limnSplineNrrdEvaluate(Nrrd *nout, limnSpline *spline, Nrrd *nin) {
  char me[]="limnSplineNrrdEvaluate", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  double tt, *out, (*lup)(const void *, size_t);
  int odim, infoSize;
  size_t I, M, size[NRRD_DIM_MAX+1];

  if (!(nout && spline && nin)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  if (limnSplineInfoScalar == spline->info) {
    nrrdAxisInfoGet_va(nin, nrrdAxisInfoSize, size);
    infoSize = 1;
    odim = nin->dim;
  } else {
    nrrdAxisInfoGet_va(nin, nrrdAxisInfoSize, size+1);
    infoSize = size[0] = limnSplineInfoSize[spline->info];
    odim = 1 + nin->dim;
  if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_nva(nout, nrrdTypeDouble, odim, size)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: output allocation failed", me);
    biffMove(LIMN, err, NRRD); return 1;
  lup = nrrdDLookup[nin->type];
  out = (double*)(nout->data);
  M = nrrdElementNumber(nin);
  for (I=0; I<M; I++) {
    tt = lup(nin->data, I);
    limnSplineEvaluate(out, spline, tt);
    out += infoSize;

  /* HEY: peripheral info copying? */

  return 0;
******** nrrdApply1DSubstitution
** A "subst" is a substitution table, i.e. a list of pairs that
** describes what values should be substituted with what (substitution
** rules).  So, nsubst must be a scalar 2xN array.  The output is a
** copy of the input with values substituted using this table.
** Unlike with lookup tables and maps (irregular and regular), we
** aren't at liberty to change the dimensionality of the data (can't
** substitute a grayscale with a color).  The ability to apply
** substitutions to non-scalar data will be in a different function.
** Also unlike lookup tables and maps, the output type is the SAME as
** the input type; the output does NOT inherit the type of the
** substitution
nrrdApply1DSubstitution(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin, const Nrrd *_nsubst) {
  char me[]="nrrdApply1DSubstitution", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  double (*lup)(const void *, size_t);
  double (*ins)(void *, size_t, double);
  Nrrd *nsubst;
  double val, *subst;
  size_t ii, num;
  int jj, asize0, asize1, changed;
  airArray *mop;

  if (!(nout && _nsubst && nin)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
    biffAdd(NRRD, err); return 1;
  if (nrrdTypeBlock == nin->type || nrrdTypeBlock == _nsubst->type) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: input or substitution type is %s, need scalar",
            me, airEnumStr(nrrdType, nrrdTypeBlock));
    biffAdd(NRRD, err); return 1;
  if (2 != _nsubst->dim) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: substitution table has to be 2-D, not %d-D",
            me, _nsubst->dim);
    biffAdd(NRRD, err); return 1;
  nrrdAxisInfoGet_va(_nsubst, nrrdAxisInfoSize, &asize0, &asize1);
  if (2 != asize0) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: substitution table has to be 2xN, not %dxN",
            me, asize0);
    biffAdd(NRRD, err); return 1;
  if (nout != nin) {
    if (nrrdCopy(nout, nin)) {
      sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't initialize by copy to output", me);
      biffAdd(NRRD, err); return 1;

  mop = airMopNew();
  nsubst = nrrdNew();
  airMopAdd(mop, nsubst, (airMopper)nrrdNuke, airMopAlways);
  if (nrrdConvert(nsubst, _nsubst, nrrdTypeDouble)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't create double copy of substitution table", me);
    biffAdd(NRRD, err); airMopError(mop); return 1;
  lup = nrrdDLookup[nout->type];
  ins = nrrdDInsert[nout->type];
  subst = (double *)nsubst->data;
  num = nrrdElementNumber(nout);
  for (ii=0; ii<num; ii++) {
    val = lup(nout->data, ii);
    changed = AIR_FALSE;
    for (jj=0; jj<asize1; jj++) {
      if (val == subst[jj*2+0]) {
        val = subst[jj*2+1];
        changed = AIR_TRUE;
    if (changed) {
      ins(nout->data, ii, val);

  return 0;