 * nm_dhcp6_config_get_one_option:
 * @config: a #NMDHCP6Config
 * @option: the option to retrieve
 * Gets one option by option name.
 * Returns: the configuration option's value. This is the internal string used by the
 * configuration, and must not be modified.
const char *
nm_dhcp6_config_get_one_option (NMDHCP6Config *config, const char *option)
	g_return_val_if_fail (NM_IS_DHCP6_CONFIG (config), NULL);

	return g_hash_table_lookup (nm_dhcp6_config_get_options (config), option);
static void
fill_device_props (NMDevice *device,
                   GVariantBuilder *dev_builder,
                   GVariantBuilder *proxy_builder,
                   GVariantBuilder *ip4_builder,
                   GVariantBuilder *ip6_builder,
                   GVariant **dhcp4_props,
                   GVariant **dhcp6_props)
	NMProxyConfig *proxy_config;
	NMIP4Config *ip4_config;
	NMIP6Config *ip6_config;
	NMDhcp4Config *dhcp4_config;
	NMDhcp6Config *dhcp6_config;

	/* If the action is for a VPN, send the VPN's IP interface instead of the device's */
	g_variant_builder_add (dev_builder, "{sv}", NMD_DEVICE_PROPS_IP_INTERFACE,
	                       g_variant_new_string (nm_device_get_ip_iface (device)));
	g_variant_builder_add (dev_builder, "{sv}", NMD_DEVICE_PROPS_INTERFACE,
	                       g_variant_new_string (nm_device_get_iface (device)));
	g_variant_builder_add (dev_builder, "{sv}", NMD_DEVICE_PROPS_TYPE,
	                       g_variant_new_uint32 (nm_device_get_device_type (device)));
	g_variant_builder_add (dev_builder, "{sv}", NMD_DEVICE_PROPS_STATE,
	                       g_variant_new_uint32 (nm_device_get_state (device)));
	if (nm_exported_object_is_exported (NM_EXPORTED_OBJECT (device)))
		g_variant_builder_add (dev_builder, "{sv}", NMD_DEVICE_PROPS_PATH,
		                       g_variant_new_object_path (nm_exported_object_get_path (NM_EXPORTED_OBJECT (device))));

	proxy_config = nm_device_get_proxy_config (device);
	if (proxy_config)
		dump_proxy_to_props (proxy_config, proxy_builder);

	ip4_config = nm_device_get_ip4_config (device);
	if (ip4_config)
		dump_ip4_to_props (ip4_config, ip4_builder);

	ip6_config = nm_device_get_ip6_config (device);
	if (ip6_config)
		dump_ip6_to_props (ip6_config, ip6_builder);

	dhcp4_config = nm_device_get_dhcp4_config (device);
	if (dhcp4_config)
		*dhcp4_props = nm_dhcp4_config_get_options (dhcp4_config);

	dhcp6_config = nm_device_get_dhcp6_config (device);
	if (dhcp6_config)
		*dhcp6_props = nm_dhcp6_config_get_options (dhcp6_config);
print_dhcp6_config (NMDHCP6Config *dhcp6,
                    NmCli *nmc,
                    const char *group_prefix,
                    const char *one_field)
	GHashTable *table;
	NmcOutputField *tmpl, *arr;
	size_t tmpl_len;

	if (dhcp6 == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	table = nm_dhcp6_config_get_options (dhcp6);
	if (table) {
		GHashTableIter table_iter;
		gpointer key, value;
		char **options_arr = NULL;
		int i = 0;

		tmpl = nmc_fields_dhcp6_config;
		tmpl_len = sizeof (nmc_fields_dhcp6_config);
		nmc->print_fields.indices = parse_output_fields (one_field ? one_field : NMC_FIELDS_DHCP6_CONFIG_ALL,
		                                                 tmpl, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
		arr = nmc_dup_fields_array (tmpl, tmpl_len, NMC_OF_FLAG_FIELD_NAMES);
		g_ptr_array_add (nmc->output_data, arr);

		options_arr = g_new (char *, g_hash_table_size (table) + 1);
		g_hash_table_iter_init (&table_iter, table);
		while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&table_iter, &key, &value))
			options_arr[i++] = g_strdup_printf ("%s = %s", (char *) key, (char *) value);
		options_arr[i] = NULL;

		arr = nmc_dup_fields_array (tmpl, tmpl_len, NMC_OF_FLAG_SECTION_PREFIX);
		set_val_strc (arr, 0, group_prefix);
		set_val_arr  (arr, 1, options_arr);
		g_ptr_array_add (nmc->output_data, arr);

		print_data (nmc); /* Print all data */

		/* Remove any previous data */
		nmc_empty_output_fields (nmc);

		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
static void
get_property (GObject *object,
              guint prop_id,
              GValue *value,
              GParamSpec *pspec)
	NMDHCP6Config *self = NM_DHCP6_CONFIG (object);

	switch (prop_id) {
		g_value_set_boxed (value, nm_dhcp6_config_get_options (self));
		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
print_dhcp6_config (NMDHCP6Config *dhcp6, NmCli *nmc, const char *group_prefix)
	GHashTable *table;
	guint32 mode_flag = (nmc->print_output == NMC_PRINT_PRETTY) ? NMC_PF_FLAG_PRETTY : (nmc->print_output == NMC_PRINT_TERSE) ? NMC_PF_FLAG_TERSE : 0;
	guint32 multiline_flag = nmc->multiline_output ? NMC_PF_FLAG_MULTILINE : 0;
	guint32 escape_flag = nmc->escape_values ? NMC_PF_FLAG_ESCAPE : 0;

	if (dhcp6 == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	table = nm_dhcp6_config_get_options (dhcp6);
	if (table) {
		GHashTableIter table_iter;
		gpointer key, value;
		char **options_arr = NULL;
		int i = 0;

		nmc->allowed_fields = nmc_fields_dhcp6_config;
		nmc->print_fields.flags = multiline_flag | mode_flag | escape_flag | NMC_PF_FLAG_FIELD_NAMES;
		nmc->print_fields.indices = parse_output_fields (NMC_FIELDS_DHCP6_CONFIG_ALL, nmc->allowed_fields, NULL);
		print_fields (nmc->print_fields, nmc->allowed_fields); /* Print header */

		options_arr = g_new (char *, g_hash_table_size (table) + 1);
		g_hash_table_iter_init (&table_iter, table);
		while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&table_iter, &key, &value))
			options_arr[i++] = g_strdup_printf ("%s = %s", (char *) key, (char *) value);
		options_arr[i] = NULL;

		set_val_str (nmc->allowed_fields, 0, group_prefix);
		set_val_arr (nmc->allowed_fields, 1, (const char **) options_arr);

		nmc->print_fields.flags = multiline_flag | mode_flag | escape_flag | NMC_PF_FLAG_SECTION_PREFIX;
		print_fields (nmc->print_fields, nmc->allowed_fields); /* Print values */

		g_strfreev (options_arr);

		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;