文件: to_xml.cpp 项目: codeselim/gl
bool ComplexXMLWithMixedElementsAndNodesWithoutAttributes() {
	// Children lists for a and b elements
	nodeList la = nodeList();
	nodeList lc = nodeList();
	Node* b = new TextNode(string("Blorg1"));
	Node* d = new TextNode(string("Blorg2"));
	Node* e = new TextNode(string("Blorg3"));
	ElementName ena = ElementName(string("xml"), string("xml"));
	ElementName enc = ElementName(string("yoyo"), string("yoyo"));
	Node* c = Element::createElement(&enc, NULL, &lc);
	Node* a = Element::createElement(&ena, NULL, &la);
	string expected = "<xml>\nBlorg1\n<yoyo>\nBlorg2\n</yoyo>\nBlorg3\n</xml>";
	string result = a->toXML();
	if (result != expected) {
		fail("ComplexXMLWithMixedElementsAndNodesWithoutAttributes (to_xml)", "toXML did not answer expected result." << std::endl
		 << "Expected : " << std::endl << expected << std::endl
		 << "Got: " << std::endl << result << std::endl)
	delete a;
	delete b;
	delete c;
	delete d;
	return true;
void DisplayNodeVisitor::visitor(Root* root)
	stringstream ss;
	int depth = 1;
	string blank(depth * 2, ' ');  //計算深度的空白數量
	int indexDepth = 0;
	ss << "+-" << root->getDescription() << "(" << root->getType() << "," << "ID:" << root->getId() << ")" << endl;  //印出節點內容
	list<Component*> nodeList(root->getNodeList());
	for (list<Component *>::iterator it = nodeList.begin(); it != nodeList.end(); ++it)
		for (indexDepth = 0; indexDepth < depth; indexDepth++)	//print 前置空白
			Component* parent = (*it);
			for (int i = 0; i < depth - indexDepth; i++)
				parent = parent->getParent();
			if (indexDepth >= 1 && parent->haveSibling()) // not root && have sibling
				ss << "| ";
				ss << "  ";  //two sapce
		ss << (**it).getMap(depth + 1).str();
	cout << ss.str();
void MSTableColumnGroup::print(ostream &os_,unsigned level_) const
    unsigned i;
    for (i=0; i<level_; i++) os_<<'\t';
    os_<<"(GROUP) ";
    if (heading().length()==0) os_<<endl;
    else os_<<heading();
    for (unsigned j=0; j<nodeList().length(); j++)
        const Node &node=nodeList()[j];
        if (node.type()==Node::Group) node.group()->print(os_,level_+1);
        else if (node.type()==Node::Column)
            for (i=0; i<=level_; i++) os_<<'\t';
/*** To find a cluster we repeatedly insert nodes into the bfNetwork and try to distribute the weight
*	of incident edges.  If not all weight can be distributed, then a cluster is found.  In this case,
*	create a new cluster, and add all nodes that are labeled in the bfNetwork.
WCConstraintCluster* WCConstraintPlanner::FindCluster(const WPUInt &dConst) {
	//Copy the node list
	std::list<WCConstraintNode*> nodeList(this->_nodeList);
	WCConstraintCluster* newCluster = NULL;
	std::list<WCConstraintNode*>::iterator iter;
	WCConstraintNode* node;
	int retVal;
	//Convert the D geometric constant into the K constant
	int kConst = -1 * (dConst + 1);
	//Reset and sort the node list
	//Get a reference to the first node to be added into gPrime
	node = nodeList.front();
	//Mark all of this node's neighbors

	//Create a new bipartite flow network
	if (this->_network != NULL) delete this->_network;
	this->_network = new WCBipartiteFlowNetwork();
	//Add in the first node
	CLOGGER_INFO(WCLogManager::RootLogger(), "WCConstraintPlanner::FindCluster - Adding Node:" << node);
	this->_network->AddVertexNode(node, node->Weight());
	//Go through the rest of the nodes until a node has an edge that can't be distributed
	while (nodeList.size() > 0) {
		//Get a reference to the next node to be added into gPrime
		node = nodeList.front();
		CLOGGER_INFO(WCLogManager::RootLogger(), "WCConstraintPlanner::FindCluster - Adding Node:" << node);
		//Try to distribute the edges, if not we are done
		retVal = node->DistributeEdges(this->_network, kConst);
		if (retVal > 0) {
			CLOGGER_DEBUG(WCLogManager::RootLogger(), "Dense subgraph found...creating cluster...")
			//Create the new cluster from the labeled vertices in the bipartite flow network
			newCluster = new WCConstraintCluster( this->_network->LabeledVertices(), dConst);
			//Check to make sure that the new cluster is valid
			if (!newCluster->IsValidCluster()) {
				CLOGGER_ERROR(WCLogManager::RootLogger(), "CConstraintPlanner::FindCluster - Invalid cluster found.");
				//Make sure to delete invalid clusters
				delete newCluster;
				return NULL;
			return newCluster;
		//Mark all of this node's neighbors
		//Sort and reverse the list
	//No cluster found...graph must be under constrained...
	CLOGGER_INFO(WCLogManager::RootLogger(), "CConstraintPlanner::FindCluster - No cluster found.  Graph underconstrained");
	return NULL;
MSBoolean MSTableColumnGroup::depthFirstNodeIteration(ConstIterator &iterator_,
        ColumnGroupList &groupList_) const
    unsigned len=nodeList().length();
    for (unsigned i=0; i<len; i++)
        const Node &node=nodeList()[i];
        if (node.type()==Node::Column)
            if (iterator_.applyTo(node.column(),groupList_)==MSFalse) return MSFalse;
        else if (node.type()==Node::Group)
            if (node.group()->depthFirstNodeIteration(iterator_,groupList_)==MSFalse) return MSFalse;
    MSBoolean ret=iterator_.applyTo(*this,groupList_);
    return ret;
文件: to_xml.cpp 项目: codeselim/gl
bool ComplexXMLWithMixedElementsAndNodesWithAttributes() {
	// Children lists for a and b elements
	nodeList la = nodeList();
	nodeList lc = nodeList();
	Node* b = new TextNode(string("Blorg1"));
	Node* d = new TextNode(string("Blorg2"));
	Node* e = new TextNode(string("Blorg3"));
	attributesMap attrMapa, attrMapc;
	//* Recall: The attributes will be output in alphabetical order, not in the order of addition to the attributesMap
	attrMapa["blorg1"] = "blurp";
	attrMapa["huhu"] = "haha";
	attrMapc["numeric"] = "42";
	attrMapc["vulgar"] = "Hey, you touch my tralala.";
	attrMapc["type"] = "xml";

	ElementName ena = ElementName(string("blorg"), string("xml"));
	ElementName enc = ElementName(string("blorg"), string("yoyo"));
	Node* c = Element::createElement(&enc, &attrMapc, &lc);
	Node* a = Element::createElement(&ena, &attrMapa, &la);
	string expected = "<xml blorg1=\"blurp\" huhu=\"haha\">\nBlorg1\n<yoyo numeric=\"42\" type=\"xml\" vulgar=\"Hey, you touch my tralala.\">\nBlorg2\n</yoyo>\nBlorg3\n</xml>";
	string result = a->toXML();
	if (result != expected) {
		fail("ComplexXMLWithMixedElementsAndNodesWithoutAttributes (to_xml)", "toXML did not answer expected result." << std::endl
		 << "\n------------------------\nExpected : " << std::endl << expected << std::endl
		 << "------------------------\nGot: " << std::endl << result << std::endl)
	delete a;
	delete b;
	delete c;
	delete d;
	return true;
MSBoolean MSTableColumnGroup::isOkToAdd(MSTableColumn *column_)
    if (column_!=0)
        if (column_->table()==table())
            unsigned len=nodeList().length();
            for (unsigned i=0; i<len; i++)
                Node &node=nodeList()[i];
                if (node.type()==Node::Column)
                    if (column_==node.column())
                        MSMessageLog::warningMessage("Warning: MSTableColumnGroup - Column already exists, append fails");
                        return MSFalse;
                else if (node.type()==Node::Group)
                    if (node.group()->isOkToAdd(column_)==MSFalse) return MSFalse;
            return MSTrue;
            MSMessageLog::warningMessage("Warning: MSTableColumnGroup - Try to append column from a different table, append fails");
            return MSFalse;

        MSMessageLog::warningMessage("Warning: MSTableColumnGroup - Null column pointer, append fails");
        return MSFalse;
文件: to_xml.cpp 项目: codeselim/gl
bool simpleToXMLWithoutAttributes() {
	nodeList l = nodeList();
	Node* b = new TextNode(string("Blorg"));
	ElementName en = ElementName(string("xml"), string("xml"));
	Node* a = Element::createElement(&en, NULL, &l);
	string expected = "<xml>\nBlorg\n</xml>";
	string result = a->toXML();
	if (result != expected) {
		fail("simpleToXMLWithoutAttributes (to_xml)", "toXML did not answer expected result." << std::endl
		 << "Expected : " << std::endl << expected << std::endl
		 << "Got: " << std::endl << result << std::endl)
	delete b;
	delete a;
	return true;
文件: to_xml.cpp 项目: codeselim/gl
bool simpleToXMLWithAttributes() {
	nodeList l = nodeList();
	Node* b = new TextNode(string("Blorg"));
	ElementName en = ElementName(string("xml"), string("xml"));
	attributesMap attrMap;
	attrMap["blorg1"] = "blurp";
	attrMap["huhu"] = "haha";
	attrMap["numeric"] = "42";
	Node* a = Element::createElement(&en, &attrMap, &l);
	string expected = "<xml blorg1=\"blurp\" huhu=\"haha\" numeric=\"42\">\nBlorg\n</xml>";
	string result = a->toXML();
	if (result != expected) {
		fail("simpleToXMLWithAttributes (to_xml)", "toXML did not answer expected result." << std::endl
		 << "Expected : " << std::endl << expected << std::endl
		 << "Got: " << std::endl << result << std::endl)
	delete b;
	delete a;
	return true;
QgsRasterCalculator::Result QgsRasterCalculator::processCalculationGPU( std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterCalcNode > calcNode, QgsFeedback *feedback )

  QString cExpression( calcNode->toString( true ) );

  QList<const QgsRasterCalcNode *> nodeList( calcNode->findNodes( QgsRasterCalcNode::Type::tRasterRef ) );
  QSet<QString> capturedTexts;
  for ( const auto &r : qgis::as_const( nodeList ) )
    QString s( r->toString().remove( 0, 1 ) );
    s.chop( 1 );
    capturedTexts.insert( s );

  // Extract all references
  struct LayerRef
    QString name;
    int band;
    QgsRasterLayer *layer = nullptr;
    QString varName;
    QString typeName;
    size_t index;
    size_t bufferSize;
    size_t dataSize;

  // Collects all layers, band, name, varName and size information
  std::vector<LayerRef> inputRefs;
  size_t refCounter = 0;
  for ( const auto &r : capturedTexts )
    if ( r.startsWith( '"' ) )
    QStringList parts( r.split( '@' ) );
    if ( parts.count() != 2 )
    bool ok = false;
    LayerRef entry;
    entry.name = r;
    entry.band = parts[1].toInt( &ok );
    for ( const auto &ref : mRasterEntries )
      if ( ref.ref == entry.name )
        entry.layer = ref.raster;
    if ( !( entry.layer && entry.layer->dataProvider() && ok ) )
    entry.dataSize = entry.layer->dataProvider()->dataTypeSize( entry.band );
    switch ( entry.layer->dataProvider()->dataType( entry.band ) )
      case Qgis::DataType::Byte:
        entry.typeName = QStringLiteral( "unsigned char" );
      case Qgis::DataType::UInt16:
        entry.typeName = QStringLiteral( "unsigned int" );
      case Qgis::DataType::Int16:
        entry.typeName = QStringLiteral( "short" );
      case Qgis::DataType::UInt32:
        entry.typeName = QStringLiteral( "unsigned int" );
      case Qgis::DataType::Int32:
        entry.typeName = QStringLiteral( "int" );
      case Qgis::DataType::Float32:
        entry.typeName = QStringLiteral( "float" );
      // FIXME: not sure all OpenCL implementations support double
      //        maybe safer to fall back to the CPU implementation
      //        after a compatibility check
      case Qgis::DataType::Float64:
        entry.typeName = QStringLiteral( "double" );
        return BandError;
    entry.bufferSize = entry.dataSize * mNumOutputColumns;
    entry.index = refCounter;
    entry.varName = QStringLiteral( "input_raster_%1_band_%2" )
                    .arg( refCounter++ )
                    .arg( entry.band );
    inputRefs.push_back( entry );

  // Prepare context and queue
  cl::Context ctx( QgsOpenClUtils::context() );
  cl::CommandQueue queue( QgsOpenClUtils::commandQueue() );

  // Create the C expression
  std::vector<cl::Buffer> inputBuffers;
  inputBuffers.reserve( inputRefs.size() );
  QStringList inputArgs;
  for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
    cExpression.replace( QStringLiteral( "\"%1\"" ).arg( ref.name ), QStringLiteral( "%1[i]" ).arg( ref.varName ) );
    inputArgs.append( QStringLiteral( "__global %1 *%2" )
                      .arg( ref.typeName )
                      .arg( ref.varName ) );
    inputBuffers.push_back( cl::Buffer( ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, ref.bufferSize, nullptr, nullptr ) );

  //qDebug() << cExpression;

  // Create the program
  QString programTemplate( R"CL(
  // Inputs:
  // Expression: ##EXPRESSION_ORIGINAL##
  __kernel void rasterCalculator( ##INPUT##
                            __global float *resultLine
    // Get the index of the current element
    const int i = get_global_id(0);
    // Expression
    resultLine[i] = ##EXPRESSION##;
  )CL" );

  QStringList inputDesc;
  for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
    inputDesc.append( QStringLiteral( "  // %1 = %2" ).arg( ref.varName ).arg( ref.name ) );
  programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##INPUT_DESC##" ), inputDesc.join( '\n' ) );
  programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##INPUT##" ), inputArgs.length() ? ( inputArgs.join( ',' ).append( ',' ) ) : QChar( ' ' ) );
  programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##EXPRESSION##" ), cExpression );
  programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##EXPRESSION_ORIGINAL##" ), calcNode->toString( ) );

  // qDebug() << programTemplate;

  // Create a program from the kernel source
  cl::Program program( QgsOpenClUtils::buildProgram( programTemplate, QgsOpenClUtils::ExceptionBehavior::Throw ) );

  // Create the buffers, output is float32 (4 bytes)
  // We assume size of float = 4 because that's the size used by OpenCL and IEEE 754
  Q_ASSERT( sizeof( float ) == 4 );
  std::size_t resultBufferSize( 4 * static_cast<size_t>( mNumOutputColumns ) );
  cl::Buffer resultLineBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
                               resultBufferSize, nullptr, nullptr );

  auto kernel = cl::Kernel( program, "rasterCalculator" );

  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < inputBuffers.size() ; i++ )
    kernel.setArg( i, inputBuffers.at( i ) );
  kernel.setArg( static_cast<unsigned int>( inputBuffers.size() ), resultLineBuffer );

  QgsOpenClUtils::CPLAllocator<float> resultLine( static_cast<size_t>( mNumOutputColumns ) );

  //open output dataset for writing
  GDALDriverH outputDriver = openOutputDriver();
  if ( !outputDriver )
    mLastError = QObject::tr( "Could not obtain driver for %1" ).arg( mOutputFormat );
    return CreateOutputError;

  gdal::dataset_unique_ptr outputDataset( openOutputFile( outputDriver ) );
  if ( !outputDataset )
    mLastError = QObject::tr( "Could not create output %1" ).arg( mOutputFile );
    return CreateOutputError;

  GDALSetProjection( outputDataset.get(), mOutputCrs.toWkt().toLocal8Bit().data() );

  GDALRasterBandH outputRasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset.get(), 1 );
  if ( !outputRasterBand )
    return BandError;

  // Input block (buffer)
  std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterBlock> block;

  // Run kernel on all scanlines
  auto rowHeight = mOutputRectangle.height() / mNumOutputRows;
  for ( int line = 0; line < mNumOutputRows; line++ )
    if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )

    if ( feedback )
      feedback->setProgress( 100.0 * static_cast< double >( line ) / mNumOutputRows );

    // Read lines from rasters into the buffers
    for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
      // Read one row
      QgsRectangle rect( mOutputRectangle );
      rect.setYMaximum( rect.yMaximum() - rowHeight * line );
      rect.setYMinimum( rect.yMaximum() - rowHeight );

      // TODO: check if this is too slow
      // if crs transform needed
      if ( ref.layer->crs() != mOutputCrs )
        QgsRasterProjector proj;
        proj.setCrs( ref.layer->crs(), mOutputCrs );
        proj.setInput( ref.layer->dataProvider() );
        proj.setPrecision( QgsRasterProjector::Exact );
        block.reset( proj.block( ref.band, rect, mNumOutputColumns, 1 ) );
        block.reset( ref.layer->dataProvider()->block( ref.band, rect, mNumOutputColumns, 1 ) );

      //for ( int i = 0; i < mNumOutputColumns; i++ )
      //  qDebug() << "Input: " << line << i << ref.varName << " = " << block->value( 0, i );
      //qDebug() << "Writing buffer " << ref.index;

      Q_ASSERT( ref.bufferSize == static_cast<size_t>( block->data().size( ) ) );
      queue.enqueueWriteBuffer( inputBuffers[ref.index], CL_TRUE, 0,
                                ref.bufferSize, block->bits() );

    // Run the kernel
      cl::NDRange( mNumOutputColumns )

    // Write the result
    queue.enqueueReadBuffer( resultLineBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0,
                             resultBufferSize, resultLine.get() );

    //for ( int i = 0; i < mNumOutputColumns; i++ )
    //  qDebug() << "Output: " << line << i << " = " << resultLine[i];

    if ( GDALRasterIO( outputRasterBand, GF_Write, 0, line, mNumOutputColumns, 1, resultLine.get(), mNumOutputColumns, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
      return CreateOutputError;

  if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )
    //delete the dataset without closing (because it is faster)
    gdal::fast_delete_and_close( outputDataset, outputDriver, mOutputFile );
    return Canceled;


  return Success;
        void ProcessDetectSurf::Process()
            if (m_mesh->m_expDim > 2)
                cerr << "Surface detection only implemented for 2D meshes" << endl;

            int i, j;
            string surf = m_config["vol"].as<string>();

            // Obtain vector of surface IDs from string.
            vector<unsigned int> surfs;
            if (surf != "-1")
                ParseUtils::GenerateSeqVector(surf.c_str(), surfs);
                sort(surfs.begin(), surfs.end());

            // If we're running in verbose mode print out a list of surfaces.
            if (m_mesh->m_verbose)
                cout << "ProcessDetectSurf: detecting surfaces";
                if (surfs.size() > 0)
                    cout << " for surface" << (surfs.size() == 1 ? "" : "s")
                         << " " << surf << endl;

            vector<ElementSharedPtr> &el = m_mesh->m_element[m_mesh->m_expDim];
            map<int, EdgeInfo> edgeCount;
            set<int> doneIds;
            map<int, int> idMap;

            // Iterate over list of surface elements.
            for (i = 0; i < el.size(); ++i)
                // Work out whether this lies on our surface of interest.
                if (surfs.size() > 0)
                    vector<int> inter, tags = el[i]->GetTagList();

                    sort(tags.begin(), tags.end());
                    set_intersection(surfs.begin(), surfs.end(),
                                     tags .begin(), tags .end(),
                    // It doesn't continue to next element.
                    if (inter.size() != 1)
                // List all edges.
                ElementSharedPtr elmt = el[i];
                for (j = 0; j < elmt->GetEdgeCount(); ++j)
                    EdgeSharedPtr e = elmt->GetEdge(j);
                    int eId = e->m_id;
                    edgeCount[eId].edge = e;

                ASSERTL0(idMap.count(elmt->GetId()) == 0, "Shouldn't happen");
                idMap[elmt->GetId()] = i;

            CompositeMap::iterator cIt;
            unsigned int maxId = 0;

            for (cIt = m_mesh->m_composite.begin(); cIt != m_mesh->m_composite.end(); ++cIt)
                maxId = std::max(cIt->first, maxId);


            map<int, EdgeInfo>::iterator eIt;

            while (doneIds.size() > 0)
                ElementSharedPtr start
                    = m_mesh->m_element[m_mesh->m_expDim][idMap[*(doneIds.begin())]];

                vector<ElementSharedPtr> block;
                FindContiguousSurface(start, doneIds, block);
                ASSERTL0(block.size() > 0, "Contiguous block not found");

                // Loop over all edges in block.
                for (i = 0; i < block.size(); ++i)
                    // Find edge info.
                    ElementSharedPtr elmt = block[i];

                    for (j = 0; j < elmt->GetEdgeCount(); ++j)
                        eIt = edgeCount.find(elmt->GetEdge(j)->m_id);
                        ASSERTL0(eIt != edgeCount.end(), "Couldn't find edge");
                        eIt->second.group = maxId;


            for (eIt = edgeCount.begin(); eIt != edgeCount.end(); ++eIt)
                if (eIt->second.count > 1)

                unsigned int compId = eIt->second.group;
                CompositeMap::iterator cIt = m_mesh->m_composite.find(compId);

                if (cIt == m_mesh->m_composite.end())
                    CompositeSharedPtr comp(new Composite());
                    comp->m_id  = compId;
                    comp->m_tag = "E";
                    cIt = m_mesh->m_composite.insert(std::make_pair(compId, comp)).first;

                vector<int> tags(1);
                tags[0] = compId;
                vector<NodeSharedPtr> nodeList(2);
                nodeList[0] = eIt->second.edge->m_n1;
                nodeList[1] = eIt->second.edge->m_n2;

                ElmtConfig conf(LibUtilities::eSegment, 1, false, false);
                ElementSharedPtr elmt = GetElementFactory().

文件: to_xml.cpp 项目: codeselim/gl
bool testDocumentToXML() {
        Node* p_text = new TextNode(string("Comme l'écriture d'un compilateur est une tâche fort complexe, le programmateur a tout intérêt à travailler."));
        Node* titre_text = new TextNode(string("Réalisation d'un compilateur"));
        Node* resume_text = new TextNode(string("Ceci est extrait du livre \"Réaliser un compilateur : les outils Lex et Yacc\" de Nino Silverio."));
        nodeList p_children = nodeList();
        nodeList titre_children = nodeList();
        nodeList resume_children = nodeList();
        nodeList section_children = nodeList();
        nodeList chapitre_children = nodeList();
        nodeList rapport_children = nodeList();
        ElementName titre = ElementName(string(""), string("titre"));
        ElementName p = ElementName(string("p"), string("p"));
        ElementName section = ElementName(string("section"), string("section"));
        ElementName chapitre = ElementName(string("chapitre"), string("resume"));
        ElementName resume = ElementName(string("resume"), string("chapitre"));
        ElementName rapport = ElementName(string("rapport"), string("rapport"));
	Node* p_elem = Element::createElement(&p, NULL, &p_children);
        Node* titre_elem = Element::createElement(&titre, NULL, &titre_children);
        Node* section_elem = Element::createElement(&section, NULL, &section_children);
        Node* chapitre_elem = Element::createElement(&chapitre, NULL, &chapitre_children);
        Node* resume_elem = Element::createElement(&resume, NULL, &resume_children);
        Node* rapport_elem = Element::createElement(&rapport, NULL, &rapport_children);
        string line;
        string text = "";
        ifstream xmlfile;
        const char * filename = "../../tests/testfile1.xml";
        xmlfile.open(filename, ios::in);
        if(xmlfile.is_open()) { 
                while (getline (xmlfile,line)){
                        //getline (xmlfile,myline,'\t');
        else {
            fail("testDocumentToXML", "Failed to open xml file in ifstream");
       //having problems with encoding, i will write outputs to a file
       ofstream outfile;
       outfile.open("../../tests/output.txt", ios::trunc);
       if (outfile.is_open()){ 
       else {
           fail("testDocumentToXML", "Failed to write output file");
//	if (result != expected) {
//		fail("simpleToXMLWithAttributes (to_xml)", "toXML did not answer expected result." << std::endl
//		 << "Expected : " << std::endl << expected << std::endl
//		 << "Got: " << std::endl << result << std::endl)
//	}
//	delete b;
//	delete a;
	return true;