/* turns Mesh into editmesh */
void make_editMesh(Scene *scene, Object *ob)
	Mesh *me= ob->data;
	MFace *mface;
	MVert *mvert;
	MSelect *mselect;
	KeyBlock *actkey;
	EditMesh *em;
	EditVert *eve, **evlist, *eve1, *eve2, *eve3, *eve4;
	EditFace *efa, *efa_last_sel= NULL;
	EditEdge *eed;
	EditSelection *ese;
	float *co, (*keyco)[3]= NULL;
	int tot, a, eekadoodle= 0;
	const short is_paint_face_sel=                             paint_facesel_test(ob);
	const short is_paint_vert_sel= is_paint_face_sel ? FALSE : paint_vertsel_test(ob);

		me->edit_mesh= MEM_callocN(sizeof(EditMesh), "editmesh");
		/* because of reload */
	em= me->edit_mesh;
	em->selectmode= scene->toolsettings->selectmode; // warning needs to be synced
	em->act_face = NULL;
	em->totvert= tot= me->totvert;
	em->totedge= me->totedge;
	em->totface= me->totface;
	if(tot==0) {
	if(ob->actcol > 0)
		em->mat_nr= ob->actcol-1;

	/* initialize fastmalloc for editmesh */
	init_editmesh_fastmalloc(em, me->totvert, me->totedge, me->totface);

	actkey = ob_get_keyblock(ob);
	if(actkey) {
		/* undo-ing in past for previous editmode sessions gives corrupt 'keyindex' values */
		keyco= actkey->data;
		em->shapenr= ob->shapenr;

	/* make editverts */
	CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &em->vdata, CD_MASK_EDITMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
	mvert= me->mvert;

	evlist= (EditVert **)MEM_mallocN(tot*sizeof(void *),"evlist");
	for(a=0; a<tot; a++, mvert++) {
		co= mvert->co;

		/* edit the shape key coordinate if available */
		if(keyco && a < actkey->totelem)
			co= keyco[a];

		eve= addvertlist(em, co, NULL);
		evlist[a]= eve;
		/* face select sets selection in next loop */
			eve->f |= (mvert->flag & SELECT);
		if (mvert->flag & ME_HIDE) eve->h= 1;
		normal_short_to_float_v3(eve->no, mvert->no);

		eve->bweight= ((float)mvert->bweight)/255.0f;

		/* lets overwrite the keyindex of the editvert
		 * with the order it used to be in before
		 * editmode
		eve->keyindex = a;

		CustomData_to_em_block(&me->vdata, &em->vdata, a, &eve->data);

	if(actkey && actkey->totelem!=me->totvert);
	else {
		MEdge *medge= me->medge;
		CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &em->edata, CD_MASK_EDITMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
		/* make edges */
		for(a=0; a<me->totedge; a++, medge++) {
			eed= addedgelist(em, evlist[medge->v1], evlist[medge->v2], NULL);
			/* eed can be zero when v1 and v2 are identical, dxf import does this... */
			if(eed) {
				int is_sel;
				if (is_paint_vert_sel) {
					/* when from vertex select, flush flags to edges,
					 * allow selection, code below handles editmode selection conversion */
					is_sel= (eed->v1->f & SELECT) && (eed->v2->f & SELECT);
				else {
					is_sel= (medge->flag & SELECT);

				eed->crease= ((float)medge->crease)/255.0f;
				eed->bweight= ((float)medge->bweight)/255.0f;
				if(medge->flag & ME_SEAM) eed->seam= 1;
				if(medge->flag & ME_SHARP) eed->sharp = 1;
				if(medge->flag & ME_FGON) eed->h= EM_FGON;	// 2 different defines!
				if(medge->flag & ME_HIDE) eed->h |= 1;
				if(is_sel) eed->f |= SELECT;
					EM_select_edge(eed, eed->f & SELECT);		// force edge selection to vertices, seems to be needed ...
				CustomData_to_em_block(&me->edata,&em->edata, a, &eed->data);
		CustomData_copy(&me->fdata, &em->fdata, CD_MASK_EDITMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);

		/* make faces */
		mface= me->mface;

		for(a=0; a<me->totface; a++, mface++) {
			eve1= evlist[mface->v1];
			eve2= evlist[mface->v2];
			if(!mface->v3) eekadoodle= 1;
			eve3= evlist[mface->v3];
			if(mface->v4) eve4= evlist[mface->v4]; else eve4= NULL;
			efa= addfacelist(em, eve1, eve2, eve3, eve4, NULL, NULL);

			if(efa) {
				CustomData_to_em_block(&me->fdata, &em->fdata, a, &efa->data);

				efa->mat_nr= mface->mat_nr;
				efa->flag= mface->flag & ~ME_HIDE;
				/* select and hide face flag */
				if(mface->flag & ME_HIDE) {
					efa->h= 1;
				} else {
					int is_sel;

					if (!is_paint_vert_sel) {
						is_sel= (mface->flag & ME_FACE_SEL);
					else {
						/* when from vertex select, flush flags to edges,
						 * allow selection, code below handles editmode selection conversion */
						is_sel= ( (efa->v1->f & SELECT) &&
						          (efa->v2->f & SELECT) &&
						          (efa->v3->f & SELECT) &&
						          (efa->v4 == NULL || efa->v4->f & SELECT)

					if (a==me->act_face) {
						EM_set_actFace(em, efa);
					/* dont allow hidden and selected */
					if(is_sel) {
						efa->f |= SELECT;
						if(is_paint_face_sel) {
							EM_select_face(efa, 1); /* flush down */

						efa_last_sel= efa;
	if(EM_get_actFace(em, 0)==NULL && efa_last_sel) {
		EM_set_actFace(em, efa_last_sel);

		error("This Mesh has old style edgecodes, please put it in the bugtracker!");

	end_editmesh_fastmalloc();	// resets global function pointers
		//restore editselections
		EM_init_index_arrays(em, 1,1,1);
		mselect = me->mselect;
		for(a=0; a<me->totselect; a++, mselect++){
			/*check if recorded selection is still valid, if so copy into editmesh*/
			if ( (mselect->type == EDITVERT && me->mvert[mselect->index].flag & SELECT) ||
			     (mselect->type == EDITEDGE && me->medge[mselect->index].flag & SELECT) ||
			     (mselect->type == EDITFACE && me->mface[mselect->index].flag & ME_FACE_SEL) )
				ese = MEM_callocN(sizeof(EditSelection), "Edit Selection");
				ese->type = mselect->type;	
				if(ese->type == EDITVERT) ese->data = EM_get_vert_for_index(mselect->index); else
				if(ese->type == EDITEDGE) ese->data = EM_get_edge_for_index(mselect->index); else
				if(ese->type == EDITFACE) ese->data = EM_get_face_for_index(mselect->index);
	/* this creates coherent selections. also needed for older files */
	/* paranoia check to enforce hide rules */
	/* sets helper flags which arent saved */
	if (EM_get_actFace(em, 0)==NULL) {
		EM_set_actFace(em, em->faces.first ); /* will use the first face, this is so we alwats have an active face */
 * This function returns the coordinate and normal of a barycentric u,v for a face defined by the primitive_id index.
 * The returned coordinate is extruded along the normal by cage_extrusion
static void calc_point_from_barycentric_extrusion(
        TriTessFace *triangles,
        float mat[4][4], float imat[4][4],
        int primitive_id, float u, float v,
        float cage_extrusion,
        float r_co[3], float r_dir[3],
        const bool is_cage)
	float data[3][3];
	float coord[3];
	float dir[3];
	float cage[3];
	bool is_smooth;

	TriTessFace *triangle = &triangles[primitive_id];
	is_smooth = triangle->is_smooth || is_cage;

	copy_v3_v3(data[0], triangle->mverts[0]->co);
	copy_v3_v3(data[1], triangle->mverts[1]->co);
	copy_v3_v3(data[2], triangle->mverts[2]->co);

	interp_barycentric_tri_v3(data, u, v, coord);

	if (is_smooth) {
		normal_short_to_float_v3(data[0], triangle->mverts[0]->no);
		normal_short_to_float_v3(data[1], triangle->mverts[1]->no);
		normal_short_to_float_v3(data[2], triangle->mverts[2]->no);

		interp_barycentric_tri_v3(data, u, v, dir);
	else {
		copy_v3_v3(dir, triangle->normal);

	mul_v3_v3fl(cage, dir, cage_extrusion);
	add_v3_v3(coord, cage);


	/* convert from local to world space */
	mul_m4_v3(mat, coord);
	mul_transposed_mat3_m4_v3(imat, dir);

	copy_v3_v3(r_co, coord);
	copy_v3_v3(r_dir, dir);
static void multiresbake_get_normal(const MResolvePixelData *data, float norm[], const int face_num, const int vert_index)
	unsigned int indices[]= {data->mface[face_num].v1, data->mface[face_num].v2,
	                         data->mface[face_num].v3, data->mface[face_num].v4};
	const int smoothnormal= (data->mface[face_num].flag & ME_SMOOTH);

	if(!smoothnormal)  { /* flat */
		if(data->precomputed_normals) {
			copy_v3_v3(norm, &data->precomputed_normals[3*face_num]);
		} else {
			float nor[3];
			float *p0, *p1, *p2;
			const int iGetNrVerts= data->mface[face_num].v4!=0 ? 4 : 3;

			p0= data->mvert[indices[0]].co;
			p1= data->mvert[indices[1]].co;
			p2= data->mvert[indices[2]].co;

			if(iGetNrVerts==4) {
				float *p3= data->mvert[indices[3]].co;
				normal_quad_v3(nor, p0, p1, p2, p3);
			} else {
				normal_tri_v3(nor, p0, p1, p2);

			copy_v3_v3(norm, nor);
	} else {
		short *no= data->mvert[indices[vert_index]].no;

		normal_short_to_float_v3(norm, no);
static void GPU_buffer_copy_normal(DerivedMesh *dm, float *varray, int *index, int *mat_orig_to_new, void *UNUSED(user))
	int i, totface;
	int start;
	float f_no[3];

	float *nors= dm->getFaceDataArray(dm, CD_NORMAL);
	MVert *mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);
	MFace *f = dm->getFaceArray(dm);

	totface= dm->getNumFaces(dm);
	for(i = 0; i < totface; i++, f++) {
		const int smoothnormal = (f->flag & ME_SMOOTH);

		start = index[mat_orig_to_new[f->mat_nr]];
		index[mat_orig_to_new[f->mat_nr]] += f->v4 ? 18 : 9;

		if(smoothnormal) {
			/* copy vertex normal */
			normal_short_to_float_v3(&varray[start], mvert[f->v1].no);
 			normal_short_to_float_v3(&varray[start+3], mvert[f->v2].no);
			normal_short_to_float_v3(&varray[start+6], mvert[f->v3].no);

			if(f->v4) {
				normal_short_to_float_v3(&varray[start+9], mvert[f->v3].no);
				normal_short_to_float_v3(&varray[start+12], mvert[f->v4].no);
				normal_short_to_float_v3(&varray[start+15], mvert[f->v1].no);
		else if(nors) {
			/* copy cached face normal */
			copy_v3_v3(&varray[start], &nors[i*3]);
			copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+3], &nors[i*3]);
			copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+6], &nors[i*3]);

			if(f->v4) {
				copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+9], &nors[i*3]);
				copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+12], &nors[i*3]);
				copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+15], &nors[i*3]);
		else {
			/* calculate face normal */
				normal_quad_v3(f_no, mvert[f->v1].co, mvert[f->v2].co, mvert[f->v3].co, mvert[f->v4].co);
				normal_tri_v3(f_no, mvert[f->v1].co, mvert[f->v2].co, mvert[f->v3].co);

			copy_v3_v3(&varray[start], f_no);
			copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+3], f_no);
			copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+6], f_no);

			if(f->v4) {
				copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+9], f_no);
				copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+12], f_no);
				copy_v3_v3(&varray[start+15], f_no);
static void vpaint_proj_dm_map_cosnos_update__map_cb(
        void *userData, int index, const float co[3],
        const float no_f[3], const short no_s[3])
	struct VertProjUpdate *vp_update = userData;
	struct VertProjHandle *vp_handle = vp_update->vp_handle;

	DMCoNo *co_no = &vp_handle->vcosnos[index];

	/* find closest vertex */
		/* first find distance to this vertex */
		float co_ss[2];  /* screenspace */

		if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(
		            co, co_ss,
			const float dist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(vp_update->mval_fl, co_ss);
			if (dist_sq > vp_handle->dists_sq[index]) {
				/* bail out! */

			vp_handle->dists_sq[index] = dist_sq;
		else if (vp_handle->dists_sq[index] != FLT_MAX) {
			/* already initialized & couldn't project this 'co' */
	/* continue with regular functionality */

	copy_v3_v3(co_no->co, co);
	if (no_f) {
		copy_v3_v3(co_no->no, no_f);
	else {
		normal_short_to_float_v3(co_no->no, no_s);
bool BL_SkinDeformer::UpdateInternal(bool shape_applied)
	/* See if the armature has been updated for this frame */
	if (PoseUpdated()) {	

		if (!shape_applied) {
			/* store verts locally */
			/* duplicate */
			for (int v =0; v<m_bmesh->totvert; v++)
				copy_v3_v3(m_transverts[v], m_bmesh->mvert[v].co);
				normal_short_to_float_v3(m_transnors[v], m_bmesh->mvert[v].no);


		switch (m_armobj->GetVertDeformType())

		/* Update the current frame */

		/* dynamic vertex, cannot use display list */
		m_bDynamic = true;
		/* indicate that the m_transverts and normals are up to date */
		return true;

	return false;
static void vpaint_proj_dm_map_cosnos_init__map_cb(
    void *userData, int index, const float co[3], const float no_f[3], const short no_s[3])
  struct VertProjHandle *vp_handle = userData;
  CoNo *co_no = &vp_handle->vcosnos[index];

  /* check if we've been here before (normal should not be 0) */
  if (!is_zero_v3(co_no->no)) {
    /* remember that multiple dm verts share the same source vert */
    vp_handle->use_update = true;

  copy_v3_v3(co_no->co, co);
  if (no_f) {
    copy_v3_v3(co_no->no, no_f);
  else {
    normal_short_to_float_v3(co_no->no, no_s);
static void shrinkwrap_calc_normal_projection(ShrinkwrapCalcData *calc, bool for_render)
	int i;

	/* Options about projection direction */
	const float proj_limit_squared = calc->smd->projLimit * calc->smd->projLimit;
	float proj_axis[3]      = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

	/* Raycast and tree stuff */

	/** \note 'hit.dist' is kept in the targets space, this is only used
	 * for finding the best hit, to get the real dist,
	 * measure the len_v3v3() from the input coord to hit.co */
	BVHTreeRayHit hit;
	BVHTreeFromMesh treeData = NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;

	/* auxiliary target */
	DerivedMesh *auxMesh    = NULL;
	BVHTreeFromMesh auxData = NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;
	SpaceTransform local2aux;

	/* If the user doesn't allows to project in any direction of projection axis
	 * then theres nothing todo. */

	/* Prepare data to retrieve the direction in which we should project each vertex */
	if (calc->smd->projAxis == MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_NORMAL) {
		if (calc->vert == NULL) return;
	else {
		/* The code supports any axis that is a combination of X,Y,Z
		 * although currently UI only allows to set the 3 different axis */
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_X_AXIS) proj_axis[0] = 1.0f;
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_Y_AXIS) proj_axis[1] = 1.0f;
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_Z_AXIS) proj_axis[2] = 1.0f;


		/* Invalid projection direction */
		if (len_squared_v3(proj_axis) < FLT_EPSILON) {

	if (calc->smd->auxTarget) {
		auxMesh = object_get_derived_final(calc->smd->auxTarget, for_render);
		if (!auxMesh)
		SPACE_TRANSFORM_SETUP(&local2aux, calc->ob, calc->smd->auxTarget);

	/* After sucessufuly build the trees, start projection vertexs */
	if (bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&treeData, calc->target, 0.0, 4, 6) &&
	    (auxMesh == NULL || bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&auxData, auxMesh, 0.0, 4, 6)))

#ifndef __APPLE__
#pragma omp parallel for private(i, hit) schedule(static)
		for (i = 0; i < calc->numVerts; ++i) {
			float *co = calc->vertexCos[i];
			float tmp_co[3], tmp_no[3];
			const float weight = defvert_array_find_weight_safe(calc->dvert, i, calc->vgroup);

			if (weight == 0.0f) {

			if (calc->vert) {
				/* calc->vert contains verts from derivedMesh  */
				/* this coordinated are deformed by vertexCos only for normal projection (to get correct normals) */
				/* for other cases calc->varts contains undeformed coordinates and vertexCos should be used */
				if (calc->smd->projAxis == MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_NORMAL) {
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, calc->vert[i].co);
					normal_short_to_float_v3(tmp_no, calc->vert[i].no);
				else {
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_no, proj_axis);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
				copy_v3_v3(tmp_no, proj_axis);

			hit.index = -1;
			hit.dist = 10000.0f; /* TODO: we should use FLT_MAX here, but sweepsphere code isn't prepared for that */

			/* Project over positive direction of axis */
			if (calc->smd->shrinkOpts & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_ALLOW_POS_DIR) {

				if (auxData.tree) {
					BKE_shrinkwrap_project_normal(0, tmp_co, tmp_no,
					                              &local2aux, auxData.tree, &hit,
					                              auxData.raycast_callback, &auxData);

				BKE_shrinkwrap_project_normal(calc->smd->shrinkOpts, tmp_co, tmp_no,
				                              &calc->local2target, treeData.tree, &hit,
				                              treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData);

			/* Project over negative direction of axis */
			if (calc->smd->shrinkOpts & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_ALLOW_NEG_DIR) {
				float inv_no[3];
				negate_v3_v3(inv_no, tmp_no);

				if (auxData.tree) {
					BKE_shrinkwrap_project_normal(0, tmp_co, inv_no,
					                              &local2aux, auxData.tree, &hit,
					                              auxData.raycast_callback, &auxData);

				BKE_shrinkwrap_project_normal(calc->smd->shrinkOpts, tmp_co, inv_no,
				                              &calc->local2target, treeData.tree, &hit,
				                              treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData);

			/* don't set the initial dist (which is more efficient),
			 * because its calculated in the targets space, we want the dist in our own space */
			if (proj_limit_squared != 0.0f) {
				if (len_squared_v3v3(hit.co, co) > proj_limit_squared) {
					hit.index = -1;

			if (hit.index != -1) {
				madd_v3_v3v3fl(hit.co, hit.co, tmp_no, calc->keepDist);
				interp_v3_v3v3(co, co, hit.co, weight);

	/* free data structures */
 * \brief Mesh -> BMesh
 * \param bm: The mesh to write into, while this is typically a newly created BMesh,
 * merging into existing data is supported.
 * Note the custom-data layout isn't used.
 * If more comprehensive merging is needed we should move this into a separate function
 * since this should be kept fast for edit-mode switching and storing undo steps.
 * \warning This function doesn't calculate face normals.
void BM_mesh_bm_from_me(
        BMesh *bm, Mesh *me,
        const struct BMeshFromMeshParams *params)
	const bool is_new =
	        !(bm->totvert ||
	          (bm->vdata.totlayer || bm->edata.totlayer || bm->pdata.totlayer || bm->ldata.totlayer));
	MVert *mvert;
	MEdge *medge;
	MLoop *mloop;
	MPoly *mp;
	KeyBlock *actkey, *block;
	BMVert *v, **vtable = NULL;
	BMEdge *e, **etable = NULL;
	BMFace *f, **ftable = NULL;
	float (*keyco)[3] = NULL;
	int totuv, totloops, i;

	if (!me || !me->totvert) {
		if (me && is_new) { /*no verts? still copy customdata layout*/
			CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &bm->edata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);

			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->vdata, me->totvert, BM_VERT);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->edata, me->totedge, BM_EDGE);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->ldata, me->totloop, BM_LOOP);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->pdata, me->totpoly, BM_FACE);
		return; /* sanity check */

	if (is_new) {
		CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
		CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &bm->edata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
		CustomData_copy(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
		CustomData_copy(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);

		/* make sure uv layer names are consisten */
		totuv = CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY);
		for (i = 0; i < totuv; i++) {
			int li = CustomData_get_layer_index_n(&bm->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY, i);
			CustomData_set_layer_name(&bm->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, i, bm->pdata.layers[li].name);

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Shape Key */
	int tot_shape_keys = me->key ? BLI_listbase_count(&me->key->block) : 0;
	if (is_new == false) {
		tot_shape_keys = min_ii(tot_shape_keys, CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY));
	const float (**shape_key_table)[3] = tot_shape_keys ? BLI_array_alloca(shape_key_table, tot_shape_keys) : NULL;

	if ((params->active_shapekey != 0) && (me->key != NULL)) {
		actkey = BLI_findlink(&me->key->block, params->active_shapekey - 1);
	else {
		actkey = NULL;

	if (is_new) {
		if (tot_shape_keys || params->add_key_index) {
			CustomData_add_layer(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX, CD_ASSIGN, NULL, 0);

	if (tot_shape_keys) {
		if (is_new) {
			/* check if we need to generate unique ids for the shapekeys.
			 * this also exists in the file reading code, but is here for
			 * a sanity check */
			if (!me->key->uidgen) {
				        "%s had to generate shape key uid's in a situation we shouldn't need to! "
				        "(bmesh internal error)\n",

				me->key->uidgen = 1;
				for (block = me->key->block.first; block; block = block->next) {
					block->uid = me->key->uidgen++;

		if (actkey && actkey->totelem == me->totvert) {
			keyco = params->use_shapekey ? actkey->data : NULL;
			if (is_new) {
				bm->shapenr = params->active_shapekey;

		for (i = 0, block = me->key->block.first; i < tot_shape_keys; block = block->next, i++) {
			if (is_new) {
				CustomData_add_layer_named(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY,
				                           CD_ASSIGN, NULL, 0, block->name);
				int j = CustomData_get_layer_index_n(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY, i);
				bm->vdata.layers[j].uid = block->uid;
			shape_key_table[i] = (const float (*)[3])block->data;

	if (is_new) {
		CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->vdata, me->totvert, BM_VERT);
		CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->edata, me->totedge, BM_EDGE);
		CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->ldata, me->totloop, BM_LOOP);
		CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->pdata, me->totpoly, BM_FACE);

		BM_mesh_cd_flag_apply(bm, me->cd_flag);

	const int cd_vert_bweight_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_BWEIGHT);
	const int cd_edge_bweight_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_BWEIGHT);
	const int cd_edge_crease_offset  = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_CREASE);
	const int cd_shape_key_offset = me->key ? CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY) : -1;
	const int cd_shape_keyindex_offset = is_new && (tot_shape_keys || params->add_key_index) ?
	          CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX) : -1;

	vtable = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMVert **) * me->totvert, __func__);

	for (i = 0, mvert = me->mvert; i < me->totvert; i++, mvert++) {
		v = vtable[i] = BM_vert_create(bm, keyco ? keyco[i] : mvert->co, NULL, BM_CREATE_SKIP_CD);
		BM_elem_index_set(v, i); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flag */
		v->head.hflag = BM_vert_flag_from_mflag(mvert->flag & ~SELECT);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (mvert->flag & SELECT) {
			BM_vert_select_set(bm, v, true);

		normal_short_to_float_v3(v->no, mvert->no);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, i, &v->head.data, true);

		if (cd_vert_bweight_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(v, cd_vert_bweight_offset, (float)mvert->bweight / 255.0f);

		/* set shape key original index */
		if (cd_shape_keyindex_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_INT(v, cd_shape_keyindex_offset, i);

		/* set shapekey data */
		if (tot_shape_keys) {
			float (*co_dst)[3] = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(v, cd_shape_key_offset);
			for (int j = 0; j < tot_shape_keys; j++, co_dst++) {
				copy_v3_v3(*co_dst, shape_key_table[j][i]);
	if (is_new) {
		bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_VERT; /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	etable = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMEdge **) * me->totedge, __func__);

	medge = me->medge;
	for (i = 0; i < me->totedge; i++, medge++) {
		e = etable[i] = BM_edge_create(bm, vtable[medge->v1], vtable[medge->v2], NULL, BM_CREATE_SKIP_CD);
		BM_elem_index_set(e, i); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flags */
		e->head.hflag = BM_edge_flag_from_mflag(medge->flag & ~SELECT);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (medge->flag & SELECT) {
			BM_edge_select_set(bm, e, true);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->edata, &bm->edata, i, &e->head.data, true);

		if (cd_edge_bweight_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(e, cd_edge_bweight_offset, (float)medge->bweight / 255.0f);
		if (cd_edge_crease_offset  != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(e, cd_edge_crease_offset,  (float)medge->crease  / 255.0f);

	if (is_new) {
		bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_EDGE; /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	/* only needed for selection. */
	if (me->mselect && me->totselect != 0) {
		ftable = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMFace **) * me->totpoly, __func__);

	mloop = me->mloop;
	mp = me->mpoly;
	for (i = 0, totloops = 0; i < me->totpoly; i++, mp++) {
		BMLoop *l_iter;
		BMLoop *l_first;

		f = bm_face_create_from_mpoly(mp, mloop + mp->loopstart,
		                              bm, vtable, etable);
		if (ftable != NULL) {
			ftable[i] = f;

		if (UNLIKELY(f == NULL)) {
			printf("%s: Warning! Bad face in mesh"
			       " \"%s\" at index %d!, skipping\n",
			       __func__, me->id.name + 2, i);

		/* don't use 'i' since we may have skipped the face */
		BM_elem_index_set(f, bm->totface - 1); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flag */
		f->head.hflag = BM_face_flag_from_mflag(mp->flag & ~ME_FACE_SEL);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (mp->flag & ME_FACE_SEL) {
			BM_face_select_set(bm, f, true);

		f->mat_nr = mp->mat_nr;
		if (i == me->act_face) bm->act_face = f;

		int j = mp->loopstart;
		l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(f);
		do {
			/* don't use 'j' since we may have skipped some faces, hence some loops. */
			BM_elem_index_set(l_iter, totloops++); /* set_ok */

			/* Save index of correspsonding MLoop */
			CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, j++, &l_iter->head.data, true);
		} while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, i, &f->head.data, true);

		if (params->calc_face_normal) {
	if (is_new) {
		bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~(BM_FACE | BM_LOOP); /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* MSelect clears the array elements (avoid adding multiple times).
	 * Take care to keep this last and not use (v/e/ftable) after this.

	if (me->mselect && me->totselect != 0) {
		MSelect *msel;
		for (i = 0, msel = me->mselect; i < me->totselect; i++, msel++) {
			BMElem **ele_p;
			switch (msel->type) {
				case ME_VSEL:
					ele_p = (BMElem **)&vtable[msel->index];
				case ME_ESEL:
					ele_p = (BMElem **)&etable[msel->index];
				case ME_FSEL:
					ele_p = (BMElem **)&ftable[msel->index];

			if (*ele_p != NULL) {
				BM_select_history_store_notest(bm, *ele_p);
				*ele_p = NULL;
	else {

	if (ftable) {
 * \brief Mesh -> BMesh
 * \warning This function doesn't calculate face normals.
void BM_mesh_bm_from_me(BMesh *bm, Mesh *me,
                        const bool calc_face_normal, const bool set_key, int act_key_nr)
	MVert *mvert;
	MEdge *medge;
	MLoop *mloop;
	MPoly *mp;
	KeyBlock *actkey, *block;
	BMVert *v, **vtable = NULL;
	BMEdge *e, **etable = NULL;
	BMFace *f;
	float (*keyco)[3] = NULL;
	int *keyi;
	int totuv, i, j;

	int cd_vert_bweight_offset;
	int cd_edge_bweight_offset;
	int cd_edge_crease_offset;

	/* free custom data */
	/* this isnt needed in most cases but do just incase */
	CustomData_free(&bm->vdata, bm->totvert);
	CustomData_free(&bm->edata, bm->totedge);
	CustomData_free(&bm->ldata, bm->totloop);
	CustomData_free(&bm->pdata, bm->totface);

	if (!me || !me->totvert) {
		if (me) { /*no verts? still copy customdata layout*/
			CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &bm->edata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);
			CustomData_copy(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_ASSIGN, 0);

			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->vdata, me->totvert, BM_VERT);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->edata, me->totedge, BM_EDGE);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->ldata, me->totloop, BM_LOOP);
			CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->pdata, me->totpoly, BM_FACE);
		return; /* sanity check */

	vtable = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(void **) * me->totvert, "mesh to bmesh vtable");

	CustomData_copy(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
	CustomData_copy(&me->edata, &bm->edata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
	CustomData_copy(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
	CustomData_copy(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);

	/* make sure uv layer names are consisten */
	totuv = CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY);
	for (i = 0; i < totuv; i++) {
		int li = CustomData_get_layer_index_n(&bm->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY, i);
		CustomData_set_layer_name(&bm->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, i, bm->pdata.layers[li].name);

	if ((act_key_nr != 0) && (me->key != NULL)) {
		actkey = BLI_findlink(&me->key->block, act_key_nr - 1);
	else {
		actkey = NULL;

	if (me->key) {
		CustomData_add_layer(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX, CD_ASSIGN, NULL, 0);

		/* check if we need to generate unique ids for the shapekeys.
		 * this also exists in the file reading code, but is here for
		 * a sanity check */
		if (!me->key->uidgen) {
			        "%s had to generate shape key uid's in a situation we shouldn't need to! "
			        "(bmesh internal error)\n",

			me->key->uidgen = 1;
			for (block = me->key->block.first; block; block = block->next) {
				block->uid = me->key->uidgen++;

		if (actkey && actkey->totelem == me->totvert) {
			keyco = actkey->data;
			bm->shapenr = act_key_nr;

		for (i = 0, block = me->key->block.first; block; block = block->next, i++) {
			CustomData_add_layer_named(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY,
			                           CD_ASSIGN, NULL, 0, block->name);

			j = CustomData_get_layer_index_n(&bm->vdata, CD_SHAPEKEY, i);
			bm->vdata.layers[j].uid = block->uid;

	CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->vdata, me->totvert, BM_VERT);
	CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->edata, me->totedge, BM_EDGE);
	CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->ldata, me->totloop, BM_LOOP);
	CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->pdata, me->totpoly, BM_FACE);

	BM_mesh_cd_flag_apply(bm, me->cd_flag);

	cd_vert_bweight_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_BWEIGHT);
	cd_edge_bweight_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_BWEIGHT);
	cd_edge_crease_offset  = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_CREASE);

	for (i = 0, mvert = me->mvert; i < me->totvert; i++, mvert++) {
		v = vtable[i] = BM_vert_create(bm, keyco && set_key ? keyco[i] : mvert->co, NULL, BM_CREATE_SKIP_CD);
		BM_elem_index_set(v, i); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flag */
		v->head.hflag = BM_vert_flag_from_mflag(mvert->flag & ~SELECT);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (mvert->flag & SELECT) {
			BM_vert_select_set(bm, v, true);

		normal_short_to_float_v3(v->no, mvert->no);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->vdata, &bm->vdata, i, &v->head.data, true);

		if (cd_vert_bweight_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(v, cd_vert_bweight_offset, (float)mvert->bweight / 255.0f);

		/* set shapekey data */
		if (me->key) {
			/* set shape key original index */
			keyi = CustomData_bmesh_get(&bm->vdata, v->head.data, CD_SHAPE_KEYINDEX);
			if (keyi) {
				*keyi = i;

			for (block = me->key->block.first, j = 0; block; block = block->next, j++) {
				float *co = CustomData_bmesh_get_n(&bm->vdata, v->head.data, CD_SHAPEKEY, j);

				if (co) {
					copy_v3_v3(co, ((float *)block->data) + 3 * i);

	bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_VERT; /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	if (!me->totedge) {

	etable = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(void **) * me->totedge, "mesh to bmesh etable");

	medge = me->medge;
	for (i = 0; i < me->totedge; i++, medge++) {
		e = etable[i] = BM_edge_create(bm, vtable[medge->v1], vtable[medge->v2], NULL, BM_CREATE_SKIP_CD);
		BM_elem_index_set(e, i); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flags */
		e->head.hflag = BM_edge_flag_from_mflag(medge->flag & ~SELECT);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (medge->flag & SELECT) {
			BM_edge_select_set(bm, e, true);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->edata, &bm->edata, i, &e->head.data, true);

		if (cd_edge_bweight_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(e, cd_edge_bweight_offset, (float)medge->bweight / 255.0f);
		if (cd_edge_crease_offset  != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(e, cd_edge_crease_offset,  (float)medge->crease  / 255.0f);


	bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_EDGE; /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	mloop = me->mloop;
	mp = me->mpoly;
	for (i = 0; i < me->totpoly; i++, mp++) {
		BMLoop *l_iter;
		BMLoop *l_first;

		f = bm_face_create_from_mpoly(mp, mloop + mp->loopstart,
		                              bm, vtable, etable);

		if (UNLIKELY(f == NULL)) {
			printf("%s: Warning! Bad face in mesh"
			       " \"%s\" at index %d!, skipping\n",
			       __func__, me->id.name + 2, i);

		/* don't use 'i' since we may have skipped the face */
		BM_elem_index_set(f, bm->totface - 1); /* set_ok */

		/* transfer flag */
		f->head.hflag = BM_face_flag_from_mflag(mp->flag & ~ME_FACE_SEL);

		/* this is necessary for selection counts to work properly */
		if (mp->flag & ME_FACE_SEL) {
			BM_face_select_set(bm, f, true);

		f->mat_nr = mp->mat_nr;
		if (i == me->act_face) bm->act_face = f;

		j = mp->loopstart;
		l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(f);
		do {
			/* Save index of correspsonding MLoop */
			CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->ldata, &bm->ldata, j++, &l_iter->head.data, true);
		} while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first);

		/* Copy Custom Data */
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&me->pdata, &bm->pdata, i, &f->head.data, true);

		if (calc_face_normal) {

	bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_FACE; /* added in order, clear dirty flag */

	if (me->mselect && me->totselect != 0) {

		BMVert **vert_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMVert *) * bm->totvert, "VSelConv");
		BMEdge **edge_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMEdge *) * bm->totedge, "ESelConv");
		BMFace **face_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(BMFace *) * bm->totface, "FSelConv");
		MSelect *msel;

#pragma omp parallel sections if (bm->totvert + bm->totedge + bm->totface >= BM_OMP_LIMIT)
#pragma omp section
			{ BM_iter_as_array(bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, NULL, (void **)vert_array, bm->totvert); }
#pragma omp section
			{ BM_iter_as_array(bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH, NULL, (void **)edge_array, bm->totedge); }
#pragma omp section
			{ BM_iter_as_array(bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH, NULL, (void **)face_array, bm->totface); }

		for (i = 0, msel = me->mselect; i < me->totselect; i++, msel++) {
			switch (msel->type) {
				case ME_VSEL:
					BM_select_history_store(bm, (BMElem *)vert_array[msel->index]);
				case ME_ESEL:
					BM_select_history_store(bm, (BMElem *)edge_array[msel->index]);
				case ME_FSEL:
					BM_select_history_store(bm, (BMElem *)face_array[msel->index]);

	else {
		me->totselect = 0;
		if (me->mselect) {
			me->mselect = NULL;

static DerivedMesh *arrayModifier_doArray(
        ArrayModifierData *amd,
        Scene *scene, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm,
        ModifierApplyFlag flag)
	const float eps = 1e-6f;
	const MVert *src_mvert;
	MVert *mv, *mv_prev, *result_dm_verts;

	MEdge *me;
	MLoop *ml;
	MPoly *mp;
	int i, j, c, count;
	float length = amd->length;
	/* offset matrix */
	float offset[4][4];
	float scale[3];
	bool offset_has_scale;
	float current_offset[4][4];
	float final_offset[4][4];
	int *full_doubles_map = NULL;
	int tot_doubles;

	const bool use_merge = (amd->flags & MOD_ARR_MERGE) != 0;
	const bool use_recalc_normals = (dm->dirty & DM_DIRTY_NORMALS) || use_merge;
	const bool use_offset_ob = ((amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_OBJ) && amd->offset_ob);
	/* allow pole vertices to be used by many faces */
	const bool with_follow = use_offset_ob;

	int start_cap_nverts = 0, start_cap_nedges = 0, start_cap_npolys = 0, start_cap_nloops = 0;
	int end_cap_nverts = 0, end_cap_nedges = 0, end_cap_npolys = 0, end_cap_nloops = 0;
	int result_nverts = 0, result_nedges = 0, result_npolys = 0, result_nloops = 0;
	int chunk_nverts, chunk_nedges, chunk_nloops, chunk_npolys;
	int first_chunk_start, first_chunk_nverts, last_chunk_start, last_chunk_nverts;

	DerivedMesh *result, *start_cap_dm = NULL, *end_cap_dm = NULL;

	chunk_nverts = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	chunk_nedges = dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	chunk_nloops = dm->getNumLoops(dm);
	chunk_npolys = dm->getNumPolys(dm);

	count = amd->count;

	if (amd->start_cap && amd->start_cap != ob && amd->start_cap->type == OB_MESH) {
		start_cap_dm = get_dm_for_modifier(amd->start_cap, flag);
		if (start_cap_dm) {
			start_cap_nverts = start_cap_dm->getNumVerts(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_nedges = start_cap_dm->getNumEdges(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_nloops = start_cap_dm->getNumLoops(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_npolys = start_cap_dm->getNumPolys(start_cap_dm);
	if (amd->end_cap && amd->end_cap != ob && amd->end_cap->type == OB_MESH) {
		end_cap_dm = get_dm_for_modifier(amd->end_cap, flag);
		if (end_cap_dm) {
			end_cap_nverts = end_cap_dm->getNumVerts(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_nedges = end_cap_dm->getNumEdges(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_nloops = end_cap_dm->getNumLoops(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_npolys = end_cap_dm->getNumPolys(end_cap_dm);

	/* Build up offset array, cumulating all settings options */

	src_mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);

	if (amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_CONST)
		add_v3_v3v3(offset[3], offset[3], amd->offset);

	if (amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_RELATIVE) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			offset[3][j] += amd->scale[j] * vertarray_size(src_mvert, chunk_nverts, j);

	if (use_offset_ob) {
		float obinv[4][4];
		float result_mat[4][4];

		if (ob)
			invert_m4_m4(obinv, ob->obmat);

		mul_m4_series(result_mat, offset,
		              obinv, amd->offset_ob->obmat);
		copy_m4_m4(offset, result_mat);

	/* Check if there is some scaling.  If scaling, then we will not translate mapping */
	mat4_to_size(scale, offset);
	offset_has_scale = !is_one_v3(scale);

	if (amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITCURVE && amd->curve_ob) {
		Curve *cu = amd->curve_ob->data;
		if (cu) {
			if (amd->curve_ob->curve_cache == NULL) {
				BKE_displist_make_curveTypes(scene, amd->curve_ob, false);

			if (amd->curve_ob->curve_cache && amd->curve_ob->curve_cache->path) {
				float scale = mat4_to_scale(amd->curve_ob->obmat);
				length = scale * amd->curve_ob->curve_cache->path->totdist;

	/* calculate the maximum number of copies which will fit within the
	 * prescribed length */
	if (amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITLENGTH || amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITCURVE) {
		float dist = len_v3(offset[3]);

		if (dist > eps) {
			/* this gives length = first copy start to last copy end
			 * add a tiny offset for floating point rounding errors */
			count = (length + eps) / dist;
		else {
			/* if the offset has no translation, just make one copy */
			count = 1;

	if (count < 1)
		count = 1;

	/* The number of verts, edges, loops, polys, before eventually merging doubles */
	result_nverts = chunk_nverts * count + start_cap_nverts + end_cap_nverts;
	result_nedges = chunk_nedges * count + start_cap_nedges + end_cap_nedges;
	result_nloops = chunk_nloops * count + start_cap_nloops + end_cap_nloops;
	result_npolys = chunk_npolys * count + start_cap_npolys + end_cap_npolys;

	/* Initialize a result dm */
	result = CDDM_from_template(dm, result_nverts, result_nedges, 0, result_nloops, result_npolys);
	result_dm_verts = CDDM_get_verts(result);

	if (use_merge) {
		/* Will need full_doubles_map for handling merge */
		full_doubles_map = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int) * result_nverts, "mod array doubles map");
		fill_vn_i(full_doubles_map, result_nverts, -1);

	/* copy customdata to original geometry */
	DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nverts);
	DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nedges);
	DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nloops);
	DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_npolys);

	/* subsurf for eg wont have mesh data in the
	 * now add mvert/medge/mface layers */

	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->vertData, CD_MVERT)) {
		dm->copyVertArray(dm, result_dm_verts);
	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->edgeData, CD_MEDGE)) {
		dm->copyEdgeArray(dm, CDDM_get_edges(result));
	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->polyData, CD_MPOLY)) {
		dm->copyLoopArray(dm, CDDM_get_loops(result));
		dm->copyPolyArray(dm, CDDM_get_polys(result));

	/* Remember first chunk, in case of cap merge */
	first_chunk_start = 0;
	first_chunk_nverts = chunk_nverts;

	for (c = 1; c < count; c++) {
		/* copy customdata to new geometry */
		DM_copy_vert_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nverts, chunk_nverts);
		DM_copy_edge_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nedges, chunk_nedges);
		DM_copy_loop_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nloops, chunk_nloops);
		DM_copy_poly_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_npolys, chunk_npolys);

		mv_prev = result_dm_verts;
		mv = mv_prev + c * chunk_nverts;

		/* recalculate cumulative offset here */
		mul_m4_m4m4(current_offset, current_offset, offset);

		/* apply offset to all new verts */
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nverts; i++, mv++, mv_prev++) {
			mul_m4_v3(current_offset, mv->co);

			/* We have to correct normals too, if we do not tag them as dirty! */
			if (!use_recalc_normals) {
				float no[3];
				normal_short_to_float_v3(no, mv->no);
				mul_mat3_m4_v3(current_offset, no);
				normal_float_to_short_v3(mv->no, no);

		/* adjust edge vertex indices */
		me = CDDM_get_edges(result) + c * chunk_nedges;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nedges; i++, me++) {
			me->v1 += c * chunk_nverts;
			me->v2 += c * chunk_nverts;

		mp = CDDM_get_polys(result) + c * chunk_npolys;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_npolys; i++, mp++) {
			mp->loopstart += c * chunk_nloops;

		/* adjust loop vertex and edge indices */
		ml = CDDM_get_loops(result) + c * chunk_nloops;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nloops; i++, ml++) {
			ml->v += c * chunk_nverts;
			ml->e += c * chunk_nedges;

		/* Handle merge between chunk n and n-1 */
		if (use_merge && (c >= 1)) {
			if (!offset_has_scale && (c >= 2)) {
				/* Mapping chunk 3 to chunk 2 is a translation of mapping 2 to 1
				 * ... that is except if scaling makes the distance grow */
				int k;
				int this_chunk_index = c * chunk_nverts;
				int prev_chunk_index = (c - 1) * chunk_nverts;
				for (k = 0; k < chunk_nverts; k++, this_chunk_index++, prev_chunk_index++) {
					int target = full_doubles_map[prev_chunk_index];
					if (target != -1) {
						target += chunk_nverts; /* translate mapping */
						if (full_doubles_map[target] != -1) {
							if (with_follow) {
								target = full_doubles_map[target];
							else {
								/* The rule here is to not follow mapping to chunk N-2, which could be too far
								 * so if target vertex was itself mapped, then this vertex is not mapped */
								target = -1;
					full_doubles_map[this_chunk_index] = target;
			else {
				        (c - 1) * chunk_nverts,
				        c * chunk_nverts,

	last_chunk_start = (count - 1) * chunk_nverts;
	last_chunk_nverts = chunk_nverts;

	copy_m4_m4(final_offset, current_offset);

	if (use_merge && (amd->flags & MOD_ARR_MERGEFINAL) && (count > 1)) {
		/* Merge first and last copies */

	/* start capping */
	if (start_cap_dm) {
		float start_offset[4][4];
		int start_cap_start = result_nverts - start_cap_nverts - end_cap_nverts;
		invert_m4_m4(start_offset, offset);
		        result, start_cap_dm, start_offset,
		        result_nverts - start_cap_nverts - end_cap_nverts,
		        result_nedges - start_cap_nedges - end_cap_nedges,
		        result_nloops - start_cap_nloops - end_cap_nloops,
		        result_npolys - start_cap_npolys - end_cap_npolys,
		        start_cap_nverts, start_cap_nedges, start_cap_nloops, start_cap_npolys);
		/* Identify doubles with first chunk */
		if (use_merge) {

	if (end_cap_dm) {
		float end_offset[4][4];
		int end_cap_start = result_nverts - end_cap_nverts;
		mul_m4_m4m4(end_offset, current_offset, offset);
		        result, end_cap_dm, end_offset,
		        result_nverts - end_cap_nverts,
		        result_nedges - end_cap_nedges,
		        result_nloops - end_cap_nloops,
		        result_npolys - end_cap_npolys,
		        end_cap_nverts, end_cap_nedges, end_cap_nloops, end_cap_npolys);
		/* Identify doubles with last chunk */
		if (use_merge) {
	/* done capping */

	/* Handle merging */
	tot_doubles = 0;
	if (use_merge) {
		for (i = 0; i < result_nverts; i++) {
			if (full_doubles_map[i] != -1) {
				if (i == full_doubles_map[i]) {
					full_doubles_map[i] = -1;
				else {
		if (tot_doubles > 0) {
			result = CDDM_merge_verts(result, full_doubles_map, tot_doubles, CDDM_MERGE_VERTS_DUMP_IF_EQUAL);

	/* In case org dm has dirty normals, or we made some merging, mark normals as dirty in new dm!
	 * TODO: we may need to set other dirty flags as well?
	if (use_recalc_normals) {
		result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	return result;
static DerivedMesh *arrayModifier_doArray(
        ArrayModifierData *amd,
        Scene *scene, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm,
        ModifierApplyFlag flag)
	const float eps = 1e-6f;
	const MVert *src_mvert;
	MVert *mv, *mv_prev, *result_dm_verts;

	MEdge *me;
	MLoop *ml;
	MPoly *mp;
	int i, j, c, count;
	float length = amd->length;
	/* offset matrix */
	float offset[4][4];
	float scale[3];
	bool offset_has_scale;
	float current_offset[4][4];
	float final_offset[4][4];
	int *full_doubles_map = NULL;
	int tot_doubles;

	const bool use_merge = (amd->flags & MOD_ARR_MERGE) != 0;
	const bool use_recalc_normals = (dm->dirty & DM_DIRTY_NORMALS) || use_merge;
	const bool use_offset_ob = ((amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_OBJ) && amd->offset_ob);

	int start_cap_nverts = 0, start_cap_nedges = 0, start_cap_npolys = 0, start_cap_nloops = 0;
	int end_cap_nverts = 0, end_cap_nedges = 0, end_cap_npolys = 0, end_cap_nloops = 0;
	int result_nverts = 0, result_nedges = 0, result_npolys = 0, result_nloops = 0;
	int chunk_nverts, chunk_nedges, chunk_nloops, chunk_npolys;
	int first_chunk_start, first_chunk_nverts, last_chunk_start, last_chunk_nverts;

	DerivedMesh *result, *start_cap_dm = NULL, *end_cap_dm = NULL;

	int *vgroup_start_cap_remap = NULL;
	int vgroup_start_cap_remap_len = 0;
	int *vgroup_end_cap_remap = NULL;
	int vgroup_end_cap_remap_len = 0;

	chunk_nverts = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	chunk_nedges = dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	chunk_nloops = dm->getNumLoops(dm);
	chunk_npolys = dm->getNumPolys(dm);

	count = amd->count;

	if (amd->start_cap && amd->start_cap != ob && amd->start_cap->type == OB_MESH) {
		vgroup_start_cap_remap = BKE_object_defgroup_index_map_create(amd->start_cap, ob, &vgroup_start_cap_remap_len);

		start_cap_dm = get_dm_for_modifier(amd->start_cap, flag);
		if (start_cap_dm) {
			start_cap_nverts = start_cap_dm->getNumVerts(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_nedges = start_cap_dm->getNumEdges(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_nloops = start_cap_dm->getNumLoops(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_npolys = start_cap_dm->getNumPolys(start_cap_dm);
	if (amd->end_cap && amd->end_cap != ob && amd->end_cap->type == OB_MESH) {
		vgroup_end_cap_remap = BKE_object_defgroup_index_map_create(amd->end_cap, ob, &vgroup_end_cap_remap_len);

		end_cap_dm = get_dm_for_modifier(amd->end_cap, flag);
		if (end_cap_dm) {
			end_cap_nverts = end_cap_dm->getNumVerts(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_nedges = end_cap_dm->getNumEdges(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_nloops = end_cap_dm->getNumLoops(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_npolys = end_cap_dm->getNumPolys(end_cap_dm);

	/* Build up offset array, cumulating all settings options */

	src_mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);

	if (amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_CONST) {
		add_v3_v3(offset[3], amd->offset);

	if (amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_RELATIVE) {
		float min[3], max[3];
		const MVert *src_mv;

		INIT_MINMAX(min, max);
		for (src_mv = src_mvert, j = chunk_nverts; j--; src_mv++) {
			minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, src_mv->co);

		for (j = 3; j--; ) {
			offset[3][j] += amd->scale[j] * (max[j] - min[j]);

	if (use_offset_ob) {
		float obinv[4][4];
		float result_mat[4][4];

		if (ob)
			invert_m4_m4(obinv, ob->obmat);

		mul_m4_series(result_mat, offset,
		              obinv, amd->offset_ob->obmat);
		copy_m4_m4(offset, result_mat);

	/* Check if there is some scaling.  If scaling, then we will not translate mapping */
	mat4_to_size(scale, offset);
	offset_has_scale = !is_one_v3(scale);

	if (amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITCURVE && amd->curve_ob) {
		Curve *cu = amd->curve_ob->data;
		if (cu) {
			if (amd->curve_ob->curve_cache == NULL) {
				BKE_displist_make_curveTypes(scene, amd->curve_ob, false);

			if (amd->curve_ob->curve_cache && amd->curve_ob->curve_cache->path) {
				float scale_fac = mat4_to_scale(amd->curve_ob->obmat);
				length = scale_fac * amd->curve_ob->curve_cache->path->totdist;

	/* calculate the maximum number of copies which will fit within the
	 * prescribed length */
	if (amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITLENGTH || amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITCURVE) {
		float dist = len_v3(offset[3]);

		if (dist > eps) {
			/* this gives length = first copy start to last copy end
			 * add a tiny offset for floating point rounding errors */
			count = (length + eps) / dist + 1;
		else {
			/* if the offset has no translation, just make one copy */
			count = 1;

	if (count < 1)
		count = 1;

	/* The number of verts, edges, loops, polys, before eventually merging doubles */
	result_nverts = chunk_nverts * count + start_cap_nverts + end_cap_nverts;
	result_nedges = chunk_nedges * count + start_cap_nedges + end_cap_nedges;
	result_nloops = chunk_nloops * count + start_cap_nloops + end_cap_nloops;
	result_npolys = chunk_npolys * count + start_cap_npolys + end_cap_npolys;

	/* Initialize a result dm */
	result = CDDM_from_template(dm, result_nverts, result_nedges, 0, result_nloops, result_npolys);
	result_dm_verts = CDDM_get_verts(result);

	if (use_merge) {
		/* Will need full_doubles_map for handling merge */
		full_doubles_map = MEM_malloc_arrayN(result_nverts, sizeof(int), "mod array doubles map");
		copy_vn_i(full_doubles_map, result_nverts, -1);

	/* copy customdata to original geometry */
	DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nverts);
	DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nedges);
	DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nloops);
	DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_npolys);

	/* Subsurf for eg won't have mesh data in the custom data arrays.
	 * now add mvert/medge/mpoly layers. */

	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->vertData, CD_MVERT)) {
		dm->copyVertArray(dm, result_dm_verts);
	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->edgeData, CD_MEDGE)) {
		dm->copyEdgeArray(dm, CDDM_get_edges(result));
	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->polyData, CD_MPOLY)) {
		dm->copyLoopArray(dm, CDDM_get_loops(result));
		dm->copyPolyArray(dm, CDDM_get_polys(result));

	/* Remember first chunk, in case of cap merge */
	first_chunk_start = 0;
	first_chunk_nverts = chunk_nverts;

	for (c = 1; c < count; c++) {
		/* copy customdata to new geometry */
		DM_copy_vert_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nverts, chunk_nverts);
		DM_copy_edge_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nedges, chunk_nedges);
		DM_copy_loop_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nloops, chunk_nloops);
		DM_copy_poly_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_npolys, chunk_npolys);

		mv_prev = result_dm_verts;
		mv = mv_prev + c * chunk_nverts;

		/* recalculate cumulative offset here */
		mul_m4_m4m4(current_offset, current_offset, offset);

		/* apply offset to all new verts */
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nverts; i++, mv++, mv_prev++) {
			mul_m4_v3(current_offset, mv->co);

			/* We have to correct normals too, if we do not tag them as dirty! */
			if (!use_recalc_normals) {
				float no[3];
				normal_short_to_float_v3(no, mv->no);
				mul_mat3_m4_v3(current_offset, no);
				normal_float_to_short_v3(mv->no, no);

		/* adjust edge vertex indices */
		me = CDDM_get_edges(result) + c * chunk_nedges;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nedges; i++, me++) {
			me->v1 += c * chunk_nverts;
			me->v2 += c * chunk_nverts;

		mp = CDDM_get_polys(result) + c * chunk_npolys;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_npolys; i++, mp++) {
			mp->loopstart += c * chunk_nloops;

		/* adjust loop vertex and edge indices */
		ml = CDDM_get_loops(result) + c * chunk_nloops;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nloops; i++, ml++) {
			ml->v += c * chunk_nverts;
			ml->e += c * chunk_nedges;

		/* Handle merge between chunk n and n-1 */
		if (use_merge && (c >= 1)) {
			if (!offset_has_scale && (c >= 2)) {
				/* Mapping chunk 3 to chunk 2 is a translation of mapping 2 to 1
				 * ... that is except if scaling makes the distance grow */
				int k;
				int this_chunk_index = c * chunk_nverts;
				int prev_chunk_index = (c - 1) * chunk_nverts;
				for (k = 0; k < chunk_nverts; k++, this_chunk_index++, prev_chunk_index++) {
					int target = full_doubles_map[prev_chunk_index];
					if (target != -1) {
						target += chunk_nverts; /* translate mapping */
						while (target != -1 && !ELEM(full_doubles_map[target], -1, target)) {
							/* If target is already mapped, we only follow that mapping if final target remains
							 * close enough from current vert (otherwise no mapping at all). */
							if (compare_len_v3v3(result_dm_verts[this_chunk_index].co,
								target = full_doubles_map[target];
							else {
								target = -1;
					full_doubles_map[this_chunk_index] = target;
			else {
				        (c - 1) * chunk_nverts,
				        c * chunk_nverts,

	/* handle UVs */
	if (chunk_nloops > 0 && is_zero_v2(amd->uv_offset) == false) {
		const int totuv = CustomData_number_of_layers(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV);
		for (i = 0; i < totuv; i++) {
			MLoopUV *dmloopuv = CustomData_get_layer_n(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, i);
			dmloopuv += chunk_nloops;
			for (c = 1; c < count; c++) {
				const float uv_offset[2] = {
					amd->uv_offset[0] * (float)c,
					amd->uv_offset[1] * (float)c,
				int l_index = chunk_nloops;
				for (; l_index-- != 0; dmloopuv++) {
					dmloopuv->uv[0] += uv_offset[0];
					dmloopuv->uv[1] += uv_offset[1];

	last_chunk_start = (count - 1) * chunk_nverts;
	last_chunk_nverts = chunk_nverts;

	copy_m4_m4(final_offset, current_offset);

	if (use_merge && (amd->flags & MOD_ARR_MERGEFINAL) && (count > 1)) {
		/* Merge first and last copies */

	/* start capping */
	if (start_cap_dm) {
		float start_offset[4][4];
		int start_cap_start = result_nverts - start_cap_nverts - end_cap_nverts;
		invert_m4_m4(start_offset, offset);
		        result, start_cap_dm, start_offset,
		        result_nverts - start_cap_nverts - end_cap_nverts,
		        result_nedges - start_cap_nedges - end_cap_nedges,
		        result_nloops - start_cap_nloops - end_cap_nloops,
		        result_npolys - start_cap_npolys - end_cap_npolys,
		        start_cap_nverts, start_cap_nedges, start_cap_nloops, start_cap_npolys,
		        vgroup_start_cap_remap, vgroup_start_cap_remap_len);
		/* Identify doubles with first chunk */
		if (use_merge) {

	if (end_cap_dm) {
		float end_offset[4][4];
		int end_cap_start = result_nverts - end_cap_nverts;
		mul_m4_m4m4(end_offset, current_offset, offset);
		        result, end_cap_dm, end_offset,
		        result_nverts - end_cap_nverts,
		        result_nedges - end_cap_nedges,
		        result_nloops - end_cap_nloops,
		        result_npolys - end_cap_npolys,
		        end_cap_nverts, end_cap_nedges, end_cap_nloops, end_cap_npolys,
		        vgroup_end_cap_remap, vgroup_end_cap_remap_len);
		/* Identify doubles with last chunk */
		if (use_merge) {
	/* done capping */

	/* Handle merging */
	tot_doubles = 0;
	if (use_merge) {
		for (i = 0; i < result_nverts; i++) {
			int new_i = full_doubles_map[i];
			if (new_i != -1) {
				/* We have to follow chains of doubles (merge start/end especially is likely to create some),
				 * those are not supported at all by CDDM_merge_verts! */
				while (!ELEM(full_doubles_map[new_i], -1, new_i)) {
					new_i = full_doubles_map[new_i];
				if (i == new_i) {
					full_doubles_map[i] = -1;
				else {
					full_doubles_map[i] = new_i;
		if (tot_doubles > 0) {
			result = CDDM_merge_verts(result, full_doubles_map, tot_doubles, CDDM_MERGE_VERTS_DUMP_IF_EQUAL);

	/* In case org dm has dirty normals, or we made some merging, mark normals as dirty in new dm!
	 * TODO: we may need to set other dirty flags as well?
	if (use_recalc_normals) {
		result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	if (vgroup_start_cap_remap) {
	if (vgroup_end_cap_remap) {

	return result;
 * \param dm  Mesh to calculate normals for.
 * \param face_nors  Precalculated face normals.
 * \param r_vert_nors  Return vert normals.
static void dm_calc_normal(DerivedMesh *dm, float (*face_nors)[3], float (*r_vert_nors)[3])
	int i, numVerts, numEdges, numFaces;
	MPoly *mpoly, *mp;
	MLoop *mloop, *ml;
	MEdge *medge, *ed;
	MVert *mvert, *mv;

	numVerts = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	numEdges = dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	numFaces = dm->getNumPolys(dm);
	mpoly = dm->getPolyArray(dm);
	medge = dm->getEdgeArray(dm);
	mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);
	mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm);

	/* we don't want to overwrite any referenced layers */

	/* Doesn't work here! */
#if 0
	mv = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer(&dm->vertData, CD_MVERT, numVerts);
	cddm->mvert = mv;

	mv = mvert;
	mp = mpoly;

		EdgeFaceRef *edge_ref_array = MEM_callocN(sizeof(EdgeFaceRef) * (size_t)numEdges, "Edge Connectivity");
		EdgeFaceRef *edge_ref;
		float edge_normal[3];

		/* This loop adds an edge hash if its not there, and adds the face index */
		for (i = 0; i < numFaces; i++, mp++) {
			int j;

			ml = mloop + mp->loopstart;

			for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++) {
				/* --- add edge ref to face --- */
				edge_ref = &edge_ref_array[ml->e];
				if (!edgeref_is_init(edge_ref)) {
					edge_ref->f1 =  i;
					edge_ref->f2 = -1;
				else if ((edge_ref->f1 != -1) && (edge_ref->f2 == -1)) {
					edge_ref->f2 = i;
				else {
					/* 3+ faces using an edge, we can't handle this usefully */
					edge_ref->f1 = edge_ref->f2 = -1;
					medge[ml->e].flag |= ME_EDGE_TMP_TAG;
				/* --- done --- */

		for (i = 0, ed = medge, edge_ref = edge_ref_array; i < numEdges; i++, ed++, edge_ref++) {
			/* Get the edge vert indices, and edge value (the face indices that use it) */

			if (edgeref_is_init(edge_ref) && (edge_ref->f1 != -1)) {
				if (edge_ref->f2 != -1) {
					/* We have 2 faces using this edge, calculate the edges normal
					 * using the angle between the 2 faces as a weighting */
#if 0
					add_v3_v3v3(edge_normal, face_nors[edge_ref->f1], face_nors[edge_ref->f2]);

					mul_v3_fl(edge_normal, angle_normalized_v3v3(face_nors[edge_ref->f1], face_nors[edge_ref->f2]));
					mid_v3_v3v3_angle_weighted(edge_normal, face_nors[edge_ref->f1], face_nors[edge_ref->f2]);
				else {
					/* only one face attached to that edge */
					/* an edge without another attached- the weight on this is undefined */
					copy_v3_v3(edge_normal, face_nors[edge_ref->f1]);
				add_v3_v3(r_vert_nors[ed->v1], edge_normal);
				add_v3_v3(r_vert_nors[ed->v2], edge_normal);

	/* normalize vertex normals and assign */
	for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, mv++) {
		if (normalize_v3(r_vert_nors[i]) == 0.0f) {
			normal_short_to_float_v3(r_vert_nors[i], mv->no);
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(
        ModifierData *md, Object *ob,
        DerivedMesh *dm,
        ModifierApplyFlag UNUSED(flag))
	DerivedMesh *result;
	const SolidifyModifierData *smd = (SolidifyModifierData *) md;

	MVert *mv, *mvert, *orig_mvert;
	MEdge *ed, *medge, *orig_medge;
	MLoop *ml, *mloop, *orig_mloop;
	MPoly *mp, *mpoly, *orig_mpoly;
	const unsigned int numVerts = (unsigned int)dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	const unsigned int numEdges = (unsigned int)dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	const unsigned int numFaces = (unsigned int)dm->getNumPolys(dm);
	const unsigned int numLoops = (unsigned int)dm->getNumLoops(dm);
	unsigned int newLoops = 0, newFaces = 0, newEdges = 0, newVerts = 0, rimVerts = 0;

	/* only use material offsets if we have 2 or more materials  */
	const short mat_nr_max = ob->totcol > 1 ? ob->totcol - 1 : 0;
	const short mat_ofs = mat_nr_max ? smd->mat_ofs : 0;
	const short mat_ofs_rim = mat_nr_max ? smd->mat_ofs_rim : 0;

	/* use for edges */
	/* over-alloc new_vert_arr, old_vert_arr */
	unsigned int *new_vert_arr = NULL;

	unsigned int *new_edge_arr = NULL;

	unsigned int *old_vert_arr = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*old_vert_arr) * (size_t)numVerts, "old_vert_arr in solidify");

	unsigned int *edge_users = NULL;
	char *edge_order = NULL;

	float (*vert_nors)[3] = NULL;
	float (*face_nors)[3] = NULL;

	const bool need_face_normals = (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_NORMAL_CALC) || (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_EVEN);

	const float ofs_orig = -(((-smd->offset_fac + 1.0f) * 0.5f) * smd->offset);
	const float ofs_new  = smd->offset + ofs_orig;
	const float offset_fac_vg = smd->offset_fac_vg;
	const float offset_fac_vg_inv = 1.0f - smd->offset_fac_vg;
	const bool do_flip = (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_FLIP) != 0;
	const bool do_clamp = (smd->offset_clamp != 0.0f);
	const bool do_shell = ((smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_RIM) && (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_NOSHELL)) == 0;

	/* weights */
	MDeformVert *dvert;
	const bool defgrp_invert = (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_VGROUP_INV) != 0;
	int defgrp_index;

	/* array size is doubled in case of using a shell */
	const unsigned int stride = do_shell ? 2 : 1;

	modifier_get_vgroup(ob, dm, smd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index);

	orig_mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);
	orig_medge = dm->getEdgeArray(dm);
	orig_mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm);
	orig_mpoly = dm->getPolyArray(dm);

	if (need_face_normals) {
		/* calculate only face normals */
		face_nors = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*face_nors) * (size_t)numFaces, __func__);
		            orig_mvert, NULL, (int)numVerts,
		            orig_mloop, orig_mpoly,
		            (int)numLoops, (int)numFaces,
		            face_nors, true);

	STACK_INIT(new_vert_arr, numVerts * 2);
	STACK_INIT(new_edge_arr, numEdges * 2);

	if (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_RIM) {
		BLI_bitmap *orig_mvert_tag = BLI_BITMAP_NEW(numVerts, __func__);
		unsigned int eidx;
		unsigned int i;

#define INVALID_UNUSED ((unsigned int)-1)
#define INVALID_PAIR ((unsigned int)-2)

		new_vert_arr = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*new_vert_arr) * (size_t)(numVerts * 2), __func__);
		new_edge_arr = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*new_edge_arr) * (size_t)((numEdges * 2) + numVerts), __func__);

		edge_users = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edge_users) * (size_t)numEdges, "solid_mod edges");
		edge_order = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edge_order) * (size_t)numEdges, "solid_mod eorder");

		/* save doing 2 loops here... */
#if 0
		copy_vn_i(edge_users, numEdges, INVALID_UNUSED);

		for (eidx = 0, ed = orig_medge; eidx < numEdges; eidx++, ed++) {
			edge_users[eidx] = INVALID_UNUSED;

		for (i = 0, mp = orig_mpoly; i < numFaces; i++, mp++) {
			MLoop *ml_prev;
			int j;

			ml = orig_mloop + mp->loopstart;
			ml_prev = ml + (mp->totloop - 1);

			for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++) {
				/* add edge user */
				eidx = ml_prev->e;
				if (edge_users[eidx] == INVALID_UNUSED) {
					ed = orig_medge + eidx;
					BLI_assert(ELEM(ml_prev->v,    ed->v1, ed->v2) &&
					           ELEM(ml->v, ed->v1, ed->v2));
					edge_users[eidx] = (ml_prev->v > ml->v) == (ed->v1 < ed->v2) ? i : (i + numFaces);
					edge_order[eidx] = j;
				else {
					edge_users[eidx] = INVALID_PAIR;
				ml_prev = ml;

		for (eidx = 0, ed = orig_medge; eidx < numEdges; eidx++, ed++) {
			if (!ELEM(edge_users[eidx], INVALID_UNUSED, INVALID_PAIR)) {
				BLI_BITMAP_ENABLE(orig_mvert_tag, ed->v1);
				BLI_BITMAP_ENABLE(orig_mvert_tag, ed->v2);
				STACK_PUSH(new_edge_arr, eidx);
				newLoops += 4;

		for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
			if (BLI_BITMAP_TEST(orig_mvert_tag, i)) {
				old_vert_arr[i] = STACK_SIZE(new_vert_arr);
				STACK_PUSH(new_vert_arr, i);
			else {
				old_vert_arr[i] = INVALID_UNUSED;


	if (do_shell == false) {
		/* only add rim vertices */
		newVerts = rimVerts;
		/* each extruded face needs an opposite edge */
		newEdges = newFaces;
	else {
		/* (stride == 2) in this case, so no need to add newVerts/newEdges */
		BLI_assert(newVerts == 0);
		BLI_assert(newEdges == 0);

	if (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_NORMAL_CALC) {
		vert_nors = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * (size_t)numVerts * 3, "mod_solid_vno_hq");
		dm_calc_normal(dm, face_nors, vert_nors);

	result = CDDM_from_template(dm,
	                            (int)((numVerts * stride) + newVerts),
	                            (int)((numEdges * stride) + newEdges + rimVerts), 0,
	                            (int)((numLoops * stride) + newLoops),
	                            (int)((numFaces * stride) + newFaces));

	mpoly = CDDM_get_polys(result);
	mloop = CDDM_get_loops(result);
	medge = CDDM_get_edges(result);
	mvert = CDDM_get_verts(result);

	if (do_shell) {
		DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numVerts);
		DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, (int)numVerts, (int)numVerts);

		DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numEdges);
		DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, (int)numEdges, (int)numEdges);

		DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numLoops);
		DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, (int)numLoops, (int)numLoops);

		DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numFaces);
		DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, (int)numFaces, (int)numFaces);
	else {
		int i, j;
		DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numVerts);
		for (i = 0, j = (int)numVerts; i < numVerts; i++) {
			if (old_vert_arr[i] != INVALID_UNUSED) {
				DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, i, j, 1);

		DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numEdges);

		for (i = 0, j = (int)numEdges; i < numEdges; i++) {
			if (!ELEM(edge_users[i], INVALID_UNUSED, INVALID_PAIR)) {
				MEdge *ed_src, *ed_dst;
				DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, i, j, 1);

				ed_src = &medge[i];
				ed_dst = &medge[j];
				ed_dst->v1 = old_vert_arr[ed_src->v1] + numVerts;
				ed_dst->v2 = old_vert_arr[ed_src->v2] + numVerts;

		/* will be created later */
		DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numLoops);
		DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numFaces);


	/* initializes: (i_end, do_shell_align, mv)  */
	if (((ofs_new >= ofs_orig) == do_flip) == test) { \
		i_end = numVerts; \
		do_shell_align = true; \
		mv = mvert; \
	} \
	else { \
		if (do_shell) { \
			i_end = numVerts; \
			do_shell_align = true; \
		} \
		else { \
			i_end = newVerts ; \
			do_shell_align = false; \
		} \
		mv = &mvert[numVerts]; \
	} (void)0

	/* flip normals */

	if (do_shell) {
		unsigned int i;

		mp = mpoly + numFaces;
		for (i = 0; i < dm->numPolyData; i++, mp++) {
			MLoop *ml2;
			unsigned int e;
			int j;

			/* reverses the loop direction (MLoop.v as well as custom-data)
			 * MLoop.e also needs to be corrected too, done in a separate loop below. */
			ml2 = mloop + mp->loopstart + dm->numLoopData;
			for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++) {
				CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, mp->loopstart + j,
				                     mp->loopstart + (mp->totloop - j - 1) + dm->numLoopData, 1);

			if (mat_ofs) {
				mp->mat_nr += mat_ofs;
				CLAMP(mp->mat_nr, 0, mat_nr_max);

			e = ml2[0].e;
			for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop - 1; j++) {
				ml2[j].e = ml2[j + 1].e;
			ml2[mp->totloop - 1].e = e;

			mp->loopstart += dm->numLoopData;

			for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++) {
				ml2[j].e += numEdges;
				ml2[j].v += numVerts;

		for (i = 0, ed = medge + numEdges; i < numEdges; i++, ed++) {
			ed->v1 += numVerts;
			ed->v2 += numVerts;

	/* note, copied vertex layers don't have flipped normals yet. do this after applying offset */
	if ((smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_EVEN) == 0) {
		/* no even thickness, very simple */
		float scalar_short;
		float scalar_short_vgroup;

		/* for clamping */
		float *vert_lens = NULL;
		const float offset    = fabsf(smd->offset) * smd->offset_clamp;
		const float offset_sq = offset * offset;

		if (do_clamp) {
			unsigned int i;

			vert_lens = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts, "vert_lens");
			copy_vn_fl(vert_lens, (int)numVerts, FLT_MAX);
			for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) {
				const float ed_len_sq = len_squared_v3v3(mvert[medge[i].v1].co, mvert[medge[i].v2].co);
				vert_lens[medge[i].v1] = min_ff(vert_lens[medge[i].v1], ed_len_sq);
				vert_lens[medge[i].v2] = min_ff(vert_lens[medge[i].v2], ed_len_sq);

		if (ofs_new != 0.0f) {
			unsigned int i_orig, i_end;
			bool do_shell_align;

			scalar_short = scalar_short_vgroup = ofs_new / 32767.0f;


			for (i_orig = 0; i_orig < i_end; i_orig++, mv++) {
				const unsigned int i = do_shell_align ? i_orig : new_vert_arr[i_orig];
				if (dvert) {
					MDeformVert *dv = &dvert[i];
					if (defgrp_invert) scalar_short_vgroup = 1.0f - defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index);
					else scalar_short_vgroup = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index);
					scalar_short_vgroup = (offset_fac_vg + (scalar_short_vgroup * offset_fac_vg_inv)) * scalar_short;
				if (do_clamp) {
					/* always reset becaise we may have set before */
					if (dvert == NULL) {
						scalar_short_vgroup = scalar_short;
					if (vert_lens[i] < offset_sq) {
						float scalar = sqrtf(vert_lens[i]) / offset;
						scalar_short_vgroup *= scalar;
				madd_v3v3short_fl(mv->co, mv->no, scalar_short_vgroup);

		if (ofs_orig != 0.0f) {
			unsigned int i_orig, i_end;
			bool do_shell_align;

			scalar_short = scalar_short_vgroup = ofs_orig / 32767.0f;

			/* as above but swapped */

			for (i_orig = 0; i_orig < i_end; i_orig++, mv++) {
				const unsigned int i = do_shell_align ? i_orig : new_vert_arr[i_orig];
				if (dvert) {
					MDeformVert *dv = &dvert[i];
					if (defgrp_invert) scalar_short_vgroup = 1.0f - defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index);
					else scalar_short_vgroup = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index);
					scalar_short_vgroup = (offset_fac_vg + (scalar_short_vgroup * offset_fac_vg_inv)) * scalar_short;
				if (do_clamp) {
					/* always reset becaise we may have set before */
					if (dvert == NULL) {
						scalar_short_vgroup = scalar_short;
					if (vert_lens[i] < offset_sq) {
						float scalar = sqrtf(vert_lens[i]) / offset;
						scalar_short_vgroup *= scalar;
				madd_v3v3short_fl(mv->co, mv->no, scalar_short_vgroup);

		if (do_clamp) {
	else {
		const bool check_non_manifold = (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_NORMAL_CALC) != 0;
		/* same as EM_solidify() in editmesh_lib.c */
		float *vert_angles = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts * 2, "mod_solid_pair"); /* 2 in 1 */
		float *vert_accum = vert_angles + numVerts;
		unsigned int vidx;
		unsigned int i;

		if (vert_nors == NULL) {
			vert_nors = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts * 3, "mod_solid_vno");
			for (i = 0, mv = mvert; i < numVerts; i++, mv++) {
				normal_short_to_float_v3(vert_nors[i], mv->no);

		for (i = 0, mp = mpoly; i < numFaces; i++, mp++) {
			/* #BKE_mesh_calc_poly_angles logic is inlined here */
			float nor_prev[3];
			float nor_next[3];

			int i_curr = mp->totloop - 1;
			int i_next = 0;

			ml = &mloop[mp->loopstart];

			sub_v3_v3v3(nor_prev, mvert[ml[i_curr - 1].v].co, mvert[ml[i_curr].v].co);

			while (i_next < mp->totloop) {
				float angle;
				sub_v3_v3v3(nor_next, mvert[ml[i_curr].v].co, mvert[ml[i_next].v].co);
				angle = angle_normalized_v3v3(nor_prev, nor_next);

				/* --- not related to angle calc --- */
				if (angle < FLT_EPSILON) {
					angle = FLT_EPSILON;

				vidx = ml[i_curr].v;
				vert_accum[vidx] += angle;

				/* skip 3+ face user edges */
				if ((check_non_manifold == false) ||
				    LIKELY(((orig_medge[ml[i_curr].e].flag & ME_EDGE_TMP_TAG) == 0) &&
				           ((orig_medge[ml[i_next].e].flag & ME_EDGE_TMP_TAG) == 0)))
					vert_angles[vidx] += shell_v3v3_normalized_to_dist(vert_nors[vidx], face_nors[i]) * angle;
				else {
					vert_angles[vidx] += angle;
				vert_angles[vidx] += shell_v3v3_normalized_to_dist(vert_nors[vidx], face_nors[i]) * angle;
				/* --- end non-angle-calc section --- */

				/* step */
				copy_v3_v3(nor_prev, nor_next);
				i_curr = i_next;

		/* vertex group support */
		if (dvert) {
			MDeformVert *dv = dvert;
			float scalar;

			if (defgrp_invert) {
				for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, dv++) {
					scalar = 1.0f - defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index);
					scalar = offset_fac_vg + (scalar * offset_fac_vg_inv);
					vert_angles[i] *= scalar;
			else {
				for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, dv++) {
					scalar = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index);
					scalar = offset_fac_vg + (scalar * offset_fac_vg_inv);
					vert_angles[i] *= scalar;

		if (do_clamp) {
			float *vert_lens_sq = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts, "vert_lens");
			const float offset    = fabsf(smd->offset) * smd->offset_clamp;
			const float offset_sq = offset * offset;
			copy_vn_fl(vert_lens_sq, (int)numVerts, FLT_MAX);
			for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) {
				const float ed_len = len_squared_v3v3(mvert[medge[i].v1].co, mvert[medge[i].v2].co);
				vert_lens_sq[medge[i].v1] = min_ff(vert_lens_sq[medge[i].v1], ed_len);
				vert_lens_sq[medge[i].v2] = min_ff(vert_lens_sq[medge[i].v2], ed_len);
			for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
				if (vert_lens_sq[i] < offset_sq) {
					float scalar = sqrtf(vert_lens_sq[i]) / offset;
					vert_angles[i] *= scalar;

		if (ofs_new != 0.0f) {
			unsigned int i_orig, i_end;
			bool do_shell_align;


			for (i_orig = 0; i_orig < i_end; i_orig++, mv++) {
				const unsigned int i_other = do_shell_align ? i_orig : new_vert_arr[i_orig];
				if (vert_accum[i_other]) { /* zero if unselected */
					madd_v3_v3fl(mv->co, vert_nors[i_other], ofs_new * (vert_angles[i_other] / vert_accum[i_other]));

		if (ofs_orig != 0.0f) {
			unsigned int i_orig, i_end;
			bool do_shell_align;

			/* same as above but swapped, intentional use of 'ofs_new' */

			for (i_orig = 0; i_orig < i_end; i_orig++, mv++) {
				const unsigned int i_other = do_shell_align ? i_orig : new_vert_arr[i_orig];
				if (vert_accum[i_other]) { /* zero if unselected */
					madd_v3_v3fl(mv->co, vert_nors[i_other], ofs_orig * (vert_angles[i_other] / vert_accum[i_other]));


	if (vert_nors)

	/* must recalculate normals with vgroups since they can displace unevenly [#26888] */
	if ((dm->dirty & DM_DIRTY_NORMALS) || (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_RIM) || dvert) {
		result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;
	else if (do_shell) {
		unsigned int i;
		/* flip vertex normals for copied verts */
		mv = mvert + numVerts;
		for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, mv++) {

	if (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_RIM) {
		unsigned int i;

		/* bugger, need to re-calculate the normals for the new edge faces.
		 * This could be done in many ways, but probably the quickest way
		 * is to calculate the average normals for side faces only.
		 * Then blend them with the normals of the edge verts.
		 * at the moment its easiest to allocate an entire array for every vertex,
		 * even though we only need edge verts - campbell


		const bool do_side_normals = !(result->dirty & DM_DIRTY_NORMALS);
		/* annoying to allocate these since we only need the edge verts, */
		float (*edge_vert_nos)[3] = do_side_normals ? MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts * 3, __func__) : NULL;
		float nor[3];
		const unsigned char crease_rim = smd->crease_rim * 255.0f;
		const unsigned char crease_outer = smd->crease_outer * 255.0f;
		const unsigned char crease_inner = smd->crease_inner * 255.0f;

		int *origindex_edge;
		int *orig_ed;
		unsigned int j;

		if (crease_rim || crease_outer || crease_inner) {
			result->cd_flag |= ME_CDFLAG_EDGE_CREASE;

		/* add faces & edges */
		origindex_edge = result->getEdgeDataArray(result, CD_ORIGINDEX);
		ed = &medge[(numEdges * stride) + newEdges];  /* start after copied edges */
		orig_ed = &origindex_edge[(numEdges * stride) + newEdges];
		for (i = 0; i < rimVerts; i++, ed++, orig_ed++) {
			ed->v1 = new_vert_arr[i];
			ed->v2 = (do_shell ? new_vert_arr[i] : i) + numVerts;
			ed->flag |= ME_EDGEDRAW;

			*orig_ed = ORIGINDEX_NONE;

			if (crease_rim) {
				ed->crease = crease_rim;

		/* faces */
		mp = mpoly + (numFaces * stride);
		ml = mloop + (numLoops * stride);
		j = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < newFaces; i++, mp++) {
			unsigned int eidx = new_edge_arr[i];
			unsigned int fidx = edge_users[eidx];
			int k1, k2;
			bool flip;

			if (fidx >= numFaces) {
				fidx -= numFaces;
				flip = true;
			else {
				flip = false;

			ed = medge + eidx;

			/* copy most of the face settings */
			DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, (int)fidx, (int)((numFaces * stride) + i), 1);
			mp->loopstart = (int)(j + (numLoops * stride));
			mp->flag = mpoly[fidx].flag;

			/* notice we use 'mp->totloop' which is later overwritten,
			 * we could lookup the original face but theres no point since this is a copy
			 * and will have the same value, just take care when changing order of assignment */
			k1 = mpoly[fidx].loopstart + (((edge_order[eidx] - 1) + mp->totloop) % mp->totloop);  /* prev loop */
			k2 = mpoly[fidx].loopstart +   (edge_order[eidx]);

			mp->totloop = 4;

			CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, k2, (int)((numLoops * stride) + j + 0), 1);
			CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, k1, (int)((numLoops * stride) + j + 1), 1);
			CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, k1, (int)((numLoops * stride) + j + 2), 1);
			CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, k2, (int)((numLoops * stride) + j + 3), 1);

			if (flip == false) {
				ml[j].v = ed->v1;
				ml[j++].e = eidx;

				ml[j].v = ed->v2;
				ml[j++].e = (numEdges * stride) + old_vert_arr[ed->v2] + newEdges;

				ml[j].v = (do_shell ? ed->v2 : old_vert_arr[ed->v2]) + numVerts;
				ml[j++].e = (do_shell ? eidx : i) + numEdges;

				ml[j].v = (do_shell ? ed->v1 : old_vert_arr[ed->v1]) + numVerts;
				ml[j++].e = (numEdges * stride) + old_vert_arr[ed->v1] + newEdges;
			else {
				ml[j].v = ed->v2;
				ml[j++].e = eidx;

				ml[j].v = ed->v1;
				ml[j++].e = (numEdges * stride) + old_vert_arr[ed->v1] + newEdges;

				ml[j].v = (do_shell ? ed->v1 : old_vert_arr[ed->v1]) + numVerts;
				ml[j++].e = (do_shell ? eidx : i) + numEdges;

				ml[j].v = (do_shell ? ed->v2 : old_vert_arr[ed->v2]) + numVerts;
				ml[j++].e = (numEdges * stride) + old_vert_arr[ed->v2] + newEdges;

			origindex_edge[ml[j - 3].e] = ORIGINDEX_NONE;
			origindex_edge[ml[j - 1].e] = ORIGINDEX_NONE;

			/* use the next material index if option enabled */
			if (mat_ofs_rim) {
				mp->mat_nr += mat_ofs_rim;
				CLAMP(mp->mat_nr, 0, mat_nr_max);
			if (crease_outer) {
				/* crease += crease_outer; without wrapping */
				char *cr = &(ed->crease);
				int tcr = *cr + crease_outer;
				*cr = tcr > 255 ? 255 : tcr;

			if (crease_inner) {
				/* crease += crease_inner; without wrapping */
				char *cr = &(medge[numEdges + (do_shell ? eidx : i)].crease);
				int tcr = *cr + crease_inner;
				*cr = tcr > 255 ? 255 : tcr;

			if (do_side_normals) {
				               mvert[ml[j - 4].v].co,
				               mvert[ml[j - 3].v].co,
				               mvert[ml[j - 2].v].co,
				               mvert[ml[j - 1].v].co);

				add_v3_v3(edge_vert_nos[ed->v1], nor);
				add_v3_v3(edge_vert_nos[ed->v2], nor);

		if (do_side_normals) {
			ed = medge + (numEdges * stride);
			for (i = 0; i < rimVerts; i++, ed++) {
				float nor_cpy[3];
				short *nor_short;
				int k;

				/* note, only the first vertex (lower half of the index) is calculated */
				normalize_v3_v3(nor_cpy, edge_vert_nos[ed->v1]);

				for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { /* loop over both verts of the edge */
					nor_short = mvert[*(&ed->v1 + k)].no;
					normal_short_to_float_v3(nor, nor_short);
					add_v3_v3(nor, nor_cpy);
					normal_float_to_short_v3(nor_short, nor);




	if (old_vert_arr)

	if (face_nors)

	if (numFaces == 0 && numEdges != 0) {
		modifier_setError(md, "Faces needed for useful output");

	return result;
 * The main function for copying DerivedMesh data into BMesh.
 * \note The mesh may already have geometry. see 'is_init'
void DM_to_bmesh_ex(DerivedMesh *dm, BMesh *bm, const bool calc_face_normal)
	MVert *mv, *mvert;
	MEdge *me, *medge;
	MPoly /* *mpoly, */ /* UNUSED */ *mp;
	MLoop *mloop;
	BMVert *v, **vtable;
	BMEdge *e, **etable;
	float (*face_normals)[3];
	BMFace *f;
	int i, j, totvert, totedge /* , totface */ /* UNUSED */ ;
	bool is_init = (bm->totvert == 0) && (bm->totedge == 0) && (bm->totface == 0);
	bool is_cddm = (dm->type == DM_TYPE_CDDM);  /* duplicate the arrays for non cddm */
	char has_orig_hflag = 0;

	int cd_vert_bweight_offset;
	int cd_edge_bweight_offset;
	int cd_edge_crease_offset;

	if (is_init == FALSE) {
		/* check if we have an origflag */
		has_orig_hflag |= CustomData_has_layer(&bm->vdata, CD_ORIGINDEX) ? BM_VERT : 0;
		has_orig_hflag |= CustomData_has_layer(&bm->edata, CD_ORIGINDEX) ? BM_EDGE : 0;
		has_orig_hflag |= CustomData_has_layer(&bm->pdata, CD_ORIGINDEX) ? BM_FACE : 0;

	/*merge custom data layout*/
	CustomData_bmesh_merge(&dm->vertData, &bm->vdata, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH, CD_CALLOC, bm, BM_VERT);
	CustomData_bmesh_merge(&dm->edgeData, &bm->edata, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH, CD_CALLOC, bm, BM_EDGE);
	CustomData_bmesh_merge(&dm->loopData, &bm->ldata, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH, CD_CALLOC, bm, BM_LOOP);
	CustomData_bmesh_merge(&dm->polyData, &bm->pdata, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH, CD_CALLOC, bm, BM_FACE);

	if (is_init) {
		BM_mesh_cd_flag_apply(bm, dm->cd_flag);

	cd_vert_bweight_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->vdata, CD_BWEIGHT);
	cd_edge_bweight_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_BWEIGHT);
	cd_edge_crease_offset  = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->edata, CD_CREASE);

	totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	totedge = dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	/* totface = dm->getNumPolys(dm); */ /* UNUSED */

	vtable = MEM_callocN(sizeof(void **) * totvert, __func__);
	etable = MEM_callocN(sizeof(void **) * totedge, __func__);

	/*do verts*/
	mv = mvert = is_cddm ? dm->getVertArray(dm) : dm->dupVertArray(dm);
	for (i = 0; i < totvert; i++, mv++) {
		v = BM_vert_create(bm, mv->co, NULL, BM_CREATE_SKIP_CD);
		normal_short_to_float_v3(v->no, mv->no);
		v->head.hflag = BM_vert_flag_from_mflag(mv->flag);
		BM_elem_index_set(v, i); /* set_inline */

		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&dm->vertData, &bm->vdata, i, &v->head.data, true);
		vtable[i] = v;

		/* add bevel weight */
		if (cd_vert_bweight_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(v, cd_vert_bweight_offset, (float)mv->bweight / 255.0f);

		if (UNLIKELY(has_orig_hflag & BM_VERT)) {
			int *orig_index = CustomData_bmesh_get(&bm->vdata, v->head.data, CD_ORIGINDEX);
			*orig_index = ORIGINDEX_NONE;
	if (!is_cddm) MEM_freeN(mvert);
	if (is_init) bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_VERT;

	/*do edges*/
	me = medge = is_cddm ? dm->getEdgeArray(dm) : dm->dupEdgeArray(dm);
	for (i = 0; i < totedge; i++, me++) {
		//BLI_assert(BM_edge_exists(vtable[me->v1], vtable[me->v2]) == NULL);
		e = BM_edge_create(bm, vtable[me->v1], vtable[me->v2], NULL, BM_CREATE_SKIP_CD);

		e->head.hflag = BM_edge_flag_from_mflag(me->flag);
		BM_elem_index_set(e, i); /* set_inline */

		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&dm->edgeData, &bm->edata, i, &e->head.data, true);
		etable[i] = e;

		if (cd_edge_bweight_offset != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(e, cd_edge_bweight_offset, (float)me->bweight / 255.0f);
		if (cd_edge_crease_offset  != -1) BM_ELEM_CD_SET_FLOAT(e, cd_edge_crease_offset,  (float)me->crease  / 255.0f);

		if (UNLIKELY(has_orig_hflag & BM_EDGE)) {
			int *orig_index = CustomData_bmesh_get(&bm->edata, e->head.data, CD_ORIGINDEX);
			*orig_index = ORIGINDEX_NONE;
	if (!is_cddm) MEM_freeN(medge);
	if (is_init) bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_EDGE;

	/* do faces */
	/* note: i_alt is aligned with bmesh faces which may not always align with mpolys */
	mp = dm->getPolyArray(dm);
	mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm);
	face_normals = (dm->dirty & DM_DIRTY_NORMALS) ? NULL : CustomData_get_layer(&dm->polyData, CD_NORMAL);
	for (i = 0; i < dm->numPolyData; i++, mp++) {
		BMLoop *l_iter;
		BMLoop *l_first;

		f = bm_face_create_from_mpoly(mp, mloop + mp->loopstart,
		                              bm, vtable, etable);

		if (UNLIKELY(f == NULL)) {

		f->head.hflag = BM_face_flag_from_mflag(mp->flag);
		BM_elem_index_set(f, bm->totface - 1); /* set_inline */
		f->mat_nr = mp->mat_nr;

		j = mp->loopstart;
		l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(f);
		do {
			/* Save index of correspsonding MLoop */
			CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&dm->loopData, &bm->ldata, j++, &l_iter->head.data, true);
		} while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first);

		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&dm->polyData, &bm->pdata, i, &f->head.data, true);

		if (calc_face_normal) {
			if (face_normals) {
				copy_v3_v3(f->no, face_normals[i]);
			else {

		if (UNLIKELY(has_orig_hflag & BM_FACE)) {
			int *orig_index = CustomData_bmesh_get(&bm->pdata, f->head.data, CD_ORIGINDEX);
			*orig_index = ORIGINDEX_NONE;
	if (is_init) bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_FACE;

 * This function converts an object space normal map to a tangent space normal map for a given low poly mesh
void RE_bake_normal_world_to_tangent(
        const BakePixel pixel_array[], const size_t num_pixels, const int depth,
        float result[], Mesh *me, const BakeNormalSwizzle normal_swizzle[3],
        float mat[4][4])
	size_t i;

	TriTessFace *triangles;

	DerivedMesh *dm = CDDM_from_mesh(me);

	triangles = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(TriTessFace) * (me->totface * 2), "MVerts Mesh");
	mesh_calc_tri_tessface(triangles, me, true, dm);

	BLI_assert(num_pixels >= 3);

	for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
		TriTessFace *triangle;
		float tangents[3][3];
		float normals[3][3];
		float signs[3];
		int j;

		float tangent[3];
		float normal[3];
		float binormal[3];
		float sign;
		float u, v, w;

		float tsm[3][3]; /* tangent space matrix */
		float itsm[3][3];

		size_t offset;
		float nor[3]; /* texture normal */

		bool is_smooth;

		int primitive_id = pixel_array[i].primitive_id;

		offset = i * depth;

		if (primitive_id == -1) {
			copy_v3_fl3(&result[offset], 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);

		triangle = &triangles[primitive_id];
		is_smooth = triangle->is_smooth;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			const TSpace *ts;

			if (is_smooth)
				normal_short_to_float_v3(normals[j], triangle->mverts[j]->no);
				normal[j] = triangle->normal[j];

			ts = triangle->tspace[j];
			copy_v3_v3(tangents[j], ts->tangent);
			signs[j] = ts->sign;

		u = pixel_array[i].uv[0];
		v = pixel_array[i].uv[1];
		w = 1.0f - u - v;

		/* normal */
		if (is_smooth)
			interp_barycentric_tri_v3(normals, u, v, normal);

		/* tangent */
		interp_barycentric_tri_v3(tangents, u, v, tangent);

		/* sign */
		/* The sign is the same at all face vertices for any non degenerate face.
		 * Just in case we clamp the interpolated value though. */
		sign = (signs[0]  * u + signs[1]  * v + signs[2] * w) < 0 ? (-1.0f) : 1.0f;

		/* binormal */
		/* B = sign * cross(N, T)  */
		cross_v3_v3v3(binormal, normal, tangent);
		mul_v3_fl(binormal, sign);

		/* populate tangent space matrix */
		copy_v3_v3(tsm[0], tangent);
		copy_v3_v3(tsm[1], binormal);
		copy_v3_v3(tsm[2], normal);

		/* texture values */
		normal_uncompress(nor, &result[offset]);

		/* converts from world space to local space */
		mul_transposed_mat3_m4_v3(mat, nor);

		invert_m3_m3(itsm, tsm);
		mul_m3_v3(itsm, nor);

		/* save back the values */
		normal_compress(&result[offset], nor, normal_swizzle);

	/* garbage collection */

	if (dm)
static void shrinkwrap_calc_normal_projection(ShrinkwrapCalcData *calc)
	int i;

	//Options about projection direction
	const char use_normal	= calc->smd->shrinkOpts;
	float proj_axis[3]		= {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

	//Raycast and tree stuff
	BVHTreeRayHit hit;
	BVHTreeFromMesh treeData= NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;

	//auxiliary target
	DerivedMesh *auxMesh	= NULL;
	BVHTreeFromMesh auxData	= NULL_BVHTreeFromMesh;
	SpaceTransform local2aux;

	//If the user doesn't allows to project in any direction of projection axis
	//then theres nothing todo.

	//Prepare data to retrieve the direction in which we should project each vertex
	if (calc->smd->projAxis == MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_NORMAL) {
		if (calc->vert == NULL) return;
	else {
		//The code supports any axis that is a combination of X,Y,Z
		//although currently UI only allows to set the 3 different axis
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_X_AXIS) proj_axis[0] = 1.0f;
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_Y_AXIS) proj_axis[1] = 1.0f;
		if (calc->smd->projAxis & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_Z_AXIS) proj_axis[2] = 1.0f;


		//Invalid projection direction
		if (dot_v3v3(proj_axis, proj_axis) < FLT_EPSILON)

	if (calc->smd->auxTarget) {
		auxMesh = object_get_derived_final(calc->smd->auxTarget);
		if (!auxMesh)
		space_transform_setup(&local2aux, calc->ob, calc->smd->auxTarget);

	//After sucessufuly build the trees, start projection vertexs
	if (bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&treeData, calc->target, 0.0, 4, 6) &&
	    (auxMesh == NULL || bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&auxData, auxMesh, 0.0, 4, 6)))

#ifndef __APPLE__
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,hit) schedule(static)
		for (i = 0; i<calc->numVerts; ++i) {
			float *co = calc->vertexCos[i];
			float tmp_co[3], tmp_no[3];
			float weight = defvert_array_find_weight_safe(calc->dvert, i, calc->vgroup);

			if (weight == 0.0f) continue;

			if (calc->vert) {
				/* calc->vert contains verts from derivedMesh  */
				/* this coordinated are deformed by vertexCos only for normal projection (to get correct normals) */
				/* for other cases calc->varts contains undeformed coordinates and vertexCos should be used */
				if (calc->smd->projAxis == MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_OVER_NORMAL) {
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, calc->vert[i].co);
					normal_short_to_float_v3(tmp_no, calc->vert[i].no);
				else {
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
					copy_v3_v3(tmp_no, proj_axis);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, co);
				copy_v3_v3(tmp_no, proj_axis);

			hit.index = -1;
			hit.dist = 10000.0f; //TODO: we should use FLT_MAX here, but sweepsphere code isn't prepared for that

			//Project over positive direction of axis

				if (auxData.tree)
					normal_projection_project_vertex(0, tmp_co, tmp_no, &local2aux, auxData.tree, &hit, auxData.raycast_callback, &auxData);

				normal_projection_project_vertex(calc->smd->shrinkOpts, tmp_co, tmp_no, &calc->local2target, treeData.tree, &hit, treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData);

			//Project over negative direction of axis
			if (use_normal & MOD_SHRINKWRAP_PROJECT_ALLOW_NEG_DIR && hit.index == -1) {
				float inv_no[3];
				negate_v3_v3(inv_no, tmp_no);

				if (auxData.tree)
					normal_projection_project_vertex(0, tmp_co, inv_no, &local2aux, auxData.tree, &hit, auxData.raycast_callback, &auxData);

				normal_projection_project_vertex(calc->smd->shrinkOpts, tmp_co, inv_no, &calc->local2target, treeData.tree, &hit, treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData);

			if (hit.index != -1) {
				madd_v3_v3v3fl(hit.co, hit.co, tmp_no, calc->keepDist);
				interp_v3_v3v3(co, co, hit.co, weight);

	//free data structures