	AES() : m_ctx(NULL)
		m_ctx = oaes_alloc();

		if( m_ctx == NULL )
			LOG_PRINT_ERROR( "oaes_alloc() returned NULL." );
/* Initializes the input stream */
int initializeInputStream(char* aesKeyData, int aesKeyDataLength,
                          char* aesIv, int aesIvLength) {
	if (aesIvLength != OAES_BLOCK_SIZE)
		Limelog("AES IV is incorrect length. Should be %d\n", aesIvLength);
		return -1;

	oaesContext = oaes_alloc();
	if (oaesContext == NULL)
		Limelog("Failed to allocate OpenAES context\n");
		return -1;

	if (oaes_set_option(oaesContext, OAES_OPTION_CBC, aesIv) != OAES_RET_SUCCESS)
		Limelog("Failed to set CBC and IV on OAES context\n");
		return -1;

	if (oaes_key_import_data(oaesContext, (const unsigned char*)aesKeyData, aesKeyDataLength) != OAES_RET_SUCCESS)
		Limelog("Failed to import AES key data\n");
		return -1;

	LbqInitializeLinkedBlockingQueue(&packetQueue, 30);

	initialized = 1;
	return 0;
文件: oaes.c 项目: ekr/hacrypto
// caller must free b->out if it's not NULL
static OAES_RET _do_aes_decrypt(do_block *b)
	OAES_CTX * ctx = NULL;

	if( NULL == b )
		return OAES_RET_ARG1;

	ctx = oaes_alloc();
	if( NULL == ctx )
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to initialize OAES.\n");
		return OAES_RET_MEM;

	if( _is_ecb )
		if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_set_option( ctx, OAES_OPTION_ECB, NULL ) )
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to set OAES options.\n");

	oaes_key_import_data( ctx, _key_data, _key_data_len );

	b->out = NULL;
	b->out_len = 0;
	_rc = oaes_decrypt( ctx,
			b->in, b->in_len, b->out, &(b->out_len) );
	if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != _rc )
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to decrypt.\n");
		return _rc;
	b->out = (uint8_t *) calloc(b->out_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
	if( NULL == b->out )
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n");
		return OAES_RET_MEM;
	_rc = oaes_decrypt( ctx,
			b->in, b->in_len, b->out, &(b->out_len) );

	if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS !=  oaes_free(&ctx) )
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to uninitialize OAES.\n");
	return _rc;
	 @brief Constructor that initializes the instance and imports an encryption key.

	 @param[in] key An encryption key. Note that a 256-bit key does not mean key.size() == 32
	AES( std::vector<unsigned char>& key ) : m_ctx(NULL)
		m_ctx = oaes_alloc();

		if( m_ctx == NULL )
			LOG_PRINT_ERROR( "oaes_alloc() returned NULL." );

		if( key.empty() )
			LOG_PRINT_WARNING( "key.empty()" );

		OAES_RET ret = oaes_key_import( m_ctx, &key[0], key.size() );

		if( ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS )
			LOG_PRINTF_ERROR(( "oaes_key_import() failed: %d", (int)ret ));
/* M.new(nonce_string, key_index, initial_vector) returns aes_ctx */
static int api_new( lua_State *L) {
    size_t size_nonce;
    const uint8_t *nonce = (const uint8_t *) luaL_checklstring( L, 1, & size_nonce);
    uint8_t key_CK [128/8];
    int idx_K = luaL_checkinteger( L, 2)-1;
    size_t initial_vector_length;
    const char *initial_vector = luaL_optlstring( L, 3, NULL, & initial_vector_length);
    if( initial_vector && initial_vector_length != 128/8) {
        luaL_error( L, "Initial vector must be 16 bytes long");
    OAES_CTX *ctx = oaes_alloc();
    if( ! ctx) return 0;
    get_cipher_key( nonce, size_nonce, idx_K, key_CK, 128/8);
    oaes_key_import_data( ctx, key_CK, 128/8);
    if( initial_vector) oaes_set_option( ctx, OAES_OPTION_CBC, initial_vector);
    * (OAES_CTX **) lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( ctx)) = ctx;
    luaL_newmetatable( L, "OAES_CTX");
    lua_setmetatable( L, -2);
    return 1;
文件: oaes.c 项目: ekr/hacrypto
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	size_t _i = 0, _j = 0;
	size_t _read_len = 0;
	char *_file_in = NULL, *_file_out = NULL, *_file_k = NULL;
	int _op = 0;
	FILE *_f_in = stdin, *_f_out = stdout, *_f_k = NULL;
	do_block _b[OAES_THREADS];
	fprintf( stderr, "\n"
		"* OpenAES %-10s                                                          *\n"
		"* Copyright (c) 2013, Nabil S. Al Ramli, www.nalramli.com                     *\n"

	// pad the key
	for( _j = 0; _j < 32; _j++ )
		_key_data[_j] = _j + 1;

	if( argc < 2 )
		usage( argv[0] );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if( 0 == strcmp( argv[1], "gen-key" ) )
		OAES_CTX *_oaes = NULL;
		uint8_t _buf[16384];
		size_t _buf_len = sizeof(_buf);

		_i++; // key_length
		_i++; // key_file
		if( _i >= argc )
			fprintf( stderr, "Error: No value specified for '%s'.\n",
					argv[1] );
			usage( argv[0] );
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		_key_data_len = atoi( argv[_i - 1] );
		_file_k = argv[_i];
		_oaes = oaes_alloc();
		if( NULL == _oaes )
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to initialize OAES.\n");
			return OAES_RET_MEM;
		switch( _key_data_len )
			case 128:
				_rc = oaes_key_gen_128(_oaes);
			case 192:
				_rc = oaes_key_gen_192(_oaes);
			case 256:
				_rc = oaes_key_gen_256(_oaes);
				fprintf( stderr, "Error: Invalid value [%s] specified for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1], argv[_i - 2] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != _rc )
			fprintf( stderr, "Error: Failed to generate OAES %lu bit key.\n",
				_key_data_len );
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_export(_oaes, _buf, &_buf_len) )
			fprintf( stderr, "Error: Failed to retrieve key length %lu.\n",
				_key_data_len );
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if( 0 == access(_file_k, 00) )
				"Error: '%s' already exists.\n", _file_k);
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		_f_k = fopen(_file_k, "wb");
		if( NULL == _f_k )
				"Error: Failed to open '%s' for writing.\n", _file_k);
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		fwrite(_buf, sizeof(uint8_t), _buf_len, _f_k);
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[1], "base64-enc" ) )
		_op = 0;
		_read_len = OAES_BASE64_LEN_ENC;
	else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[1], "base64-dec" ) )
		_op = 1;
		_read_len = OAES_BASE64_LEN_DEC;
	else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[1], "aes-enc" ) )
		_op = 2;
		_read_len = OAES_AES_LEN_ENC;
	else if( 0 == strcmp( argv[1], "aes-dec" ) )
		_op = 3;
		_read_len = OAES_AES_LEN_DEC;
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unknown command '%s'.", argv[1]);
		usage( argv[0] );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	for( _i = 2; _i < argc; _i++ )
		int _found = 0;

		if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "--ecb" ) )
			_found = 1;
			_is_ecb = 1;
		if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "--key" ) )
			uint8_t *_buf = NULL;
			size_t _buf_len = 0;
			_found = 1;
			_i++; // base64_encoded_key_data
			if( _i >= argc )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: No value specified for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			if( oaes_base64_decode(argv[_i], strlen(argv[_i]), NULL, &_buf_len) )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid value for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_buf = (uint8_t *) calloc(_buf_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
			if( NULL == _buf )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n");
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			if( oaes_base64_decode(argv[_i], strlen(argv[_i]), _buf, &_buf_len) )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid value for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_key_data_len = _buf_len;
			if( 16 >= _key_data_len )
				_key_data_len = 16;
			else if( 24 >= _key_data_len )
				_key_data_len = 24;
				_key_data_len = 32;
			memcpy(_key_data, _buf, __min(32, _buf_len));
			for( _j = 0; _j < _buf_len; _j++ )
				_key_data[_j % 32] ^= _buf[_j];
		if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "--key-file" ) )
			OAES_CTX *_ctx = NULL;
			uint8_t _buf[16384];
			size_t _read = 0;

			_found = 1;
			_i++; // key_file
			if( _i >= argc )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: No value specified for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_file_k = argv[_i];
			_ctx = oaes_alloc();
			if( NULL == _ctx )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to initialize OAES.\n");
				return OAES_RET_MEM;
			_f_k = fopen(_file_k, "rb");
			if( NULL == _f_k )
					"Error: Failed to open '%s' for reading.\n", _file_k);
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_read = fread(_buf, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(_buf), _f_k);
			if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_import(_ctx, _buf, _read) )
					"Error: Failed to import '%s'.\n", _file_k);
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_key_data_len = sizeof(_key_data);
			if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_export_data(_ctx, _key_data, &_key_data_len) )
					"Error: Failed to export '%s' data.\n", _file_k);
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "--in" ) )
			_found = 1;
			_i++; // path_in
			if( _i >= argc )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: No value specified for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_file_in = argv[_i];
		if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "--out" ) )
			_found = 1;
			_i++; // path_out
			if( _i >= argc )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: No value specified for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_file_out = argv[_i];
		if( 0 == _found )
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid option '%s'.\n", argv[_i]);
			usage( argv[0] );
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

	case 0:
	case 1:
	case 2:
	case 3:
		if( 0 == _key_data_len )
			char _key_data_ent[8193] = "";
			uint8_t *_buf = NULL;
			size_t _buf_len = 0;

			fprintf(stderr, "Enter base64-encoded key: ");
			scanf("%8192s", _key_data_ent);
			if( oaes_base64_decode(
					_key_data_ent, strlen(_key_data_ent), NULL, &_buf_len ) )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid value for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_buf = (uint8_t *) calloc(_buf_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
			if( NULL == _buf )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n");
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			if( oaes_base64_decode(
					_key_data_ent, strlen(_key_data_ent), _buf, &_buf_len ) )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid value for '%s'.\n",
						argv[_i - 1]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_key_data_len = _buf_len;
			if( 16 >= _key_data_len )
				_key_data_len = 16;
			else if( 24 >= _key_data_len )
				_key_data_len = 24;
				_key_data_len = 32;
			memcpy(_key_data, _buf, __min(32, _buf_len));
			for( _j = 0; _j < _buf_len; _j++ )
				_key_data[_j % 32] ^= _buf[_j];

	if( _file_in )
		_f_in = fopen(_file_in, "rb");
		if( NULL == _f_in )
				"Error: Failed to open '%s' for reading.\n", _file_in);
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if( setmode(fileno(stdin), 0x8000) < 0 )
			fprintf(stderr,"Error: Failed in setmode().\n");
		_f_in = stdin;

	if( _file_out )
		if( 0 == access(_file_out, 00) )
				"Error: '%s' already exists.\n", _file_out);
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		_f_out = fopen(_file_out, "wb");
		if( NULL == _f_out )
				"Error: Failed to open '%s' for writing.\n", _file_out);
			if( _file_in )
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if( setmode(fileno(stdout), 0x8000) < 0 )
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed in setmode().\n");
		_f_out = stdout;

	_i = 0;
	while( _b[_i].in_len =
		fread(_b[_i].in, sizeof(uint8_t), _read_len, _f_in) )
		case 0:
			_b[_i].id = start_thread(_do_base64_encode, &(_b[_i]));
			if( NULL == _b[_i].id )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to start encryption.\n");
		case 1:
			_b[_i].id = start_thread(_do_base64_decode, &(_b[_i]));
			if( NULL == _b[_i].id )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to start decryption.\n");
		case 2:
			_b[_i].id = start_thread(_do_aes_encrypt, &(_b[_i]));
			if( NULL == _b[_i].id )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to start encryption.\n");
		case 3:
			_b[_i].id = start_thread(_do_aes_decrypt, &(_b[_i]));
			if( NULL == _b[_i].id )
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to start decryption.\n");
		if( OAES_THREADS == _i + 1 )
			for( _j = 0; _j < OAES_THREADS; _j++ )
				if( _b[_j].id )
					_b[_j].id = 0;
					if( _b[_j].out )
						fwrite(_b[_j].out, sizeof(uint8_t), _b[_j].out_len, _f_out);
						_b[_j].out = NULL;
		_i = (_i + 1) % OAES_THREADS;
	for( _j = 0; _j < _i; _j++ )
		if( _b[_j].id )
			_b[_j].id = 0;
			if( _b[_j].out )
				fwrite(_b[_j].out, sizeof(uint8_t), _b[_j].out_len, _f_out);
				_b[_j].out = NULL;

	if( _file_in )
	if( _file_out )

	fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
void cryptonight_hash_ctx_aes_ni(void* output, const void* input, size_t len, struct cryptonight_ctx* ctx) {
	hash_process(&ctx->state.hs, (const uint8_t*) input, len);
	ctx->aes_ctx = (oaes_ctx*) oaes_alloc();
	size_t i, j;
	memcpy(ctx->text, ctx->state.init, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);

	oaes_key_import_data(ctx->aes_ctx, ctx->state.hs.b, AES_KEY_SIZE);
	for (i = 0; likely(i < MEMORY); i += INIT_SIZE_BYTE) {
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 0], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 1], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 2], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 3], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 4], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 5], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 6], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 7], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		memcpy(&ctx->long_state[i], ctx->text, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);

	xor_blocks_dst(&ctx->state.k[0], &ctx->state.k[32], ctx->a);
	xor_blocks_dst(&ctx->state.k[16], &ctx->state.k[48], ctx->b);

	for (i = 0; likely(i < ITER / 4); ++i) {
		/* Dependency chain: address -> read value ------+
		 * written value <-+ hard function (AES or MUL) <+
		 * next address  <-+
		/* Iteration 1 */
		j = e2i(ctx->a);
		fast_aesb_single_round(&ctx->long_state[j], ctx->c, ctx->a);
		xor_blocks_dst(ctx->c, ctx->b, &ctx->long_state[j]);
		/* Iteration 2 */
		mul_sum_xor_dst(ctx->c, ctx->a, &ctx->long_state[e2i(ctx->c)]);
		/* Iteration 3 */
		j = e2i(ctx->a);
		fast_aesb_single_round(&ctx->long_state[j], ctx->b, ctx->a);
		xor_blocks_dst(ctx->b, ctx->c, &ctx->long_state[j]);
		/* Iteration 4 */
		mul_sum_xor_dst(ctx->b, ctx->a, &ctx->long_state[e2i(ctx->b)]);

	memcpy(ctx->text, ctx->state.init, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
	oaes_key_import_data(ctx->aes_ctx, &ctx->state.hs.b[32], AES_KEY_SIZE);
	for (i = 0; likely(i < MEMORY); i += INIT_SIZE_BYTE) {
		xor_blocks(&ctx->text[0 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &ctx->long_state[i + 0 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[0 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		xor_blocks(&ctx->text[1 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &ctx->long_state[i + 1 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[1 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		xor_blocks(&ctx->text[2 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &ctx->long_state[i + 2 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[2 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		xor_blocks(&ctx->text[3 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &ctx->long_state[i + 3 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[3 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		xor_blocks(&ctx->text[4 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &ctx->long_state[i + 4 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[4 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		xor_blocks(&ctx->text[5 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &ctx->long_state[i + 5 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[5 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		xor_blocks(&ctx->text[6 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &ctx->long_state[i + 6 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[6 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
		xor_blocks(&ctx->text[7 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &ctx->long_state[i + 7 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		fast_aesb_pseudo_round_mut(&ctx->text[7 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
	memcpy(ctx->state.init, ctx->text, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
	/*memcpy(hash, &state, 32);*/
	extra_hashes[ctx->state.hs.b[0] & 3](&ctx->state, 200, output);
	oaes_free((OAES_CTX **) &ctx->aes_ctx);
int TWFunc::Try_Decrypting_File(string fn, string password) {
	OAES_CTX * ctx = NULL;
	uint8_t _key_data[32] = "";
	FILE *f;
	uint8_t buffer[4096];
	uint8_t *buffer_out = NULL;
	uint8_t *ptr = NULL;
	size_t read_len = 0, out_len = 0;
	int firstbyte = 0, secondbyte = 0, key_len;
	size_t _j = 0;
	size_t _key_data_len = 0;

	// mostly kanged from OpenAES oaes.c
	for( _j = 0; _j < 32; _j++ )
		_key_data[_j] = _j + 1;
	_key_data_len = password.size();
	if( 16 >= _key_data_len )
		_key_data_len = 16;
	else if( 24 >= _key_data_len )
		_key_data_len = 24;
	_key_data_len = 32;
	memcpy(_key_data, password.c_str(), password.size());

	ctx = oaes_alloc();
	if (ctx == NULL) {
		LOGERR("Failed to allocate OAES\n");
		return -1;

	oaes_key_import_data(ctx, _key_data, _key_data_len);

	f = fopen(fn.c_str(), "rb");
	if (f == NULL) {
		LOGERR("Failed to open '%s' to try decrypt\n", fn.c_str());
		return -1;
	read_len = fread(buffer, sizeof(uint8_t), 4096, f);
	if (read_len <= 0) {
		LOGERR("Read size during try decrypt failed\n");
		return -1;
	if (oaes_decrypt(ctx, buffer, read_len, NULL, &out_len) != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
		LOGERR("Error: Failed to retrieve required buffer size for trying decryption.\n");
		return -1;
	buffer_out = (uint8_t *) calloc(out_len, sizeof(char));
	if (buffer_out == NULL) {
		LOGERR("Failed to allocate output buffer for try decrypt.\n");
		return -1;
	if (oaes_decrypt(ctx, buffer, read_len, buffer_out, &out_len) != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
		LOGERR("Failed to decrypt file '%s'\n", fn.c_str());
		return 0;
	if (out_len < 2) {
		LOGINFO("Successfully decrypted '%s' but read length %i too small.\n", fn.c_str(), out_len);
		return 1; // Decrypted successfully
	ptr = buffer_out;
	firstbyte = *ptr & 0xff;
	secondbyte = *ptr & 0xff;
	if (firstbyte == 0x1f && secondbyte == 0x8b) {
		LOGINFO("Successfully decrypted '%s' and file is compressed.\n", fn.c_str());
		return 3; // Compressed
	if (out_len >= 262) {
		ptr = buffer_out + 257;
		if (strncmp((char*)ptr, "ustar", 5) == 0) {
			LOGINFO("Successfully decrypted '%s' and file is tar format.\n", fn.c_str());
			return 2; // Tar
	LOGINFO("No errors decrypting '%s' but no known file format.\n", fn.c_str());
	return 1; // Decrypted successfully
	LOGERR("Encrypted backup support not included.\n");
	return -1;
void cryptonight_hash(const char* input, char* output, uint32_t len) {
    uint8_t long_state[MEMORY];
    union cn_slow_hash_state state;
    uint8_t text[INIT_SIZE_BYTE];
    uint8_t a[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    uint8_t b[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    uint8_t c[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    uint8_t d[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    size_t i, j;
    uint8_t aes_key[AES_KEY_SIZE];
    OAES_CTX* aes_ctx;

    hash_process(&state.hs, (const uint8_t*) input, len);
    memcpy(text, state.init, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
    memcpy(aes_key, state.hs.b, AES_KEY_SIZE);
    aes_ctx = oaes_alloc();

    oaes_key_import_data(aes_ctx, aes_key, AES_KEY_SIZE);
    for (i = 0; i < MEMORY / INIT_SIZE_BYTE; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < INIT_SIZE_BLK; j++) {
            oaes_pseudo_encrypt_ecb(aes_ctx, &text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * j]);
        memcpy(&long_state[i * INIT_SIZE_BYTE], text, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        a[i] = state.k[i] ^ state.k[32 + i];
        b[i] = state.k[16 + i] ^ state.k[48 + i];

    for (i = 0; i < ITER / 2; i++) {
        /* Dependency chain: address -> read value ------+
         * written value <-+ hard function (AES or MUL) <+
         * next address  <-+
        /* Iteration 1 */
        j = e2i(a, MEMORY / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
        copy_block(c, &long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
        oaes_encryption_round(a, c);
        xor_blocks(b, c);
        swap_blocks(b, c);
        copy_block(&long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], c);
        assert(j == e2i(a, MEMORY / AES_BLOCK_SIZE));
        swap_blocks(a, b);
        /* Iteration 2 */
        j = e2i(a, MEMORY / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
        copy_block(c, &long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
        mul(a, c, d);
        sum_half_blocks(b, d);
        swap_blocks(b, c);
        xor_blocks(b, c);
        copy_block(&long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], c);
        swap_blocks(a, b);

    memcpy(text, state.init, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
    oaes_key_import_data(aes_ctx, &state.hs.b[32], AES_KEY_SIZE);
    for (i = 0; i < MEMORY / INIT_SIZE_BYTE; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < INIT_SIZE_BLK; j++) {
            xor_blocks(&text[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
                       &long_state[i * INIT_SIZE_BYTE + j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
            oaes_pseudo_encrypt_ecb(aes_ctx, &text[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
    memcpy(state.init, text, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
    /*memcpy(hash, &state, 32);*/
    extra_hashes[state.hs.b[0] & 3](&state, 200, output);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  size_t _i;
  OAES_CTX * ctx = NULL;
  uint8_t *_encbuf, *_decbuf, *_key_data = NULL, *_bin_data = NULL;
  size_t _encbuf_len, _decbuf_len, _buf_len;
  size_t _key_data_len = 0, _bin_data_len = 0;
  char *_buf;
  short _is_ecb = 0, _is_bin = 0;
  char * _text = NULL, * _key_text = NULL;
  int _key_len = 128;
  uint8_t _iv[OAES_BLOCK_SIZE] = "";
  uint8_t _pad = 0;
  if( argc < 2 )
    usage( argv[0] );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  for( _i = 1; _i < argc; _i++ )
    int _found = 0;

    if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "-nostep" ) )
      _found = 1;
      _is_step = 0;

    if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "-ecb" ) )
      _found = 1;
      _is_ecb = 1;
    if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "-bin" ) )
      _found = 1;
      _is_bin = 1;
    if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "-key" ) )
      _found = 1;
      _i++; // len
      if( _i >= argc )
        printf("Error: No value specified for '-%s'.\n",
        usage( argv[0] );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
      _key_len = atoi( argv[_i] );
      switch( _key_len )
        case 128:
        case 192:
        case 256:
          _key_text = argv[_i];
          if( to_binary( NULL, &_key_data_len, _key_text ) )
            printf( "Error: Invalid value [%s] specified for '-%s'.\n",
                argv[_i], "key" );
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
          switch( _key_data_len )
            case 16:
            case 24:
            case 32:
              printf("Error: key_data [%s] specified for '-%s' has an invalid "
                  "size.\n", argv[_i], "key");
              usage( argv[0] );
              return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if( 0 == _found )
      if( _text )
        printf("Error: Invalid option '%s'.\n", argv[_i]);
        usage( argv[0] );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
        _text = argv[_i];
        if( _is_bin && to_binary( NULL, &_bin_data_len, _text ) )
          printf( "Error: Invalid value [%s] specified for '-%s'.\n",
              argv[_i], "bin" );
          return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if( NULL == _text )
    usage( argv[0] );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if( _is_step )
    printf( "\nEnabling step mode, press Return to step.\n\n" );

  if( _is_bin )
    _bin_data = (uint8_t *) calloc(_bin_data_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
    if( NULL == _bin_data )
      printf( "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n" );
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if( to_binary( _bin_data, &_bin_data_len, _text ) )
      printf( "Error: Could not load data [%s].\n", _text);
      free( _bin_data );
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    oaes_sprintf( NULL, &_buf_len, (const uint8_t *)_text, strlen(_text));
    _buf = (char *) calloc(_buf_len, sizeof(char));
    printf( "\n***** plaintext  *****\n" );
    if( _buf )
      oaes_sprintf( _buf, &_buf_len,
          (const uint8_t *)_text, strlen( _text ) );
      printf( "%s", _buf );
    printf( "\n**********************\n" );
    free( _buf );
  ctx = oaes_alloc();
  if( NULL == ctx )
    printf("Error: Failed to initialize OAES.\n");
    if( _bin_data )
      free( _bin_data );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_set_option( ctx, OAES_OPTION_STEP_ON, step_cb ) )
    printf("Error: Failed to set OAES options.\n");
  if( _is_ecb )
    if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_set_option( ctx, OAES_OPTION_ECB, NULL ) )
      printf("Error: Failed to set OAES options.\n");

  if( _key_text )
    _key_data = (uint8_t *) calloc(_key_data_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
    if( NULL == _key_data )
      printf( "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n" );
      if( _bin_data )
        free( _bin_data );
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if( to_binary( _key_data, &_key_data_len, _key_text ) )
      printf( "Error: Could not load key [%s].\n", _key_text);
      free( _key_data );
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    oaes_key_import_data( ctx, _key_data, _key_data_len );
    switch( _key_len )
      case 128:
        if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_gen_128(ctx) )
          printf("Error: Failed to generate OAES %d bit key.\n", _key_len);
      case 192:
        if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_gen_192(ctx) )
          printf("Error: Failed to generate OAES %d bit key.\n", _key_len);
      case 256:
        if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_gen_256(ctx) )
          printf("Error: Failed to generate OAES %d bit key.\n", _key_len);

  if( _bin_data )
    if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_encrypt( ctx,
        _bin_data, _bin_data_len, NULL, &_encbuf_len, NULL, NULL ) )
      printf("Error: Failed to retrieve required buffer size for encryption.\n");
    _encbuf = (uint8_t *) calloc(_encbuf_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
    if( NULL == _encbuf )
      printf( "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n" );
      if( _key_data )
        free( _key_data );
      free( _bin_data );
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    printf( "\n" );
    if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_encrypt( ctx,
        _bin_data, _bin_data_len, _encbuf, &_encbuf_len, _iv, &_pad ) )
      printf("Error: Encryption failed.\n");
    printf( "\n**********************\n\n" );
    if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_encrypt( ctx,
        (const uint8_t *)_text, strlen( _text ), NULL, &_encbuf_len,
        NULL, NULL ) )
      printf("Error: Failed to retrieve required buffer size for encryption.\n");
    _encbuf = (uint8_t *) calloc(_encbuf_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
    if( NULL == _encbuf )
      printf( "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n" );
      if( _key_data )
        free( _key_data );
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    printf( "\n" );
    if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_encrypt( ctx,
        (const uint8_t *)_text, strlen( _text ), _encbuf, &_encbuf_len,
        _iv, &_pad ))
      printf("Error: Encryption failed.\n");
    printf( "\n**********************\n\n" );

  if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_decrypt( ctx,
      _encbuf, _encbuf_len, NULL, &_decbuf_len, NULL, NULL ) )
    printf("Error: Failed to retrieve required buffer size for encryption.\n");
  _decbuf = (uint8_t *) calloc(_decbuf_len, sizeof(uint8_t));
  if( NULL == _decbuf )
    printf( "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n" );
    if( _key_data )
      free( _key_data );
    if( _bin_data )
      free( _bin_data );
    free( _encbuf );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_decrypt( ctx,
      _encbuf, _encbuf_len, _decbuf, &_decbuf_len, _iv, _pad ) )
    printf("Error: Decryption failed.\n");

  if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS !=  oaes_free( &ctx ) )
    printf("Error: Failed to uninitialize OAES.\n");
  oaes_sprintf( NULL, &_buf_len, _encbuf, _encbuf_len );
  _buf = (char *) calloc(_buf_len, sizeof(char));
  printf( "\n***** cyphertext *****\n" );
  if( _buf )
    oaes_sprintf( _buf, &_buf_len, _encbuf, _encbuf_len );
    printf( "%s", _buf );
  printf( "\n**********************\n" );
  free( _buf );
  oaes_sprintf( NULL, &_buf_len, _decbuf, _decbuf_len );
  _buf = (char *) calloc(_buf_len, sizeof(char));
  printf( "\n***** plaintext  *****\n" );
  if( _buf )
    oaes_sprintf( _buf, &_buf_len, _decbuf, _decbuf_len );
    printf( "%s", _buf );
  printf( "\n**********************\n\n" );
  free( _buf );
  free( _encbuf );
  free( _decbuf );
  if( _key_data )
    free( _key_data );
  if( _bin_data )
    free( _bin_data );

  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	size_t _i;
	OAES_CTX * ctx = NULL;
	uint8_t *_encbuf, *_decbuf;
	size_t _encbuf_len, _decbuf_len, _buf_len;
	char *_buf;
	short _is_ecb = 0;
	char * _text = NULL;
	int _key_len = 128;
	if( argc < 2 )
		usage( argv[0] );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	for( _i = 1; _i < argc; _i++ )
		int _found = 0;
		if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "-ecb" ) )
			_found = 1;
			_is_ecb = 1;
		if( 0 == strcmp( argv[_i], "-key" ) )
			_found = 1;
			_i++; // len
			if( _i >= argc )
				printf("Error: No value specified for '-%s'.\n",
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			_key_len = atoi( argv[_i] );
			switch( _key_len )
				case 128:
				case 192:
				case 256:
					printf("Error: Invalid value [%d] specified for '-%s'.\n",
							_key_len, "key");
					usage( argv[0] );
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if( 0 == _found )
			if( _text )
				printf("Error: Invalid option '%s'.\n", argv[_i]);
				usage( argv[0] );
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
				_text = (char *) calloc(strlen( argv[_i] ) + 1, sizeof(char));
				if( NULL == _text )
					printf("Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n", argv[_i]);
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				strcpy( _text, argv[_i] );

	if( NULL == _text )
		usage( argv[0] );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	oaes_sprintf( NULL, &_buf_len,
			(const uint8_t *)_text, strlen( _text ) );
	_buf = (char *) calloc(_buf_len, sizeof(char));
	printf( "\n***** plaintext  *****\n" );
	if( _buf )
		oaes_sprintf( _buf, &_buf_len,
				(const uint8_t *)_text, strlen( _text ) );
		printf( "%s", _buf );
	printf( "\n**********************\n" );
	free( _buf );
	ctx = oaes_alloc();
	if( NULL == ctx )
		printf("Error: Failed to initialize OAES.\n");
		free( _text );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	if( _is_ecb )
		if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_set_option( ctx, OAES_OPTION_ECB, NULL ) )
			printf("Error: Failed to set OAES options.\n");
	switch( _key_len )
		case 128:
			if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_gen_128(ctx) )
				printf("Error: Failed to generate OAES %d bit key.\n", _key_len);
		case 192:
			if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_gen_192(ctx) )
				printf("Error: Failed to generate OAES %d bit key.\n", _key_len);
		case 256:
			if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_key_gen_256(ctx) )
				printf("Error: Failed to generate OAES %d bit key.\n", _key_len);

	if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_encrypt( ctx,
			(const uint8_t *)_text, strlen( _text ), NULL, &_encbuf_len ) )
		printf("Error: Failed to retrieve required buffer size for encryption.\n");
	_encbuf = (uint8_t *) calloc( _encbuf_len, sizeof(uint8_t) );
	if( NULL == _encbuf )
		printf( "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n" );
		free( _text );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_encrypt( ctx,
			(const uint8_t *)_text, strlen( _text ), _encbuf, &_encbuf_len ) )
		printf("Error: Encryption failed.\n");

	if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_decrypt( ctx,
			_encbuf, _encbuf_len, NULL, &_decbuf_len ) )
		printf("Error: Failed to retrieve required buffer size for encryption.\n");
	_decbuf = (uint8_t *) calloc( _decbuf_len, sizeof(uint8_t) );
	if( NULL == _decbuf )
		printf( "Error: Failed to allocate memory.\n" );
		free( _text );
		free( _encbuf );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS != oaes_decrypt( ctx,
			_encbuf, _encbuf_len, _decbuf, &_decbuf_len ) )
		printf("Error: Decryption failed.\n");

	if( OAES_RET_SUCCESS !=  oaes_free( &ctx ) )
		printf("Error: Failed to uninitialize OAES.\n");
	oaes_sprintf( NULL, &_buf_len, _encbuf, _encbuf_len );
	_buf = (char *) calloc(_buf_len, sizeof(char));
	printf( "\n***** cyphertext *****\n" );
	if( _buf )
		oaes_sprintf( _buf, &_buf_len, _encbuf, _encbuf_len );
		printf( "%s", _buf );
	printf( "\n**********************\n" );
	free( _buf );
	oaes_sprintf( NULL, &_buf_len, _decbuf, _decbuf_len );
	_buf = (char *) calloc(_buf_len, sizeof( char));
	printf( "\n***** plaintext  *****\n" );
	if( _buf )
		oaes_sprintf( _buf, &_buf_len, _decbuf, _decbuf_len );
		printf( "%s", _buf );
	printf( "\n**********************\n\n" );
	free( _buf );
	free( _encbuf );
	free( _decbuf );
	free( _text );

	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
void cryptonight_hash(const char* input, char* output, uint32_t len, int variant, uint64_t height) {
    struct cryptonight_ctx *ctx = alloca(sizeof(struct cryptonight_ctx));
    hash_process(&ctx->state.hs, (const uint8_t*) input, len);
    memcpy(ctx->text, ctx->state.init, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
    memcpy(ctx->aes_key, ctx->state.hs.b, AES_KEY_SIZE);
    ctx->aes_ctx = (oaes_ctx*) oaes_alloc();
    size_t i, j;

    VARIANT2_INIT(ctx->b, ctx->state);

    oaes_key_import_data(ctx->aes_ctx, ctx->aes_key, AES_KEY_SIZE);
    for (i = 0; i < MEMORY / INIT_SIZE_BYTE; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < INIT_SIZE_BLK; j++) {
            aesb_pseudo_round(&ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * j],
                    &ctx->text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * j],
        memcpy(&ctx->long_state[i * INIT_SIZE_BYTE], ctx->text, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        ctx->a[i] = ctx->state.k[i] ^ ctx->state.k[32 + i];
        ctx->b[i] = ctx->state.k[16 + i] ^ ctx->state.k[48 + i];

    for (i = 0; i < ITER / 2; i++) {
        /* Dependency chain: address -> read value ------+
         * written value <-+ hard function (AES or MUL) <+
         * next address  <-+
        /* Iteration 1 */
        j = e2i(ctx->a);
        aesb_single_round(&ctx->long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], ctx->c, ctx->a);
        VARIANT2_SHUFFLE_ADD(ctx->long_state, j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE, ctx->a, ctx->b, ctx->c);
        xor_blocks_dst(ctx->c, ctx->b, &ctx->long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
        VARIANT1_1((uint8_t*)&ctx->long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
        /* Iteration 2 */
        j = e2i(ctx->c);

        uint64_t* dst = (uint64_t*)&ctx->long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE];

        uint64_t t[2];
        t[0] = dst[0];
        t[1] = dst[1];

        VARIANT2_INTEGER_MATH(t, ctx->c);
        copy_block(ctx->a1, ctx->a);
        VARIANT4_RANDOM_MATH(ctx->a, t, r, ctx->b, ctx->b + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

        uint64_t hi;
        uint64_t lo = mul128(((uint64_t*)ctx->c)[0], t[0], &hi);

        VARIANT2_SHUFFLE_ADD(ctx->long_state, j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE, ctx->a1, ctx->b, ctx->c);

        ((uint64_t*)ctx->a)[0] += hi;
        ((uint64_t*)ctx->a)[1] += lo;

        dst[0] = ((uint64_t*)ctx->a)[0];
        dst[1] = ((uint64_t*)ctx->a)[1];

        ((uint64_t*)ctx->a)[0] ^= t[0];
        ((uint64_t*)ctx->a)[1] ^= t[1];

        VARIANT1_2((uint8_t*)&ctx->long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
        copy_block(ctx->b + AES_BLOCK_SIZE, ctx->b);
        copy_block(ctx->b, ctx->c);

    memcpy(ctx->text, ctx->state.init, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
    oaes_key_import_data(ctx->aes_ctx, &ctx->state.hs.b[32], AES_KEY_SIZE);
    for (i = 0; i < MEMORY / INIT_SIZE_BYTE; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < INIT_SIZE_BLK; j++) {
            xor_blocks(&ctx->text[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
                    &ctx->long_state[i * INIT_SIZE_BYTE + j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
            aesb_pseudo_round(&ctx->text[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
                    &ctx->text[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
    memcpy(ctx->state.init, ctx->text, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
    /*memcpy(hash, &state, 32);*/
    extra_hashes[ctx->state.hs.b[0] & 3](&ctx->state, 200, output);
    oaes_free((OAES_CTX **) &ctx->aes_ctx);
void cn_slow_hash(const void *data, size_t length, char *hash) {
  uint8_t long_state[MEMORY];
  union cn_slow_hash_state state;
  uint8_t text[INIT_SIZE_BYTE];
  uint8_t a[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
  uint8_t b[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
  uint8_t c[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
  uint8_t d[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
  size_t i, j;
  uint8_t aes_key[AES_KEY_SIZE];
  oaes_ctx *aes_ctx;

  hash_process(&state.hs, data, length);
  memcpy(text, state.init, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
  memcpy(aes_key, state.hs.b, AES_KEY_SIZE);
  aes_ctx = (oaes_ctx *) oaes_alloc();

  oaes_key_import_data(aes_ctx, aes_key, AES_KEY_SIZE);
  for (i = 0; i < MEMORY / INIT_SIZE_BYTE; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < INIT_SIZE_BLK; j++) {
      aesb_pseudo_round(&text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * j], &text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * j], aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
    memcpy(&long_state[i * INIT_SIZE_BYTE], text, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);

  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    a[i] = state.k[     i] ^ state.k[32 + i];
    b[i] = state.k[16 + i] ^ state.k[48 + i];

  for (i = 0; i < ITER / 2; i++) {
    /* Dependency chain: address -> read value ------+
     * written value <-+ hard function (AES or MUL) <+
     * next address  <-+
    /* Iteration 1 */
    j = e2i(a, MEMORY / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
    copy_block(c, &long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
    aesb_single_round(c, c, a);
    xor_blocks(b, c);
    swap_blocks(b, c);
    copy_block(&long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], c);
    //assert(j == e2i(a, MEMORY / AES_BLOCK_SIZE));
    swap_blocks(a, b);
    /* Iteration 2 */
    j = e2i(a, MEMORY / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
    copy_block(c, &long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
    mul(a, c, d);
    sum_half_blocks(b, d);
    swap_blocks(b, c);
    xor_blocks(b, c);
    copy_block(&long_state[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], c);
    //assert(j == e2i(a, MEMORY / AES_BLOCK_SIZE));
    swap_blocks(a, b);

  memcpy(text, state.init, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
  oaes_key_import_data(aes_ctx, &state.hs.b[32], AES_KEY_SIZE);
  for (i = 0; i < MEMORY / INIT_SIZE_BYTE; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < INIT_SIZE_BLK; j++) {
      xor_blocks(&text[j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE], &long_state[i * INIT_SIZE_BYTE + j * AES_BLOCK_SIZE]);
      aesb_pseudo_round(&text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * j], &text[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * j], aes_ctx->key->exp_data);
  memcpy(state.init, text, INIT_SIZE_BYTE);
  extra_hashes[state.hs.b[0] & 3](&state, 200, hash);
  oaes_free((OAES_CTX **) &aes_ctx);