int qxgeditScale::nodeIndex ( const QPoint& pos ) const { if (nodeRect(4).contains(pos)) return 4; // Break4/Offset4 if (nodeRect(3).contains(pos)) return 3; // Break3/Offset3 if (nodeRect(2).contains(pos)) return 2; // Break2/Offset2 if (nodeRect(1).contains(pos)) return 1; // Break1/Offset1 return -1; }
bool Shunt::SetNodeParent(Element* parent) { if(parent && m_activeNodeID != 0) { wxRect2DDouble nodeRect(m_pointList[0].m_x - 5.0 - m_borderSize, m_pointList[0].m_y - 5.0 - m_borderSize, 10 + 2.0 * m_borderSize, 10 + 2.0 * m_borderSize); if(parent->Intersects(nodeRect)) { m_parentList[0] = parent; // Centralize the node on bus. wxPoint2DDouble parentPt = parent->RotateAtPosition(m_pointList[0], -parent->GetAngle()); // Rotate click to horizontal position. parentPt.m_y = parent->GetPosition().m_y; // Centralize on bus. parentPt = parent->RotateAtPosition(parentPt, parent->GetAngle()); m_pointList[0] = parentPt; UpdateSwitchesPosition(); UpdatePowerFlowArrowsPosition(); return true; } else { m_parentList[0] = NULL; m_online = false; } } return false; }
bool Shunt::NodeContains(wxPoint2DDouble position) { wxRect2DDouble nodeRect(m_pointList[0].m_x - 5.0 - m_borderSize, m_pointList[0].m_y - 5.0 - m_borderSize, 10 + 2.0 * m_borderSize, 10 + 2.0 * m_borderSize); if(nodeRect.Contains(position)) { m_activeNodeID = 1; return true; } m_activeNodeID = 0; return false; }
void GestureApplet::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter( this ); painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); // // Draw lines // QPen linePen( Qt::blue ); linePen.setWidthF( 5.0 ); QPen shadowLinePen( Qt::black ); shadowLinePen.setWidthF( 10 ); QRectF nodeRect( QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(10, 10) ); QPen nodePen( Qt::black ); nodePen.setWidthF( 3.0 ); QBrush nodeBrush( Qt::white ); if( mPoints.size() > 1 ) { QList< QPoint >::iterator it; int n = 0; for(it = mPoints.begin(); it != mPoints.end(); ++it) { QList< QPoint >::iterator next = it + 1; if( next == mPoints.end() ) break; // Opacity increases for newer samples double opactiy = qMin(1.0, 0.15 + (double)n++ / mPoints.size()); painter.setOpacity( opactiy/2.0 ); // Draw shadow first painter.setPen( shadowLinePen ); painter.drawLine(*it, *next); // Draw line painter.setOpacity( opactiy ); painter.setPen( linePen ); painter.drawLine(*it, *next); // Draw connection between lines painter.setPen( nodePen ); painter.setBrush( nodeBrush ); nodeRect.moveCenter( *it ); painter.drawEllipse( nodeRect ); } } }
void Shunt::UpdateNodes() { if(m_parentList[0]) { wxRect2DDouble nodeRect(m_pointList[0].m_x - 5.0 - m_borderSize, m_pointList[0].m_y - 5.0 - m_borderSize, 10 + 2.0 * m_borderSize, 10 + 2.0 * m_borderSize); if(!m_parentList[0]->Intersects(nodeRect)) { m_parentList[0]->RemoveChild(this); m_parentList[0] = NULL; m_online = false; UpdateSwitchesPosition(); UpdatePowerFlowArrowsPosition(); } } }
void GraphInfo::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* /*option*/, QWidget* /*widget*/) { QRect nodeRect(0, 0, 200, 70); painter->setBrush(Qt::white); painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 0)); painter->setOpacity(0.4); painter->drawRect(nodeRect); QString str = "Стоимость решения:___________" + QString::number(m_solutionCost) + "\n"; str += "Количество раскрытых вершин:_" + QString::number(m_numOfOpenNodes) + "\n"; str += "Количество вершин в графе:___" + QString::number(m_totalNumOfNodes) + "\n"; painter->setOpacity(1.); painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0)); painter->drawText(nodeRect, Qt::AlignLeft, str); }
void GuiRoadEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown(const Gui3DMouseEvent & event) { if ( !isFirstResponder() ) setFirstResponder(); // Get the clicked terrain position. Point3F tPos; if ( !getTerrainPos( event, tPos ) ) return; mouseLock(); // Find any road / node at the clicked position. // TODO: handle overlapping roads/nodes somehow, cycle through them. DecalRoad *roadPtr = NULL; S32 closestNodeIdx = -1; F32 closestDist = F32_MAX; DecalRoad *closestNodeRoad = NULL; // First, find the closest node in any road to the clicked position. for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRoadSet); *iter; ++iter ) { roadPtr = static_cast<DecalRoad*>( *iter ); U32 idx; if ( roadPtr->getClosestNode( tPos, idx ) ) { Point3F nodePos = roadPtr->getNodePosition(idx); F32 dist = ( nodePos - tPos ).len(); if ( dist < closestDist ) { closestNodeIdx = idx; closestDist = dist; closestNodeRoad = roadPtr; } } } // // Second, determine if the screen-space node rectangle // contains the clicked position. bool nodeClicked = false; S32 clickedNodeIdx = -1; if ( closestNodeIdx != -1 ) { Point3F nodePos = closestNodeRoad->getNodePosition( closestNodeIdx ); Point3F temp; project( nodePos, &temp ); Point2I screenPos( temp.x, temp.y ); RectI nodeRect( screenPos - mNodeHalfSize, mNodeHalfSize * 2 ); nodeClicked = nodeRect.pointInRect( event.mousePoint ); if ( nodeClicked ) clickedNodeIdx = closestNodeIdx; } // // Determine the clickedRoad // DecalRoad *clickedRoadPtr = NULL; U32 insertNodeIdx = 0; if ( nodeClicked && (mSelRoad == NULL || closestNodeRoad == mSelRoad) ) { // If a node was clicked, the owning road is always // considered the clicked road. clickedRoadPtr = closestNodeRoad; } else { // check the selected road first if ( mSelRoad != NULL && mSelRoad->containsPoint( tPos, &insertNodeIdx ) ) { clickedRoadPtr = mSelRoad; nodeClicked = false; clickedNodeIdx = -1; } else { // Otherwise, we must ask each road if it contains // the clicked pos. for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRoadSet); *iter; ++iter ) { roadPtr = static_cast<DecalRoad*>( *iter ); if ( roadPtr->containsPoint( tPos, &insertNodeIdx ) ) { clickedRoadPtr = roadPtr; break; } } } } // shortcuts bool dblClick = ( event.mouseClickCount > 1 ); if( dblClick ) { if( mMode == mSelectRoadMode ) { setMode( mAddRoadMode, true ); return; } if( mMode == mAddNodeMode ) { // Delete the node attached to the cursor. deleteSelectedNode(); mMode = mAddRoadMode; return; } } //this check is here in order to bounce back from deleting a whole road with ctrl+z //this check places the editor back into addroadmode if ( mMode == mAddNodeMode ) { if ( !mSelRoad ) mMode = mAddRoadMode; } if ( mMode == mSelectRoadMode ) { // Did not click on a road or a node. if ( !clickedRoadPtr ) { setSelectedRoad( NULL ); setSelectedNode( -1 ); return; } // Clicked on a road that wasn't the currently selected road. if ( clickedRoadPtr != mSelRoad ) { setSelectedRoad( clickedRoadPtr ); setSelectedNode( -1 ); return; } // Clicked on a node in the currently selected road that wasn't // the currently selected node. if ( nodeClicked ) { setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx ); return; } // Clicked a position on the currently selected road // that did not contain a node. //U32 newNode = clickedRoadPtr->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, insertNodeIdx ); //setSelectedNode( newNode ); } else if ( mMode == mAddRoadMode ) { if ( nodeClicked && clickedRoadPtr ) { // A double-click on a node in Normal mode means set AddNode mode. if ( clickedNodeIdx == 0 ) { setSelectedRoad( clickedRoadPtr ); setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx ); mAddNodeIdx = clickedNodeIdx; mMode = mAddNodeMode; mSelNode = mSelRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mAddNodeIdx ); mIsDirty = true; return; } else if ( clickedNodeIdx == clickedRoadPtr->mNodes.size() - 1 ) { setSelectedRoad( clickedRoadPtr ); setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx ); mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX; mMode = mAddNodeMode; mSelNode = mSelRoad->addNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth ); mIsDirty = true; setSelectedNode( mSelNode ); return; } } DecalRoad *newRoad = new DecalRoad; newRoad->mMaterialName = mMaterialName; newRoad->registerObject(); // Add to MissionGroup SimGroup *missionGroup; if ( !Sim::findObject( "MissionGroup", missionGroup ) ) Con::errorf( "GuiDecalRoadEditorCtrl - could not find MissionGroup to add new DecalRoad" ); else missionGroup->addObject( newRoad ); newRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, 0 ); U32 newNode = newRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, 1 ); // Always add to the end of the road, the first node is the start. mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX; setSelectedRoad( newRoad ); setSelectedNode( newNode ); mMode = mAddNodeMode; // Disable the hover node while in addNodeMode, we // don't want some random node enlarged. mHoverNode = -1; // Grab the mission editor undo manager. UndoManager *undoMan = NULL; if ( !Sim::findObject( "EUndoManager", undoMan ) ) { Con::errorf( "GuiRoadEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown() - EUndoManager not found!" ); return; } // Create the UndoAction. MECreateUndoAction *action = new MECreateUndoAction("Create Road"); action->addObject( newRoad ); // Submit it. undoMan->addAction( action ); //send a callback to script after were done here if one exists if ( isMethod( "onRoadCreation" ) ) Con::executef( this, "onRoadCreation" ); return; } else if ( mMode == mAddNodeMode ) { // Oops the road got deleted, maybe from an undo action? // Back to NormalMode. if ( mSelRoad ) { // A double-click on a node in Normal mode means set AddNode mode. if ( clickedNodeIdx == 0 ) { submitUndo( "Add Node" ); mAddNodeIdx = clickedNodeIdx; mMode = mAddNodeMode; mSelNode = mSelRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mAddNodeIdx ); mIsDirty = true; setSelectedNode( mSelNode ); return; } else { if( clickedRoadPtr && clickedNodeIdx == clickedRoadPtr->mNodes.size() - 1 ) { submitUndo( "Add Node" ); mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX; mMode = mAddNodeMode; mSelNode = mSelRoad->addNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth ); mIsDirty = true; setSelectedNode( mSelNode ); return; } else { submitUndo( "Insert Node" ); // A single-click on empty space while in // AddNode mode means insert / add a node. //submitUndo( "Add Node" ); //F32 width = mSelRoad->getNodeWidth( mSelNode ); U32 newNode = mSelRoad->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mAddNodeIdx); mIsDirty = true; setSelectedNode( newNode ); return; } } } } else if ( mMode == mInsertPointMode && mSelRoad != NULL) { if ( clickedRoadPtr == mSelRoad ) { F32 w0 = mSelRoad->getNodeWidth( insertNodeIdx ); F32 w1 = mSelRoad->getNodeWidth( insertNodeIdx + 1 ); F32 width = ( w0 + w1 ) * 0.5f; submitUndo( "Insert Node" ); U32 newNode = mSelRoad->insertNode( tPos, width, insertNodeIdx + 1); mIsDirty = true; setSelectedNode( newNode ); return; } } else if ( mMode == mRemovePointMode && mSelRoad != NULL) { if ( nodeClicked && clickedRoadPtr == mSelRoad ) { setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx ); deleteSelectedNode(); return; } } else if ( mMode == mMovePointMode ) { if ( nodeClicked && clickedRoadPtr == mSelRoad ) { setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx ); return; } } else if ( mMode == mScalePointMode ) { if ( nodeClicked && clickedRoadPtr == mSelRoad ) { setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx ); return; } } }
// Draw curve. void qxgeditScale::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *pPaintEvent ) { QPainter painter(this); const int h = height(); const int w = width(); const int h2 = h >> 1; const int x1 = 6 + int((m_iBreak1 * (w - 12)) >> 7); const int x2 = 6 + int((m_iBreak2 * (w - 12)) >> 7); const int x3 = 6 + int((m_iBreak3 * (w - 12)) >> 7); const int x4 = 6 + int((m_iBreak4 * (w - 12)) >> 7); const int y1 = h2 - ((int(m_iOffset1) - 64) * (h - 12) >> 7); const int y2 = h2 - ((int(m_iOffset2) - 64) * (h - 12) >> 7); const int y3 = h2 - ((int(m_iOffset3) - 64) * (h - 12) >> 7); const int y4 = h2 - ((int(m_iOffset4) - 64) * (h - 12) >> 7); m_poly.putPoints(0, 6, 0, y1, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, w, y4); const QPalette& pal = palette(); const bool bDark = (pal.window().color().value() < 0x7f); const QColor& rgbLite = (bDark ? Qt::darkYellow : Qt::yellow); if (bDark) painter.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, pal.dark().color()); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.setPen(bDark ? Qt::gray : Qt::darkGray); const QPen oldpen(painter.pen()); QPen dotpen(oldpen); dotpen.setStyle(Qt::DotLine); painter.setPen(dotpen); painter.drawLine(0, h2, w, h2); painter.setPen(oldpen); painter.drawPolyline(m_poly); painter.setBrush(rgbLite); // pal.midlight().color() painter.drawRect(nodeRect(1)); painter.drawRect(nodeRect(2)); painter.drawRect(nodeRect(3)); painter.drawRect(nodeRect(4)); #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_0 painter.drawText(QFrame::rect(), Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignHCenter, tr("Break (%1,%2,%3,%4) Offset(%5,%6,%7,%8)") .arg(int(break1())) .arg(int(break2())) .arg(int(break3())) .arg(int(break4())) .arg(int(offset1()) - 64) .arg(int(offset2()) - 64) .arg(int(offset3()) - 64) .arg(int(offset4()) - 64)); #endif painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); painter.end(); QFrame::paintEvent(pPaintEvent); }
void TranscriptWindow::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CRect clientRect; GetClientRect(clientRect); CDC dc; dc.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC); // Create an off-screen bitmap for drawing CDibSection bitmap; if (bitmap.CreateBitmap(pDC->GetSafeHdc(),clientRect.Width(),clientRect.Height()) == FALSE) return; CBitmap* oldBitmap = CDibSection::SelectDibSection(dc,&bitmap); dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); dc.FillSolidRect(clientRect,theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourBack)); if (m_skein->IsActive()) { CFont* oldFont = dc.SelectObject(theApp.GetFont(InformApp::FontDisplay)); CPen linePen(PS_SOLID,1,theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourBorder)); CPen* oldPen = dc.SelectObject(&linePen); int y = 0; int yinput =*; // If the transcript is taller than the window, work out the drawing origin if (GetHeight() > clientRect.Height()) { SCROLLINFO scroll; ::ZeroMemory(&scroll,sizeof scroll); scroll.cbSize = sizeof scroll; GetScrollInfo(SB_VERT,&scroll); y -= scroll.nPos; } // Clear the map of visible buttons and expected texts m_buttons.clear(); m_expecteds.clear(); // Loop over the transcript nodes std::deque<NodeLayout>::const_iterator nodeIt; for (nodeIt = m_layout.nodes.begin(); nodeIt != m_layout.nodes.end(); ++nodeIt) { const NodeLayout& nl = *nodeIt; // Is this node visible? CRect nodeRect(0,y,1,*; CRect intersection; if (intersection.IntersectRect(nodeRect,clientRect) == FALSE) { // Not visible, so increase the y position and try the next node y += yinput+nl.height+(2*; continue; } // Get the text associated with the node const CStringW& transcript = nl.node->GetTranscriptText(); const CStringW& expected = nl.node->GetExpectedText(); const CStringW& line = nl.node->GetLine(); // Fill in the background of the input line dc.FillSolidRect(0,y+1,clientRect.Width(),yinput, theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourTransInput)); // Fill in the background of the transcript text COLORREF back; if (transcript.IsEmpty()) back = theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourTransUnset); else { back = theApp.GetColour(nl.node->GetChanged() ? InformApp::ColourTransDiffers : InformApp::ColourTransSame); } CRect backRect(0,y+yinput,m_layout.columnWidth,*; dc.FillSolidRect(backRect,back); // Fill in the background of the expected text if (expected.IsEmpty()) back = theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourTransUnset); else { switch (nl.node->GetDiffers()) { case Skein::Node::ExpectedSame: back = theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourTransSame); break; case Skein::Node::ExpectedNearlySame: back = RGB(255,255,127); break; case Skein::Node::ExpectedDifferent: back = theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourTransDiffers); break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); back = theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourTransDiffers); break; } } backRect.OffsetRect(m_layout.columnWidth+1,0); dc.FillSolidRect(backRect,Brighter(back)); // If this is the first node in the transcript, draw a horizontal line at the top if (nl.node == m_skein->GetRoot()) { dc.MoveTo(0,y); dc.LineTo(clientRect.Width(),y); } // Draw a horizontal line below the node's input dc.MoveTo(0,y+yinput); dc.LineTo(clientRect.Width(),y+yinput); // Draw a final horizontal line below the text boxes dc.MoveTo(0,y+yinput+nl.height+(2*; dc.LineTo(clientRect.Width(),y+yinput+nl.height+(2*; // Draw a dividing line between the two text boxes dc.MoveTo(m_layout.columnWidth,y+yinput); dc.LineTo(m_layout.columnWidth,y+yinput+nl.height+(2*; // If this is the last played knot in the skein, draw a yellow border around it if (nl.node == m_skeinPlayed) { CRect backRect(0,y,clientRect.Width(),*; DrawInsideRect(dc,backRect,CSize(*3/4,*7/8), theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourTransPlayed)); } // If this is the knot selected in the skein, draw a blue border around it if (nl.node == m_skeinSelected) { CRect backRect(0,y,clientRect.Width(),*; DrawInsideRect(dc,backRect,CSize(*3/8,*7/16), theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourTransSelect)); } // Draw the buttons at the end of the input line, and store their positions int btnHeight =; CRect btnRect( CPoint(clientRect.Width()-(,y+(, CSize(0,btnHeight)); btnRect = DrawButton(dc,btnRect,false,"Show knot",Button(nl.node,ButtonShow),true); btnRect.right = btnRect.left-(; DrawButton(dc,btnRect,false,"Play to here",Button(nl.node,ButtonPlay),true); // Write the node's input dc.SetTextColor(theApp.GetColour(InformApp::ColourText)); CRect textRect(,,,y+yinput); theOS.DrawText(&dc,line,line.GetLength(),textRect,DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_END_ELLIPSIS); // Draw the 'bless' button, and store its position y += yinput; btnRect.right = m_layout.columnWidth; = y+(((nl.height+(2*; btnRect.bottom =; DrawButton(dc,btnRect,true,"Bless",Button(nl.node,ButtonBless),nl.node->CanBless()); // Write the text in the text boxes textRect = CRect(,, m_layout.columnWidth-m_layout.centreMargin,; DrawText(dc,textRect,transcript,nl.node->GetTranscriptDiffs()); textRect.OffsetRect(,0); DrawText(dc,textRect,expected,nl.node->GetExpectedDiffs()); textRect.InflateRect(theApp.MeasureFont(m_edit.GetFont()).cx/4,0); m_expecteds.push_back(std::make_pair(backRect,Expected(nl.node,textRect))); // Advance the y position y += nl.height+(2*; } dc.SelectObject(oldPen); dc.SelectObject(oldFont); // If the edit window is visible, exclude the area under it to reduce flicker if (m_edit.IsWindowVisible()) { CRect editRect; m_edit.GetWindowRect(&editRect); ScreenToClient(&editRect); pDC->ExcludeClipRect(editRect); } } // Copy to the on-screen device context pDC->BitBlt(0,0,clientRect.Width(),clientRect.Height(),&dc,0,0,SRCCOPY); dc.SelectObject(oldBitmap); }