/* Request an SSL over TCP/SCTP connection to another system (by IP address).
 * The in_addr is normal network byte order, but the port number should be given
 * in HOST BYTE ORDER.  This function will call back only after it has made the
 * connection AND done the initial SSL negotiation.  From that point on, you use
 * the normal read/write calls and decryption will happen transparently. ss
 * should be a sockaddr_storage, sockaddr_in6, or sockaddr_in as appropriate
 * (just like what you would pass to connect).  sslen should be the sizeof the
 * structure you are passing in. */
nsock_event_id nsock_connect_ssl(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_iod nsiod, nsock_ev_handler handler, int timeout_msecs,
                                 void *userdata, struct sockaddr *saddr, size_t sslen, int proto, unsigned short port, nsock_ssl_session ssl_session) {

  fatal("nsock_connect_ssl called - but nsock was built w/o SSL support.  QUITTING");
  return (nsock_event_id)0; /* UNREACHED */
  struct sockaddr_storage *ss = (struct sockaddr_storage *)saddr;
  msiod *nsi = (msiod *)nsiod;
  mspool *ms = (mspool *)nsp;
  msevent *nse;

  if (!ms->sslctx)

  assert(nsi->state == NSIOD_STATE_INITIAL || nsi->state == NSIOD_STATE_UNKNOWN);

  nse = msevent_new(ms, NSE_TYPE_CONNECT_SSL, nsi, timeout_msecs, handler, userdata);

  /* Set our SSL_SESSION so we can benefit from session-id reuse. */
  nsi_set_ssl_session(nsi, (SSL_SESSION *)ssl_session);

  nsock_log_info(ms, "SSL connection requested to %s:%hu/%s (IOD #%li) EID %li",
                 inet_ntop_ez(ss, sslen), port, (proto == IPPROTO_TCP ? "tcp" : "sctp"),
                 nsi->id, nse->id);

  /* Do the actual connect() */
  nsock_connect_internal(ms, nse, SOCK_STREAM, proto, ss, sslen, port);
  nsp_add_event(ms, nse);

  return nse->id;
#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */
/* Request a UNIX domain sockets connection to the same system (by path to socket).
 * This function connects to the socket of type SOCK_DGRAM.  ss should be a
 * sockaddr_storage, sockaddr_un as appropriate (just like what you would pass to
 * connect).  sslen should be the sizeof the structure you are passing in. */
nsock_event_id nsock_connect_unixsock_datagram(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_iod nsiod, nsock_ev_handler handler,
                                               void *userdata, struct sockaddr *saddr, size_t sslen) {
  struct niod *nsi = (struct niod *)nsiod;
  struct npool *ms = (struct npool *)nsp;
  struct nevent *nse;
  struct sockaddr_storage *ss = (struct sockaddr_storage *)saddr;

  assert(nsi->state == NSIOD_STATE_INITIAL || nsi->state == NSIOD_STATE_UNKNOWN);

  nse = event_new(ms, NSE_TYPE_CONNECT, nsi, -1, handler, userdata);

  nsock_log_info("UNIX domain socket (DGRAM) connection requested to %s (IOD #%li) EID %li",
                 get_unixsock_path(ss), nsi->id, nse->id);

  nsock_connect_internal(ms, nse, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, ss, sslen, 0);
  nsock_pool_add_event(ms, nse);

  return nse->id;
/* Request a UDP "connection" to another system (by IP address).  The in_addr is
 * normal network byte order, but the port number should be given in HOST BYTE
 * ORDER.  Since this is UDP, no packets are actually sent.  The destination IP
 * and port are just associated with the nsiod (an actual OS connect() call is
 * made).  You can then use the normal nsock write calls on the socket.  There
 * is no timeout since this call always calls your callback at the next
 * opportunity.  The advantages to having a connected UDP socket (as opposed to
 * just specifying an address with sendto() are that we can now use a consistent
 * set of write/read calls for TCP/UDP, received packets from the non-partner
 * are automatically dropped by the OS, and the OS can provide asynchronous
 * errors (see Unix Network Programming pp224).  ss should be a
 * sockaddr_storage, sockaddr_in6, or sockaddr_in as appropriate (just like what
 * you would pass to connect).  sslen should be the sizeof the structure you are
 * passing in. */
nsock_event_id nsock_connect_udp(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_iod nsiod, nsock_ev_handler handler, void *userdata,
                                 struct sockaddr *saddr, size_t sslen, unsigned short port) {

  struct niod *nsi = (struct niod *)nsiod;
  struct npool *ms = (struct npool *)nsp;
  struct nevent *nse;
  struct sockaddr_storage *ss = (struct sockaddr_storage *)saddr;

  assert(nsi->state == NSIOD_STATE_INITIAL || nsi->state == NSIOD_STATE_UNKNOWN);

  nse = event_new(ms, NSE_TYPE_CONNECT, nsi, -1, handler, userdata);

  nsock_log_info("UDP connection requested to %s:%hu (IOD #%li) EID %li",
                 inet_ntop_ez(ss, sslen), port, nsi->id, nse->id);

  nsock_connect_internal(ms, nse, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, ss, sslen, port);
  nsock_pool_add_event(ms, nse);

  return nse->id;
/* Request a TCP connection to another system (by IP address).  The in_addr is
 * normal network byte order, but the port number should be given in HOST BYTE
 * ORDER.  ss should be a sockaddr_storage, sockaddr_in6, or sockaddr_in as
 * appropriate (just like what you would pass to connect).  sslen should be the
 * sizeof the structure you are passing in. */
nsock_event_id nsock_connect_tcp(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_iod ms_iod, nsock_ev_handler handler, int timeout_msecs,
                                 void *userdata, struct sockaddr *saddr, size_t sslen, unsigned short port) {
  msiod *nsi = (msiod *)ms_iod;
  mspool *ms = (mspool *)nsp;
  msevent *nse;
  struct sockaddr_storage *ss = (struct sockaddr_storage *)saddr;

  assert(nsi->state == NSIOD_STATE_INITIAL || nsi->state == NSIOD_STATE_UNKNOWN);

  nse = msevent_new(ms, NSE_TYPE_CONNECT, nsi, timeout_msecs, handler, userdata);

  nsock_log_info(ms, "TCP connection requested to %s:%hu (IOD #%li) EID %li",
                 inet_ntop_ez(ss, sslen), port, nsi->id, nse->id);

  /* Do the actual connect() */
  nsock_connect_internal(ms, nse, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, ss, sslen, port);
  nsp_add_event(ms, nse);

  return nse->id;
/* handle_connect_results assumes that select or poll have already shown the
 * descriptor to be active */
void handle_connect_result(struct npool *ms, struct nevent *nse, enum nse_status status) {
  int optval;
  socklen_t optlen = sizeof(int);
  struct niod *iod = nse->iod;
  int sslerr;
  int rc = 0;
  int sslconnect_inprogress = nse->type == NSE_TYPE_CONNECT_SSL && nse->iod &&
    (nse->sslinfo.ssl_desire == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ||
     nse->sslinfo.ssl_desire == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE);
  int sslconnect_inprogress = 0;

  if (status == NSE_STATUS_TIMEOUT || status == NSE_STATUS_CANCELLED) {
    nse->status = status;
    nse->event_done = 1;
  } else if (sslconnect_inprogress) {
    /* Do nothing */
  } else if (status == NSE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    /* First we want to determine whether the socket really is connected */
    if (getsockopt(iod->sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&optval, &optlen) != 0)
      optval = socket_errno(); /* Stupid Solaris */

    switch (optval) {
      case 0:
        nse->status = NSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
      /* EACCES can be caused by ICMPv6 dest-unreach-admin, or when a port is
         blocked by Windows Firewall (WSAEACCES). */
      case EACCES:
      case ECONNREFUSED:
      case EHOSTUNREACH:
      case ENETDOWN:
      case ENETUNREACH:
      case ENETRESET:
      case ECONNABORTED:
      case ETIMEDOUT:
      case EHOSTDOWN:
      case ECONNRESET:
#ifdef WIN32
#ifndef WIN32
      case EPIPE: /* Has been seen after connect on Linux. */
      case ENOPROTOOPT: /* Also seen on Linux, perhaps in response to protocol unreachable. */
        nse->status = NSE_STATUS_ERROR;
        nse->errnum = optval;

        /* I'd like for someone to report it */
        fatal("Strange connect error from %s (%d): %s",
              inet_ntop_ez(&iod->peer, iod->peerlen), optval,

    /* Now special code for the SSL case where the TCP connection was successful. */
    if (nse->type == NSE_TYPE_CONNECT_SSL &&
        nse->status == NSE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
      assert(ms->sslctx != NULL);
      /* Reuse iod->ssl if present. If set, this is the second try at connection
         without the SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 option set. */
      if (iod->ssl == NULL) {
        iod->ssl = SSL_new(ms->sslctx);
        if (!iod->ssl)
          fatal("SSL_new failed: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));

      if (iod->hostname != NULL) {
        if (SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(iod->ssl, iod->hostname) != 1)
          fatal("SSL_set_tlsext_host_name failed: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));

      /* Associate our new SSL with the connected socket.  It will inherit the
       * non-blocking nature of the sd */
      if (SSL_set_fd(iod->ssl, iod->sd) != 1)
        fatal("SSL_set_fd failed: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));

      /* Event not done -- need to do SSL connect below */
      nse->sslinfo.ssl_desire = SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT;
    } else {
      /* This is not an SSL connect (in which case we are always done), or the
       * TCP connect() underlying the SSL failed (in which case we are also done */
      nse->event_done = 1;
  } else {
    fatal("Unknown status (%d)", status);

  /* At this point the TCP connection is done, whether successful or not.
   * Therefore decrease the read/write listen counts that were incremented in
   * nsock_pool_add_event. In the SSL case, we may increase one of the counts depending
   * on whether SSL_connect returns an error of SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ or
   * SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE. In that case we will re-enter this function, but we
   * don't want to execute this block again. */
  if (iod->sd != -1 && !sslconnect_inprogress) {
    int ev = EV_NONE;

    ev |= socket_count_read_dec(iod);
    ev |= socket_count_write_dec(iod);
    ev |= EV_EXCEPT;
    update_events(iod, ms, EV_NONE, ev);

  if (nse->type == NSE_TYPE_CONNECT_SSL && !nse->event_done) {
    /* Lets now start/continue/finish the connect! */
    if (iod->ssl_session) {
      rc = SSL_set_session(iod->ssl, iod->ssl_session);
      if (rc == 0)
        nsock_log_error("Uh-oh: SSL_set_session() failed - please tell [email protected]");
      iod->ssl_session = NULL; /* No need for this any more */

    /* If this is a reinvocation of handle_connect_result, clear out the listen
     * bits that caused it, based on the previous SSL desire. */
    if (sslconnect_inprogress) {
      int ev;

      ev = socket_count_dec_ssl_desire(nse);
      update_events(iod, ms, EV_NONE, ev);

    rc = SSL_connect(iod->ssl);
    if (rc == 1) {
      /* Woop!  Connect is done! */
      nse->event_done = 1;
      /* Check that certificate verification was okay, if requested. */
      if (nsi_ssl_post_connect_verify(iod)) {
        nse->status = NSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
      } else {
        nsock_log_error("certificate verification error for EID %li: %s",
                        nse->id, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
        nse->status = NSE_STATUS_ERROR;
    } else {
      long options = SSL_get_options(iod->ssl);

      sslerr = SSL_get_error(iod->ssl, rc);
      if (rc == -1 && sslerr == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
        nse->sslinfo.ssl_desire = sslerr;
        update_events(iod, ms, EV_READ, EV_NONE);
      } else if (rc == -1 && sslerr == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
        nse->sslinfo.ssl_desire = sslerr;
        update_events(iod, ms, EV_WRITE, EV_NONE);
      } else if (!(options & SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2)) {
        int saved_ev;

        /* SSLv3-only and TLSv1-only servers can't be connected to when the
         * SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 option is not set, which is the case when the pool
         * was initialized with nsock_pool_ssl_init_max_speed. Try reconnecting
         * with SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2. Never downgrade a NO_SSLv2 connection to one
         * that might use SSLv2. */
        nsock_log_info("EID %li reconnecting with SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2", nse->id);

        saved_ev = iod->watched_events;
        nsock_engine_iod_unregister(ms, iod);
        nsock_connect_internal(ms, nse, SOCK_STREAM, iod->lastproto, &iod->peer,
                               iod->peerlen, nsock_iod_get_peerport(iod));
        nsock_engine_iod_register(ms, iod, saved_ev);

           fatal("SSL_clear failed: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));

        SSL_set_options(iod->ssl, options | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2);
        update_events(iod, ms, EV_READ|EV_WRITE, EV_NONE);
        nse->sslinfo.ssl_desire = SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT;
      } else {
        nsock_log_info("EID %li %s",
                       nse->id, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
        nse->event_done = 1;
        nse->status = NSE_STATUS_ERROR;
        nse->errnum = EIO;