void nodeInsertChildAt(struct Node* parent, struct Node* child, unsigned int index) 
			child->parent = parent;

			// find target node
			unsigned int node_index = 0;
			auto node = parent->firstChild;
			while (node) {
				if (node_index == index) {
				node = node->next;

			if (node_index == index) {
				// reset node link
				child->prev = node->prev;
				child->next = node;
				child->next->prev = child;
				if (child->prev) {
					child->prev->next = child;
				if (index == 0) {
					parent->firstChild = child;
				insertChildElementAt(&parent->element, &child->element, index);
			} else {
				nodeAddChild(parent, child);
Node makeTextBlock (Node a, Node b)
    if (!a) return b;
    if (!b) return a;
    if (a->type == TextBlock && b->type == TextBlock)
        nodeAddChild (a, b->firstChild);
        /* We have attached b's children elsewhere, so don't use freeRecursively */
        freeNode (b);
        return a;
    else if (a->type == TextBlock)
        return nodeAddChild (a, b);
    else if (b->type == TextBlock)
        return nodePrependChild (b, a);
        return nodeAddChild2 (newNode (TextBlock), a, b);
/* Parameter must be a ListLine node. Returns a List node. */
Node processListHelper (Node start)
    NodeType type, subtype;
    Node result, curChild, examine, item, previous, l, toBeFreed;

    if (!start) return 0;
    if (start->type != ListLine) return 0;
    if (!start->firstChild) return 0;

    type = start->firstChild->type;
    result = newNodeI (List,
        type == ListBullet      ?   1   :
        type == ListNumbered    ?   2   :
	type == ListIdent       ?   3   : 0);

    curChild = 0;
    examine = start;

    while (examine)
        toBeFreed = examine;

        /* We know that examine->firstChild is ListBullet, ListNumbered, etc. Remove it */
        removeAndFreeFirstChild (examine);

        /* Empty list item? */
        if (!examine->firstChild)
            examine = examine->nextSibling;
            freeNode (toBeFreed);

        /* Does this item start a new list? */
        else if (examine->firstChild->type == ListBullet ||
                 examine->firstChild->type == ListNumbered ||
                 examine->firstChild->type == ListIdent)
            /* If we are starting a new list, we want it to be inside the previous list item. */
            /* However, if that previous list item does not exist, we need to create a new one. */
            if (!curChild)
                item = newNode (ListItem);
                result->firstChild = item;
                curChild = item;

            subtype = examine->firstChild->type;

            /* progressively remove the firstChild for that sublist */
            previous = examine;
            l = examine->nextSibling;
            while (l && l->firstChild &&
                   l->firstChild->nextSibling &&
                   l->firstChild->nextSibling->type == subtype)
                removeAndFreeFirstChild (l);
                previous = l;
                l = l->nextSibling;

            /* trick recursive call into thinking list ends here */
            previous->nextSibling = 0;
            /* notice that the recursive call will take care of freeing the node */
            nodeAddChild (curChild, processListHelper (examine));
            previous->nextSibling = l;
            examine = l;

        /* Otherwise it's a normal plain old list item */
            item = newNode (ListItem);
            if (curChild) curChild->nextSibling = item;
            else result->firstChild = item;
            curChild = item;
            nodeAddChild (curChild, examine->firstChild);
            examine = examine->nextSibling;
            freeNode (toBeFreed);
    return result;
Node processNestedItalics (Node node)
    Node examine, saveExamineSibling, childExamine, childSibling, saveChildSibling;

    if (!node) return 0;
    if (node->type != TextBlock) return node;

    /******     EXAMPLE    ******
     *      (*) node(type=TextBlock)
     *       |
     *       | firstChild
     *       |
     *       |A(type=TextToken)  B(type=Italics)     C(type=TextToken)
     *      (*)---nextSibling---(*)---nextSibling---(*)
     *                           |
     *                           | firstChild
     *                           |
     *                          (*) T(type=TextBlock)
     *                           |
     *                           | firstChild
     *                           |
     *                           |W(type=TextToken)  X(type=Italics)     Y(type=TextToken)
     *                          (*)---nextSibling---(*)---nextSibling---(*)
     *                                               |
     *                                               | firstChild
     *                                               |
     *                                              (*) Z
     *  Here we have two Italics nodes nested inside each other (X is inside B).
     *  The following is the end-result:
     *      (*) node(type=TextBlock)
     *       |
     *       | firstChild
     *       |                 B                                  new
     *       |A             Italics              Z              Italics              C
     *      (*)--nextSibling--(*)--nextSibling--(*)--nextSibling--(*)--nextSibling--(*)
     *                         | firstChild                        | firstChild
     *                        (*) T                               (*) Y
     *                         | firstChild
     *                        (*) W
     *  T is no longer really necessary, but specifically freeing it is pointless, so we keep it.

    for (examine = node->firstChild; examine; examine = examine->nextSibling)
        /* In the above example, examine = B, but as new nodes are created and made siblings of B,
         * examine walks along them. Either way, it is the node just before C. */

        if (examine->type == Italics && examine->firstChild &&
            examine->firstChild /* i.e. T */->type == TextBlock)
            /* Remember B's original sibling (C). We are going to insert a number of new
             * siblings after B, so at the end we want to re-attach C to the last one. */
            saveExamineSibling = examine->nextSibling;

            childExamine = examine->firstChild /* i.e. T */->firstChild /* i.e. W */;
            /* childSibling will be our "iterator" for iterating over the children of T */
            childSibling = childExamine->nextSibling;
            childExamine->nextSibling = 0;      /* Detach W's siblings */

            while (childSibling)
                /* Remember the sibling we want to move on to later */
                saveChildSibling = childSibling->nextSibling;

                /* If we find a nested Italics (X in the example), move its child (Z) out
                 * and make it a sibling of B. */
                if (childSibling->type == Italics)
                    examine->nextSibling = childSibling->firstChild;
                    /* Move examine on to the newly created sibling */
                    examine = examine->nextSibling;
                    /* Free the now-obsolete Italics node */
                    /* We have attached its children elsewhere, so don't use freeRecursively */
                    freeNode (childSibling);
                /* Any node that is not an Italics node needs to become attached to one.
                 * (In the above example, this is only Y.) */
                    /* Detach the two */
                    childSibling->nextSibling = 0;

                    /* If examine already points to an Italics node, don't create a new one. */
                    /* Instead, combine its child and this one. (Doesn't occur in the example.) */
                    if (examine->type == Italics)
                        examine->firstChild = makeTextBlock (examine->firstChild, childSibling);
                        /* Create a new Italics node, attach the current node (Y) to it, and make
                         * it the next-distant sibling of B */
                        examine->nextSibling = nodeAddChild (newNode (Italics), childSibling);
                        examine = examine->nextSibling;
                childSibling = saveChildSibling;
            /* Now re-attach the previous sibling of B (i.e. C). */
            examine->nextSibling = saveExamineSibling;
    return node;
/* Return value is the first parameter */
Node nodePrependChild (Node node, Node child)
    Node prevChild = node->firstChild;
    node->firstChild = child;
    return nodeAddChild (node, prevChild);