// Create an event at the current affinity and writes
// the GUID into the domainSetup data-structure.
void domainSetup(ocrGuid_t userSetupDoneEvt, domainSetup_t * dsetup) {
    // This is for the domain kernel to callback and stop the timer
    ocrGuid_t stopTimerEvt;
    ocrEventCreate(&stopTimerEvt, OCR_EVENT_ONCE_T, true);

    // Create an EDT at a remote affinity to:
    // - Create a remote latch event and initialize it
    // - Hook that event to the local event declared above
    // - write back the guid of the remote latch event into the setup DB

    // - userSetupDoneEvt: to be satisfied when setup is done
    // - stopTimerEvt: to be satisfied when domain kernel is done
    dsetup->userSetupDoneEvt = userSetupDoneEvt;
    dsetup->stopTimerEvt = stopTimerEvt;

    u64 affinityCount;
    ocrAffinityCount(AFFINITY_PD, &affinityCount);
    ocrGuid_t remoteAffGuid;
    ocrAffinityGetAt(AFFINITY_PD, affinityCount-1, &remoteAffGuid);
    ocrHint_t edtHint;
    ocrHintInit(&edtHint, OCR_HINT_EDT_T);
    ocrSetHintValue(&edtHint, OCR_HINT_EDT_AFFINITY, ocrAffinityToHintValue(remoteAffGuid));
    ocrGuid_t edtTemplGuid;
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&edtTemplGuid, remoteSetupUserEdt, 0, 1);
    ocrGuid_t edtGuid;
    ocrEdtCreate(&edtGuid, edtTemplGuid,
                 0, NULL, 1, NULL, EDT_PROP_NONE, &edtHint, NULL);
    // EW addresses the race that the current caller owns the DB and we're
    // trying to start the remote setup EDT concurrently. Since we do not have
    // the caller event we can't setup a proper dependence and rely on EW instead.
    ocrAddDependence(dsetup->self, edtGuid, 0, DB_MODE_EW);
// paramv[0]: event to satisfy when kernel is done
// depv[0]: setupEdt completed (may carry a DB)
ocrGuid_t kernelEdt(u32 paramc, u64* paramv, u32 depc, ocrEdtDep_t depv[]) {
    // PRINTF("kernelEdt\n");
    ocrGuid_t kernelEdtDoneEvt;
    kernelEdtDoneEvt.guid = paramv[0];
    ocrGuid_t setupDb = depv[0].guid;
    domainSetup_t * setupDbPtr = depv[0].ptr;

    // The sub kernel done event
    ocrGuid_t subKernelDoneEvt;
    ocrEventCreate(&subKernelDoneEvt, OCR_EVENT_ONCE_T, true);

    // This EDT done event
    ocrGuid_t selfDoneEvt;
    ocrEventCreate(&selfDoneEvt, OCR_EVENT_ONCE_T, true);

    // Combine those in a combine EDT that satisfies kernelEdtDoneEvt
    //TODO same issue of allocating tpl every iteration
    ocrGuid_t curAffGuid;
    ocrGuid_t combEdtTplGuid;
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&combEdtTplGuid, combineKernelEdt, 1, 2);
    ocrGuid_t combineEdtGuid;
    combine(&combineEdtGuid, combEdtTplGuid, curAffGuid,
                  selfDoneEvt, subKernelDoneEvt, kernelEdtDoneEvt);

    timestamp_t timer;
    domainKernel(subKernelDoneEvt, setupDbPtr, &timer);

    // Satisfy self event with the timer information
    ocrEventSatisfy(selfDoneEvt, setupDb);
    return NULL_GUID;
ocrGuid_t mainEdt(u32 paramc, u64* paramv, u32 depc, ocrEdtDep_t depv[]) {
    ocrGuid_t tplGuid;
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&tplGuid, otherEdt, 0 /*paramc*/, 2 /*depc*/);
    ocrGuid_t edtGuid;
    ocrGuid_t ndepv[2];
    ndepv[0] = UNINITIALIZED_GUID;
    ndepv[1] = UNINITIALIZED_GUID;
    ocrEdtCreate(&edtGuid, tplGuid, 0, NULL, 2, ndepv, EDT_PROP_NONE, NULL_HINT, NULL);

    ocrGuid_t db1Guid;
    u64 * db1Ptr;
    ocrDbCreate(&db1Guid, (void**) &db1Ptr, sizeof(u64), DB_PROP_NONE, NULL_HINT, NO_ALLOC);
    db1Ptr[0] = 1;

    ocrGuid_t db2Guid;
    u64 * db2Ptr;
    ocrDbCreate(&db2Guid, (void**) &db2Ptr, sizeof(u64), DB_PROP_NONE, NULL_HINT, NO_ALLOC);
    db2Ptr[0] = 2;

    ocrAddDependence(db1Guid, edtGuid, 0, DB_MODE_RO);
    ocrAddDependence(db2Guid, edtGuid, 1, DB_MODE_RO);

    return NULL_GUID;
// Input
// - Completion event to be satisfied when setup is done (paramv[0])
ocrGuid_t setupEdt(u32 paramc, u64* paramv, u32 depc, ocrEdtDep_t depv[]) {
    // Setup all done event
    ocrGuid_t setupEdtDoneEvt;
    setupEdtDoneEvt.guid = paramv[0];

    ocrGuid_t curAffGuid;

    ocrGuid_t setupDbGuid;
    domainSetup_t * setupDbPtr;
    ocrHint_t dbHint;
    ocrHintInit(&dbHint, OCR_HINT_DB_T);
    ocrSetHintValue(&dbHint, OCR_HINT_DB_AFFINITY, ocrAffinityToHintValue(curAffGuid));
    ocrDbCreate(&setupDbGuid, (void**) &setupDbPtr, sizeof(domainSetup_t), 0, &dbHint, NO_ALLOC);
    setupDbPtr->self = setupDbGuid;

    // This EDT done event
    ocrGuid_t selfDoneEvt;
    ocrEventCreate(&selfDoneEvt, OCR_EVENT_ONCE_T, true);

    // Create a done event for the user code
    ocrGuid_t subSetupDoneEvt;
    ocrEventCreate(&subSetupDoneEvt, OCR_EVENT_ONCE_T, true);
    ocrGuid_t combEdtTplGuid;
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&combEdtTplGuid, combineSetupEdt, 1, 2);
    ocrGuid_t combineEdtGuid;
    combine(&combineEdtGuid, combEdtTplGuid, curAffGuid,
                  selfDoneEvt, subSetupDoneEvt, setupEdtDoneEvt);
    domainSetup(subSetupDoneEvt, setupDbPtr);

    ocrEventSatisfy(selfDoneEvt, setupDbGuid);

    return NULL_GUID;
ocrGuid_t fibEdt(u32 paramc, u64* paramv, u32 depc, ocrEdtDep_t depv[]) {
    void* ptr;
    ocrGuid_t inDep;
    ocrGuid_t fib0, fib1, comp;
    ocrGuid_t fibDone[2];
    ocrGuid_t fibArg[2];

    inDep = (ocrGuid_t)paramv[0];
    int my_ID = paramv[1];

    u32 n = *(u32*)(depv[0].ptr);
    PRINTF("r%d Starting fibEdt(%u)\n", my_ID, n);
    if (n < 2) {
        PRINTF("r%d In fibEdt(%d) -- done (sat %lx)\n", my_ID, n, inDep);
        ocrEventSatisfy(inDep, depv[0].guid);
        return NULL_GUID;
    PRINTF("r%d In fibEdt(%d) -- spawning children\n", my_ID, n);

    /* create the completion EDT and pass it the in/out argument as a dependency */
    /* create the EDT with the done_event as the argument */
        u64 paramv[] = {(u64)inDep, my_ID};

        ocrGuid_t templateGuid;
        ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateGuid, complete, 2, 3);
        ocrEdtCreate(&comp, templateGuid, 2, paramv, 3, NULL, EDT_PROP_NONE,
                     NULL_GUID, NULL);
    PRINTF("r%d In fibEdt(%u) -- spawned complete EDT GUID 0x%llx\n", my_ID, n, (u64)comp);
    ocrAddDependence(depv[0].guid, comp, 2, DB_DEFAULT_MODE);

    /* create the events that the completion EDT will "wait" on */
    ocrEventCreate(&fibDone[0], OCR_EVENT_ONCE_T, EVT_PROP_TAKES_ARG);
    ocrEventCreate(&fibDone[1], OCR_EVENT_ONCE_T, EVT_PROP_TAKES_ARG);
    ocrAddDependence(fibDone[0], comp, 0, DB_DEFAULT_MODE);
    ocrAddDependence(fibDone[1], comp, 1, DB_DEFAULT_MODE);
    /* allocate the argument to pass to fib(n-1) */

    ocrDbCreate(&fibArg[0], (void**)&ptr, sizeof(u32), DB_PROP_NONE, NULL_GUID, NO_ALLOC);
    PRINTF("r%d In fibEdt(%u) -- created arg DB GUID 0x%llx\n", my_ID, n, fibArg[0]);
    *((u32*)ptr) = n-1;
    /* sched the EDT, passing the fibDone event as it's argument */
        u64 paramv[] = {(u64)fibDone[0], my_ID};
        ocrGuid_t depv = fibArg[0];

        ocrGuid_t templateGuid;
        ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateGuid, fibEdt, 2, 1);
        ocrEdtCreate(&fib0, templateGuid, 2, paramv, 1, &depv, EDT_PROP_NONE,
                     NULL_GUID, NULL);

    PRINTF("r%d In fibEdt(%u) -- spawned first sub-part EDT GUID 0x%llx\n", my_ID, n, fib0);
    /* then do the exact same thing for n-2 */
    ocrDbCreate(&fibArg[1], (void**)&ptr, sizeof(u32), DB_PROP_NONE, NULL_GUID, NO_ALLOC);
    PRINTF("r%d In fibEdt(%u) -- created arg DB GUID 0x%llx\n", my_ID, n, fibArg[1]);
    *((u32*)ptr) = n-2;
        u64 paramv[] = {(u64)fibDone[1], my_ID};
        ocrGuid_t depv = fibArg[1];

        ocrGuid_t templateGuid;
        ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateGuid, fibEdt, 2, 1);
        ocrEdtCreate(&fib1, templateGuid, 2, paramv, 1, &depv, EDT_PROP_NONE,
                     NULL_GUID, NULL);
    PRINTF("r%d In fibEdt(%u) -- spawned first sub-part EDT GUID 0x%llx\n", my_ID, n, fib1);

    PRINTF("r%d Returning from fibEdt(%u)\n", my_ID, n);
    return NULL_GUID;

//ocrGuid_t mainEdt(u32 paramc, u64* paramv, u32 depc, ocrEdtDep_t depv[]) {
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int my_ID;
    int Num_procs;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_ID);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Num_procs);
    PRINTF("Starting main on rank %d\n", my_ID);

    u32 input;
    u32 myN;

    if (0 == my_ID)
            if((argc != 2)) {
                PRINTF("Usage: fib <num>, defaulting to 10\n");
                input = 10;
            } else {
                input = atoi(argv[1]);

            myN = input-1;
            u32 yourN = input-2;

            MPI_Send(&yourN, 1, MPI_INT, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if (1 == my_ID)
                MPI_Recv(&myN, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

        else  // only need 2
                return 0;

    u64 correctAns = fib(myN);

    ocrGuid_t fibC, totallyDoneEvent, absFinalEdt, templateGuid;

    /* create a db for the results */
    ocrGuid_t fibArg;
    u32* res;

    PRINTF("Before 1st DB create\n");
    ocrDbCreate(&fibArg, (void**)&res, sizeof(u32), DB_PROP_NONE, NULL_GUID, NO_ALLOC);
    PRINTF("Got DB created\n");

    /* DB is in/out */
    *res = myN;
    /* and an event for when the results are finished */
    ocrEventCreate(&totallyDoneEvent, OCR_EVENT_STICKY_T, EVT_PROP_TAKES_ARG);

    /* create the EDT with the done_event as the argument */
        u64 paramv[] = {(u64)totallyDoneEvent, my_ID};
        ocrGuid_t depv = fibArg;

        ocrGuid_t templateGuid;
        ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&templateGuid, fibEdt, 2, 1);
        ocrEdtCreate(&fibC, templateGuid, 2, paramv, 1, &depv, EDT_PROP_NONE,
                     NULL_GUID, NULL);

    ocrGuid_t DB;
    void *myPtr;
    u64 dbSize;

    ocrLegacyBlockProgress(totallyDoneEvent, &DB, &myPtr, &dbSize, LEGACY_PROP_NONE);
    u32 myAns = *(u32*)myPtr;
    u32 ourAns;

    // get the results
    if (2 == Num_procs)
            MPI_Reduce(&myAns, &ourAns, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            // extra ranks, need to ignore them else reduce would hang
            // because they have all returned
            if (0 == my_ID)
                    MPI_Recv(&ourAns, 1, MPI_INT, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                    ourAns += myAns;
                    MPI_Send(&myAns, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (0 == my_ID)
            u64 correctAns = fib(input);

            if (correctAns == ourAns)
                    PRINTF("\nFinal Answer Correct fib(%d) = %d\n", input, ourAns);
                    PRINTF("\nFinal Answer **WRONG** fib(%d) = %d, should be %d\n", input, ourAns, correctAns);

    return 0;
void cleanFramework(info_t * info) {
    u32 i = 0;
    while (i < NB_TMPL) {
int hta_map(int pid, Context* context)
    register char * const basepointer __asm("rbp");
    register char * const stackpointer __asm("rsp");

    // perform map

    // create slave EDTs
    ocrGuid_t slaveEdt_template_guid;
    ocrGuid_t slaveEdts[NUM_SLAVES];
    ocrGuid_t slaveOutEvent[NUM_SLAVES];
    ocrGuid_t slaveInDBs[NUM_SLAVES];

    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&slaveEdt_template_guid, slaveEdt, 0, 2);
    printf("(%lu) slaveEDT template guid %lx\n", MYRANK, slaveEdt_template_guid);
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SLAVES; i++) {
        int *data;
        slaveOutEvent[i] = NULL_GUID;
        ocrDbCreate(&slaveInDBs[i], (void**) &data, sizeof(int), /*flags=*/DB_PROP_NO_ACQUIRE, /*affinity=*/NULL_GUID, NO_ALLOC);
        ocrEdtCreate(&slaveEdts[i], slaveEdt_template_guid, /*paramc=*/0, /*paramv=*/(u64 *)NULL, /*depc=*/2, /*depv=*/NULL, /*properties=*/0 , /*affinity*/NULL_GUID,  &slaveOutEvent[i]);
        ocrAddDependence(slaveInDBs[i], slaveEdts[i], 1, DB_DEFAULT_MODE); // Immediately satisfy
        printf("(%lu) slave %d EDT guid %lx\n", MYRANK, i, slaveEdts[i]);
        printf("(%lu) slave %d out event guid %lx\n", MYRANK, i, slaveOutEvent[i]);

    // Create continuation to wait for slave EDTs to finish
    ocrGuid_t procEdt_template_guid;
    ocrGuid_t procEdt_guid;
    ocrEdtTemplateCreate(&procEdt_template_guid, procEdt, 1, 3+NUM_SLAVES);

    u64 rank = MYRANK;
    ocrGuid_t depv[3+NUM_SLAVES];
    depv[1] = context->args;
    depv[2] = context->self_context_guid;
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SLAVES; i++)
        depv[3+i] = slaveOutEvent[i];
    ocrEdtCreate(&procEdt_guid, procEdt_template_guid, /*paramc=*/1, /*paramv=*/(u64 *)&rank, /*depc=*/EDT_PARAM_DEF, /*depv=*/depv, /*properties=*/0 , /*affinity*/NULL_GUID,  /*outputEvent*/NULL );
    printf("(%lu) continuation procEDT template guid %lx\n", MYRANK, procEdt_template_guid);
    printf("(%lu) continuation procEDT guid %lx\n", MYRANK, procEdt_guid);

    // defer firing slave EDTs
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_SLAVES; i++) {
        ocrAddDependence(NULL_GUID, slaveEdts[i], 0, DB_DEFAULT_MODE); //pure control dependence // Immediately satisfy
    // setjmp call creates a continuation point
        // switch back to thread stack
        // 1. compute the size that need to be copied (the growth of DB stack)
        size_t size_to_copy = (context->stack + DB_STACK_SIZE) - stackpointer;
        printf("(%lu) db stack (%p - %p) stack size growth = 0x%x\n", MYRANK, stackpointer, context->stack+DB_STACK_SIZE-1, size_to_copy);
        // 2. compute the start address of the thread stack
        char* originalbp = context->originalbp;
        char* threadsp = originalbp - size_to_copy;
        char* threadbp = threadsp + (basepointer-stackpointer);
        // 3. copy DB stack to overwrite thread stack
        printf("(%lu) Enabling continuation codelet\n", MYRANK);
        printf("(%lu) switching back to thread stack at (%p - %p) original bp (%p)\n", MYRANK, threadsp, threadbp, originalbp);
        memcpy(threadsp - RED_ZONE_SIZE, stackpointer - RED_ZONE_SIZE, size_to_copy + RED_ZONE_SIZE);
        // 4. fix frame link addresses 
        _fix_pointers(basepointer, threadbp, originalbp);
        // 5. store the next phase EDT guid for deferred activation
        context->next_phase_edt_guid = procEdt_guid;
        // 6. set rsp and rbp to point to thread stack. Stop writing to context->stack
        __asm volatile(
            "movq %0, %%rbp;"
            "movq %1, %%rsp;"
            :"r"(threadbp), "r"(threadsp)

        printf("(%lu) ==hta_map splited==\n", MYRANK);
        return HTA_OP_TO_BE_CONTINUED;