void CSNGAInd::rnd_init()             //variable initival 
	for(int n=0;n<nvar;n++)
		x_var[n] = lowBound[n] + rnd_uni(&rnd_uni_init)*(uppBound[n] - lowBound[n]);                 //initival the variable

文件: ptr.c 项目: drhansj/polymec-dev
 * Function:    ptr_apply
 * Purpose:     Applying a pointer type to an argument list consisting of
 *              a single SILO database object (SDO) causes the object to
 *              be cast to that type.
 * Return:      Success:        Ptr to a new SDO object with the appropriate
 *                              type.
 *              Failure:        NIL
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              [email protected]
 *              Dec  6 1996
 * Modifications:
static obj_t
ptr_apply (obj_t _self, obj_t args) {

   obj_t        sdo=NIL, retval=NIL;

   if (1!=F_length(args)) {
      out_errorn ("typecast: wrong number of arguments");
      return NIL;

   sdo = obj_eval (cons_head (args));
   retval = sdo_cast (sdo, _self);
   obj_dest (sdo);
   return retval;
static obj_ptr _load_imp(cptr file, obj_ptr env)
    port_ptr p;
    obj_ptr  o = NIL;

    p = port_open_input_file(file);
    while (!port_eof(p))
        o = obj_read(p);
        if (ERRORP(o)) break;
        o = obj_eval(o, env);
        if (ERRORP(o)) break;
        port_skip_while(p, isspace);

    if (ERRORP(o))
        error_add_file_info(o, port_name(p), port_line(p));

    return o;
文件: admm.c 项目: nckz/bart
 * ADMM (ADMM-2 from Afonso et al.)
 * Solves min_x 0.5 || y - Ax ||_2^2 + sum_i f_i(G_i x), where the f_i are
 * arbitrary convex functions. If Aop is NULL, solves min_x sum_i f_i(G_i x)
 * Each iteration requires solving the proximal of f_i, as well as applying
 * G_i, G_i^H, and G_i^H G_i, all which must be provided in admm_plan_s.
void admm(struct admm_history_s* history, const struct admm_plan_s* plan, 
	  unsigned int D, const long z_dims[D],
	  long N, float* x, const float* x_adj,
	  const struct vec_iter_s* vops,
	  void (*Aop)(void* _data, float* _dst, const float* _src),
	  void* Aop_data,
	  void* obj_eval_data,
	  float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	bool fast = plan->fast;
	double ABSTOL = plan->ABSTOL;
	double RELTOL = plan->RELTOL;
	float tau = plan->tau;
	float mu = plan->mu;

	unsigned int num_funs = D;

	long pos = 0;

	long fake_strs[num_funs];

	md_singleton_dims(num_funs, fake_strs);

	long M = md_calc_offset(num_funs, fake_strs, z_dims);

	// allocate memory for history
	history->r_norm = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->s_norm = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->eps_pri = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->eps_dual = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->objective = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->rho = *TYPE_ALLOC(float[plan->maxiter]);
	history->relMSE = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);

	long Mjmax = 0;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_funs; i++)
		Mjmax = MAX(Mjmax, z_dims[i]);

	struct iter_history_s cghistory;
	cghistory.numiter = 0;
	cghistory.relMSE = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxitercg]);
	cghistory.objective = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxitercg]);
	cghistory.resid = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxitercg]);

	// allocate memory for all of our auxiliary variables
	float* z = vops->allocate(M);
	float* u = vops->allocate(M);
	float* rhs = vops->allocate(N);
	float* r = vops->allocate(M);
	float* s = vops->allocate(N);
	float* Gjx_plus_uj = vops->allocate(Mjmax);
	float* GH_usum = NULL;
	float* zj_old = NULL;

	if (!fast) {

		GH_usum = vops->allocate(N);
		zj_old = vops->allocate(Mjmax);

	float* x_err = NULL;
	if (NULL != plan->image_truth)
		x_err = vops->allocate(N);

	if (!fast) {

		if (NULL != plan->image_truth)
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%3s\t%3s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\n", "iter", "cgiter", "rho", "r norm", "eps pri", "s norm", "eps dual", "obj", "relMSE");
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%3s\t%3s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\n", "iter", "cgiter", "rho", "r norm", "eps pri", "s norm", "eps dual", "obj");

	float rho = plan->rho;

	struct admm_normaleq_data ndata;
	ndata.N = N;
	ndata.num_funs = num_funs;
	ndata.ops = plan->ops;
	ndata.Aop = Aop;
	ndata.Aop_data = Aop_data;
	ndata.rho = 1.;
	ndata.tmp = vops->allocate(N);

	struct cg_data_s* cgdata = (struct cg_data_s*) cg_data_init(N, vops);

	// hogwild
	int hw_K = 1;
	int hw_k = 0;

	unsigned int grad_iter = 0; // keep track of number of gradient evaluations

	if (plan->do_warmstart) {

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_funs; j++) {
			// initialize for j'th function update
			pos = md_calc_offset(j, fake_strs, z_dims);
			long Mj = z_dims[j];

			plan->ops[j].forward(plan->ops[j].data, Gjx_plus_uj, x); // Gj(x)

			if (0 == rho)
				vops->copy(Mj, z + pos, Gjx_plus_uj);
				plan->prox_ops[j].prox_fun(plan->prox_ops[j].data, 1. / rho, z + pos, Gjx_plus_uj);

			vops->sub(Mj, u + pos, Gjx_plus_uj, z + pos);

	} else {

		vops->clear(M, z);
		vops->clear(M, u);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plan->maxiter; i++) {

		// update x
		vops->clear(N, rhs);
		vops->sub(M, r, z, u);

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_funs; j++) {

			pos = md_calc_offset(j, fake_strs, z_dims);
			plan->ops[j].adjoint(plan->ops[j].data, s, r + pos);
			vops->add(N, rhs, rhs, s);

		if ((NULL != Aop) && (NULL != Aop_data)) {

			vops->xpay(N, rho, rhs, x_adj);
			ndata.rho = rho;

		// x update: use plan->xupdate_fun if specified. use conjgrad otherwise
		if ((NULL != plan->xupdate_fun) && (NULL != plan->xupdate_data)) {

			plan->xupdate_fun(plan->xupdate_data, rho, x, rhs);

		} else {

			float eps = vops->norm(N, rhs);

			if (eps > 0.) {

			  conjgrad_hist_prealloc(&cghistory, plan->maxitercg, 0., 1.E-3 * eps, N, &ndata, cgdata, vops, admm_normaleq, x, rhs, plan->image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);
			  //conjgrad_hist(&cghistory, plan->maxitercg, 0., 1.E-3 * eps, N, &ndata, vops, admm_normaleq, x, rhs, plan->image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);

			} else {

				cghistory.numiter = 0;
				cghistory.relMSE[0] = 0.;
				cghistory.objective[0] = 0.;
				cghistory.resid[0] = 0.;

			grad_iter += cghistory.numiter;

		if ((NULL != obj_eval) && (NULL != obj_eval_data))
			history->objective[i] = obj_eval(obj_eval_data, x);
			history->objective[i] = 0.;

		double n1 = 0.;

		if (!fast) {

			vops->clear(N, GH_usum);
			vops->clear(N, s);
			vops->clear(M, r);

		// z_j prox
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_funs; j++) {
			// initialize for j'th function update
			pos = md_calc_offset(j, fake_strs, z_dims);
			long Mj = z_dims[j];

			plan->ops[j].forward(plan->ops[j].data, Gjx_plus_uj, x); // Gj(x)

			// over-relaxation: Gjx_hat = alpha * Gj(x) + (1 - alpha) * zj_old
			if (!fast) {

				vops->copy(Mj, zj_old, z + pos);
				vops->copy(Mj, r + pos, Gjx_plus_uj); // rj = Gj(x)
				n1 = n1 + vops->dot(Mj, r + pos, r + pos);

				vops->smul(Mj, plan->alpha, Gjx_plus_uj, Gjx_plus_uj);
				vops->axpy(Mj, Gjx_plus_uj, (1. - plan->alpha), z + pos);

			vops->add(Mj, Gjx_plus_uj, Gjx_plus_uj, u + pos); // Gj(x) + uj

			if (0 == rho)
				vops->copy(Mj, z + pos, Gjx_plus_uj);
				plan->prox_ops[j].prox_fun(plan->prox_ops[j].data, 1. / rho, z + pos, Gjx_plus_uj);

			vops->sub(Mj, u + pos, Gjx_plus_uj, z + pos);

			if (!fast) {

				// rj = rj - zj = Gj(x) - zj
				vops->sub(Mj, r + pos, r + pos, z + pos);

				// add next term to s: s = s + Gj^H (zj - zj_old)
				vops->sub(Mj, zj_old, z + pos, zj_old);
				plan->ops[j].adjoint(plan->ops[j].data, rhs, zj_old);
				vops->add(N, s, s, rhs);

				// GH_usum += G_j^H uj (for updating eps_dual)
				plan->ops[j].adjoint(plan->ops[j].data, rhs, u + pos);
				vops->add(N, GH_usum, GH_usum, rhs);


		history->rho[i] = rho;

		if (!fast) {

			history->s_norm[i] = rho * vops->norm(N, s); 

			history->r_norm[i] = vops->norm(M, r);

			n1 = sqrt(n1);
			double n2 = vops->norm(M, z);
			history->eps_pri[i] = ABSTOL * sqrt(M) + RELTOL * (n1 > n2 ? n1 : n2);

			history->eps_dual[i] = ABSTOL * sqrt(N) + RELTOL * rho * vops->norm(N, GH_usum);

			if (NULL != plan->image_truth) {

				vops->sub(N, x_err, x, plan->image_truth);
				history->relMSE[i] = vops->norm(N, x_err) / vops->norm(N, plan->image_truth);

			if (NULL != plan->image_truth)
				debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%3d\t%3d\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", i, grad_iter, history->rho[i], history->r_norm[i], history->eps_pri[i], history->s_norm[i], history->eps_dual[i], history->objective[i], history->relMSE[i]);
				debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%3d\t%3d\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.5f\t%10.4f\n", i, grad_iter, history->rho[i], history->r_norm[i], history->eps_pri[i], history->s_norm[i], history->eps_dual[i], history->objective[i]);

			if ((grad_iter > plan->maxiter)
			    || ((history->r_norm[i] < history->eps_pri[i])
				&& (history->s_norm[i] < history->eps_dual[i]))) {

				history->numiter = i;

			if (plan->dynamic_rho) {

				if (history->r_norm[i] > mu * history->s_norm[i]) {

					rho = rho * tau;
					vops->smul(M, 1. / tau, u, u);

				} else if (history->s_norm[i] > mu * history->r_norm[i]) {

					rho = rho / tau;
					vops->smul(M, tau, u, u);

		} else {

			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "### ITER: %d (%d)\n", i, grad_iter);

			if (grad_iter > plan->maxiter)

		if (plan->hogwild) {


			if (hw_k == hw_K) {

				hw_k = 0;
				rho *= 2.;
				hw_K *= 2;
				vops->smul(M, 0.5, u, u);


	// cleanup

	if (!fast) {


	if (NULL != plan->image_truth)

	cg_data_free(cgdata, vops);


 * Conjugate Gradient Descent with history saving and pre-allocated data.
 * The history and cgdata should be preallocated.
 * Preallocating the data is useful if the conjgrad is called within
 * an iteration loop (i.e. admm).
float conjgrad_hist_prealloc(struct iter_history_s* history, unsigned int maxiter, float l2lambda, float epsilon, 
			     long N, void* data, const struct cg_data_s* cgdata,
			     const struct vec_iter_s* vops,
			     void (*linop)(void* data, float* dst, const float* src), 
			     float* x, const float* b, const float* x_truth,
			     void* obj_eval_data,
			     float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	float* r = cgdata->r;
	float* p = cgdata->p;
	float* Ap = cgdata->Ap;

	float* x_err = NULL;

	if (NULL != x_truth)
		x_err = vops->allocate(N);

	// The first calculation of the residual might not
	// be necessary in some cases...

	linop(data, r, x);		// r = A x
	vops->axpy(N, r, l2lambda, x);

	vops->xpay(N, -1., r, b);	// r = b - r = b - A x
	vops->copy(N, p, r);		// p = r

	float rsnot = (float)pow(vops->norm(N, r), 2.);
	float rsold = rsnot;
	float rsnew = rsnot;

	float eps_squared = pow(epsilon, 2.);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxiter; i++) {

		history->numiter = i + 1;
		if (NULL != x_truth) {

			vops->sub(N, x_err, x, x_truth);
			float relMSE = vops->norm(N, x_err) / vops->norm(N, x_truth);
			history->relMSE[i] = relMSE;
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "relMSE = %f\n", relMSE);

		if ((NULL != obj_eval) && (NULL != obj_eval_data)) {

			float objval = obj_eval(obj_eval_data, x);
			history->objective[i] = objval;
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#CG%d OBJVAL= %f\n", i, objval);

		//debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#%d: %f\n", i, (double)sqrtf(rsnew));

		linop(data, Ap, p);	// Ap = A p
		vops->axpy(N, Ap, l2lambda, p);

		float alpha = rsold / (float)vops->dot(N, p, Ap);

		vops->axpy(N, x, +alpha, p);
		vops->axpy(N, r, -alpha, Ap);
		rsnew = (float)pow(vops->norm(N, r), 2.);
		float beta = rsnew / rsold;
		rsold = rsnew;

		if (rsnew <= eps_squared) {
			//debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%d ", i);

		vops->xpay(N, beta, p, r);	// p = beta * p + r

		history->resid[i] = sqrtf(rsnew);

	if (NULL != x_truth)

	return sqrtf(rsnew);
 * Iterative Soft Thresholding
 * @param maxiter maximum number of iterations
 * @param epsilon stop criterion
 * @param tau (step size) weighting on the residual term, A^H (b - Ax)
 * @param lambda_start initial regularization weighting
 * @param lambda_end final regularization weighting (for continuation)
 * @param N size of input, x
 * @param data structure, e.g. sense_data
 * @param vops vector ops definition
 * @param op linear operator, e.g. A
 * @param thresh threshold function, e.g. complex soft threshold
 * @param x initial estimate
 * @param b observations
void ist(unsigned int maxiter, float epsilon, float tau,
		float continuation, bool hogwild, long N, void* data,
		const struct vec_iter_s* vops,
		void (*op)(void* data, float* dst, const float* src), 
		void (*thresh)(void* data, float lambda, float* dst, const float* src),
		void* tdata,
		float* x, const float* b, const float* x_truth,
		void* obj_eval_data,
		float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))

	struct iter_data itrdata = {

		.rsnew = 1.,
		.rsnot = 1.,
		.iter = 0,
		.maxiter = maxiter,

	float* r = vops->allocate(N);

	float* x_err = NULL;
	if (NULL != x_truth)
		x_err = vops->allocate(N);

	itrdata.rsnot = vops->norm(N, b);

	float ls_old = 1.;
	float lambda_scale = 1.;

	int hogwild_k = 0;
	int hogwild_K = 10;

	for (itrdata.iter = 0; itrdata.iter < maxiter; itrdata.iter++) {

		if (NULL != x_truth) {

			vops->sub(N, x_err, x, x_truth);
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "relMSE = %f\n", vops->norm(N, x_err) / vops->norm(N, x_truth));

		if (NULL != obj_eval) {

			float objval = obj_eval(obj_eval_data, x);
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#%d OBJVAL= %f\n", itrdata.iter, objval);

		ls_old = lambda_scale;
		lambda_scale = ist_continuation(&itrdata, continuation);
		if (lambda_scale != ls_old) 
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "##lambda_scale = %f\n", lambda_scale);

		thresh(tdata, tau, x, x);

		op(data, r, x);		// r = A x
		vops->xpay(N, -1., r, b);	// r = b - r = b - A x

		itrdata.rsnew = vops->norm(N, r);

		debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#It %03d: %f \n", itrdata.iter, itrdata.rsnew / itrdata.rsnot);

		if (itrdata.rsnew < epsilon)

		vops->axpy(N, x, tau * lambda_scale, r);

		if (hogwild)
		if (hogwild_k == hogwild_K) {

			hogwild_K *= 2;
			hogwild_k = 0;
			tau /= 2;


	debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "\n");

	if (NULL != x_truth)


 * Iterative Soft Thresholding/FISTA to solve min || b - Ax ||_2 + lambda || T x ||_1
 * @param maxiter maximum number of iterations
 * @param epsilon stop criterion
 * @param tau (step size) weighting on the residual term, A^H (b - Ax)
 * @param lambda_start initial regularization weighting
 * @param lambda_end final regularization weighting (for continuation)
 * @param N size of input, x
 * @param data structure, e.g. sense_data
 * @param vops vector ops definition
 * @param op linear operator, e.g. A
 * @param thresh threshold function, e.g. complex soft threshold
 * @param x initial estimate
 * @param b observations
void fista(unsigned int maxiter, float epsilon, float tau, 
	   float continuation, bool hogwild,
	   long N, void* data,
	   const struct vec_iter_s* vops,
	   void (*op)(void* data, float* dst, const float* src), 
	   void (*thresh)(void* data, float lambda, float* dst, const float* src),
	   void* tdata,
	   float* x, const float* b, const float* x_truth,
	   void* obj_eval_data,
	   float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))

	struct iter_data itrdata = {

		.rsnew = 1.,
		.rsnot = 1.,
		.iter = 0,
		.maxiter = maxiter,

	float* r = vops->allocate(N);
	float* o = vops->allocate(N);

	float* x_err = NULL;

	if (NULL != x_truth)
		x_err = vops->allocate(N);

	float ra = 1.;
	vops->copy(N, o, x);

	itrdata.rsnot = vops->norm(N, b);

	float ls_old = 1.;
	float lambda_scale = 1.;

	int hogwild_k = 0;
	int hogwild_K = 10;

	for (itrdata.iter = 0; itrdata.iter < maxiter; itrdata.iter++) {

		if (NULL != x_truth) {

			vops->sub(N, x_err, x, x_truth);
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "relMSE = %f\n", vops->norm(N, x_err) / vops->norm(N, x_truth));

		if (NULL != obj_eval) {

			float objval = obj_eval(obj_eval_data, x);
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#%d OBJVAL= %f\n", itrdata.iter, objval);

		ls_old = lambda_scale;
		lambda_scale = ist_continuation(&itrdata, continuation);
		if (lambda_scale != ls_old) 
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "##lambda_scale = %f\n", lambda_scale);

		thresh(tdata, lambda_scale * tau, x, x);

		ravine(vops, N, &ra, x, o);	// FISTA
		op(data, r, x);		// r = A x
		vops->xpay(N, -1., r, b);	// r = b - r = b - A x

		itrdata.rsnew = vops->norm(N, r);

		debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#It %03d: %f   \n", itrdata.iter, itrdata.rsnew / itrdata.rsnot);

		if (itrdata.rsnew < epsilon)

		vops->axpy(N, x, tau, r);

		if (hogwild)
		if (hogwild_k == hogwild_K) {

			hogwild_K *= 2;
			hogwild_k = 0;
			tau /= 2;

	debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "\n");


	if (NULL != x_truth)

 *  Landweber L. An iteration formula for Fredholm integral equations of the
 *  first kind. Amer. J. Math. 1951; 73, 615-624.
void landweber(unsigned int maxiter, float epsilon, float alpha, long N, long M, void* data,
	const struct vec_iter_s* vops,
	void (*op)(void* data, float* dst, const float* src), 
	void (*adj)(void* data, float* dst, const float* src), 
	float* x, const float* b,
	float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	float* r = vops->allocate(M);
	float* p = vops->allocate(N);

	double rsnot = vops->norm(M, b);


	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxiter; i++) {

		op(data, r, x);		// r = A x
		vops->xpay(M, -1., r, b);	// r = b - r = b - A x

		double rsnew = vops->norm(M, r);

		debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#%d: %f\n", i, rsnew / rsnot);

		if (rsnew < epsilon)

		adj(data, p, r);
		vops->axpy(N, x, alpha, p);


 * Conjugate Gradient Descent to solve Ax = b for symmetric A
 * @param maxiter maximum number of iterations
 * @param regularization parameter
 * @param epsilon stop criterion
 * @param N size of input, x
 * @param data structure, e.g. sense_data
 * @param vops vector ops definition
 * @param linop linear operator, i.e. A
 * @param x initial estimate
 * @param b observations
float conjgrad(unsigned int maxiter, float l2lambda, float epsilon, 
	long N, void* data,
	const struct vec_iter_s* vops,
	void (*linop)(void* data, float* dst, const float* src), 
	float* x, const float* b, const float* x_truth,
	void* obj_eval_data,
	float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	float* r = vops->allocate(N);
	float* p = vops->allocate(N);
	float* Ap = vops->allocate(N);

	float* x_err = NULL;

	if (NULL != x_truth)
		x_err = vops->allocate(N);

	// The first calculation of the residual might not
	// be necessary in some cases...

	linop(data, r, x);		// r = A x
	vops->axpy(N, r, l2lambda, x);

	vops->xpay(N, -1., r, b);	// r = b - r = b - A x
	vops->copy(N, p, r);		// p = r

	float rsnot = (float)pow(vops->norm(N, r), 2.);
	float rsold = rsnot;
	float rsnew = rsnot;

	float eps_squared = pow(epsilon, 2.);

	if (0. == rsold) {

		debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "CG: early out\n");
		return 0.;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxiter; i++) {
		if (NULL != x_truth) {

			vops->sub(N, x_err, x, x_truth);
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "relMSE = %f\n", vops->norm(N, x_err) / vops->norm(N, x_truth));

		if ((NULL != obj_eval) && (NULL != obj_eval_data)) {

			float objval = obj_eval(obj_eval_data, x);
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#CG%d OBJVAL= %f\n", i, objval);

		debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "#%d: %f\n", i, (double)sqrtf(rsnew));

		linop(data, Ap, p);	// Ap = A p
		vops->axpy(N, Ap, l2lambda, p);

		float pAp = (float)vops->dot(N, p, Ap);

		if (0. == pAp)

		float alpha = rsold / pAp;

		vops->axpy(N, x, +alpha, p);
		vops->axpy(N, r, -alpha, Ap);
		rsnew = (float)pow(vops->norm(N, r), 2.);
		float beta = rsnew / rsold;
		rsold = rsnew;

		if (rsnew <= eps_squared) {
			//debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%d ", i);

		vops->xpay(N, beta, p, r);	// p = beta * p + r



	if (NULL != x_truth)

	return sqrtf(rsnew);