 * Generate a GPGSA sentence from an nmeaGPGSA structure
 * @param s a pointer to the buffer to generate the string in
 * @param len the size of the buffer
 * @param pack the structure
 * @return the length of the generated sentence
int nmea_gen_GPGSA(char *s, const int len, const nmeaGPGSA *pack) {
	int i;
	char sFixMode[2];
	char sFixType[2];
	char sSatPrn[64];
	char sPdop[16];
	char sHdop[16];
	char sVdop[16];

	char * psSatPrn = &sSatPrn[0];
	int ssSatPrn = sizeof(sSatPrn);

	bool satinuse = nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, SATINUSE);

	sFixMode[0] = sFixMode[1] = 0;
	sFixType[0] = sFixType[1] = 0;
	sSatPrn[0] = 0;
	sPdop[0] = 0;
	sHdop[0] = 0;
	sVdop[0] = 0;

	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, FIX)) {
		sFixMode[0] = pack->fix_mode;
		snprintf(&sFixType[0], sizeof(sFixType), "%1d", pack->fix_type);

	for (i = 0; i < NMEA_MAXSAT; i++) {
		if (satinuse && pack->sat_prn[i]) {
			int cnt = snprintf(psSatPrn, ssSatPrn, "%d", pack->sat_prn[i]);
			if (cnt >= ssSatPrn) {
				ssSatPrn = 0;
				psSatPrn = &sSatPrn[sizeof(sSatPrn) - 1];
				*psSatPrn = '\0';
			} else {
				ssSatPrn -= cnt;
				psSatPrn += cnt;
		if (i < (NMEA_MAXSAT - 1)) {
			*psSatPrn = ',';
			*psSatPrn = '\0';

	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, PDOP)) {
		snprintf(&sPdop[0], sizeof(sPdop), "%03.1f", pack->PDOP);
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, HDOP)) {
		snprintf(&sHdop[0], sizeof(sHdop), "%03.1f", pack->HDOP);
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, VDOP)) {
		snprintf(&sVdop[0], sizeof(sVdop), "%03.1f", pack->VDOP);

	return nmea_printf(s, len, "$GPGSA,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", &sFixMode[0], &sFixType[0], &sSatPrn[0], &sPdop[0],
			&sHdop[0], &sVdop[0]);
 * Generate a GPGGA sentence from an nmeaGPGGA structure
 * @param s a pointer to the buffer to generate the string in
 * @param len the size of the buffer
 * @param pack the structure
 * @return the length of the generated sentence
int nmea_gen_GPGGA(char *s, const int len, const nmeaGPGGA *pack) {
	char sTime[16];
	char sLat[16];
	char sNs[2];
	char sLon[16];
	char sEw[2];
	char sSig[4];
	char sSatInUse[4];
	char sHdop[16];
	char sElv[16];
	char sElvUnit[2];

	sTime[0] = 0;
	sLat[0] = 0;
	sNs[0] = sNs[1] = 0;
	sLon[0] = 0;
	sEw[0] = sEw[1] = 0;
	sSig[0] = 0;
	sSatInUse[0] = 0;
	sHdop[0] = 0;
	sElv[0] = 0;
	sElvUnit[0] = sElvUnit[1] = 0;

	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, UTCTIME)) {
		snprintf(&sTime[0], sizeof(sTime), "%02d%02d%02d.%02d", pack->utc.hour, pack->utc.min, pack->utc.sec,
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, LAT)) {
		snprintf(&sLat[0], sizeof(sLat), "%09.4f", pack->lat);
		sNs[0] = pack->ns;
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, LON)) {
		snprintf(&sLon[0], sizeof(sLon), "%010.4f", pack->lon);
		sEw[0] = pack->ew;
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, SIG)) {
		snprintf(&sSig[0], sizeof(sSig), "%1d", pack->sig);
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, SATINUSECOUNT)) {
		snprintf(&sSatInUse[0], sizeof(sSatInUse), "%02d", pack->satinuse);
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, HDOP)) {
		snprintf(&sHdop[0], sizeof(sHdop), "%03.1f", pack->HDOP);
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, ELV)) {
		snprintf(&sElv[0], sizeof(sElv), "%03.1f", pack->elv);
		sElvUnit[0] = pack->elv_units;

	return nmea_printf(s, len, "$GPGGA,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,,,,", &sTime[0], &sLat[0], &sNs[0],
			&sLon[0], &sEw[0], &sSig[0], &sSatInUse[0], &sHdop[0], &sElv[0], &sElvUnit[0]);
 * Generate a GPRMC sentence from an nmeaGPRMC structure
 * @param s a pointer to the buffer to generate the string in
 * @param len the size of the buffer
 * @param pack the structure
 * @return the length of the generated sentence
int nmea_gen_GPRMC(char *s, const int len, const nmeaGPRMC *pack) {
	char sTime[16];
	char sDate[16];
	char sLat[16];
	char sNs[2];
	char sLon[16];
	char sEw[2];
	char sSpeed[16];
	char sTrack[16];
	char sMagvar[16];
	char sMagvar_ew[2];

	sTime[0] = 0;
	sDate[0] = 0;
	sLat[0] = 0;
	sNs[0] = sNs[1] = 0;
	sLon[0] = 0;
	sEw[0] = sEw[1] = 0;
	sSpeed[0] = 0;
	sTrack[0] = 0;
	sMagvar[0] = 0;
	sMagvar_ew[0] = sMagvar_ew[1] = 0;

	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, UTCDATE)) {
		snprintf(&sDate[0], sizeof(sDate), "%02d%02d%02d", pack->utc.day, pack->utc.mon + 1, pack->utc.year - 100);
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, UTCTIME)) {
		snprintf(&sTime[0], sizeof(sTime), "%02d%02d%02d.%02d", pack->utc.hour, pack->utc.min, pack->utc.sec,
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, LAT)) {
		snprintf(&sLat[0], sizeof(sLat), "%09.4f", pack->lat);
		sNs[0] = pack->ns;
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, LON)) {
		snprintf(&sLon[0], sizeof(sLon), "%010.4f", pack->lon);
		sEw[0] = pack->ew;
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, SPEED)) {
		snprintf(&sSpeed[0], sizeof(sSpeed), "%03.1f", pack->speed);
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, TRACK)) {
		snprintf(&sTrack[0], sizeof(sTrack), "%03.1f", pack->track);
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, MAGVAR)) {
		snprintf(&sMagvar[0], sizeof(sMagvar), "%03.1f", pack->magvar);
		sMagvar_ew[0] = pack->magvar_ew;

	return nmea_printf(s, len, "$GPRMC,%s,%C,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%C", &sTime[0], pack->status, &sLat[0], &sNs[0],
			&sLon[0], &sEw[0], &sSpeed[0], &sTrack[0], &sDate[0], &sMagvar[0], &sMagvar_ew[0], pack->mode);
 * Generate a GPGSV sentence from an nmeaGPGSV structure
 * @param s a pointer to the buffer to generate the string in
 * @param len the size of the buffer
 * @param pack the structure
 * @return the length of the generated sentence
int nmea_gen_GPGSV(char *s, const int len, const nmeaGPGSV *pack) {
	char sCount[2];
	char sIndex[2];
	char sSatCount[4];
	char sSatInfo[64];
	char * psSatInfo = &sSatInfo[0];
	int ssSatInfo = sizeof(sSatInfo);
	bool satinview = nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, SATINVIEW);
	int i;

	sCount[0] = 0;
	sIndex[0] = 0;
	sSatCount[0] = 0;
	sSatInfo[0] = 0;

	if (satinview) {
		snprintf(&sCount[0], sizeof(sCount), "%1d", pack->pack_count);
		snprintf(&sIndex[0], sizeof(sIndex), "%1d", pack->pack_index);
		snprintf(&sSatCount[0], sizeof(sSatCount), "%02d", pack->sat_count);
	for (i = 0; i < NMEA_SATINPACK; i++) {
		int cnt = 0;
		if (satinview && pack->sat_data[i].id) {
			cnt = snprintf(psSatInfo, ssSatInfo, "%02d,%02d,%03d,%02d", pack->sat_data[i].id, pack->sat_data[i].elv,
					pack->sat_data[i].azimuth, pack->sat_data[i].sig);
		} else {
			cnt = snprintf(psSatInfo, ssSatInfo, ",,,");
		if (cnt >= ssSatInfo) {
			ssSatInfo = 0;
			psSatInfo = &sSatInfo[sizeof(sSatInfo) - 1];
			*psSatInfo = '\0';
		} else {
			ssSatInfo -= cnt;
			psSatInfo += cnt;
		if (i < (NMEA_SATINPACK - 1)) {
			*psSatInfo = ',';
			*psSatInfo = '\0';

	return nmea_printf(s, len, "$GPGSV,%s,%s,%s,%s", &sCount[0], &sIndex[0], &sSatCount[0], &sSatInfo[0]);
 * Generate a GPVTG sentence from an nmeaGPVTG structure
 * @param s a pointer to the buffer to generate the string in
 * @param len the size of the buffer
 * @param pack the structure
 * @return the length of the generated sentence
int nmea_gen_GPVTG(char *s, const int len, const nmeaGPVTG *pack) {
	char sTrackT[16];
	char sTrackM[16];
	char sSpeedN[16];
	char sSpeedK[16];
	char sUnitT[2];
	char sUnitM[2];
	char sUnitN[2];
	char sUnitK[2];

	sTrackT[0] = 0;
	sTrackM[0] = 0;
	sSpeedN[0] = 0;
	sSpeedK[0] = 0;
	sUnitT[0] = sUnitT[1] = 0;
	sUnitM[0] = sUnitM[1] = 0;
	sUnitN[0] = sUnitN[1] = 0;
	sUnitK[0] = sUnitK[1] = 0;

	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, TRACK)) {
		snprintf(&sTrackT[0], sizeof(sTrackT), "%03.1f", pack->track);
		sUnitT[0] = 'T';
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, MTRACK)) {
		snprintf(&sTrackM[0], sizeof(sTrackM), "%03.1f", pack->mtrack);
		sUnitM[0] = 'M';
	if (nmea_INFO_is_present(pack->present, SPEED)) {
		snprintf(&sSpeedN[0], sizeof(sSpeedN), "%03.1f", pack->spn);
		sUnitN[0] = 'N';
		snprintf(&sSpeedK[0], sizeof(sSpeedK), "%03.1f", pack->spk);
		sUnitK[0] = 'K';

	return nmea_printf(s, len, "$GPVTG,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", &sTrackT[0], &sUnitT[0], &sTrackM[0],
			&sUnitM[0], &sSpeedN[0], &sUnitN[0], &sSpeedK[0], &sUnitK[0]);
 Convert an OLSR message into a string to multicast on the LAN

 @param olsrMessage
 A pointer to the OLSR message
 @param txGpsBuffer
 A pointer to the buffer in which the transmit string can be written
 @param txGpsBufferSize
 The size of the txGpsBuffer

 - the length of the transmit string placed in the txGpsBuffer
 - 0 (zero) in case of an error
unsigned int gpsFromOlsr(union olsr_message *olsrMessage,
		unsigned char * txGpsBuffer, unsigned int txGpsBufferSize) {
	unsigned long validityTime;

	struct tm timeStruct;
	char latitudeString[PUD_TX_LATITUDE_DIGITS];
	const char * latitudeHemisphere;
	char longitudeString[PUD_TX_LONGITUDE_DIGITS];
	const char * longitudeHemisphere;
	char altitudeString[PUD_TX_ALTITUDE_DIGITS];
	char speedString[PUD_TX_SPEED_DIGITS];
	char trackString[PUD_TX_TRACK_DIGITS];
	char hdopString[PUD_TX_HDOP_DIGITS];
	uint32_t present;
	char gateway[2] = { '0', '\0' };

	char nodeIdTypeString[PUD_TX_NODEIDTYPE_DIGITS];
	const char * nodeId;
	const void * ipAddr;
	char originatorBuffer[64];
	const char * originator;

	unsigned int transmitStringLength;

	PudOlsrPositionUpdate * olsrGpsMessage =
			getOlsrMessagePayload(olsr_cnf->ip_version, olsrMessage);

	if (unlikely(getPositionUpdateVersion(olsrGpsMessage) != PUD_WIRE_FORMAT_VERSION)) {
		/* currently we can only handle our own version */
		pudError(false, "Can not handle version %u OLSR PUD messages"
			" (only version %u): message ignored",
			getPositionUpdateVersion(olsrGpsMessage), PUD_WIRE_FORMAT_VERSION);
		return 0;

	ipAddr = (olsr_cnf->ip_version == AF_INET) ?
				(void *) &olsrMessage->v4.originator :
				(void *) &olsrMessage->v6.originator;
	originator = inet_ntop(olsr_cnf->ip_version, ipAddr, &originatorBuffer[0],

	validityTime = getValidityTime(&olsrGpsMessage->validityTime);

	present = getPositionUpdatePresent(olsrGpsMessage);

	if (present & PUD_PRESENT_GATEWAY) {
		gateway[0] = '1';

	/* time is ALWAYS present so we can just use it */
	getPositionUpdateTime(olsrGpsMessage, time(NULL), &timeStruct);

	if (likely(nmea_INFO_is_present(present, LAT))) {
		double latitude = getPositionUpdateLatitude(olsrGpsMessage);

		if (latitude >= 0) {
			latitudeHemisphere = "N";
		} else {
			latitudeHemisphere = "S";
			latitude = -latitude;
		latitude = nmea_degree2ndeg(latitude);

		snprintf(&latitudeString[0], PUD_TX_LATITUDE_DIGITS, "%." PUD_TX_LATITUDE_DECIMALS "f", latitude);
	} else {
		latitudeHemisphere = "";
		latitudeString[0] = '\0';

	if (likely(nmea_INFO_is_present(present, LON))) {
		double longitude = getPositionUpdateLongitude(olsrGpsMessage);

		if (longitude >= 0) {
			longitudeHemisphere = "E";
		} else {
			longitudeHemisphere = "W";
			longitude = -longitude;
		longitude = nmea_degree2ndeg(longitude);

		snprintf(&longitudeString[0], PUD_TX_LONGITUDE_DIGITS, "%." PUD_TX_LONGITUDE_DECIMALS "f", longitude);
	} else {
		longitudeHemisphere = "";
		longitudeString[0] = '\0';

	if (likely(nmea_INFO_is_present(present, ELV))) {
		snprintf(&altitudeString[0], PUD_TX_ALTITUDE_DIGITS, "%ld", getPositionUpdateAltitude(olsrGpsMessage));
	} else {
		altitudeString[0] = '\0';

	if (likely(nmea_INFO_is_present(present, SPEED))) {
		snprintf(&speedString[0], PUD_TX_SPEED_DIGITS, "%lu", getPositionUpdateSpeed(olsrGpsMessage));
	} else {
		speedString[0] = '\0';

	if (likely(nmea_INFO_is_present(present, TRACK))) {
		snprintf(&trackString[0], PUD_TX_TRACK_DIGITS, "%lu", getPositionUpdateTrack(olsrGpsMessage));
	} else {
		trackString[0] = '\0';

	if (likely(nmea_INFO_is_present(present, HDOP))) {
		snprintf(&hdopString[0], PUD_TX_HDOP_DIGITS, "%." PUD_TX_HDOP_DECIMALS "f",
	} else {
		hdopString[0] = '\0';

	getNodeTypeStringFromOlsr(olsr_cnf->ip_version, olsrGpsMessage,
			&nodeIdTypeString[0], sizeof(nodeIdTypeString));
	getNodeIdStringFromOlsr(olsr_cnf->ip_version, olsrMessage, &nodeId,
			&nodeIdString[0], sizeof(nodeIdString));

	transmitStringLength = nmea_printf((char *) txGpsBuffer, txGpsBufferSize
			- 1, "$P%s," /* prefix (always) */
		"%u," /* sentence version (always) */
		"%s," /* gateway flag (always) */
		"%s," /* OLSR originator (always) */
		"%s,%s," /* nodeIdType/nodeId (always) */
		"%02u%02u%02u," /* date (always) */
		"%02u%02u%02u," /* time (always) */
		"%lu," /* validity time (always) */
		"%s,%s," /* latitude (optional) */
		"%s,%s," /* longitude (optional) */
		"%s," /* altitude (optional) */
		"%s," /* speed (optional) */
		"%s," /* track (optional) */
		"%s" /* hdop (optional) */
	, getTxNmeaMessagePrefix(), PUD_TX_SENTENCE_VERSION, &gateway[0],
			originator , &nodeIdTypeString[0],
			nodeId, timeStruct.tm_mday, timeStruct.tm_mon + 1, (timeStruct.tm_year
					% 100), timeStruct.tm_hour, timeStruct.tm_min,
			timeStruct.tm_sec, validityTime, &latitudeString[0],
			latitudeHemisphere, &longitudeString[0], longitudeHemisphere,
			&altitudeString[0], &speedString[0], &trackString[0],

	if (unlikely(transmitStringLength > (txGpsBufferSize - 1))) {
		pudError(false, "String to transmit on non-OLSR is too large, need"
			" at least %u bytes, skipped", transmitStringLength);
		return 0;

	if (unlikely(transmitStringLength == (txGpsBufferSize - 1))) {
		txGpsBuffer[txGpsBufferSize - 1] = '\0';
	} else {
		txGpsBuffer[transmitStringLength] = '\0';

	return transmitStringLength;