char *ft_itoa_base(int n, int base) { char *str; int i; i = numb(n, base); if (n == -2147483648) return (ft_strdup("-2147483648")); if (n < 0) i = i + 1; str = ft_strnew(i + 1); if (!str) return (NULL); str[0] = '0'; if (n < 0) { str[0] = '-'; n = -n; } while (i >= 0 && n != 0) { str[i] = ft_int_base(n, base) + 48; n = n / base; i = i - 1; } return (str); }
char *ft_itoa(int n) { char *str; int i; i = numb(n); if (n == -2147483648) return (ft_strdup("-2147483648")); if (n < 0) i = i + 1; str = ft_strnew(i + 1); if (!str) return (NULL); str[0] = '0'; if (n < 0) { str[0] = '-'; n = -n; } while (i >= 0 && n != 0) { str[i] = (n % 10) + 48; n = n / 10; i = i - 1; } return (str); }
void limread(struct xy *p, int *argcp, char ***argvp) { if(*argcp>1 && (*argvp)[1][0]=='l') { (*argcp)--; (*argvp)++; p->xf = log10; } if(!numb(&p->xlb,argcp,argvp)) return; p->xlbf = 1; if(!numb(&p->xub,argcp,argvp)) return; p->xubf = 1; if(!numb(&p->xquant,argcp,argvp)) return; p->xqf = 1; }
int main() { stack *st = NULL; char a[20];//вход, счётчик i char b[20];//вывод, счётчик j printf("infix: "); scanf("%s", a); int i = 0; int j = 0; while(a[i] != '\0') { st = clbr(st, a[i], b, j); operand(a[i], b, j); st = opbr(st, a[i]); st = oper(st, a[i], b, j); i++; } st = end(st, b, j); printf("postfix: %s\n", b); i = 0; while (b[i] != '\0') { if (numb(b[i]))//число - в стек st = push (st, b[i]); else//операция - вытащить два числа и прооперировать { int a1 = (int(pop(&st)) - int('0')); int b1 = (int(pop(&st)) - int('0')); int c = 0; switch (b[i]) { case '+': c = a1 + b1; break; case '-': c = b1 - a1; break; case '*': c = b1 * a1; break; case '/': c = b1 / a1; break; } st = push (st, (c + int('0'))); } i++; } int res = (int(pop(&st)) - int('0')); printf("result: %d\ninput something to close\n", res); scanf("%*s"); return 0; }
void ptime(double d) { int h, m, s; char *mer; Tim t; if(flags['s']) { /* hour minute */ dtsetup(d + .5/(24*60), &t); h = t.ifa[3]; m = floor(t.ifa[4]); mer = "AM"; if(h >= 12) { mer = "PM"; h -= 12; } if(h == 0) h = 12; numb(h); if(m < 10) { if(m == 0) { print("%s exactly ...", mer); return; } print("O "); } numb(m); print("%s ...", mer); return; } /* hour minute second */ dtsetup(d, &t); h = t.ifa[3]; m = floor(t.ifa[4]); s = floor((t.ifa[4]-m) * 60); print("%.2d:%.2d:%.2d %.*s", h, m, s, utfnlen(, 3),; }
void pdate(double d) { int i; Tim t; dtsetup(d, &t); if(flags['s']) { i = t.ifa[1]; print("%s ", month[i-1]); i = t.ifa[2]; numb(i); print("..."); return; } /* year month day */ print("%4d %2d %2d", (int)t.ifa[0], (int)t.ifa[1], (int)t.ifa[2]); }
NetworkManager::~NetworkManager(void) { numb(); }
void setopt(int argc, char **argv) { char *p1, *p2; float temp; xd.xlb = yd.xlb = INF; xd.xub = yd.xub = -INF; while(--argc > 0) { argv++; again: switch(argv[0][0]) { case '-': argv[0]++; goto again; case 'l': /* label for plot */ p1 = titlebuf; if (argc>=2) { argv++; argc--; p2 = argv[0]; while (*p1++ = *p2++); } break; case 'd': /*disconnected,obsolete option*/ case 'm': /*line mode*/ mode = 0; if(!numb(&temp,&argc,&argv)) break; if(temp>=sizeof(modes)/sizeof(*modes)) mode = 1; else if(temp>=0) mode = temp; break; case 'a': /*automatic abscissas*/ absf = 1; dx = 1; if(!numb(&dx,&argc,&argv)) break; if(numb(&absbot,&argc,&argv)) absf = 2; break; case 's': /*save screen, overlay plot*/ erasf = 0; break; case 'g': /*grid style 0 none, 1 ticks, 2 full*/ gridf = 0; if(!numb(&temp,&argc,&argv)) temp = argv[0][1]-'0'; /*for caompatibility*/ if(temp>=0&&temp<=2) gridf = temp; break; case 'c': /*character(s) for plotting*/ if(argc >= 2) { symbf = 1; plotsymb = argv[1]; argv++; argc--; } break; case 't': /*transpose*/ transf = 1; break; case 'b': /*breaks*/ brkf = 1; break; case 'x': /*x limits */ limread(&xd,&argc,&argv); break; case 'y': limread(&yd,&argc,&argv); break; case 'h': /*set height of plot */ if(!numb(&yd.xsize, &argc,&argv)) badarg(); break; case 'w': /*set width of plot */ if(!numb(&xd.xsize, &argc, &argv)) badarg(); break; case 'r': /* set offset to right */ if(!numb(&xd.xoff, &argc, &argv)) badarg(); break; case 'u': /*set offset up the screen*/ if(!numb(&yd.xoff,&argc,&argv)) badarg(); break; default: badarg(); } } }
double integrateD(const KernelD & F, const Element & e) { double result = 0.0; // Get the quadrature rules for azimuthal and polar integrations namespace mpl = boost::mpl; typedef typename mpl::at<rules_map, mpl::int_<PhiPoints> >::type PhiPolicy; typedef typename mpl::at<rules_map, mpl::int_<ThetaPoints> >::type ThetaPolicy; QuadratureRule<PhiPolicy> phiRule; QuadratureRule<ThetaPolicy> thetaRule; int upper_phi = PhiPoints / 2; // Upper limit for loop on phi points int upper_theta = ThetaPoints / 2; // Upper limit for loop on theta points // Extract relevant data from Element int nVertices = e.nVertices(); Eigen::Vector3d normal = e.normal(); Sphere sph = e.sphere(); Eigen::Matrix3Xd vertices = e.vertices(); Eigen::Matrix3Xd arcs = e.arcs(); // Calculation of the tangent and the bitangent (binormal) vectors // Tangent, Bitangent and Normal form a local reference frame: // T <-> x; B <-> y; N <-> z Eigen::Vector3d tangent, bitangent; tangent_and_bitangent(normal, tangent, bitangent); std::vector<double> theta(nVertices), phi(nVertices), phinumb(nVertices+1); std::vector<int> numb(nVertices+1); // Clean-up heap crap std::fill_n(theta.begin(), nVertices, 0.0); std::fill_n(phi.begin(), nVertices, 0.0); std::fill_n(numb.begin(), nVertices+1, 0); std::fill_n(phinumb.begin(), nVertices+1, 0.0); // Populate arrays and redefine tangent and bitangent e.spherical_polygon(tangent, bitangent, theta, phi, phinumb, numb); // Actual integration occurs here for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) { // Loop on edges double phiLower = phinumb[i]; // Lower vertex of edge double phiUpper = phinumb[i+1]; // Upper vertex of edge double phiA = (phiUpper - phiLower) / 2.0; double phiB = (phiUpper + phiLower) / 2.0; double thetaLower = theta[numb[i]]; double thetaUpper = theta[numb[i+1]]; double thetaMax = 0.0; Eigen::Vector3d oc = (arcs.col(i) - / sph.radius; double oc_norm = oc.norm(); double oc_norm2 = std::pow(oc_norm, 2); for (int j = 0; j < upper_phi; ++j) { // Loop on Gaussian points: phi integration for (int k = 0; k <= 1; ++k) { double ph = (2*k - 1) * phiA * phiRule.abscissa(j) + phiB; double cos_phi = std::cos(ph); double sin_phi = std::sin(ph); if (oc_norm2 < 1.0e-07) { // This should check if oc_norm2 is zero double cotg_thmax = (std::sin(ph-phiLower) / std::tan(thetaUpper) + std::sin(phiUpper-ph) / std::tan( thetaLower)) / std::sin(phiUpper - phiLower); thetaMax = std::atan(1.0 / cotg_thmax); } else { Eigen::Vector3d scratch; scratch <<,,; double aa = std::pow(*cos_phi +*sin_phi, 2) + std::pow(, 2); double bb = * oc_norm2; double cc = std::pow(oc_norm2, 2) - std::pow(*cos_phi +*sin_phi, 2); double ds = std::pow(bb, 2) - aa*cc; if (ds < 0.0) ds = 0.0; double cs = (-bb + std::sqrt(ds)) / aa; if (cs > 1.0) cs = 1.0; if (cs < -1.0) cs = 1.0; thetaMax = std::acos(cs); } double thetaA = thetaMax / 2.0; double scratch = 0.0; if (!(thetaMax < 1.0e-08)) { for (int l = 0; l < upper_theta; ++l) { // Loop on Gaussian points: theta integration for (int m = 0; m <= 1; ++m) { double th = (2*m - 1) * thetaA * thetaRule.abscissa(l) + thetaA; double cos_theta = std::cos(th); double sin_theta = std::sin(th); Eigen::Vector3d point; point(0) = tangent(0) * sin_theta * cos_phi + bitangent(0) * sin_theta * sin_phi + normal(0) * (cos_theta - 1.0); point(1) = tangent(1) * sin_theta * cos_phi + bitangent(1) * sin_theta * sin_phi + normal(1) * (cos_theta - 1.0); point(2) = tangent(2) * sin_theta * cos_phi + bitangent(2) * sin_theta * sin_phi + normal(2) * (cos_theta - 1.0); double value = F(e.normal(), Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(), point); // Evaluate integrand at Gaussian point scratch += std::pow(sph.radius, 2) * value * sin_theta * thetaA * thetaRule.weight(l); } } result += scratch * phiA * phiRule.weight(j); } } } } return result; }
void readspec(void) { int icol, c, sawchar, stopc, i; char sn[10], *snp, *temp; sawchar = icol = 0; while (c = get1char()) { switch (c) { default: if (c != tab) { char buf[64]; sprint(buf, "bad table specification character %c", c); error(buf); } case ' ': /* note this is also case tab */ continue; case '\n': if (sawchar == 0) continue; case ',': case '.': /* end of table specification */ ncol = max(ncol, icol); if (lefline[ncol][nclin] > 0) { ncol++; rightl++; }; if (sawchar) nclin++; if (nclin >= MAXHEAD) error("too many lines in specification"); icol = 0; if (ncol == 0 || nclin == 0) error("no specification"); if (c == '.') { while ((c = get1char()) && c != '\n') if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') error("dot not last character on format line"); /* fix up sep - default is 3 except at edge */ for (icol = 0; icol < ncol; icol++) if (sep[icol] < 0) sep[icol] = icol + 1 < ncol ? 3 : 2; if (oncol == 0) oncol = ncol; else if (oncol + 2 < ncol) error("tried to widen table in T&, not allowed"); return; } sawchar = 0; continue; case 'C': case 'S': case 'R': case 'N': case 'L': case 'A': c += ('a' - 'A'); case '_': if (c == '_') c = '-'; case '=': case '-': case '^': case 'c': case 's': case 'n': case 'r': case 'l': case 'a': style[icol][nclin] = c; if (c == 's' && icol <= 0) error("first column can not be S-type"); if (c == 's' && style[icol-1][nclin] == 'a') { Bprint(&tabout, ".tm warning: can't span a-type cols, changed to l\n"); style[icol-1][nclin] = 'l'; } if (c == 's' && style[icol-1][nclin] == 'n') { Bprint(&tabout, ".tm warning: can't span n-type cols, changed to c\n"); style[icol-1][nclin] = 'c'; } icol++; if (c == '^' && nclin <= 0) error("first row can not contain vertical span"); if (icol > qcol) error("too many columns in table"); sawchar = 1; continue; case 'b': case 'i': c += 'A' - 'a'; case 'B': case 'I': if (icol == 0) continue; snp = font[icol-1][nclin]; snp[0] = (c == 'I' ? '2' : '3'); snp[1] = 0; continue; case 't': case 'T': if (icol > 0) flags[icol-1][nclin] |= CTOP; continue; case 'd': case 'D': if (icol > 0) flags[icol-1][nclin] |= CDOWN; continue; case 'f': case 'F': if (icol == 0) continue; snp = font[icol-1][nclin]; snp[0] = snp[1] = stopc = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { c = get1char(); if (i == 0 && c == '(') { stopc = ')'; c = get1char(); } if (c == 0) break; if (c == stopc) { stopc = 0; break; } if (stopc == 0) if (c == ' ' || c == tab ) break; if (c == '\n' || c == '|') { un1getc(c); break; } snp[i] = c; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') break; } if (stopc) if (get1char() != stopc) error("Nonterminated font name"); continue; case 'P': case 'p': if (icol <= 0) continue; temp = snp = csize[icol-1][nclin]; while (c = get1char()) { if (c == ' ' || c == tab || c == '\n') break; if (c == '-' || c == '+') if (snp > temp) break; else *snp++ = c; else if (digit(c)) *snp++ = c; else break; if (snp - temp > 4) error("point size too large"); } *snp = 0; if (atoi(temp) > 36) error("point size unreasonable"); un1getc (c); continue; case 'V': case 'v': if (icol <= 0) continue; temp = snp = vsize[icol-1][nclin]; while (c = get1char()) { if (c == ' ' || c == tab || c == '\n') break; if (c == '-' || c == '+') if (snp > temp) break; else *snp++ = c; else if (digit(c)) *snp++ = c; else break; if (snp - temp > 4) error("vertical spacing value too large"); } *snp = 0; un1getc(c); continue; case 'w': case 'W': snp = cll [icol-1]; /* Dale Smith didn't like this check - possible to have two text blocks of different widths now .... if (*snp) { Bprint(&tabout, "Ignored second width specification"); continue; } /* end commented out code ... */ stopc = 0; while (c = get1char()) { if (snp == cll[icol-1] && c == '(') { stopc = ')'; continue; } if ( !stopc && (c > '9' || c < '0')) break; if (stopc && c == stopc) break; *snp++ = c; } *snp = 0; if (snp - cll[icol-1] > CLLEN) error ("column width too long"); if (!stopc) un1getc(c); continue; case 'e': case 'E': if (icol < 1) continue; evenup[icol-1] = 1; evenflg = 1; continue; case 'z': case 'Z': /* zero width-ignre width this item */ if (icol < 1) continue; flags[icol-1][nclin] |= ZEROW; continue; case 'u': case 'U': /* half line up */ if (icol < 1) continue; flags[icol-1][nclin] |= HALFUP; continue; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': sn[0] = c; snp = sn + 1; while (digit(*snp++ = c = get1char())) ; un1getc(c); sep[icol-1] = max(sep[icol-1], numb(sn)); continue; case '|': lefline[icol][nclin]++; if (icol == 0) left1flg = 1; continue; } } error("EOF reading table specification"); }
BamKeysPrefsWindow::BamKeysPrefsWindow() : BWindow(BRect(40, 30, 40 + WIDTH, 30 + HEIGHT), "BamKeys", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_ZOOMABLE)// | B_NOT_RESIZABLE) { fModified = false; fRootView = new BBox(BRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), "root_view", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW, B_PLAIN_BORDER); fRootView->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); AddChild(fRootView); // Screen area selection box fScreenBox = new BBox(BRect(10, 10, ((WIDTH / 3) * 2) - 5, (HEIGHT - 50)), "screen_box", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW, B_FANCY_BORDER); BRect gridRect = fScreenBox->Frame(); gridRect.OffsetTo(0, 0); gridRect.InsetBy(5, 5); fGrid = new BamKeysGridControl(gridRect, "screen_grid", "", new BMessage('grid')); fScreenBox->AddChild(fGrid); // Settings Box fSettingBox = new BBox(BRect(((WIDTH / 3) * 2) + 5, 10, WIDTH - 10, (HEIGHT - 50)), "settings_box", B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM, B_WILL_DRAW, B_FANCY_BORDER); BRect itmRect = fSettingBox->Frame(); itmRect.Set(5, 10, itmRect.Width() - 5, (itmRect.Height() - 10) / 8); // Filter Enabled fChkEnabled = new BCheckBox(itmRect, "chkGrid", "Enable BamKeys", new BMessage('fltr'), B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fChkEnabled->SetValue(fGrid->IsFiltering() ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); fSettingBox->AddChild(fChkEnabled); itmRect.OffsetBy(0, itmRect.Height()); // Rows and Columns int32 rows; int32 columns; fGrid->GetSize(&rows, &columns); BPopUpMenu *mnuRows = new BPopUpMenu(""); for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_DIVIDE; i++) { BString numb(""); numb << i; BMenuItem *mnuItem = new BMenuItem(numb.String(), new BMessage('rowC')); mnuRows->AddItem(mnuItem); if (i == rows) { mnuItem->SetMarked(true); } } fMnuFldRows = new BMenuField(itmRect, "mnuRows", "Rows:", mnuRows, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fMnuFldRows); itmRect.OffsetBy(0, itmRect.Height()); BPopUpMenu *mnuColumns = new BPopUpMenu(""); for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_DIVIDE; i++) { BString numb(""); numb << i; BMenuItem *mnuItem = new BMenuItem(numb.String(), new BMessage('colC')); mnuColumns->AddItem(mnuItem); if (i == columns) { mnuItem->SetMarked(true); } } fMnuFldColumns = new BMenuField(itmRect, "mnuCols", "Columns:", mnuColumns, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_RIGHT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fMnuFldColumns); itmRect.OffsetBy(0, itmRect.Height()); // Hotkey BRect stringRect(itmRect); stringRect.OffsetBy(0, -(itmRect.Height() / 3)); fStrHotKey = new BStringView(stringRect, "lblModifiers", "Modifiers:", B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fStrHotKey); itmRect.OffsetBy(0, itmRect.Height()); // Caps Lock fCapsLock = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "capsLock", B_CAPS_LOCK, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fCapsLock); itmRect.OffsetBy(0, itmRect.Height()); // Num Lock fNumLock = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "numLock", B_NUM_LOCK, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fNumLock); itmRect.OffsetBy(0, itmRect.Height()); // Scroll Lock fScrlLock = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "scrollLock", B_SCROLL_LOCK, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fScrlLock); itmRect.OffsetBy(0, itmRect.Height()); BPoint half = itmRect.RightBottom(); half.x = half.x / 2; itmRect.SetRightBottom(half); // Command Keys fLeftCommand = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "leftCommand", B_LEFT_COMMAND_KEY, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fLeftCommand); itmRect.OffsetBy((itmRect.Width() + 5), 0); fRightCommand = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "rightCommand", B_RIGHT_COMMAND_KEY, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fRightCommand); itmRect.OffsetBy(-(itmRect.Width() + 5), itmRect.Height()); // Ctrl Keys fLeftControl = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "leftControl", B_LEFT_CONTROL_KEY, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fLeftControl); itmRect.OffsetBy((itmRect.Width() + 5), 0); fRightControl = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "rightControl", B_RIGHT_CONTROL_KEY, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fRightControl); itmRect.OffsetBy(-(itmRect.Width() + 5), itmRect.Height()); // Option Keys fLeftOption = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "leftOption", B_LEFT_OPTION_KEY, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fLeftOption); itmRect.OffsetBy((itmRect.Width() + 5), 0); fRightOption = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "rightOption", B_RIGHT_OPTION_KEY, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fRightOption); itmRect.OffsetBy(-(itmRect.Width() + 5), itmRect.Height()); // Shift Keys fLeftShift = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "leftShift", B_LEFT_SHIFT_KEY, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fLeftShift); itmRect.OffsetBy((itmRect.Width() + 5), 0); fRightShift = new BamKeysKeyView(itmRect, "rightShift", B_RIGHT_SHIFT_KEY, B_FOLLOW_TOP | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fSettingBox->AddChild(fRightShift); itmRect.OffsetBy(-(itmRect.Width() + 5), itmRect.Height()); // Buttons that do things! fBtnDefaults = new BButton(BRect(10, HEIGHT - 35, 85, HEIGHT - 15), "btn_defaults", "Defaults", new BMessage('deft'), B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fBtnRevert = new BButton(BRect(95, HEIGHT - 35, 170, HEIGHT - 15), "btn_revert", "Revert", new BMessage('revt'), B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM | B_FOLLOW_LEFT); fRootView->AddChild(fScreenBox); fRootView->AddChild(fSettingBox, fScreenBox); fRootView->AddChild(fBtnDefaults, fSettingBox); fRootView->AddChild(fBtnRevert, fBtnDefaults); // If the fGrid couldn't load it settings, force our applications' defaults. if (fGrid->InitCheck() != B_OK) { BMessage *defaults = new BMessage('deft'); MessageReceived(defaults); fGrid->SaveSettings(); delete defaults; fModified = false; } fBtnRevert->SetEnabled(fModified); }
int main(void) { struct tm *newtime; time_t ltime; time(<ime); /* Get the time in seconds */ newtime = localtime(<ime); /* Convert it to the structure tm */ char * st; // gen purpose string for bcd's st = new char[35]; // 32 digits + sign + decimal pt + '\0' ofstream dout("bcdrun.log"); bcd numa("1234567890987654.123"); // fraction will be dropped bcd numb(4321.6789); // ditto - we are using integer rules bcd numc(-24681357L); bcd numd = numa + numb; bcd e(0.0); bcd f(0L); bcd g(-0.0); bcd h(-0L); bcd w(1L); bcd x(-1.0); bcd y("-2.0"); bcd z("300."); bcd aa("99999999999999999999999999999999"); bcd bb("1"); bcd cc("10000000000000000"); bcd dd(".00000000000000001"); bcd m1(12L); bcd m2(2L); bcd m3(123456789L); bcd m4(4096L); bcd m5(748345987654321.0); bcd m6(288834570200345.0); bcd m7("8599238847786248452455563809"); bcd d1("8765432109876"); bcd d2(24687L); bcd d3(75237L); bcd d4(45263L); bcd d5 ("92732081006447"); bcd s1("1234567890987654"); dout << " Regression Log for " << asctime(newtime) << endl; dout << "significant digits test: 1 = " << w.sigD() << ", 3 = " << z.sigD() << ", 32 = " << aa.sigD() << ", 0 = " << dd.sigD() << "\n" << endl; int rc = numa.bcdToString(st); // convert numa to string no decimal point dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +1234567890987654" << endl; rc = numa.bcdToString(st,1); // numa to str with 1 psn to right of dec pt dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +123456789098765.4" << endl; rc = numa.bcdToString(st,6); // numa to str with 6 psns to rt of decimal pt dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +1234567890.987654" << "\n" << endl; rc = m3.bcdToString(st); // convert m3 to string no decimal point dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +123456789" << endl; rc = m3.bcdToString(st,1); // m3 to str with 1 psn to right of dec pt dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +12345678.9" << endl; rc = m3.bcdToString(st,6); // m3 to str with 6 psns to rt of decimal pt dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +123.456789" << "\n" << endl; rc = h.bcdToString(st); // convert h to string no decimal point dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +0" << endl; rc = h.bcdToString(st,1); // convert h to str with 1 psn to right of dec pt dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +0.0" << endl; rc = h.bcdToString(st,6); // h to str with 6 psns to rt of decimal pt dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +0.0" << "\n" << endl; rc = m2.bcdToString(st); // convert m2 to string no decimal point dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +2" << endl; rc = m2.bcdToString(st,1); // m2 to str with 1 psn to right of dec pt dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +0.2" << endl; rc = m2.bcdToString(st,6); // m2 to str with 6 psns to rt of decimal pt dout << "bcd to string test = " << st << "\n" << " expected: +0.000002" << "\n" << endl; s1.shl(1); dout << "shift test 1234567890987654 shifted left 1 = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000000000012345678909876540 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shl(2); dout << "shift test 1234567890987654 shifted left 2 = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000000001234567890987654000 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shl(3); dout << "shift test 1234567890987654 shifted left 3 = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000001234567890987654000000 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shl(13); dout << "shift test 1234567890987654 shfted left 13 = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000001234567890987654000000 cc: 16\n" << endl; s1.shr(1); dout << "shift test 1234567890987654 shifted rt 1 = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000000123456789098765400000 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shr(2); dout << "shift test 1234567890987654 shifted rt 2 = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000000001234567890987654000 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shr(5); dout << "shift test 1234567890987654 shifted rt 5 = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000000000000012345678909876 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shrRnd(4); dout << "shift test 12345678909876 sh rt 4 & rnd = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000000000000000001234567891 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shrRnd(4); dout << "shift test 12345678909876 sh rt 4 & rnd = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000000000000000000000123457 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shrRnd(5); dout << "shift test 12345678909876 sh rt 5 & rnd = " << s1 << " expected = +00000000000000000000000000000001 cc: 0\n" << endl; s1.shl(31); dout << "shift test 12345678909876 sh lt 31 = " << s1 << " expected = +10000000000000000000000000000000 cc: 0\n" << endl; bcd s2("1234567890987654321"); s2.shrCpld(s1,6); // odd shift even dout << "coupled shift s2 > s1, s1 = " << s1 << " expected s1 = +00000000000000000000000000654321 cc: 0\n" << " s2 = " << s2 << " expected s2 = +00000000000000000001234567890987 cc: 0\n" << endl; s2.shrCpld(s1,5); // odd shift odd dout << "coupled shift s2 > s1, s1 = " << s1 << " expected s1 = +00000000000000000000000000090987 cc: 0\n" << " s2 = " << s2 << " expected s2 = +00000000000000000000000012345678 cc: 0\n" << endl; s2.shrCpld(s1,4); // even shift even dout << "coupled shift s2 > s1, s1 = " << s1 << " expected s1 = +00000000000000000000000000005678 cc: 0\n" << " s2 = " << s2 << " expected s2 = +00000000000000000000000000001234 cc: 0\n" << endl; s2.shrCpld(s1,3); // odd shift odd dout << "coupled shift s2 > s1, s1 = " << s1 << " expected s1 = +00000000000000000000000000000234 cc: 0\n" << " s2 = " << s2 << " expected s2 = +00000000000000000000000000000001 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "logical test 1 < 2 = " << int(bb<m2) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 1 > 2 = " << int(bb>m2) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 1 = 2 = " << int(bb==m2) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 2 < 1 = " << int(m2<bb) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 2 > 1 = " << int(m2>bb) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 2 = 1 = " << int(m2==bb) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 1 < 12 = " << int(bb<m1) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 1 > 12 = " << int(bb>m1) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 1 = 12 = " << int(bb==m1) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 12 < 1 = " << int(m1<bb) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 12 > 1 = " << int(m1>bb) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 12 = 1 = " << int(m1==bb) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test -1 < 2 = " << int(x<m2) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test -1 > 2 = " << int(x>m2) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test -1 = 2 = " << int(x==m2) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 2 < -1 = " << int(m2<x) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test -1 != 2 = " << int(x!=m2) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 2 != -1 = " << int(m2!=x) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 2 != 2 = " << int(m2!=m2) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 2 > -1 = " << int(m2>x) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 2 = -1 = " << int(m2==x) << "\n" << "expected = 0 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test d1 = d1 = " << int(d1==d1) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 0 = -0 = " << int(f==h) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test -0 = 0 = " << int(h==f) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test 0 = 0 = " << int(f==f) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "logical test -0 = -0 = " << int(h==h) << "\n" << "expected = 1 \n" << endl; dout << "divide test 8765432109876/24687 = " << d1/d2 << "expected = +00000000000000000000000355062669 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "divide tst 92732081006447/45263 = " << d5/d4 << "expected = +00000000000000000000002048739169 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "divide test 8765432109876/75237 = " << d1/d3 << "expected = +00000000000000000000000116504274 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "divide test 1/24687 = " << bb/d2 << "expected = +00000000000000000000000000000000 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " test 10000000000000000/24687 = " << cc/d2 << "expected = +00000000000000000000405071495118 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " test 10000000000000000/3 = " << cc/3L << "expected = +00000000000000003333333333333333 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " test 10000000000000000/6 = " << cc/6L << "expected = +00000000000000001666666666666666 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " test 10000000000000000/7 = " << cc/7L << "expected = +00000000000000001428571428571428 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " div test 22000000000000000/7 = " << (cc*22L)/7L << "expected = +00000000000000031428571428571428 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "modulus test 24687%1000 = " << d2%1000L << "expected = +00000000000000000000000000000687 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "divide by zero test 75237/0 = " << d3/0L << "expected = +00000000000000000000000000075237 cc: 16\n" << endl; dout << "divide d1/d1 test = " << d1/d1 << "expected = +00000000000000000000000000000001 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "re-subtract test: 12345 - 12346 = " << bcd(12345L) - 12346L << "expected = -00000000000000000000000000000001 cc: 0\n" << " reverse opnds: 12346 - 12345 = " << bcd(12346L) - 12345L << "expected = +00000000000000000000000000000001 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "8599238847786248452455563809*45263 = " << m7 * d4 << " expected: +00008599238847786248452455563809 cc: 15\n" << endl; dout << "748345987654321 x 288834570200345 = " << m5 * m6 << " expected: +00216148191705288491573574940745 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "748345987654321 x 288834570200345 x 10 = " << m5 * m6 * 10.0 << " expected: +02161481917052884915735749407450 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "748345987654321 x 288834570200345 x 100 = " << m5 * m6 * 100.0 << " expected: +21614819170528849157357494074500 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "748345987654321 x 288834570200345 x 1000 = " << m5 * m6 * 1000.0 << " expected: +00216148191705288491573574940745 cc: 16\n" << endl; dout << "123456789 x 123456789 x 123456789 = " << m3 * m3 * m3 << " expected: +00000001881676371789154860897069 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "123456789 x 123456789 x 123456789 x 123456789 = " << m3 * m3 * m3 * m3 << " expected: +00000001881676371789154860897069 cc: 16\n" << endl; dout << " 2 x 2 = " << m2*m2 << " expected: +00000000000000000000000000000004 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " 2 x 12 = " << m2*m1 << " expected: +00000000000000000000000000000024 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " 2 x 123456789 = " << m2 * m3 << " expected: +00000000000000000000000246913578 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " 123456789 x 2 = " << m3 * m2 << " expected: +00000000000000000000000246913578 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " 4096 x 2 = " << m4 * m2 << "expected: +00000000000000000000000000008192 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " 2 x 4096 = " << m2 * m4 << "expected: +00000000000000000000000000008192 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " 2 x 12 x 4096 = " << m2 * m1 * m4 << "expected: +00000000000000000000000000098304 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " aa = " << aa << " bb = " << bb << " aa-bb = " << aa-bb << "expected:+99999999999999999999999999999998 cc: 0\n" << " aa+bb = " << aa+bb << "expected:+00000000000000000000000000000000 cc: 1\n" << endl; dout << " e = " << e << " f = " << f << " e + f = " << e+f << "expected:+00000000000000000000000000000000 cc: 0\n" << " e - f = " << e-f << "expected:+00000000000000000000000000000000 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " g = " << g << " h = " << h << " g + h = " << g+h << "expected:+00000000000000000000000000000000 cc: 0\n" << " g - h = " << g-h << "expected:+00000000000000000000000000000000 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " w = " << w << " x = " << x << " w + x = " << w+x << "expected:+00000000000000000000000000000000 cc: 0\n" << " w - x = " << w-x << "expected:+00000000000000000000000000000002 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << " y = " << y << " z = " << z << " y + z = " << y+z << "expected:+00000000000000000000000000000298 cc: 0\n" << " y - z = " << y-z << "expected:-00000000000000000000000000000302 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "numa = " << numa << "numb = " << numb << "numa+numb = " << numd << "expected: +00000000000000001234567890991975 cc: 0\n" << "numb+numa = " << numb+numa << "expected: +00000000000000001234567890991975 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "numa = " << numa << "numc = " << numc << "numa+numc = " << numa+numc << "expected: +00000000000000001234567866306297 cc: 0\n" << "numc+numa = " << numc+numa << "expected: +00000000000000001234567866306297 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "numb = " << numb << "numc = " << numc << "numb+numc = " << numb+numc << "expected: -00000000000000000000000024677036 cc: 0\n" << "numc+numb = " << numc+numb << "expected: -00000000000000000000000024677036 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "numa = " << numa << "numb = " << numb << "numa-numb = " << numa-numb << "expected: +00000000000000001234567890983333 cc: 0\n" << "numb-numa = " << numb-numa << "expected: -00000000000000001234567890983333 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "numa = " << numa << "numc = " << numc << "numa-numc = " << numa-numc << "expected: +00000000000000001234567915669011 cc: 0\n" << "numc-numa = " << numc-numa << "expected: -00000000000000001234567915669011 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout << "numb = " << numb << "numc = " << numc << "numb-numc = " << numb-numc << "expected: +00000000000000000000000024685678 cc: 0\n" << "numc-numb = " << numc-numb << "expected: -00000000000000000000000024685678 cc: 0\n" << endl; dout.close(); delete st; return 0; }