// rnorm_trunc( mu, sigma, lower, upper)
// generates one random normal RVs with mean 'mu' and standard
// deviation 'sigma', truncated to the interval (lower,upper), where
// lower can be -Inf and upper can be Inf.
rnorm_trunc (double mu, double sigma, double lower, double upper)
 int	change;
 double	a, b;
 double	logt1 = log(0.150), logt2 = log(2.18), t3 = 0.725, t4 = 0.45;
 double	z, tmp, lograt;

 change = 0;
 a = (lower - mu)/sigma;
 b = (upper - mu)/sigma;
 // First scenario
 if( (a == R_NegInf) || (b == R_PosInf))
     if(a == R_NegInf)
	 change = 1;
	 a = -b;
	 b = R_PosInf;
     // The two possibilities for this scenario
     if(a <= 0.45) z = norm_rs(a, b);
     else z = exp_rs(a, b);
     if(change) z = -z;
 // Second scenario
 else if((a * b) <= 0.0)
     // The two possibilities for this scenario
     if((dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0, 1) <= logt1) || (dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1) <= logt1))
	 z = norm_rs(a, b);
     else z = unif_rs(a,b);
 // Third scenario
     if(b < 0)
	 tmp = b; b = -a; a = -tmp; change = 1;
     lograt = dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0, 1) - dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1);
     if(lograt <= logt2) z = unif_rs(a,b);
     else if((lograt > logt1) && (a < t3)) z = half_norm_rs(a,b);
     else z = exp_rs(a,b);
     if(change) z = -z;
 return (sigma*z + mu);
void normalSegment(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr input, 
		pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr RCloud, 
		pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr GCloud, 
		pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr BCloud, 
		pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr YCloud, 
		pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr OCloud)
	//color		h					s					(mean, std)
	//green		116.964, 36.432		0.8780, 0.1616
	//blue		229.644, 5.292		0.8527, 0.1730
	//yellow	037.188, 6.948		0.9835, 0.0347
	//orange	012.361, 7.1757		0.9822, 0.0813	

	double r1h[] = {0.00000, 15.000};
	double r2h[] = {359.00000, 15.000};
	//double gh[] = {116.964, 36.432};
	double gh[] = {120.00, 25.000};
	//double bh[] = {229.644, 5.2920};
	double bh[] = {235.00, 25.2920};
	double yh[] = {037.188, 6.9480};
	//double yh[] = {60.00, 8.000};
	double oh[] = {012.361, 7.1757};

	double rs[] = {0.9547, 0.0778};
	double gs[] = {0.8728, 0.1598};
	double bs[] = {0.8527, 0.1730};
	double ys[] = {0.9835, 0.0347};
	double os[] = {0.9822, 0.0813};

	for (int i = 0; i < input->points.size(); i++)
		float h, s, v;
		toHSV(input->points[i].r, input->points[i].g, input->points[i].b, &h, &s, &v);
		if (h != h) // check if h is NaN
			cout << "skipping ..." << endl;

		/* calculate the probability that this point is red */
		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_r1h(r1h[0], r1h[1]);
		double prob_r1h = boost::math::cdf(norm_r1h, h+0.5) - boost::math::cdf(norm_r1h, h-0.5);

		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_r2h(r2h[0], r2h[1]);
		double prob_r2h = boost::math::cdf(norm_r2h, h+0.5) - boost::math::cdf(norm_r2h, h-0.5);
		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_rs(rs[0], rs[1]);
		double prob_rs = boost::math::cdf(norm_rs, s+0.05) - boost::math::cdf(norm_rs, s-0.05);

		double prob_r = (prob_r1h + prob_r2h) * prob_rs;

		/* calculate the probability that this point is green */
		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_gh(gh[0], gh[1]);
		double prob_gh = boost::math::cdf(norm_gh, h+0.5) - boost::math::cdf(norm_gh, h-0.5);

		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_gs(gs[0], gs[1]);
		double prob_gs = boost::math::cdf(norm_gs, s+0.05) - boost::math::cdf(norm_gs, s-0.05);

		double prob_g = prob_gh * prob_gs;

		/* calculate the probability that this point is blue */
		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_bh(bh[0], bh[1]);
		double prob_bh = boost::math::cdf(norm_bh, h+0.5) - boost::math::cdf(norm_bh, h-0.5);

		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_bs(bs[0], bs[1]);
		double prob_bs = boost::math::cdf(norm_bs, s+0.05) - boost::math::cdf(norm_bs, s-0.05);

		double prob_b = prob_bh * prob_bs;

		/* calculate the probability that this point is yellow */
		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_yh(yh[0], yh[1]);
		double prob_yh = boost::math::cdf(norm_yh, h+0.5) - boost::math::cdf(norm_yh, h-0.5);

		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_ys(ys[0], ys[1]);
		double prob_ys = boost::math::cdf(norm_ys, s+0.05) - boost::math::cdf(norm_ys, s-0.05);

		double prob_y = prob_yh * prob_ys;

		/* calculate the probability that this point is yellow */
		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_oh(oh[0], oh[1]);
		double prob_oh = boost::math::cdf(norm_oh, h+0.5) - boost::math::cdf(norm_oh, h-0.5);

		boost::math::normal_distribution<double> norm_os(os[0], os[1]);
		double prob_os = boost::math::cdf(norm_os, s+0.05) - boost::math::cdf(norm_os, s-0.05);

		double prob_o = prob_oh * prob_os;

		// now assign to buckets
		if (prob_r > 0.001 && prob_r > prob_b && prob_r > prob_y && prob_r > prob_o && prob_r > prob_g)
		else if (prob_g > 0.001 && prob_g > prob_b && prob_g > prob_y && prob_g > prob_o && prob_g > prob_r)

		else if (prob_b > 0.001 && prob_b > prob_g && prob_b > prob_y && prob_b > prob_o && prob_b > prob_r)

		else if (prob_y > 0.001 && prob_y > prob_g && prob_y > prob_b && prob_y > prob_o && prob_y > prob_r)

		else if (prob_o > 0.001 && prob_o > prob_g && prob_o > prob_b && prob_o > prob_y && prob_o > prob_r)

			cout << i << " didn't classify" << endl;
rnorm_truncated (double *sample,  int *n, double *mu,
		 double *sigma, double *lower, double *upper)
 int		k;
 int		change;
 double	a, b;
 double	logt1 = log(0.150), logt2 = log(2.18), t3 = 0.725, t4 = 0.45;
 double	z, tmp, lograt;


 for (k=0; k<(*n); k++)
   change = 0;
   a = (lower[k] - mu[k])/sigma[k];
   b = (upper[k] - mu[k])/sigma[k];

    // First scenario
    if( (a == R_NegInf) || (b == R_PosInf))
       if(a == R_NegInf)
          change = 1;
	   a = -b;
	   b = R_PosInf;

	// The two possibilities for this scenario
       if(a <= 0.45) z = norm_rs(a, b);
	else z = exp_rs(a, b);
	if(change) z = -z;
    // Second scenario
    else if((a * b) <= 0.0)
       // The two possibilities for this scenario
       if((dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0, 1) <= logt1) || (dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1) <= logt1))
          z = norm_rs(a, b);
	else z = unif_rs(a,b);
    // Third scenario
       if(b < 0)
	   tmp = b; b = -a; a = -tmp; change = 1;

	lograt = dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0, 1) - dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1);
	if(lograt <= logt2) z = unif_rs(a,b);
	else if((lograt > logt1) && (a < t3)) z = half_norm_rs(a,b);
	else z = exp_rs(a,b);
	if(change) z = -z;

    sample[k] = sigma[k]*z + mu[k];

文件: trunc_norm.cpp 项目: cran/hdlm
void rnorm_truncated (double *sample,  int *n, double *mu, 
				  double *sigma, double *lower, double *upper)
  int		k;
  int		change = 0;
  double	a, b;
  double	logt1 = log(0.150), logt2 = log(2.18), t3 = 0.725, t4 = 0.45;
  double	z, tmp, lograt;

  a = (*lower - *mu)/(*sigma);
  b = (*upper - *mu)/(*sigma);

  if(a==b) Rprintf("Warning!! a=%f, b=%f\n",a,b);
  if(a>b) Rprintf("Warning!! a = %f > b = %f\n",a,b);
  for (k=0; k<(*n); k++)
     // First scenario
     if( (a == R_NegInf) || (b == R_PosInf))
        if(a == R_NegInf)
           change = 1;
	   a = -b;
	   b = R_PosInf;

	// The two possibilities for this scenario
     if(a <= t4) z = norm_rs(a, b);
	else z = exp_rs(a, b);
	if(change) z = -z;
     // Second scenario
     else if((a * b) <= 0.0)
        // The two possibilities for this scenario
        if((dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0, 1) <= logt1) || (dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1) <= logt1))
           z = norm_rs(a, b);
	   else z = unif_rs(a,b);
     // Third scenario
        if(b < 0)
	   tmp = b; b = -a; a = -tmp; change = 1;

	lograt = dnorm(a, 0.0, 1.0, 1) - dnorm(b, 0.0, 1.0, 1);
	if(lograt <= logt2) z = unif_rs(a,b);
	else if((lograt > logt1) && (a < t3)) z = half_norm_rs(a,b);
	else z = exp_rs(a,b);
	if(change) z = -z;

     sample[k] = *sigma*z + *mu;