void nrrdDefaultGetenv(void) { /* these two pre-date Def --> Default rename */ if (-1 == nrrdGetenvBool(/**/ &nrrdDefaultWriteBareText, NULL, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteBareTextOld)) { nrrdGetenvBool(/**/ &nrrdDefaultWriteBareText, NULL, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteBareText); } if (-1 == nrrdGetenvEnum(/**/ &nrrdDefaultCenter, NULL, nrrdCenter, nrrdEnvVarDefaultCenterOld)) { nrrdGetenvEnum(/**/ &nrrdDefaultCenter, NULL, nrrdCenter, nrrdEnvVarDefaultCenter); } /* these post-date the Def --> Default rename */ nrrdGetenvEnum(/**/ &nrrdDefaultWriteEncodingType, NULL, nrrdEncodingType, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteEncodingType); nrrdGetenvUInt(/**/ &nrrdDefaultWriteCharsPerLine, NULL, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteCharsPerLine); nrrdGetenvUInt(/**/ &nrrdDefaultWriteValsPerLine, NULL, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteValsPerLine); nrrdGetenvDouble(/**/ &nrrdDefaultKernelParm0, NULL, nrrdEnvVarDefaultKernelParm0); nrrdGetenvDouble(/**/ &nrrdDefaultSpacing, NULL, nrrdEnvVarDefaultSpacing); return; }
int unrrdu_envMain(int argc, const char **argv, const char *me, hestParm *hparm) { FILE *out; AIR_UNUSED(argc); AIR_UNUSED(argv); AIR_UNUSED(me); out = stdout; hestInfo(out, me, _unrrdu_envInfoL, hparm); fprintf(out, "\n"); _hestPrintStr(out, 0, 0, hparm->columns, ("Each variable in the listing below starts with the name of " "the environment variable (\"NRRD_...\"), what type of value " "it represents (e.g. \"int\", \"bool\"), what the " "environment variable is currently set to, what the " "corresponding Nrrd global variable is set to, and a " "description of the variable."), AIR_FALSE); fprintf(out, "\n"); _hestPrintStr(out, 0, 0, hparm->columns, ("Bool variables may be set to true simply by setting the " "environment variable; setting the value to \"true\" or " "\"false\" sets the bool accordingly. Enum variables may " "be set by setting the environment variable to any string " "that parses as one of the enum values. Int and unsigned " "int variables are set via a string parse-able as a numeric " "value."), AIR_FALSE); fprintf(out, "\n"); /* UNRRDU_QUIET_QUIT functionality implemented in privateUnrrdu.h */ _hestPrintStr(out, 0, 0, hparm->columns, ("In addition to the the \"NRRD_\" environment variables, " "there is this one, " UNRRDU_QUIET_QUIT_ENV ", which " "determines whether unu exits " "quietly (without error and usage info) when it fails " "because an input nrrd read immediately hit EOF (as " "happens when many unu invocations are piped together). " "This is currently detected by seeing if the error message " "ends with \n \"" UNRRDU_QUIET_QUIT_STR "\"."), AIR_FALSE); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "%s: ", UNRRDU_QUIET_QUIT_ENV); if (getenv(UNRRDU_QUIET_QUIT_ENV)) { fprintf(out, "is set (to what doesn't matter); quiet-quit enabled\n"); } else { fprintf(out, "is NOT set; quiet-quit NOT enabled\n"); } fprintf(out, "\n"); _unrrdu_envBool(out, nrrdEnvVarStateKeyValuePairsPropagate, nrrdStateKeyValuePairsPropagate, "nrrdStateKeyValuePairsPropagate", "When true, key/value pairs are copied from input " "nrrd to output nrrd just like other basic info that hasn't " "just been modified (e.g. type, dimension, block size).", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envEnum(out, nrrdCenter, nrrdEnvVarDefaultCenter, nrrdDefaultCenter, "nrrdDefaultCenter", "The type of sample centering to use when none has been " "set but one has to be chosen for some operation " "(e.g. resampling).", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envEnum(out, nrrdEncodingType, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteEncodingType, nrrdDefaultWriteEncodingType, "nrrdDefaultWriteEncodingType", "When writing nrrds, what encoding to use. Only " "\"unu save\" affords explicit control of output encoding.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envBool(out, nrrdEnvVarStateKindNoop, nrrdStateKindNoop, "nrrdStateKindNoop", "When true, Nrrd makes not even the slightest effort to be " "smart about setting the \"kind\" field of an axis after " "some operation that modified its samples.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envInt(out, nrrdEnvVarStateVerboseIO, nrrdStateVerboseIO, "nrrdStateVerboseIO", "The verbosity level of Nrrd input/output operations.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envBool(out, nrrdEnvVarStateBlind8BitRange, nrrdStateBlind8BitRange, "nrrdStateBlind8BitRange", "When true, the determined range of 8-bit data will always " "be [0,255] (for uchar) or [-128,127] (for signed char), " "instead of actually looking into the data to find its " "range.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envBool(out, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteBareText, nrrdDefaultWriteBareText, "nrrdDefaultWriteBareText", "When false, text files used for saving nrrds start with " "comment (\"# ...\") lines containing nrrd fields.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envEnum(out, nrrdType, nrrdEnvVarStateMeasureType, nrrdStateMeasureType, "nrrdStateMeasureType", "For measurements (\"unu project\") like sum and product, " "the type of the output result, when one hasn't been " "explicitly requested.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envInt(out, nrrdEnvVarStateMeasureModeBins, nrrdStateMeasureModeBins, "nrrdStateMeasureModeBins", "When measuring mode but without a given histogram, how many " "bins to use in the temporary internal histogram.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envEnum(out, nrrdType, nrrdEnvVarStateMeasureHistoType, nrrdStateMeasureHistoType, "nrrdStateMeasureHistoType", "Output type for most measurements of histograms, when one " "hasn't been explicitly requested", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envBool(out, nrrdEnvVarStateAlwaysSetContent, nrrdStateAlwaysSetContent, "nrrdStateAlwaysSetContent", "If true, the output content string is set even when the " "input content string is not set.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envBool(out, nrrdEnvVarStateDisableContent, nrrdStateDisableContent, "nrrdStateDisableContent", "If true, output content is never set.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envUInt(out, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteCharsPerLine, nrrdDefaultWriteCharsPerLine, "nrrdDefaultWriteCharsPerLine", "When using text encoding, maximum # characters allowed " "per line.", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envUInt(out, nrrdEnvVarDefaultWriteValsPerLine, nrrdDefaultWriteValsPerLine, "nrrdDefaultWriteValsPerLine", "When using text encoding, maximum # values allowed " "per line", hparm->columns); _unrrdu_envBool(out, nrrdEnvVarStateGrayscaleImage3D, nrrdStateGrayscaleImage3D, "nrrdStateGrayscaleImage3D", "If true, reading a 2-D grayscale image results in a " "3-D image with a single sample (size=1) on the first " "(fastest) axis.", hparm->columns); #if 0 /* GLK is ambivalent about the continued existence of these ... */ nrrdGetenvDouble(/**/ &nrrdDefaultKernelParm0, nrrdEnvVarDefaultKernelParm0); nrrdGetenvDouble(/**/ &nrrdDefaultSpacing, nrrdEnvVarDefaultSpacing); #endif /* NOTE: this is an exceptional unu command that doesn't rely on privateUnrrdu.h USAGE() macro; so we determine our own return value */ return 0; }