlock(&tp->mtx, tp->log);
        return NGX_ERROR;

    *tp->queue.last = task;
    tp->queue.last = &task->next;


    (void) ngx_thread_mutex_unlock(&tp->mtx, tp->log);

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, tp->log, 0,
                   "task #%ui added to thread pool name: \"%V\" complete",
                   task->id, &tp->name);

    return NGX_OK;
static void *
ngx_thread_pool_cycle(void *data)
    ngx_thread_pool_t *tp = data;
    int                 err;
    sigset_t            set;
    ngx_thread_task_t  *task;
#if 0
    ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, tp->log, 0,
                   "thread in pool \"%V\" started", &tp->name);
    sigdelset(&set, SIGILL);
    sigdelset(&set, SIGFPE);
    sigdelset(&set, SIGSEGV);
    sigdelset(&set, SIGBUS);
    err = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
    if (err)
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, tp->log, err, "pthread_sigmask() failed");
        return NULL;
    for (;;)
        if (ngx_thread_mutex_lock(&tp->mtx, tp->log) != NGX_OK)
            return NULL;
        /* the number may become negative */
        while (tp->queue.first == NULL)
            if (ngx_thread_cond_wait(&tp->cond, &tp->mtx, tp->log)
                    != NGX_OK)
                (void) ngx_thread_mutex_unlock(&tp->mtx, tp->log);
                return NULL;
        task = tp->queue.first;
        tp->queue.first = task->next;
        if (tp->queue.first == NULL)
            tp->queue.last = &tp->queue.first;
        if (ngx_thread_mutex_unlock(&tp->mtx, tp->log) != NGX_OK)
            return NULL;
#if 0
        ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, tp->log, 0,
                       "run task #%ui in thread pool \"%V\"",
                       task->id, &tp->name);
        task->handler(task->ctx, tp->log);
        ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, tp->log, 0,
                       "complete task #%ui in thread pool \"%V\"",
                       task->id, &tp->name);
        task->next = NULL;
        ngx_spinlock(&ngx_thread_pool_done_lock, 1, 2048);
        *ngx_thread_pool_done.last = task;
        ngx_thread_pool_done.last = &task->next;
        (void) ngx_notify(ngx_thread_pool_handler);
static void *
ngx_thread_pool_cycle(void *data)
    ngx_thread_pool_t *tp = data; //一个该结构对应一个threads_pool配置

    int                 err;
    sigset_t            set;
    ngx_thread_task_t  *task;

#if 0

    ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, tp->log, 0,
                   "thread in pool \"%V\" started", &tp->name);


    sigdelset(&set, SIGILL);
    sigdelset(&set, SIGFPE);
    sigdelset(&set, SIGSEGV);
    sigdelset(&set, SIGBUS);

    err = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); //
    if (err) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, tp->log, err, "pthread_sigmask() failed");
        return NULL;

    2016/01/07 12:38:01[               ngx_thread_task_post,   280][yangya  [debug] 20090#20090: ngx add task to thread, task id:183
    for ( ;; ) {//一次任务执行完后又会走到这里,循环
        if (ngx_thread_mutex_lock(&tp->mtx, tp->log) != NGX_OK) {
            return NULL;

        /* the number may become negative */

        //如果队列中有任务,则直接执行任务,不会在while中等待conf signal
        while (tp->queue.first == NULL) { //此时任务队列为空,在条件变量上等待  配合ngx_thread_task_post阅读
            //在添加任务的时候唤醒ngx_thread_task_post -> ngx_thread_cond_signal
            if (ngx_thread_cond_wait(&tp->cond, &tp->mtx, tp->log) //等待ngx_thread_cond_signal后才会返回
                != NGX_OK)
                (void) ngx_thread_mutex_unlock(&tp->mtx, tp->log);
                return NULL;

        task = tp->queue.first;
        tp->queue.first = task->next;

        if (tp->queue.first == NULL) {
            tp->queue.last = &tp->queue.first;

        if (ngx_thread_mutex_unlock(&tp->mtx, tp->log) != NGX_OK) {
            return NULL;

#if 0

        ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, tp->log, 0,
                       "run task #%ui in thread pool name:\"%V\"",
                       task->id, &tp->name);

        task->handler(task->ctx, tp->log); //每个任务有各自的ctx,因此这里不需要加锁

        ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, tp->log, 0,
                       "complete task #%ui in thread pool name: \"%V\"",
                       task->id, &tp->name);

        task->next = NULL;

        ngx_spinlock(&ngx_thread_pool_done_lock, 1, 2048);

        *ngx_thread_pool_done.last = task;
        ngx_thread_pool_done.last = &task->next;


        (void) ngx_notify(ngx_thread_pool_handler); 