static void nxeg_initstate(FAR struct nxeg_state_s *st, int wnum,
                           nxgl_mxpixel_t color)
  FAR const struct nx_font_s *fontset;

  /* Initialize the window number (used for debug output only) and color
   * (used for redrawing the window)

  st->wnum     = wnum;
  st->color[0] = color;

  /* Get information about the font set being used and save this in the
   * state structure

  fontset      = nxf_getfontset(g_fonthandle);
  st->nchars   = 0;
  st->nglyphs  = 0;
  st->height   = fontset->mxheight;
  st->width    = fontset->mxwidth;
  st->spwidth  = fontset->spwidth;
FAR struct nxterm_state_s *
  nxterm_register(NXTERM handle, FAR struct nxterm_window_s *wndo,
                 FAR const struct nxterm_operations_s *ops, int minor)
  FAR struct nxterm_state_s *priv;
  FAR const struct nx_font_s *fontset;
  char devname[NX_DEVNAME_SIZE];
  NXHANDLE hfont;
  int ret;

  DEBUGASSERT(handle && wndo && ops && (unsigned)minor < 256);

  /* Allocate the driver structure */

  priv = (FAR struct nxterm_state_s *)kmm_zalloc(sizeof(struct nxterm_state_s));
  if (!priv)
      gerr("ERROR: Failed to allocate the NX driver structure\n");
      return NULL;

  /* Initialize the driver structure */

  priv->ops     = ops;
  priv->handle  = handle;
  priv->minor   = minor;
  memcpy(&priv->wndo, wndo, sizeof(struct nxterm_window_s));

  nxsem_init(&priv->exclsem, 0, 1);
  priv->holder  = NO_HOLDER;

  /* The waitsem semaphore is used for signaling and, hence, should not have
   * priority inheritance enabled.

  nxsem_init(&priv->waitsem, 0, 0);
  nxsem_setprotocol(&priv->waitsem, SEM_PRIO_NONE);

  /* Connect to the font cache for the configured font characteristics */

  priv->fcache = nxf_cache_connect(wndo->fontid, wndo->fcolor[0],
                                   wndo->wcolor[0], CONFIG_NXTERM_BPP,
  if (priv->fcache == NULL)
      gerr("ERROR: Failed to connect to font cache for font ID %d: %d\n",
           wndo->fontid, errno);
      goto errout;

  /* Get the handle of the font managed by the font cache */

  hfont = nxf_cache_getfonthandle(priv->fcache);
  if (hfont == NULL)
      gerr("ERROR: Failed to get handlr for font ID %d: %d\n",
           wndo->fontid, errno);
      goto errout;

  /* Get information about the font set being used and save this in the
   * state structure

  fontset         = nxf_getfontset(hfont);
  priv->fheight   = fontset->mxheight;
  priv->fwidth    = fontset->mxwidth;
  priv->spwidth   = fontset->spwidth;

  /* Set up the text cache */

  priv->maxchars  = CONFIG_NXTERM_MXCHARS;

  /* Set the initial display position */


  /* Show the cursor */

  priv->cursor.code = CONFIG_NXTERM_CURSORCHAR;

  /* Register the driver */

  snprintf(devname, NX_DEVNAME_SIZE, NX_DEVNAME_FORMAT, minor);
  ret = register_driver(devname, &g_nxterm_drvrops, 0666, priv);
  if (ret < 0)
      gerr("ERROR: Failed to register %s\n", devname);

  return (NXTERM)priv;

  return NULL;
void nxhello_hello(NXWINDOW hwnd)
  FAR const struct nx_font_s *fontset;
  FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *fbm;
  FAR uint8_t *glyph;
  FAR const char *ptr;
  FAR struct nxgl_point_s pos;
  FAR struct nxgl_rect_s dest;
  FAR const void *src[CONFIG_NX_NPLANES];
  unsigned int glyphsize;
  unsigned int mxstride;
  int ret;

  /* Get information about the font we are going to use */

  fontset = nxf_getfontset(g_nxhello.hfont);

  /* Allocate a bit of memory to hold the largest rendered font */

  mxstride  = (fontset->mxwidth * CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXHELLO_BPP + 7) >> 3;
  glyphsize = (unsigned int)fontset->mxheight * mxstride;
  glyph     = (FAR uint8_t*)malloc(glyphsize);

  /* NOTE: no check for failure to allocate the memory.  In a real application
   * you would need to handle that event.

  /* Get a position so the the "Hello, World!" string will be centered on the
   * display.

  nxhello_center(&pos, fontset);
  message("nxhello_hello: Position (%d,%d)\n", pos.x, pos.y);

  /* Now we can say "hello" in the center of the display. */

  for (ptr = g_hello; *ptr; ptr++)
      /* Get the bitmap font for this ASCII code */

      fbm = nxf_getbitmap(g_nxhello.hfont, *ptr);
      if (fbm)
          uint8_t fheight;      /* Height of this glyph (in rows) */
          uint8_t fwidth;       /* Width of this glyph (in pixels) */
          uint8_t fstride;      /* Width of the glyph row (in bytes) */

          /* Get information about the font bitmap */

          fwidth  = fbm->metric.width + fbm->metric.xoffset;
          fheight = fbm->metric.height + fbm->metric.yoffset;
          fstride = (fwidth * CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXHELLO_BPP + 7) >> 3;

          /* Initialize the glyph memory to the background color */

          nxhello_initglyph(glyph, fheight, fwidth, fstride);

          /* Then render the glyph into the allocated memory */

# warning "More logic is needed for the case where CONFIG_NX_PLANES > 1"
          (void)RENDERER((FAR nxgl_mxpixel_t*)glyph, fheight, fwidth,
                         fstride, fbm, CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXHELLO_FONTCOLOR);

          /* Describe the destination of the font with a rectangle */

          dest.pt1.x = pos.x;
          dest.pt1.y = pos.y;
          dest.pt2.x = pos.x + fwidth - 1;
          dest.pt2.y = pos.y + fheight - 1;
          /* Then put the font on the display */

          src[0] = (FAR const void *)glyph;
# warning "More logic is needed for the case where CONFIG_NX_PLANES > 1"
          ret = nx_bitmap((NXWINDOW)hwnd, &dest, src, &pos, fstride);
          if (ret < 0)
              message("nxhello_write: nx_bitmapwindow failed: %d\n", errno);

           /* Skip to the right the width of the font */

          pos.x += fwidth;
           /* No bitmap (probably because the font is a space).  Skip to the
            * right the width of a space.

          pos.x += fontset->spwidth;
FAR struct nxcon_state_s *
  nxcon_register(NXCONSOLE handle, FAR struct nxcon_window_s *wndo,
                 FAR const struct nxcon_operations_s *ops, int minor)
  FAR struct nxcon_state_s *priv;
  char devname[NX_DEVNAME_SIZE];
  int ret;

  DEBUGASSERT(handle && wndo && ops && (unsigned)minor < 256);

  /* Allocate the driver structure */

  priv = (FAR struct nxcon_state_s *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct nxcon_state_s));
  if (!priv)
      gdbg("Failed to allocate the NX driver structure\n");
      return NULL;

  /* Initialize the driver structure */

  priv->ops     = ops;
  priv->handle  = handle;
  priv->minor   = minor;
  memcpy(&priv->wndo, wndo, sizeof( struct nxcon_window_s));

  sem_init(&priv->exclsem, 0, 1);
  priv->holder  = NO_HOLDER;

  sem_init(&priv->waitsem, 0, 0);

  /* Select the font */

  priv->font = nxf_getfonthandle(wndo->fontid);
  if (!priv->font)
      gdbg("Failed to get font ID %d: %d\n", wndo->fontid, errno);
      goto errout;

  FAR const struct nx_font_s *fontset;

  /* Get information about the font set being used and save this in the
   * state structure

  fontset         = nxf_getfontset(priv->font);
  priv->fheight   = fontset->mxheight;
  priv->fwidth    = fontset->mxwidth;
  priv->spwidth   = fontset->spwidth;

  /* Set up the text cache */

  priv->maxchars  = CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_MXCHARS;

  /* Set up the font glyph bitmap cache */


  /* Set the initial display position */


  /* Show the cursor */

  priv->cursor.code = CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_CURSORCHAR;

  /* Register the driver */

  snprintf(devname, NX_DEVNAME_SIZE, NX_DEVNAME_FORMAT, minor);
  ret = register_driver(devname, &g_nxcon_drvrops, 0666, priv);
  if (ret < 0)
      gdbg("Failed to register %s\n", devname);
  return (NXCONSOLE)priv;

  return NULL;