文件: dasdcopy.c 项目: VMer/spinhawk
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char           *pgm;                    /* -> Program name           */
int             ckddasd=-1;             /* 1=CKD  0=FBA              */
int             rc;                     /* Return code               */
int             quiet=0;                /* 1=Don't display status    */
int             comp=255;               /* Compression algorithm     */
int             cyls=-1, blks=-1;       /* Size of output file       */
int             lfs=0;                  /* 1=Create 1 large file     */
int             alt=0;                  /* 1=Create alt cyls         */
int             r=0;                    /* 1=Replace output file     */
int             in=0, out=0;            /* Input/Output file types   */
int             fd;                     /* Input file descriptor     */
char           *ifile, *ofile;          /* -> Input/Output file names*/
char           *sfile=NULL;             /* -> Input shadow file name */
CIFBLK         *icif, *ocif;            /* -> Input/Output CIFBLK    */
DEVBLK         *idev, *odev;            /* -> Input/Output DEVBLK    */

CKDDEV         *ckd=NULL;               /* -> CKD device table entry */
FBADEV         *fba=NULL;               /* -> FBA device table entry */
int             i, n, max;              /* Loop index, limits        */
BYTE            unitstat;               /* Device unit status        */
char            msgbuf[512];            /* Message buffer            */
size_t          fba_bytes_remaining=0;  /* FBA bytes to be copied    */
int             nullfmt = CKDDASD_NULLTRK_FMT0; /* Null track format */
char            pathname[MAX_PATH];     /* file path in host format  */
char            pgmpath[MAX_PATH];      /* prog path in host format  */


    /* Figure out processing based on the program name */
    hostpath(pgmpath, argv[0], sizeof(pgmpath));
    pgm = strrchr (pgmpath, '/');
    if (pgm) pgm++;
    else pgm = argv[0];
    strtok (pgm, ".");
    if (strcmp(pgm, "ckd2cckd") == 0)
        in = CKD;
        out = CCKD;
    else if (strcmp(pgm, "cckd2ckd") == 0)
        in = CCKD;
        out = CKD;
    else if (strcmp(pgm, "fba2cfba") == 0)
        in = FBA;
        out = CFBA;
    else if (strcmp(pgm, "cfba2fba") == 0)
        in = CFBA;
        out = FBA;

    /* Process the arguments */
    for (argc--, argv++ ; argc > 0 ; argc--, argv++)
        if (argv[0][0] != '-') break;
        if (strcmp(argv[0], "-v") == 0)
             snprintf (msgbuf, 512, _("Hercules %s copy program "), pgm);
             display_version (stderr, msgbuf, FALSE);
             return 0;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-h") == 0)
            return 0;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-q") == 0
              || strcmp(argv[0], "-quiet") == 0)
            quiet = 1;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-r") == 0)
            r = 1;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-z") == 0)
            comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_ZLIB;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-bz2") == 0)
            comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_BZIP2;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-0") == 0)
            comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_NONE;
        else if ((strcmp(argv[0], "-cyl") == 0
               || strcmp(argv[0], "-cyls") == 0) && cyls < 0)
            if (argc < 2 || (cyls = atoi(argv[1])) < 0)
                return syntax(pgm);
            argc--; argv++;
        else if ((strcmp(argv[0], "-blk") == 0
               || strcmp(argv[0], "-blks") == 0) && blks < 0)
            if (argc < 2 || (blks = atoi(argv[1])) < 0)
                return syntax(pgm);
            argc--; argv++;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-a") == 0
              || strcmp(argv[0], "-alt") == 0
              || strcmp(argv[0], "-alts") == 0)
            alt = 1;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-lfs") == 0)
            lfs = 1;
        else if (out == 0 && strcmp(argv[0], "-o") == 0)
            if (argc < 2 || out != 0) return syntax(pgm);
            if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "ckd") == 0)
                out = CKD;
            else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "cckd") == 0)
                out = CCKD;
            else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "fba") == 0)
                out = FBA;
            else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "cfba") == 0)
                out = CFBA;
                return syntax(pgm);
            argc--; argv++;
            return syntax(pgm);

    /* Get the file names:
       input-file [sf=shadow-file] output-file   */
    if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) return syntax(pgm);
    ifile = argv[0];
    if (argc < 3)
        ofile = argv[1];
        if (strlen(argv[1]) < 4 || memcmp(argv[1], "sf=", 3))
            return syntax(pgm);
        sfile = argv[1];
        ofile = argv[2];

    /* If we don't know what the input file is then find out */
    if (in == 0)
        BYTE buf[8];
        hostpath(pathname, ifile, sizeof(pathname));
        fd = hopen(pathname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
        if (fd < 0)
            fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC001E %s: %s open error: %s\n"),
                     pgm, ifile, strerror(errno));
            return -1;
        rc = read (fd, buf, 8);
        if (rc < 8)
            fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC002E %s: %s read error: %s\n"),
                     pgm, ifile, strerror(errno));
            return -1;
        if (memcmp(buf, "CKD_P370", 8) == 0)
            in = CKD;
        else if (memcmp(buf, "CKD_C370", 8) == 0)
            in = CCKD;
        else if (memcmp(buf, "FBA_C370", 8) == 0)
            in = CFBA;
            in = FBA;
        close (fd);

    /* If we don't know what the output file type is
       then derive it from the input file type */
    if (out == 0)
        switch (in) {
        case CKD:  if (!lfs) out = CCKD;
                   else out = CKD;
        case CCKD: if (comp == 255) out = CKD;
                   else out = CCKD;
        case FBA:  if (!lfs) out = CFBA;
                   else out = FBA;
        case CFBA: if (comp == 255) out = FBA;
                   else out = CFBA;

    /* Set default compression if out file is to be compressed */
    if (comp == 255 && (out & COMPMASK))
        comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_ZLIB;
        comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_NONE;

    /* Perform sanity checks on the options */
    if ((in & CKDMASK) && !(out & CKDMASK)) return syntax(pgm);
    if ((in & FBAMASK) && !(out & FBAMASK)) return syntax(pgm);
    if (sfile && !(in & COMPMASK)) return syntax(pgm);
    if (comp != 255 && !(out & COMPMASK)) return syntax(pgm);
    if (lfs && (out & COMPMASK)) return syntax(pgm);
    if (cyls >= 0 && !(in & CKDMASK)) return syntax(pgm);
    if (blks >= 0 && !(in & FBAMASK)) return syntax(pgm);
    if (!(in & CKDMASK) && alt) return syntax(pgm);

    /* Set the type of processing (ckd or fba) */
    ckddasd = (in & CKDMASK);

    /* Open the input file */
    if (ckddasd)
        icif = open_ckd_image (ifile, sfile, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0);
        icif = open_fba_image (ifile, sfile, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0);
    if (icif == NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC003E %s: %s open failed\n"), pgm, ifile);
        return -1;
    idev = &icif->devblk;
    if (idev->oslinux) nullfmt = CKDDASD_NULLTRK_FMT2;

    /* Calculate the number of tracks or blocks to copy */
    if (ckddasd)
        if (cyls < 0) cyls = idev->ckdcyls;
        else if (cyls == 0) cyls = (idev->hnd->used)(idev);
        ckd = dasd_lookup (DASD_CKDDEV, NULL, idev->devtype, cyls);
        if (ckd == NULL)
            fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC004E %s: ckd lookup failed for %4.4X "
                     "cyls %d\n"),
                     pgm, idev->devtype, cyls);
            close_image_file (icif);
            return -1;
        if (out == CCKD) cyls = ckd->cyls;
        if (cyls <= ckd->cyls && alt) cyls = ckd->cyls + ckd->altcyls;
        n = cyls * idev->ckdheads;
        max = idev->ckdtrks;
        if (max < n && out == CCKD) n = max;
        fba_bytes_remaining = idev->fbanumblk * idev->fbablksiz;
        if (blks < 0) blks = idev->fbanumblk;
        else if (blks == 0) blks = (idev->hnd->used)(idev);
        fba = dasd_lookup (DASD_FBADEV, NULL, idev->devtype, blks);
        if (fba == NULL)
            fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC005E %s: fba lookup failed, blks %d\n"),
                     pgm, blks);
            close_image_file (icif);
            return -1;
        n = blks;
        max = idev->fbanumblk;
        if (max < n && out == CFBA) n = max;
        n = (n + FBA_BLKS_PER_GRP - 1) / FBA_BLKS_PER_GRP;
        max = (max + FBA_BLKS_PER_GRP - 1) / FBA_BLKS_PER_GRP;

    /* Create the output file */
    if (ckddasd)
        rc = create_ckd(ofile, idev->devtype, idev->ckdheads,
                        ckd->r1, cyls, "", comp, lfs, 1+r, nullfmt, 0);
        rc = create_fba(ofile, idev->devtype, fba->size,
                        blks, "", comp, lfs, 1+r, 0);
    if (rc < 0)
        fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC006E %s: %s create failed\n"), pgm, ofile);
        close_image_file (icif);
        return -1;

    /* Open the output file */
    if (ckddasd)
        ocif = open_ckd_image (ofile, NULL, O_RDWR|O_BINARY, 1);
        ocif = open_fba_image (ofile, NULL, O_RDWR|O_BINARY, 1);
    if (ocif == NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC007E %s: %s open failed\n"), pgm, ofile);
        close_image_file (icif);
        return -1;
    odev = &ocif->devblk;

    /* Copy the files */
    if (extgui)
        /* Notify GUI of total #of tracks or blocks being copied... */
        fprintf (stderr, "TRKS=%d\n", n);
#endif /*EXTERNALGUI*/
    if (!quiet) printf ("  %3d%% %7d of %d", 0, 0, n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        /* Read a track or block */
        if (ckddasd)
            if (i < max)
                rc = (idev->hnd->read)(idev, i, &unitstat);
                memset (idev->buf, 0, idev->ckdtrksz);
                rc = nulltrk(idev->buf, i, idev->ckdheads, nullfmt);
            if (i < max)
                rc = (idev->hnd->read)(idev, i, &unitstat);
                memset (idev->buf, 0, FBA_BLKGRP_SIZE);
                rc = 0;
        if (rc < 0)
            fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC008E %s: %s read error %s %d "
                               "stat=%2.2X, null %s substituted\n"),
                     pgm, ifile, ckddasd ? "track" : "block", i, unitstat,
                     ckddasd ? "track" : "block");
            if (ckddasd)
                nulltrk(idev->buf, i, idev->ckdheads, nullfmt);
                memset (idev->buf, 0, FBA_BLKGRP_SIZE);
            if (!quiet)
                printf (_("  %3d%% %7d of %d"), 0, 0, n);
                status (i, n);

        /* Write the track or block just read */
        if (ckddasd)
            rc = (odev->hnd->write)(odev, i, 0, idev->buf,
                      idev->ckdtrksz, &unitstat);
            if (fba_bytes_remaining >= (size_t)idev->buflen)
                rc = (odev->hnd->write)(odev,  i, 0, idev->buf,
                          idev->buflen, &unitstat);
                fba_bytes_remaining -= (size_t)idev->buflen;
                ASSERT(fba_bytes_remaining > 0 && (i+1) >= n);
                rc = (odev->hnd->write)(odev,  i, 0, idev->buf,
                          (int)fba_bytes_remaining, &unitstat);
                fba_bytes_remaining = 0;
        if (rc < 0)
            fprintf (stderr, _("HHCDC009E %s: %s write error %s %d "
                     pgm, ofile, ckddasd ? "track" : "block", i, unitstat);
            close_image_file(icif); close_image_file(ocif);
            return -1;

        /* Update the status indicator */
        if (!quiet) status (i+1, n);

    close_image_file(icif); close_image_file(ocif);
    if (!quiet) printf (_("\r"));
    printf (_("HHCDC010I %s successfully completed.\n"), pgm);
    return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char           *pgm;                    /* less any extension (.ext) */
int             ckddasd=-1;             /* 1=CKD  0=FBA              */
int             rc;                     /* Return code               */
int             quiet=0;                /* 1=Don't display status    */
int             comp=255;               /* Compression algorithm     */
int             cyls=-1, blks=-1;       /* Size of output file       */
int             lfs=0;                  /* 1=Create 1 large file     */
int             alt=0;                  /* 1=Create alt cyls         */
int             r=0;                    /* 1=Replace output file     */
int             in=0, out=0;            /* Input/Output file types   */
int             fd;                     /* Input file descriptor     */
char           *ifile, *ofile;          /* -> Input/Output file names*/
char           *sfile=NULL;             /* -> Input shadow file name */
CIFBLK         *icif, *ocif;            /* -> Input/Output CIFBLK    */
DEVBLK         *idev, *odev;            /* -> Input/Output DEVBLK    */

CKDDEV         *ckd=NULL;               /* -> CKD device table entry */
FBADEV         *fba=NULL;               /* -> FBA device table entry */
int             i, n, max;              /* Loop index, limits        */
BYTE            unitstat;               /* Device unit status        */
size_t          fba_bytes_remaining=0;  /* FBA bytes to be copied    */
int             nullfmt = CKDDASD_NULLTRK_FMT0; /* Null track format */
char            pathname[MAX_PATH];     /* file path in host format  */

    INITIALIZE_UTILITY( UTILITY_NAME, "DASD copy/convert", &pgm );

    if (strcasecmp(pgm, "ckd2cckd") == 0)
        in = CKD;
        out = CCKD;
    else if (strcasecmp(pgm, "cckd2ckd") == 0)
        in = CCKD;
        out = CKD;
    else if (strcasecmp(pgm, "fba2cfba") == 0)
        in = FBA;
        out = CFBA;
    else if (strcasecmp(pgm, "cfba2fba") == 0)
        in = CFBA;
        out = FBA;

    /* Process the arguments */
    for (argc--, argv++ ; argc > 0 ; argc--, argv++)
        if (argv[0][0] != '-') break;
        if (strcmp(argv[0], "-h") == 0)
            syntax( pgm );
            return 0;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-q") == 0
              || strcmp(argv[0], "-quiet") == 0)
            quiet = 1;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-r") == 0)
            r = 1;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-z") == 0)
            comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_ZLIB;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-bz2") == 0)
            comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_BZIP2;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-0") == 0)
            comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_NONE;
        else if ((strcmp(argv[0], "-cyl") == 0
               || strcmp(argv[0], "-cyls") == 0) && cyls < 0)
            if (argc < 2 || (cyls = atoi(argv[1])) < 0)
                return syntax( pgm );
            argc--; argv++;
        else if ((strcmp(argv[0], "-blk") == 0
               || strcmp(argv[0], "-blks") == 0) && blks < 0)
            if (argc < 2 || (blks = atoi(argv[1])) < 0)
                return syntax( pgm );
            argc--; argv++;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-a") == 0
              || strcmp(argv[0], "-alt") == 0
              || strcmp(argv[0], "-alts") == 0)
            alt = 1;
        else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-lfs") == 0)
            lfs = 1;
        else if (out == 0 && strcmp(argv[0], "-o") == 0)
            if (argc < 2 || out != 0) return syntax( pgm );
            if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "ckd") == 0)
                out = CKD;
            else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "cckd") == 0)
                out = CCKD;
            else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "fba") == 0)
                out = FBA;
            else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "cfba") == 0)
                out = CFBA;
                return syntax( pgm );
            argc--; argv++;
            return syntax( pgm );

    /* Get the file names:
       input-file [sf=shadow-file] output-file   */
    if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) return syntax( pgm );
    ifile = argv[0];
    if (argc < 3)
        ofile = argv[1];
        if (strlen(argv[1]) < 4 || memcmp(argv[1], "sf=", 3))
            return syntax( pgm );
        sfile = argv[1];
        ofile = argv[2];

    /* If we don't know what the input file is then find out */
    if (in == 0)
        BYTE buf[8];
        hostpath(pathname, ifile, sizeof(pathname));
        fd = HOPEN (pathname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
        if (fd < 0)
            // "Error in function %s: %s"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02412, "E", "open()", strerror(errno) );
            return -1;
        rc = read (fd, buf, 8);
        if (rc < 8)
            // "Error in function %s: %s"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02412, "E", "read()", strerror(errno) );
            return -1;
        if (memcmp(buf, "CKD_P370", 8) == 0)
            in = CKD;
        else if (memcmp(buf, "CKD_C370", 8) == 0)
            in = CCKD;
        else if (memcmp(buf, "FBA_C370", 8) == 0)
            in = CFBA;
            in = FBA;
        close (fd);

    /* If we don't know what the output file type is
       then derive it from the input file type */
    if (out == 0)
        switch (in) {
        case CKD:  if (!lfs) out = CCKD;
                   else out = CKD;
        case CCKD: if (comp == 255) out = CKD;
                   else out = CCKD;
        case FBA:  if (!lfs) out = CFBA;
                   else out = FBA;
        case CFBA: if (comp == 255) out = FBA;
                   else out = CFBA;

    /* Set default compression if out file is to be compressed */
    if (comp == 255 && (out & COMPMASK))
        comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_ZLIB;
        comp = CCKD_COMPRESS_NONE;

    /* Perform sanity checks on the options */
    if ((in & CKDMASK) && !(out & CKDMASK)) return syntax( pgm );
    if ((in & FBAMASK) && !(out & FBAMASK)) return syntax( pgm );
    if (sfile && !(in & COMPMASK))          return syntax( pgm );
    if (comp != 255 && !(out & COMPMASK))   return syntax( pgm );
    if (lfs && (out & COMPMASK))            return syntax( pgm );
    if (cyls >= 0 && !(in & CKDMASK))       return syntax( pgm );
    if (blks >= 0 && !(in & FBAMASK))       return syntax( pgm );
    if (!(in & CKDMASK) && alt)             return syntax( pgm );

    /* Set the type of processing (ckd or fba) */
    ckddasd = (in & CKDMASK);

    /* Open the input file */
    if (ckddasd)
        icif = open_ckd_image (ifile, sfile, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, IMAGE_OPEN_NORMAL);
        icif = open_fba_image (ifile, sfile, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, IMAGE_OPEN_NORMAL);
    if (icif == NULL)
        // "Failed opening %s"
        FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02403, "E", ifile );
        return -1;
    idev = &icif->devblk;
    if (idev->oslinux) nullfmt = CKDDASD_NULLTRK_FMT2;

    /* Calculate the number of tracks or blocks to copy */
    if (ckddasd)
        if (cyls < 0) cyls = idev->ckdcyls;
        else if (cyls == 0) cyls = (idev->hnd->used)(idev);
        ckd = dasd_lookup (DASD_CKDDEV, NULL, idev->devtype, 0);
        if (ckd == NULL)
            // "CKD lookup failed: device type %04X cyls %d"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02430, "E",
                     idev->devtype, cyls );
            close_image_file (icif);
            return -1;
        if (cyls <= ckd->cyls && alt) cyls = ckd->cyls + ckd->altcyls;
        n = cyls * idev->ckdheads;
        max = idev->ckdtrks;
        if (max < n && out == CCKD) n = max;
        fba_bytes_remaining = idev->fbanumblk * idev->fbablksiz;
        if (blks < 0) blks = idev->fbanumblk;
        else if (blks == 0) blks = (idev->hnd->used)(idev);
        fba = dasd_lookup (DASD_FBADEV, NULL, idev->devtype, 0);
        if (fba == NULL)
            // "FBA lookup failed: blks %d"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02431, "E", blks );
            close_image_file (icif);
            return -1;
        n = blks;
        max = idev->fbanumblk;
        if (max < n && out == CFBA) n = max;
        n = (n + FBA_BLKS_PER_GRP - 1) / FBA_BLKS_PER_GRP;
        max = (max + FBA_BLKS_PER_GRP - 1) / FBA_BLKS_PER_GRP;

    /* Create the output file */
    if (ckddasd)
        rc = create_ckd(ofile, idev->devtype, idev->ckdheads,
                        ckd->r1, cyls, "", comp, lfs, 1+r, nullfmt, 0,
                        1, 0);
        rc = create_fba(ofile, idev->devtype, fba->size,
                        blks, "", comp, lfs, 1+r, 0);
    if (rc < 0)
        // "Failed creating %s"
        FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02432, "E", ofile );
        close_image_file (icif);
        return -1;

    /* Open the output file */
    if (ckddasd)
        ocif = open_ckd_image (ofile, NULL, O_RDWR|O_BINARY, IMAGE_OPEN_DASDCOPY);
        ocif = open_fba_image (ofile, NULL, O_RDWR|O_BINARY, IMAGE_OPEN_DASDCOPY);
    if (ocif == NULL)
        // "Failed opening %s"
        FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02403, "E", ofile );
        close_image_file (icif);
        return -1;
    odev = &ocif->devblk;

    /* Notify GUI of total #of tracks or blocks being copied... */
    EXTGUIMSG( "TRKS=%d\n", n );

    /* Copy the files */

#if defined( EXTERNALGUI )
    if (!extgui)
        if (!quiet)
            printf ( "  %3d%% %7d of %d", 0, 0, n );

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        /* Read a track or block */
        if (ckddasd)
            if (i < max)
                rc = (idev->hnd->read)(idev, i, &unitstat);
                memset (idev->buf, 0, idev->ckdtrksz);
                rc = nulltrk(idev->buf, i, idev->ckdheads, nullfmt);
            if (i < max)
                rc = (idev->hnd->read)(idev, i, &unitstat);
                memset (idev->buf, 0, FBA_BLKGRP_SIZE);
                rc = 0;
        if (rc < 0)
            // "Read error on file %s: %s %d stat=%2.2X, null %s substituted"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02433, "E",
                     ifile, ckddasd ? "track" : "block", i, unitstat,
                     ckddasd ? "track" : "block" );
            if (ckddasd)
                nulltrk(idev->buf, i, idev->ckdheads, nullfmt);
                memset (idev->buf, 0, FBA_BLKGRP_SIZE);
            if (!quiet)
#if defined( EXTERNALGUI )
                if (!extgui)
                    printf ( "  %3d%% %7d of %d", 0, 0, n );
                status (i, n);

        /* Write the track or block just read */
        if (ckddasd)
            rc = (odev->hnd->write)(odev, i, 0, idev->buf,
                      idev->ckdtrksz, &unitstat);
            if (fba_bytes_remaining >= (size_t)idev->buflen)
                rc = (odev->hnd->write)(odev,  i, 0, idev->buf,
                          idev->buflen, &unitstat);
                fba_bytes_remaining -= (size_t)idev->buflen;
                ASSERT(fba_bytes_remaining > 0 && (i+1) >= n);
                rc = (odev->hnd->write)(odev,  i, 0, idev->buf,
                          (int)fba_bytes_remaining, &unitstat);
                fba_bytes_remaining = 0;
        if (rc < 0)
            // "Write error on file %s: %s %d stat=%2.2X"
            FWRMSG( stderr, HHC02434, "E",
                     ofile, ckddasd ? "track" : "block", i, unitstat );
            close_image_file(icif); close_image_file(ocif);
            return -1;

        /* Update the status indicator */
        if (!quiet) status (i+1, n);

    close_image_file(icif); close_image_file(ocif);

#if defined( EXTERNALGUI )
    if (!extgui)
        if (!quiet)
            printf (_("\r"));

    // "DASD operation completed"
    WRMSG( HHC02423, "I" );
    return 0;